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What a planet for weights by horoscope. Horoscope Scales: What does zodiac sign for person's personality meaning

Compatibility Horoscope: Scales Zodiac Sign Planet Patron - Most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The main characteristics of the weights on the horoscope

If you believe the horoscope, the characteristic of the scales says that the representative of this zodiac sign Friendly and intellectual man.

This is a person who can also be very gloomy or naive.

Scales - a man who seeks to find a balance and harmony in all that surrounds him.

Nevertheless, his soul represents contradictions: for example, it can be active, a lot to work, and suddenly turn into a lazy and indecisive person.

The main characteristics of the scale of scales - slowness, analytical warehouse of the mind, unwillingness to take part in disputes and scandals. In satellites of life, this person will not choose frivolous mancapable of spontaneous actions.

Knowing how different stones affect the weights, you can find out the representative ...

After studying the peculiarities of the element of weights, you can learn to understand the character of this person ...

How does the Patron Planet affect the scales?

Planet sign scales - Venus, which gives a representative of this sign with an emotional character and sophisticated taste. Scales love comfort and try to surround themselves with all beautiful.

The qualities that the Venus transmits the sign of the zodiac, as a rule, positive: kindness, tenderness, natural charm, the ability to make compromises.

Nevertheless, the representative of this sign is very careful about new acquaintances.

Venus determines sentimentality and creative abilities in man. The planet of the scales gives a representative of this sign to physical and spiritual beauty, as well as harmonious relations.

Metal for weights by horoscope

The main metal scales are bronze. This alloy gives sustainability to the nature of this volatile and fluctuating person. This alloy has a beneficial effect on a person with a spiritual wound or shortness of self-confidence.

You can also wear: brass, aluminum, melchior, nickel.

You can wear periodically: titanium, gold, copper.

It is forbidden to wear: platinum.

What talisman is suitable for weights?

Weighing talisman can be made of opal, which helps to establish relationships with surrounding people. This stone drives negative thoughts and works as an antidepressant.

Another stone that can be a guard for weights is a coral that exacerbates intuition and develops thinking.

In addition, he protects his owner not only from negative actions in his address, but also fills his mind with a positive.

The product from Lazurita can also be used as an amulet for weights. It will help to achieve financial sufficiency, useful dating, as well as good luck in career.

Scales: characteristics and description

Find out the most interesting about the scales. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Planet Weighs

Everyone knows that various external factors affect people. But more all depends on the planets that affect the identity. Planet Sign Scales - Venus, and precisely because of its influence, they are very consistent and from nature polite and tacty. Therefore, Venus has a strongest influence. Venus ... Even her name already speaks of femininity, beauty and refinement, because it was so named after the Roman goddess, which was the goddess of beauty. Accordingly, this planet carries not only beauty, but also love, femininity, harmony, refined taste, the concepts of morality, ethics and aesthetics.

This planet affects desire, causes the feeling of need for luxury. Therefore, on the scales of Planet Venus affects so that all these natural feelings that are inherent in this sign are exacerbated. For weights, an equilibrium is important, and Venus is a symbol of harmony. This planet has always been associated with love. Scales are followed in the footsteps of their patron. But it should be borne in mind that love as they are perceived quite generally. Like weights look good, if possible, they can easily afford to go on an expensive restaurant in an expensive dress. At the same time, the attitude to the material benefits they have changed.

They may be very reverent to all their things, decorations, any material valuesAnd then at some point to decide that this is all worthless, no one needs a trash. But in most cases, the scales appreciate things, especially those who bring joy to them alone external species. Scales are very indecisive, concurrent and often doubting personalities. Under the influence of its planet, Venus scales are becoming even more changeable, because it gives people female nature and beauty. Indeed, all scales are characterized by a special appearance. The point is not that they are simply attractive physically, but that their internal harmony is manifested and externally.

Scales - Planet Patron

Since ancient times, Venus was considered a patronage of the love and emotional sphere of human life. Men, thanks to her, received a gift to seduce the beautiful floor. Venus had tremendous power over the human hearts, losing sometimes even the most persistent people ability to think. The beauty of the divine creation was widely known, in whose honor this planet was named, but it became famous not only. The goddess Venus periodically became angry, willingly giving the will his weaknesses, and during these moments she was capable of very insidious actions. Venus in a human horoscope is responsible for the way he feels and demonstrates his love and how can you enjoy beauty. If the influence of Venus is strong, its wards receive physical appeal, cordiality, the ability to build harmonious relationships, get along with the most different, sometimes opposite by nature. But the most valuable gift is the opportunity to feel happy, feel that life is excellent.

Under the influence of the planet Venus, people become especially attractive in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex. The children of Venus receive from her as a gift ability to experience true pleasure from beauty. They will never look like this could put them in a bad light, on the contrary, they know how to subtly emphasize their advantages and smooth out the shortcomings. It is characteristic of the manner of elegantly dress, competently use accessories and decorations. Such people will never choose something first as a gift, going up to this issue with a great taste and tact - however, as well as the rest.

What qualities put the scales of Planet Venus

People who know the representatives of this zodiac and know the features of the influence of Venus on them, do not even be surprised that their behavior is that. They have a universal symbiosis of the inner and external world. Natural tacty, elegance and intelligence is due to the influence of this planet for scales. They are always pleasant in communication and can conquer the heart of the opposite sex, have a serious power of suggestion. Due to the influence of this planet on the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the scales are always very concentrated on themselves. They are not ready to sacrifice themselves and their needs, emotions, for the sake of others.

Often, disappointed in com, they can be very cruel. They do not know the limits, if they love or hate them hard. These are the extremes that they rarely reach, but in general, they strive for equilibrium, and stability is important for them. People born under the romantic planet of love Venus, like scales, pretty charismatic. They, in order to enjoy the surrounding, all then you need to be in the good location of the Spirit. They love to spend time in warm cozy company, I have easy communication, new acquaintances. All thanks to her innate gift - charm and exquisite feeling, style, in particular in the field of creativity.

They can be very persistent, but sometimes they throw them in the opposite direction and they suffer from laziness. With all this, they perfectly feel their own capabilities, but if they do not find a sufficiently significant reason for motivation, they will not begin to show their abilities in practice to solve the case. It should be noted that people who have a sign of zodiac scales and planet Venus adore live in comfort and comfort: the creation of an exquisite, cozy and excellent atmosphere around itself can easily become worthy of motivation for their active actions.

The children of Venus are not constantly docked on themselves. For love, they are ready to abandon the subsequent career growth, any opportunities, but with all this do not roll scenes, do it with a solid sober mind, without any show and pathos. But if their victims do not notice, and what is even worse, they do not appreciate all the attached forces for the most expensive, they will get closed in their world, become gross, tougher, categorically, can be very cruel.

Planets in astrology

Planet Patron Scales

Planet Patron Sign Sign Safety Scales - Venus. The name of this beautiful planet itself speaks of beauty, femininity and refinement. This planet gained its name in honor of one beautiful goddess Rome, which was the goddess of beauty. And it is not surprising that this wonderful planet carries only love, indescribable beauty, harmony and understanding of morality, aesthetics, as well as ethics.

It has a great impact on man. Personality that she controls feel an incredible need for luxury. As for the scales, they only exacerbate such feelings of nature. For this sign is a characteristic balance, and Venus symbolizes harmony.

Venus is directly associated with love. She is a planet-ruler of the scales that strictly follow it. People born under the sign of the scales give their preference to excellent appearance. As for their relationship to material good, then in this matter it is constantly changing.

Scales for their nature are quite indecisive people, they are concurrent and often doubt not only in the people around them, but also in themselves. Under the influence of its own patron planet, they are becoming more detail, as Venus gives people to female nature and beauty. Quality of weights under the patronage of Venus.

Both women and men of this sign under the patronage of Venus are very tactical, elegant and are intelligent people. They are very nice to communicate with them. These people can conquer the hearts of millions.

This sign influenced by Venus is concentrated to a greater extent only on themselves. In no case will not sacrifice themselves and their emotions for the benefit of other people.

If they are disappointed in someone, the scales can become enough cruel people. They have neither the slightest concept A limits in matters of love or hatred.

These people are very charismatic. The nature of the personalities of this sign is difficult to describe. In order for them to please the representative of another sign, they need no more, no less, but is simply in a good spirit. They prefer to spend their free time in a warm and fairly cozy atmosphere.

Scales are capable of being very persistent, but sometimes they take a completely opposite direction and just begin to painfully suffer from laziness. But at the same time, they simply feel beautiful their own capabilities and abilities. But in the event that they cannot find motivations, they do not begin and do not show their abilities, since they will simply consider all this waste of time.

These people simply love to live in complete comfort and comfort. Do not assume that they are as much as possible on themselves love. If they really love, then in this case, the scales are capable of abandoning many things and values: career growth, any opportunity to achieve something and much more.

If their victims were not seen, then the scales become worn, rude and in some sense, the brutal people who were once underestimated and they simply did not believe in them.

10 unusual facts about zodiac sign scales

Scales are often considered the most attractive people from the point of view of the opposite sex. Astrologov has its explanation for this, as well as their other character traits.

Many people are very respecting those who were born under the influence of a scale of scales and even call for this some reasons. Traditionally, they attribute such qualities as diplomaticity and harmonious balance of character, as well as purely external appeal. What makes representatives of the sign of the zodiac scales exactly as they are? We will deal with that drives and controls them from an astrological point of view.

Astrology Zodiac Sign Scales

Everyone who was born from September 24 to November 23 can safely attribute themselves to representatives of this zodiac sign. Every person for his strong and weak sides The position of the planets in his horoscope is responsible, which you need to know by studying astrology. Therefore, our planet-patron on the sign of the zodiac is performed by the main features of each of us. Here's how the scales look like this alignment:

Planet in exaltation: Saturn

Most strong influence On born during this period, the Planet Venus provides all the qualities that the astrologers were given in the best degree developed by the scales. Venus is the only planet called by the name of the Roman goddess, and not God, and it traditionally carries the feminine start. Venus worshiped as a goddess of love and beauty. Actually this is the answer to the question of why most representatives of the scale are very attractive for the opposite sex. You can always check it out: just look into the love horoscope.

Planet Saturn, actively acting in the scales born under the sign, gives them the talents of the teacher, as it affects the diligence of people and a sense of responsibility. Not a gift is called the "planet-teacher." But, on the other hand, the quality for which Mars is responsible and the Sun is developed weakly, which can sometimes interfere with life. Mars allows you to be active and have a strong will, and the sun is to show leadership skills And generally express.

As representatives of the air triad horoscope, the scales show the following quality typical quality:

  • communicability;
  • developed intelligence;
  • diplomacy;
  • relative superficialness;

However, like each sign of the zodiac, representatives of the scale of scales have pronounced features that are peculiar only to them.

Scalar Sign: 10 Unusual Facts

Patron of weights, Venus, makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac very sensual people. Perhaps this is precisely this is the main complexity of their character: one of the bowl is filled with the necessary knowledge and logically argued judgments, but there is both the second, completely devoted to emotions. Depending on which of them will one of them, this side of the representative of the Sign of Scales you will learn.

As already understandable, the equilibrium of the wards of Venus turns out to be extremely unstable. If something suddenly does not and for some reason it is really seriously perceived by the scales born under the constellation, believe me: I will not sweet anyone. They will bring out of themselves all whom they will find to blame for, and may be distorted. In fact, most problems appear on scratch. Sometimes weselves simply should be helped to speak out, calm down and they themselves will destroy everything.

Scales - diplomats and connoisseurs of all beautiful. It is this quality that makes them come to themselves. They like politeness, they try to be causing themselves and naturally react positively to the same behavior of others. Often they very sharply react to rudeness and negligence in relation to them. Therefore, they themselves try to smooth conflicts and are trying to solve issues so that everyone is satisfied with the final result.

Everyone who was born under the sign of the scales can be bred in the fact that they are the real estates. They use their developed sense of excellent to select their own style, usually very relevant and flawlessly suitable for them. Sometimes they look at the same diligence and workplace.

Due to susceptibility, scales are often keen on thin matters. Art for them is both the source of emotions, and how to get important vitality. And with his help, they can relax.

Weighing information is necessary as air. Often they are considered to be gossip, which is not always true. But it is definitely to receive new knowledge to them vital. This also applies to the sphere of their professional activity, and what happens to people with whom they closely interact.

Emotions are something very close to representatives of this sign of the zodiac. But it is necessary to understand that emotions and feelings are something very different. In the first case we are talking About something superficial, about what can quickly go. Due to emotionality, scales can be very in love and windy. But the same quality can be used to adjust the mood.

Lenalty in a large extent characterizes the scales. We can say that they are often waiting until the latter, as if "swinging", and only then begin to work. Often they show obvious apathy.

The disputes are considered to be their native elements of the sign of the zodiac scales. The fact is that they like no other can see everything "for" and "against." They can prove any point of view, even the one that does not adhere to themselves.

The ability to reflect, oddly enough, sometimes puts them in a dead end. Seeing both the advantages and disadvantages, the scales can not always understand what it turns out to be weighty and fluctuate with the final decision. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a decision because the scales know how they sometimes lack good luck. So you can protect yourself and give confidence in actions with the help of a talisman stone for good luck.

The combination of these qualities and shows the typical description of the scales sign representatives. Remember that astrology is serious and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Sun in scales

Scales - Venus - Seventh House

Scales - Libra. September 23 - October 23. Seventh zodiac sign. Its symbol is two scales. This refers to the desire for stability, harmony, awareness of the highest law of the universe, the objectivity of judgments. Scales symbolize sunset. Air sign, cardinal, day, warm, wet.

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Symbols of weights

Energy Yang, symbols - equality and peace.

The image of the spontaneous energy of the scales

Calm and equilibrium higher Forces. The basis is the desire for equilibrium, to contracts, compromises and agreements.

Stone-talisman scales

Give weights fit synthetic stones And any thing pink colour: Pink quartz and diamonds, art and beauty objects, symbolizing partnerships, attributes of peace and tranquility, protection against opponents.

Scales compatibility with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of men and women of the Solar Sign of Scales with other signs of the zodiac can be considered only for additional detail of relationships. Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac does not play an important role in love or in friendship or in work. Much more important in assessing relations for any signs of the zodiac has compatibility by date of birth.

Typical scales sign representatives

Such people strive for equilibrium, harmony, order and beauty. Their activity is associated with the desire to rest, hence peacefulness (there is no desire to worry and quarrel). Scales seek to resolve conflicts by compromise. If they do not work, they leave, evade.

Do not love and avoid scandals. Endowed with a sophisticated look at the world, love beauty, nature, expressed high impressionability, sensitivity, susceptibility to nature and everything beautiful. They are reasonable and diplomatic. This is romance, very in love. Have love to companies, lightweight pastime. They are courteous, courtesy, noble, are pleasant in communication.

Advantages in character - Can appreciate good and be grateful. They are talented, ambitious, impressions and trust their first impressions when you meet. It is characterized by sincerity in love, friendship, marriage.

Characteristic Availability of distrust K. own forces. If there is a partner, becoming more confident. At the same time, they reaches high positions at the expense of partnership and cooperation. Do not love physical work, but have a tendency to social activity.

Negative features with severe sun damage: May lose good opportunities in life due to distrust in their strength (this is a lack of energy). Because of this, impermanence, variability, betrayal is possible. Such people all the time need approval. This is a painful desire to be recognized, since the will of the weak. Sublime theories only in the head, and not in practice. Possible cutoff from reality, mercantility.

Weak side (vulnerability) - Feel badly without a partner, it is difficult to make decisions yourself without consulting a partner or with other people.

Planets in the zodiac sign

Ascendant in the scales (ascending sign)

Others see in you a person compliant, soft, harmonious and generally wonderful. You are sociable, easy to enter into a conversation, sincerely say what you think, but do not impose your opinion, externally tend to agree and give up, nodding your head as a sign of approval during the conversation, we are expressive, intonated, with pauses, beautiful, moderate gesticulation. You do not like loneliness and feel no comfortable when you should hope only for yourself. Marriage has a special meaning for you. You always avoid extremes, in whatever it is. In all matters you show a good artistic taste, a sense of style.

Planet Patron Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to magnetism.

  • Rubber day of the week - Friday.
  • Numbers 6 and giving in sum 6. For example, - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115 ...
  • Substances - Copper, Melchior, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interaction and combination of objects - Combination harmonious flowers, compiling bouquets, connection with various tissues, materials.


Evaluation, Examination, Trend to our consonant I, Always a symbol of the meeting, wedding issues and business cooperation, consulting and legal procedures, social and social activities, humanitarian sciences and architecture, jewelry and designer, fashion salons, culture, painting, sports associated with beauty and grace.

Business - consulting and PR companies, marriage and legal agencies. Raiders, opponents, competitors.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

Venus's personal planet is responsible for the beauty and sense of love.

Venus function - symbolizes our sensual emotions - what we like, and that I do not like. Shows our ability and ability to love another person, as well as express their feelings in art, literature, poetry.

Quality Venus - This is our attitude in love for people, nature, art. As far as deeply we can experience sense of tenderness, to be soft, affectionate, piety and flexible.

Finding Venus in the sign of the zodiac Shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. Also this is a relationship to money, to personal property, recognition of ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in houses horoscope In which areas and in what form a person makes its financial affairs, what he likes what attracts, what are artistic, aesthetic and ethical (in men - erotic) aspirations.

Seventh - VII House

Spouse. DSC - Sunset

The seventh house is identical to the sign of the scales and planet Venus.

Seventh house In the horoscope cooperation and co-authorship, the process of accounting for partners, competitors and opponents, issues related to marriage and personal relations, legal entities, rights and equality, cultural entertainment. The time of love and harmony, reconciliation and cooperation, the ability to get along or not to get along with people, contests, tests, competitions. Serious agreements and contracts, recommendations and consultations.

Seventh house determines Personal relations of man, his relationship with other people, partners (including wedding). Analysis of the seventh house through relationships with other houses is responsible for such questions as:

  • what are the main motivations of marriage
  • there will be a marriage or not
  • there will be a marriage of early, late, with disruptions or delays
  • how many marriages will be
  • what will be a marriage partner
  • can widowism
  • if the guidelines for the Mesallians (person below for position, education or age)
  • material motivation when marriage
  • will there be a partner of someone else's blood or a foreigner
  • marriage lies in love and love Home Motivation
  • tendency to destroy marriage or friendly attitude To partner
  • opportunities of a fictitious marriage or secret attitude
  • married treason, etc.

Unfavorable 7 houses rivalry, enmity, conflicts, obstacles in marriage, love relationship, fighting competitors, communication with people through conflict or denial, inability to get along and reconcile in relations, the complexity in expressing themselves in relations with others - the struggle, swearing, battle. Incompretation in relations, eternal problems and bad luck with partners.

The material used the concept of

Synthetic sca sign

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen different points vision, look at the question from another point of view. Even if you do not agree much with someone, you will rather try to find moments of similarities and consent, and not to emphasize the differences. You often avoid extremes, and one-sidedness in whatever. Have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personify the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and justice. You really want you to love, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily affected by someone else's opinion, especially in youth. You want to please so much that they often neglect the interests and feelings to not only offend others. In all matters you show a good artistic taste, a sense of style. Starting from the situation of your dwelling and ending with the choice of clothing - everything should be aesthetically attractive, and not just functional or utilitarian.

Your shortcomings: You have a tendency to become extremely dependent on the partner - to such an extent that you can not be perceived by an independent person, outside of relationships. For you, the problem is to find the balance between being yourself and another person. Characteristic vanity, vanity, exaggerated idea of \u200b\u200byourself, fear of work, non-prosidity.

Allegory for weights

And it was morning when God got up before his twelve children and in each of them had invested the seed of human life. One after another every child spoke forward to get his appointed gift.

"You, scales, I give a ministry mission so that a person can remember his duties towards other people to learn how to cooperate, as well as the ability to think about the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere where there is a disorder, and for your efforts I will give you a gift of love. "

Planet Weighs

The planet-patroness of the scales is Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and harmony. Scales - sophisticated nature, loving everything beautiful.

Born under this sign always know what to say and how to help others feel relaxed. They are artistic, possess a sense of style and adore the beautiful. But if they are bored, they are immersed in the state of apathy and laziness.

Element of weights

Scales - air sign, And this element gives a person with good intelligence and sociability. Scales love to work head and adore our thoughts with others. Scales are able to lead both convincing arguments and weighty counterproofs, because they live according to the principles of diplomacy and compromise. But they are very easy to convince. Scales prefer to solve pro-blema by negotiation, and they are not offended if they face the opposite opinion.

Scales - Pleasant and Friendly People. But maybe we are sullen, especially when they are commanded. They may be depressed, confusion, irritation. Change of moods - their usual state.

These are active people But rarely do something hasty. May speak for hours, but at the same time they can listen.

Women's scales are completely pretty, sometimes dazzlingly beautiful, and men are slim and elegant. Scales do not like to be sad, mostly benevolent, but do not tolerate, when they are commanded, the weights are high intelligence, but sometimes they are very naive and trust.

Scales, like twins, are a dual sign. Their symbol is two scales that are trying to find a balance. Because there is some amazing change of qualities in this sign. Born under it combine intact - courtesy and almost unacted rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, huge performance and hopeless laziness. Sometimes it seems that there are two inside each different people. Scales can work hard and stubbornly, and then neo-wondedly, they begin the laziness period. This condition is natural for them, since they need to restore forces, they are difficult to work on such periods to work, but recovering they begin to work with full return.

In Astrology, Venus symbolizes the emotional side of the human life. In her jurisdiction there are personal relationships between people in all the variety of their manifestations - love and hatred, softness and tenderness, friendship and treachery, marriages and parting, fertility and pleasure. In astrology, Planet Venus symbolizes earthly material sensuality, passivity, air, relaxation. This is the symbol of all material, beauty and creativity. The Server is also a symbol of comfort and good conditions Life. It is also a symbol of aesthetics and elegant arts.

Symbol of the planet Venus

Venus gives people a huge love for everything luxurious. People under her influence are accustomed to comfort and with great pleasure capable of forming the most convenient atmosphere for themselves. Such personalities prefer homework, quiet life. These people are inclined to create durable and long-term connections.

Concerning negative influence Planets per person, in this case, you can only say one thing if a person is under the negative influence of Venus, then during a quarrel or some other situation, it can be quite emotional. Even if this person is offended by some words or actions, then anyway he will feel humiliated and offended.

Venus, as well as Mercury, patronate two signs of the zodiac. She gives her ward the ability to experience strong emotions, a subtle taste for life and the desire for the beautiful.

The main purpose of life for weights consists in an infinite search for harmony. They have a very developed feeling of beautiful, and the slightest imperfection can cause them strong negative emotions. They seek to find the perfect balance in all spheres of life, and therefore it is extremely long to make decisions, carefully weighing everything and against. Scales have a developed sense of justice, they are kind and charming. In relation to the partner, such people are able to experience a present sublime sense of love and genuine tenderness.

Scales do not like to experience pressure on themselves and in such a situation they are rapidly turning from charming creatures in gloomy and non-conscious hermit. Often, disappointed in life, they can begin to abuse alcohol, food, and even love, and in less severe cases to fall into apathy, and just lazy.

This planet is the patron saint of the Taurus. This is an earthly sign that personifies the practical creation of material goods and possessing them. He is typical of the striving for stability and the increase in material. This sign is committed to a solid material situation and wants to have a solid soil under his feet. Only on durable material soil, the Taurus can fully relax and indulge in sensory pleasures. Especially well, representatives of this sign feel in the spring, during the period of awakening and the flourishing of nature, then fully bloom and their feelings, and their love.

The negative influence of Venus in the Tales may manifest itself in a pessimistic attitude to life, which often brings them to severe depressive states. In addition, despite all the confidence in themselves, they are very easy to bring into rage, for this just just try to impose their opinions on them.

Venus gives a calm and weights - sensuality, emotionality, harmony and beauty, love for comfort, sense of justice, friendliness and dislike for conflicts, sexuality, seriousness, elegance, charm, attractiveness, plasticity, reliability, strong creative start, tendency to regret yourself, skill Quickly get out of depression.

Emotionality and thrust can make Venusians as very happy and very unhappy, they can be advised to stop chasing ideals, and try to find a reasonable compromise with the outside world.

Planet - Patron Venus

(24.09 — 23.10)

Influence: Venus, Saturn.

Stones: Diamond.

Metal: bronze.

Air sign

Cardinal sign

Host sign - Venus, Hiron

Exalt Saturn

In fall - sun

In imprisonment (in exile) - Mars, Pluto

In the enmity - Jupiter, Neptune.

In kinship - Mercury, uranium

Temperal, fluctuates in search of a balance, the right moment, the desired word on the way. No sign has more manic-depressive and not heroic people, no sign has a better sense of time.

He likes to accumulate facts, appreciates information of any kind.

They know how to conquer people around themselves: charm, caressing, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly provided services, understanding of the point of view of other people.

The dependence on the surrounding world interferes with their originality, better work on other people's ideas, improving them.

This sign manifests itself on the socio-psychological level. Scales The second air sign after twins, but it is not so carnate, its contacts are already more selective, the relationship is longer, still a cardinal sign. And as a cardinal sign acquires such quality air elements, as positivity, tirelessness, flexibility and not involvement. Weighs peculiar to acquire connections in the social environment.

Venus as a sign of a sign is very strong here, it gives weights a congenital feeling of harmony, the desire for harmonious relationships, gives weights with delicacy, courtesy, friendly, smoothness, peaceful, balance, and the ability to harmonize environment. Scales are more followed on the ground - "Like - I don't like it." In communication prefers even relationships with calm people. Very sensibly react to ethical norms of behavior.

Saturn in this sign in exaltation, which gives this sign an inner rod, which gives weights resistance in crisis situations, for external ease and friendliness is hidden by the inflexible persistence of this sign, as well as stability in its views and criteria for environmental assessment, the ability to discipline itself and well plan Your actions. Saturn gives weights also the ability to carefully observe, evaluate and weigh, as well as be able to rely on the laws and norms adopted in society.

The sun. Which in the fall does not give the weights of good vitality, this sign is usually quite weak health, they often lack physical resources, they experience sharp differences vital energy and from this tend to interact with strong personalitieswhich are good donors of giving energy. The sun here also gives scales with restraint in personal relationship, modesty, fascinating and some non-absorption.

Mars here in exile, from what scales tend to avoid competitive situations, competitions, do not like to compete and do not really like to take independent decisions. Prefer most often shifting the burden of responsibility on other people's shoulders and works in the collectives or with someone together. Acute Martian Corners Scales are successfully smoothed, tend to compromise, such Martian manifestations are fragile, such as quick-tempered, hysterical, sharp activity. But in crisis situations they can show and hysterically and quick-tempered. The lack of activity of Mars Scales compensate for the ability to plan, act when they analyze the situation and their strength from all sides, considering all the options.

Pluto here is also in exile. Therefore, scales in every way avoid situations where deep emotional states should be exercised, where peace and peace and destabilizing situations are disturbed. Since Pluto is manifested over the crowd, a large cluster of people, over group events, then the scales are trying to avoid it, as they get tired quickly and lose energy and can easily get sick after that. Pluto also reigns over energy sexual manifestations, therefore, the scales, despite the influence of Venus, are an uncommon and can weak sexual impulses when they are not satisfied with the relationship themselves.

Weighing Situation

The scales are managed by secular dusks, partner relations, both married and business, social structures, especially if these are trade union alliances, dating services, regulations, family and marriage consultations, lawyers and courts. Scales also manage art exhibitions, decorative salons.

Scales govern marriage, signing contracts or treaties, negotiating, discussing joint actions, imprisonment, finding decisions, legal issues and processes.

Scales reign over creative processes, over all situations where the keyword is the word "justice". In the lower manifestations, this is a biased trial in totalitarian modes, we strive for the highest, but it is not achievable for ordinary personSince the highest justice for us is unclear.

In the human body, the scales are controlled by the kidneys.

Harmonious scales

These scales enjoy general love. They are diplomatic, able to keep silent in time and say in time, perfectly know how to smooth out the acute situations, and their court and evaluations are valid and arrange all. Although they are friends with all and any ways avoid conflicts, they are not offended at them, because they are so charming. In the absence of a strong rod, harmonious scales can become violent m non-accurate until Saturn will appear, which will force such weights to work out its clear accents, reduce the agreement and develop clear criteria for justice evaluation.

Affected scales

Here a symbol of scales is well shown - two bowls, but they are unbalanced. They want to quickly reach harmony in the world, all quickly balance, one bowl of weights leans and immediately the other bowl is manifested. The environment reacts inadequately on their efforts. On this occasion, there is a good saying - good intentions lead to hell. This saying is well experienced by affected scales. The situation is not at all harmonized, and often simply turns into uncontrolled. After receiving a few "fell" in life, such scales risk stopping over all situations, but they can lose a sense of equilibrium.

Sun in scales

It gives sociability, the desire for internal and external harmony., Have good diplomas, know how to smooth sharp corners, know how to find a compromise. They love pleasure and entertainment, do not like and avoid coarse, arrogant, rude people. Do not love and avoid heavy physical labor.

Little possess patience and excerpt, so few people can rely on them, and they themselves avoid responsibility. Also try to avoid tension and overwork. The lazy can tastefully, especially when it concerns physical labor, although intellectual labor attracts them. But ideas can quickly light up, and also cool to them.

In labor, diplomaticity, good adaptability, observation, ability to steal and smooth contradictions. We strive to conquer the trust and recognition of our success.

Possess beautiful and pleasant appearance, attracts them more public life, external shine, bohemity. These are wonderful interlocutors, companions, co-authors. But work is more suitable for cooperation than for independent work.

Very touchy for criticism and discontent of the environment, often the critical situation makes them apathetic and sluggish. And the inattention is close to them hurt.

Women-scales often help their spouses in affairs, in the family, their delivered offers are listening and therefore women-scales are most often the segless heads of the family. Drak for them is rather partnership as any commercial enterprise.

People with the Sun in the scales need to pay attention to age 40-42-45 years. These will be the most restless years and bring change, or simply may be memorable and notable.

The connection of the Sun with the star of Arcturus (at 23 - 24 degrees of scales) contributes to the achievement of high social status and popularity.

Children scales

These are cute, conscious and friendly children. They know how to squeeze, do not like conflicts, courtesy, polite, but may seem vain and empty.

But they have healthy ambition and it helps them to achieve success and recognition of society in life. But they seek their most often tricks and cunning, these are wonderful manipulators. They do not go to the scandal, just look at the parents so puzzled that they will be allowed after that. Well know how to cause guilt, than and use. From the small years, they try to avoid physical labor and dirty work. Few of their children's scales escaped various musical, dance, artistic, creative circles. Parents must be traced that small scales do not develop "things", as they love beautiful things very much and tend to have them.

Sun from 0 ° 10 ° scales

Gives mind, prudence, rich fantasy, bright and lively imagination. Love to everything beautiful. Feelings of compassion. Often - ingenious abilities, especially in the world of art, cinema, on

Sun from 10 ° to 20 scales

It gives individualism, freedomiff, independence, sense of duty and duties, love and affection for the home hearth. Restless character. Constant dissatisfaction achieved. The tendency to solitude and closure. They are looking for something all their lives, go somewhere, but fate is favorable. Interest in science and research work. Success must be successful

basically yourself. Problems create yourself also themselves.

Sun from 20 to 30 °

Gives mind, nobility, generosity, honesty, decency, courtesy, courtesy,

equilibrium. Oratorical gift good marriage, loyal friends and generous enemies .. Passion for earthly pleasures, weakness, passivity, lethargy, laziness (with an unfavorable aspect). Often use others for their own purposes.

Everyone knows that various external factors affect people. But more all depends on the planets that affect the identity. The planet of the astrological sign of scales - Venus, and precisely because of its influence they are very consistent and from nature polite and tacty. Therefore, Venus has a strongest influence.

Planet sign zodiac Scales - Venus

Venus ... Even her name already speaks of femininity, beauty and refinement, because it was so named after the Roman goddess, which was the goddess of beauty. Accordingly, this planet carries not only beauty, but also love, femininity, harmony, refined taste, the concepts of morality, ethics and aesthetics.

This planet affects desire, causes the feeling of need for luxury. Therefore, the Venus scales affect so that all these natural feelings that are inherent in this sign are exacerbated. For weights, an equilibrium is important, and Venus is a symbol of harmony.

This planet has always been associated with love. Scales are followed in the footsteps of their patron. But it should be borne in mind that love as they are perceived quite generally. Like weights look good, if possible, they can easily afford to go on an expensive restaurant in an expensive dress. At the same time, the attitude to the material benefits they have changed.

They may very much to relate to all their things, decorations, any material values, and then at some point to decide that it is all worthless, no one who does not need trash. But in most cases, the scales appreciate things, especially those of them who bring joy to them with their appearance.

Scales are very indecisive, concurrent and often doubting personalities. Under the influence of the planet Venus, the astrological sign of the scales become even more changeable, because it gives people female nature and beauty. Indeed, all scales are characterized by a special appearance. The point is not that they are simply attractive physically, but that their internal harmony is manifested and externally.

What qualities give planet Venus

People who know the representatives of this zodiac and know the features of the influence of Venus on them, do not even be surprised that their behavior is that.

They have a universal symbiosis of the inner and external world. Natural tacty, elegance and intelligence is due to the influence of this planet for scales. They are always pleasant in communication and can conquer the heart of the opposite sex, have a serious power of suggestion.

Due to the influence of this planet on the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the scales are always very concentrated on themselves. They are not ready to sacrifice themselves and their needs, emotions, for the sake of others.

Often, disappointed in com, they can be very cruel. They do not know the limits, if they love or hate them hard. These are the extremes that they rarely reach, but in general, they strive for equilibrium, and stability is important for them.

People born under the romantic planet of love Venus, like scales, pretty charismatic. They, in order to enjoy the surrounding, all then you need to be in the good location of the Spirit. They love to spend time in a warm, cozy company, they like easy communication, new acquaintances. All thanks to her innate gift - charm and exquisite feeling, style, in particular in the field of creativity.

Scales can be very persistent, but sometimes they throw them in the opposite direction and they suffer from laziness. With all this, they perfectly feel their own capabilities, but if they do not find a sufficiently significant reason for motivation, they will not begin to show their abilities in practice to solve the case.

It should be noted that people who have a zodiac sign of scales and patron Planet Venus, love to live in comfort and comfort: the creation of an exquisite, cozy and excellent atmosphere around themselves can easily become worthy of motivation for their active actions.

The children of Venus are not constantly docked on themselves. For the sake of love, scales are ready to abandon the subsequent career growth, any opportunities, but with all this do not roll scenes, do it with a solid sober mind, without any show and pathos.

But if their victims do not notice, and what is even worse, they do not appreciate all the attached forces for the most expensive, they will get closed in their world, become gross, tougher, categorically, can be very cruel.