Repairs Design Furniture

Choose a house with an attic: projects, photos of finished solutions. Independent design of attic: Formulas and photos of structural designs Household houses with planning

Low-story accommodation recently is not associated with budget. To date, private houses have small floors most often appear in elite villages. And designers already offer typical and individual projects. The highest demand is currently used projects of houses with a national floor. In this case, the presence of a full-fledged residential space under the roof remains, since the attic is an excellent way to lose free space.

What is attic?

Usually, the attic is a large open space that can be used for various purposes: as a residential premises or attic. The main difference between these two premises is that the attic is the unheated storage facilities for storing old and unnecessary things. BUT mansard is a full-fledged recreation room.

Although according to the BTI documents, the height of the ceilings on the attic should be from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. If the walls below are the attic, and if it is above, then this is a full-fledged residential floor. But when drawing up documents to the house, keep in mind that the functionality of the subxurement space is subject to individual taxes. So, the attic is not included in the overall living area, and the house with a rooftop attitude is regarded as a two-storey cottage.

The internal useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor depends on the design features of the house and roof. Here you can equip the guest bedroom, a children's zone, a working office with a library or a winter garden.

Before entering the construction or improvement of the attic, it is necessary to decide on the roof type:

  • Single-table - the ceiling of such an attic has an inclined form, and the room itself remains small and close. And such attic plants are very rare.
  • Double or forcep - perhaps the most popular option in the construction of country houses. The roof rates are connected at the angle of the skate.

  • The broken is a kind of divertile roof. Free space in this case increases due to the complicated roof design.
  • Four-tight - allows you to place 4 windows on each slope of the roof.
  • Single-level with remote consoles is a complex roof type that cannot be done independently if you do not have special skills and knowledge. Similar asymmetric roofs are relatively less common than everyone else. On such an attic one can accommodate two or three spacious rooms.

At the same time, the ceiling height should reach 1.5 meters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable in such a small room. The most optimal is the indicator of 2.5 meters.

Low ceilings can create an illusion of closed space. In addition, as psychologists argue, a person feels like a closed space, which has a negative impact on the psyche and mood.

Any cushionable space can be converted and remake into the attic. When choosing a roof type, take into account the load on the supporting structures of the house from the log house and the foundation. Without it, it is impossible to make a plan of the attic floor. It also takes into account the height and width of the roof. And no matter what appointment you choose for the attic: residential or non-residential - it is necessary to comply with individual rules and construction norms. But still it is recommended at the stage of developing a plan of the future home to work out the embodiment of the attic of the attic, this will allow the use of additional space to the maximum.

The main requirements that are nominated for the attic:

  • insulation - an additional room must be warm;
  • high-quality waterproofing - without a layer of waterproofing material, do not do, with the arrangement of the attic, you must be sure that rainwater will not fall inside the room;
  • parosolation - does not allow condensates to form due to the difference of temperatures in the room and on the street;

  • lighting is a deposit of comfort and comfort;
  • noise insulation - raindrops dripping on the roof, or the gathering of snow in early spring can become a serious problem for a comfortable and relaxing holiday;
  • the layout and separation of space for individual zones should be competently planned.

How to equip outside?

A private house with an attic can be built of foam blocks, brick or bar. But all the elements of the roof should be light and durable. Do not use concrete and stone - they will create an additional load on overlap. The most suitable materials for covering the roof - metal tile, slate. Mineral wool or basalt plates can be used as insulation.

The facade of the house should fit into the surrounding area and correspond to the land landscape. Therefore, you can use a decorative finish: siding, tile, artificial brick or stone.

Square private house is a great option not only for a seasonal country area, as well as for permanent residence. In such a room it is easier to equip the inner space and harmoniously place all the necessary zones. And so that such a house does not look like a squat cube, to the open or closed veranda near the porch. Also dilute the boring appearance will help Erkers, columns or balcony on the attic floor.

Rules zoning

The room under the roof may have a non-standard form: broken, triangular, with asymmetric sides, and so on. But it will not hurt to arrange a workbook on the attic, a rest room, an extra bedroom, a library or a winter garden.

Designers also offer two ways for making attic:

  • use roofing rods as walls;
  • sew walls and ceiling by plasterboard by creating a room of a correct rectangular shape.

The main thing is to be in the room it was warm and comfortable.

House 6 x 6 m

Construction of 6 x 6 m is considered an excellent option for a garden house. Subject to the construction of a single-storey house with an attic, the total area will be about 50 m2. For seasonal family residence of 3-4 people, this is quite enough. But to avoid climbing at home, it is necessary to plan space, as well as properly approach the choice of furniture:

  • Built-in cabinet furniture and spacious storage systems in the corridor will unload space in the rooms.
  • To save space, you can also use space under the staircase for the arrangement of a small pantry.

  • At an additional space on the attic floor, you can also find a free angle for storing home appliances.
  • You can enlarge the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house with the help of a closed terrace that can be used as a summer kitchen.
  • The bathroom is better to do with the general, and instead of the bathroom to install a shower cabin - for living in a warm summer and on weekends it will be quite enough for a large family.

The main advantages of a small house are the rapid process of building a building, as well as saving to pay for utilities.

House 6 x 8 m

In the house of 6 x 8 m, you can confidently accommodate an additional one bedroom and a dressing room. The project of such a house is not much different from the layout of the house 6x6 meters:

  • The hallway can smoothly switch to the kitchen-living room - this is the best option for the modern design of the house. And in addition, the combined room looks more spacious and effectively.
  • On the first floor you can also place two bedrooms and a bathroom.
  • The attic floor can be used as a workshop, a working office or a separate room for storing seasonal things.

House 6 x 9 m

The size of a house of 6 x 9 meters is not too big, but still allows you to accommodate several full zones:

  • On the ground floor you can place a spacious hallway with spacious storage systems of outerwear.
  • The kitchen and living room can be combined in one space or separated by partitions.
  • The bathroom is recommended to combine, and instead of the bath to use a shower cabin for guests.

House 12 x 13 m

House of 12 at 13 meters is the optimal choice for a comfortable stay of a large family:

  • Each family member you can highlight a separate spacious room.
  • On the first floor you can position the kitchen-living room, two bedrooms and a separate bathroom.
  • Also on the first floor there will be a place for a boiler room or a small pantry.
  • And on a spacious attic there will be a place for another bedroom, children's zone or work office.

With such a layout, it is the most reasonable to equip the staircase in the hallway to avoid passing premises.

What should be inside?

Private house provides the owner freedom to choose planning and design. Based on the available area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the attic space can be equipped for residential or non-residential destination.

The main stages of the arrangement of the attic floor:

  • Drawing up a plan of the future house - when creating a project, the size of the premises is taken into account.
  • The choice and calculation of building materials for the inner and external finishing of the house.
  • Warming, lighting and waterproofing of the attic floor.
  • The construction of internal partitions for zoning and dividing the room into separate rooms.
  • Finishing the ceiling, walls and floor of each zone

In the developed attic project, the materials that you will use for the internal and external floor decoration, as well as insulation and waterproofing, must be indicated.

What rooms can be placed on the attic floor:

  • bedroom;
  • children's room;
  • office or library;
  • guest bedroom;
  • home cinema;
  • wardrobe;
  • winter Garden;
  • gym;
  • hobby or workshop room.

To make a cozy attitude from the usual attic, it is necessary to insulate the room. And without additional thermal insulation, do not do. Features and rules for mounting insulation:

  • Parosolation materials should not pass moisture formed from indoor evaporation.
  • All heat-insulating materials must be intended for residential premises.
  • It is also necessary to equip the windows so that natural light flows into the room. Windows must be well insulated to reduce heat loss.

With the arrangement of the attic special attention should be paid not only to insulation, but also ventilation. In this case experts offer three solutions:

  • mansard windows in the inclined part of the pitched roof;
  • air conditioning;
  • supply-exhaust ventilation.

You can develop a project and build a house with an attic with your own hands, but for this you need to have certain skills and skills. And also be sure to comply with the basic recommendations and construction norms:

  • At the finished house can not be attached to the attic. It is necessary to make sure in advance in the reliability and strength of the foundation and overlaps. Perhaps before the construction of the attic will require additional strengthening of the design.
  • The attic floor must necessarily be with a reinforced reliable design, have additional supports, walls or columns.
  • In order to design it with the design of the attic, it is necessary to envisage the outer staircase from the street to the balcony or the window. Any additional design will ensure safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.

If your residential building has a non-residential attic that you decided to translate into residential premises, then we will be happy to help you solve this task.

The attic will help increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house by 50% or more.

Depending on the space of the space and height of the roof of the roof relative to the overlap of the upper floor, it is possible to locate living rooms, a game, a room, a billiard, a dressing room and even an additional bathroom.

The list of premises each determines for itself, based on their absence or disadvantage.

We will try to help you plan the places in the attic and make this part of the dwelling with a cozy and favorite place of the inhabitants of the house.

The first stage of arrangement - the preparation of the plan

The attic floor is the space concluded between the pitched roof and part of the outer walls. The indoors of the attic floor partially or completely have inclined ceilings.

Getting Started to arrange space under the roof, first of all, you must perform a plan. On the plan of the attic, it is necessary to apply enclosing walls and all overlooking the roof of vents and chimney, as these communications occupy a part of the useful space.

Before planning the indoor floors, we want to pay attention to some norms.

SNiP 31-02-2001 "Houses for residential houses" says:

  • the bedroom placed in the attic should have an area of \u200b\u200bat least 7 m 2;
  • the common room (living room) is at least 16 m 2;
  • width of intra-quarter corridors not less than 0.85 m;
  • bathroom width - not less than 1.5 m;
  • the width of the restroom is not less than 0.8 m, the minimum depth is 1.2 when the door is opened, not less than 1.5 m when the door is opened inside;
  • the height of the premises in the attic is at least 2.3 m;
  • to ensure natural ventilation, it is possible to carry out the possibility of airing through windows, windows, framugs.

Options for arrangement of monsard

Perform the planning of the attic on the example of a wooden house in terms of 6x8 m.

Before you, the plan of the attic floor with applied walls and communications. The chimney tube complicates redevelopment.

Let's see how you can arrange the premises in a given space.

In the first option, it is proposed to build two enough spacious bedrooms. So that the chimney does not make it difficult to pass, we arrange a staircase so that there is no less than 0.85 meters pass between the pipe and the railings. In the bedroom in a niche formed between the fronton and the ventshahta, you can arrange a rack or built-in wardrobe.

Lifting up the stairs to the attic, we get into a small hall, which will greatly be a cozy chair and a lamp - a great place to relax, read, embroidery, etc. in the inclined part of the walls of the hall (under the roof breaks) you can build bookshelves.

The second option is made with the bathroom device. Additionally, you can pierce the window opening for lighting and venting into this room.

We increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room at the expense of the corridor, where in the niche we build a wardrobe. A small room of the corridor and the staircase are illuminated by the front window.

By the way, if the house already has a bathroom on the ground floor, the entrance to the room of the bathroom suitable in the attic can be processed from the bedroom. Thus, it will become an individual intended for the inhabitants of the bedroom.

In a small garden house, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic often does not allow you to arrange more than one room. In this case, in the attic, as a rule, placed a spacious bedroom, the beds are installed along the walls with roofing rods, the central higher part of the room remains free to pass, because sometimes the attic floor is arranged from an attic room, where the height of the roof beam does not allow a straight ceiling Heights.

The design of the attic floor and its layout largely depends on the design of the roof. The scheme presents the attic of a private house with a four-piece tent roof. The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe floor depends on the height of the enclosing walls: the higher the wall from the floor to the inclined beam, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor.

In the attic houses of 8x8, 10x10 with a height of the side walls from 1.4 m, you can arrange four quite comfortable rooms (bedroom, children's or guest rooms and a bathroom). At the same time, the attic of the attic will be windows located on the roof, they are called - mansard windows.

Interior of the Country Houses

The interior of the attic, however, as any premises depends on the overall style of the house.

On the photos presented below, we offer to your attention a few ideas of the arrangement and finishing of the attic floor.

The variant of the living room device in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe attic.

In such a room, you can collect large companies. The long table and the abundance of soft sofas are located to suites in the circle of friends and relatives.

An excellent option for the arrangement of the attic of the country house, where you can take the "old" sofas from an urban apartment. They will serve as bedrooms for the inhabitants of the house and their guests. White walls and ceiling will make the room light, accents are a bright table and sofa pillows.

Bathroom in the attic of a country house.

Wooden beams and roof racks are combined with a colors with floor and furniture. The walls and ceiling of dairy color are background for open roof design.

In the attic you can arrange a zone of active recreation, such as billiard room.

Or quiet rest. The displaced home library in the horsepower of a country house will fill the evenings with an interesting point of you and your guests.

The inclined walls of the attic restrict the possibilities of the room on the one hand, and on the other they make it unusual. The bedroom is one of the premises, which is most often located in the attic.

Game room for children in the attic - space where children practically intersect with adults.

Children are distinguished by increased activity, the ability to move a lot. The children's playroom arranged in the attic will please not only your chad, but also their guests. Here you can frolic and play quiet games, listen to music, watch TV, dream in silence alone, engage in creativity.

Make a mansard to a monofilament or smash the space for several rooms? The solution depends not only on the size of the house, but also on your preferences.

Often the arrangement of the attic is postponed to the "best times", sometimes due to lack of funds, sometimes from lack of ideas. Let the attic of your house will always be filled with life, laughter, voices or silence of people.

Nowadays, more and more country houses are built according to the drawings in which the attic is provided. To competently perform the arrangement of the attic, it is necessary to foresee what premises will be located.

Draft Design and Indoor Draft Floor

It may be:

  • bedroom;
  • cabinet;
  • miniature hotel;
  • children's room;
  • gym.

For each such room, a specific project is drawn up, which is then embodied in the drawing. Some owners of country houses download such drawings from the Internet absolutely free. Moreover, in these materials is presented detailed. Each such a room of a country house necessarily has powerful lighting. For fresh air in the project drawings, built-in ventilation is provided. For natural lighting, large windows are installed.

In principle, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor may be the most different. It all depends on the dimensions of the house. However, the general one rule remains: regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bhouses, the attic floor should not go beyond the limits of the base building.

Detailed scheme of attic design

The planning of the attic floor may be the most different. Each such room has its own project and configuration. You can make such a layout using special planning programs. They will help with all the requirements.

Causes of the construction of mansardes

Such popularity of mansard projects in the construction of country houses is due to a number of characteristic reasons.

The planning of the attic allows you to slightly increase the existing living area, at the same time seriously saving free space. When the attic floor is indicated in the drawing instead of the attic, it means that heat loss in the house from the bar is seriously reduced. It usually goes warm through the roof, which is 10%. To obtain a free project of an attic room in a brusade house, it is enough to download a complete set of desired drawings from the Internet.
In compliance with the technological process of construction in the house of the attic floor, the costs of repairing roofs are much reduced.

  • thermal insulation;
  • vaporizolation;
  • waterproofing.

Since the attic floor has the highest contact area with the outside world, it requires a roof having the highest quality heat insulation.

Detailed diagram of the insulation of the attic

About the types of heat insulation can be read completely free on the Internet sites. On the pages of the network you can get acquainted with the varieties of thermal insulation material for the house made from the bar.

In recent years, the owners of private houses are trying to create an attic. Changes are taken into account in the project documentation, relevant adjustments are made. If the house was bought with an old, having an ordinary attic, new owners are engaged in its restructuring. For such a work, it is necessary to create drawings where the arrangement of the attic is displayed.

What should be reflected in the drawing

Of course, each alteration of layout requires accurate reflection in the drawings. If the project has a detailed drawing, with a reflection of all nuances, it becomes much easier to make the estimate of the necessary costs of construction. In order for the construction of the attic to be done correctly, you must first calculate the construction of the rafter. How to make such a calculation, you can look for free of charge in the reference book presented on the pages of specialized sites.

Specially designed building regulations prescribe specific dimensions of the bar depending on the two parameters:

  • step;
  • length.

Most of all, a broken roof with two slopes is suitable. For it, the required amount of rafters from a bar is made, which are installed inside with support for carrying inner walls of the house. Otherwise, the roof may not be very reliable.

Drawing of bantal mansard

For the attic, especially when the house is very old, the construction of Mauerlat is required. It is done at the bottom of the roof, passing the entire perimeter of the house. Such a closed design will reduce the pressure on the walls. It is of great importance if hanging rafters are applied. At the same time, the rafter should form a peculiar triangle, leaning in one end in a transverse beam, and the other in Mauerlat.

All changes in the project should be reflected in the drawing. A new rafter system should be clearly shown, the cross section of a timber timer is indicated.

On a separate drawing, the device of the ventilation system is shown. An ordinary attic with insulation has ventilation that is not suitable for the attic floor. Dersighted ventilation should provide air circulation in such a way that in the room there has never been stuffy so that it is not blocked by strong winds.

How should the planning of the attic

Roof design dictates future room layout.

Planning a two-level mansarda

The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe floor depends on the roof form. For example, the side sofa of the roof will need to be separated by the partition. Free to move in such a space is very difficult. Therefore, it has a slight advantage. Such an attic has only one sidewall, which will provide an opportunity to increase the size of the useful area.

However, the ceiling height will limit the freedom of movement, it will be necessary to bend all the time. The ideal is considered a skate facing the north. Unfortunately, this is not always obtained. An excellent option is a bartal roof having a broken shape. It is distinguished by the lower, very cool skate. Such an attic increases the area, its layout becomes much easier.

On the attic floor you can equip the living room if desired. Mansards having a small bias of the roof, look much more comfortable. They are most suitable for the bedroom device. On such an area you can arrange an office.

Interior and Design of the Cabinet equipped in the attic

The highest point of the Ceiling of the attic must exceed 220 cm. This will allow you to move in the room with any person, without tilting the head. When the bedroom has a bedroom bed in the attic it is better to put next to the row. In this place, the height of the room should exceed 180 cm. With a sharp rise from the bed at such a height, the head of the ceiling is excluded.

When the planning of the attic interior is made, you need to take into account several important nuances in the project:

  • Heating;
  • Lighting;
  • Compact furniture.
  • Unheard and rarely used attic - boring and ugly! An excellent replacement is the elegant attic. But to build it, it is necessary to carefully design the whole house and think over the slightest details.


    Construction of houses with an attic with all its attractiveness is more difficult than simple facilities. It is required to carefully consider the layout and how the passage will be organized. Very important point - Accounting for the load created by additional premises. The roof will initially be designed in such a way as to insure a room from unpleasant phenomena. It is quite difficult to redo the usual roof in the attic room, and the cost of such a repair will be great.

    Under two slopes, you can place more space than under one, but this option has its own weaknesses. So that inside there is always heat, it will be necessary to design the most carefully heating system and ventilation, to put the boiler for sufficient power. Typical projects sometimes do not take into account the need to build a staircase in the upper room. Therefore, the owners need to make a decision right how they will rise and go down. It is worth thinking about how the windows will look like, the facade is outside.

    Pros and cons

    But before starting to design and think over the items, collect information and prepare drawings, it is worth understanding whether the construction of the attic is justified in principle or not. In the past, mansard premises were the lot of people who did not have the opportunity to settle on the full floor. Now, such housing is often choosing creative and romantic nature, they find a special charm in it. But the traditional motive - saving funds for a full-fledged residential tier - did not disappear anywhere.

    Unlike residents of the first and even second floor of the house, the inhabitants of the attic can:

    • enjoy attractive species;
    • shrink on the roof;
    • sunbathing;
    • get a lot of other simple pleasures from your location.

    But there are bad sides. The drawing of the house with an attic designers is preparing longer than simple, and require more money for it. It will be more difficult and in proving the loyalty of project documentation when communicating with housing supervisory authorities. The attic and the attic is harder to dump, and the added warm tier increases operating costs.

    It is necessary to thoroughly work with other communications, with infrastructure. Raise the top of water in buckets and walk to eat in a cafe, as Montmartra artists did in the XIX century, now few people will like to taste.


    To begin with, it is worth dealing with suitable materials, and they are quite diverse. Application aerated concreteallows you to achieve about the same thermal protection as when using a tree, and the strength of the structure will be noticeably higher. The ecological properties of this material do not cause doubt, pleases and the fact that it does not ignite. But that the level of thermal insulation (without additional layers) turned out to be comfortable, it will have to use blocks with a thickness of at least 600 mm.

    Cells forming a gas-concrete block inevitably make it vapor-permeable. Therefore, you will have to create a high-quality ventilated facade for all the rules. Intensive absorption of moisture makes very predicted wet finishing work. Only special primer helps to solve such a problem.

    Using breedwhen building a house with an attic allows to achieve record environmental qualities.

    The aesthetic characteristics of wood, even without additional finishes, cause admiration. But the positive properties of this material are achieved only with strict observance of technological standards developed over many centuries. Be sure to use coniferous forestSelected extremely rigidly, including safety standards. It is possible to harvest the tree only after the project is drawn up, because it is necessary to clearly observe the size. The cutting must comply with the technological requirements, and the tree itself should be impregnated with antiseptics and antipirens.

    The construction of a skeleton house with an attic has the advantage that it is equipped immediately. There is no need to wait long months a full precipitate, which inevitably occurs during construction from wood. The standard of quality is American and Scandinavian types of frames. In these regions of the world, such technology is used by many dozens of years, so it is perfectly worked out, the strengths and weaknesses are thoroughly known. "American" stands out ease of assembly and a significant reserve for strength.

    Such housing is done strictly made of dry lumber, no timber is used in principle. Drinks are not used if we use the trim from oriented chipboard. Scandinavian frame format is less standardized and leaves more opportunities for the free search for optimal solutions. The strapping of the walls is made single, the racks on the entire length of the wall are permeated with the power rigel. In the window and doorway, single racks are necessarily mounted.

    An alternative to frame and wooden construction can be considered the use of gas-silicate blocks. They are a little more expensive brick, but it is noticeably easier and allowed to reduce pressure on the foundation. The porous substance is characterized by excellent thermal insulation and perfectly resists compression. But the resistance to the stretching of this environmentally friendly material is less.

    Construction of houses above two floors is impossible without the formation of hardening belts.

    As for the Finnish view of the houses, this is a kind of frame buildings. Learn these buildings is easy: one floor is located below, and the spacious attic is covered with a bartal roof from a tree. But this is just the perfect traditional solution. The most modern approaches imply sometimes building two floors. Sometimes even prepared a semi-oiled, allocated for garages, workshops and accumulation of old things.


    Types of houses can be different, but regardless of this they form them in the form of a particular design. The house with the attic roof and the erker immediately claims to become a genuine decoration of the site. Graceful protrusions in the form of a circle or a rectangle on the outdoor sides are very valued by designers. They found that this vintage motive can be very attractive even in the most modern environment.

    Erkers in many cases become the most romantic place at home, where it is easy to retire and tear away from the permanent presence of other people. In the round element it is advisable to put not only a small sofa, but also a coffee table complemented by several comfortable chairs. Regardless whether the erker will be or not, it is necessary to decide how to get the floor of the attic type.

    Thinking out this, it is useful to consider that the sanitary requirements between the ceiling and the floor of the residential room should be at least 2500 mm.

    Such a rule significantly limits the idea with the equipment of a two-storey attic structure. The correct construction will cost it too expensive and will be technically difficult.

    To note: the reduced value of the attic floors (in terms of the unit area) is often exaggerated. Savings are achieved due to alignment with the walls of roofing rafters and covers the roof itself. Because the frontal comparison with the tiers of the house from simple wall materials simply incorrectly.

    Ventilation and water supply, heating and power supply, sewer pipes - all this adds trouble and increases the cost of construction. Because if the goal is simple to decorate the house, a non-residential attitude is much better than a permanent place of residence. If there are sufficient funds, this objection is insignificant. And in any case, many people want to complement the attic houses at the basement or balcony.

    Both items are required to take into account at the design stage, because they directly affect the design created. Thus, the basement implies a deeper bookmark of the foundation and a special structure of it. When building balconies and loggias, they take into account how they will be reflected on the wall, whether its carrying capacity is enough. This is necessarily even for balcony windows opening out. After all, the external differences from the balcony of the usual type do not lower the load at all.

    Almost always for residential attachments, the attic is practiced with a batch roof. It not only leaves a larger guide space, but also improves the stock of precipitation down. But therefore the danger is reduced that they will flood the prepared premises. Build a double roof a little harder than the design with a single slope, and in the material plan it is beneficial.

    No matter how attractively the upper room, sometimes you want to be at the bottom. For romantic and friendly conversations, for calm tea drinking and contemplation of nature, the first floors often equip the veranda. It differs from the terrace in that it is fully built into the house and, as a rule, heated. Form and finishing materials, the external color of the veranda depend almost exclusively on the personal preferences of the homeowners. As for the supplement of the attic house of the tower, there are a number of widely sought-after options:

    • imitation of the turrets of the knightly castle;
    • stylization under the Old Russian Tereme;
    • like gothic buildings;
    • openwork directed upstream designs.


    The planning of the country house with an attic can be quite different. But the size of the area is crucial when choosing the composition. After all, it is from it that it will be possible to translate a certain decision to life or not. Practical and modern people prefer projects of houses of 6x6 or 6x4 m, such buildings are characterized by functionality and are relatively inexpensive. Dimensions 7 on 8, 6x7 or 7x7 m allow you to build a dwelling even in the middle of a compacted urban development and not disturb the town-planning norms.

    In the suburbs it is desirable to choose such projects of small attic houses that include the placement of attached garage canopies. The ideal layout implies simultaneously a simple form, competently selected proportions and attractive details. It is important to immediately think about what premises will be used mainly during the day, and where the bedroom will be located. When evaluating a project, it is worth paying attention to:

    • the angle of inclination of the roof;
    • useful area (it is always less common);
    • foundation preparation technology;
    • view of walls;
    • the quality of thermal insulation;
    • energy characteristics.

    In small buildings, you should not give a large share of space under the corridors, otherwise chaos will inevitably appear and many planning problems. In houses 6 to 9, including corners, during the construction of one floor, complemented by the attic, there are fewer difficulties than when building a full-fledged two-storey cottage. It is very important that the design materials be developed for a specific locality and took into account the properties of the soil. For private houses, the size of 8x8 m turns out to be maximal in a two-story version: having made a home even more, you will have to spend too much forces and resources.

    Choosing a one-storey house of 8x8 with an attic, unwillingly need to be reconciled with a simplified design. But this is to some extent even the dignity, because the construction rate grows, and operating costs will be lower. In addition, the foundation can be made relatively easy and reduce the need for earthworks. Placing a sanitary assembly is possible on the first, and on the second floors.

    The choice depends solely on personal priorities; On the two floors there can be a completely calm family of three.

    Projects 10x10, 10x12 allow you to organize a slightly greater space than in version 7x8. But such buildings for the most part make one-story. If you build them in two tiers, the overrun of materials and money will be simply phenomenal. The plan of the house 10 on 12 allows you to get almost square dimensions and as much as possible use the existing space.

    But for M-shaped buildings of 5 to 11 m, a large problem is a "tram" or "jewery" look, which should be considered particularly.

    Interior Design

    Narrow attic options can be quite different, but in any case you need to overcome the feeling of "presence in the car". It is necessary to solve this problem in the same way as in any other bottlenecks. A big role plays the right color choice. Make an attic more square on the view will succeed, separating oblong walls in bright colors, and shortened - in dark. Thanks to the contrast, the room becomes more dynamic, so you should not neglected with bright engagement.

    The use of niche is applied the original step. Contrary to popular belief, they do not absorb the space, but increase it outwardly. Useful to use large mirrors, hanging them on long walls. The most bright photo wallops will be attractive, and when finishing the floor laminate or parquet it is worth placing their parts in parallel to narrowed edges. It is recommended to organize separate zones using tracks and rugs.

    A common mistake is to save space, putting furniture to a long wall. It is for this reason that the feeling of the elongated space is only enhanced. Corner furniture products turn out to be the most rational solution. The angles of the room are recommended to smooth and visually soften. At the same time, the layout should be such that it was possible to freely go into both ends of the attic, without making them between different objects.

    Move persistent struggle with external disadvantages of the interior is not always. But the decorative advantages of the room should be ensured completely in any case. Every attic wins if it is filled with air and light. On the smooth walls you can use simple windows for this purpose; The beveled surfaces are best equipped with special opening. By increasing the size of the windows, you can add space to the room and get rid of visual pressure.

    Extremely popular style chalet in recent years, it categorically prohibits writing wooden beams with finishing materials. Moreover, they turn into an original design element, the most chic externally, awarded visually dark stripes on a bright background are recognized. A very important element affecting the perception of any interior will be competent lighting of space. In the attic, where they intend to relax, it is worth choosing the most creative solutions:

    • extraordinary combinations of materials;
    • bright and juicy colors whose choice is almost unlimited;
    • variations of textures;
    • throw decorative items.

    Niche and embedded cabinets help to get around the difficulties with the selection of furniture to bevelled walls. Modular articles or open shelves, driven by the walls, are well shown. In the lowest places usually have work desks, beds and couches.

    IMPORTANT: zoning by partitions from drywall is violates the balance of the room, it begins to seem divided into minor survenons. Nowhere to use the original workflows for this purpose.

    A wardrobe or rack, in addition to the main function, becomes an excellent organizer of the space in the attic. Separation of sites for work or leisure can be provided by putting a pair of chairs in opposite angles. Then two can be engaged in our own affairs without interfering with each other. Non-standard design is achieved within the framework of the High-Tech style. Only it allows you to combine the mass of chrome and glass surfaces, highlighted elements, simple geometric shapes and structures.

    All components of the interior on an ultra-modern attic should be functional and painted in homogeneous colors. From wallpaper when finished it is better to refuse, much better correspond to the canons of style of paint and plaster. Upholstery of upholstered furniture from fabric or leather does not violate the compositional plan. In the presence of funds, you can safely put furniture designed by an individual project in the attic. Continue the composition and give her completion will help:

    • abstract or surreal painting;
    • avant-garde lamps are emphasized;
    • glass and mirrors;
    • tropical plants in pots.

    Considerable popularity has won this style as minimalism. It is suitable for those who seek to receive a really maximum degree of freedom. With High Tech, he has such a common feature as a mandatory functional load of each thing. But now the lighting devices must be as natural as possible, without finishing technological solutions. It is not worth chaging for a bright color, most of the designers recommends to take two colors as dominant, and another to do more accent.

    Any residential building needs design, and especially carefully developed drawings for homes with attic. Such structures are different and possess the features taken into account when planning construction.

    Drawings and photos of projects of single-storey houses with an attic

    The house with an attic is a popular option of a residential structure, as the volume roof allows you to create a comfortable additional floor without high costs for the construction of a full wall, and then the roof. At the same time, it is necessary to provide good thermal insulation of the upper floor, as well as the hydraulic protection of the attic. This allows you to create optimal conditions for accommodation and organize a comfortable layout.

    At the design stage, the appearance of the building is also being developed.

    Projects of buildings with an attic 8 on 10

    Residential One-storey house 8 to 10 allows you to use more design solutions than two-storey facilities. At the same time there are no significant costs for construction, and the building is obtained as beautiful as possible, comfortable and durable. To achieve these goals, you can use ready-made typical projects that include detailed building drawings with planning, external design and other features.

    The main stages of creating a project of the house 8 to 10 are pronounced in the following:

    • determination of the area, floors, the height of the future structure;
    • analysis of the soil and surface of the site in order to select the optimal type of foundation;
    • development of the appearance of the structure;
    • creating a project and drawings in a professional program;
    • assessment of result, adjustment, selection of building materials.

    There are many project options, but one of the most universal projects presented below the project involving the practicality of the upper floor. Attic is placed as carefully as possible, forming a full-fledged living space with all amenities. This allows you to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe building 8 to 10 m.

    When designing the design of the building, special attention is paid

    The drawing of this option is the convenient layout of the first floor with the indication of functional zones. Parameters of premises can be corrected if necessary, creating a unique option of a residential building.

    In the drawing indicate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

    The attic of the attic includes a bedroom, a bathroom and two living rooms. Thus, the presence of attic allows to save on the construction of a full-fledged floor, but at the same time creating a cozy and functional space.

    On spacious attic it is easy to equip several residential rooms

    Another project may assume the presence of a spacious dining room on the first floor that performs the function of the living room. On the upper floor of the attic type will be placed full-fledged residential premises. Several exits to the territory of the site will make accommodation comfortable.

    In the country house there are several outputs for the plot.

    On the first floor scheme, the parameters of all rooms are indicated, the main of which is the dining room. If necessary, this space can be divided into two functional zones, adjusting the project.

    On the first floor there are two outputs outside

    Attic allows you to maximize the use of each square meter area. Therefore, there are three rooms, a hall, practical staircase.

    Attic functionality and does not require high exercise costs

    Any ready-made project of a residential building 8 is 10 m can be adjusted depending on personal preferences or under the finished base of the house. It is important to change and calculate the load on the supporting structures, take into account the location of the communications.

    Houses with an attic 9 on 9

    The construction of a house with an attic 9 on 9 m allows to save the area of \u200b\u200bthe construction site, but the undercase as much as possible is the undercase, that is, the attic. During construction, the shape of the roof, the thickness of the heat-insulating layer and necessarily use hydro and vapor barrier films. Thanks to this, the atmosphere of the attic floor will be comfortable at any time of the year.

    When designing a house 9 on 9, such features should be taken into account as:

    • the area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor allows you to place important premises (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) and make them spacious;
    • the foundation for the building is selected depending on the type of soil, for example, a ribbon is suitable for solid soil;
    • for home 9, 9 requires careful hydro and thermal insulation of the foundation, the competent location of the heating system.

    One of the noteworthy ready-made projects of the house 9 to 9 is the option in which the Erker and the attic window are present. The building is comfortable for permanent or temporary accommodation at any time of the year.

    Design can be changed without influencing internal layout

    A possible layout with furniture is specified on the first floor scheme, but the exact location of the items is determined individually. The finished project makes it possible to organize space individually, given the characteristics of lifestyle, personal preferences and other factors.

    The scheme is easy to adjust yourself, but not making cardinal changes without professional knowledge in architecture

    The second floor plan includes a large bedroom and two additional rooms. The purpose of the premises can be changed, and the location is quite convenient.

    Additional rooms can perform any functions.

    The finished project of the house 9 by 9, made of aerated concrete blocks, involves the accurate calculation of all parameters. For example, in the next project, the building has an area of \u200b\u200b73 m 2 and the height of the house is 8 m. In this case, the angle of inclination of the roof is 18 °, and 3 living rooms are indicated in the diagram. The roof is covered with metal tile. The foundation in the form of a monolithic ribbon provides reliability of the building.

    Outdoor decoration may be different

    The first floor circuit includes a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a spacious hallway. This layout is characterized by comfortable, convenience and functionality.

    The purpose of the premises can be determined individually

    The attic area is located a spacious staircase, several rooms. Careful insulation of the roof allows you to ensure comfort on the attic floor.

    The volume roof allows you to make the optimal height of the walls.

    Design of buildings 9 by 10 with an attic

    Construction of a building of 9 to 10 with an attic can be carried out from different materials. The arrangement of the attic allows you to make the upset as an economical as possible, but the residential building will be cozy and durable. Increase functional space using the balcony. On the first floor of the house 9 on 10 easy to place a summer veranda. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure of this size allows you to organize spacious zones in which each corner performs a specific function.

    The house with a balcony on the top floor is one of the most cozy buildings with an attic. The appearance of the building is distinguished by a modern style, and the construction is carried out from high-quality bricks, foam blocks and other similar options.

    The modern type of building is one of the advantages of this project.

    The peculiarity of this project of a residential building is that part of the facade is as it were moved away and upstairs is a balcony of the attic. At the same time, on the ground floor there is a bathroom, a living room, a lounge and other functional rooms. Thus, the practicality and modern style of the building are combined.

    On the first floor there are basic rooms

    In the indoor attitudes, residential rooms and a bathroom are equipped, it is possible to arrange a cabinet or other functional space. If summing up communications to the second floor bathroom causes certain difficulties, then this room can perform any other function.

    The location of the furniture is determined individually

    Designing of buildings 8x10, 9x9 and 9x10 m has common features. For example, the rooms of the attic floor often serve as a residential space. In a finished project, individual changes can always be made, given the features of the structures.

    Designing houses with garage and attic

    Construction and planning of houses with an attic may include and such a necessary room like a garage. This space is an extension or a selected part of the building, in which the vehicle is located. For comfortable operation of the garage, the design of communications, heating, lighting is being developed. Exterior building design with a garage can have one common style or a slight visual separation of these buildings, such as color walls.

    Features of the design of the house with the garage and the attic are as follows:

    • the wall, separating the house and the garage, should have a soundproofing layer, and also should be provided in all rooms fire protection or signaling;
    • the area of \u200b\u200bthe garage must be sufficient for the free operation of the room;
    • if the attic is located above the house and garage, it is important to create a reliable system of overlapping, thermal insulation and hydraulic protection.

    A universal solution is the project of a single-storey house with an attic and a single garage. In this case, the roof of the technical and residential space is one, and the attic is only over residential space.

    Single roof allows you to create a harmonious design

    Drawing planning includes two schemes. On the project of the first floor, the location of the garage, exits from the house, the porch, veranda and other functional zones is indicated in detail. If the finished project is adjusted independently, then cardinal changes should be avoided, because in this case, the professional calculation of the design parameters will be required.

    The overall roof over the garage and house does not require high construction costs.

    Thanks to the large perimeter at home on the attic, several residential rooms can be equipped, the bathroom. If the parameters of the house are smaller, then the useful area decreases, only the necessary zones are placed.

    Mansard premises are full and functional

    Video: An example of a house project with an attic and garage

    Features of the two-storey house with an attic

    During the construction of a two-story building, you can organize a cozy room and in the field of attic. This zone may be insulated and operated year-round. And also in demand the variant of only summer use of the attic space. In the first case, careful insulation and waterproofing of the roof is required, and in the second, the main steam and waterproofing layers of the roof under roofing material are required. In any case, a two-storey house, complemented by a functional attic, is a comfortable building with a large number of useful area.

    The facade can be decorated in any way in accordance with the selected design style.

    The design of a two-story building with a residential attic requires a more thorough calculation than the development of a single-storey building project. It is determined by the fact that in the case of a two-storey house, the load on the foundation is greater than in another embodiment. Therefore, easy, durable and high-quality materials are used to cover the roof, the attic arrangement, and the installation and layout are performed according to the drawing.

    On the first floor often place the main premises, facilitating the layout of the second and attic floors

    The size of the premises in finished projects can be changed without a cardinal effect on the supporting structures. Thus, you can create a comfortable apartment building taking into account individual wishes and ensure reliability of the premises of the second floor.

    On the second floor there are relaxing rooms

    A two-storey house with an attic can be built on a narrow plot. The presence of two floors and a functional attic room provides the practicality and convenience of the building.

    Video: Stages of the construction of a house with an attic

    Design of multi-platform roofs

    Multi-line roof is popular in building buildings with attic. Such a roof has several corners of the rod and is distinguished by the complex design of the solo system. At such angles, the mansard windows often equip, which is a practical and convenient solution.

    Multi-type roofing has a sling system complex, but has an external originality

    Complex multi-type roof is suitable for buildings that are built from bricks, foam blocks, seven or aerated concrete. The design may be symmetric or asymmetric. In the first case, the angular elements are uniformly, and in the second ribs can be at different levels. For the roof of any type, a durable mauelalate is required, the calculation of the bearing capacity and a thorough choice of materials for construction.

    Video: Designing a three-shock roof

    Photo Gallery: Derside Roofs

    The four-tai broken roof is convenient when arrangement of the attic Complex roof form requires an accurate calculation of all parameters The hip roof is practical in operation The hip roof makes the building with original and cozy unusual design of the roof. Individually multicate roofs make it possible to create a spacious attic. The four-scale roof allows you to use the entire useful area of \u200b\u200bthe building

    The finished projects of houses with the attic allow you to know the features of the development of such functional structures. Residential premises are always designed individually and depending on the region of residence, climatic conditions, land area and other factors. Carefully examined all the options, you can create a reliable and cozy house with an attic.