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Primitive tribes not seen white people. Wild tribes of Brazil - Brutal Cannibals Corbala, Aboriginal Sinta Larga and Guarani. The plane fired from the onions

It is believed that there are no little about a hundred "isolated tribes" in the world, still living in the farthest corners of the world. Members of these tribes that retained traditions long left behind the rest of the world give anthropologists an excellent opportunity to study in detail the way of the development of various cultures over the centuries.

10. People People (The Surma People)

The Ethiopian tribe of Surma avoided contacts with the Western World over the years. Nevertheless, they are pretty known to the world due to their huge plates they put on the lips. However, they did not want to hear any government. While the colonization, world wars and the struggle for independence, the people of Surma lived in groups of them in full swing, and the people of Surma lived in each hundred and continued to engage in livestock.

The first people who managed to establish contact with the people of Surma were several Russian doctors. They became acquainted with the tribe in 1980. Due to the fact that the doctors were white-skinned, the members of the tribe at first thought they were the living dead. One of the few items that adapted the members of the Surma people to their lives are AK-47, which they use to protect their livestock.

9. Peruvian tribe found by tourists

Wandering in the jungle of Peru, a group of tourists suddenly faced members of an unknown tribe. The whole incident was filmed on the film: the tribe tried to communicate with tourists, but because of the fact that the members of the tribe did not know either Spanish, nor English, they soon desperately establish contact and left puzzled tourists where they found them.

After studying the film, recorded by tourists, the Peruvian authorities soon realized that a group of tourists faced one of those few tribes that were still not discovered by anthropologists. Scientists knew about their existence and unsuccessfully sought them for many years, and tourists found them, not even looking for.

8. Lonely Brazilot

The magazine "Slate" called it "the most isolated man on the planet." Somewhere in the thickets of Amazon there is a tribe, consisting only of one person. As well as a snowy man, this mysterious person disappears when scientists must find it.

Why does he take such popularity, and why not leave him alone? It turns out that, according to scientists, he is the latest representative of the Isolated Mamazonian tribe. He is the only person in the world who retained the customs and language of his people. Communication with him will be equivalent to finding a precious clade of information, part of which is the answer to the question of how he managed to live alone so many decades.

7. Ramapogh Mountain Indians or The Jackson Whites)

During the 1700s, the European settlers completed their colonization of the Eastern Coast of North America. By this moment, each tribe between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River was added to the catalog of famous peoples. As it turned out, everything except one was listed in the catalog.

In the 1790s, no one before that, the famous tribe of the Indians came out of the forest just 56 kilometers from New York. They somehow managed to avoid contacts with the settlers, despite some of the largest battles, such as seven-year-old war and the war for independence, which actually passed from them on the backyards. They began to call "White Jackson" (Jackson Whites) due to the fact that they had a light skin color, and also due to what it was believed that they had occurred from "Jacks" (a slang word denoting the British).

6. Vietnamese RUC Tribe (Vietnamese RUC)

During the Vietnamese war, unprecedented bombings were isolated at that time regions. After one of the particularly powerful American bombings, the soldiers of the Northern Vietnam were shocked, seeing a group of the members of the tribe, leaving the jungle.

It was the first contact of the hand tribe with people with developed technology. Due to the fact that their home in the jungle was badly damaged, they decided to stay in modern Vietnam and not return to their traditional dwellings. However, the values \u200b\u200band traditions of the tribe transmitted from generation to generation for many centuries did not like the Vietnamese government, which led to mutual hostility.

5. The last of the indigenous Americans

In 1911, the last Native American, untouched by civilization, quietly left the forest in California, in full tribal attire - and was immediately arrested by a shocked police. His name was Ichi (ISHI), and he was a member of the Yahia tribe (YAHIA).

After the interrogation of the police spent, which was able to find a translator from the local college, it turned out that Ishi was the only surviving representative of his tribe, after his tribe was destroyed by settlers in three years earlier. After he tried to survive alone, taking advantage of only the gifts of nature, he finally decided to turn to other people for help.

Ishi took a research researcher from the University of Berkeley (Berkeley University) under his custody. There, Ishi told the teaching staff all the secrets of his tribal life, and showed them a lot of survival techniques, using only what nature gave. Many of these techniques were either forgotten forgotten, or are generally unknown by scientists.

4. Brazilian tribes

The Brazilian government tried to find out how many people live in isolated areas of Amazonian lowland in order to contribute them to the register of population. Therefore, the government aircraft equipped with photographic equipment regularly flew over the jungle, trying to detect and calculate people under it. Surverent flights really gave the result, although very unexpected.

In 2007, the plane, which carried out the routine low flight, in order to get photos, unexpectedly fell under the whole rain of arrows, which previously unknown tribe fired a plane from the onions. Then, in 2011, satellite scans registered a few specks in the corner of the jungle, in which the presence of people did not even be assumed: as it turned out, there were still people with specks.

3. New Guinea tribes

Somewhere in New Guinea, most likely there are dozens of languages, cultures and tribal customs, which are still unknown to a modern person. However, due to the fact that this terrain is almost not joined, as well as due to the fact that the nature and intentions of these tribes are uncertain, with often slipping messages about cannibalism, the wild part of New Guinea is very rarely investigated. Despite the fact that new tribes are often revealed, many expeditions that make their goal of tracking such tribes, and do not reach them, or sometimes just disappear.

For example, in 1961, Michael Rockefeller (Michael Rockefeller) was set to find some of the lost tribes. Rockefeller, the American heir of one of the most vast states in the world was separated from his group and, apparently, captives and eaten by the members of the flame.

2. Pintupi Nine (The Pintupi Nine)

In 1984, an unknown group of Aborigines was discovered at the settlement in Western Australia. After they ran away, the Pinupian nine, as they later called, Dressed those who spoke in their language, and told them that there is a place where water runs out of the pipes and always have a sufficient stock of food. Most of them decided to stay in a modern city, several of them became artists working in the style of traditional art. However, one person out of nine, named Yari Yari (Yari Yari), returned to the Gibson Desert desert, where he lives to this day.

1. Sentinelse (The Sentinese)

Sentinelts is a tribe, consisting of about 250 people who live on the island of North Sentella (North Sentinel Island), located between India and Thailand. There is almost nothing about this tribe, because as soon as the Stennicians see that someone sailed to them, they meet arrived by a hail of arrows.

Several peace meetings with this tribe that occurred in 1960 gave us almost everything we know about their culture. Coconuts delivered to the island as a gift were eaten, and not planted. Living pigs were shot by arrows and buried, without eating them. The most popular items in the Stennaletsev had red vendors who quickly disassembled members of the tribe - however, the exact same green veserves remained in place.

Anyone who wanted to land on their island was to first write his own testament. The "National Geographic" team (National Geographic) was forced to turn around, after the team leader received an arrow in the thigh, and two local guides were killed.

The Steninelians won their reputation to their ability to experience natural cataclysms - unlike many modern people living in similar conditions. For example, it is a tribe living on the shore, successfully avoided the effects of tsunami caused by an earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004, which chaos sown and horror in Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

in the Indian Ocean It seems a paradise place, with amazing beaches and dense forests, but tourists and even fishermen living nearby, do not dare to step on it.

And all because of the local tribe, whose members are not very good reputation - they are very hostile to all who are trying to land on North Sentellensky Island.

Anyone who approaches the island will be attacked by representatives of the local, poorly studied tribe, which rejected any contacts with the outside world.

In 2006, representatives of the tribe killed two fishermenwho illegally fished in those places. It is known that the Stennicians shoot archers and stones. Sometimes they shoot on low-tie airplanes or helicopters that are trying to explore the island.

Ancient tribe on the territory of the Andaman Islands of India

It is worth noting that the island is located in the Bengal Bay. Its area of \u200b\u200b72 square meters. KM I. officially, he is under the control of India, being part of the united territory Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is assumed that the island is already 60,000 years old.

Very little is known about the tribe living on the island, the language that its representatives and rituals are used on the island.

there is just a few photosmade from afar and almost no videoshowing local residents.

All you can find quite poor quality. Also, little is known about the number of representatives of the tribe. According to one counttakes on the island, a couple of dozen people lives, several hundreds of hundreds.

It is not known as affected tsunami 2004 on the islandBut the Stennicians managed to survive. Moreover, one of his representatives, whom they tried to photograph after the devastating tsunami, shot from Luke towards the helicopter of the coast guard of India.

Despite the fact that the island is under the control of India, the government of the country decided not to interfere in the business of the tribe. Earlier, the government tried to establish at least some kind of contact with the local, but all attempts were vain.

For security reasons was decided prohibit tourists and locals to approach closerthan 5 km to the island.

Wild tribe of the island

Since the tribe does not leave the island, they only eat what the earth gives them, and marine animals.

And yet the water surrounding the island is increasingly filled illegal fishermen. One of the fishermen reported that he managed to stand on the island and approach very close to the representatives of the tribe and leave alive and unharmed.

According to representatives of a non-governmental organization Survival Internationalwhich follows the observance of rights towards the tribal peoples, the Stennicians are "The most vulnerable people on the planet"Since they have no protection from the usual diseases, such as colds and rubella (measles).

Hot water, light, TV, computer - all these items are familiar to a modern person. But there are places on the planet, where these things can cause shock and tremble like magic. We are talking about the settlements of wild tribes that have retained their life and habits from a long time. And this is not wild tribes of Africa, which are now going to comfortable clothes and know how to communicate with other peoples. We are talking about the settlements of Aboriginal, which were discovered relatively recently. They do not seek to get acquainted with modern people, rather, even on the contrary. If you try to come to visit them, you can meet with spears or arrows.

The development of digital technology and the development of new territories leads a person to a meeting with the unknown residents of our planet. Their habitat is hidden from prying eyes. Settlements may be in deaf forests or on uninhabited islands.

Nikobarian and Andaman Islands tribes

On the group of islands located in the Indian Ocean Basin, and to this day there are 5 tribes, the development of which stopped in the stone era. They are unique in their culture and everyday life. The official authorities of the islands look after the aborigines and try not to interfere with their lives and life. The total population of all tribes is about 1000 people. The settlers are engaged in hunting, fishing, agriculture and practically not in contact with the outside world. One of the most evil tribes is residents of Sentinel. The number of all settlers of the tribe does not exceed 250 people. But, despite the small number, these aborigines are ready to repulse anyone who stands on their land.

North Sentinel Island Tribes

The inhabitants of the island of Sentinel belong to the group of so-called non-contact tribes. They are distinguished by a high level of aggression and uncommunicability in relation to the stuff. Interestingly, the appearance and development of the tribe is still not known to the end. Scientists can not understand how in such a limited space on the island washed by the ocean, black people could start living. There is an assumption that these lands were inhabited by residents more than 30,000 years ago. People remained within their lands and housing and did not go to other territories. Time went, and the water separated them from other lands. Since the tribe did not develop in terms of technology, they did not have contacts with the outside world, so any guest for these people is a stranger or an enemy. Moreover, communication with civilized people is simply contraindicated for the tribe of the island of Sentinel. Viruses and bacteria, to which the modern person has immunity, can easily kill any member of the tribe. The only positive contact with the Island settlers was carried out in the mid-90s of the last century.

Wild tribes in the Amazon Forests

Are there wild tribes in our days, with which modern people never communicated? Yes, there are such tribes, and one of them has not been discovered in the dense forests of Amazon. This happened due to the active cutting of the forest. Scientists have long been told that these places can be populated wild tribes. This guessed found its confirmation. The only video of the tribe was made from a light engineer one of the largest television channels of the United States. On frames it is clear that the huts of the settlers are made in the form of the tents covered with leaves. The residents themselves are armed with primitive spears and bows.


The pirach tribe is about 200 people. They live in Brazilian jungle and differ from other aborigines to a very weak development of the language and the absence of a calculus system. Simply put, they do not know how to count. They can also be called the most illiterate inhabitants of the planet. The members of the tribe are forbidden to talk about what they did not know on their own experience or adopt the words from other languages. In the speech of the pirach there is no designation of animals, fish, plants, color shades and weather. Despite these, the aborigines are nezoblany towards others. Moreover, they often act as conductors on the jungle thickets.


This tribe lives in the forests of Papua, New Guinea. They were discovered only in the mid-1990s of the last century. They found their home in the thickets of forests between two mountain chains. Despite its funny name, the aborigines can not be called good-natured. Among the settlers the cult of warrior is common. They are so enduring and strong in spirit that they may be eaten by larvae and footing food, until they find suitable prey on the hunt.

Live karavai predominantly on the trees. By making your huts from branches and twigs like a salash, they protect themselves from evil spirits and witchcraft. In the tribe worship pigs. These animals are used as donkeys or horses. They can score and eat only when the pig becomes old and can no longer carry a cargo or man.

In addition to the aborigines living on the islands or in tropical forests, you can meet people leading life on old customs and in our country. So in Siberia for a long time the family of Lykov lived. Saving from persecutions in the 30s of the last century, they went into the deaf Taiga of Siberia. For 40 years, they survived, adapting to the harsh conditions of the forest. During this time, the family managed to almost completely lose the entire harvest of plants and recreate him anew from several surviving seeds. Old Believers were engaged in hunting and fishing. Lykov's clothes were made from the skins of killed animals and coarse self-leaning filaments.

The family has retained old customs, summer and non-Russian language. In 1978, they accidentally discovered geologists. The meeting was a fatal discovery for the Old Believers. Contact with civilization led to diseases of individual family members. Two of them died suddenly from the kidney problems. A little later died the younger son from the disease of pneumonia. This once again proved that the contact of a modern person with representatives of more ancient peoples can become mortally dangerous for the latter.

Small groups of people representing non-contact tribes are absolutely not aware of the landings on the moon, nuclear weapons, the Internet, David Attenboro, Donald Trump, Europe, dinosaurs, Mars, aliens and chocolate, etc. Their knowledge is limited to their direct medium.

Probably there are several other tribes that have yet to be detected, but let's stop at those we know about. Who are they where they live and why remain isolated?

Although this is a little blurry term, we define the "non-contact tribe" as a group of people who have not had a significant direct contact with modern civilization. Many of them are familiar with civilization in short, as the conquest of new light has been crowned with ironically uncivilized results.

Sentinel Island

The islands of Andaman are in hundreds of kilometers east of India. About 26,000 years ago, during the heyday of the last glacial period, the ground bridge between India and these islands spoke out of a small sea, and then went under the water.

Andaman peoples were almost destroyed by diseases, violence and invasion. Today there are only about 500 representatives of their representatives, and at least one tribe, Dzhangli, extinct.

However, on one of the northern islands, the language of the tribe that dwells there remains incomprehensible, and there are few known about his representatives. It seems that these miniature people cannot shoot and do not know how to grow a crop. They survive, hunting, fishing and collecting edible plants.

It is not known how many people live today, but it can be from a few hundred to 15 people. Tsunami 2004, as a result of which about a quarter of a million people were killed throughout the region, also passed through these islands.

Back in 1880, the British authorities planned to kidnap members of this tribe, to keep them in captivity, and then release back to the island in an attempt to demonstrate their benevolence. They captured an elderly couple and four children. The couple died from diseases, but young people were gifted by gifts and sent to the island. Soon the Steninelians disappeared in the jungle, and the tribe was no longer noticed by the authorities.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Indian authorities, soldiers and anthropologists tried to establish contact with the tribe, but it hid inside the jungle. Subsequent expeditions were met either threats of violence or attacks with bows and arrows, and some of them ended in the death of intruders.

Non-contact tribes of Brazil

In huge areas of Brazilian Amazon, especially in the depths of the Western Across, they live to a hundred non-contact tribes, as well as several other communities that would be willing to contact the outside world. Some representatives of the tribes were exterminated by drugs or gold kits.

As you know, respiratory diseases common in modern society can quickly destroy whole tribes. Since 1987, official government policy is not to come into contact with tribes if their survival is under threat.

Very little about these isolated groups is known, but they all represent different tribes with different cultures. Their representatives tend to avoid contact with anyone who is trying to contact them. Some are hidden in forests, while others protect themselves using spears and arrows.

Some of the representatives of the tribes, for example awá, are nomadic gathet hunters, which makes them more protected from external influences.


This is another example of non-contact tribes, but it is known primarily by the fact that it leads a nomadic lifestyle.

It seems that besides onions and baskets, its representatives can use spinning circles for the manufacture of strings, stairs for collecting honey from bee nests and complex animal traps.

The land they occupy will receive official protection, and anyone who encroaches it is subject to serious persecution.

Over the years, many of the tribes have been engaged in hunting. It is known that the states of Rondonia, Mata Grosso and Marajan contain many depleting contactless tribes.


One person represents a special sad picture simply because he is the last representative of his tribe. Living deep in the rainforest on the territory of Tanar in the state of Rondonia, this person always attacks those who are nearby. Its language is completely undevelopable, and the culture of the disappeared tribe, to which he belonged, remains a mystery.

In addition to the basic skills of growing crops, it also loves digging pits or lure animals. Only one thing is clear that when this man dies, his tribe will become nothing more than a memory.

Other contactless tribes of South America

Although Brazil contains a large number of non-contact tribes, such groups of people, as you know, still exist in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, French Guiana, Guyana and Venezuela. In general, there are little about them compared to Brazil. Many tribes suspected that they are similar, but still excellent cultures.

Contact tribes Peru

A nomadic group of Peruvian peoples experienced decades of aggressive cutting down of the forest for the rubber industry. Some of them even deliberately established contact with the authorities after escape from drug carriers.

In general, keeping on with all other tribes, most of them rarely turn to Christian missionaries, which are random dissectors of disease. Most of these tribes like Nanti can now be observed from a helicopter.

Waroranian people Ecuador

This people are associated with a general language that seems to be not connected with any other in the world. Being hunter-collectors, representatives of the tribe over the past four decades began to live on a long-term basis in a fairly developed area between the Kuraray rivers and in the east of the country.

Many of them have already come into contact with the outside world, but several communities rejected such practices and instead, preferred to move to areas, not touched by modern oil exploration.

Taromenan and Tagaeri tribes are no more than 300 representatives, but sometimes they kill loggers who are looking for valuable wood from mahogany.

A similar situation is observed in neighboring countries, where only certain segments of such tribes, like Aioro from Bolivia, Karabiao from Colombia, yany from Venezuela, remain completely isolated and preferred to avoid contact with the modern world.

Non-contact tribes of Western Papua

In the western part of the island, the new Guinea lives about 312 tribes, 44 of which are not defined. The mountain area is covered with dense, viridian forests, which means that we still do not notice these wild people.

Many of these tribes avoid communication. Many violations of human rights have been registered since their arrival in 1963, including killings, rape and torture.

The tribes usually settle down along the coast, wandering over the swamps and survive, hunting. In the central region, which is at a high elevation, tribes are engaged in the cultivation of sweet potatoes and breeding pigs.

Little is known in relation to those who have not yet established official contact. In addition to the complex terrain, researchers, human rights organizations and journalists are also prohibited to study the region.

Western Papua (the extreme left part of the island of New Guinea) is a house for a variety of non-contact tribes.

Do these tribes live in other places?

Perhaps there are non-contact tribes that are still hiding in other forest parts of the world, including Malaysia and parts of Central Africa, but this is not proven. If they exist, then perhaps it is better to leave them alone.

Threat of the outside world

Incactable tribes are mainly threatened by the outside world. This article serves as a kind of caution.

If you want to know what you can do to prevent their disappearance, it is recommended to enter into a fairly interesting non-profit organization Survival International, whose employees work around the clock to make sure that these tribes live their unique life in our motley world.

  • Go:; South America

Aboriginal Amazonia

In the jungle Amazon found an unknown tribe of the Indians

The Brazilian authorities were able to confirm the fact that in the jungle, near the civilized border with Peru, a primitive tribe lives from a civilized world, about 200 people.

And about where Brazilian aborigines inhabited by scientists managed to learn carefully considering pictures from space. And then in the reservation of Vale to Yarari (Vale do Javari Reservation), large areas of the rainforest, separated from wood vegetation, were seen. From the air, expedition participants managed to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves. Men of this tribe paint themselves in red, and the hair on the head is littered in front, leaving them long rear. However, attempts to enter into contact, representatives of modern civilization with Aboriginal did not undertake, fearing that it could harm primitive people.

Currently, a special government organization is engaged in Brazil in Brazil - National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). Its functions mainly include an attempt to protect the savages from outside interference and from all sorts of encroachments on the land occupied by the farmers, forest harvesters, as well as poachers, missionaries, and of course those deltsov who grows in the wild dishes of narcotic plants. In essence, the National Indian Foundation protects and protects the aborigines from any external intervention.

Part of the modern official policy of the Brazilian government is the detection and protection of isolated aboriginal groups in the Amazon jungle. It has now been detected by 68 divorced from civilization groups, and including in the reservation of Vale to Yarari, they are already fifteen. From the air, the participants of the expedition were able to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves the last detected group. They live in large straw barracks without windows, wear primitive clothes, although many of them do not wear anything at all. On the areas separated from forest vegetation, vegetables and fruits are growing: it is mainly corn, beans and bananas.

In addition to the awarded Aboriginal Group, another 8 seats of possible habit of savages were detected from space, which employees of the Funai National Indian Foundation undertake to "put them on register" in the near future. For this, they are definitely flying there and everyone will take pictures. For this purpose, they will possibly use helicopters to see the primitive Indians and the features of their life.

Almost unknown science wild tribes of Amazon Indians seem to be in danger due to constant unwanted contacts with the outside world. These Indians are once representatives of a big tribe, previously was forced to leave deeper into the forest due to the permanent invasions in their settlement. In the past few years, these residents of Amazon had to often face with other tribes of aborigines. Therefore, the currently existing ethnic question is difficult to solve, and, unfortunately, it will soon be impossible to maintain these tribes are truly "wild" and protect them from all external contacts. And most wild settlements are concentrated on the border of Peru and Brazil, where there are more than 50 tribes that have never contacted either the outside world or other tribes. Scientists believe that wild tribes need to be saved "wild" so possible longer, although the aborigines are now being exposed to more risk, since on the Peruvian territory, the development of rainforest is gaining its turnover ...