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Beeskeleton Japanese landing and gardening. Full description of the care of the Japanese essay in the garden and home environment. Description of the peculiarities of the care and cultivation of the Becklet Japanese

Euonymus (EUONYMUS) is a genus of a family of beelandist, covering more than one hundred species of deciduous and evergreen plants - from dwarf shrubs to small trees.

In nature grows in East Asia, Europe, Australia, North America and Madagascar, 50 species are Chinese endemics.

Culture is widely demanded in landscape design, thanks to the colorful foliage, which often changes the color with the arrival of autumn.

Planting the Becklet in the garden and the care in the open soil does not represent difficulties, and the wealth of varieties only adds to the popularity of decorative shrub.

Popular varieties and views of becklett with photos

Breeding Bees Desklet (Euonymus Alatus). The most important decorative element of this species is the fiery color of autumn foliage, for which the plant received another name "unallible bundle" or "burning bush".

It is a slowly growing, dense and wide shrub up to 2 m in height with rigid, strongly branched, brown or greenish straight shoots.

The surface of the shoots is covered with longitudinal, ribbed, cork growths resembling wings, due to which the plant and the name "winged". During the summer, the leaves remain green, and in early September, literally in the week, become intensely aluminum. It seems that the fiery bush buys in the garden.

Grade "Compact"

Flowers do not have decorative value, but the fruit seams are painted into a purple-red color, vividly standing out on naked shoots with the arrival of winter.

"Compact" is the most famous variety of this species with a rounded compact crown and up to 1 meter high. Its leaves are changing the color to different shades of red.

Fireball is a multi-colored autumn foliage color, a variety height is about 1.5 meters, a spherical crown, compact.

Rudy Haag is an extremely low, dwarf grade, up to 0.6-1 m high, with wider "wings" on shoots and very slow growth.

European or Bruslin Essralet (Euonymus Europaeus). It is a tree in the form of a high bush. The leaves are dark green, there are also motley varieties. In the fall, change the color to bright red.

Although this species did not get widespread in the gardens, but certainly deserves more attention due to the very decorative fruits of bright pink or red and colorful autumn foliage.

The most famous variety - "Red Cascade" is obliged to its name to leaves, which with the onset of autumn becomes raspberry.

Fortune Beeskeleton (Euonymus Fortunei). Probably the most decorative and widely cultivated evergreen ground-based species with a huge number of varietal forms and varieties.

The care of the belching belch is slightly different from other garden species, mainly due to the form of growth, which is characterized by fluttering shoots with shiny, leathery, leaves.

Popular varieties and varieties differ among themselves by color of foliage and high. We list the most interesting of them.

Emerald n "Gold" (Emerald and Gold). A bright low-spirited bush, which is often used in gardening gardens. In the cold winters, golden-emerald leaves acquire a pinkish shade.

"Emerald Gaiety" is a wide bush with dark green leaves and a wide white border.

"Sunny spot". A small bush is up to 30 cm in height with shoots that are sprinkled on the ground, forming an attractive yellow-green carpet. Leafs are green with a bright yellow or cream spot in the middle of the sheet. In winter, they acquire a red shade. No trimming requires.

"Harlequin" is a compact, slowly growing bush with motley green and cream-white leaves, which in the fall are painted in pink color.

"Sunshine" - shrub up to 70 cm in height and to a meter in width. Bright yellow leaves with a green center. Perfectly trimming, which allows you to form a compact rounding crown.

"Silver Queen" is a popular and very decorative form with a motley white-green foliage. Her long shoots reaching 6 meters can easily be placed by support.

Silverstone is a beautiful dwarf shrub 30 cm high with semi-simplicable shoots and green-white spotted leaves.

Japanese bearing. It is mainly cultivated as a room plant. It is characterized by narrow, leathery leaves that can reach 7 cm. Shrub is sensitive to cold and requires protection in the winter.

"Microfillaus" - according to the form, it is very similar to the prints and is also easy to form the crown.

"Bravo" - green and creamy yellow motley leaves. "Golden Queen" with wide golden yellow foliage. Katie with motley white-green leaves.

Grade "Silver King" with a compact crown and a volatile green-white foliage.

"Aureomarginata" is a volatile grade with green leaves and a white-yellow border along the edges of the sheet.

Features of the care of the garden in the garden

Planting and Transplanting Becklet Spring

Before boarding the beckleta in open primer, you must choose a place where the plant will develop well. Culture loves winds protected from wind, solar position or light half, especially the bright sun with a vibrant varieties. In the shadow, the ebrque is growing badly, and his bright color of foliage fades.

The optimal time for transplanting Becklet is spring or mid-October, and landing with a closed root system can be carried out throughout the season.

Consider the size of the plantations. Some varieties are greatly growing and between them or other cultures leave about 1.5-2 meters.

Place for planting becklett Choose with low groundwater sitting. The plant needs a fertile, water permeable sloping substrate or with neutral acidity. The ground made of prepared pit is mixed with three parts of the compost. As a drainage at the bottom of the pit lay a layer of large clay or broken bricks.

All about the rules of compost blanks from various natural materials can be found in this

However, if the ground on the site is not clay and contains sand, then the drainage is optional. From above, the drainage is poured a small layer of prepared soil and placed a plant in the pit. Its size should be a little more root system.

The root mustache must be at the ground level. After filling the pit, the soil is well tumped and pouring abundantly.

Unlike dwarf forms, large species and varieties of Becklet can be transplant only at a young age. Transplan along with an earthen room, so as not to injury the roots of the plant.

It is recommended that the grounds around the plantations are climbed by wooded or chip. The mulch plays an important role in the care of the bareboard in the garden - supports the moisture content of the soil, controls the growth of weeds, prevents the overheating of the roots and the development of fungal diseases, especially in soil species.

Read also about the benefits of soil mulch in this

As a rule, if the landing of the beckleta in the open soil was successful, then you will see a new increase in a few weeks. During the rooting period, the bush will require frequent irrigations. Soil should not move, but it should not be poured every day. As soon as the plant is rooted, you can reduce irrigation.

Why does the belly grow poorly after landing? Possible cause in lighting shortage, close groundwater running, causing soil chuck, nutrient deficiency, high substrate acidity.

Up. Beckleta

In fertile substrates, culture does not particularly need feeding. Additional fertilizer application is recommended in the spring after trimming. Feed granulated mineral fertilizers for decorative garden crops, scattering them at a distance of 20 cm from the center of the bush.

Once every 2 years, it is possible to focus on the water divorced in the water. Soil-level forms that have entered air roots and started rooted with a compost.

Watering Beckleta

Culture prefers moderately wet soils. Large shrubs are best watering infrequently, but abundantly. Water penetrate deep into the ground, and the roots will be able to absorb the moisture they need.

Low-molds with a surface root system are sensitive to drought, they are often watered, but gradually. The irrigation mode also largely depends on the weather - the heat is watered more often, and the rainy summer excess of moisture will malfunction.

Trimming Beckletta

In caring beyond the proceedings in the open ground, the trimming includes the culture reacts to active branching. Sanitary trimming can be spent in spring and summer. Remove damaged, dried branches, thin too thugged bush, so that there is air and light access. Every 3-4 years, planting is desirable to rejuvenate, cutting up to half all shoots.

Forming trimming can be carried out at the beginning of spring or in the fall after the ripening of fruits. The procedure allows you to get a conical, round or ellipsoid form. Popularity in the gardeners enjoys a bearing on the strain. At the soil-level small varieties during the season of vegetation, the tops of the shoots are plugged, which encourages the growth of side shoots.

Zebacleta wintering in the open soil

Care beyond the garden in front of winter is no less important. Winter hardiness of the becklett depends on the type of culture. European and winged views well tolerate winter and do not require shelter. You can warm only young seedlings for 2-3 years.

Evergreen Thong and Japanese require more attention. Under thick snow cover, they are well winter, but in hindered frosty winters can be seriously damaged.

The bushes lose a lot of moisture from the leaves, especially in a strong wind, and a small root system cannot fill the lack of water from the marzular land. Therefore, before the onset of frosts in about middle November, plantings need to be well and climbing the ground around the compost or sweetheart. In case of no snow, it is possible to insulate the agricultural, burlap or layer of fallen foliage.

After the winter, the recesses take the shelter, as soon as a plus temperature is installed during the day. If in March above the bush a large layer of snow, then it must also be scattered, as in the positive weather under the snow, the bush can strain.

Reproduction of Becklert Seeds

Almost all kinds are easily multiplied with seeds. They are collected in September and immediately seed under the winter, as the seeds need to stratification by cold. The preyeds are removed, and the seed material is placed in a fertile substrate, water and covered for winter with straw or sweet snap.

If you decide to sow in the spring, but place the seeds for 6 months in the refrigerator, and in the spring, in front of the landing, hold them in the water of 1-2 days.

Reproduction of beckleta with cuttings in water and in the soil

For the procedure, which is carried out in June, choose young semi-restless flexible shoots. The top cuttings with a length of 10-15 cm are cut at an angle of 45 degrees at once under the leaf node or with a heel growth point.

The lower sheets are removed, leaving only two or three top pairs, the top with the developing leaves is cut or pinch. Slices of cuttings dip in powder, stimulating the formation of roots.

Then the cuttings are plugged into the substrate from a mixture of peat and perlite, which can be replaced with sand. Water watered and put the pot with cuttings in a transparent package, which is tied up. Periodically ventilate the greenhouse and maintain the moderate moisture content of the soil.

The pot must be in a shaded place until the roots and cuttings are not going to grow. Winter-hardy species can be transferred to open soil in October, and evergreen is better to leave for the winter in a cool room and transplanting Beckleta in the spring in mid-April.

There are also roots in the water of Becklets, the EUONYMUS Fortunei and Euonymus Japonica and Euonymus Japonica are especially easy to multiply. Cuttings for rooting in water can be taken in April-May.

The water changes every 3-4 days, the containers are destroyed away from the sun, and as soon as the roots appear, cuttings are transplanted into individual pots or immediately into open ground.

Reproduction with chains

This method gives a quick result of y and low varietal forms. Next to the bush, they dig a trench of a depth of 2-3 cm. The side escape is flex and placed in it. Fasten brackets to the ground and fall asleep with fertile soil. A year later, when the drains are formed roots, it can be separated from the parent plant and transplant to a new place.

The soil grades of Becklert Fury are capable of forming air roots, so the escape is simply laid for rooting to the ground.

Reproduction of the division of the bush

In this way, it is multiplied by the mainly low varieties and varieties of culture, whose roots are shallow and are able to give roasting pigs. At the beginning of the vegetation, the root piglets are cut off by a third and cut off from the bush an acute shovel with part of the root.

Burninglet in landscape design

Thanks to a large variety of culture, the culture is suitable for designing any styles and compositions. High bushes are perfectly suitable for creating, as a bright autumn accent on the background of the lawn or green conifer. Soil grades are indispensable for rocirory design and.

Perennials look beautifully, both in solitary and group landing. Beautiful cultural companions are low-grade ornamental spruce, thui, juniper, barbaris, spiroia, charming hybrids, willows and other low trees.

Forestoon's beeskeleton and Japanese look effectively in the composition with bright roses, Barbaris Tunberg, Japanese dwarf, bubbler, Samshet, Geikhera.

Diseases and pests

Almost all types of shrubs are prone to damage insect pests and diseases.

If chemical treatment is needed, then the best time to control and destroy pests is April, May and June. If the entire bush is not affected, then the infected branches simply remove.

Puffy dew is one of the most common fungal diseases. It appears in the form of a white or gray-brown floor on the top surface of the leaves, which often causes the yellowing of foliage, and in more severe cases can lead to the death of the plant.

The disease is very difficult to control, so it is better to immediately accept prophylactic measures:

  • a bush should receive the required amount of the sun;
  • at the landing site should be a good air circulation and minimal humidity around foliage;
  • avoid the upper irrigation, if possible.

In the spring, you can handle the shrub antifungal drugs that prevent the occurrence of the disease.

Japanese rebeller is a representative of decorative shrubs. Beautiful green bushes in the wild grow up to 5 meters in height, produce white and green flowers and form reddish fruits.

Besquelet's home plants have much smaller sizes and bloom extremely rarely. The shrub is covered with beautiful smooth leaves, they are slightly elongated and as if closed around the edges. Due to the diverse color and the shape of the leaf, the Japanese rebel to subspecies.

The most famous varieties include an ebony with a single-color green coloring leaves. Peppercut shrubs also have special appeal:

  • golden bearing (middle of the sheet painted in yellow);
  • silver beeborlet (white and green leaves).

With Japanese at home, the main concern will be the preservation of its decorative color. In special conditions, it does not need, since it is absolutely unpretentious, but you still need to adhere to some recommendations for the care of the Japanese essay at home.


One of the important points in the care of the plant is providing him with sufficient lighting. For simple green becklets, a little sudden, they grow well even in the shade. But the darling bushes need more lighting, otherwise their color will disappear over time and they will become one-color.

Air temperature

The plant reacts poorly to an elevated room temperature. It feels most comfortable at 23 degrees of heat in the summer. In winter, it is advisable to put a pot into the room with a temperature of at least 12 degrees. In a warmer room, the Becklet may be focused on foliage.

Watering and spraying

An abrasion is a pretty moisture plant. In the summer it needs regular irrigation. It is important to prevent complete soil drying so that the leaves do not start. With the onset of autumn, breaks between irrigation increase, and in winter it is rarely watered with warm water.

Shrub Buda is very grateful for regular spraying, and even a shower, especially in hot summer days. In order for the leaves after carrying out this procedure, the remnants of impurities were made, the water should be taken out the residual, and better filtered.

Undercalinking and transplant

Once a month, the plant fertilizes mineral fertilizers, starting with spring and ending in the fall. In the growing season, comprehensive organic fertilizers are made once a week. Young shrubs for stimulating deciduous masses make nitrogen feeding.

Young landings of Becklet need an annual transplant, and adults just once every 3 years. If the adult belch has an impressive size, you can simply update the top layer of the soil.

To give the bush, the desired form and stimulation of the growth of lateral shoots is cut off (it is better to do it in the spring). Since the bush itself branches very weakly, such trimming do regularly. Weak shoots better also remove so that they do not take power from the bush

Young, cropped from the tops of the cuttings use for breeding new plants. It is worth paying attention that a cutting machine is suitable for reproduction, which has no less than 3 intercosals after ripened kidneys. Also, the bearer breeds with the help of seeds.

Care beyond the domestic consumption - video

Recently, the trend towards growing decorative shrubs is becoming more popular among the gardeners. As a rule, they form compositions in the technique of bonsai or ordinary room plants. The Japanese beelandlet is ideal for both for those and other purposes, since it is a very beautiful evergreen culture. Our country is used as a homemade and greenhouse.

Features and appearance

Eastern beebridge is a very attractive shrub with dark green thick foliage. Uneven pointed leaves are quite large and dense.

Flowers white-green flowers, which are collected in inflorescences of 15-30 pieces. Home plants bloom extremely rarely. After flowering, reddish fruits that are dangerous for people and animals.

In order to safety, the plant should be placed on a height, inaccessible for small children and pets.

The use of fruits even in small quantities causes a stomach disorder, rapid heartbeat and weakness. After a large number of berries eaten, a deadly outcome may come.

In the wild, it is common in Japan, China, Korea. Grows near the broad and mixed forests. May rise up to 5 meters in height.

At home, shrubs do not reach such height and are much smaller.

If the plant is not to create the necessary conditions for development, then the increase in growth will occur only in spring time, and during the remaining months of its development will dying. Average in one year the plant is pulled by 15-20 centimeters.

If the shrub is not enough to provide water, the leaves begin to twist and dry. The bearing is a fairly frost-resistant shrub.

The order of transplanting room of Japanese Becklet:

  • Conduct the disinfection of the pot with the help of boiling water, and drainage and soil - by calcining.
  • To put the drainage layer of about 3 centimeters, hopping the ground from above.
  • Get a shrub from the former pot, carefully holding the earth on the roots.
  • To inspect the root system. Damaged and soft roots remove.
  • Moisten the soil and put a bush into a new pot. Gradually fall asleep the earth, periodically shaking the pot so that the land is evenly distributed, not leaving empty spaces.
  • Pour and put a container with a plant in a half. After it takes place, move to the illuminated place.

Proper plant care

The care of the Japanese reckon is quite simple. It should be watered regularly, but avoid the convergence. A three-time spraying of the shrub will not be superfluous. It is important to produce soil and delete weeds in a timely manner.

In the spring you need to provide a plant with nitrogen fertilizers, stimulating the active growth of foliage. In summer, feed with potash-magnesium mixtures.

Through the haircut of it makes the most interesting figures. It can be beautifully issued for both designer education, since these plants are unpretentious and very attractive. Anyone when complying with all the rules of landing and care for the Japanese reckoning in the garden can grow beautiful shrubs near the house, which, no doubt, will decorate the plot.

Being an exotic plant, Japanese rebeller, has a view of a rounded, evergreen shrub with small, narrow, shiny leaves. Its contains in containers in a house or apartment, as well as on open soils, using in the form of decorative hedge or background base for compositions from different colors.

Beeskeletlet - Plant Height

The height of the Japanese Becklet, which has reached the "adult" age, having a tree or shrub growing in southern areas, can vary from two to eight meters. If the plants of the beeskeleton landed in the area with a cold climate or you decided to grow it at home, then the most common bush having a height of 50-60 cm. Plant growth is distinguished by periodicity, the active growth phases are interspersed with a slowdown in development.

Japanese Beesker

Having an attractive appearance, undemanding in leaving, possessing excellent survival, this decorative bush or a small village, is increasingly conquering popularity. Japanese becklest, as a room plant, is able to create comfort and decorate an interior of a house or office. You can use this plant and as a greenhouse or landscape.

The most common varieties suitable for home content include the following types:

Japanese room bearing

As a room culture, Japanese bequelet in our strip occurs more often than planted in open ground. This type of decorative chesty for home maintenance is more suitable - it is unpretentious and highly produced. Another type suitable for homemade cultivation is rooting (stern). The occurring descriptions of the plant's beeskeleton have differences characteristic of certain species, they have both shafts:

  1. The original color from the motley bright green, to a silver or golden.
  2. Leather and smooth cover of oval oblong leaves reaching 4 cm long, with jarbins around the edge.
  3. Small flowers (rarely appearing at home).
  4. Side shoots grow at a small angle, almost vertically.
  5. Thick foliage.

Japanese Beeskeleton in the Garden

Low trees or low-speed soil shrubs belonging to the genus Effects intended for landing in the garden, evergreen or deciduous. For this culture, tetrahedral or rounded branches are characterized, smooth, oppositely located leaves. Plants bloom abundantly, small flowers, small sizes, pale green or brown. The decorative trees and shrubs of the Japanese Becklet are widely used by landscape designers for forming, due to its exotic and unpretentiousness.

Japanese bearing - landing

Ideal for the coming period for disembarking Becklet - Spring, but forms and the autumn period. In the garden, you should choose a sunny plot or slightly shaded, away from groundwater and not in lowland. In the yam of 70x70, crushed stone is falling asleep as a drainage, then a mixture of fertile land and humus is added. When planting the plants in the acidic soil is made in the hole 1-2 glasses of lime.

Both the landing and the care of the belching does not cause difficulties, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering, this culture does not require large volumes of water, for maintaining decorativeness, forming trimming (the plant loves this procedure), and at least three times per season is introduced into the soil feeding:

  1. In the spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  2. In summer - one of the complex minerals (any choice).
  3. In autumn - phosphoros and kanti-containing drugs, humus (slightly more than half a bucket per square meter. Meter of the nearby space).

Japanese EUONYMUS Japonic (Euonymus Japonicus) - a plant of a family of essays. In natural conditions, grows in short and mixed forests, in subtropics or locally with a temperate climate of the Northern and South Hemispheres. Japanese bearing is not found in the extreme north and in the tropics. Grow it in the garden or in the park, as well as at home as a room or greenhouse.

Japanese recesses - deciduous, evergreen plant with beautiful two-color leaves and small flowers that appear in the middle of summer. Flowers of the becklett small, but the fruits are similar to small, pink lanterns. Fruits with seeds ripen closer to autumn.

Japanese bearing.

The leaves of the plant look more ornamental than flowers, they are dense, shiny, with cloths around the edges, have the original flowing color - yellow-green, gray-green, dark or light and bright. Gardeners brought several new varieties of Becklet, with various colorful and shape of the leaves.

In natural conditions, the bearing can grow to 7 meters in height, in the garden culture - up to 2-3 meters, well, and the room bearing does not exceed 60-70 cm in height.


Japanese rebel is not demanding of care, but if the cultivation conditions in your garden will not like it, it will grow only at the beginning of spring. All the rest of the shoot of shoots will not happen.

As a rule, the increase occurs in two periods in the season, and with good care in the garden for the year, the Japanese proceedings grows by 15-20 cm. At the end of the shooting period of the Becklert on the tops of the shoots appear bias with scales - this is a kidney, of which at the beginning of the next period Growth will appear new leaves.

These features of the Development of Becklet must be taken into account for proper care of it, at the beginning of the period of active growth, it is fed by nitrogen fertilizers, then complex, and during the formation of new kidneys - potash-phosphorus.

During the rest, the feeding stops are stopped, and the watering is carried out only in order to prevent the drying of the soil. After active vegetation, the plant goes on peace, and stop growing. This also applies to indoor beerabs, and park grades.

Care beyond the garden in the garden begins with its landing. For this, it is prepared to hit from the leaf land, the dery, peat and sand, in which the turne must be two parts, and the other components in one part. However, the Japanese bearing is not demanding soils, the ordinary garden land is suitable for its cultivation with the addition of sand. If the soil is too sour, lime makes it.

In hot weather, the ravine of the Becklet is combined with spraying with water from the hose, but it is necessary to do it before, or after sunset, so that there are no sun burns on the leaves.


Japanese bearing, grown in the garden, determine the division of the bush, seeds and stalling.

The division of the bush is carried out in early spring until the first period of active growth. From the parent bush, 1-2 escapes are separated together with roots and planted in a pre-prepared place. When landing, the stalks are cut to a height of 20-30 cm to reduce the load on the roots. New shoots will grow from this stem or from the roots.

For reproduction of beckleta with cuttings, they are cut off with young shoots in June-July. The cuttings should be 6-7 cm long, with at least one intersess, before planting them is treated with a means for the development of the root system.

The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of sheet and turf, humus and sand. The cuttings are rooted in 1.5-2 months, after which it occurs at a permanent place, while the new plant creates the necessary conditions and provide attentive care.

The reproduction of Becklert seeds, collected last year, occurs in the summer. Before planting, they are stratified at a temperature of 2-3 degrees for 4 months. As a result of stratification, they should burst the skin, it will say that they can be soaked. Seeds are finally released from the peel and are soaked for 1-2 hours in a pink solution of manganese.

Then they are sown in tanks with moisturized soil, and are covered with transparent cover. After the appearance of seedlings from the cover refuses, tempered plants at normal temperature and lighting. In open soil, young plants are planted only for the next year, and before that they create the desired temperature at home. Before landing at a permanent place in the garden, plants are hardened within 2-3 days, leaving in the open air.

Your bearing at home

There are several varieties of the Japanese Becklet, which can be grown at home, like a room flower:

  • japanese rebel, or pseudolavr - a very thermo-loving plant, capable of perishing at temperatures below +5 degrees, so it can be grown only at home or in offices. It can be the leaves of the leaves, or monochrome, white flowers flourishing in the end of spring.
  • microfillaus Beeskeleton - this variety leaves are motley, yellow-green, raised. Flowers are small, white, appear in the late spring. This variety is suitable for planting in the garden, and for growing at home.
  • the dwarf bearing has oblong two-color leaves and red-brown flowers collected in umbrellas. This is a flutter view of the beckleta, which can be grown in suspended vases as an ampel plant.

Japanese rebellion at home is best grown in a well-lit place in the room from the south side - it will be equally well to feel both under the right rays of the sun and with multiple lighting.

With the onset of summer, a pot with a flower can be reached on the balcony, on the veranda or to the courtyard. No need to forget that this is a room plant, it is impossible to immediately put it under the strong rays of the sun, addictive to them should occur gradually. Caring for the trash at this time should consist of irrigation and spraying in the morning or evening hours.

As for the temperature, it should be no lower than + 5-10 degrees in winter, and not higher than + 25-30 degrees in summer. In winter, the Beeklata comes a period of rest, and if you keep it in a warm, heated room, it will begin to dump the leaves.

Caring for the room bearing consists in watering and feeding, which are especially needed by the plant during the period of active growth. Buds, of which unspoken flowers will develop over time, can be removed immediately so that the plant does not spend nutrients on them.

For the landing of the becklet at home, use a mixture of humus, turf and leaf land, with the addition of river sand. Another option of the soil is the hardening ground with peat and sand.

Favorable conditions and good care contributes to the good development of the room becklet, so it takes it to take it every year at a young age, and every 3-4 years in the "advanced" age.

Japanese recesses, growing at home, in spring and summer feed every 20-30 days with mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, during the rest of the feeding and frequent watering is not needed.

Japanese recesses need to cut regularly to form a beautiful crown. During trimming, weak, small shoots are removed, as well as shoots growing inside the crown. For intensive bunning, young shoots pinch.

This plant is not better suitable for the formation of bonsai, its magnificent branches is easy to give any shape, take a cut in the form of a cone, bowl, animal figurines.

Caring for the room frosting includes measures to protect against diseases and pests. At home, the plant is sulfur with a gray rot, at which there is a gray plaque and brown spots on the leaves. As for insect pests, the plants and a web tick are most often harmful. Both problems are solved by spraying with chemicals that can be purchased in a flower shop.

Plugged the room eaves as well as a garden plant - seeds, cuttings and a division of a bush.

WATCH VIDEO: Japanese Beeskerboard / Bees Desklet Planting and Care