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Pafiopedulum care at home transplantation and reproduction. Pafiopedulum care at home Conducting and reproduction The best types and varieties of pafioedulum Orchid Venereal Shoe


Paphiopedilum Pinocchio is a hybrid whose parents are: Paphiopedilum Glaucophyllum and Paphiopedilum Primulinum. The main feature of this hybrid is the color of its leaves, as a rule, young castings have a spotted color, which over time disappears.


This hybrid refers to a moderately warm temperature regime.
Summer: 17-25 ° C;
Winter: 15-21 ° C.
For the successful cultivation of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio at home, it is necessary that the night temperature is always 5 ° C lower than the day. For example, if day + 25 ° C, then at night no more than + 20 ° C.

Air humidity:

The high humidity of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio is not demanding, there will be 50-70% for normal growth and development of the plant. However, at a temperature of more than + 25 ° C, the air humidity is desirable to increase at least 70%, since too dry air has a negative effect on the roots and leaves of the plant. To increase air humidity, you can use an air humidifier, water sauce or wet clay. To do this, a large pallet is taken, inside which clamzit is poured, the prevention of the overvailing of the root roots is put on top and the pots with orchids are exhibited. It looks like this is something like this. \u003e\u003e\u003e When leaving this type of orchids, the rule is applied: "The higher the thermometer column rises, the higher the air humidity should be, and the higher the humidity of the air, the more often it is necessary to air the room where the orchids are contained, otherwise the probability of rotting and appearing on Leaves of various kinds of fungi. "


Grow Paphiopedilum Pinocchio only in the pot. A mixture of coniferous trees with peat is best suitable as a substrate. In addition, it is strongly recommended to add lime to the substrate. With a practically not exhaustible source of lime serve sea shells, which can be carefully laundered from salt, crowded and pour into the substrate.


Posplanting Paphiopedilum Pinocchio is required annually. The best time for this is spring - the beginning of a new growth. A very important point here is the height of planting the plant. If Paphiopedilum Pinocchio will be improper, for example, too high, then the roots of the orchid will hang in the air and stop growing. The substrate should close the upper red-white part of the plant for 1-2 fingers, and in no case should it be tamped, since with a too dense substrate orchid may simply suffocate. When boarding Paphiopedilum Pinocchio, it will take care of the thick layer of drainage to protect the orchid from the stagnation of water inside the pot.


Paphiopedilum Pinocchio refers to the brass-level orchids, therefore, for its successful growing, the lighting intensity should be much lower than usual orchids. It is best that this species feels on relatively bright northern windows, but the windows of Eastern and Western orientation will also be suitable.


Throughout the year, Paphiopedilum Pinocchio needs frequent and abundant irrigation. Excess water during watering should freely flow out of the pot, as the stagnation of water both inside the pot and in its pallet, can very quickly lead to the reinforcement of the roots and the lower part of the plant. Water this type of orchids is best with the help of a hot soul. This mimics natural conditions on the homeland of orchids and has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant. The temperature of the water should be 30-45 ° C. The substrate between irrigation must relatively feel good, but do not dry completely. Long-term finding paphiopedilum Pinocchio (2 or more days) is completely dry not allowed. After watering water from the leaves of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio, it is necessary to remove with paper scatters or napkins. This is especially true of the core of the plant, since the core can be very quickly controversial from stagnation of water in this place.


The spraying of the outer part of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio at home will not lead to anything good, since the structure of his leaves resembles a funnel, and the water is constantly accumulated in the core of the plant, which can very quickly lead to the winding of both the floweros and the core itself.


During the period of the new growth, this type of orchids fertures every 2-4 weeks in 1/2 concentration of fertilizer specified on the package. Too concentrated fertilizer has a negative impact on the roots of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio, they are black, becomes slimy and die away. Fertilizer It is necessary to use a specialized margin on the packaging "for orchids", since conventional fertilizers for indoor plants contain several other composition of the beneficial substances and the dosage of them is much higher than Paphiopedilum Pinocchio.

People's period:

To stimulate blossoms in resting Paphiopedilum Pinocchio does not need.


This hybrid can bloom at any time of the year.

After flowering:

Paphiopedilum Pinocchio refers to the so-called "revolving" type of blossom, when one flower flows down, the blooming is a bit lengthened and a new bud appears, so it is necessary to crop the blossoms only when they start to dry out. In addition, after flowering, the orchid transplant and contain some time relatively dry. This is necessary for the acclimatization of the plant and to prevent the RAS to the roots obtained as a result of a transplantation.


At home this type of orchids is very breeding in vegetatively, i.e. With the help of dividing a large adult bush on the part.

Outdoor stay:

Finding this hybrid outdoors even in the summer is extremely recommended. Paphiopedilum Pinocchio is home orchid.

Pafiopedulum (Paphiopedilum) or Orchid Venerine Shoe - a perennial grassy plant of the family orchid. The nickname was obtained due to the shape of a lower lip, resembling a shoe, and the elegance and grace of the flower is comparable to the most goddess Venus. Most representatives lead the ground lifestyle, grow under the shadow of the trees with small glades, litoffs and epiphytes are rare. The natural habitat occupies the territory of the rainforest of East Asia.

Pseudobulb Padoedulum does not forms. Its rhizome is basic, thick, covered with a durable layer of coating skin. Leaf plates are oblong, removal shape, glossy surface, color saturated green, but there are varieties with grinding leaves. The leaves are collected in the outlets, tightly adjacent to each other.

At the top of a long bloomer, 1-3 flower rises. The lower lip of the shlevoid, petals can be narrow or wide, and the color is diverse: monophonic, with strokes, strips, stains and patterns of various shades. Some have velvety, and others are covered with a wax rim, shimmer in the sun, as if jewels. Also pleases the duration of flowering - at least 4 months, some representatives bloom about six months.

In the natural environment, the plant lives in a tropical belt, where the season of continuous rains is replaced by a dry period, with room growing such an environment is problematic. In the sale of Venus, the shoe "in pure form" is not found. We acquire hybrids, distinguished by unpretentiousness and endurance in care, they are well adaptable to room conditions.

When flowers Pafiopedulum

When is pafiogradhymums bloom? The flowering period depends on the variety. So, in pafiopedulums with the particle leaves, the flowers are held throughout the summer-autumn, and at the fellows with a monophonic tint - from the end of winter and the whole spring. One-swayed inflorescence has 1-2 whites, multi-flowered - more than three, and the "revolving" new flower is tied on the place of the old.

Reproduction in room conditions

In room conditions, the Pelfoedulum Orchid Venerein, the shoe breeds exceptionally in a vegetative way. The procedure is combined with a transplant (about it below below). A high-quality delete must have at least three sheet sockets and part of the root. Open with a sharp knife or scalpel, for disinfection of sections of sections, treat Fungicide. The obtained plants are searched according to separate tanks with a suitable soil.

Conditions of cultivation of orchid Pafiopedulum

In order for orchid to grow normally and pleased with blossom, first of all it is necessary to create the right temperature and lighting. This issue is focused on the type of plant.

For multi-scale patiophedrals, as well as varieties with green leaves, it will take bright scattered lighting. The appropriate location will be the windows of Eastern or Western orientation.

If the "spotted leafy plates" or on a flower view appear 1-2 flower - they will need easy shading, you can position on the northern window.

Absolutely for each plant of this kind of densite direct sunlight, they leave burns on the leaves. Also in the winter they need a light day lasting 12 hours per day, resort to the filing by phytolampa.

By temperature, four types can be distinguished:

  • Varieties with spotted leaves for the summer season are comfortable at 23 ° C, in winter - 18 ° C;
  • If the leaf plates are single-green and narrow, ensure temperature indicators for a pair of degrees below than for the previous variety of plants;
  • Representatives with wide sheet plates need lowest temperatures: in winter, 17 ° C and 22 ° C throughout the summer season;
  • For the "revolving" pafiophedrals in the summer, air temperature is required 22 ° C, in winter - 19 ° C.

Also, the pledge of flowering is the daily fluctuation of temperatures at 3 ° C.

Change orchid Pafiopedulum

Conduct with a frequency of 2-4 years, focusing on the size of the bustle (if the orchid has become closely) and on the state of the substrate (when it oxidized, lying or became loose). Procedure spend in spring when the plant still does not bloom.

For choose plastic or ceramic pots, expanding to the top - it is more convenient to extract orchid during transplantation to protect the roots from damage.

The soil is required neutral or weakly acidic reaction. You can prepare a mixture based on the bark of coniferous trees (5 parts) with the addition of one piece of wood coal and peat. Another option: 2 parts of the conifer bark, 1 part of the peat and a bit of dolomite flour.

After transplanting, after transplanting, it is possible to slightly pour a weak solution of fungicide to prevent the development of diseases due to damage to the roots during transplantation.

How to transplant Pafiopedulum video:

Watering, air humidity and feeding for orchid Pafiopedulum

How to water

Over the period of actively growing Pafiopedulum Orchid Verienes, the shoe needs abundant. Watering is reduced with the onset of flowering, and during the period, watering is carried out after a complete slope of the substrate. Enhanced watering renew with the beginning of the growth of new leaves and shoots.

It is impossible to allow either a convergence, no long drought. The higher the air temperature, the more often watering. If you feel from the substrate "mushroom" smell, break the soil with fungicide, and watering reduce.

For watering, use the stuffed water inhabited at least throughout the day, but better rain, temperature - room temperature. When watering, avoid getting droplets of water to leafy plates, brown spots will be able to appear on them. In the period of active growth, every two weeks it is recommended to arrange a warm shower, imitating tropical rain rains. Every week, wipe the leaf plates with a soft wetted cloth from dust, which not only serves as maintenance of decorativeness, but will allow the leaves to "breathe" and protect from the defeat by a spider tick.

Air humidity

An important point is the level of humidity. Adhere to the principle: the hotter, the higher it should be. Under normal conditions, 40-50% is sufficient, and with a strong heat (also air is strongly overwhelmed during the operation of heating systems) will require a rise to a level of 60-70%. The plant cannot be sprayed, so use artificial air humidifiers, you can adjust an aquarium, an artificial fountain or a conventional water container.

There is a way to create a humidifier independently: put a pebbles on the pallet, clamzit, put a pot with a plant and periodically pouring the water. Do not forget to rinse the pallet monthly so that the "humidifier" does not become a place for the development of diseases and pests (mushroom mosquito, etc.). The humidity level can be adjusted using moss-sfagnum, which should be put around the plant itself, without touching the root neck, spray the moss periodically.

When and how to feed

The plant negatively responds to an excess fertilizer, only during the period of active growth (during flowering and the period of resting does not need to be picked). With a frequency of 2 weeks, make special fertilizers for orchids, about the concentration, focus on the manufacturer's recommendation.

How to grow roots from Pafiopedulum video:

Diseases and Pest Pestiopirum

Why yellow leaves

The status indicator of the plant is its leaves. If the leaf plates have shuffled, it makes sense to beat the alarm. When the plant lands moisture and nutrients, the necessary forces begins to "extract" from the leaves, immediately check the root system.

Gently remove the plant from the substrate, in the normal root of a light brown or brown shade, they may be attended by barely noticeable short veins. Slightly pull velamen (top protective layer) if the roots resemble the wire, the plant dies. Cut the dry roots (faded leaves, too, remove), Cut the sections of the cuts to Fungicide, transfer to the new substrate, ensure regular watering and high level of humidity. This will allow you to reanimate the root system.

Why leaves are covered by stains

From redundant, it is possible to upload the root system. Brown stains will appear on the stems and leaves. Emergency transplantation is also required with the removal of affected areas, processing the fungicide and substrate replacement, further adjust watering.

Pafiopedulum Orchid Venerein Shoe can suffer from such pests:

  • Web tick - leaves thin slabs on the sheet plates, the leaves are twisted and dried;
  • Shield - they can be recognized by dense "growths" on the leaves - these are insects;
  • Cherver - bring harm to leaves and infloresions, leave on the plant sticky discharge (whitish falling) can cause disease development.

When pests are detected, moisten with alcoholic solution and remove them with a mechanical path, then rinse the plant with warm water (40 ° C). If the pests remained, we need to be treated with special drugs: use acaricides against the pawriter ticks, against the remaining insecticides.

The best types and varieties of patiopedulum Orchid Venerine Shoe

Pafiopedulum Deltenat Paphiopedilum Delenatii

The plant is from Vietnam. Leaf plates 10 cm long, spotted. Coloring stem on the top decorated with 1-2 large colors (about 8 cm diameter). Lower lip bags, gently purple shade. Chassels and petals are white, the center is yellow. The flowering period falls on January-December.

Phaphiopedilum Maudiae Phaphiopedilum Maudiae

Phaphiopedilum Maudiae femma photo

The hybrid was obtained in 1900 by the English Botany Joseph Charlesvorti. Sheet plates are oblong, about 10 cm long, decorated with a marble pattern (a combination of a dark green and gas tint). The flower is single, the lower lip is greenish, and the petals and sewers are white and green, striped. The flowering period comes at any time of the year. In Europe, it is often used in a cut to create bouquets.

There are many Mauda hybrids, most popular:

Alba. White and green shade, among them: femma, aitch, charlotte, Clair de Lune, Bankhaus, Magnificum, The Queen;

Vinicolor. (inflorescence almost completely has a burgundy shade): Black Jack, Black Cherry, Blood Clot, Red Fusion, Ruby Peacock;

Coloratum. (Inflorescences combine white-green-burgundy shades) is most often found on sale LOS OSOS.

Hybrid orchid with a sympathous type of growth, 35-40 cm high. Leaf plates are oblong, reverse ovoid shape, with rounded tops. Blossom revolving. The lower lip is bright grown, in the form of a bag, covered with violet shades, petals are oblong, wide open, petals and cups are covered with a fly.

Phaphiopedilum American Paphiopedilum Americanum

In the people, the orchid was called a "cabbage kochan" because it is a low, leaf outlet dense, consists of oblong juicy green leaves. On a short blooming is the only flower. The combination of white, yellow, brown and greenish tint is created by a harmonious composition.

Pofiopedulum of the Appleton or Appleton Paphiopedilum Appletonianum

Orchid with large inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm, flowers fragrant, green-purple shade. Spring flowering period. Sheet plates are hard, remover, with rounded tops, drawing marble.

Pafiopedulum Apricot Paphiopedilum Armeniacum

Sheet plates are oblong, long up to 15 cm, on a dark green background there is a marble pattern of a lighter shade. Flower is a large, sunny yellow shade, the storm is decorated with a darker color.

Pafiopedulum Bearded Paphiopedilum Barbatum

In culture for a long time, the first hybrid (Harrisianum) was bred on its basis. The length of the sheet plates is 20 cm, there is a marble pattern. Flowers in spring. The diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm, the lip of a burgundy-green shade, the petals are darker, and the sewer is covered with linear burgundy stripes, a snow-white border is passed along the edge.


The name is obtained thanks to the highly driving flowers. Another feature: First, the petals are smooth, at the ends expanding, and after a while they become corrugated.

Pafiopedulum Wonderful Paphiopedilum Insigne

It has linear leaf plates of green, the length is 25-30 cm. Blooming in September, the flowering period lasts until February. Inflorescences of greenish tint.

Pafiopedulum coarse Paphiopedilum Villosum

It can be grown as an epiphylet plant (on the wood bark) or in a flower pot with a special substrate. Flowering falls on the spring-autumn period. A 30 cm long blooming is powered by a single flower. A cup of brown-green shade with white border, petals brown-ocher, a shoe lip of a pale red-brown tone, covered with thin streaks.

Pafiopedulum Bellatulum or Pretty Paphiopedilum Bellatulum

For the first time orchid was found on the territory of Burma in the XIX century, it is also found in China and Thailand. It dwells on mossy rocks at a height of 250-1500 m above sea level. The leaflets are oblong, spotted, constitute a length of 15 cm. The period of flowering spring (starts from April). The flower stem ends with 1-2 snow-white flowers, raspberry specks are present, and the flower diameter is 10 cm.

Pafiopedulum Lawrence Paphiopedilum Lawrenceanum

Less from Borneo Island. Springwenetive view. Coloros with a single flower reaching a diameter of 15 cm. "Shop" brown-red, petals are greenish with reddish spots, couples striped, white-green. Sheet plates do not exceed 15 cm long, decorated with light marble pattern. The view is relatively easy in culture.

Pofiopedulum Niveum or Snow Whole Paphiopedilum Niveum

The flowering period falls on the summer months. The color-point stem is a length of 15-20 cm, there are two snow-white fragrant flower with a diameter of about 8 cm on its top. For orchids, warm content is required, less than the remaining needed.

Pafioedulum beautiful or adorable paphiopedilum venustum

Right from the Himalayans. The flowering period starts at the end of winter. The length of the floweros is 15-20 cm, on the top there is a single flower with a diameter of about 15 cm. Hub helmet, glossy, bright orange shade and with green residences, petals of a greenish-orange shade, there are black large dots and greenish bodies on them.

How to care for orchids Pelfiographer Look at the video:

The genus Pafiopedulum is probably the most interesting from the orchid family belonging to the family. It occurs from the forests of East Asia and includes over 50 species and many hybrid varieties.

Representatives of the genus are half epiphets with weak root bugles or without them. Their leaves are long, assembled in the sockets placed nearly one of one. Roots are basic, thick, covered with the protective layer of dead fabrics. On the flowers is formed from one to three bright flowers, which are a distinctive feature of these crops. Thanks to the unusual form of the flower, the PFIIOTION is also named " Venus Bashmock ».

Flowering in these types of orchids is quite a long - up to 4 months, and some varieties can bloom more than six months. Clean shoes are very rarely sold in stores. These are mainly hybrids, which are called respectively "mix". Thanks to hybridization, these individuals are more stable, and on leaves and infloresions it is possible to determine which orchid variety is dominant.

Types and varieties

Probably the most common variety of this plant, which is found very often. It has air roots, a few foliage and beautiful flowers.

Or bellatulum In a wild form grows on the islands of Malaysia, India, Indochita. Has big leaves covered with patterns. Color stems are small, each appears one flower, white or creamy color.

Comes from Vietnam. This is a low plant with short foliage up to 10 cm long. Leaves decorative due to pattern of specks.

On long shoots, up to two large flowers are formed. Lip, other species like a shill, more reminiscent of the ball. The painting of petals and cups is white, the center is yellow, and the lip of the tender purple shade.

It has a basic medium-sized rosette. Leaves dark green, covered with light stripes. Above the leaf outlet rises the escape on which one flower of light-salad painting appears, the edge of the cup of seashelistic from the middle becomes white.

Culture with motley and rather long foliage. The bottom of the leaves is painted purple. The flower view is low, it appears up to 4 flowers soft green or yellow color.

Low variety. It has a small leaf outlet with medium-sized leaves, dark green color with slightly noticeable gas strips. There is a color stem above it, on which one flower appears, preferably a light green tone, can cast a purple, and the lip happens a burgundy shade.

Pelfioedulum Black Jack The main decele of this variety is its dark burgundy color, which is not so often found among the room colors.

Pretty high grade with long foliage. On the reversing shoot, one flower is formed. Petals white painting with lilac stripes and splashes. The lip is strongly pronounced. Chohelistic green with white edges and brown dots in the middle.

This variety has long belt leaves, over which the color stem with one flower is slightly towers. Petal painting light green turning into light burgundy. The middle of the lips are yellow. A cup of top is white, and to the bottom goes into a greenish, the center is enclosed with purple dots.

Pafiopedulum care at home

Pafiopedulum is rather difficult for cultivation at home, but in general, knowing the peculiarities of the care of it, you can cope with this.

The lighting the desired plant depends on its type. If the foliage is green or on a flower, many flowers are formed, then such copies need a bright scattered light. If the leaves are spotty or on shoots appear one or a pair of flowers, then such individuals will be enough and a half-way on the northern windows.

In winter, any kind of this orchid needs additional lighting with artificial means, so that the light day reaches 12 hours.

Temperature The desired shoe also depends on the type. Here you can allocate as many as 4 types.

  1. For varieties with spotted foliage, summer temperature ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b23 ° C, and in winter 18 ° C.
  2. If the leaves are narrow and just green, the temperature should be a pair of degrees below than for the previous category.
  3. All kinds with "revolving" (that is, continuous or sequential) flowering need 22 ° in summer and 19 ° C in winter.
  4. Outcomes with wide green foliage require the lowest temperatures in comparison with their relatives. Summer temperatures for them is 20 ° C, winter 17 ° C.

Also for proper care, you need a difference between the day and night temperature at least at 3 ° C.

Flowering occurs under the condition that the plant had a period of rest with a reduced air temperature.

The foliage of this orchid is very vulnerable to sunlight, so it is impossible to touch it a bright burning light, because the leaves will yellow and dried. Once a week, the leaves should be washed and wipe, cleaning from dust and preventing a paustic tick contamination.

Watering Pafiopedigum

It is necessary to water this orchid to irrevately during the growing season. With the onset of flowering, watering is reduced. In the period of rest, watering is even more reduced and produce it only when the earth will dry. The resumption of reinforced irrigation begins with the beginning of the growth of new shoots and leaves.

Spraying badly affect the leaves, because they cause brown spots on them. By virtue of this, watering should also be carefully carried out so that the water does not fall on the foliage.

Air humidity is a very important point in caring for this culture. The more heat, the higher the humidity is needed. Under normal conditions, 40-50% will be enough, and in a hot temperature, it is not bad to raise it up to 60-70%.

Pelfioedulum transplant

Transplants should be made in spring times for a couple of years, but if it requires a soil that begins to lay out, it is possible to oxidize it and more often.

A mixture for planting can be made from the cortex of conifer, peat and charcoal in a ratio of 5: 1: 1. Pick the acidity is neutral or weakly acidified.

Fertilizers for Pafiophymum

Fertilizing the shoe can be ready-mixed for orchids divorced in water for watering. The concentration make the one that is indicated on the package. The feeders give every 10-15 days.

When orchid blooms or she has a rest period, fertilizers are not required.

Pofiopedulum reproduction

Pafioedulum in home conditions can be proposed only by dividing the bush during transplantation.

It is possible to do this if it is possible to share a bush so that at least three leaf outlets be at least three sheets.

After cutting, the parts of the bush are planted into the usual soil for adult plants and are waiting for rooting.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the shoe suffers from the spider tick, shields and milders.

Cobed tick Sheets on the leaves, thin clashes, and also because of it, foliage begins to dry and twist.

Shield It is easy to detect, because it looks like slug outs on the leaves.

Cherweets Slow growth, harm buds, leave sticky discharges on which another disease can develop. Also, they can be determined by a whitish raid.

If you discovered any of these pests, then the plant should be immediately labeled with warm water (about 40 ° C), the shields are removed by hand. If the pests remained smoothly, then use chemicals. For the shield and cherwell insecticides, and for acaricide tick.

Also during an excess moisture in the soil, the damage to the root rot, which manifests itself in fading and the appearance of rotted on the stems.


Pofiopedulum Pinocchio - artificially derived hybrid. Appeared as a result of crossing the pafiophedral of the palefieldy (p.glaucophyllum) and puffiophedral primulinum (P.Primulinum). Both parents come from Southeast Asia. The first grows on the island of Java, the second - on Sumatra.

Plant Description:

The value and type of plants:

Pofiopedulum Pinocchio - sympodial orchid with a height of 35-40 cm.

ON THE PICTURE: Pofiopedulum Pinocchio grows horizontally, forming a bush of outlets.


Orchid leaves grow in pairs. Sheet plates are quite large, oblong-ellipsed with a rounded tip. The edges from the wrong side are slightly hair.

ON THE PICTURE: The foliage of young plants is decorated with a mosaic ornament. As the pattern, the pattern disappears, the color becomes uniformly green.


Pofiopedulum Pinocchio has a reprehensive flowers. For this hybrid, a revolving blossom is characterized, which lasts several months, and sometimes years.

ON THE PICTURE: Perhaps the simultaneous disclosure of two flowers.

The flower diameter is about 7.5 cm. Narrow wavy petals wide open, in the edges are pubescent. Thin, short hairs are on the top sewer. Bottom sepals form an elegant shoe. More often there are plants with a lip covered with specks of all shades of pink or purple.

ON THE PICTURE: The hybrid has an interesting form of Paphiopedilum Pinocchio "Alba" with a discern of a yellowish or greenish flaker.


Temperature :

The hybrid is derived for room content. The plant is moderately thermal lobby, the optimal average annual air temperatures - about + 20 ° C.


Orchid shadowed. The container with the plant is permissible to be placed on the northern, western and eastern windows. If the windows overlook the south, it is necessary to provide shading.


The hybrid is recommended to water the soft water. Pofiopedulum Pinocchio loves hot shower. The prerequisite for good development of the plant is the drying of the soil between watering. In addition, the accumulation of moisture in the container cannot be allowed. In this case, the likelihood of the roots and death of orchid is great.


Necipryznaya plant does not need high humidity. However, with an increase in air temperature to + 30 ° C, it is recommended to use humidifiers. Permissible replacement of instruments with wet clay. It is also possible a fine-dispersed air spraying, provided that no drop will fall on the orchid itself. Fit and accumulation of fluid in the outlet is fraught with reinforcement and dying of foliage.


Pofiopedulum Pinocchio feed fertilizers for reduced concentration orchids during the period of new growth. Periodicity is 1-2 times a month.


Both parents of the plant - litphisms. Pofiopedulum Pinocchio is grown exclusively in pots. It is possible to use both ceramic and plastic opaque containers with a large number of drainage holes. You can fill the pot with a substrate for orchids or prepare the soil, mixing the bark of coniferous trees and peat. It is advisable to add a dolomite flour or missed well-washed seashells. It is necessary to take care of the arrangement of the drainage layer.


Optimal time to transplantation plants - the beginning of a new growth.

People's period:

Pofiopedulum Pinocchio is not needed. Stimulate blossom will help short-term cooling. To do this, just open the windows for two or three hours. To endure orchid on fresh air is not worth it, such a move can destroy the indoor plant.


Spanking Pofi Fiends Pinocchio division bush. To do this, an adult healthy copy is neatly cut with a clean sharp knife to the delays with three sockets.