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How the butterfly will develop missing words. How the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Where caterpillar appear: Life cycle of butterflies

Butterflies are scrapers related to insects that have a complete cycle of transformation. Their distinctive feature from other representatives of the detachment is the presence of chitinic scales on the rear and front wings. These elements have the thinnest optical components that, when interacting with ultraviolet, can see such a color gamut that does not perceive the human eye.

To find out how the development of the butterfly occurs, at first it is necessary to understand that includes a cycle with a complete transformation. This process contains the following stages:

  • stage of egg;
  • stage of the caterpillar (larvae);
  • stage of a pupa;
  • stage of an adult insect (imago).

Just as the development of the butterfly occurs, they turn into adult individuals and other representatives of the calculated - moths and mole.

Pairing butterfly

So, to deal with how the development of the butterfly occurs, it is necessary to start with the main stage of the life cycle - mating. Important factors in reproduction are the form of wings and their painting, as well as courtship options - dancing and marriage flights. Males can detect the female at a distance of more than one kilometer. Finding each other's partners allow pheromones, as well as fragile flakes located on foot or wings.

Pairing these insects occurs on plants or on Earth for 20-25 minutes to several hours. All this time, individuals are motionless. Falling, the female gets the opportunity to get from the male spermatozoa, trace elements and proteins. It is the last two components that play a large role in the formation and laying of eggs. In some types of butterflies, females after mating arises on the bastard appendage from chitin, which forms the male at the end of the process. It is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of fertilization re-with another male.

Stage Eggs

The first in the butterfly is an egg. They have a diverse shape and solid shell enough. They are angular, round, spherical. Their outer surface is embossed with symmetric tubercles and deepening. The color scheme has a transition from white to green, sometimes there is a color pattern on the outer surface.

Usually, females can postpone in one masonry more than 1000 eggs. Depending on the species of these insects, they can leave them as a group of up to 10 pieces and one by one. Stage of the egg lasts from 8 to 15 days.

Stage of Caterpillar

Butterfly larva is a worm-shaped caterpillar. She has a pronounced rodent rotter machine. The caterpillars exist special generating a secret, which, hard in the air, forms a silk thread. The larvae is basically phytophages, that is, their food is flowers, leaves and fruits of plants.

There are also types of caterpillars that are eating anti-larvae, Tlya and Cherweans. These species are predators. On the body of the caterpillar 10 abdominal with five pairs of thick legs and 3 thoracic with three pairs of segment segments. The body has a smooth spiked, warts and hairs skin. Typically, the caterpillars live on Earth, trees, bushes, but some of them, such as wicked fires, can live under water. They can be divided into two large groups:

  • caterpillars prone to free lifestyle;
  • caterpillars prone to hidden lifestyle.

The latter are constructed from silky threads Portable cases in which they live. They carry it on themselves and hide in it. Also, caterpillars in the form of asylum are building a cigar-like cake from the leaves, covering it pre-silk thread. The butterfly development cycle at this stage can last several years. The caterpillars of the northern latitude can be included in the state of the diapause before the next summer. For example, the life cycle of a watard larva, which lives in Greenland, can last up to 14 years.

Stage of dolls

With butterflies, the pupa is low-lived. The main type characteristic of scales is glued. Some families, such as cocokens, doll dwells inside the cocoon, which was woven with a caterpillar. The shape is cylindrical, sometimes rounded. - From light flowers to dark with the presence of strips and inclusions. Usually the pupa is inside the glued leaves on the trunks and flowers of plants with the abdomen, wings, legs and a trunk. At this stage of development there is no power.

Stage insect

Adult, finally formed insect, coming out of the pupa, is called "Imago." At this stage of the development of the butterfly and the magic metamorphosis is completed. The doll acquires an oily-transparent shell for approximately a day before the insect is released. Then imago crashes outward, breaking hard covers. Mostly females come out later than males. When they harde, they will disappear, and the final color will appear, then the insect takes off. Imago has sexual maturity and can multiply. Such a sequence of butterfly development allows you to respond to changes occurring in nature. For example, on improving or deterioration of climatic conditions, the amount of precipitation, temperature regime.

So, having understood how the butterfly development occurs, we solved another riddle in nature - how was the possible magical transformation from the green unsightly caterpillar in a beautiful flying insect.

Butterflies are insects with a so-called full cycle of transformations. Between the stage of the larvae (caterpillars) and the adult stage (butterflies) there is an intermediate stage of the pupa. And all the development can be represented as: Egg - Caterpillar - Pupa - Butterfly.

Most day and night butterflies give one generation per year, while adult butterflies are found only within a few weeks at a certain time of the year and then disappear until next year. The offspring left by butterflies is in the stage of eggs, caterpillars or dolls, depending on the type of butterfly. Some butterflies are Krošinitsa, the daily peacock of the eyes and others - winter in a stupor on the imaginal stage. Imago these species are found throughout the year.
Many types of butterflies give two generations per year. Adult insects in this case appear late in the spring and once again in the summer. Caterpillars, which come out of eggs, pending in spring, grow quickly, and the caterpillars that appeared in the summer can turn into butterflies only nine months later.
Butterflies, giving one generation per year in the northern regions, can be south of two or even three times a year. Butterflies living in the mountains give, as a rule, one generation per year. Some butterflies living in a cold climate have time to finish the development only in two years, which is characteristic of caterpillars living in wood and root.

When to help dangerous? The story of one butterfly ...
Once a certain man found a butterfly cocoon and took it home.
He decided to observe the transformation process. Cocoon opened, and for several hours in a row, this person watched through what difficulties it is necessary to go through a butterfly to get out. She tried quite a long time to get out across a small hole and suddenly the moment came, as it seemed to him that the butterfly surrendered and stopped fighting. Everything looked as if she was stuck and became completely immobile.
I regrets her, a man decided to help her and holding a cocoon. Thanks to this, the butterfly got out of the cocoon, but her torso was swollen like caterpillar, the wings are small and unscrewed. The man expects her wings to strengthen and grow and give the body to transform, but nothing else happened. The butterfly sorry made up his swollen caller in a circle, doomed now on this all his life.
The person in his kindness did not understand what intervened in the natural process of nature. The efforts that the butterfly applied were simply necessary for metamorphosis. Breaking through the narrow cocoon hole, the liquid from the body of the butterfly would move into the wings, making them large and strong for flight.
Having degraded the butterfly of the struggle, the man obstees it to a miserable existence and deprived of an excellent future.
Also, people become strong and successful and transformed into the best image only when certain difficulties are undergoing and make a lot of effort.

As the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it is of interest to almost everyone. No less intriguing question, whether all caterpillars turn into butterflies. In the detachment of curved insects there are 156 species. The story of their appearance goes to the era of the Jurassic period, fluttered over dinosaurs, and the process of their transformation did not change.

Where caterpillar appear: Life cycle of butterflies

The female after fertilization is laying eggs. Under favorable conditions, the larva develops inside. The process takes from 2 to 14 days. Upon completion, the rim of the eggs, they crawl out. So the caterpillar appears.

The size of the larvae of the first stage is about 1 mm. Given with a huge appetite, grow rapidly. As we grow, there are on average 4 molts, but there are views that reborn up to 16 times. The duration of this cycle depends on the variety of insect, habitat. In our area, females have time to give life to two generations, the larva develops about 6 weeks.

Caterpillars are inhabited under the crust of trees, in the croup, grain, under the leaves of various plants. Feed on juices, gained strength. At the stage of imago, the moth lives from several days to 20 days. During this time, either does not eat anything, or feeds the nectar of plants, juices of berries, fruit.


In the northern latitudes of the larva, it does not have time for one summer to go through a full cycle of development, it remains to be wintering in such a form, continues to develop with the onset of heat. Northern species are able to withstand frost below -70 degrees Celsius. In Greenland, Canada, the transformation of the caterpillar in a butterfly lasts 7-14 years.

In conclusion, the larva forms a cocoon of independently produced threads, turns into a doll. Cling to the paws to the tree, leaves, freezes. The most mysterious phenomenon begins - the transformation into a moth.

Process conversion

After how much caterpillar turns into a butterfly, being in a cocoon depends on climatic conditions, the type of insect. From several days to 14 years. Motillas in our area appear on average 15 days later.

What is the name of the transformation of the caterpillar - metamorphosis. If more precisely - bare-liverphosis, since some parts remain from the larva. In this case, the paws. Experts understand this term complete rebirth of forms. Just as a plastic bottle is melted, then a glass is made.

In the cocoon with the form of fully immovable, the complex processes occur inside. The body is split, turns into a liquid mass with imaginal discs. In order to be clearer, it is a similarity of stem cells, and any organs, fabrics can be formed from them.

Upon completion of the process of transformation from the caterpillar in the butterfly, the formed insect highlights a special secret, which allows to split the walls of the cocoon. It is shown initially the head, then the torso, foot. A few minutes a newborn insect sits without movements, waiting for the wings until they dry. Then it straightens them, proceeds to the search for the opposite floor for mating.

Amazing creatures

Not always similar, the color absolutely does not correspond to the colors of the future moth. Some larvae have similar features - specks, identical color divorces. To determine which caterpillars, which butterfly appear, can only specialists and obvious fans of these insects.

Butterfly caterpillars, photos and titles are presented below.

  • One of the most beautiful butterflies in our area is. The larva of this black beauty with spikes throughout the body. Changing appearance cardinal.
  • Others.
  • Amazing creation of bromine. Caterpillar looks like a wand, and the butterfly has a very interesting woody color
  • Green caterpillar with multicolored bursts - cecropy.
  • The black swallow tail has just an irresistible color in green-blue tones. But on the body of the caterpillar there are also yellow dots.
  • Dalcenide. It seems unclear, insect or animal will turn out of the larvae. The appearance of the moth is no less unusual.
  • Blue Morpho is another creature that makes her appearance.
  • - Butterfly, well known in our area.
  • Butterfly, which is used to produce natural silk -. It leads a sedentary lifestyle, practically does not use wings for their intended purpose, despite the fact that they are reached by 60 mm. The larva forms a cocoon of silk threads up to 1500 m.

Whether he always had to live to the stage of puzzling caterpillars turn into moths - yes. Reincarnation always occurs. However, in nature there are other insects whose larvae is similar to the caterpillar, but they are referred to as worms. In the completion of the development process, they are destined to turn into beetles, bees, flies, OS. Very similar to the larvae of butterflies of the sawers, they are called false gunners.

Some kinds of butterflies do not cease to admire, contain in the house by creating favorable living conditions for them.

  • In this article we will consider reproduction and stages of the development of butterflies. Butterflies multiply in sexual means, which means that before putting on eggs, the male must fertilize the female.
  • When, some differences are well noticeable between them: among some kinds of females are larger than males, and they differ in the colors (someone else, and who is not very).
  • Butterfly lemon-male

    Butterfly lemon-male
  • A lemongrass butterfly is known to everyone and if you carefully watch her, you can easily distinguish who the male, and who female.
  • The males are bright yellow, like ripe lemons, and in females the colors are more pale, with a greenish tinge. If the female sits with folded wings, then it can be confused with a young green leaf.
  • Nature was not in vain and took care of the butterflies - the female is much more important to be invisible, because In case of danger, the male can rescue and fly away, and it needs a security guarantee when eggs are deposited.
  • Butterfly lemongrass-female

    Butterfly lemongrass-female
  • That is why many butterflies male are much brighter and elegant females.
  • Butterflies - insects with a complete turning, which means that life is divided into several stages, and each stage of development of butterflies It has characteristic features of it.
  • After mating, the female must postpone the eggs on the plant, the leaves of which will eat hatched caterpillars.
  • Eggs in butterflies are very small (less than 1 mm in diameter), covered with a dense shell and always proper geometric shape: round, elongated, faceted, etc.
  • The caterpillar hatches from the egg - this is the next stage of the butterfly development.
  • Caterpillar

  • She has no wings and she is absolutely not like an adult butterfly. The caterpillar has a long body, ricking oral organs, breast and abdominal legs and simple little eyes; There are minor and large, bright and no, smooth and fluffy, covered with hairs or bristles. Caterpillars possess special glands that are located near the mouth. This is a paustic iron that highlights the adhesive thread, often durable (silk sulk threads are obtained). The stage of the development of caterpillars in butterflies proceeds several months. At this time, they actively feed and grow.
  • Doll

  • Having reached the right age, caterpillars are pumped and turn into a pupa - this is the next stage of the development of butterflies. Pupae are stationary or sedentary, always in a secluded place, and their coloring never stands out against the background of the environment. At this stage of the development of butterflies, a future adult person is formed inside the pupa.
  • The dolls have special devices to fasten to leaves or twigs, sometimes are in special cockcopes that the caterpillar gossip before pumped.
  • So that the butterfly began to hatch, the pupa must warm up to a certain temperature. Then the butterfly appears from the doll: the shell bursts, the edges diverge and the butterfly begins to be freed from the "captivity". A new resident of the planet very little resembles a future beauty, because she has wet and very wrinkled. To quickly dry, the butterfly should be born into the dry, warm weather - then she will acquire the peculiar and colorful look and fly away.
  • You can find out about the most beautiful butterflies of our planet.
  • For a long time, scientists could not understand that the butterfly and caterpillar is one insect. In the old insects were divided in the winged and endless, therefore caterpillars and butterflies fell into different groups. And only in the XVII century it was proved that caterpillars are the stage of development of butterflies.
  • The fact that the caterpillars turn into a doll by that time was already known.
  • We looked at all Stages of development of butterflies And now we know that living, beautiful, fluttering flowers appear not quite simply as I would like.
  • And in conclusion, I propose to see a small film about how the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


My acquaintance with the butterfly began when I arrived in the summer holidays to the grandmother in the village. Many beautiful butterflies flew on our site. This later, I learned that it was a wretchedness, a peacock of the eyes, a hawkerman, a lemongrass and a cabbage beyanka. I even tried some to catch and consider them.

Each year in the spring near the house grandmother the very first of the plants appears nettle. Bright green lush bushes that grow from the fence, attract attention. After some time, black shaggy caterpillars appear on nettle. At the end of June, bare branches remain from lush bushes. I know the caterpillar is one of the stages of the butterfly development. I was wondering who eats nettle and who will appear from these shaggy black caterpillars.

I suggested that it could be butterfly caterpillars (possibly one of those that fly in the garden near the house). In the summer of 2015, I decided to surveide.

For this, I put the goal: Trace the butterfly development cycle in captivity and find out what the caterpillars of which butterfly eat nettle.

To do this, I put the following tasks:

Explore the literature on the butterfly;

Lead a diary of observation of caterpillars and butterflies in nature and in captivity;

Determine the pest of our nettle;

Find out for whom nettle is a food object;

Check the possibility of maintenance of caterpillars at home;

Main part

1. Review of literature

A lot of literature is written about the butterflies. I learned about the diversity of butterflies, their life cycle, the benefits that they bring nature about the attitude of a person to butterfly.

Scraper, or butterfly, (Lepidóptera Linnaeus, from other - Greek. Λεπίς, bodies. Λεπίδος - scales and πτερόν - wing) - insect detachment with complete transformation.

Butterflies relate to arthropod - the most highly developed animal among invertebrates. They received their name for the presence of segic tubular limbs. Another characteristic feature is the outer skeleton formed by the plates of durable polysaccharide - quinine.

Butterfly body consists of three departments: head, chest and abdomen. On the breast, the butterflies have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs. My legs serve mainly for fixing in a certain place and only then - for movement. Some butterflies are located on the legs of taste receptors: before such a butterfly is touched by the limb of a sweet solution, it will not unfold trumps and will not begin to eat.

Wings are covered with flakes forming on their surface to pollen, "this does not have any other representatives of the animal world. The secret of fantastic beauty and the striking diversity of butterflies in scales, color, structure and location of which are determined by the painting. The scales themselves are changed hairs. The number of scales on one wing can reach a million.

Life cycle.Butterflies are insect with complete transformation. Their life cycle includes four phases: egg, larva (caterpillar), doll, adult insect (imago).

At the stage of eggs A new cycle begins in a butterfly life. Butterfly eggs are covered with a dense solid sheath and can be a varied shape: round, cylindrical, spherical, egg-shaped, angular.

At stage of the caterpillar Nutrients accumulate. Most caterpillars feed on leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. They lead the ground lifestyle. The physiological feature of the caterpillars is the presence of a pair of changed salivary glands that produce a special secret that quickly solidifies in air, forming a flush thread.

The color of the body of the caterpillars is interconnected with their lifestyle. Caterpillars, leading open lifestyle, have a patronage color combined with a certain body shape, sometimes resembling plants.

At the doll stage There are complex changes associated with the restructuring and the formation of an adult insect organs. Pupae do not eat and are often a resting phase of development, in species from the northern and moderate latitudes - flowing into the winter range.

An adult insect comes out of the doll - Imago.

For about a day before the butterfly exit, the casing shell becomes oily-transparent. Then there is a breakpoint along the head and the front edge of the wings, and Imago, clinging to his legs over the edge of the torn shell, crashes outward.

In the first minutes after exiting the pupa, the butterfly is not yet able to fly. It climbs the vertical elevation, where it remains before the frauds of the wings. Parashed wings hardened and get the final color.

The life expectancy of the IMAGO ranges from several hours to several months (in the species of flowing in the range) and on average is 2-3 weeks.

The main task of the butterfly stage is the search for a partner and the continuation of the kind.

Butterflies protect themselves from enemies using different types of color, as well as spreading an unpleasant smell, making sharp sounds.

Butterflies feed on nectar. Some species need mineral salts. Many drink juice floating trees, eating rotting fruit. And there are butterflies that do not eat at all. And the butterfly themselves are food for other insects, birds, mammals, etc.

Butterflies benefit, pollinating many types of plants, but also harm.

As a result of the economic activity of a person - the deforestation of forests, the decay of the virgin steppes, the drainage of the swamps - the number of many types of butterflies has decreased significantly, and some of them are on the verge of extinction. First of all, the risk group contains butterflies living in a limited territory, which are not inclined to migrations whose caterpillars feed on plants of only one species.

In recent decades, laws aimed at preserving a number of insects, including scales, appeared. The World Nature Union has released several red books with lists of scales, the trafficking seals is prohibited or substantially limited. These lists are recognized in more than one hundred countries of the world, including in Russia. In 1999, a new list was published under the threat of the disappearance of Russian animals, where 33 species of butterflies were received.

One of the most beautiful butterflies of our region is the peacock of the eye Inachis IO (Linnaeus, 1758).

The butterfly of peacock eyes belongs to the nymphalid family (Nymphalidae); Completed throughout Europe, in the north of Siberia. It dwells in the gardens, on wasteland and other blooming spaces, the size of a butterfly is 30 - 40 mm. Butterfly with quick flight, often found in the gardens. Makes migration over long distances. At rest, the butterfly holds the wings open or folded above the body and often suddenly shows the glaze stains to scare away predators. Butterfly in attics winter, in basements and other dark rooms, and the dark color of the wing of the wings provides them with a reliable disguise.

The butterfly is called a peacock eye because there are yellow-blue spots on every wing, similar to the eyes. Such stains are on the tail feathers of the famous Pavlin bird. If the butterfly folds the wings, it becomes a bit dark dry leaf. So it is inconspicuous for predators. She winter in the attics of houses, in the woods of firewood, in the barn, in the heaps of old trees, and in April-May flies on the sun again. In Udmurtia, the reach of butterflies in April - June. Crawler of her almost black color in small light points. Feed caterpillar on nettle leaves and hops.

2. Place of observation

I spent my observations on the garden and garden, located next to the grandmother's house. Grandmother lives in the village of Bachumovo, the Yasky district of the Udmurt Republic.

The climate of the area is sharply continental. During the year and day, the temperature fluctuates in large limits. The maximum air temperature in the summer months and in some years can reach +33.1 0 C, the minimum temperature in the winter months is -46 0 C. The average annual temperature is negative (-2.0 ... -2.2 ° C).

The air temperature has a direct impact on the growth and development of all living organisms.

Summer in Bachumovo is relatively short (98 days). At the same time, the most favorable period with air temperature above 15 ° C lasts about two months (on average from June 23 to August 14).

3. Observation time

Materials and research methods

In our work, I applied such research methods:

Collection of information in literature and Internet

Observation in nature and home environment

Analysis, comparison and generalization collected information.

Photographing of the stages of butterfly development in nature and captivity.

Table 1

Observation plan


Observation of the appearance and growth of nettle

May - August

Observation of the appearance of caterpillars on nettle, eating nettle leaves

Observation of leather butterflies on the garden

June - September.

Observation of the growth and development of caterpillars at home

Observation of the transformation and development of dolls

Observation of the appearance of imago

July August

Summing up, registration of the diary of the observation, training photos

4. Structure of research

June 12 I came to my grandmother. Near the nettle house was 25-30 cm high. Checked nettle leaves, did not find anything on them.

On June 19, black shaggy caterpillars with white dots appeared on the leaves of nettle, which simply blurred nettle. I counted them about 150 pieces. The size of them is 2-3 cm.

I carefully saw the caterpillars. On the back of 10 pairs of hairs of 2mm, they have a 5-part "legs", the front barely noticeable.

To follow, who will appear from the caterpillars, I took out 5 pieces from nettle and planted a prepared glass jar into a pre-prepared glass jar. So that the caterpillars did not get out of the bank, closed them with a lid, in which he had done holes for air access. At the bottom of the bank put the leaves of nettle, which lined every day. From that moment on, I watched caterpillars in captivity and in nature.

On June 26, the caterpillars began to overwhelm the nettle bushes, only bare stems, enchanted by the web remained. Some caterpillars overwhelmed with raspberries, because there were no cluster around the whole nettle.

I just follow the movement of the caterpillars. They move, rearrange the legs and pulling up the body. When I touched one caterpillar with my hand, she allocated a droplet of a green liquid. This is a protective reaction.

On July 3, the caterpillars on the leaves of the raspberries were dried, and why they only overwhelmed to Rasina, left the mystery.

On July 4, I noticed that the caterpillars will sprawl at different places of the garden. Some I have seen on the tracks, others - on the boards of protecting beds, and some cruise straight along the upholstery of the garden house. The caterpillars were sprawling for pounding.

On July 6, I watched the caterpillar eats nettle. She glared nettle sheet, a semicircle quickly operating jaws.

Every day I brought fresh leaves of nettle in a jar, caterpillars them quickly eaten.

13, July 14, 3 caterpillars in captivity began to weave the web, one of them attached to the lid of banks, one side of the bank, three remained lying on the day. I was observed the process of turning the caterpillar into the doll. After a molting from the caterpillar, only a skin remained, part of it and hung near the pupa, hanging down her head. The color of the dolls light green, then changed to the golden, the size of the pupa is about 2 cm, 5 pairs of processes are clearly visible on the poultry, on the heads on the sides of the proceedings on the likeness of small rozing, in the middle rising similar to the nose. Of the five caterpillars in the doll, there were only three, other caterpillars remained lying at the bottom of the bank.

On July 19, the painting of the doll began to darken. I began to watch them more closely, I waited for some changes.

On July 22, at 10 am, I noticed that the pupa, which was attached to the lid and a web, which led to the edge of the bank began to twitch. 20 minutes I watched pulsating cuts, but then they stopped. For an hour I was distracted by observations, and when I came to see, I saw a miracle! In the jar on the walls near the empty shells, the pupa was sitting two butterflies. The wings were folded, the painting resembled the bark of the tree. One of the butterflies went down to the bottom of the banks. After some time, the wings opened, I saw that they were light brown painting with four eyes on the wings. These were 2 paviniye butterflies.

I have seen them before our site. Empty scales from the pupae so hung at their places, their painting was pale green, the open gap is visible in the middle, through which butterfly appeared. So it turns out that who eats our nettle! After 3 days the third butterfly appeared.

The day of the butterfly sat in my bank, then I planted them on the tulle curtain. Butterflies have grown a little, the coloring of the wings darkened, but they fly badly. Another day later I decided to release them to the will. Butterfly did not fly immediately. At first flew from some plants to others, and then I lost them out of sight. Hope in nature they will survive.

At the same time, I noticed the butterflies of the peacock of the eyes and in the garden, they did not fly before. Secondary years of butterflies in nature coincided with the advent of butterflies in captivity.

Since the beginning of August, nettle began to grow again, it means that the butterfly can again postpone the testicles to repeated the development cycle again.

5. Observation result

As a result of the observations, I found out that the butterfly development cycle passes several stages; Eggs - Crawler - Pupa - an adult insect (imago). In our region, this cycle (excluding the doll stage) lasts 45-50 days (from June 1-5 to July 20-25). The results of the observations, I reduced to Table 2.

table 2


Start growing nettle

The end of May

The appearance of caterpillars

Eating leaves nettle caterpillars on the plot

Transformation of caterpillars

Transformation of the pupa

Secondary years of butterflies in nature


Based on the observations conducted, I concluded:

Black shaggy caterpillars who have eaten our nettle belong to the butterfly of the eye of the eye, and nettle leaves serve as a food object of caterpillars.

The cycle of the development of the butterfly of peacock eyes is 50-55 days. In our region, one generation appeared in our region.

The egg stage is 7-10 days (according to literary data). Later, I found out that it is difficult to detect the testicles, they barely noticeable on the bottom of the sheet.

Caterpillar stage - 30 days

Puppet stage - 8-10 days

Butterflies can be output at home

Butterflies are wonderful creatures of nature that bring great benefits by pollinating plants. They must be preserved and guarded. This is especially true of the butterfly of the peacock of the eye, which prefers one plant with a food object - nettle.

I will continue your observation of butterflies for the next summer. In August, I found several beautiful caterpillars, which turned into a pupa and stay at my house in my jar. Surely I am waiting for a new discovery.

Watching the butterflies, I acquired the first research skills, learned to work with the literature, look for material on the Internet, to keep a diary of observation. I made a presentation with my classmates in the classroom and at the city scientific and practical conference. My work is practical. The material obtained can be used in environmental classes in additional education institutions and in general education schools in the lessons "Environmental Peace" when studying the topic of insects.


1. Asksenova M., Ismailova S., Encyclopedia for children. Biology. "Avanta +", M.1994 - p.337- 432

2. Butterflies of Russia. Soak to all. Special newspaper production Sunny bunny. 2010 - 19c.

3. What is. Who it. Publishing house "Pedagogy", m.; 1990 - s. 117 - 119.

Websites on the Internet: