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The best congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom: poetry, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mom, father in verse and in your own words. Congratulations from the mother of the bride at the daughter's wedding: ideas and advice

What day in the life of every person is the most significant, long-awaited and epoch-making, what event radically changes the whole life, is a transition to a new status, to a new milestone? Of course, this is the day of the wedding!

Any mother dreams that her treasure, her beloved daughter, would be infinitely happy and marry a worthy person, becoming his wife forever. So if your daughter became a bride, you can only be envied! And, of course, the mother should prepare for the celebration properly, prepare and take into account a lot, not forget anything.

After all, the role of parents on this day is enormous! And very important is, among other things, a beautiful congratulation from a mother for her daughter's wedding - words that should be the very best. What to say and what should be the ideal wedding greetings?

The most important thing is that congratulations on your daughter's wedding are kind, heartfelt, and sincere. You ask - well, how else, because this is a beloved girl, how can speech be unkind or insincere? But it is worth really seriously thinking and preparing such words in which there will not be any ambiguous hints, hidden reproaches, veiled reproaches - this happens, believe me.

After all, parents, alas, do not always agree one hundred percent with the choice of their children, and the mother does not always like the groom. So before choosing congratulations to your daughter for a wedding, let's first decide what should not be in it. So, try not to include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the groom ("he, of course, is not ideal, but be happy ...").
  • Regrets ("so sorry to give you ...").
  • Hidden threats to the groom ("and if you offend her, then ...").
  • Too much a large number unsolicited advice.
  • Inappropriate jokes.
  • Reproaches ("you got married too early ...").

In fact, such inappropriate hints are common, and we make them unconsciously, with the best of intentions - but subconsciously, they are perceived very negatively and can leave a hidden resentment, cause mixed emotions. Just prepare such a congratulation from the mother of the bride for her daughter's wedding, in which there will be only joy for her, happiness, pride, sincere wishes happy life and delight!

Poetry with a soul

The best congratulations on your wedding day are, of course, speeches in verse! Gentle, beautiful, touching poetic congratulations for the wedding will delight the young bride, move her to tears and will not soon fade from memory.

From mother, from dad, from both parents - poems read with a soul will create a real sensation! They can be short or long; cool, funny or solemn - whatever, choose from the heart and read beautifully, expressively, heartily!

1. The most touching, gentle and affectionate poetic congratulations to a daughter for her wedding day were written by talented authors in order to evoke exceptionally bright, pleasant emotions in the bride and groom! Choose a long and soulful poem by your daughter from your parents, it may also be your father's congratulation - in any case, it will be appropriate, and all guests are for festive table will weep with emotion!

2. Poems from the bride's parents can be short, laconic, but at the same time very well-aimed, penetrating into the very heart. After all, it is one thing to say “congratulations” to your beloved daughter with love, but it is quite another thing to prepare a short, capacious and beautiful congratulation for her, and even in poetic form. Let there be few words, but on the other hand, you will be able to say the most important thing from the whole loving mother's heart!

3. Of course, I want everything to be magnificent and solemn on the wedding day, so that the wedding will be remembered forever, so that both the bride and your son-in-law are the happiest in the world. How to do it? Prepare the most solemn poetic congratulations to your daughter on this day!

Not a cool and funny text, but a touching congratulation filled with beautiful phrases, sayings, deep meaning and emotions. And do not be afraid that it will turn out too pretentious - no, on the contrary, it will be appropriate and justified, because the wedding is the most magnificent holiday, and it should be loud, bright, unforgettable!

4. But if you want the celebration to be fun and bright, if you hate pretentious, sublime words, then prepare a cool, sweet and funny congratulations on your wedding day - such verses in which there will be a wish for happiness, and pleasant, sweet memories, and a little good humor. Let it be original, easy and natural, with all my heart!

Such cute poems can be addressed to a daughter from a father, from a mother, or as a general congratulation to parents, the whole family - decide for yourself what you like best. The main thing is that humor is appropriate, so that the bride and groom are not embarrassed, not offended, but, on the contrary, are happy!

5. Poems can be on the wedding day of a daughter, a beloved girl, or maybe for both newlyweds, her and him. This is very original and doubly pleasant! After all, there are two heroes of the occasion, and then they will go through life together, inseparably, in joy and sorrow, always together.

How to congratulate the young on this great event? Choose the poems that are offered below, they will surely suit your special occasion and will certainly appeal to the young.

6. What about the toast? You can't do without it! Toasts in verse is very beautiful and very festive. And also solemn, original, joyful and very pleasant! So fill your glass with sparkling champagne at the party, stand up, ask everyone's attention and give a poetic toast to everyone. Let all the guests see how you love your daughter and how happy you are on this beautiful day!

Prose to say the main thing

Not everyone likes poetry, and not always it helps to express everything that is in the soul. So, prose wedding writing is a great option if you have something to say. You can take the ready-made text by choosing it from the options you like, or you can finalize the congratulations from your mother, add your thoughts there, or even take the text as an example and give a speech at your daughter's wedding in your own words.

This will make a particularly strong impression on the bride! Choose and speak from the bottom of your heart, do not spare love and warmth, let this be an unforgettable wedding speech from your mother in prose!

1. From the texts below, everyone can choose a suitable option. Here are collected only the most original and artistic wedding greetings for a daughter from a mother or father, from the whole family, from the most dear and loving people... The most beautiful, solemn, literary, festive texts of my daughter in prose are what you need!

2. Every mother and every father understands that on the day of the wedding one cannot do without original toasts. It is for the bride at the wedding that the most unusual, best, wise toasts should sound from the parents. Such words that will penetrate the heart, will be remembered, will cause a sea of ​​emotions!

3. But a speech for a wedding from parents, from mom or dad can be short. It is not necessary to say a long, long and tedious text, it is much better to accommodate correct words in laconic congratulations on the wedding day of your beloved daughter - from mom, dad, even from the whole family. A laconic short text in prose can convey much more emotion and meaning than long, tedious speeches. So choose a short and beautiful text and congratulate your beloved bride on her most important day!

4. Do you want to prepare a general, joint congratulations to your daughter for a wedding from mom and dad? No problem! It is better to take such a text in prose and speak it together, together. Just imagine how many vivid emotions you will evoke in the bride and groom and how much joy you will bring them. It's worth it!

5. But the best version of prose is a text for a wedding in your own words. This is the only way to say the most important, most important words. Moreover, it will be even better if the speech on the wedding day from the mother is addressed to both newlyweds, because this is their holiday, and all attention should be given only to them.

Take the beautiful texts offered below, choose the best one and, on its basis, write a unique speech that will be addressed only to the heroes of the occasion and will be understandable only to them, which means it will make the best impression!

Among the huge variety of words and speeches, only you can choose the very one, the ideal one, which will aptly fall into the very heart and remain there as pleasant, vivid memories! Choose, remember, add everything to your taste on your behalf and speak in poetry or prose, speak from the heart and hug your beloved daughter tightly. This is her day and she deserves to be happy! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,

Wedding own daughter- a very important holiday for any woman. Usually the mother of the bride carefully prepares for the celebration, thinks over the gift and congratulations. But it can be difficult to write the perfect rhyme that fully corresponds to the mood of the holiday, and even moderately funny. What congratulations for the wedding from the mother of the bride will touch to the depths of the soul of everyone who will be present at the celebration?

The nuances of wedding greetings. Where to get inspiration?

Wedding greetings are rarely created on their own. Holiday guests prefer to find a cute rhyme on the Internet and read it out at the celebration, posing as their own. However, the mother of the bride cannot follow this path, because her poem should ideally fit into the framework of the holiday, emphasizing the touching and importance of this day. Where to look for inspiration for writing wedding greetings?

  • A woman can safely use works from the Internet, slightly reworking them to her liking.
  • You can devote a rhyme to both newlyweds or only to a son-in-law by issuing a congratulation in a humorous form.
  • It's great if the mother of the bride uses the main theme of the holiday itself as inspiration.
  • You can also use your own as inspiration. personal experience married life, emphasizing how many bright moments await the couple in the future.

The more original wedding greetings turn out to be, the better, because then they will be able to attract everyone's attention.

The first thing to do is to decide on the mood of the solemn wish. Whether it should be touching or, on the contrary, funny - it is up to the bride's mother herself to decide. If a woman prefers humorous lines, then it is better to devote them not to the bride, but to her son-in-law, describing her feelings for him with numerous jokes.

If the bride and groom choose a particular theme for their wedding, it can also be used as a complete source of inspiration.

For example, if the celebration is held in the style of Halloween, you can make the greeting a little dark and gothic. If the wedding is in the fall, then we can mention all the stages of the relationship in a couple according to the seasons of the year (spring is the flowering of love, summer is a time full of romance, and so on). It will be easier to write such a rhyme, because the mother of the hero of the occasion will have her own source of inspiration. In addition, the very structure of the work will be at least original.

Touching poetic congratulations from the mother of the bride

Since a wedding is almost the most significant holiday in the life of every woman, caring parents usually prefer touching congratulations, the best way illustrating this joyous day. When creating poems like these, you should include the following details:

All these details will turn the standard poetic lines into a truly sincere congratulation. Chasing a beautiful, pompous rhyme is not worth it, because if the mother of the hero of the occasion can express her sincere thoughts, the rhyme will already turn out to be a bright part of the holiday. Examples good congratulations there are many, and here is just one of them:

"Beloved daughter, today you

In an instant, she fulfilled her cherished dreams

You created your family

And she brought her husband to our house.

Fill your every day with tenderness,

Forget grief, doubt, shadow.

Love each other today, always

And let the years pass slowly.

Let children's laughter fill the house

Love will find a place in it.

We, children, appreciate you very much,

Yesterday and tomorrow and now! "

If you can't create a greeting on your wedding day on your own, you can use sources from the Internet. It is enough just to rework at least partially these works in order to receive your own, extremely personal and touching congratulations.

In a poem written from a pure heart, there is always so much sincerity and tenderness that a rare guest succeeds in holding back tears while reading it.

Of course wedding greetings from mom should not be too voluminous, otherwise the guests will simply get bored. 8-10 lines - this will be enough to express your emotions and amaze everyone around to the core.

Humorous congratulations on the daughter's wedding

Congratulations to the wedding from your mother does not have to be touching, because a woman may well use her own imagination, creating a vivid humorous work. What are the main topics usually covered in such funny lines?

Usually, the bride's parents try to joke about the boundless topic of the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law. For example, you can present the following rhyme to the heroes of the occasion:

“Well, boy, you got it,

You recognized your mother-in-law today.

For many years we will now be a family

And my father and I will not forget about you.

You will work in the country and at home,

Straight until the grandson is born.

We will love you with all our heart,

By order, advice to bring you.

But seriously, keep your love

Appreciate each other, always take care.

May the years seal your beautiful union,

And let your feelings not go in vain! "

No matter how ridiculous the congratulation may seem, it should in no way offend the heroes of the occasion. Even if the bride and groom smile, they can harbor a grudge against a swear word. That is why it is necessary to form rhymes in such a way that the congratulation sounds funny, but at the same time it does not concern the possible shortcomings of the spouses.

Experienced authors advise to always end the poem on a lyric note. It should not be extremely funny, because a wedding is a very touching holiday, which means that the rhyme should end with words of tenderness and love.

Usually, a humorous wedding greeting from the bride's mother directly relates to her relationship to the groom.

Even if in her verse a woman emphasizes the specifics of love between a mother-in-law and a son-in-law, the groom should understand that all this is nothing more than humor. If a woman manages to do without unnecessary negativity, poetic work sure to amuse everyone around you and defuse the atmosphere at the wedding.

Congratulations in prose: features of writing and presentation

Traditionally, congratulations to the mother of the bride are presented in verse, but this does not mean at all that prose works should not be given attention. Oftentimes, prose congratulations look even more creative than standard rhymes.

The laws of creating such a congratulation are the same as for poems: one should not sin with a large volume and one should not pay attention to secondary details. The ideal duration of such a congratulation is 3-4 lines, which tells about the significance of this celebration.

In prose, it is much easier to express your attitude to the celebration, because the mother of the bride is not limited by the need to come up with rhymes.

Usually a prosaic congratulation helps to create vivid image in the imagination due to the numerous metaphors and epithets used. The more beautiful and brighter such lines are, the more they will affect every person at the holiday.

A prosaic wedding day greeting can also be humorous, funny, or even philosophical. The main thing is that the mother of the bride writes it herself, based on overwhelming feelings. Such congratulations can be written on a homemade postcard or engraved on a cute trinket for the home. In this case, the touching words spoken by the mother will always be in front of her daughter.

An example of a perfect prosaic congratulation

“Dear ones (you can insert the names of the newlyweds here), this wonderful day will be remembered not only by you, but by all guests without exception. It seems that just recently my beloved daughter was born, and today she is already trying on Wedding Dress and creates his own family.

I sincerely hope that those tender feelings that exist between you will survive many trials, and after 20-30 years you will feel all the same love towards each other. Take care of beautiful flower love, because he so quickly fades from the drought of feelings and cold outbursts of jealousy. I bless you for a long and exciting family trip! "

Marrying a daughter is a real test for any woman, because on this bright day, the heart is also overflowing with sadness over the past years of happy motherhood. With the help of a thoughtful and sincere congratulation, the mother of the bride will be able to express all her feelings associated with this day, impressing the guests and heroes of the occasion with the thoughtfulness of her own reasoning.

Mom is a close and dear person who gave the child not only life, but also her love and care. The daughter, whom my mother still remembers as a tiny child, is on the verge of an independent adult life, and it is so important to express my sincere congratulations and give parting words on the wedding day.

  • Your speech may be addressed to your daughter, but be sure to mention your son-in-law, because now they are a couple, a single whole.
  • Say more than congratulations, encourage your child. Say that you will always be there, support and understand.
  • Try to avoid sentimental phrases, tears of happiness - this is wonderful, but the bride's makeup that has floated will not add joy to her.
  • If you feel insecure in front of your audience, rehearse in front of a mirror. You can also prepare a joint congratulation with the bride's father.
  • During the blessing, the text can be shared with the matchmaker, if, of course, you have good relationship... The same applies to the end of the evening if the ceremony of removing the veil and lighting candles is planned.
  • Parents are given the floor at least twice: during a meeting of young people with a loaf (blessing) and at a banquet. In the registry office, as a rule, you will be assigned the role of a guest.
  • Try to avoid verses - they are easy to forget and confuse words. Speak calmly and confidently, do not read from a piece of paper - it looks ridiculous. If something is forgotten - improvise, speak sincerely and from the heart.
  • Of course, you are very worried, but try not to convey the full range of emotions in your speech. You can tell a couple of funny stories from your daughter's life, but avoid situations for which the bride will be uncomfortable in front of guests. It is not necessary for all those present to know the compromising evidence on the bride.

Words of congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Example 1... Daughter, I always knew that the day will come - and you will fly out of the nest and begin to build your new independent life. The years passed, you grew up, and here is your chosen one. So keep your family strong, your home rich and generous, and your life happy. Be happy, daughter, support your spouse, take care of the family hearth. And you, son, become the real head of the family, so that your children are proud of their parents, as we are proud of you. I wish you happiness, prosperity and warmth! Take care of your love! Bitterly!

Example 2... My dear daughter! For some reason, from childhood, we were sure that you would become an actress, because you were so great at trying on roles. And today you have a special, important role - you are a beloved wife. I am glad of your choice, because our family has one more a real man- your chosen one. I want to wish you, children, that you will overcome obstacles together. Take care of each other, your feelings, do not hurt your hearts over trifles! I wish your life to be happy and filled with love! Meet all trials together, and happiness, divided by two, will increase tenfold! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Example 3... Dear daughter! More recently, you tried on my dresses and shoes and dreamed of becoming an adult as soon as possible! It was so fun to watch your first attempts at lip makeup, and now you can teach me the art of makeup! You are already a bride, and the light of your happy eyes is dazzling! As a mother, I cannot but rejoice and be proud of you and your chosen one! Children, today is an amazing day - your family was born. While she is young and inexperienced, but soon she will get stronger, but you have to work hard. To you, daughter, I wish female wisdom and understanding. To you, son, strength and patience. Save your happiness so that even after dozens of years you will look at each other with love! Congratulations!

Example 4... Dear children! I can’t believe that this day has come and you have become adults and independent. Daughter, as a child, you told me that you don't want to be a princess, they are lazy and stupid. But life has put everything in its place, and today a fairy tale begins, which you two will write. I wish you to keep love and increase it. You will always have help and support. Let your home be warm and cozy, hospitable and generous! May you have wonderful children and wonderful friends! Appreciate every minute you spend together, because time is so fleeting. Do not exchange for petty grievances: undersalted borscht or uncleaned jacket is not worth it! Love you, mutual understanding and great happiness!

Example 5... Dear children! “Many are looking for, but few are found” - this proverb also applies to happiness. And today you have found yours. Try to keep it. Let the smile not leave your faces, and your eyes shine with the fire of love and tenderness. Support your family hearth, take care of each other. Let there be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Walk hand in hand through life, support each other, do not be afraid of adversity - they are short-lived. Rainbow and sun always appear behind the rain. All difficulties will help to overcome the shoulder of a loved one, and if our help is needed, my dad and I are always there. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Bitterly!

Blessing words of the young from the mother of the bride

It can be carried out after the ransom in the parental home or before a banquet, when the young are presented with a loaf of salt.

Example 1... Dear children! I bless you to create a family, may happiness and prosperity accompany you. Take care and value each other. Daughter, keep and take care of the family hearth. Son, be the support and support for your wife, do not let the light of happiness in her eyes and love in her heart fade away! Let your feelings light up your path, the house will be a full bowl, and all troubles seem to be only pebbles on life path... Be happy and walk hand in hand towards your happiness!

Example 2... Lovely newlyweds! Today you are embarking on a new and unexplored path of family life. Daughter, our family has become even larger, because you have chosen such a wonderful man! Your happiness is very important for me and dad, and we want to wish you to live in love and harmony, to support each other. The warmth and light of love in the heart will help to overcome all adversity. Strengthen your feelings, understand and appreciate your soul mate. Peace and happiness to your family! I bless you children! Years life, prosperity and prosperity to you!

What you need to know about blessing the young

  • The bride is most often blessed with the Kazan icon Mother of God, groom - Christ the Savior.
  • It is not customary to hold icons with your hands, buy towels - they will be included in the dowry of the young.
  • Parents, according to custom, should baptize the newlyweds before the ceremony, and repeat this ceremony when they meet near the banquet hall.
  • If one of the newlyweds has an incomplete family, godparents can bless.
  • Accepting the blessings, the newlyweds should bow to their parents and kiss the icon.

A daughter's wedding is an important and unsettling event for a mom, but try to control yourself. Your child has matured and is ready to find his own happiness - rejoice and be proud of him, and leave tears for later!

A few more ideas for preparing words of congratulations for a wedding:

When all this is over, there comes a moment that awakens a lump in the throat. At the end of the ceremony, at the banquet, they give the floor to the parents. Everyone, of course, held their breath, especially the bride and groom. Mom's toast for daughter and her dove. So, the wedding of the daughter and congratulations on the wedding of the daughter from the mother.

The bride, her mother's daughter, is preparing for the big day. A wedding for a girl who, since childhood, dreams of a prince and his "dowry" in a sweet face, whether it is a snow-white or, at worst, a black horse, thinks over her ideal day in detail. Which? Undoubtedly, there is not even a grain of doubt: the perfect morning is the one on which you know what you will wear. Dress, playing in the sun with all shades of cut diamonds, milky white, wedding dress.

By the time they prepare in advance, taking care not only of the choice of the future husband for the bride, but also of all sorts of little things. Some of them include Wedding decoration the hall in which the celebration will take place, the choice of the photographer, the choreography of the first dance, the bridal bouquet is also sought.

Mother for daughter is the most close person in the world, therefore, on the wedding day, the congratulations of the mother of the bride and the order are of great importance. Mommy loving beloved is one of the most important people for the daughter-bride. Her words of congratulations take on a tremendous role before the wedding day. This is a great help for the beginning of a happy family life, being husband and wife, bride and groom, doves, whose relationship reigns love: now and forever.

Despite all the solemnity of the moment, the wedding ceremony is unlikely to occur to anyone to call it as easy as going to the store for another pair of shoes that the bride collects. It is at this moment that the support of a loved one will come in handy - the mother, who was there, saw the first smile, heard the uncertain: "Huh?", Held the hand when the first swinging step was made. Into the unknown. Let your daughter support your words, showing that you are always "close by", into the fire, into the water.

Congratulations to your daughter for a wedding from your mother should sound, not only as parting words and instructions, which should be guided by the rest of your life, but also as a wish from your best friend, who will always understand and support in difficult times.

What should be the mother of the bride's speech? This is a difficult question to which there is no definite answer. You cannot prepare a single template suitable for every family of the bride and groom on this important day. Based on the warmth of the relationship between mother and daughter, words should be selected that come from the huge heart of the most important woman in a girl's life.

Do not try to memorize the strained words: the falsity is visible, it cannot be hidden. Least of all would the bride, hiding her eyes, want to hear a toast from an important person, which does not come from the broadest soul. Even two words (brevity is the sister of talent!), Which are dictated by the heart, will mean much more than a report of one hundred and twenty pages in small handwriting. Is not it so?

A special bond between mother and daughter

Bride, altar, signature, "Yes!", Congratulations. No one will argue with the fact that, perhaps, her loving mother is more worried than a girl, because her girl says goodbye to her "bachelor" life when she belonged only to herself. Lunches, socks, borscht. A toast expressing approval and congratulations for the wedding from the mother of the bride is the role of the "first violin". The child will be comfortable knowing that the blessing has been received. Especially when it comes to the representatives of the most beautiful sex - about brides.

Say what you like, the relationship between mother and daughter is usually much closer than with her son. They run like a red thread throughout life. It is not a secret for anyone that for young man crossing the threshold of the beloved's house, it is extremely important to enlist the approval of the people who raised his future spouse. Emphasize that you respect the choice of blood. It will be brand new, unlike any of the existing models in the paternal house of both newlyweds, the unit of society.

Soon, the little son will become a father himself, and the daughter, who is hardly nursing dolls yesterday and putting a bunch of teddy bears to bed, will become a mother tomorrow, meeting face to face with the baby's first tooth. Why not form this thought and express it in your own words, finding a place for it in a solemn toast? Mom remembers.

You can congratulate on your wedding day in different ways, the words of the mother and her approval are extremely important for any child. The wedding speech should concern not only your daughter, but also her husband, that is, your son-in-law. The bride's mother should emphasize that she respects her choice and after the wedding acquires another family member in the person of her daughter's husband. Of course, along with the wedding, the life of the parents changes dramatically, as their child leaves the house and starts building his own family. When making a toast to the bride and groom, emphasize that mom will not always be there, but she will help at any time. Day, night - does not matter.

Of course, many, even the overwhelming majority, will now think about the anecdotal image of the mother-in-law, the mother of the bride, and later the wife - the under-the-water snake poking its nose into something that does not concern her in any way. Is it just such a prototype? Of course not, and the mother of yesterday's bride will prove it. Being the hope and support of a young family, today she will teach her daughter wisdom, unobtrusively and gently, as only mothers can.

Sincere parting words, a couple of pleasant words, moments from the daughter's childhood will come to the fore, forcing the lovely ladies present in the bright hall of the restaurant to shed tears of affection. Advise, using a toast as a way of congratulating, your own blood, teach female wisdom how to keep the comfort in the house, and "so that the husband does not go to another."

Together forever!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride at the daughter's wedding must necessarily focus on the fact that although the mother will not spend most of her time with her girl, she will still actively participate in her life after marriage and will always help not only with advice, but also with deed ... Do you know what you should pay full attention to when looking around? Fantasy. Her spaciousness. No one will limit the mother of the bride, no one will set any boundaries for what speech should be. This is a plus and a minus. The daughter must be convinced of such a difficult moment and day for her that, despite the protection in her face stone wall- her husband, at least two close people are always behind her. Mother and father. The beginning of the beginning, the father's house, the pier to which you can always return, sheltering from outside storms.

The speech of the parents and, in particular, the parting words from the mother should not be too sentimental, since you congratulate your child on the wedding, on the day that should be associated only with pleasant memories, and not with how upset and crying the mother was. Wedding parting words should sound like a toast and be understandable not only to the bride, but also to her chosen one. When pronouncing a toast, a mother should speak simple and understandable words, give advice, guided by her worldly wisdom.

Overflowing emotions have no place in the mother's parting words. Only smiles; not the tears of the mother of the bride in the memory and in the photographs. It is not simple. Try to control yourself so as not to ruin your daughter's makeup, somehow making her sad. Emotions will have to be saved ... Not only the daughter, but also her husband, the bridegroom of her bride, her mother's son-in-law, must make sure that her mother is on their side, yesterday, today, tomorrow and always. Of course, it's worth preparing in advance.

Perhaps you will stop a difficult choice on a poetic format, giving preference to it, as the most suitable option to show all maternal feelings. Even if you suddenly forgot any of the lines, do not be upset and do not interrupt the congratulation: no one will notice. If you have prepared a speech in advance, having learned word by word in a certain order, speak from the heart.

Sincerity is to be

The wedding toast should include those words of support that your girl wants to hear so much, since along with this day a new independent life begins for her and in the future she will have to become a wife and mother, that is, bear full responsibility for her family. You should be creative and say this in your own words, after which the bride will be completely sure that she always has a reliable rear, and parental home- this is the place where she will always be understood and supported.

No matter what anyone says, mom will never advise bad and will not say what would harm her child. Mother will break for blood. It is this thought in prose that the lady's speech should convey: her loved ones, the girl and her chosen one, are now under protection. In principle, it is not at all necessary to memorize the words. Speak sincerely, as you rejoice for your daughter with all your mother's heart, infinitely loving your child. Toast, humor, memories, a couple of tips - mix and serve hot! Certainly: not only will your baby, who has already grown up, appreciate it, but also her chosen one, your husband, and, of course, the whole hall, which is decorated today.

In order to wish your child a happy family life, it is not at all necessary to use hackneyed formulaic phrases or memorize long and vague congratulations. It is important that the words are spoken from the heart, and the feelings are sincere, because beautiful phrases cannot hide falsity. This option, of course, will be easier if mom reads about prose, and does not take a ready-made verse.

Congratulations options

Poems, prose, song or video congratulations - all these are options for congratulations from the bride's mother on the wedding day of her blood. It is exclusively for her to choose exactly how the speech will sound, the main thing is that the congratulations sound sensual, sincere, as well as beautiful and original.

It all depends on the talent and creativity of the mother of the bride. Congratulations from the mother of the bride at her daughter's wedding in prose can of course be taken from the Internet, but it will be best if it sounds from the heart and sincere. It will not be superfluous to supplement borrowed phrases with personal feelings and experiences, to put into them something quivering and special, because no one except you knows your child so well, and only you can truly understand all that “bouquet” of feelings that your daughter is experiencing.


If you can't do it with writing, then the second best option would be to learn a beautiful verse and put all the necessary emotions into speech. You can play it safe and write it on beautiful postcard- it will be a kind of cheat sheet if the excitement prevails, since everyone who has gathered as a mother reads it. Young people should remember wedding greetings from the bride's mother for the rest of their lives, so the more sincere and emotional it is, the longer the chosen verse will be remembered.

Also, the manifestation of imagination will be useful. Instead of a postcard, you can choose aged paper or a stamped scroll, where the speech will be recorded. Young people will receive a beautiful souvenir reminiscent of sincere congratulations from the bride's mother, and guests will appreciate the creative approach. In addition, it will be appropriate to say a short wedding toast in verse.

Prosaic wish

Congratulations in prose from the mother of the bride on her daughter's wedding day in her own words is also a good option if you put in it more feelings, emotions and tears experienced at this solemn moment. You can find a suitable speech for parting words or a toast in prose in the videos attached to the article, or in your own words, what comes from the heart. It is best, of course, to prepare a wedding greeting in prose in advance, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. It is best to write a message to the young and to your bloodline on paper.

Many people mistakenly believe that words will come on their own at the right time. Fatigue and excitement can play a cruel joke. If there was no time in advance, you can turn to the toastmaster, she will certainly help to compose good speech or will offer already ready-made version.

Song composition

Singing a song is also a great way to congratulate your daughter on her wedding day. You can select a song by any artist or if you creative person compose it yourself. The main thing when mom sings at a wedding is sincerity. The song should convey all the feelings that you have for your blood. It is not uncommon that when mom sings or raps, you can’t hold back your tears, so be prepared for that too.
A few words about rap. Rap is when a person does not sing, but reads the text rhymed into verse. It looks very modern and unusual if young people see their parents in such an uncharacteristic role for an older age. Rap is a good option when one or both of the parents do not shine with an ear for music and, accordingly, does not sing, but they may well try and read the verse under musical accompaniment.


Video congratulations are an opportunity to say warm words to the wedding. It can be composed of clips of fragments of life, which are complemented by the speech of the mother of the bride with wishes for her daughter. This option will help avoid excitement, since the video is prepared in advance, and the toasts at the feast may include those warm words that have not been said before.

Poems, prose, song or video - the choice depends on the parents. It is important to convey in the parting words all the sincerity of feelings, kindness, tenderness, love. You can combine several forms of congratulations (for example, dad reads poetry, and mom sings a song, or one of the parents, for example, reads a rap (rap)), and what will not be included in the speech right away can be supplemented when you make a toast.

Congratulations basics

It is important to note that a wish or a toast does not have clearly established forms and you can say what you want, but it will be useful to observe the rules of etiquette and respectful attitude towards guests and newlyweds. Even if the mother of the bride does not like the choice of her daughter when congratulating her on her wedding day, one should not say bad things about him and her parents.
Points to consider when drawing up a wish:

  • first, you should thank the assembled people for coming to the celebration. Often wedding guests come from other cities and even countries to share the joy, so it is not known when the opportunity to see them will appear;
  • then there are the important words of the daughter - the bride. You can mention a little about pleasant stories from life, tell about it, tell the assembled guests that you are proud of it. Sometimes memories of funny situations are appropriate, but within certain limits, so as not to embarrass the daughter. It is also important to note how happy, adult and beautiful she is on her wedding day;
  • then say some good things about choosing a daughter - a groom. We can say that you are happy for your blood and happy in the fulfillment of her dreams;
  • you need to wish love and a happy family life to the young;
  • you should give parting words to your daughter from your mother;
  • the end of the congratulation will be appropriate wisdom, proverb, quote or song composition.

You can make a toast in a similar way. All wedding greetings should come from the heart. After many warm words have been said for the daughter and her groom, you can offer to raise their glasses and say a toast to the newlyweds.

Correct compilation of parting words

Touching words Congratulations for the wedding from the mother, pronounced to the daughter at the wedding, carry great power. Only a mother can give advice that will come in handy in any life situation, since she knows her child better than anyone else.
Two important points when giving a parting speech:

  • positive. It should carry and give the newlyweds and in particular your daughter a surge of strength and energy;
  • advice form. It is impossible to learn family life at school, so the knowledge gained from parents cannot be overestimated.

In Orthodoxy, parting words are accompanied by the presentation of the icon of the Mother of God to the young, since it is she who is the keeper of the hearth.

How to deal with anxiety

Excitement can play a cruel joke. It can manifest itself to varying degrees, depending on individual characteristics. You need to keep yourself under control at the wedding in order to pronounce all the words that you wanted to say.

  • you need to try to find time and rehearse the performance: not only the text, but also the tone of voice, facial expression, movements;
  • speaking, one should concentrate on the fact that all those gathered are friendly and dear people;
  • you should try to relax and say those words that come from the heart;
  • the pose at the time of speech should be open: arms and legs are slightly apart, head straight.

These tips will help you combat or reduce the excitement and successfully make a wish or a toast for your wedding day to the newlyweds.

Congratulations from mom for a wedding for her daughter is important point at the celebration, for which you should prepare in advance. It is worth understanding that this will not take much time, and a properly constructed performance will remain in the memory of the newlyweds and guests for a long period.

At this moment, the mother's sincere confession of how much she loves her, wishes her happiness, but at the same time fears and worries about her is important for the daughter's bride. Toast and congratulations to parents at such a moment play the role of support. And the mother can note that no matter what happens, her beloved mother will always come to the rescue. Congratulations from the mother as a verse, prose, or if the mother sings, on this day is perceived by everyone with trepidation, and even if it is short, blurry, with tears in his eyes.

The text of the wishes from the parents can be found on the Internet or you can compose it yourself. Be sure to supplement the borrowed words with congratulations from the heart. You can come up with a short toast or make a speech from several wishes. The main thing is to avoid anxiety, although it is, of course, inevitable, but a couple of tips will help to overcome it.

At the wedding, the role of parents is very important and honorable, because they also took care of creating warmth and comfort for their children, making this day bright and unforgettable. The solemn speech of the parents of the newlyweds is a kind of parting word in new life... This is very important stage ceremonies, and blessing is the key to a happy marriage.

Of course, many parents will prefer to improvise, but if you get lost in front of the camera or big amount people, the speech should still be prepared in advance. Sentences should not be too long and difficult to comprehend, otherwise the guests will simply not appreciate and understand your brilliant speech. But no one will forbid you to reinforce it with aphorisms, sayings or funny incidents from life. You can also use wishes in poetic form, the main thing is to learn them in advance, so that at the most crucial moment you do not read from a piece of paper.

Often in a wedding script there is no clear sequence of when and who will say congratulations. The presenter most often chooses when to give the floor to the newly minted and, as well as and. After that, the newlyweds are congratulated by close relatives - brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts. In principle, it is not so important whether your congratulations will sound in prose or poetry, the main thing is that it must be sincere. Here are some examples of wedding greetings from parents.

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in prose

Our dear children! As time flies, now you leave the parental nest and enter into a joint, family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, not to live for each other, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction. So, we wish that you do not know sorrows, live in harmony, respect your soul mate and always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times!

Dear children! We wish you only all the best: joy, happiness, love and really want your family life was light, like fluff, smooth, like the rim of a ring that you put on each other's hand. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife, a good friend, help your spouse with advice yes kind word... We wish you (the name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, so that your wife is behind you, as if for stone wall... Advice and love!

Dear children! We wish you to live together until your golden wedding and not lose your love! And let there be joys and sorrows, you can overcome them, because you are together! Don't let anyone destroy your family happiness, keep your love, trust each other, value each other, respect each other. And let your feelings only become stronger and deeper over time, and the family hearth burns brighter and brighter! We love you! Bitterly!

Lovely (names of the newlyweds). On this solemn day, we want to bless you long life in love and happiness. We wish your family well-being, peace and goodness! May your feelings grow stronger every day. Live for your happiness, and for our joy. Let children's laughter ring in your house and there will never be a place for tears!

Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. Let your new family nest always keep warmth and comfort! Let storks visit it more often, and let your little family become big and friendly! Live like swans: with a swan song, swan fidelity and swan love even after decades!

Lovely (names of the newlyweds)! Today is a solemn and wonderful day in your life - you have become husband and wife. This is undoubtedly a very important step. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigned in your home, good to you, happiness, may your relationship, your children, your home become the subject of your pride. Still, the most important thing in the life of every person is not material wealth, but a strong and loving family. Take care and value your soul mate, become a support for each other and never be apart!

Dear and beloved our children! On this beautiful day, we want to wish you happiness, love and goodness. May hope, love and wisdom be your companions, and your life will be full of pleasant surprises and adventures. I wish you happiness on your family voyage and may your love ship never go off course!

Our lovely newlyweds! On this day, we want to wish that your family life will always be a holiday, and your honeymoon will never end. Let your home be filled with joy, smiles, laughter and happy children's voices. Living life is not a field to cross, so take care and support each other in any situations, and we, for our part, promise to help you in all your endeavors!

Our dear children! For every parent, such an event as the bonding of your relationship with the sacred marriage bond is a great joy. We want to wish you kindness, mutual understanding, may love and prosperity never leave your home, and may all your undertakings end in success. Let only kind and reliable people surround you in life! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on the new happy family... We wish you to live in love and happiness for many years, let troubles, quarrels and disagreements pass you by. We wish that all further steps in life together you only committed together in the leg. And if one of you stumbles, the other will certainly support him, because without this, a happy married life... Happiness to you!

Well, young people, we worry as much as you. We want to congratulate you on your wedding, you went to this for a long time important step and, finally, they gave us such pleasure - to take a walk at your wedding. We wish you endless happiness, good prosperity, and well-being in the house!

On this beautiful day, our beloved children, you set off on a joint voyage. It is not for nothing that people say that with a sweetheart and in a hut, paradise, this means that your love will help you overcome all adversity and hardships on the way. We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts that your union was always based on love, your future was clear and cloudless, and your life was joyful. Appreciate every minute and thank life for bringing you together. Live happily ever after! Bitterly!

Dear children! To acquire true love not for everyone, because it’s like a fire that doesn’t burn, but warms hearts, a delicious and heady wine that becomes sweeter and tastier every year, it’s a boundless ocean in which you can drown. I want to raise this glass so that your life is cloudless and your happiness is limitless! Love each other and live happily!

Dear children! So you have tasted a piece of the wedding loaf. And we really want your hearts to always retain the warmth that this bread kept. May there always be kind and loyal people, for which there is always a treat and an affectionate word. May there be no room for sorrows in your life, yes, there will be trials, but you will pass them with honor, because your love protects you! Live in peace and happiness!

Congratulations from parents for a wedding in verse

Congratulations at this hour,

For happiness, friendship and joy,

Don't let grief touch you

And our old age will be good and happy!

May flowers bloom in your house,

There will be no place for quarrels and misfortunes,

The family will soon be replenished with children,

And your ship will be bypassed by bad weather!

May your marriage be successful

And the union is inseparable,

May love inspire you

Honor and glory to the young!

Let your feelings inspire you,

Children delight hearts

Doesn't know pain, sorrow

Your happiness to the end!

Giving their hearts to each other

Having concluded a legal union,

You live in a family circle,

Not letting misfortunes into your house.

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky

And let troubles bypass you,

All also let the rings sparkle

Love will not change to sadness.

Our dear children,

We now wish you

So that everything in this world

You split in half!

May you have happiness in your house

And there will be a friendly family

May all bad weather bypass you,

Well, love always reigns!

What you wanted - let it come true

And the good will only be remembered

Let the love in your heart shine

And only good friends will meet.

We wish you happiness and joy

You will live together until old age!

So that your house is full of children,

A cherished desire fulfilled! Bitterly!