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Congratulations in verses happy birthday and anniversary, wedding congratulations and cool toasts. How to wish good luck: tips

Can people be desired "good luck"?

Be vigilant, wish each other well-being and God's help, not a demon!

"I see, in some cubs you mentioned the demon, I wrote:" On the luck of my daughter "," about the success of the Son "," about the successful family. " What did you fit me the devil in the pastry? Do you know who was such a good luck? It was the biggest demon who squeeed millions of shower. Moloch, or "luck", was God of happiness in the Romans, Sumerians and Carthaginians. How was this god of moloch, or "luck", how do we call it today? His statue, cast out of copper or silver, was drunk on a two-wheeled cart. From his back he had a copper furnace, and in front of him - a copper frying pan; the firewood was thrown into good luck until the sculpture was rare. And the priests carried him in the hands of piers, big and honed. What kind of victim did luck? Only chest babies from the hands of mothers. Come in the village where you live. They dragged the chariot of good luck with a frying pan, red hot, and called, clapping in your hands: "Who wants good luck, carrying the victim to good luck!".

- Archimandrite Cleop (or)

Can people be desired "good luck"? "This and the enemy do not wish!", "They say in cases where the misfortune or trouble occurs. However, we are accustomed to constantly wishing each other "Good luck", even if no terrible curse is sent to the one who is meant this wish!

The fact is that luck or, as we know more - Moloch, - was the main deity at the Semitic peoples, which was one of the incarnations of Baal (or Waal, Velzevulaa, Valtasar), that is, the devil. About Wale in the Bible is mentioned several times in the Book of Sudios - 2:11, 3: 7, 10: 6; Ohloh - in the book of Amos 5:26 and 3 Book of Kingdoms 11: 7.

The cult of Molohu-Waal at Semitov consisted of wildly dismissed solvents, looking for artificial excitations. An external symbol constantly served by the phallus, which was depicted in the form of a column with a truncated vertex. With the heads of Waal, the so-called Kedeshima and Kedasy, the sacred clouds and the harmnitsa, who ordered themselves in the ministry of the Capshin through the earning of money by their bloodyness.

The appointment of this cult was to deeply depravate the people resorting to him. The fruits of this worship became all known sad events that occurred with the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, where the cult Waal was particularly expressed.

Both now, and earlier, the main feature of the Semitic peoples - fans and servants of Satan, is a lie and a lucavism. There were no exception and priests of the Waal Moloch, who, trying to trigger the true goal of the cult, in order not to scare away from its diabel's essence of people, distributed the idea that they serve as a fertile sun, a source of heat and life fire, manifested in it.

As in all pagan cults, the ministers of Moloch brought him victims. As a rule, these were human sacrifices, which were accomplished in honor of the milk through the burnt, allegedly conducting them through the sunny vitality. Newborn babies were considered the most pleasant victims of Waal, especially the children of noble names: "And the heights of Tofeta in the valley of sons of sons were arranged to sow their sons and their daughters on fire, which I did not command and that I did not come on my heart." (Ier. 7 : 31). The children lay on the hands of the idol who had the face of the Taurus, the bonfire burned down below. These monstrous sacrifices took place at night with the sounds of flutes, Tamburins and Lire, who drowned the cries of unfortunate children, and also increased arousal in the people. Altari gods were constantly organized by the blood of children, during the years of large festivals or in the goodwill - people and in particular children sacrificed hundreds and thousands.

"At first, the molor is approaching, the terrible king spattered with the blood of human victims and tears of fathers and mothers. But because of the noise of the drums, the cries of their children are not heard when they are thrown into the fire in honor of the terrible idol "(John Milton" Lost Paradise ").

"Moloch statue is built specifically for the adoption of human sacrifice and burn them. It was a tremendous growth, all of copper, and empty. The head was a bench, because the bull was a symbol of strength and the sun in his layer. The statues of the statue were a monstrous length, and victims were placed on huge handproof palms; the hands moved by chains on the blocks hidden behind their backs, raised victims to a hole in the chest, from where they fell into a burning bake, which was placed inside the statue, on the invisible grille , and those who dropped through it and the coals were formed an ever-increasing bunch between the feet of the colossus ... The children were placed on terrible hot-dear palm of the monsters. Native setting was not allowed to show sorrow. Children, if they shouted while they were prepared for a terrible rite, soothed by caresses. As it should seem ugly and impossible, the mother was obliged not only to be present on a terrible celebration, but to refrain from tears, sobbies and every manifestation of sadness, because otherwise they would not only lose any honor with them as a result of the Great Honor, But they could put anger of an insulted deity for the whole of the people, and one reluctantly made offering could destroy the action of the whole sacrifice and even get worse for the people of the trouble. Such a slightly accrastful mother would be disgraced forever. Drums and flutes supported continuous noise not only to drown out screaming victims, but in order to strengthen the excitement of the people. " (Ragozina Z. A. History of Assyria. SPb.: IE A. F. Marx, 1902. P. 151-152).

As mentioned above, Molok Valaam also had a nickname "luck". Why? Because it was believed that the family, who sacrificed his child's deity, would certainly wait a good year in terms of agricultural work and harvest. Therefore, when the priests of the Moloch brought out of the copper or silver of their idol on a two-wheeled cart into another village, they clapped their hands and shouted: "Who wants good luck in affairs, carrying the victim Waal!" Then insane women took their babies and gave them to servants of Satan ...

This kind of ritual setubides were subsequently prohibited by Moses law and punished the death penalty (Lev. 18:21; Lev. 20: 2), however, until the Babylonian captivity (586 BC), semites did not stop practicing them.

After the revolution of 1917, when the Russian land was defiled by the Faith and the apostasy of God, the ritual sacrifices of babies were planted by permission at the state level of abortions. Russia has become the first country in the world, submitted abortion. In consequence, this "legitimate" horror spread throughout the world. And so far, these monstrous sacrifices are committed, but already disguised as a medical procedure ...

Or do you think that aborted babies, is it not a victim of a demon luck? After all, it is precisely to avoid sorry and for good luck at work or in a personal life, for the sake of a comfortable life, people sometimes make a decision: "Baby in the mother's womb should be killed!" And from the fact that the honest word "decorating" was replaced by cunning and harmless on the word "abortion of pregnancy", and the child on the soulless word "fruit" - the nurse does not change - the child in the womb will ruin live on the pieces or burn alkaline solid, and then Destroy. Moloch is satisfied and for a short time can reward the detects luck, but sometimes he can simply laugh with his demonic laugh and say: "Why do you need good luck, are you so mine?!"

© Dmitry Litvin, Text, 2016

© Book Lark, Publication, 2016

Luck, success and good luck!

Lifestyle Golden moments,
Every minute of her values
In the designs, let the luck helps
Course for success and good luck.
Move boldly to the appointed goal,
To the distant horizons strive
For dreams to come to incarnate,
So that any welcome come true!

Beautiful wishes of luck

In matters - success and luck!
In the shower - warmth and kindness!
It is interesting to live, with the attitude,
In good luck to believe in dreams!
Give love relatives and loved ones
With a smile to meet a new day
And all that is the best in life,
Be able to see and know!

Implementation of desires and good luck!

Let the joy of the moment they do not end,
Cherished dreams are carried out,
Welcome and decrease to win
The willingness of everyone who is near, support!
Let him be waiting for luck and lucky,
There will always be excellent.
Let them manage plans and cases,
So that brighter and happier life was!

Wish good luck in achieving goals

Achieve all goals successfully
Nice to desire all the soul!
Let's happiness will be wildly
Success is expecting great
And male career gave
Miraculously grow savings!
Good luck to life decorated
We would accompany the lucky!

Wish good luck girlfriend

Good luck, happiness, gentle words,
And in the heart - the feelings of beautiful,
Tender silk petals,
Sveley than noon clear!
Warret let every mig
Love those who are near.
To the wonderful moment
Watch a happy view!

Wishes of love and good luck

Love, harmony, heat,
In all luck so that I waited!
And life has always been in bloom,
Given joy and dream!
In the soul, let the spring sings,
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
From us Flowers and congratulations!

Wishes good luck to a woman

We wish the brightest days
Delicate feelings, good luck in everything
And that life is sigtish
Caress, joy, warm!
Kindness and words beautiful,
As affection on colors
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Wishes good luck

Each minute has its own destination.
Only worth guessing it
There will be any moments,
Life will be able to become saturated!
Live, no second, not losing day!
Good luck to you ahead!
Believe that the dream will embody any
And to the goal of cherished go!

Good luck and smiles!

Let it be beautiful every day
Warm and tenderly warmed
Filled with sensitivity and caress
And clear, like the Sun light!
Smiles to give life to
Good luck, joy and warm
And happiness always reigned
Under the roof of your home!

Wishes good luck

Inspiration, good luck day by day
And we want to wish success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present
And for the future - the prospects of brilliant.

Days are amazingly happy
Flowers, smiles, gentle words!
Let everything that heart is cute:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish the ocean of happy years
Call on the ship good luck!
And let the dreams cherished bright light
It will not fumble in the heart of the bold and hot!

We wish from the soul
More bright days,
Let your life be
Lucky doubly!

We wish you bright happy days!
Caring for loved ones, warm friends!
Love and joy in the soul keep!
In good luck to believe and love life!

I wish to live easily and just
Among the good luck, among victories,
And even on every intersection
You burn green light.

I wish the feelings of new
Friends cheerful,
Days of clear
The news of the beautiful
Stylish life
Stable work
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And easily to any task
Brilliant to find the answer.
Achieve more career peaks
And in personal life succeed
Serve friends in the whole example
And with optimism in the distance to watch.

Interesting discoveries, the success of large,
To have dreams achievable!
And more often the concerns of people expensive,
Understanding loved ones, loved ones.
Let confidence give to support friends,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life with each hour of light,
Every day more interesting and brighter!

How sweet life taste when she
Saturated, beautiful and rapidly,
Events of good, joyful full,
In any of his moments amazing.
Let life be this year after year,
It gets better mood,
And every day will bring as a gift
Success, good luck, happiness and luck!

When some of your relatives or friends faces a problem or experiences certain difficulties in life, quite a natural desire is to take care or wish good luck in life. If you just say "Successes!" You are not satisfied, then there are a number of options. How to wish good luck. We will talk about this in our article. But first let's find out what it is?

What is luck?

The experience of noticeable, positive or incredible events is customary to refer to luck. The natural interpretation of this word is that positive and negative events occur all the time in human life, both due to random and even unlikely events and completely thoughtful and natural processes. From this point of view, "lucky" or "unsuccessful" is just labels that indicate positive, negative or incredible events.

If you know people who constantly feel good luck, know is not just an accident, you can attract it to yourself. The actual studies of scientists have found a certain pattern between the success and the right plants of their behavior in life.

How to attract luck

Most people associate luck as a random game. And although this is an element of chance, it does not define our lives. Being lucky is really a reflection of the choice that we do.

What makes us lucky?

  1. People with whom we are accustomed to communicate with them well and comfortable. With those who can wish success and good luck.
  2. The media that we look or read.
  3. The environment in which we are daily.
  4. The ability to perceive the surrounding environment.

In the aggregate, these characteristics affect our emotional and psychological development every day. They make us perceive the world at a certain level and give us the possibilities that flow out of it.

For example, the method of perceiving the surroundings for each person is different, but only optimistic people are achieved in the life of large heights. Because optimism has a magical component, it holds us towards our goals in life. A negative and pessimistic attitude usually repels any opportunities that a person can achieve.

How to wish good luck to others

In order for Fortune to turn to our face, you need to adhere to some rules. One of which says: Be useful others! It is possible to do this very easily, it is not necessary to be all "on the blisters" and perform any desire. It's just enough to desire good luck to others under any circumstances, but do it sincerely. Make so that around you heard sincere word "luck", thereby you can not only learn how to wish good luck, but also create the soil to bring it to yourself.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. Tell me a man "Good luck!" Or "success!", At the same time, the main thing will be what you say it sincerely. An insincered approach of said words can be interpreted as sarcasm or mockery.
  2. Use other words for this: since ancient times in Russia, the phrase "Neither Pooh or Feather" wishes a successful event, no one knows where she went from, but applied so far.
  3. To give a horseshoe person perceived how to let go to the house.
  4. In many nations, it is customary to give different coins that mean the acquisition of wealth.
  5. And many protect their relatives and close to different amules.

Given the above methods, you can not only learn how to wish good luck to people who are the roads, but thereby you can attract fortune to yourself.

Nowadays, conspiracies and prayers for good luck and the luck is often not accepted by modern people seriously, and it is very in vain. The ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves repel their hands what can bring them good. What many generations were calculated to them, these are numerous prayers, such as prayer for good luck in love, which can be used in homelys.

Which of us can say with confidence that you can do in your life without good luck? Whatever a good person, whatever the abilities and talents, he did not have, but in all his undertakings he needs it exactly - Mrs. Luck!

Small video on the topic of luck:

How to make luck always be on your side?

How to enlist the support of higher strength in any of your cases? The yield is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract successful and common types of magical intervention in the fate of a person.

Our distant ancestors in dark and harsh times resorted to the help of shamans and the leaders of the tribe. They are before each waiting soldiers on the hunt or in battle called on spirits to help and tried good luck. So why do not you provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important thing as conspiracies attracting good luck?

A very large assistant in the affairs of luck and luck is white magic. Conspiracies for good luck can independently use any of us without mandatory magical training. For example, you gathered in a government house. And there is a constant Volokat, shifting your pieces of one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials. In this case, you will save time and nerves, reading the following conspiracy (read about yourself, holding the handle of the causative house door):

"From evil acts to protect, and help me, and good luck to bring"

If you need to spend with someone negotiations or sat down you for a playing table and want to win, then you need to do so. Sit at the table, followed by the case, slightly pull it on yourself and quietly whisper:

"All my, all to me"

There are still ways to attract good luck through money. Find three brilliant new coins released not in a leap year. Put them under the threshold so that they are not shifted from there and have not seen and tell me:

"Gold to gold, silver to silver, money for money to this threshold to this house"

Conspiracy for good luck in business

There is a very strong conspiracy for good luck in business. For the ritual you will need a small green bag.

Put the ten pinch of basil, mint five pinch, salt of large three chips, dried peel powder three apples, three copper coins and one of the white metal. Tie a bag of ribbon. Consipate the conspiracy on it and hang over the place where you are doing business.

Good luck will always with you, if on Mondays every time you will arrange a bag in your hands and read this plot:

"Cases behind, things ahead, profit in the middle"

Conspiracy to attract good luck

But a great conspiracy to attract good luck (you can also read about a conspiracy to work). Take a small plate and pour a spoon in it with three large salts. Place the same sugar over the salt, and on top of it - as much rice cereals. Next, you will need a new English pin, which you need to stick in this slide, and leave this building for the night.

In the morning, pin to the clothes so that it was not noticeable, and read the following conspiracy before leaving the house:

"You're from the sky, the sun, Sveti and the earth are warmly given. Well, I give good luck to my business. Life you, sun, source and bright light stream. Well, and I give me a success to be lucky to become! "

Very popular in the people also prayers for good luck and luck. Well, a conspiracy, at least one, must remember by heart. Here is an example of such a lung for memorization and a strong conspiracy:

"What was an obstacle to happiness, completely blow, I attract good luck and money"

If the strip of bad luck began, that is, a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a large candle as possible:

Yellow or blue candle - If health problems
Dark blue candle - If you wish to win over your enemies
Green candle - If you disastrously lack money
Candle purple - If you need spiritual development or new knowledge
Candle brown - If you are experiencing a success deficit on a professional field
Red candle - If there is no luck in passion and love
White candle - If you need to complete an important thing, and your strength on the outcome.

The candle should be taken in two palms. "Adjust" your breath so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Look with adoration to the flame and visualize your most cherished desire (learn more about the conspiracy on the execution of desire). The candle is charged with the energy of your desire and dreams and gives you the confidence that everything about what your dreams will certainly come true.

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck for the full moon

Conspuses and prayers for good luck and the luck for the full moon are considered the most effective. Here is an example of one of them:

In full moon at night, put the boiler on the table. Place a saucer with a dry mixture of several pinch of cinnamon and a cedar with a cedar. On the table next to the boiler, put three new shiny coins. For each coin, you hit the index finger right hand and tell each coin:

After that, the coins are placed in the boiler on a saucer with herbs. Right hand drive seven times clockwise over the boiler, saying:

Take a pre-harvested small bag of green or brown fabric and pour coins with herbs into it. Wear it you need with you the whole moon cycle. Then you need to keep it at home so that no one has seen and did not touch you.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for good luck

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for good luck also enjoy great popularity, bring you one of them. We take thick threads (such that for knitting) and begin to weave the pigtail.

In the process of weaving, imagine your luck in those affairs in which you have to take part. Imagine how you get the result, achieving a successful solution.

The cord is woven from the threads of four colors:

  • Thread red - this is a symbol of love and passion;
  • Thread yellow color - this is health and physical forces;
  • Thread green - symbol of material well-being and wealth;
  • Blue thread - a symbol of execution of desires and achieve the goal.

But another conspiracy to good luck in life from it:

Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer. considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you another conspiracy for happiness and good luck (read, leaving home to return with profit):

The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck are not an empty sound, but the real magic of a word that will always help you. And do not forget to deserve the help of higher strength, lazy magic does not like, remember this!

We want you to wish good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

It happens life will poured and deceive,
But you overcoming your sadness.
Let the window be lit in the fog,
I called fate, you do not turn the light.
You believe in your luck - a little time
On your fire, she will come to his hour.
So for happiness to wander the road
Sometimes the adversities visit us.

I wish only good luck in life
And achieving dreams
Let them be easy tasks
In a difficult life path.

We sincerely wish you
Health, happiness and good luck,
So that the heart remains in moant
Alternatively, any thunder.
So that no sorrow shadow
Fate and life did not touch
And whatever you want to come true
And it was beautiful every day.

We wish you success, we wish good luck,
Easy to relax
And work with the return.
To joy in fate
You have met more often
So that everything went out
And everything turned out!

What to wish you? Wealth? Good luck?
Everyone wants her own life ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was gradually, but everything!

I want to bless you
For joy, for good luck,
I wish you long live,
Happily, not otherwise!

Let go in affairs will be good luck
Let dream come true
Let flowers bloom in the country
And with them together - you.
We wish you happiness without looking back,
Without dark days, without bitter tears.
Let the sun shine very bright
White tender birches.
Plus you wish for you
We are gentle devotees,
In family life - peace, happiness
And many light, good days!

We want you to wish good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

Be merry and happy you most
Good and gentle and most beautiful
Be attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go off the road to powerlessness.
Let everything you want to come true.
Love to you, faith, hopes, good!

Poems wishes good luck

Love, confidence, hope,
Movement to goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and hot.

Poems good luck

Let the trouble, bad news
Far from you wound.
If happiness in the world is,
Let it sleep with you.
We wish not to hurt
Happiness to have a complete
Never worry
Smile more in life!

Let all you succeed,
Life, like a song, pours,
Let him less often heard in response
Your question is empty "no" "
And always alone
Hearing your word "yes"!

We wish you happiness, good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

I wish you happiness and good luck,

And the grief went everywhere.
So that you accompany success
And you were happy everyone!

I wish you success, we wish good luck,

To joy in fate
Your more often met

Let every day your bright will be
Do not go out let your star
Let joy, happiness and luck
You always have.

Let the success cover you,
With head and with legs
Happiness let your conquests
Veins mighty verses!
Let love come up,
Song will succeed good luck
And he will certainly be determined by each task!

I wish you a clean sky, fragrant bread,
Spring water and no trouble!

I wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor did not go to you.
So that the sun always shine
And the grief went everywhere.
So that you accompany success
And you were happy everyone!

Poems wishes good luck

Congratulations and wishes of good luck

Let everyone know the rule one
And everyone let him go everywhere:
Two lives of man is not given,
So at least one live as it should!

We wish you health and good luck.
Let the joy and dream be there.
And let all male moral qualities
There remains the strongest in you.

Let the soul know the cold,
As a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
Let there be a heart eternally young
Good Warning kindness!
Healthy and luck without measure!
We wish you success, bright faith,
And let the guide star
Life lights brightly and always!

I wish you happiness and luck,
I wish friendship and love,
Let hope you hope
Let your dreams come true.

I wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor did not go to you.
So that the sun always shine
And the grief went everywhere.
So that you accompany success
And you were happy everyone!

Happiness to you warm good luck
Joy of beauty health
so that no fire in the eyes of hot
and the best dreams come true.

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if wrinkles - then only from laughter,
And in order not to meet in the life of unhappiness,
And if tears are only happiness!

I wish you smiles, I wish you success,
Merry minutes, cheerful laughter,
So that in life there were good luck,
Any tasks were solved.

I wish you success, I wish good luck,
Easy to relax and work with the return.
To joy in fate
Your more often met
So that everything went out and everything turned out.

Poems wishes good luck

Good luck is a disposable wings that fate supplies us in order for us to peck in the right direction. So let's drink for even sometimes fate supplied us and reusable wings!

Health, happiness and good luck
We wish you sincerely!
And we are sure we know
What will happen so, not otherwise!

Let everything be in life, as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement to goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and hot.

Let everything be in life, as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement to goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and hot.

Wishes good luck in school
To be easy for you to learn
Botany become slow.
Since you are able to have time to have fun
Yes, so well, from the soul!
When the exams will come up,
You have to teach tickets.
Take friends with books, write spurs,
With the teacher will be friends.
Then pass the exams these on five
And again for half a year you can walk!

We wish you health - after all, it is often not enough
We wish you fun - it never interferes.
I wish good luck - she comes infrequently.
And just wish you a huge personal happiness.

For your good luck! Let your home always be a complete bowl so that in the morning you get up with a smile and lay down, too smiling from the joy of life.

Let only warm words wait in life
And the heart never pay from grief.
And let him always spin the naked
From happiness, from love and from good luck.

Beautiful and strong,
Lucky, brave.
Anyone, (Andrei, Sergey ...)
On the shoulder of the body
On the right, we know
You stand the way.
And then wish
Winning to go.
Success-in study,
In new forces,
Good luck and happiness! -
You deserve them.