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What does the Orthodox Trinity Holiday mean? Trinity: What holiday value, signs and traditions. Icons of the Holy Trinity

Trinity. Icons

One of the first in the iconography of the Trinity appeared the plot of the phenomenon of Three Angels Abraham ("Hospitality of Abraham"), set out in the eighteenth chapter biblical book Genesis. He tells about how the plants of Abraham, the ancestor of the chosen people, met Mamre's three mysterious wanders from the Dubrava (in the next chapter they were called angels). During the meal in the House of Abraham, he was given a promise of the upcoming wonderful birth of the son of Isaac. By the will of God, the "People Great and Strong" should have happened from Abraham, in which "blesses ... all the peoples of the Earth."

In the second millennium, the custom arises to add the plot "Hospitality of Abraham" with the words "Holy Trinity": such an inscription is available on one of the miniatures of the Greek Psalti of the XI century. In this miniature, the head of the middle angel is crowned with a cross-nimber: he turned to the viewer is frontal, while two other angel are depicted in three-hard turnover.

The same type of image is found on the doors of the christmas temple of the Virgin in Suzdal (approx. 1230) and on the fresco of Feofan Greek from the Novgorod Temple of the Savior Transfiguration on Ilyin Street. The cross NIBE indicates that the central angel is identified with Christ.

It is known that the iconographic version of the Trinity without the forefast existed to the Rublev in the Byzantine art. But all these compositions do not wear an independent nature. Andrei Rublev not only gives the image one-piece and independent character, but makes it the finished theological text. On a light background, three angels are depicted around the table, on which there is a bowl. The middle angel towers over the others, behind his back is depicted a tree, behind the right angel - Mountain, behind the left - chambers. Angels heads are inclined in a silent conversation. Their liks are similar, as if the same face is depicted in three versions. The whole composition is inscribed in the system of concentric circles, which can be carried out on the nimbam, on the abis of wings, in motion angelic handsAnd all these circles converge into the epicenter of the icons, where the bowl is depicted, and in the bowl - the head of the Taurus. Before us is not just a meal, but the Eucharistic meal in which the redemptive sacrifice is performed. The Trinity of Andrei Rublev is a symbolic image of the territy of the Divine, which is already indicated by a stallal cathedral. After all, the visit of Abraham in Three Angels was not a phenomenon Blessed TrinityAnd it was only "the prophetic vision of this mystery, which during the centuries will gradually open the believers of the church." In accordance with this, both the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit appear in the icon of Rublev, but three angels, symbolizing the forensic council of three sacred trinity. The symbolism of the ruble icon in something is akin to the symbolism of early Christian painting, hiding deep dogmatic truths under ordinary, but spiritually significant symbols.

Trinity temples in Russia

One of the first temples in Russia was dedicated to the Trinity. He was built by Princess Olga in his homeland, in Pskov. The wooden temple, erected in the X century, stood about 200 years. The second temple was stone. According to legend, he laid in 1138, the saint bold prince Vsevolod (in the baptism of Gabriel). In the XIV century, the arch of the temple fell and a new cathedral was erected on his basis. But before our time and he was not preserved, he suffered greatly in 1609 during a fire. To date, the fourth cathedral has been preserved, built in the same place and still the name of Holy Trinity.

Basil's cathedral is blissful that in the Red Square in Moscow, built on the site of the Trinity Temple, near which another seven wooden churches stood - in the memory of the Kazan victories they were consecrated in the name of those holidays and the saints, when decisive battles took place. In 1555-61 At the site of these temples, one stone was built - nine-billive. Central throne was consecrated in honor of the cover Blessed Virgin MaryAnd one of the features devoted the Trinity. Until the XVII century, the cathedral was so worn by Troitsky.

The most famous Russian monastery is devoted to the Blessed Trinity - Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra. Settling on Makovtsy in 1337, Rev. Sergius built a wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity. In 1422, at the place of the previous wooden church, the student of St. Sergius, Igumen Nikon, laid the stone Trinity Cathedral. With its construction, the relics of St. Sergius were acquired. The Cathedral of the famous masters Andrei Rublev and Daniel black painted. For the iconostasis was written the famous model of the Old Testament Trinity.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity Markov Monastery in Vitebsk was founded. The founding of Markov Monastery is allegedly refer to the XIV-XV centuries. There is a legend about the founder of the monastery - a certain brand, which retired on the land belonging to him and built a chapel there. Soon the like-minded people joined him. The monastery existed until 1576, after was abolished, and the Trinity Temple was turned into parish. The monastery was renewed in 1633 by Prince Lvom Oginsky, in 1920 closed. On its territory for a long time Installed militia and other institutions. All buildings, except the Holy Casan Church, were destroyed (including Trinity Cathedral - one of the best samples of wooden Belarusian architecture). Kazan Church in the period of the Great Patriotic War It was damaged, but then partially restored. This is the only church in Vitebsk, which in the postwar years did not close. The chief throne of the temple is consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the side of the face - in honor of St. Sergius Radonezhsky. The monastery was revived in 2000.

In honor of Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity (Troychansky) Monastery in Slutsk (Belarus) was founded. The founding time of the Holy Trinity Monastery is unknown. The first mention of it dates back to 1445. There was a monastery near the city, downstream the river. People began to settle around the monastery, the suburb forces were formed, and Troychansky began the street from the city to the monastery. The monastery had a diploma of the Polish king, confirming his Orthodox Statute. From 1560 under the monastery there is a spiritual school in which theology, rhetoric, Slavic and Greek grammar studied. It is also known about the Little Library of the Monastery: in 1494 there were 45 books. In 1571, the abbot of the monastery was Archimandrite Mikhail Ragoz (mind. 1599), the future Kiev Metropolitan. At the monastery, the Orthodox seminary opens, which was led to 1575 former Igumen Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra Artemy (? - The beginning of the 1570s). At the beginning of the XVII century, the seminary was no longer there. Again she arises in the XVIII century. First World War In the monastery was Lazaret. In the summer of 1917, the structure of the monastery, where 13 monks and 13 novices lived, transferred to the Belarusian gymnasium, the rector, Archimandrite Athanasius in the evening, was expelled. On February 21, 1930, the monastery was closed, relics were transferred to museums. Finally monastic buildings were destroyed in the 1950s. Subsequently, his place was a military town. In 1994, a memorable cross was installed at the place of the monastery.

In 1414, on the banks of the Nurma River, the Trinity Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery was founded on the territory of the modern Gryazovetsky district of the Vologda region. The founder of the monastery was a student of St. Sergius Radonezh - Pavel Obnorsky (1317-1429). In 1489, the monastery received from the Grand Duke Ivan III diploma about the endowment of the monastery by the forest, villages and freedation from the filings. The privileges of the monastery were subsequently fixed by Vasily III, Ivan IV Grozny and their successors. The monastery is built by the Cathedral Temple of the Trinity (1505-1516). In the middle of the XIX century, 12 monks lived in the monastery. In 1909, the monastery suffered from a strong fire. The cross was melted in the fire, received by Rev. Paul from Sergius Radonezh. Before the revolution, about 80 statements lived in the monastery. The monastery is closed in 1924 by solving the Gryazovetsky district executive committee of the RCP (b). In the 1920s, a Trinity Cathedral with adjacent temple buildings, a bell tower and a fence were destroyed. An experienced pedagogical station, a school was located on the territory of the monastery, orphanage. In 1945, a children's sanatorium opened, then the regional sanatorium and forest school. RPC returned in 1994.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Ulyanovsky Trinity-Stefan monastery is consecrated. Located in the village of Ulyanovo Ust-Kulvsky district of the Komi Republic. According to legend, the monastery was founded in 1385 by St. Stephen Perm (1340s. - 1396) in order to spread Christianity on the upper exhaust. But this construction existed not long. According to local legends, the Ulyanovsky monastery was named after the girl of steady, which, not wanting to get into the hands of the enemy, decided to be drowned in the river. Opposite this place a monastery was built. During the years of Soviet power, the Ulyanovsky monastery was closed, and his property was looted. Many monks were repressed. The Trinity Cathedral was completely destroyed, most of the economic buildings were in a deplorable state. Objects seized from the Ulyanovsky Monastery were in the National Museum of the Republic of Komi. In 1994, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery was founded in Kostroma. The monastery for the first time in the chronicles mentioned in 1432, but it was possible, it was much earlier. According to the generally accepted version, the monastery was founded for about 1330 by Tatar Murzo. Chetom, the attitude of the genus Godunov and saburov, who fled from the Golden Horde to Ivan Kalita (approx. 1283/1288 - 1340/1341) and adopted baptism under the name of Zechariah. In this place he was the vision of the Mother of God with the upcoming apostle Philip and the Sacred Martyr Ipaim Gangrsky (mind 325/326), which was the result of his healing from the disease. In gratitude for healing, a monastery was founded for healing. The church of the Holy Trinity was originally built, then the christmas temple of the Virgin, a few kesels and a powerful oak wall. There were residential and economic buildings around. All buildings were wooden. After the death of Prince Vasily and the abolition of the Kostroma Principality, the monastery fell under the patronage of the kind of Godunov, who erected in mid XVI century. During this period, there is a rapid development of the monastery. After the October Revolution, in 1919, the monastery was abolished, and its values \u200b\u200bare nationalized. On the territory of the monastery long years Museum was located, part of the exposition of which is there now. In 2005, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Trinity, the Stefano Makhrishchsky Holy Trinity Monastery was founded. Located on the milk river in the village of Mahra Alexandrovsky district of the Vladimir region. Founded in the XIV century Stefan Makhrishchsky (mind. July 14, 1406) as a male monastery. From 1615 to the 1920s was attributed to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Closed in 1922. Re-opened in 1995 as a female monastery.

In the name of the Holy Trinity in 1520, the Trinity Antoniyevo Siy Monastery was founded. He founded the abode Rev. Anthony Siy (1477-1556). In Dopererovsky, the Siek Monastery was one of the largest in the Russian north centers of spiritual life. Such unique manuscripts are taking place from the monastery book assembly as the Siya Gospel of the XVI century and illustrated sacraments. After the revolution, the vintage documents were with the monks of the monks and were transferred to the Arkhangelsk Regional Archive, from where in 1958 and 1966 were transported to Moscow (now - in Ragada). The monastery was closed by the Decree of the Emetsky West Committee of June 12, 1923 and the decision of the Presidium of the Arkhangelsk Gubspolcom from July 11, 1923. The territory was used for the needs of the labor commune, collective farm. In 1992, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Trinity, the monastery in Astrakhan was consecled. The story of the Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan begins from 1568, when the king John Grozny, sending the head of Kirila here, commanded him to arrange a common monastery in the city of Nicholas. By 1573, Igumen Kiril was built: "The temple of the Alpine Trinity, to which a meal of six southeng was dugged, and Kelarskaya about three seedlings, 12 kesels, two tribrians with Sushils, Gleb, and Cook." All the buildings were wooden. By the time of the death of Hegumen Kirila in 1576, they were built in the monastery two more wooden temples: in honor of the introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God and Nikola's Wonderworker. The monastery itself, originally referred to as Nikolsky, later received the name of Trinity, in honor of the Cathedral Temple of the Library Trinity. In the 90s of the XVI century, the new Hegumen Feodosius was engaged in the restructuring of a wooden monastery in Stone. On September 13, 1603, the new stone Trinity Cathedral was consecrated. A little later, it was attached to him in honor of the holy passion recorders of the princes of Boris and Gleb. In addition, during the igumen of Feodosias, the stone bell tower with the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker under it and the wooden temple of the origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord with the attack in honor of the introduction into the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God. IN soviet years The monastery was arranged in the archive, and the shrines were betrayed by crop.

In the name of the Trinity, the monastery was founded in Murom Vladimir Region. The monastery is based on the second quarter of the XVII century (1643) by the Murom merchant Tarasius Borisovich Colunov, according to a number of local historians - on the site of the so-called "old settlement", where originally was located in the period of the XI-XIII centuries. cathedral In honor of Saints Boris and Gleb, and later there was a wooden holy Trinity temple. In 1923 the monastery was closed. In 1975, a wooden temple was brought to the territory of the monastery in honor of the St. Sergius of Radonezh from the neighboring Melenkovsky district, which is a monument of wooden architecture of the XVIII century. Opened in 1991. The main shrine of the monastery is the relics of the Holy Prince Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, transported from the local museum on September 19, 1992. Until 1921, the relics won in the city christmas cathedral.

Also in the name of the Holy Trinity, Alexander-Svir Monastery, Zelestsky-Trinity Monastery, Klopsky Monastery, Yeletsky Troitsky Monastery, Belopesotsky and Trinity Boldin Monasteries, Monasteries in Kazan, Sviyazhsk, Kalyazin, Pereslavl-Zalezsky, Tyumen, Cheboksary and other cities.

In honor of the Holy Trinity, the monastery is based in Serbia, Georgia, Greece, Palestine, Finland, Sweden.

In honor of the Trinity, the temple in Veliky Novgorod is consecrated. The temple dates back to 1365. Built by order of Novgorod merchants who traded with Ugra (to the Urals). The largest damage to the Church of the Trinity received during the Great Patriotic War. Along with other monuments of Novgorod architecture, it was renovated in 1975-1978, although actually work continues until now.

Also in honor of the Trinity, the Church of the Dukhov Monastery in Veliky Novgorod is consecrated. The church of the Trinity with the Food Chamber was built about 1557 by order of ions. It is located almost in the center of the territory of the monastery. On the first floor of the refectory there were a cook, bread and two kai cellas; On the second floor - the refectory and keel. The church seriously suffered during the Swedish occupation of 1611-1617, as well as from a strong fire that happened in 1685.

In the name of the Trinity of the Liberal consecrated temple in Moscow - in the fields. First mentioned in 1493 in the Resurrection Chronicle. In 1565, a stone church was built. In 1639, next to the stone Trinity temple with Nikola's chambers of the Wonderworker and Boris and Gleb, built by the boyar M. M. Saltykov (the cousin of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich), was built a wooden temple in honor of Sergius Radonezh. The Trinity Church was destroyed in 1934. The speed of demolition did not allow to carry out a detailed study of the architectural monument. Square was broken in her place, a monument to the forefront was put on the place of refectory, Ivan Fedorov.

In the name of the Trinity, the temple in Nihniki (Moscow) is consecrated. Back in the XVI century, there was a wooden church in the name of the Holy Martyr Nikita (the mind is approx. 372). In the 1620s, she burned down, and by order of the Nicknikov, who lived near the Yaroslavl merchant, in 1628-1651, was built a new stone church in the name of the Holy Trinity. Sources mention O. construction work In 1631-1634 and 1653. The South Anchita of the Temple was devoted to Nikita Martyr, the honorable icon of this holy from the burnt church was also postponed. He served as the tomb of the Templedator and his family members. In 1920, the temple was closed for worship services and in 1934 was transferred to the State Historical Museum. In 1991, the Temple returned the ROC.

Zhukovsy Vinnitsa region. Belokrinitsky parishes in Romania in, p. Pashkan (Romania) and Vasluju also celebrate a temple holiday.

The community of the Russian Holiday Church in (Romania) celebrates the temple holiday today.

Many and Pomeranian temples are devoted to the Holy Trinity: in

The Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, so this holiday is also called Pentecost.

After his disciple, he was constantly living with the feeling of the holiday. For another forty days, he was one and collected together. In the eyes of the disciples, the Lord rose above the earth, as if by certifying them that on the last day of the world he would come to Earth just as he moved to God-Father. Saying goodbye to them until time, he promised to send them a comforter - the Holy Spirit emanating from the god-father. The disciples did not know what it means, but believed that everything would be for the word of the Lord.

As a fire in the focus, they supported the gracious state of that day in the souls, every day gathering in the same house on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In a secluded doors, they prayed, read the Holy Scripture. So came true and one of the ancient prophecies: "From Zion is a law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."So the first originated christian church. Near the house there was a house of a favorite student of Christ - the Apostle John the Theologian, in Him, on the will of the Lord, and his mother - Virgin Mary. Students gathered around her, she was a consolation for all believers.

Pentecost holiday, or the day of the Holy Trinity passed. On the tenth day for the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the day of the Jewish holiday of the first harvest, when students and with them were in the Zion Gornice, a strong noise was heard in the air in the air as during a storm. In the air appeared bright trembling languages \u200b\u200bof fire. It was a fire not real - he was one nature with a fertile fire, which annually comes off in Jerusalem for Easter, he shone, not burning. Welding over the heads of the apostles, the languages \u200b\u200bof fire dropped on them and overtake. Immediately, along with the external phenomenon, there was an internal attached to the souls: " executive VSI Holy Spirit. "- And the Mother of God, and the apostles felt an extraordinary force in them in that moment. Just and directly, they were given over the new graceful gift of verb - they were told in the languages \u200b\u200bthat did not know before. It was the gift required for the preaching of the Gospel around the world.

The washes, generously gifted by a single spirit, feeling that it was only a part of the spiritual gifts received by them from the Lord, they kept each other by arms, forming a new shining bright church, where God himself, reflected and acting in the souls. Beloved children of the Lord, connected to him by the Holy Spirit, they came out of the walls of the Zion Torny, so that the doctrine of love fearlessly preach Christo.

In memory of this event, the feast of Pentecost is also called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Day of the Holy Trinity: In the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, the sacrament of the Unity of the Holy Trinity revealed the saint of the Holy Son's God. The name of Pentecost, this day received not only in the memory of the ancient holiday, but also because this event had to fiftle the day after the Christian Easter. As Easter Christ replaced the ancient Jewish holiday, and Pentecost put the foundation of the Church of Christ as union in the Spirit on Earth.

Holy Trinity Holiday Fringe: Trinity Trinity, Kondak Trinity, Trinity Music

Farmer of the Holy Trinity Holiday, Glas 1

holy Holy Trinity, Glas 2.

Musicholy Holy Trinity

Major, exorbitant Christ and honor of the spirit of your spirit, the earther of your father sent the Divine student of yours.

Articles about the festival of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost)

Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra

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Icons of the Holy Trinity

What number falls out the trinity, the day of the Holy Trinity in 2019? What is the story of this Orthodox holiday?

What is the number of Trinity, the Day of the Holy Trinity in 2019?

The color of the Holiday Trinity is emerald green. This is a shade of fresh juicy grass or foliage, who did not have time to get tired and imagine urban heavy dust. The emerald clouds are lit. Temples from the inside - hundreds of birch twigs carry parishioners, the half of the church is thickly covered in the grass, the prey of June is enhanced by the rays of the sun from church windows, mixed with thin notes of the incense and wax candles. Candles are no longer red, and honey-yellow - "Easter is given." Exactly 50 days after the resurrection of the Lord celebrate Christians with the Holy Trinity. Great holiday, beautiful holiday.

... Fifty days later, the Jewish Easter Jews celebrated Pentecost's Day dedicated to the Sinai law. Apostles did not participate in mass celebrations, and gathered together with God's mother and other students in the house of one person. History did not save testimonies about how he was called and what he was engaged in, it was known only that it was in Jerusalem ... There was about three hours of the day in the Jewish study (about the ninth hour in a modern account). Suddenly, with the heavens themselves, from height, there was an incredible noise resembling howl and the buzz from the carrying strongest wind, the noise filled the whole house in which the students of Christ and Virgin Mary were located. People began to pray. Fiery languages \u200b\u200bplayed between people and began to stop for moments on each of the praying. So the apostles were performed by the Holy Spirit, together with which they received and amazing ability to speak and preach in many languages, before them unknown ... The Savior's promise was fulfilled. His disciples received a special grace and gift, strength and ability to carry the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is believed that the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a fire as a sign that it has the power to bow sins and clean, consecrate and warm the soul.

On the occasion of the holiday, Jerusalem was full of people, Jews from different countries converged in the city on this day. Strange noise from the house where students were held, forced hundreds of people to fade into this place. The gathered amazed and asked each other: "Aren't they Galilean? How do we hear each of their language in which they were born? How can they speak our languages \u200b\u200babout the great things of God? ". And in bewilder, they said: "They got drunk sweet wine." Then the apostle Peter, standing along with the rest of the eleven apostles, said that they were not drunk, but that the Holy Spirit came down on them, as it was predicted by the Prophet Ioil, and that Jesus Christ, whom they crucified, ascended to heaven and poured saint Spirit. Many of the servers of the apostle Peter who had listened to the preaching of the apostle at that moment were assumed and baptized. The apostles originally preached to the Jews, and then separated by different countries For preaching all nations.

So St. Andrei, whom Andrey is also called Andrey, went with the sermon of the Word of God to the eastern countries. Passed Small Asia, Frace, Macedonia, reached the Danube, passed the Black Sea coast, Crimea, the Black Sea and the Dnieper rose to the place where the city is now worthwhile. Here he stayed at the Kiev mountains for the night. Looking in the morning, he told the apprentices former with him: "Do you see the mountains of these? In these mountains, the grace of God will excite, will be a great city, and God will raise a lot of churches. " The apostle rose to the mountains, blessed them and hoisted the cross. Praying, he rose even higher on the Dnieper and reached the settlements of Slavyan, where Novgorod was founded.

A miraculously assumed in Christ the Apostle Foma got to the shores of India. Until now, in the southern states of this country, Kerala and Karnataka live Christians whose ancestors were baptized by the Holy Foma.

Peter visited various areas of the Middle East, Malaya Asia, and later settled in Rome. There, according to a very reliable tradition of the end of 1 and early 2 centners, he was executed between 64 and 68 years later, according to Origen's testimony, Peter, at his own request, was crucified down his head, as he believed that the unnecessary to expose the same The execution, which the Lord has undergone.

Enlightening the people of the teachings of Christ, the Apostle Paul also launched long journeys. In addition to a repeated stay in Palestine, he visited the preaching about Christ in Phenicia, Syria, Cappadocia, Lydia, Macedonia, in Italy, on Islands Cyprus, Lesbos, Rhodes, Sicily and in other lands. The power of preaching it was so great that the Jews could not oppose the power of Pavlov's teachings, the pagans themselves asked him to preach the Word of God and everyone was going to listen to him.

That grace of the Holy Spirit, which was clearly taught the Apostles in the form of fiery languages, now in Orthodox church It is submitted invisible - in its holy sacraments through successors of the apostles - shepherds of the church - bishops and priests.

The celebration of the Christian Pentecost is a double celebration: in the glory of the Blessed Trinity, and in the glory of the Most Holy Spirit, who has come down on the apostles and captured the new eternal covenant of God with a man.

On the feast of the Holy Trinity, established at the end of the IV century, after in 381, in the church cathedral in Constantinople, the dogma of the Trinity was officially adopted - a triipostasic God, we are talking about one more an important aspect Christian faith: the incomprehensible secret of the trinity of God. God is one in three faces and the mystery of this incomprehensible human mind, but the essence of the trinity was revealed to people on this day.

By the way, for a long time, Christian artists did not depict the Trinity, believing that God could be depicted only in the face of Jesus Christ - the Son of God. But God is a father, not God - the Holy Spirit should not be written .. However, over time, the Special Iconography of the Holy Trinity was formed, which is now divided into two types. Trinity Old Testament familiar to each of us according to the famous Icon of Andrei Radonezh (Rublev), on which God is depicted in the form of three angels who appeared to Abraham. The icons of the New Testament Trinity are images of God - Father in the form of an elder, Jesus Christ as an excuse of his Lona or an adult husband, right hand From him, and spirit - over them in the form of a dove.

In Russia, notes the holy Pentecost became not in the first years after the baptism of Russia, and after almost 300 years, in the 14th century, with the reverend Sergey Radonezh.

From that day until the next holiday, the Holy Easter begins to sing the Tropear to the Holy Spirit "King Heavenly ..." from the same moment, for the first time after Easter, earthly bows are allowed.

... touching and beautiful worship on the feast of the Holy Pentecost. The temple is decorated, the priests are ridiculed into green rhesis, smells of grass and fresh greens, solemnly and light sounds the choir "... Update in our hearts, a lighter, true, right-hand spirit, the crankshadis are read by the parishioners of the Special Prayers of St. Vasily the Great. And on the courtyard of the juicy early summer - a reminder about the beautiful and deep "summer Lord", which promised Jesus Christ to the righteous.

Trinity - Great orthodox holiday, symbolizing the fullness of God's grace, when people were the third holy hatch - the Holy Spirit, in 2019 it is celebrated on June 16.

Before his Ascension, the resurrected and who stayed with the elected students, the apostles, Jesus commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, until the Holy Spirit comes on them, after which hesitated on the sky.

Biblical description Pentecost

Trinity, this holiday called in honor of the completeness of God, God of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, who the Creator baptized the Apostles for the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of the Lord. Hence the second name of this holiday - Pentecost.

The Holy Trinity

In prayer, the daily communion was the apostles and the faithful followers of Jesus Christ, among whom were:

  • students;
  • women who accompanied teachers during his earthly life;
  • Mother Mary;
  • His brothers.

The teacher did not say when the Holy Spirit appears, and how it will be, just said that everyone was waiting.

See also:

On the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem gathered a large number of Jews who arrived at the celebration of the Day of the First Fruits (Numbers 28:26), bringing voluntary donations to the Most High. It was a great Jewish holiday with the participation of priests, Levites, poor and rich.

Holiday Sedmice, one more name of this day, when bread or bread ears were brought to the temple (Levit 23: 15-21), he was celebrated annually in Jerusalem.

The students of Jesus Christ were in the house, he was filled with a hurricane wind carriage suddenly with the sky, fiery languages \u200b\u200bappeared above each student, which "won on them." (Acts 2: 1-8)

This light over the heads of the apostles was akin Gracious firewhich goes down in Jerusalem on Saturday before orthodox Easter.

The Holy Spirit came to the students of Christ and filled them with all the graceful spiritual gifts

In the same moment, all the apostles started talking in other languages, the Holy Holy Spirit. The witnesses of this phenomenon were all who arrived at the celebration of the first fruit day. Hearing Peter's speech, and finding confirmation of the predetermined in the old Testament of the event (Joyl. 2: 28-32), many Jews accepted Christ by their Savior. That day about three thousand Jews from different places were baptized.

Important! The descent of the Holy Spirit laid the beginning of the Church of Christ, this is her birthday. Once ordinary fishermen received a special gift to carry the news about the arrival of the mission in the masses, making an appeal in the power of the Spirit and the dare, received at the Pentecostal festival.

History of the appearance of the holiday in Orthodoxy

From this day, every Sunday every year after 50 days or seven weeks after the apostle and the surrounding Christians celebrated the Fathest Day of the Holy Spirit. Celebrations The sadmits ended with the baptism of the attached to the Church.

Quint Torrtullian, early Christian theologian, writer more than 31 preserved treatises, in November 220-230 wrote that the Trinity Holiday eclipsed all the pagan rites of this time.

Trinity in Orthodoxy denotes the unity of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

The official recognition of the Church of Pentecost received in 381 during the Ecumenical Constantinople Cathedral, which was approved by Dogmat, which recognizes the equality of all three hatching of the Holy Trinity.

At the cathedral, a symbol of Christian faith was adopted - I believe in God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in God.

Symbol of faith

I believe in God's god, the Almighty Creator, who created the sky and the Earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his son's sole, Savior, who was born of the Virgin Mary at the conception of the Holy Spirit, was tormented during the pontium of Pilate, died through the crucifixion, buried and resurrected after descent to hell, ascended to heaven, sat down the sovereign Most High To judge people living and have repaired with him.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Universal Church, eternal life through forgiveness and resurrection. Amen.

Amen translated means approval "Let it be so!"

Also see:

The faith symbol is read in the temples and on home prayers from the Trinity and before Easter.

Differences of the Trinity from other holidays

Easter worships end in Pentecost, after it in church calendar Weeks are numbered by week after the Trinity.

Monday after the feast of baptism of the Holy Spirit is named after the Holy Spirit Day. From Him and before Easter, a symbol of faith is read, and after the resurrection of Jesus and until the day of Pentecost, a chant is read during church and home prayers: "Christ is risen from the dead, death suffered death, alive from the coffin got up," which does not fit after the Day of the Holy Spirit.

Worship service on Trinity begins prayer, she is read before starting at the end of every holiday and the case when the Holy Spirit is called as a reliable assistant.

King Heavenly, comforter, spirit of truth, everywhere staying and all filling, the source of the goods and the submitter of life, come and have nearing in us and cleanse us from every sin and save, the good, our souls.

Reverend John Damascus and Cosmus Mauman were drawn up festive canons in the eighth century, they were set forth in the first combined Byzantine charter holding a service on the Trinity.

For information! At the evening service, there are no kissing icons, parishioners are applied to the Gospel.

Canon Pentecost is read on the all-night before the holiday. Morning Liturgy replaces the Holiday Holy Spirit, read prayers on it, standing on his knees.

The festive poem helps to understand the meaning of this action. The Jewish people, in whose environment God's son was born, through his disbelief is devoid of God's grace. Christians of the whole world, pagans for flesh, filled with divine light. Staying his knees as a symbol of an admonly heart, with a deep faith we worship the third Ipostasi of the Divine Trinity - God of Spirit.

The first prayers were:

  • The first petition is devoted to confession to the Creator of Sins and the request for pardon in the name of the victim, given to people by Jesus Christ, the Son God.
  • The second prayer is the appeal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • The third collapse to Christ, the mission, God, who went to hell and took the keys of life from Satan, pardon our deceased native people.

During the holiday, the tropar is performed:

You are blessed, our God, who gave the wisdom to fishermen, having prepared them with the apostles, sent them the Holy Spirit and helped buy the whole world, glory to you, God - a humus man.

Traditions decorating temples and houses per day Pentecost

By folk tradition On the Trinity of the Temples and at home decorate the greens, in the people this holiday is called green sagnes.

Decoration of the Greens of the Temple on the Holiday Trinity as a symbol of the heyday of the Christian soul

On the one hand, this is a historical basis. Abraham God appeared in the form of three elders who were resting under the oak.

On the fiftieth day after the exit from Egypt, the Almighty on Green Mount Sinai gave the people 10 commandments, which are now the basis of Christianity.

According to custom in honor of these events, all temples were decorated and earlier than greens. The greens in Pentecost symbolizes the flourishing of the Christian soul, which the Divine Spirit woke through the grace of God the Father and Son.

The birch squeezed on the trinity symbolizes the power of grace. While the tree was fed through the roots, grew in the ground, it lived, and as soon as he was shot, died. So the human soul lives while feeding on the divine force, but a man from the church will move away, immediately dies. Jesus is a vine, and we are its branches that feed on mercy, forgiveness through confession and communion.

For information! Subsequent week for Light saddimet Quite, it ends the week of all saints, after which Potrov is post.

The Most High showed himself to triune in the trinity of a unique and inseparable, should not try to understand this dogma, explain his human mind. Each hatch of the Trinity has its own face, but these are not three God, but a single divine essence.

Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost

The celebration in honor of the Blessed Trinity is one of the loved ones. In the Holy Trinity-Serafimo-Diveevsky Women's Monastery - this is exactly what the full official name of the Diveevsky monastery sounds - this holiday is thrustle. He is solemnly met, remember the history of the holiday and reverently worship the image of the Blessed Trinity, imprinted on the icon. Let's remember the story and see how they are preparing for the holiday of Trinity in Diveevo.

Holy Trinity Day - Holiday History

Holiday in honor of the Holy Trinity and the Day of the Holy Spirit (celebrated the next day after the Trinity) installed by the apostles, and they have been sent to the apostles, and they aregerized the day of the Holy Spirit for all Christians (1 Cor. 16.8; Acts 20,16). Celebrated the trinity ancient Christians in a special way: there was a custom to baptize on this day announced, just as after the preaching of the apostolic was baptized three thousand people.

The Trinity Holiday in the first Christians and in Byzantium was distributed everywhere. But in Russia I did not know about him immediately. Only thanks to efforts Rev. Sergius Radonezh, who dedicated the very first temple in his abode of the Most Holy Library Trinity, reverence this holiday began to acquire a massive character. This event served as the starting point - monasteries and temples in honor of the Life-Glush Trinity began to appear in Russia.

Trinity holiday as a symbol of spiritual spring

There are always a lot of greenery and flowers on the trinity, although it is a passing holiday. And this is not a random coincidence. This is what it is written about this in the booklet A. Strizhev - "Flowers and the Temple".

"Greens, flowers symbolize the spiritual spring, the Church of Christ itself, which is the phenomenon in her grace of the Holy Spirit," like Krin. " Fragrance colors marks the fragrance of spiritual gifts, served by the souls of the truth believers, the Lord of the life-giving. "

And this connection, the earth's spring with spring spiritual is felt completely inexplicably. Vintage customs are connected with him. The trinity never worked in the field - it was believed that on this day the earth rests and it is impossible to touch it. This day was followed by the weather - if there was a heat, and there was not even a small rain - it was a formidant harbinger of a very hot summer. But as a rule, the Lord in this good holiday sent his mercy - rain on the trinity, even small, but happens.

Another interesting custom was to keep the trinity grass. The one whom the floors in the temple subsided for the holiday. The grass was considered healing, and also helped rodents and insects in the house.

Who is depicted on the icon of the Holy Trinity, and what does it mean?

The history of iconography knows examples of icons depicting a trinity in the Byzantine church art. But it was Andrei Rublev that was able to make a depicting one-piece and independent character.

Rublevskaya Trinity is so unique that it can be compared with the finished theological text. Here is what can be read in the description of the icon:

"A bright background shows three angels sitting around the table, on which there is a bowl. The middle angel towers over the others, behind his back is depicted a tree, behind the right angel - Mountain, behind the left - chambers. Angels heads are inclined in a silent conversation. Their liks are similar, as if the same face is depicted in three versions. The whole composition is inscribed in the system of concentric circles, which can be carried out on the nimbam, on the abis of wings, on the movement of the angelic hands, and all these circles converge into the epicenter of the icons, where the bowl is depicted, and in the bowl - Taurus head. Before us is not just a meal, but the Eucharistic meal in which the redemptive sacrifice is performed.

The Trinity of Andrei Rublev is a symbolic image of the territy of the Divine, which is already indicated by a stallal cathedral. After all, the visit to Abraham in Three Angels was not the phenomenon of the Blessed Trinity, but it was only the "prophetic vision of this mystery, which during the centuries will gradually open the believers of the church." In accordance with this, both the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit appear in the icon of Rublev, but three angels, symbolizing the forensic council of three sacred trinity. The symbolism of the ruble icon in something is akin to the symbolism of early Christian painting, hiding deep dogmatic truths under ordinary, but spiritually significant symbols. "

Trinity in the fame of Christian holidays in Russia stands in the same row Merry Christmas and Easter. But tell about the sense, the meaning and traditions of the memories of 50 days after Christ Sunday maybe not everyone. What is this holiday - Trinity?

We learn from the New Testament

Old Testament Jews had such a holiday - Pentecost or Shavuot. He was celebrated on the 50th day after Pescha and was established in the memory of the Torah Jews on Mount Sinai, with the outcome of Egypt. Holy Apostles gathered on Pentecosts in the Zion Gornice, on the Vernxhern Floor at home, where Christ had previously done with students Lady Square. The room was filled with noise from the sky, similar to the impulses of a strong wind. In front of the students of Christ, fiery languages \u200b\u200bof flames appeared, which "Street one at each of them" (Acts 2: 3). Thus, the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles, and the disciples of Christ got the opportunity to preach God on a variety of adverbs. Obviously, the alignment of the Holy Spirit was seen and gathered on the day in Jerusalem pious Jews, as they began to flock to the Zion Gornice.

"Pearfiana, Midyan, and Elamites, and Residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Ponta and Asia, Frigia and Pamphilia, Egypt and Parts of Libya, adjacent to Kirin, and those who came from Rome, Judea and proles, Christians and Arabian, who hear them our languages \u200b\u200bspeaking about the great [deeds] of God "(Acts 2: 9-11).

Apparently, the apostles hurried to leave to the upper and inform people about the unusual event, as well as begin the sermon of the Gospel. Skeptics from the crowd did not carry even a visual manifestation of God's intervention in the life of humanity, and the apostles accused of drunkenness. The apostle Peter, the Apostle Peter objected, confirming the gift of multiple words from the book of the Prophet Joyl:

"And it will be in the last days, God says, I am too fucking from my spirit for all flesh, and your son and your daughters will prophesifiable ... and my slaves and my slaves in those days I am plenty of my spirit, and will prophesy "(Acts 2: 17-18).

"Pray from my spirit for all flesh" - Speaks about the completeness of gifts that God can give every believer. Gifts of the Holy Spirit, for example, are love, wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracle, tag, etc., that is, those skills that allow Christian to serve for the benefit of people and churches. After the preaching of the apostle Peter in Jerusalem, 3,000 people were baptized.

Pentecost has become the birthday of the Orthodox Church, during the day when God breathed his spirit into her, which is invisibly transmitted to the priests through ordination and all believers during participation in the sacred sacraments.

Traditions of the holiday

One of the most vivid visual features of the Trinity can be called the decoration of grass and young birch orthodox churches. In the Russian people, Pentecost called the "green shines", the time of the wires of spring and summer meeting. Tree branches, by analogy with santed VerbaSometimes on the day of the Trinity bring home, and deliver next to icons. Monday, Spirit Day, next to the resurrection of Pentecost, was also considered to be a continuation of the holiday. The week after the Trinity according to the Charter of the Church is considered to be solid, the post on Wednesday and Friday is canceled. This period is also a time of preparation for the upcoming Petrovsky post ending on July 12, on the Day of Apostles Peter and Paul. In the agrarian Russian tradition, the Earth on the day of the Trinity was called the birthday girl, it was not accepted on Monday. Pentecost precedes Troitskaya parent Saturday, day special commemoration Depreciated.

Birthday church

Translated by S. greek The word "church" means "meeting". The Lord identified everyone seeking to eternal life The center of attraction is the Holy Church, the imprint of the heavenly kingdom on Earth. The opportunity to become citizens of God's Fatherland mankind thanks to the baptism and darkens of the Holy Spirit. It is in the baptism, "entrance gates" to the heavenly kingdom, and the new, the unique opportunities he is intended to develop and let the service of God and the people are called. The apostles, being people with timid, insane, but seeking the Lord, for the aid of the Holy Spirit, were made by bold and fiery preachers. They fearlessly went to death for God, not afraid of torture and painful death. The Holy Spirit discovered them inner vision, and it was on the day of Pentecost that the apostles finally understood the meaning of all the events that took place during their stay on the land of Christ.

Cycle church holidays Enclosed in an annualized circle. From year to year, we celebrate Christmas and baptism in winter frosts, joyfully and spring shouts "Christ Risen!" For Easter, we play weddings after wealth and cover. "The same thing" - in the hearts hand out of hand. And we will put the people's "repetition - the mother of the teaching" on our church life. Having received the gift of the Holy Spirit in the baptism, we are improving the spiritual life from year to year and go to the harvest of good fruits, noticing how every year we gradually change, but change. God's spirit purifies, gives strength, knowledge, opportunities, creating and helps us in life in all of our endeavors. Not for nothing before the start of each church tradition, the prayer "King Heaven" is being taken.

Seraphim Sarovsky said that the compassion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the main goal of the life of a Christian. And Isaac Sirin argued that God approaches us as much as a person seeks to him. God is not an illusion, but the reality of our life. All subconscious casts of human soul of freedom, love, fraternity, calm, harmony can only be satisfied in God. The Holy Spirit with its limitless strength and love is to help us.