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When the willows are sanctified in the church. Is it possible to throw up the willow after Verbal Sunday? Where did you give an old consecrated willow since last year? Is it possible to plant a consecrated willow on the plot

April 24, 2016 celebrate Palm Sunday - one of the most meaningful holidays In this tradition.

Palm Sunday is always celebrated for the week before Easter. So, Palm Sunday in 2017 falls on April 9, in 2018 - April 1, in 2019 - April 21, at 2020 - April 12.

In 2016, Verbnoe (Palm) Sunday is celebrated on April 24, and from April 25 begins Holy Weekcompleted Easter, which falls on May 1.

Palm Sunday is significant enough church holiday In Christian Orthodoxy. The holiday has not only rich history and large quantity Traditions and rituals, but also defined prohibitions for certain actions.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday Orthodox Christians?

Day to Palm Sunday, Saturday, is also a festive. He is called Lazareva Saturday.

The will be sanctified in the temples on the eve, on Saturday in the evening (April 23 in 2016) on the all-bedain: After reading the Gospel reads the 50th psalm, then the branches are sprinkled with holy water. After that, they are distributed with praying, and parishioners stand until the end of the service with the vessel and lit candles.

Usually, the sprinkling is repeated and at the Names of Palm Sunday on Liturgy(Liturgy John Zlatoust serves). These twigs are customary to keep houses throughout the year before the next Easter.

It is believed that the willb will protect the house from the troubles and misfortunes.

In no case by the Verqu since last year, to make it impossible to throw out. It must be either burned, or throw in the river with a strong flow, or simply attributed to the temple. If the willow put roots, then it must be planted. Only on the other day, not in Palm Sunday.

Willow twigs are attributed to the healing properties on this day. It was believed that if you put the branches from the head of the bed, it would save a person, especially children, from diseases during the year.

Also from Verba on this day, decoctions and powders were made, add to bread.

With verbal connected folk signs and rites.

Knock on the body of the Willow Spark - There will be health for a whole year. At first the Willow twig is sanctified on this day in the church, and after that he told the branch on the body and sentenced: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the earth" .

Parents are sure to joke "Stegal" by the verbal branches of their children. So preference is given to the Verba because it is perhaps the most lively tree, which is only in nature.

It is believed that even if the Willow stick stick up in the ground up "legs", it will still be accepted, and will grow. It is for this reason that the willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong. For example, the sick person can take the ward branch consecrated in the church and drive it on those points of the body, which are particularly worried, saying: "Holy Spirit, through the will - Disease, fug. Verba will come - the disease will take away. "

And if the insomnia suffered, then you need to put a twig of the Willow from the head of the bed and before bedtime, looking at her, sentence: "Holy angels, a dream of my bank, holy willow, undead driven out." In Russia, it was believed if you swallow nine verbal earrings (from a branch, consecrated in the temple), then you can protect yourself from fever, and in general to drive any illness.

If a woman could not get pregnantShe was advised to eat the bid of sanctified Willow in food again - they were considered a faithful tool from infertility.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved. Consecrated Willow Spots was taken to keep a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important thing for you, and you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church.

Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidney from the twig and eat them, drinking with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

On Palm Sunday think about your loved one, he will come.Young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that the human thought is material. Everything we think about, sooner or later be sure to happen in real life. Perhaps the Verbal Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

Posadi houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich.It used to be believed that if it was this day to plant room flower, he will attract money to your life. In cities, of course, kept houseplantsAnd in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet. But this sign there are several features that few people know about. First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty. And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. Best for this suitable plant with the name " Money Tree" Rain, even small, on Palm Sunday - to a good crop.

Home Tradition Palm Sunday - consecration of branches Willow of Village. It is believed that these twigs throughout the year will protect home from fires and floods, and their owners are from poverty, diseases and adversity.

If you are not prepared in advance twigs And they did not sanite them in the church, but you really want to have a consecrated willow, do not despair. There are two ways:

1. Go in the morning in any temple, and buy twigs there.

2. If you all slept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fluffy on them.

If you do not find with burgundy, and you will see a tree, with gray branches and yellow fluffs - it's Iva. Also good. Since it is not really important important: Verba or Iva, consider that this is the same.

Bring the branches into the house and let everything be safe for you! Signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with magical propertieswho are attributed to the willow. It is believed that if before Verbonda Sunday A lot of "earrings" will appear (the kidneys blossomed), then the whole year will be a crop, fertile and rich in good events.

There are several simple rituals, which you can perform on Palm Sunday. First, "let Consecrated willow on the water. The twig will float - good and prosperity "sail" to the house.

The burning of the consecrated willow sprig protects the house from the fire. And the consecrated twig, stuck in the roof of the house (you can attach it and in the upper corner of the ceiling) will be a faithful of your health and peace of mind.

If you want to wish a person Good and good luck, gently whipped his willow branch. At this holiday, the best blessing is not found. On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also tan.

If you want to improve health and get rid of headaches, day beforeholidays spread your hair, lower a couple of hair lines into the water and pour her will. Diseases will go to the ground with water.

Also using a conspiracy on the willow you can attract money. On the eve of the holiday (in Lazarev Saturday) Take left Willow Spray, and right cross and read ours "Father". Then ask the Most High to save you from financial problems and send wealth to your home. The conspiracy twig must be consecrated in the church on Sunday.

Family charm (on Palm Sunday)It is done once a year on Palm Sunday. To do this, you need so much verbal branches as people in the family. Early in the morning, on the dawn, cut the branches, then go to the morning service and sanctify them. Having come home and drinking the holy water, starting to weave the braid from the vines, mentally presenting at this time, as all the households took the hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the most senior family member, holding a wreath before icon God's Mother, read: " The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who was distilled off from us. As the truth that the Verbal Sunday is honored and the truth is that evil people Not head. Amen". 3 times. Wreath Store year from icons. Amen.

What can not be done in Palm Sunday?Palm Sunday is a great holiday. On this day it is impossible to work. Also do not prepare hot dishes (all the eats should be made in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated in the Great Post. The table should be very moderate: besides the eats permitted by the post, you can only eat fish. And even on Palm Sunday, it is impossible to comb your hair. Therefore, the ritual for the health, which was mentioned above, must be performed only on the eve of the holiday

And what signs on Palm Sunday still exist?

The wind blowing on such a day will accompany all summer.

If the weather is clear and warm, one of the following will, harvest fruits and cereals will be good. .

There is a belief that the willow can pacify fire, hail and drive a storm. It is worth the twigs only to put on the windowsill or throw against the wind, or throw it into the fire. .

Palm Sunday adopted biscuits or making nuts from the dough. On ready-made desserts, households and even animals are treated.

And if you put the kidneys from your willow in the dough, thereby adding health to everyone. .

If you are a timid man and always afraid of something, then in Palm Sunday, coming from the church, take the consecrated Willow branches into the wall, thus will help you get rid of obsessive fears, cowards and timidity.

Signs for Palm Resurrection In 2015, no difference from those will accept that there were many centuries ago, on the contrary, such signs have gained great strength and faith of Christians. Do you believe in them to decide

And finally, the short SMS for those who want to congratulate their loved ones and friends with a verbal resurrection.

Together with the verbal branch
Let you come to you
Wisdom, kindness, success,
Friendship, joy, baby laughter.

Let the willow roluit grief,
Failures, pain - for the mountains.
From trouble and trouble
So that there is forever trail.
Overweight a friend's will
On the shoulders will pass your girlfriend,
And on the pope - kids,
To urge health to us!
Let nobody get sick,
Hilarious - will be healthier
Smile all from happiness,
And all the disappear will disappear!

I want to congratulate you
On this day, Spring,
In this bright good hour
Ripple Sunday.

I wish the world to you
And love from God
Let you be here and there
Light road.

Let success be accompanied by success
Your beginnings
So that you did not know interference
Pain and suffering.

Congratulations to you heartily
With Verbid Sunday,
And wish the infinite
Joy spring.

Let health be stronger.
Will the bad weather go away
And settle for a long time
In the house your happiness.
Let Sunday verbal
Bring peace and paw to your home.
And the heart will give reconciliation
And native to gather
Per festive table!

With Palm Sunday!
With a sunny day!
Let great happiness
Visit your home,
And fate gifts
Surprise again
Reigns everywhere
Joy and love!


Verba Kotik Fluffy
In the house your joy let him carry!
We wish you health!
Life is easy, without worries!
A week later Easter comes,
Still passionate will be ahead
But here, this day is so beautiful,
And the heart beats having fun in the chest.
Yesterday narrowed the Willow of a whole Heap,
And the whole distributed close and relatives,
Today, congratulations, all who are expensive
And everyone who sincerely loves us!
With verbal resurrection!
I congratulate you,
Illuminated recloser,
I will put in a vase
Let everything in life begins
Let the sadness go away
Joy and luck,
Will not pass by!
Wishing to be on Sunday
From the spanking did not find salvation!
Yes, do not be scared, God is with you:
Beat will be a mealband!
Sick this - for health,
Everything is performed with love!
Let the Sunday Verbnoe
And joyful, and healing!

Let a bouquet of yellow willow
Good luck will bring you
Forces will save and nerves,
Delighted from hassle!

Congratulations on Verbal Sunday,
Let everything in life happen to happen,
And with the wind light, gentle, spring
Good luck will return quickly.
Let your home always be happy
And expects many guests,
Let them surround the devotees,
And nearby - the sea of \u200b\u200bloved ones and friends!

Today, on Sunday Verbnoe,
Let him bloom all around!
So be the right to each other faithful
And next will be old friend,

Let the Lord get all the sorrows,
And life luck will be promulit!
Let all affairs go on conscience,
And the sun world will light your!


I sincerely congratulate you
Ripple Sunday.
And I wish you sincere
The joy of the universe.

Let health become stronger,
There will be happiness in the house.
Live with everyone will be easier
And leaving bad weather.

Together with Palm Sunday
Happiness let go to the house
Kindness and all-things
So that they always reigned in it.

Take care of love and joy,
What will be able to give a holiday.
All sadness squeezing
Let him bring grace!

Hey! Today is Sunday,
Yes, not a simple, recall it!
I wish you happiness, super-tonging
And everything will be just good!

With Sunday Verbal!
Let the bad weather
I wish you
Many in the life of happiness!

Sunday verbal
Stay true
Stay honest
Pure soul.
Be happy
Next to loved
With a dressing charmy
On holiday this big.
I sincerely congratulate you
Ripple Sunday.
And I wish you sincere
The joy of the universe.
Let health become stronger,
There will be happiness in the house.
Live with everyone will be easier
And leaving bad weather.

All family your native
Congratulations on the Verbal Day!
Let her eyes burn on faces
Only joyful fire!

From a smile let melting
In every heart snow with ice.
Let love for everyone enough
Let our home fell!

Let dreams be performed,
Life will be filled with heat
Based generosity
And spring freshness
Joy invisible
And the fate is happy
In bright, acting,
Sunday Verbal!
Take SMS-ku this
You are with a Verbal Sunday!
And let the Lord bless you all.
Let life be easy
Common - crowded,
And happiness your house is prevented!


Happy Sunday you congratulate you today,
The branches have already scored you, how do I think?
From the spanking, I wish you not to find salvation,
Verbo Mugonka Get it Sunday!
It is such a sign for health
It is always executed by everyone and with love,
Joyful, healing will be this day,
Will disappear from the face of all doubts shadow.

With Verbid Sunday,
Happy holiday you
Let happier, joyful,
Your life will be!

Let the recreation of the house bring
Worldly blessing.
May God let you save you
In this Palm Sunday!

Great post By the end suits,
And on the resurrection of the verbal
Let joy from the heart fails,
All hostile will disappear.

I wish you good health
Bodily, soulful.
And feeling clean, big,
Intense, magical!

I dug on the pope
Good health for you want.
In the house - so that wealth
In the heart - so that love!
With Palm Sunday!
Happiness again and again!


Willow twig send you
That's right with this sms!
I congratulate you on Sunday,
I wish the world, happiness and miracles!

Interest in orthodox traditions It grows, and many people have a question: how and when to sanctify the willow in 2016? Fluffy twigs usually be sanctified in Lazarev Saturday for the week before Easter, as well as the next day - on Palm Sunday, when Jesus, according to legend, entered Jerusalem. In 2016, Lazareva Saturday falls on April 23, and Palm Sunday - on April 24th. For all Orthodox it is a big and significant holiday.

Saturday is celebrated as confirmation of the strength and love of God. It was on Saturday that Jesus was resurrected to the student of his climb. Whoever believes will not die - it was said. It was not only about physical life, but also about the life of the soul.

Why consecrate the willow

Christ arrived in the city riding on the donkey, in front of him, people laid out palm branches as a sign of respect and recognition. Previously, there were only local rulers who arrived from the battlefield with the victory. For Jerusalem Palma is not exotic plantAnd it was possible to get branches without problems. On domestic expanses, Palma was replaced by the version or IVU. This plants still in Slavs revered as the image of life, her kidneys used to wake up from the winter sleep before.

Often, before the holiday on the shelves, you can find ready-made bundles of willow with beautiful shaggy balls. So that they are better dissolved, the prudent sellers cut them in advance and put in water. If you want to do it yourself, choose healthy young twigs with kidneys. Make a little viscous to fit in the palm of your hand. In the forest behind the twigs, our ancestors went on Saturday before the sun would rise. Do not cut too long branches - about thirty centimeters is quite enough, it is possible a little less, but in fact their size does not have a significant value. Please note that this sanctified bouquet must stand in the house for a whole year. Tie the sprigs with a narrow ribbon so as not to be crumbled, and when you return home, you can put them in the driver.

How to conceive the Verq.

By tradition, the twigs can be consecrated on Saturday after the evening service or after the morning Sunday. But often the father, going to the meeting, the parishioners are sanctified the willow throughout the day. After reading the prayers, the branches are irrigated by a special Holy Watch. Often, parishioners are in vain upset due to the fact that, in their opinion, not enough water fell on their twigs or did not fall at all. These alarms are in vain. Willow beams sanctify not water, but grace of the Holy Spirit. All branches that are brought from the temple after worship becoming your guard for the whole year.

After sanctifying the willow, joking, faded your households, according to the reference it will give them a good health. Also, our ancestors were stalled in this way, and in pure Thursday They even gave off sanctified sprigs. But this practice is welcomed not everywhere, it is believed that it is not worth in food, it is not worth the animal, it is like desecration. Also, in no case can you throw a bunch of willow with the garbage when it dries.

The willow should be left in the house for a year. After this time, it is possible to let it in the stream or river, or to go to four corners land plot. Sanctified twigs will be removed from the richness of the elements and thunderstorms. They must be placed before the saint. Previously, the branches were decorated with ribbons, but now it is not at all necessary. Beams sometimes stick the sprigs around the perimeter of the apiary to collect a lot of honey and force the bees is better to swamp.

On holiday Sunday you should visit the service and take a break from work. It is advisable not to indulge in worldly rags, pray, abandon watching television gear and penetrate the bright joy of the holiday. Let the sanctified willow protect your home from the hasties and elements!

In the photo: Palm Sunday in the Church of Archangel Mikhail. Gomel.

So time flies time. It seems that only yesterday was new YearAnd the next day before yesterday, how the Palm Sunday came again, Easter again in a few days.
I wonder if the Palm Sunday is a person's person for you?
How do you celebrate it? What customs do you follow? Do you go to church to shine verbal twigs?
Or is it the most common day off or a working day when you need to dig and sow in the garden when every minute in the road field?

Do you know when you need to tear your willow sprigs for sanctification and what to do with last year's?

A week before Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.
On this day, Willow Spreads consecrate in all churches. This is a very ancient holiday with their customs and traditions, which in the Bible nothing is written.
But many do not even know how to collect and shit the willow, but after keeping her at home. Here's how you collect Verba Spreads?
That's right, before going to church or already right along the way, we find the Willow tree or bush of the cats, we wipe the right amount of branches from it or buy directly from the church, good, there are bugles in excess, become in the ranks and waiting for the father that goes In a circle or in a square and a huge number of re-switched in pious people, a specially trained broom is poured by recloser, heads, clothes.

HISTORICAL REFERENCE: When Jesus Christ on a donkey went into Jerusalem, he knew perfectly that he was prepared by fate. The city met him joyfully, a stripped road under his feet of palm trees. Therefore, the symbol of the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is the leaves of palm trees. But in our climatic conditions, palm trees do not grow, and Easter comes very early, it is believed that the willow screams the first and its twigs are ideal for this purpose.

According to tradition, willow sprigs for the Palm Sunday tread on the eve of the holiday, Saturday, or a couple of days before him. The bouquet must be put into the water and in the church it is necessary to carry fresh, unlocked twigs. The number of twigs in a bouquet should be odd

When will the willow be sanctified in the church: on Saturday or Sunday?
Proper highlighting the willow on Saturday.
On the eve of Palm Sunday, in the evening on Saturday, in the temples there are festive worship - Vigrosive. Here on this service and you have to come with Willow twigs and candles.
After reading the gospel, the priest utters a special prayer, bypassing people holding the willow, with cenil and sprinkles them with holy water. It is in this service that the faithful faiths receive grace.
Repeated sprinkling occurs in the morning on Sunday, after liturgy.

As a rule, the people reincarnated in the pious people goes to consecrate the twigs in the morning, even on the church, lined up, the priest comes out and we know what is happening. People came to receive grace! But this sprinkling of the prayer of that special prayer is no longer preceded.
So, what happens what is happening.
They came, stood, even quarrel several times managed right in the church yard, the branches in the bag and home to celebrate. I was praised I did not come up with. Yesterday he heard yesterday "What did you become in front of me? Do you have a little place?", "Go further, you are closing my father, the holy water will not fall on me!". So I wanted to say that even her barrel of holy water would not help.
How people do not understand that everything is much deeper and more serious than that performance that they arrange?

No wonder the priests are indignant that the Palm Sunday today turned from the holiday dedicated to the Lord on the day of the consecration of the Willow. People come to the church not to praise Christ, remember his wonderful acts, but simply sprinkling the holy water of verbal twists in their hands. Does it bring this any favor to the soul and body? The ministers of the Church doubt. For true grace, it is necessary to come to all-night worship.

What to do with the consecrated willow after the holiday?
After consecration of the Willow twigs, you need to bring home and store in a red corner, settling behind icons, and you can put in a vase so that the twigs are dried or into the water, then the plant will be fresh or empty the plant. It will be possible to plant somewhere in the yard or elsewhere.

How many winds will need to put at home?
At home, you need to put the number of wind twigs, equal to the number of family members, or any odd.

It is impossible to distribute his willow to anyone in the church or after it. If someone who himself cannot go to the church to sprinkle and asks you to do this, then for this person you need to collect a separate bouquet.

How much should the willow stand after Palm Sunday?
Consecrated Willow branches stand in the house until the next Palm Sunday, that is, a whole year.

Where to give last year's consecrated willow?
Sanctified Willow Spreads in the Church acquire the character of the shrine.
Priests advise last year's consecrated branches to bursts where people do not go, do not cope with the need for animals. Somewhere in the garden or in the dacha.
You can throw in the river, burn in the furnace or on the fire. You can also rain animals.

Traditions of Slavs.
According to the parish from the church home by the Verba, it is customary to symbolically fermented all households, especially children. It is believed that then the plant transmits them with force and health, when they sentence: "Be the same strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the Earth!"

It is believed that the kidney willows after consecration can be used to protect themselves from diseases and troubles,
pregnant or graduate successfully some important thing.
The dead man's pillow is stuffed, put it in the coffin so that his soul fell into paradise.
The priests are et. folk traditions considered absurd.

Willow twigs - this is not an overlap. In the spiritual sense, the house from evil guards the prayer and faith of those who live in it. If the house is going on blessing and ragged, then no camebers, icons and kropropsy, no cross-paintings will save.

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On the feast of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, called Personal Sunday, there is a traditional consecration of willow. Unfortunately, there is a practice that does not correspond to the real life of the Church in the proficker traditions.

So, for example, in the peasant environment there is a tradition to drive cows with a sprig of consecrated willow, so that they give more milk. And some even eat the willow, which was consecrated in the temple.

All this, of course, is incorrect and has no positive and faithful attitude towards the holiday.

To understand this, you must first understand: what is the meaning of the consecration of the willow in Wiji (the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem)?

This tradition has very ancient roots. Previously, in the era of antiquity, the king who won the war, met grateful people with palm branches in their hands. They marked at the same time and the royalness, and the triumph of victory.

After the Lord, our Jesus Christ raised his close friend of Lazarus, who was dead for about four days, many residents of Jerusalem and, so to speak, guests of the Jewish capital, who came to the city at Easter, saw the Tsar-Messiah expected by Jews. And therefore in the set gathered in front of the gates of Jerusalem to meet Christ with palm branches in their hands. Seeing the Savior marching on the dawn, they twisted the branches under the feet of the animal and exclaimed "Osanna! Blessed coming in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel! " (John 12:13). The word "Osanna" itself is an ancient Old Testament Jewish brief prayer Akin to our "Lord, Pomemui." It has two values. The first "save, we molim" or "Oh, Lord, save!" (117th Psalm, verse 25th). The second is a glorious, something similar to our prayer "Thank God."

The church Slavonic word "Viaia" has a Greek root. It happened from the word "Baion", literally denoting the palm branch. Since our palm trees do not grow, they are in the tradition of northern Orthodox churchesFor example - Russian, they were replaced barely blossomed by the Verba.

A very clear church attitude towards palm branches on the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is in the holiday trapar "... Yako Odrochny, victory of signs weares."

That is, for us, Orthodox Christians, "Via" - the sanctified willow - this is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ (in the aforementioned Tropar "The Winner of Death Shria"). Sanctuous green live pine twig - the symbol of the victory of Christ over the devil, death, sin. And this victory is life and resurrection of all of us.

I am expressed by the earthly language, the consecrated willow is a banner, the flag of the Resurrection of Christ. For some reason, no one comes to the head of the Guards Regiment, which won in the Great Patriotic War, or the state flag of a country to drive cows or beat each other on the head. On the contrary, it is placed on an honorable place where this flag is a symbol of national memory or the property of the heroic past grandfathers.

Similarly, it is necessary to act with Vaire - Sangered Verba. Her place - in the red corner next to icons, because this is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the symbol of our resurrection with you ...

Andrei Chizhechko
Orthodox life

Viewed (586) times

For many believers, the question is, when to sanctify the willow: on Saturday or all the same Sunday. Because, on the one hand, it is Sunday in the people called, but on the other hand, many in the evening on Saturday of Lazarus are already going to temples with festive bouquets. We will try to figure out how to do it right and why.

On the consecration tradition

Verbal bouquets in the people, indeed, it is customary to harvest Saturday to Lazarev. On this day they collect the Verq's reservoirs at the reservoirs, but the twigs of willow and birch can be rided even earlier and put them in a vase so that they dismiss them a few days before the holiday. Its bouquet to be even more festive and elegant, you can decorate with additional ribbons.

Then already on the evening festive service on Saturday Lazarus in the temple can be sent with these twigs. But you need to understand that the first consecration of the priest was held only late in the evening almost under the end of the service. This happens, as a rule, at night. So, if you do not plan to spend so much time in the temple, then it is better to take bouquets with you. And to wake up in the morning on Palm Sunday and already under the parade with its branches to go to the temple.

As a rule, the festive morning service in this important Christian holiday, last Sunday before Easter Christ, begins at nine in the morning and lasts a few hours. After this service, a repeated rite of consecration of festive bouquets is carried out.

What to do with sanctified Verba

When the willow bouquets are sanctified, they become inviolable. After all, together with Holy Water, the grace of the Holy Spirit descended. Therefore, it is no longer just beautiful decorated twigs, but a real relic. It is necessary to store a bouquet of the house in a red corner by tradition.

In Russia, if someone has been sick during the year or his mental state has deteriorated, then they broke several kidneys and was added to the patient. Or just put the willow at the head of the bed, believing that the plant would help heal the disease of the body or spiritual, to restore the power faster. Some exactly also come and now, the church does not have anything against this rite, but still in sermons it is quite often possible to hear that it is still folk superstition. Because, the main thing is that you need to do a day of Palm Sunday - it is to greet the Lord in his soul, and already verbal bouquets and other material rituals are given to better and easier to understand the essence of what is happening.

Where are the old bouquet?

If a believer notes Palm Sunday every year, then he must have a lot of last year's bouquets. In theory, in fact, when a new willow of this year is brought to the house, then the old one needs to be disposed of. But utilization is not easy, throwing the branches in the trash can. As noted above, sanctified twigs are the relics of the Holy and what has passed a year, the relic did not cease to be holy.

Therefore, there are different variants Preferred disposal. Alternatively, it can be burning on fire (in the temples, the ritual of burning the old willows is also held annually, so, you can simply bring it into the temple and put it in a specially allocated place for this, and there will be already squeezed), you can put on the river To be pure reservoir with a flow), a twig can even be saved (but choose a quiet and secluded place for this).

The consecration of the willow takes place or in the night service with on Palm Sunday or after the festive Morning Liturgy on the day of the Verbno Sunday. Those who want, as a rule, are very much, so you will definitely think in advance where you will go and how much time you have to all about everything: to accurately get your fresh consecrated verbal bouquet.