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Folk signs and superstitions (Miscellaneous)

"Wood stick! Do not whistle at home! " - Since childhood, we have granny grandmothers. And how they intimidate us with all the evil spirits, house and black cats! The tradition of superstitions firmly sat down in the herbs of the Russian consciousness, aligning the remnants of pagan heresy with folk wisdom.

And despite the fact that there are already few people afraid of the houses and the debate today, the Russian man is still "sitting on the track" and prefers not to wake up salt.

Salt wake up - shed tears

Probably, almost every one of us when he wakes up salt, one way or another recalls one of the most common will adopt that it sulls quarrels and misfortune. Salt in world culture is a fairly interesting and multifaceted symbol, but Russian folk tradition Always attached to her, first of all, domestic importance. It is believed that this sign appeared during the times of rebellion and uprisings in Russia in the middle of the XVII century, when salt literally was on the weight of gold. Hence the importance - to wake up as a precious thing in a question - inevitably leads to a quarrel in the house. But the resourceful Russian people quickly found a way to avoid trouble. So, if you believe in the signs and still wake up salt, nothing terrible. It is enough just to laugh, or to give yourself to hit the forehead, or sprinkle the head turned off the salt. Later it was to joke that if the food is saved - it means the strategy is in love with someone.

Homes whistle - you free money

Everyone knows this, even the most distant from the superstitions of the Russian man. In addition to whistling in the house, simply may be impolite, whistling, according to popular beliefs, it was possible to attract different evil into the house. And it was possible to offend the house. Then he will run away, taking with him not only the acquired good, but also peace. With a whistle in the house, the wind comes, which can also endure all the wealth from the house. It is not surprising that the sailors were always afraid to stick a whistle to the storm. In addition, if you whistle in the house, you can "seem" not only money, but also memory. In fact, whistling - it means to dismiss the face of the Virgin, and whistle in the house, one way or another, to devastation.

Clothes inside out - to the pass

Contrary to other peoples, in the Russian tradition, clothes are inside out, the clothes do not promise a person of good luck. Folk wisdom formulates it clearly and clearly: "The dress inside out - either drunk, or you will be bitch," and "spitting on the dress is not enough - to endure input." Not surprisingly, because before people treated clothes much more carefully and gently than modern man. In vintage times, the clothes have also performed some kind of security feature. No wonder sometimes on clothes were a special patterns of charms. In addition, it was almost always very expensive and only a careless man could wear it in an inappropriate way. Sometimes the truth was attached to this and good, even funny, meaning. For example, they spoke in the people, that if a married woman, a skirt was wrapped in dressing, then she would soon give birth.

On yourself sew - you wish

Another sign associated with clothing warns that you can not sew clothes right on yourself, as you can sew memory. It is not only dangerous physically, but also has some mystical tint. However, it is reliably unknown why this sign is associated with memory. Most likely, there is a silent pagan subtext. It is only possible to assume that the solidification is that in the old days there was neither antibiotics nor antiseptics, and the needles were big, curves and, accordingly, uncomfortable, clouding the needle, it was possible to get a serious blood infection or tetanus. However, for this sign, the people came up with opposition: to protect their memory from mysterious processes, just take a thread in the mouth. So and to this superstition should be treated with humor.

On the threshold, you will wake up - letters wake up

The whole set associated with the threshold is a whole, and not only in our culture. The most famous Russian variations on this topic, perhaps, that via the threshold should not be greeting or transferring things so that the devils are not separated or the children are not dumb. The threshold is the border area between the external space and the inner, the territory where spirits dwell. And the speech here is not about anything of the unclean, but about the spirits. The fact is that for the ancient threshold of the house had some sacred value. This is the place where the spirits were inhabited by the minds that were to guard their living relatives from all sorts of evil. After all, in ancient times, the dies often buried it immediately under the threshold. From here and a special attitude to this part of the house.

The beliefs were of great importance for our ancestors and, despite the fact that life has changed a lot, knowledge of folk sacraments will help not miss good luck from the hands.

In the article:

Signs - a role in human life

In the past, superstition concerned every aspect of being. There is a scientific definition of signs. This is a non-strict pattern between two, it would seem that the incidents are not interrelated. Some of them have a scientific rationale, for example, the behavior of insects and birds before the rain. Almost all weather references are based on perennial observations of a person beyond nature, so few people doubt their reliability.

A number of superstitions had an educational value. Intimidating children unclean power, they were risen from harmful habits, for example, swing foot or spit. Signs for marriage, most of which are associated with life, were invented to grow an excellent hostess. With the help of our ancestors, the descendants arrived respectfully to food and other resources.

In the old days were not just superstition, but the rules of life. They differ greatly depending on the region and are aimed at saving natural wealth for descendants. For example, in Siberia you can not beat cedar bumps Before they ripe. In some regions, they did not build houses where it would be necessary to emerge a birch. Hunt during the mass selection of animals avoid now.

There are also beliefs that are considered superstitions. These include people's wisdom, which cannot be explained logically. They also have noticeable differences depending on the region. There are practically similar superstitions in each country, and the fact that in one city foreshadows good luck, in the other may be a sign of death. Only you decide whether to believe in such signs. They have many followers, but also people who have never come true believers, too.

Many will accept based on religious beliefs. For example, Christian holidays. With their help in the old days they tried to provide rich and happy life, get family happiness. In addition, the thirteenth day on Friday Cain killed Abel, if you believe one of the interpretations Old Testament. In times of pagan, the remains of family members were kept under the threshold of the house, and therefore even now it is not customary to exchange hands and transmit things through the threshold.

The church applies mainly negatively, except for the conclusions made as a result of observations of the world.

Signs and superstition about life

The beliefs exist for each more or less important event, ranging from birth and ending with the funeral.

There is such an expression - "Born in a shirt." So they say about those who are lucky literally in everything. But few people know that in ancient of the newborn wrapped in a worn to the shirt of his father, to protect against the evil and other troubles, and also guarantee him a happy life. This expression is connected with the uterine "shirt", it is believed that it remains only for those children who will carry all their life.

The first bathing took place in the water with the milk cow to protect the baby from the evil eye or remove it. It is believed that small children are weakly protected from such troubles. Therefore, the name of the child does not speak to unauthorized people before baptism, as well as the first forty days of children do not show anyone. Previously, it was believed that during this period after birth, the mother was excommunicated from the church, and only by their expiration it was allowed to bring a baby to the temple.

Many superstitions are associated with the name. It is impossible to call children in honor of someone, especially if these are dead relatives. There are signs of a haircut, which is prohibited until the year, first gifts for young children for happiness and health, and many others.

Baptism - the next reason to think about superstitions. First of all, they relate to the choice of Kumovyev. You can not invite to the godfather couple, as well as a pregnant woman who can harm your baby, and your child. However, priests do not object to a pregnant woman on this sacrament.

The baptismal things are not taken to give and washed, they are needed so that the child will not forget his parents. With their help, you can cure from any disease. Do not cross children in one clothes. It is believed that they strongly bring together to each other and will not quarrel, but if one gets sick, it also threatens.

Many folded. Our ancestors had answers to all questions. They knew how to choose the right dress to live in marriage for a long time and happily. On our site you will find several separate articles that will help prepare for the wedding. For example, few people know that the bridegroom can not join the puddles, the bride is forbidden to take red roses as a gift, and the witness should be younger. In addition, there are many superstitions who are designed to protect young from the evil and envy of others.

Pregnancy - another reason to consult my grandmother's methods. To conceive a child, you can start the ficus, ask for a girlfriend in a position to sneeze on you or add tea for her. There is a lot of take care of the pregnancy, which had to replace the whole layer of medical knowledge about conception. Therefore, they trust them and in our time.

Signs and superstitions for pregnant women helped our great-grandmothers to endure and give a healthy child. With their help, you can even, not to mention the protection of mother and fetus from the evil eye, which, as it is considered, pregnant women are strongly susceptible. Most of the belief that has a logical substantiation.

And the graves of the deceased relatives need to know. No one can predict the grief. But if you do not think about how to behave right during the funeral, you can allow an ill-wisher to damage or get others unpleasant consequences, not to mention the doubt of some things you can simply be offended by the deceased.

Household superstition

Russians folk signs relate not only to important events, but also every day everyday life. There are many household beliefs that have always adhered to the old days. Some follow them and in our time.

Many know that it is impossible to greet and pass things through the threshold, friends who will hurt the high obstacle from different sides, are quarreled, and if you forget something at home and come back, the day will be unsuccessful. Do not sew clothes and do not sew buttons on the body, so as not to run good luck. It is impossible to show it when in a conversation has to describe someone's shortcomings or injuries.

There are many. They are used in magic, and far from always being prosecuted. In the past, each dropped hairs was closely closely and did not allow him to get him in the hands of his hands. This applies not only to hair, but also used napkins with blood traces or sweat, as well as sliced \u200b\u200bnails. If these attributes fall in bad hands, not to avoid problems. In the old days, such things were burned in the oven.

Fortunately. In some regions, for example, in the Urals, during the wedding ceremony, dishes specifically beware for happiness. But to drop the mirror - the sign is bad. On our site there are several articles that tell you what to do in this case and will explain why you can not keep the old mirrors in the house.

Itchies part of the body, injured, or ears? Russian folk signs will answer any question. If you believe them, even

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Superstitions and signs are of great importance: they suggest when luck is waiting for us, and warn about possible troubles. But the majority will often interpret incorrectly, not knowing about their true sense.

The Russian people, the time of time, was considered superstitious. Signs based on observation hide much more sense than we used to think. For example, a spidalled salt is prompted in the family and tears. Why exactly salt? Many think that this sign is associated with taste qualities Product, however, it is not. Now the salt has become affordable and cheap, but only rich people could afford it in the old days. If a valuable product appeared on the table in the poor family, it was used economically and tried to take care. Crawing salt, the culprit brought the wrath of households. To neutralize this superstition, it is enough to quit a pinch of a scattered salt through the left shoulder and laugh.

Anyway, all superstitions are tested by time and often are signs of fate. They warn us from rampant actions, warn about difficulties or, on the contrary, the luck and joy are promised. These knowledge will be pledged happy and successful life Every person who believes in their action.

Whistle in the house

Many came across the expression "do not whistle - there will be no money." According to beliefs, the whistle attracted the evil and scared the house, guarding the dwelling from negative encroachments. Whistle also calls the wind that blows out of the house financial welfare. Sailors are beware of whistle on the ship, afraid to attract a strong storm. According to accept, the whistle we turn the highest strength from themselves and attract failure.

Clothes inside out

In the old days, people treated clothes carefully and tried to keep it as long as possible. Hanging manually, she kept the heat and protected the owner from damage and the evil. Careless attitude towards clothing was usually accompanied by a caustic comment: "Wear inside out - you will be bits." This expression meant that a person lost protection and is subject to negative influence from the outside.

Sewing on me

"For yourself, sew - you will send memory." Another sign, meaning that repairing clothes on yourself is to be undue risk. The negligence was never encouraged, and in ancient times threatened with serious diseases and even death. The needle's injection could be infected, and in the absence of drugs, it was difficult to prevent the disease.

Wood knock

It is believed that the tree is a strong source of earthly force capable of unscrewing adversity. In the old days, and now, people, having heard unfolding words in their address or saying too much, try to cancel negative consequencesHanding three times on the tree. Troika - symbol Higher Forces - also mystically affects a prosperous outcome. A knock on the tree was complemented by a three-year spit through the left shoulder: believed that this gesture would drive the evil on the left side.

Empty bucket

Meet a person with empty buckets - to losses. In the past, Baba with empty buckets did not foretell anything good: during the time of drought, the wells were swaming, and people had to look for water in remote places. Often it was a risky lesson, after all, it was uncleated on the banks of the river with a lacaround on the banks of the river, it was possible to miss the valuable inventory and painfully bother. Now, having met someone with an empty bucket or a wheelbarrow, people sleep through the left shoulder and say: "Chur me, Chur."

Transmit things through the threshold

The threshold of the house our ancestors always protected from negative influence, so the transfer of something was carried out only if the person's leg was on the threshold. Conspiracted things - not uncommon and in the modern world, so energy defense not prevent. If you transmit something to you, stand up one foot on the threshold and cross your fingers - it will help to cancel the negative impact of the thing transmitted to you.

Sit on the table

The table was always a revered place among the Russians. All the meals and holidays took place for spacious tables, located in the Hubber. Each household was given a certain place. Also, the table was attended by food, assembled and extracted by grave labor, so the seat on the table was defiled and a meal, and food. Sitting on the table brings poverty not only on himself, but also on the owners of the house.

Sit down on the track

Previously, travels were risky classes, especially during the time of the dissolve. Predatory beasts, gangsters and bad weathers could delay the traveler and put trouble on his head. "Enjoying on the track", people attracted good luck, because the help of their native walls gave confidence in the prosperous outcome of any journey.

Black cat

Everyone knows that the Black Cat has overwhelmed the road - unfortunately. This superstition also comes from ancient Russia. In those days, black cats treated and tried not to release from home. They were peculiar faces of fires and were the keepers of the focus on a par with the houses. A lonely shopping master's cat was a symbol of the unfortunate family from which she ran away.

Broken mirror

The expensive mirror in the old days was not the way we see it now. In those days, the mirrors were not just expensive, but the status things that spoke about the prosperity. The complexity in the manufacture and transportation of a fragile subject even more raised its cost. No wonder that a broken mirror brought 7 years of misfortune - it was such a period that our ancestors considered sufficient to accumulate to a new attribute.

Corner table.

According to believe, unmarried girl It should not be sitting on the corner of the table. It was believed that she would not be able to marry and would remain an old Virgin. Later came up with an excuse. If the girl had to be crowded and sit there, where it was not supposed, she uttered in a whisper: "The groom with an angle will be." This meant that her squeezed would take away the bride to his home and would provide the roof over her head.

Bad weather - the bride curve will be

Young girls when cleaning often spoke this phrase. It means that a bad mistress will not like a decent fiance and sucks it only to a loser. Previously, the matchmaker came to the bride's house and agreed to marriage. Which hostess will show itself the future bride, this will be its further fate and marriage.

Signs and beliefs are also able to attract good luck and well-being. Attentive attitude to them will help to avoid trouble. Remember that the more positive thoughts in your life, the more you are protected from negative influences. Configure yourself on positive emotionsboldly strive for your goal and do not forget to click on the buttons and

  • Signs and superstitions about the house
  • Iron business
  • Sorry, professional
  • Lady Luck

What can lift more ridiculous than signs? Nevertheless, no matter how from the row of won and inexplicable from the point of view of common sense they are neither, we believe in them.

Amazing still thing - superstition! These little "coincidences of randoms" are able to spoil the mood for the whole day or, on the contrary, to bind, promising unexpected profits or luck.

We notice them, willingly share with the neighbor these proven recipes of good luck and antidotees from trouble. Or, on the contrary, ask what to do if they saw a bad sign in something. Skeptics immediately hurry to declare that signs act only on those who believe in this nonsense, and safely move towards the Black Cat. And the holy fathers will call a similar faith with sin. Even the word "superstition" causing that signs are in vain, fumes. But these most commemorations of humanity will have no one millennium, they are transmitted from generation to generation, and to shake the faith in them are unable or common sense nor technical progress. Yes, the Council to get out of bed only with right leg Or not to give money from hand to hand may seem ridiculous and absurd. But on the other hand, quite serious people of extreme professions like astronauts and firefighters are too responsible for compliance with unwritten rules and rituals. And, looking at these harsh men, to think about it, whether faith in signs is so fetched. And besides, each of us can remember at least one case when the notorious superstition came true.

Signs and superstitions about the house

The expression "My Home is my fortress" has long ceased to be the inception of the British. And each of us comes up with all possible seriousness. Today, not even superstitious people know that through the threshold of the new home the cat should cross the cat. And many, not even being lovers of pets, take this beast rent - just to keep the ancient ritual. By the way, according to the signs, move to a new apartment well on Tuesday or Saturday. For wealth, it is not recommended to keep two brooms in the house, to fit the crumbs from the table in your hand or on the floor, as well as take the garbage after sunset.

Special attention of those who believe in signs, deserves the threshold. It has long been considered a mystical border between the worlds, because surrounded by many prohibitions: it is impossible to say or say goodbye to the threshold, it is impossible to pass through the threshold of things, you can not sit on the threshold. That is why it is considered a bad admission. And if a person has grown into a house for urgent needs, he must be sure to look at the mirror - then the sign will not come true.

Mirrors are also associated with a lot of believes: they should always be clean, and it is advisable to "limit" surrounding Rama. It is not recommended to hang the mirror in the married bedroom near the bed or above it, but very good the story on the door. And around broken mirrors And there will be enough enough, and they are all unfavorable. The most "innocent" of them - the "magic" glass awaits seven years of misfortunes. You can not look at the cracked mirror, you can not wear with you, you can not keep in the house.

No less magical properties Allegedly has salt. Everyone knows that if you scatter it, the quarrel must be happening, and when you have to think about it at a neighbor, you should never talk for it. By the way, if you return the neighbors belonging to them the dishes empty, then out of the house also goes out. So that this does not happen, you need to fill the container something. And the better it will be, the more profit will be in the farm.

But the largest "guarantee" of well-being in the house is still considered Horseshoe, nailed entrance door- wrought iron at all times was considered the best faith. Moreover, hang it relies the round part down to be "full bowl".

Should I believe in all these economic trivia - everyone, of course, decides, because the owner itself is in the house. By the way, if your home is not yet, the signs advise more often to hold onto the corners dining table. - Then "your own angle" will appear.

Money can be treated in different ways. But most of the representatives of humanity are always lacking. For those who want to increase their income using the "Wisdom of ancestors" exists whole line Enact and superstitions that can help. To begin with, it is not recommended to be borrowed at all, but if without it you can not do, then the debts in no way will be given to the evening on Monday. I must say that this "hard day" signs in principle advise to bypass the party. Money take your left hand - closer to the heart - and give right, and it is advisable to small bills.

All "cash" is desirable to solve in the morning, as a last resort during the day. At night, you can deal with money only in one case: when the moon grows. She shows the money or wallet, so that the weakness also enriverso. By the way, the wallet should never be made empty - you need to put on it a bill, coin and green thread.

In the house you always need to keep some money amount - "Money goes to money" - and from time to time to recalculate. But never need to find out how many little things lies in the wallet, - from this tool, on the contrary, decrease. And the money does not like careless relationships: mint bills, divided by pockets, do not bring wealth.

Traders, starting working day, prefer the first to see the Male-Men's Men - this promises good luck, especially if the revenue from the first purchase to fool everything around: to be used and increased. If you submit alms, then you should not look in the eyes in the eye and it is necessary to say to yourself: "Does not look at the hand of the giving."

Iron business

As mentioned above, iron, especially forged, has always been considered a powerful faith. Maybe therefore, it is with iron objects that will adopt a lot that must be performed if you are superstitious. So, for example, the keys should try not to lose, and if it happened, it happened - to try to find them. It's not good to leave a bundle of keys on the table - it foreshadows a quarrel, better to keep them in your pocket or hang on a special nail. Everyone knows that if a plug or spoon falls down from the table - wait for a guest, and if the knife is a guest. If you do not want to take guests, you need to knock on a fallen object about the floor or on the table. And the ancient believed that the spoons could not be washed immediately after lunch - they need to "take a break from food", and that the spoon will certainly need to turn the convex side up to evil spirits did not lease her.

The most reliable charm is considered the padlock - He and the house from adversity takes place, and the family union protects, and even they say, helps when hiring to work. To do this, you need to take it with you in an open form, and when you cross the threshold of the institution where you want to work, you need to close the lock, and then the interview will definitely be successful. It is important that for this case the castle you need to take a new one.

Superstitions and signs strongly recommend to give close metal sharp items: knives, scissors, needles, etc. - They can "cut" relationships. To get around this bad will adopt, for such a gift you need to ask for a small amount. By the way, except for the "piercing-cutting" gifts, a coin of a donor is given for all living creatures (the flowers are also considered) and for the clock.

Sorry, professional

Perhaps each profession has its own signs and believes. According to the survey, the most notorious people are lawyers, and astronauts - on the contrary, are in the first place. For those who are sent to space, there are a number of rules that should be strictly observed. The first, mandatory talisman for astronauts is the famous film "White Sun of the Desert" - they are watching him in the evening, on the eve of the start. Then, leaving the hotel's room, the crew is necessarily sampled on the door. Consume the word "last" - strictly prohibited! At the same time, it is allowed to play a small need for a bus wheel, which takes astronauts to the starting platform. It is said that the tradition went from Yuri Gagarin and Sergey Queen and is obligatory for execution. The start of the rocket is never prescribed on Monday, and the "black day" is not the Friday of the 13th, but on October 24. On the cosmodrome in Plesetsk on the rocket, "Tanya" is referred to - it is believed that it brings good luck.

No less superstitious others harsh men - firefighters. If the service comes new or if someone cleans boots in the service - will certainly be a challenge for a fire. When the fireman returns from vacation, it is sure to donate water - so that there is no work on this day.

A significant collection of superstitions boasts actors: Stage success, as well as good luck, is easy to swung. In the theater it is impossible to whistle and there are seeds, and otherwise the failure does not avoid. SAMI bad sign - drop the text of the role or script. To overcome it, you must immediately sit on the sheets, take up of them with your hand and only to get up. In the dressing room - the Holy Saints for each actor - you can not hang pictures and photos on the door, scatter makeup and look together in one mirror. Also you can not blame colleagues soap - with him you can give role and good luck.

Doctors never drink patients' health, try not to change with colleagues on duty and not to treat familiar and relatives. And so much can not be desired by the "quiet duty" or "good night".

Drivers are believed to rain on the road - good sign. No logic, but they say that it works. If the driver is lucky the passenger, then he should take money only on arrival at the place, not before.

Lady Luck

Good luck gives us talismans and good signs (read "Symbols of Good luck"). Talisman, as a rule, each has its own, special. He can be soft toy, presented with loved ones and native, or old scratched Pyatak, just found on the street. The main thing is to carry it with you and believe in its power. But the signs are "finding" us without warning: you go on the street, and there is a pipeline to you. At current times, this is almost a fabulous character, but people still believe that if you meet the representative of this rare profession, then everything will be fine in life. And if you manage to hold for its button, it is doubly successful.

It is known that a woman with an empty bucket on the road and a black cat is known for evil signs. And here is a man with a full bucket and white, and a better tricolor cat is necessarily good. Red cat - as a symbol of joyful and sunny - can also completely bring good luck. The dishes "For happiness" are best to beat on Saturday, and a shirt should be worn from the right sleeve every day. If you need a good luck on the exam - you need to put a copper flirt under the heel. Today, paper tickets with numbers are not preserved in any city, but if they are, a happy ticket will be very not superfluous for any passenger. By the way, for the exam, and even responsible events are recommended to come to "happy" things, and preferably not to cut hair and nails on the eve. And they also say that if before leaving "on an important thing" to turn over in the house all chairs and stools up with legs, it will also bring good luck. And absurdly absurd and not very pleasant sign, suging happiness and success - it suddenly fallen on you from the height bird litter. In such a situation, love for feathered is experiencing only very superstitious people.

Yes, faith in signs is sometimes irrational and incomprehensible, but still most of us can confidently say that in certain life situations "it works!".

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