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Find out what weaknesses are hiding under the harsh masks of men! Exposing all zodiac signs. Woman and Men Sign

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus Male or female zodiac sign - most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The woman is generously gifted by nature - it is very capable, talented and targeted. This is one of the most beautiful women Among all the signs of the zodiac. It is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and the desire to be in the spotlight. It was always deservedly, it was always the subject of dreams of male representatives.

It has perseverance, wisdom, she persistently goes to his goals. Consistently and is observed to any life situations. She is not the person who seeks to stand out by any ways, she will impress competitions and healthy ambitiousness, but not fanaticity. Her ideas about life are clear and meet the generally accepted rules of the life of most people.

In life, a woman is a realist who does not build illusions. Her dreams are quite adequate and executable. She is not intended to get involved in intellectual knowledge, she more likes to receive information and experience in the course of life. Very rare moments when a woman is losing self-control, makes madness and acts spontaneously. She is from nature wise. It lates natural curiosity, and everything that it is interesting to will be carefully studied, analyzed and applied in practice.

Woman Character Taurus

Woman Taurus, whose characteristic can be placed in the words "True Woman", has a living mind, is attentive and pleasant interlocutor. She is calm, restrained and behaves with great dignity, never allowing sharp or gross statements into someone's address and not allowing this to themselves. External beauty This sign combines with an iron will, force and patience.

Thanks to the high excerpt, such a woman rarely comes out of himself, but does not like at all when she objects. Therefore, others do not need to abuse her patience. Any locked criticism or claims can cause a resentment and entail stormy reaction. And, if it happens again, the woman's taurus can turn into an unbearable and malicious creature. With age, it becomes more powerful, severe on the rise, pathologically loving luxury.

Female Taurus appearance

Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. It is distinguished by natural charm, smooth movements, a calm soft voice and a look. She has tender shining skin and elegant bust. Its society can cause the most pleasant feelings and acts simply peaceful.

Thanks to a good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes, dresses well. At the same time, it can not go beyond the budget. Its weak place - decorations and luxury items. Fur and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in women's guise.

Ladies-calf possess lush forms and thin waist, prone to completeness. Usually slender in youth, having married, having gaining the second half and relaxing, they cease to close weight and often fully fulfill that they do not spoil them.

Attitude to work

Despite emergency femininity, the Taurus sign can work well. In this women help patience, composure, willpower. All they have to do, they are fulfilled with pleasure, seeking to get satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are accompanied by this zodiac sign, wish to be well-supplied materially, so scrupterous belongs to the choice of the main activity. But from all classes that can bring good incomeThey choose something to which the soul really lies. After all, it is difficult for them just to deny working timewithout receiving satisfaction from work.

It is well suited to such women the work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist. A less suitable is the profession of the Seller, but it can also bring pleasure, if something related to the Earth is to be sold.

Love and relations

Woman Taurus in love herself looking for a partner. When meeting a man, this woman is looking for common points of contact, trying to feel a man and his soul. Too annoying Cavalers will not wait for her favor. She does not need a teacher to master the art of Flirt. Non-verbal sexual signals, it exudes spontaneously, it turns out as natural as breathing. The powerful attractive force of its charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking to more close communication with it. Excellently developed intuition inherent in such ladies helps immediately cut off unsuitable applicants and somehow streamline dating.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy. Teltsy - the vengeance and a feeling of jealousy are well acquainted. Until some, she closes his eyes to his suspicions, but when the bowl is overflowed, the culprit has to regret bitter, because she is terrible in anger. Taurus woman is categorically convinced that the path to the heart of a man passes through his stomach. Therefore, in the kitchen, it is the same virtuoso, as in bed.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners, just as generously gifted by nature. Beauty and immaculate is mandatory requirements To them, but also quite desirable is a fat wallet. Such ladies prefer exquisite attention signs, and best way Caring for them is classic - expensive gifts, restaurants, rest in best places etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed can not hope for a long relationship. To primitive sex, a tauris woman refers to contempt. She herself can give partners as wide as possible of sexual pleasures.

Family Behavior

Girl Taurus will be a wonderful companion of life. It will be able to respect her man and not claim to lead the family. She sees a life purpose to be a good support for her strong half, an exemplary mother and hostess. The ability to keep the house is distinctive featurecharacterizing this zodiac sign. In their home, they are always comfortable and order, they are extremely hospitable, which refers, however, only to those guests who appeared at the invitation.

Kids occupy a particular importance in the life of the Taurus-Woman. It devotes them most of his free time, all love and care. Her children see in the face of Mother reliable protectionUnderstanding that she is always ready to come to their aid. Good and trusting relationships both with daughters, and with sons, she retains his whole life, while remaining a model of love and loyalty for them.

By nature, alas, the calf is prone to polygamy. She easily can have several lovers immediately and, not wanting to lose some of them, everyone gives it to their feelings. Concerning family life Representatives of this sign of the zodiac may be unstable. But truly loving woman-taucher rarely changes the spouse.

Woman Taurus with other zodiac signs

Structure of the zodiac

Pythagoras: The world is arranged on the strength of numbers. How the zodiac arranged, we describe the structure of the zodiac and the world by numbers.

Structure of the zodiac

One (from which you can get all numbers) is the number of Creator Astrology brings us to the fact that the Creator rules this world. The unit for astrology is the land in the center of the world, the unit is us. Symbol of the sun circle and point in the center, this is a symbol of ancient Egyptians. The whole world is a circle, and in the center of the world is a point of man.

Two in astrology and in the device of the world is the number of unity and struggle. But if there are two people, between them there is an attraction and repulsion, it can be used in a positive sense as a symbol of human development. The stronger the attraction, it is stronger than the repulsion, from love to hate one step.

Zodiac Structure: Men's and Women's Signs

In nature, two is represented by different pole charges. The signs of the zodiac are also divided into two types: male and female. Men's - all odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scales, Sagittarius, Aquarius). Women's signs go after the male (Taurus. Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish). Men usurped the championship in the world until they opened the planet that everything turns (uranium).

URAL US ORAM, there are not men, and women in leading positions. Male qualities - activity, female - passivity. Each person physically refers to one of the floors, but the psychologically in the nature of each person is present male and women's start. The complexity of the relationship between people is in the inconsistency of psychology and gender.

If it were not so, then all the boys would be active and strong, and women passive and weak. However, there are women who will give odds to any man, and vice versa, men hysterical and emotional how many male and women can only be determined in every horoscope

Structure of the Zodiac: Crosses

Troika is three cross signs. The cross is a figure, which has 4 points signs, located opposite, 12 characters of 4 characters in the cross. The first - cardinal, here includes equinox signs (Aries, scales) and solstice (cancer, Capricorn). Cardinal because 4 years of year begins in these signs. With the Spring Aries, from Cancer - Summer, from Libra - Autumn, Capricorn - Winter.

The quality of this cross is energy, cardinal character has people who themselves want to dictate conditions. The second cross is fixed. It includes the following cardinal signs: Taurus, Lion, Scorpio, Aquarius. All symbols of these signs are quite fixed - slow (except for Aquarius). The main quality of the fixed cross - will.

Will in Russian comes from the Volus - bull. Will makes us continue. What then began the first 4, if there is no will begins to disappear. Here, too, there is a weather compliance: fixed signs from the point of view of the weather are the most sustainable periods of the season. The third cross is mutable (change) - the destruction of what was - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces (almost all double).

End season. The main quality of the character variability, flexibility, adaptability. Three stages of world development: the beginning, middle and end. This three crosses are responsible for the three Indian gods - Brahma or Brahma - the creator of the world, the second Vishnu is holding the world who created Brahma, the third Shiva is the destroyer of the world.

For three crosses, we will define the character of a person and, ideally there should be equally energy to start something, will to continue, and mutableness to change, adapt.

Among 3 is based space and time. Why the Trinity was based on the basis of religion - the space three-dimensional, time is three-dimensional: undergoing, present, the future most processes on Earth have three stages: the beginning, top, end. This concerns only bodily life, for the spiritual part there is no end, it should develop.

Status of the zodiac: 4 elements

Four in astrology. All the shines were created for the fourth day for the omen so that they would determine the future on them, the luminaires were created for astrology. Four elements - four major originated universe: fire, earth, air and water.

Water introduced the first scientist on the planet Fales Mesygiy (6 century BC. E.). The main thing is that he left after himself - it was originally. It was absolutely right, we are 90% of water. It is officially considered the first Greek scientist. He managed to predict a rich harvest of olives, he bought all the press for the manufacture of oil, then he sold them at high prices, cunning (one of the seven legendary sages).

His student Anaximander, though he loved the teacher, but said that everything is from the earth. He was also right. The third name was Anaximen, he respected the previous ones, but said that everything was from the air, and was also right. The fourth heraklite is all out of the fire, and also was right. We have everything from the sun. Two hundreds of people are well-known wisdom: you can not enter the same river twice (the past is not corrected).

Everything flows and changes. The fifth was found, his name was eppedocl. He did not open anything new, but said: no need to argue, the world consists of ranks 4. He was taught pride. To hide your death, he rushed into an ethna volcano, because He spoke to everyone that he was a new one and immortal.

Four initially present in Zodiac signs: Fire (Aries, Lev, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Scales, Aquarius), Water (Cancer. Scorpio. Fish).

Structure of the Zodiac: Element Fire

Fire is associated with energy, activity, initiative, aspiration state, excitement. The fire of the ram is the strongest fire, physical work. muscles, fire fight. Fire Lion - Earthly Fire, Fire of Love and Creativity. Fire Sagittarius - Fire Light of Knowledge, Enlightenment. It corresponds to the plasma state of the substance. Fire people burn.

Structure of the zodiac: Element Earth

Earth is all material. Earth feeds. So that the land feed, it needs to work, practicalism, practical work, materiality and thoroughness. Earth is associated with material values. The Taurus Earth is the land of direct work. Land of the Virgin - work with harvest, sorting collected. Capricorn land - Mortary land in winter, rocks - tops, there is no need to sow, these are elevations, a way to make a career. A solid aggregate state of the substance is associated with the Earth.

Structure of the zodiac: Element air

The air is needed to communicate, it makes it possible - the only thing that distinguishes a person from animals. This is an informational element. The air of the twins - the tuchs of the sky, a variety of interests. Air weights is air, spirits, flowers, elite air, air smells, and the smell indicates where we hit. Air Aquarius is ozone air after a thunderstorm. The elements of the air corresponds gaseous condition Substances.

Zodiac Structure: Element Water

Water is feelings. We are constantly experiencing emotions and feelings. Three water sign called dumb signs. They are overwhelmed with emotions. Very often feelings compared with water. Love as an ocean. Water cancer - water of a homemade water, in which children bathes, fish. Scorpion water is a geyser water or water on fire. Water fish is a limitless ocean. The fourth beginning corresponds to the liquid state of the substance.

Four elements are reflected in four states of the substance. The calendar is 4 seasons of the year, 4 weeks in the month. In arithmetic - 4 actions. In geography - 4 sides of light, 4 ocean. In biology - 4 chemical grounds on which all DNA is recorded. In psychology - 4 types of temperament.

The first structure is a male or female sign. The second is the element. Third - Crosses. The second structure absorbs the first structure, because all fiery and air signs are men's, and earthwomen and water - women. Troika in the zodiac - three cross signs of the zodiac. Total zodiac signs 12, there are 4 elements, 3 cross 4 characters in each.

Four elements - 4 types of temperament, 3 types of character type 3 first cross cardinal: Aries - scales, cancer - Capricorn (cardinal signs); Fixed, mutable.

Structure of the zodiac: five planets

Five. 5 (five fingers), 5 planets Seven, seven (septeter) - this is 5 planets and two shining (two eyes). But the fingers are 10. All planets, with the exception of the luminaire, can move in two directions: in direct or directive D (from Aries to the Taurus.) And in the opponent or retrograde to (the planet stops and starts the inverse movement).

The fingers were divided by planets, put on rings with certain stones to weaken the effect of one or another planet. Mysinetse - Mercury (symbol of the calculation), Unnamed - Venus ( wedding ring, Love), Middle - Jupiter, index - Saturn, Big - Mars.

An index finger during the Inquisition times painted on what should be burned. If the day of your birth is Mercury retrograde, the left little finger is working more. Right hand (Only for right-hander) --Dypeotic planets, left retrograde.

Status of the zodiac: 6 pairs of signs

Zodiac signs 12: 6 pairs of men's and female signs, 4 elements and 3 crosses. In total, the perfect circle of 12 characters is obtained. 360 degrees, in each sign of 30 degrees. For the first time, the principle is equal to the remoteness realized King Arthur, who had round table And, all the knights were equal to him. This is the perfect model of society.

But on Earth will never be it, because In the center are the same people. This is not in reality, but it is in the sky. Thanks to the circle there are no bad and good signs. Of the 12 characters, everything is equally good and the same bad.

Status of the zodiac: 12 characters

Number 12 manifested in history: 12 Caesarians, 12 knees Old TestamentIn the New Testament 12 Apostles. In heaven 12. Zodiacal constellations. In the days of 12 hours in the afternoon, 12 at night. In the year 12 months. The first number was the day of payment of debts and taxes, from mercenary considerations the calendar begins with 1 number. 24 letters of the Greek alphabet, all plots in world literature can be reduced to 36 (calculated Goethe).

Men's and women's signs of the zodiac: what is the feature

All signs of the zodiac in the horoscope are divided into men's and women's signs of the zodiac. This separation is not associated with gender. It denotes the energy feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group owns your zodiac sign, and how it characterizes you.

Men's signs of the zodiac

The male signs of the zodiac include: Aries, Gemini, Lev Scales, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiacal group is also called active or positive. Men's signs of the zodiac are more aimed at creating, on the outside world and action in society. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, the scale of thinking and actions, freedom, enterprise.

Very often, the male signs of the zodiac suffer from the oversupply of energy, which is why they need to follow their health, as they often have different diseases with pronounced symptoms in the soil. The male signs of the zodiac is inherent in the desire to change the world, fake it under itself, to influence the surrounding people. These are extraverats S. practical type Thinking.

Women's signs of the zodiac

Women's signs Zodiac in the horoscope is Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of zodiac signs. They are prone to preserving their energy, to consumption, not creation. Women's signs of the zodiac are very often not authorized over the circumstances of their own life. More precisely, they do not tend to fight the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than they themselves. Very often their manitis to the male signs of the zodiac, as they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of signs of the zodiac - a defensive strategy of life. These are introverts, for the most part. Susceptibility, statement and misinterfidence makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. They though slowly, but go to their goal.

The manifestation of male and female in the signs of the zodiac can be seen in life. Carefully look at your acquaintances: Surely, there are women with a male zodiac sign, in which pronounced pronounced male character. Find among our friends and men with the women's sign of the zodiac. As a rule, there are a lot of female in them. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Women's signs of the zodiac, male zodiac signs

The signs of the zodiac are divided into men's (positive) and female (negative). Now we will tell about them more detail.

Men's signs of the zodiac

All signs of fire and air belong to men's. They include odd signs of the zodiac (Aries, twins, lion, scales, sterlets, aquarius) and correspond to odd houses of the horoscope (I, III, V, VII, IX, XI). Men's signs of the zodiac are persistent, initiative, prefer to act, and not to wait. The predominance of planets in male signs indicates the character of a strong, purposeful, aggressive. In their psychological orientation, these people are extroverts. For a male horoscope, this location planets is favorable. In a female horoscope, such a location of the planets talks about the character of a stronger, persistent and aggressive than it is characteristic of the female floor.

Women's signs of the zodiac

Female belongs to all marks of the earth and water. They include even signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Cancer, Virgin, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish) and correspond to even houses of the horoscope (II, IV, VI, VIII, X, XII). Born under these signs differ in passivity. True, sometimes the female signs of the zodiac are capable of active actions, but usually prefer to occupy an expectant position. These people will rather score what they want than they will go and take the desired force. In their psychological orientation, these people are introverts. The prevalence of planets in female signs speaks of a soft, strong one weakness. For female horoscope This location planets is favorable, makes a woman more feminine. In a men's horoscope, such a layout of the planets indicates femininity of nature and lack of perseverance in achieving the goal.

General characteristic of the sign

The main formatives of the beginning of the Taurus are typical manifestations of the elements of the Earth. This is a female, "Yinsky", sign, sign of the vibration of the Venus planet. Taurus is depicted with appropriate animals that are firmly standing on Earth. This is a bull, as if coming out of the ground with a direct connection with it. The Earth gives the body strength, on the one hand, the opportunity to feel firmly standing on the legs, and on the other hand, the earth, as if attracts the Taurus, not letting him break away from himself.

It is necessary to emphasize one an important nuance: Tales then effectively act when they feel a solid soil, that is, when they have a clear life platform in any form (a solid family, a solid position in society, large material accumulations, inheritance; as well as accumulation of intellectual or energy nature). Tales constantly wink everything to function normally. it prerequisite their lives. In itself, the accumulation of the calf - the trait is not bad, not good, but natural. Evaluation "Good" or "Bad" appears when we begin to analyze how this accumulation calf Uses. If he uses the accumulated on good deeds, affected by the evolution of people, large groups or all mankind is good. If the Taurus became Hapuga, then it cannot be worse.

Small child - calf There will always be something to save, or a candy, or a penny, or books, whether the brands. Parents should be very attentive to these inclinations of children so that they do not move into quality, corrosive the essence of a person. Sometimes the constant needs of the Taurus have always under his legs the basis and some incentive comes to funny, then he cannot be guided in the life of abstract concepts, philosophical concepts, and it is definitely needed clearly and clearly formulated task. By the way, Tales are studying with great difficulty, with great difficulty in their knowledge, but if the information came in mind, then it will not choose anything. Important for them and material incentives in activities and in school, including.

Temperament and character

The double influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives a calm and confident taste. He loves a good, but well-stitched clothing, rich silk and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries. Does not like necklaces, hard collars and ties, loves perfume with a tender smell.

Element sign

Magic Telta

Taurus - adherent of material traditions. The Taurus best turns out the burner for money, success and career promotion. Not by chance, people always worshiped the Golden Taurus - a symbol of wealth.

Taland colors

Yellow-green, i.e. salad, tints of jade and olive. These colors create the impression of natural naturalness, as well as emotional equilibrium and pacification.

Woman in Salad is temptation. She carries his sleep and feast of feelings. She is already a goddess just because it is capable of carrying out all earthly dreams. It combines ease and elegant ability to draw pauses in time, fill them with meaning devoid of verbal shells.

Teltsov names

Horoscope compatibility

Taurus-Aries. Ova controls the militant Mars, the Taurus loving Venus. The compound of Mars and Venus gives an aspect present in the horoscope of Casanov. This is the best sexual compatibility the whole zodiac circle, it is sexual relations Quickly flashed and last for a long time. In bed you will never get bored!

Taurus - Taurus. The great similarity of interests can bother with any signs of the zodiac, except for the union of two tanks. They will be happy from each new purchase and to old age can be able to live carefree and misfortune together.

Taurus - lion. They are similar in something, especially in their alkovenses. For Lion - Taurus is a sign of execution of all desires, but who will lead in marriage - this is a question. Taurus stronger Lev seeks to enter into a legal alliance. While the lion is the happiest zodiac signs, he may well live alone.

Venus is subordinate to such concepts as love, harmony, beauty, art, music, pleasure, taste, beautiful. But the main importance of Venus is the highest understanding of the form. That is why there are many art representatives among the calves.

Emotionality of calves prevails over sensitivity. Tales are prone to simplifying life situations. Their motto: "Be easier - and people will reach out for you."

Children Venus are born for joyful minutes. No wonder Venus is epithet in astrology "Small happiness or small blessing." Tales never solve global world problems, they are concentrated on a small piece of space, but it is on this little plot "One centimeter one centimeter" they are building a day for themselves for themselves and those who live with you.

Erotic horoscope

For more or lesser extent, twins are suitable for you.

Contraindicated, decisively do not fit the lion, aquarius, scorpion, Aries.

The separation of the signs of the zodiac on men and women is not directly related to the topic of the floor. It only describes the energy specificity, a vital strategy.

Men's signs alternate with female in the zodiac circle and are opposite each other.

Levels of manifestation

Each astrological parameter of the horoscope has a minimum of three main levels of manifestation. This largely explains why, for example, representatives of one sign or people born almost at the same time, so in different ways behave and live their lives.

These levels depend on the degree of human consciousness, the "adults" of his soul, which, in turn, is determined by the fact that a person is ready to develop and take responsibility for everything that happens to him ( highest level), Slow just for the flow (medium) or completely lower your hands and degrade (lower). IN modern society Representatives of the middle level prevail.

A person receives remuneration and tasks according to his horoscope, but in accordance with the living level. Excellent - Transfer to the next class, not wanting - additional tasks to assimilate the lesson and pulled up to a new level. Often in man simultaneously adjacent all three levels, but in relation to different life areas. For example, a brilliant artist can be absolutely helpless in everyday life or an ideal family man - unbearable in service.

Men's and women's signs

Sometimes fateful situations are capable of pretty short term Move the person from the level to the level. So. The orphan child is forced to grow earlier and respond independently for his fate even before adulthood, that is, to rise to the step above.

I wonder what weak man Both life adversity and sudden large jackpot can easily overtake on the level of degradation. And the strong even the hardest disease will raise a high spiritual level.

Men's signs of the zodiac

Male signs personify energetic activities in the outside world, in society. Therefore, they are also called positive.

If in the horoscope of a person in male signs more planets, it takes an active life position, aims to approve new, departure from the old. These are the world converters who themselves fill their lives with opportunities. Male principle is not susceptible to external influences, He himself strives by expansive methods to influence the world around him, change it under himself. From the point of view of psychology, these are extroverts with a rational type of thinking.

Negative manifestations of the domination of male signs in the horoscope can be: Highly, excessive freedom, despotism, tactlessness, neglect of other people's feelings, inseparability in the methods of achieving goals, self-affirmation for someone else's account.

Arrogant behavior - negative character

For all male signs of the zodiac characteristic: Independence, individualism, openness, enterprise, ambition, the desire for superiority in any spheres, superflow, globality, the desire to expand their personal space.

In the field of health for men's signs, such problems are characteristic: diseases from the overaffect of energy in the body. Typical fast developing diseases, cuts, firearms, burns, acute pain. Symptoms are always pronounced. Female defaults lay the reasons for future complications. If the problem is not solved, it will strengthen and appear later.

Highest level

Character - Altruism, creative dedication, the ability to captivate with your example. Heroism, courage, fearlessness, victims of personal in the name of the general. Improving the world, spiritualization of all coarse and imperfect. Following high ideals.

Events -life is the fight against injustice. Many bright, memorable events requiring active human intervention.

Average level

Character -readiness for returns, full calculation. Kiphen, sometimes unsystematic and meaningless activities, excitement, desire to remake the world. It is important for a person to act immediately, the consequences of the actions are not interested.

Events - Life requires human activity. He spends a lot of energy, hurries, but not always productive. A large number of Obstacles and inconvenience in life gives rise to nervousness. Problems are quite simple, straightforward, requiring decisive and timely action. Success depends on the person himself.

Lower level

Character - Capture, violence, cruelty. Egoistic desire to get the desired for someone else's account. The imposition of its point of view. Destructive force. Events. Life is facing a man with aggression, injustice. Fate Gross gives him to understand that he is not on the path. In the worst case, a person is angry and in his trouble vinit others.

Women's signs of the zodiac

These are the so-called negative, supporting signs. The predominance of the horoscope planets in female signs declares a person to passivity, consumption, energy conservation. He is not authorized over the events of his life: he carries the flow of circumstances. They owns the desire to merge with the crowd, put on someone stronger to someone.

The defensive life position is dominated, the focus on the preservation of the already existing one. Representatives of female signs are becoming active only when ideal conditions are developing. From the point of view of psychology, these are introverts with an irrational type of thinking. Their main features are modesty, durability, reliability, readiness to obey, prudence, hard work, responsibility, patience, attention to detail, restraint.

Introverts with irrational thinking type

The non-harmonic manifestation of the dominance of women's signs is: fears, phobias, imperitiousness, envy, jealousy, falsehood, pettyness, syradiability, slave psychology, misinterpretability, lack of one's own opinion, exposure to the effect of crowd psychology, unprincipledness.

In the field of health for women's signs, such problems are characteristic: diseases from lack of energy in the body. Stupid, drawing pain, symptoms are complex, weakly pronounced. Internal, protracted, chronic diseases with long incubation period. The causes of ailments lie in the past of a person: unresolved problems, complexes. Hereditary genetic diseases.

Highest level

Character -work on yourself, self-improvement. Mature, wise look at life. Loyalty to its principles. Full composure.

Events -saturated inner life. A person is not interested in the external, social part of being, his mission is the transformation of the inner essence of phenomena, work on himself.

Average level

Character - It has great importance for his person inner world. Endurance, patience, perseverance. Dependence on your past. Complex adaptation. Modest busheen.

Events - There are few external events. Surprise life on a beaten track, few surprises. Much is done by inertia. Man is forced to adapt to.

Lower level

Character -passivity, laziness, apathy. Phobias, fear of the future. Depression low self-esteem. Often become performers of someone else's evil will.

Events - Stagnation, life relaxes a person, provokes to degradation. Secret image of existence. Isolation from society.

What is male and female zodiac signs?

All hot signs of the zodiac - male, and all cold zodiac signs - female. The planets are stronger in those signs of the zodiac, which are similar to them by nature, but the nature of the sign in which they are, and the planet of the male race acquires a female nature, if it is in the women's sign of the zodiac. Indians consider the male signs of the zodiac sinister, and women are happy.

What is the day and night signs of the zodiac?

The general opinion is such that all the men's signs of the zodiac - daytime, and all women's night. Day planets are stronger in the daytime signs of the zodiac, and the night - in the night. The elected books of Rumov says that Aries, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius are the day signs of the zodiac, and the opposite scales, Capricorn. Aquarius and twins are night, and the rest are common, that is, day and night. Indian scientists believe that Aries, Taurus, Gemini. Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn is stronger at night, and the remaining six zodiac signs are stronger during the day. What is the signs of the zodiac with cut-off members? These are Aries, Leo and Fish. The first three are because in their images of constellations are cut off with hooves or claws, and the Taurus looks like half a bull, dissected along the Pouap, and fish - because they have no members.

What is the signs of the zodiac standing straight and not straight?

Standing straight is Aries, scales, and the Sagittarius, so it is said in the books, no sign of the zodiac does not say that. As for Indians, they claim that Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn sleep and represent them lying, lion, maidens, scales, scorpion and aquarius - stand, and twins and fish are tilted in one direction, but I do not have accurate information about it. In any case, the provisions of many constellations do not coincide with it and do not testify to this.

What are human and other zodiac signs?

Human signs of the zodiac are twins, maidens, scales, aquarius and the first half of the Sagittarius. This is known primarily due to the human image in their figures, this is not only in the scales and is explained by the fact that when they are often depicting the entire person or a separate hand or a bird that supports scales. The four-legged signs of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Lion and another half of the Sagittarius, sometimes they are classified as the front half of the Capricorn, similar to the Taurus. Of these, the Aries and the Taurus legs are cut off, at the lion - claws, and at Sagittarius - hooves. Of all the signs of the zodiac point to the animals of Lion, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Fish, on the filled twins, Virgo, and the last two-thirds of Capricorn, on flying cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, on water animals - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

As for Indians, they added a lot of details. They say that the human signs of the zodiac are twins, maids, scales, the first half of the Sagittarius and the second Aquarius, belonging to the two-legged, four-legged - Aries, the lion, the second half of the Sagittarius and the first half of the Capricorn. We have already noted their opinion on the water and air signs of the zodiac.

What are the sounding and non-zodiac signs?

Gemini, Virgo and Scales have a loud voice, twins have a smooth speech of the language, Aries, Taurus and Lion have half-polos, Capricorn and Aquarius have a quiet voice, cancer, scorpion and fish without voice. Knowledge of their votes and speech is necessary to use the instructions of these signs and their improvements. What are prolific, fruitless and other zodiac signs? Water signs of the zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Fish and the second half of the Capricorn are fruitful, Aries, Taurus, Scales, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Little fruitful, the first half of the Taurus, Leo, Virgo and the first half of the Capricorn are fruitless. For the birth of twins point twins, as well as Virgo, Sagittarius and fish, and sometimes, on certain days of Aries, scales and the second half of the Capricorn. The first half of Capricorn and Scorpio indicate hermaphrodism. Due to the fact that we said, Aries and scales possess two nature, as well as Capricorn and Sagittarius. Virgo has three forms, and twins are many forms and persons, as they indicate the birth of not only two twins, but also three or more.

What is their position in the copulation?

Aries, Taurus, Lev, Capricorn and Pisces have lust and strive for copulation, the same can be said about Lights and Sagittarius. As for the possession of a woman, the Taurus, Lion, Scorpio and Aquarius indicate the chastity, Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn - on Plocity, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - Intermediate between them, Virgo is the most chasty of them. What are oppressed and restless signs of the zodiac? This is the Lion, Scorpio and Capricorn, and each of the scales is also a little depressed.

What are their instructions on the countries of the world?

Aries indicates the middle of the East, the Lion is left from him from the North side, the Sagittarius - to the right of it from the south of these three signs on the one hand. Taurus points to the middle of the south, Virgo - left from him with eastern, Capricorn - right from him from the west. Gemini indicate the middle of the West, the scales are left from them from the south side. Aquarius - right from them from the North side. Cancer points to the middle of the north. Scorpio left from it from the west. Fish - right from it from the east. What are their guidance on winds? Each wind from the sign of the zodiac corresponding to him: so the eastern wind corresponds to the Aries, the Western - twins, the Southern - Taurus, and the northern-cancer. According to this sample and each intermediate wind corresponds to the sign of the zodiac, for example, the wind blowing between the East and the south corresponds to the shooter, if he is closer to the east, and the Virgin, if he is closer to the south.

What are their instructions on the part of the human body?

The head and face correspond to the Aries, neck and throat - to the shoulders, shoulders and hands - twins, chest, sides, lungs and stomach cancer, heart - lion, belly and what is in its cavity. - Virgin, back and buttocks - Weighs, Male and Women's Children's members - Scorpio, Hips - Sagittarius, Koncashogu, Bloom - Aquarius, feet - fish. In the books of astrologers, it is often confused on this issue, these are their speeches that Aries corresponds to the head, the face of the eye and the like for all other signs of the zodiac.

What is aspect or drop?

Each sign of the zodiac with the third on the sequence of the zodiac signs and with the eleventh of them is in the aspect, called hexagonal, because between these signs of the zodiac - two signs, and two are one sixth of twelve. Similarly, between each two degrees, that is, the data and the same degree with it in these signs - the same value - sixty degrees. The third mark is called, in the left hexagonal aspect, and the eleventh - in the right hexagonal aspect. Similarly, every zodiac sign with the fourth sign - in the left square, and with the tenth sign - in the right square, because between these signs of the zodiac - three signs, and three quarters - ecliptic, each zodiac sign with the fifth sign - in the left trigonal aspect, And with the ninth sign - in the right trigonal aspect, because between these signs of the zodiac - four signs, and four are a third of the ecliptic; Each sign of the zodiac with the seventh sign - in the confrontation, between them - six signs of the zodiac, it is half the ecliptic.

The signs of the zodiac, which are in aspects are called related, with one sign are connected by Seven, the magnitude of each hexagonal aspect - sixty degrees, each quadrature - ninety degrees, of each trigonal aspect - one hundred and twenty degrees, confrontation - one hundred eighty degrees. As for the fall, this is the signs of the zodiac who are not in aspects that are not in the aspect, that is, not related - two on each side, this is the second, sixth, eighth and twelfth, they are called the zodiac falling from each given sign.

What is friendly, unfriendly and hostile signs of the zodiac?

Friendly - signs of the zodiac, located in hexagonal and trigonal aspects, unfriendly - in quadrature, hostile - in confrontation. So, for example, twins and aquarius - in a hexagonal aspect with airy, and Lion and Sagittarius - in a trigonal aspect, therefore, Aries are friendly to them; Cancer and Capricorn - in quadrature, so they are unfriendly; Scales - in the confrontation, so they are hostile. The signs of the zodiac falling from the Aries - Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Fish. What is the degree of aspect? The strongest of them is a compound, that is, the same sign, then the confrontation, then the right square, then the right trigonal, then the left trigonal, weaker is their right hexagonal and the weakest - left hexagonal. More strongly deprives forces weaker.

Does Indians agree with this? Indians partially agree with this, and partially not. They agree with regard to confrontation, both squares and both trigonal aspects, but they say that while the zodiac sign is in an aspect of the third, the third is not in an aspect with him, while the zodiac sign is not in aspect with sixth, the sixth is in aspect with him, and while the zodiac sign is not in an aspect with the eighth, the eighth is not in aspect with him, and not refer to the compound aspect, saying that standing manlooking directly in front of himself, as for the degrees of aspects, they say that the aspect of the sign of the zodiac with the third and tenth is a quarter aspect, aspect with the fifth and ninth - half aspects, aspect with the eighth and fourth - three quarters of aspects, And aspect with the seventh full aspect; The second and twelfth they consider falling from the first and first - falling from them.

Are there any compliance zodiac signs in addition to aspects? All sorts of two signs of the zodiac, rotating at an equal small circle, one in northern, and the other in southern, are called coinciding in force, since the daytime hours of one of them are equal to the night o'clock and their ascents in all areas are equal, like a ram and fish, At Taurus and Aquarius and so on for this rule. As for the coincidence on the strength of their degrees, they are opposite, that is, the first degree of Aries coincides with the last degree of fish, and the tenth degrees of the Aries with a twentieth degree of fish.

All two signs of the zodiac, rotating one and the same small circle - northern or southern, are called coinciding along the way. The daily hours of one of them are equal to the other hour and are the same their night hours, their direct climb is equal, like twins and cancer, calf and lion. As for the coincidence along the path of their degrees, they are also opposite, that is, the first degree of cancer coincides on the way with the last degree of twins, and the tenth degree of cancer - with twentieth degrees of twins. These two conformations are called differently in different books, there are no constancy in these names; The names we give correspond to their meaning. Abu Ma "The ball called the coinciding on the way all two signs of the zodiac, which are houses of one planet, and although this compliance does not coincide with the above, they use it. Here is the drawing of Abu Ma, the ball called the position of Aries and Fishes, Virgin and Scales coinciding The strength, and the positions of twins and cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn, coinciding along the way in a natural hexagonal aspect, although they are not in aspect, but since the nearest aspect to the zodiac signs - hexagonal, he called them this name.

Similarly, the positions of the Aries and the Virgin, Fish and Libra called the coincidences along the way, and the positions of twins and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, coinciding in a natural confrontation, although they are also not in the aspect, as for the quadrature, for some signs This takes place - Taurus and Aquarius, Lion and Scorpio coincide, and the Taurus and Lion, Scorpio and Aquarius are coincided on the way. The force of instructions decreases along with the hatred of quadrature and evil from it decreases compared to those specified by us, especially for the incident signs of the zodiac. Darkness and evil also have a natural hexagonal aspect and confrontation. One of these correspondences - according to strength and paths are obtained in dividing the ecliptic in half to the northern and southern half, the other - with its division on the ascending and downward half.

What is ascending and descending half of the ecliptic?

They are limited to the dots of solstice. Signs of ascending half - Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish, Aries, Taurus and Gemini, descending half of the six others opposite to them. Indians call each of these Half Aiana: ascending half - Uttaraian, that is, northern, because, although the decline of the sun in this half is south, it rises to the North Day, the downward half they call Daksayan, that is, South for the same reason We spoke. The signs of the zodiac of the ascending half are also called oblique, as their ascension in the inclined sphere is less than their direct climb, and the signs of the zodiac of the downward half are called straight, since their direct climbing more ascents in the inclined sphere, the zodiac signs are called subordinates, and directly dominant. The reason for this is that if two signs are on one small circle, then at the first movement, the signs of the downward half are moving in front, and the signs of the ascending half are behind, the first one is dominated over the last, and the latter submits the first and follows him.

What are triangles?

These are signs of the zodiac, both properties of the nature of which are equally located on the ecliptic in the angles of equilateral triangles. The signs of the zodiac triangle are treated as a single, although their three, their instructions are the same or close. The first triangle is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Fire, it indicates all related to fire. Aries indicates flame ignition, lion - on hidden fire in stones and plants. Sagittarius - on fire propagating from the hearts of animals in their bodies. The second triangle is Taurus, the Virgin and Capricorn - Earthwood, he points to Earth with its wealth, it is interpreted so that the Taurus points to pastures, Virgo points to plants without berries and seeds and small trees, Capricorn indicates sown bread and high and large Trees.

The third triangle - twins, scales and aquarius - air and points to a free wind, and twins indicate calm air, producing and supporting life, scales point to the wind, promoting the growth and strengthening of trees and the ripening of fruits. Aquarius indicates the devastating storms. Fourth Triangle - Cancer, Scorpio and Fish - Water, Cancer Indicates Sweet clean water, Scorpio indicates muddy water, Fish - on salty, stinky and nasty water. What are the squares and signs of the zodiac seasons? Aries, Taurus and Gemini - Spring signs of the zodiac, they point to the childhood of people, East, East Wind and the first quarter of a day. Cancer, Lion and Virgin - Summer and calm signs of the zodiac. They point to the youth of people, south, southern wind and the second quarter of a day. Scales, Scorpio and Sagittarius - Autumn signs of the zodiac, they point to mature age, West, Western wind and the third quarter of a day. Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish - Winter signs of the zodiac, they point to old age, north and north wind and on the fourth quarter of a day.

The first sign of the zodiac of each year of the year is called repeated, the second constant, since the time of year in this sign of the zodiac is constantly, the third sign of the zodiac is called two-story. Each of these three species will be located in square to the rest of the same species. Therefore, Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn form a swivel square, it indicates meekness, purity and sociability, the desire for sciences and details. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - Permanent Square, it indicates lethargy, deepthink and justice, often on dryness and proceeding, sometimes for persistence for adversities and patience when trouble and injustice. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces make up a double square, it indicates courtesy, frivolity, jerk, carelessness, disorders in affairs, impermanence and duplex. The influence of the constant signs of the zodiac is clearly, the effect of twin-temperature is hidden, the effect of rotary occupies an intermediate position between the first two.

All signs of the zodiac in the horoscope are divided into men's and female. This separation is not associated with a gender, but denotes the energy feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups. Carefully look at your acquaintances: Surely, there are women with a male zodiac sign in your environment, in which the male character is pronounced. Find among our friends and men with the women's sign of the zodiac. As a rule, there are a lot of female in them. Find out which group owns your zodiac sign, and how it characterizes you.

Men's signs of the zodiac

The male signs of the zodiac include: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scales, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiacal group is also called active or positive. Men's signs of the zodiac are more aimed at creating, on the outside world and action in society. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, the scale of thinking and actions, freedom, enterprise.

Very often, the male signs of the zodiac suffer from the oversupply of energy, which is why they need to follow their health, as they often have different diseases with pronounced symptoms in the soil. Men's zodiac signs figure desire to change the world, Fake it under itself, to influence the surrounding people. it extraverats with a practical type of thinking.

Women's signs of the zodiac

Women's signs of the zodiac in the horoscope is Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of zodiac signs. They are prone to preserving their energy, to consumption, not creation. Women's signs of the zodiac are very often not authorized over the circumstances of their own life. More precisely, they do not tend to fight the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than they themselves. Very often their manitis to the male signs of the zodiac, as they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of signs of the zodiac - defensive strategy of lifeand. it introverts mostly. Susceptibility, statement and misinterfidence makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. They though slowly, but go to their goal.

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