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How to make waist fine. I never thought that the waist would be like a wasp! You just need to pull ... Secrets of a thin waist and a flat belly

The impeccable figure is a dream of any girl, so the question is how to make a thin waist and a flat belly at home, very relevant for many.

Secrets of a thin waist and a flat belly

Let's try to reveal the secrets of a thin waist and a flat abdomen. What to do, so that the waist become thin, and how at home to make the belly elastic and tightened?

For this there are many methods, but the basis of each method is:

  1. Compliance with the correct power mode
  2. Performing specialized exercises
  3. Cosmetic "Help"

Now consider each other to see each of these items.

Food for thin waist and flat tummy

For the perfect body, lifestyle and the way of nutrition should also be as perfect as possible. Food for a thin waist and a flat abdomen provides the right food habits that you need to try to work out:

- Morning are not starting with coffee, but from a glass of boiled water, you can with lemon juice;

- carbohydrates, especially simple, it is better to use to lunch;

- Do not overeat, eat on a little bit, but often;

- Eat more fiber or other products that have positively affecting digestion;

- Drink more water, at least in a glass every hour;

- The last meal must be minimized in two - three hours before sleep.

Do not starve! Hunger leads to a violation of the metabolic processes, and after the hunger strike, during the period of normal nutrition, fat will be postponed more actively than before. Such is the protective reaction of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat, but in moderation, and observing the above rules.

Exercises for the waist and flat abdomen at home

At home you can exercise for a thin waist and a flat abdomen. In order for you perfectly looked in the dressing dresses, there are a lot of exercises and techniques.

But before it is necessary to clarify that the exercises on the press help to pump up the muscles of the press, but it is quite difficult to burn in this area with such exercises.

How to breathe right to lose weight

It turns out to lose weight in the waist area, you need to breathe correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises of respiratory gymnastics for weight loss.

In the correct respiratory process, a diaphragm should be involved. When inhaling the stomach should be filled with air as much as possible, and when exhaling, on the contrary, the stomach is needed to pull the most. At the same time, it is important that inhale we carry out the nose, but the breathtaking.

For some time, practice the technique of proper breathing for a while, and then you can perform the following exercise: We make the right deep breath, then three short additional inhales (sudden), delay your breath for a few seconds and make a deep right exhalet and three additional exhalations (by-catch).

It is so desirable to practice 10 minutes a day, but at first can quickly come dizziness, so gradually give yourself to such a duration of the workout.

Thus, you can remove the stomach with breathing exercises and reduce the waist amount at home.

Exercises for flat abdomen at home

Now consider the basic exercises for the mask waist and a flat abdomen, which at home, without visiting the gym, will make your shape slim.

- Bicycle: Source position - lying on the back, arms along the body, legs are raised from the floor and bent in the knees, we imitate the torn of the bike pedals.

It is necessary to perform three approaches at least 30 times each.

- Lifting legs: Source position - lying on the back, the muscles of the press are tense, hands behind the head and shoulders are "torn off" from the floor, the straight legs alternately need to raise from the floor.

We perform three approaches to the minimum of 30 times each.

- Planck: Source position - standing on the elbows and on socks, back straight. In this position, it is worth as long as possible. For a faster and complete result, the exercise can be complemented by alternate bending legs in the knees.

It is necessary to perform three approaches at least one minute each.

- Exercise for posture and tummy: Source position - lying on the stomach, arms along the body, slowly raise the legs and shoulders from the floor, while we tighten the muscles of the press and pull the socks, and slow down and slowly go down.

It is necessary to perform three approaches to the minimum of 20 times each, with a delay of 10 seconds.

This exercise will allow you to quickly make the belly flat.

- slopes to the sides: Source position - standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, the back is straight, take turns leaving that left, then right, with the opposite tilt the hand must be kept above your head, helping yourself to pull below.

You need to perform three approaches 25 times per side. This exercise will allow you to quickly remove the sides and make the waist fine.

- twisting with simultaneous foot: Source position - lying on the back, legs raised and bent in the knees, hands behind your head.

At the same time, tighten your breasts and knees to each other, the back is straight, while the press muscles are most tense.

- hoop: To many girls, the wrap is helped to form a beautiful waist. But it is important to understand that the hoop should not be very heavy and solid (harmful to health), and to get the result to turn the hoop for a long time, at least 30 minutes a day.

- Mostik: Source position - lying on the back, slowly raise your back and strobs it as much as possible while holding down on the palms of hands, and foot feet. It is important to feel how the muscles of the press stretch.

As you can see, all these exercises for a flat abdomen of the house can be performed, the main thing is not to be lazy. Moreover, with their help you can make a waist thin.

Cosmetics and Massage for Belly and Waist

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, all sorts of massages of the abdomen and waist for burning fat cells are also very useful. In the process of massage in the course there are various cosmetics for belly skin.

For example, an absorber massage is very useful when taking baths. But the scrubs are hard to get involved, one - twice a week will be quite enough.

After the shower, any cream, the composition of which contributes to the decrease in bodycaps to the result of the result, is necessary for massaging movements. You can also make massages with specialized creams before bedtime, it is very useful and stimulates the metabolism.

As for what cream is better to choose, then everything is purely individually, in my practice there was not yet a cream, which equally helps to lose weight to everyone.

But personally I do such a simple homemade mask for slimming belly: mixing the ampoule of caffeine, a couple of drops of grapefruit oil and a small amount of any cream, this mixture with active movements I rub into the skin.

The result is the skin elastic and tightened, and in combination with proper nutrition and sports, is a slim silhouette without excess fat.

And remember! Always keep your back straight, otherwise even the smallest tummy looks like a knocked belly.

Thin waist, flat stomach ... This is not only beautiful, it is also a sign of femininity. Therefore, many ladies dream to lose weight in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Indeed, whatever the hips, legs, breasts - without a thin waist, all these "wonders of nature" lose their charm.

Waist, belly are those places where fat loves to postpone. And no matter how often the phrase "the woman should have a tummy," meaning some swelling and savings, I still want to have a thin waist and flat belly in the presence.

The secrets of a flat belly are concluded, to begin with, excluding from food of flour, sweet and fatty products, sodes and beers, and then in exercises. The secrets of a flat abdomen are well known to those who do fitness.

The strongest exercise that does not need a lot of time, such: put in your back, straight legs raise at an angle of 90 degrees, hands pressed to the floor. Lower the strongly elongated legs from ourselves first by 60 degrees, then by 30, then we return to its original position. Another exercise: Take the position "lying on the back", bend your legs, and, arms crossed your head, lift the top of the body. These are the best exercises that will help you to get a flat stomach. Exercises, especially the first, you need to do, tightly pressing the lower back. If you want to find a flat stomach, the exercises must be done not from the case of the case, and every day for a long time.

In addition, tighten the belly will help respiratory gymnasics using the "Castle" from yoga. He is called "Mula Bandha". It can be done lying. Inhale, hold your breath, squeeze the crotch muscles and tighten the navel to the spine. Holding down compression, exhale. Relax. This exercise may not work immediately. But as soon as you learn to feel it, you will immediately understand what is his secret.

Another effective method get a thin waist - a set of exercises for the waist.

Exercise 1

Source position: standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands are connected above the head. Perform a tilt forward on the exhalation, the hands in turn movement to lower between the legs, straightenfully straightenfully, go back to its original position.

Exercise 2

Right position: standing, legs on the width of shoulders, hands are omitted. In turn, perform the slopes to the left and right, while the palm slopes must slide on the sides.

Exercise 3.

Source position: Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands stretched out in front of her palms down. Perform mahi legs (alternate left and right), trying to touch the tip of the sock to the palm of the opposite hand.

Exercise 4.

Right position: standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands are bent in front of the breast, brushes are compressed in fists. Take the hand bent in the elbows, backwards, with the shovel. Make two times, then straighten your hands and also jerk away them back. Repeat twice.

Exercise 5.

Source position: standing, legs together, hands stretched along the body. Make a fad forward, bending the knee and raising your hands to the sides. Repeat the exercise to the other side.

Exercise 6.

Source position: lying on the back, legs together, hands stretched along the body. On the exhale, strain the muscles of the abdomen and delay for a few seconds. Relax on the exhalation.

Exercise 7.

Source position: lying on the back, legs stretched out, palm under your head. On the exhalation, slowly lift up the stretched legs at a right corner to the body, make sure that the legs are together. On the exhalation of the legs to lower.

Perform these effective exercises for a thin waist at an average pace. Start from two approaches five to eight times, gradually increasing their number. Remember that in addition to performing exercises for the waist, you must also eat right.

Diet for a thin waist.

The entire period of the diet must be eliminated by sweets, drink 2 liters of water in addition to juice, tea.

For half an hour before the alleged breakfast, drink an empty stomach of a glass of water (preferably a volley - not stretching) with a slice of lemon.
For breakfast
Glass of grapefruit juice
1/2 avocado

Juice from mandarin (or grapes, apple, apricot).
Territory carrots
Skinny cottage cheese.
All beloved oatmeal.

For lunch:
- Salad from cabbage, beet juice, baked potatoes in uniform.

Afternoon person:
- tea, juice (any), or infusions of different herbs, such as mint, sage, rosemary - in equal proportions.
- baked eggplant and skinny cottage cheese, tomato juice, vegetable salad.
Restrict the use of salt and seasonings.

After 18 hours, low-fat dairy products are possible.

Soon summer and now is the time to prepare for the beach season. My girlfriend recently arrived from Yoga Retrit in India and told me about this technique. Only one exercise, but has a stunning effect: "Osin" waist and slim stomach - In just three weeks, with a lot of health benefits!

Flat belly and thin waist

This exercise affects the strengthening of the abdominal muscles from the inside. Even if at first it will be a little difficult to you, then after adapting the muscles to this training session, much less effort will be required to perform this exercise.

  1. Comfortable and preferably natural clothing.
  2. Before starting the exercise, make a simple warm-up for muscle heating.
  3. Exercise can be performed as an independent workout element and as a supplement to your habitual morning charging.
  4. Follow the execution instructions below!

Exercise technique

  1. Sit down to Sukhasana (simple posture) with a straight back. Feet in this position should form a triangle, the parties of which are hips and intertwined legs. Stretching the spine up, not tightening it, remove the shoulders back and cut the chest. Palm are conveniently placing on the hips and relax your fingers.
  2. Exhaled and slowly emit air from the lungs. Your muscles should remain relaxed.
  3. Start quickly moving the stomach inside. At the same time, try to delay your breath and do not inhale. Hold your belly in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Make a breath and relax the abdominal muscles slow and slow breathing. Then again after the exhalation to delay the breath and keep moving the stomach inside for 10-15 seconds. You can make a short breath if you feel that you can not save this position for a long time.
  5. Inhales and relax the abdominal muscles, continuing slowly and calmly breathe in its pace.
  6. Try to repeat this exercise about 5 times during the day.

This technique is one of the best options for strengthening abdominal muscles, helping to get rid of thrust products. In addition, the manipulation of these muscles increase blood circulation.

Each exercise has contraindications, and it is no exception. Not practicing it for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in critical days. Be careful if you have the pathology of the lungs, cardiovascular diseases and hernias in the abdominal cavity.

If there are no contraindications, then you can safely begin. Make a flat stomach at home is real. It is just just right and regularly perform this exercise.

I do not know more efficient muscle training than this! After all, it not only makes your waist fine, and the belly is flat, but also acts in a healing way to the entire digestive and endocrine system, strengthens the blood and nervous system, and this is not a complete list of advantages of this exercise!

Persistently draw your belly to get into your favorite jeans? Narrow clothes, pulling tights and hard diets - are not the best ways to become slimmer and make your stomach more flat, and the waist is narrower. Experts recommend concrete food and exercise rules sent to weight loss in the abdomen:

1. No starvation

To reset the accumulated on the waist centimeters nutritionists advise there is a protein food from 3 to 4 hours of day. To quench the hunger - eat a protein bar, a piece of low-fat cheese or a little almond with an apple.

This "snack" should not replace the main meal. However, protein consumption at this time improves metabolism. Also, small snacks every three or four hours support the normal level of blood sugar, from which, by the way, the accumulation of fat on the abdomen depends. In this case, there is a break in five to six hours - very harmful for the figure.

However, for the sake of the perfect abdomen, it will still have to hardly control your food. During meals, give preference to those products that contain whole grains and monounsaturated fats. Also exists diet designed specifically for weight loss in the abdomen:

Breakfast: A piece of whole grain bread with natural peanut butter and 1 cup of any berries.

Dinner: Spinach salad with avocado, small amount of cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes. Salad can be fed by olive oil and lemon juice.

Dinner:grilled fish, fried sweet potatoes or fried asparagus with olive oil and garlic.

Snack between meals: A cup of degreased yogurt or 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil - your appetite will die and reassure the stomach.

2. Ball games

To return the waist on her rightful place - exercises with the ball are very effective. The ball that you will use may be any size. The exercises themselves are advisable to perform at least three times a week of 10-12 approaches at a week.

Exercise is performed lying on the back, you follow the back tightly "push" into the floor. Take the ball in your hands and pull them out above your head. Swim the ball over himself to the legs, and hold it between the ankles. Lower legs on the floor, straighten and pull out your head. Pass the ball back - lift your legs, take the ball and pull your hands on yourself.

3. Less sugar

Eat as little sugar as possible. It is advisable to maximally reduce its consumption if you can't refuse it at all. This will allow you to maintain a low level of insulin and maintain the required level of glucagon. This hormone increases blood sugar content, providing an action opposite to insulin.

In fact, the smaller you eat sugar, the lower your insulin and the above glucagon content. It's simple!

4. Do not forget to chew thoroughly

The better you chew food, the easier and faster it is digested in the stomach. Nutritionists recommend chewing until the food does not turn into your mouth in the puree - so you will avoid gas formations and bloating.

5. Regularity

To keep in a tone not only the muscles of the abdomen, but also the body, fitness instructors recommended during sports, focus on exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system and exercises for the press.

To ensure to lose weight - you will have to stick to a clear schedule of work on yourself. Highlight for about an hour a day for cooking - but cook exclusively healthy and low-fat food. Another 20 minutes a day, three or five times a week do cardio training. And three times a week for 15 minutes, engage in strength exercises. In order to finally put yourself in order - spend another 5 minutes a day three times later at the exercise for the press.

6. Less salt

Despite all efforts and diet, your tummy is growing anyway? Most likely, salt is to blame. If you can not imagine your life without salt, then just when cooking, replace the table salt on the sea - it is natural and it contains less sodium. Also stay away from the soy sauce - even a small amount of its amount can lead to the bloating of the abdomen.

In addition, nutritionists advise to replace salt on pepper and other natural spices, which also give food a new taste, but do not harm your figure.

7. Boxing

Boxing is the most effective kind of training that helps to overcome the usual female problems with the figure. As a result of regular sessions, the press is quickly formed, the excessive weight is discharged, fat deposits in the hips and top of the legs are leaving. As a result, the figure looks slim and elastic, but not "punched".

If you have not a lot of summary time, and you can not engage in boxing in the hall, then do not come out of the house! You only need to strike blows into the air, it is advisable to take the dumbbells or just something heavy. Actively boxing for 8 minutes first with weight, then without - and you will feel how you work almost all the muscles of the body.

8. Visual deception

If you have a very swollen and noticeable stomach, you can visually distract your attention to properly selected clothing. Make focus on your feet using trousers or skirts. You can also open your shoulders and the neckline zone. So that the chest looked beautiful - make sure the bra is sitting on you well. He should not "ride" on the back, cups should tightly attract to the body. Try to choose the wardrobe so that the "imperfect" places hide, but to emphasize the winning.

10. Laughter

The easiest and most pleasant way to make the belly flat and beautiful is laughter. Each time you laugh, abdominal muscles are reduced and the press muscles are strengthened.

Flat tummy and a thin narrow waist - the dream of many women who are not given to nature. In fact, even if you themselves are far from the concept of a cane, it is possible. But in this case, the Osin waist is the result of constant work on itself, which should include both nutrition correction and physical activity, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired one. Exercises in this case will be aimed at burning fat deposits on the sides and abdomen, as well as on fastening the front wall of the abdominal press, in view of which the tummy will be flat and tightened, and the waist is seductive thin.

Of course, we all know about the established standard in 90-60-90. However, it is more cliche. These parameters, being a benchmark, are in fact rarely found, since the body is individual, and the norms in each case will be their own.

To calculate approximately the right waist amount, you need to subtract 100 from the size of your growth in centimeters. That is, with an increase in 170 cm you may well have a waist of not 60, but 70 centimeters. If you have wide bones from nature, it is permissible to add a couple more centimeters.

If your breasts and thighs in your width are about the same, the figure will look the most harmonious at the magnitude of the waist in 70% of the first two parameters. For example, with a chest and a pope of 100 centimeters, you will look attractive and feminine if your waist has the volume in the same 70 cm. Therefore, it is not necessary to chase an ideal, but it is important to understand what is the norm for you and try to strive for this .

At the magnitude of the waist can affect certain internal factors, namely - your health. For example, the problems of the thyroid gland can negatively affect the hormonal background, which will result in a set of excess weight and to an increase in the volume of the waist, respectively.

What do you need to do so that the waist is fine?

Still, women have sought to do everything so that the waist is thinner. So, they used to carry tight corsets, as if driving it. Today you can also find a variety of driving linen and other products that make the waist. But this is only a visual correction that does not solve the problem in any way, but only masks it.

If you need not just to hide the shortcomings, but to get rid of them, you will have to try. The way to make the waist is not fast, but it is really effective. it diet and exercise For a thin waist and a flat belly.

As for the nutrition, everything is simple: you eat often and gradually, we exclude harmful and calorie products from the diet, we lave on useful and low-calorie, drink a lot of water.

To make a waist, you need to work out all the muscles of the abdomen, especially oblique. It is necessary to avoid exercises that are aimed at pumping them - because of them, your waist will become wider. The most effective exercises for the fine waist are aimed at stretching and elaborating muscles, burning excess fat in the abdomen, as well as the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. In combination with a diet, they will help achieve the desired result.

Best Exercises for Thin Waist and Flat Belly

Before we look at how to make the waist of fine exercises, it is worth talking about such a simple and useful tool like a hoop or hula-chup. We all know that the twist of him is a wonderful way to form a thin waist.

To get good results, you need to choose the right hoop. You will need heavy hula-hup weigh more than two kilograms. It can be like massage, as well as the usual metallic. It is more important that the press is constantly tense in the process ofrsion. Newbies, of course, it is worth starting to turn the hoop with a minimum amount of time, gradually increasing it. But in general, in order to achieve excellent results, and not only make the waist thinner, but also get rid of excess weight, lessons are needed by a duration of 1.5 hours with a pair of breaks in a few minutes. One hour twist hoop allows you to burn more 400 kcal.

Crashing the hoop should be supplemented by other exercises to work out the waist area. They need to be performed slowly, without sharp movements to remove the load on the spine. It is recommended to perform them in two approaches 10-15 times. The break should be no more than a minute. Otherwise, the muscles are cooled, and the best exercises for the fine waist will become less productive. Below you will find effective exercises for a fine waist, which, with regular execution, will help achieve the desired one.

Before starting exercises for the waist, a little disperse the body through a simple warm-up. It is simple enough - for 5-10 minutes actively run, jump, press. You can also dance - it is also a good warming up for the muscles.

1. Turns

A simple exercise, aimed at burning fat deposits in the side of the waist. Stand on the floor, put your feet on the width of the shoulders, put your hands on the waist. Watch out for posture - it should be straight throughout the exercise. Start the maximum to lean first to the left, then right. At the same time, the lower part of the body should not move, and the feet should not be broken from the floor surface.

2. Tilt forward

Right position - legs on the width of the shoulders, back straight, hands are headed and closed in the castle. Now lean forward, trying to get to the right knee to the left elbow, and after - on the contrary. Foot should be broken from the floor, at the same time leaning forward.

3. Exercise with matches

To perform this exercise for a thin waist at home you need a full box of matches. Spaw on the floor, then start collecting them, leaving as much as possible with straight legs. For one tilt, raise only one match. Having raised it, straighten completely.

4. Mill

Exercise that we know since childhood. Source position - legs on the width of the shoulders, the case is tilted forward, the back is straight. At the same time, the hands must be lowered down. Perform energetic breathing hands on the parties during 1-2 minutes.

5. Another variation of turns

For this exercise, put your legs as wide as possible, pull your hands at the shoulder level. Slowly turn turns alternately in different directions. At the same time, the back must be smooth, the hands should not bend in the elbows. Also ensure that the lower part of the housing does not move.

6. Vacuum

If your goal is a thin waist, the exercises may include a popular "vacuum". This exercise helps to achieve a flat belly and a thin waist. It is popular both in yoga and bodybuilding, and it is believed that Arnold Schwarznegher invented him. The essence is very simple - you need to pull the abdomen as much as possible on the breath, as if you are trying to get a navel to the spine. Try to delay your breath as much as you can. Exercise is good because you can do it anywhere and anywhere. The easiest option is to perform a vacuum lying, classic - standing position. For complicating load, you can do the exercise sitting on a chair, standing on all fours.

Rules for performing effective waist exercises

You already know that a thin waist, the exercises of the house for which we have already considered is the result of regular work on yourself. In order for physical activity to be effective, you need to know some rules for its implementation. Initially, it is worth understanding that the pompous press is not equal to a thin waist. Improving the load on the muscles increases their volume. Accordingly, the amount of waist increases. Therefore, the optimal solution is to start swing muscles only after you remove the fat layer, or combine the cardio and the power load in one workout.

The bulk of exercises for the fine waist is directed not to building weight, but on burning fat. Cardiotrias stretch the muscle of the heart, improve blood circulation, they train stamina and normalize breathing. We need to work out the abdominal muscles, muscle stabilizers bark. Also be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • Very important regularity. If you do not have enough time and strength, it is better to reduce the number of repetitions, but exercises are systematically and follow the correctness of the technique.
  • You can engage both at home and in the gym under the supervision of a professional coach.
  • Before the start of classes, measure the amount of the waist and do it regularly to track the results.
  • Before watch out for the implementation technique. Training, you must feel the work of every abdominal muscle.
  • The more fat you have on the waist and sides, the more difficult the exercises will be given. But do not be afraid of difficulties - over time it will be easier.
  • It is recommended to train in a well-ventilated room.
  • Control breathing during training. Do not delay it. With any exercise, the main effort is done on exhalation, relaxation - on the breath. And how to breathe when swinging the press? Find out .
  • Recommended on empty stomach either a couple of hours after eating.
  • We have already said that before exercises you need to make a small workout. And after the end of their execution, you need the so-called hitch, which will help stretch the muscles, prevent painful sensations in them.
  • Clear motivation is important. You must represent the result you want to get. Also in motivation can help thematic pictures, video.

A simple set of exercises in combination with properly balanced nutrition will help achieve the desired results. And to master the right technique of their implementation and improve the quality of workouts you will help you video exercises for a thin waist, which you will find below.

Video with exercises for a thin waist and flat abdomen