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People scorpions women. Weak places of women scorpion. Relations with men

Compatibility Horoscope: Zodiac Sign Scorpio Woman Characteristic in Love - Most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

Spripion woman horoscope

Scorpio Woman: Exterior

Even if this woman you can not call the beauty, she will still attract views - and not only male, but female. She is confident in himself, extremely attractive, in her appearance there is something magnetic. Such ladies are decisive, bold, stubborn, possess a male mind warehouse, but at the same time can be externally feminine and seductive.

Among the scorpions there are many women who are called fatal. Often they choose the corresponding image, for example, love to wear dark clothes, brightly paint lips, etc. This woman may look attractive even when her appearance clearly broadcasts inner aggressiveness.

Scorpio-Woman - Characteristics of Behavior

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The senses of scorpion-women often remain a mystery even for those who know her perfectly. Even if she feels deeply unhappy, she never cries and does not complain of other people in society. Women scorpions will not be allowed to extract their self-esteem, will not tolerate resentment and humiliation. They know how to distinguish when harm is applied unconsciously, and when deliberately, and in the second case turn into fierce avengers. Very appreciate care, love and attention and pay the same coin.

Like men, the women of this sign are extremely energetic, enterprising, have clearly indicated goals. But, as the horoscope warns, the scorpion-woman along with a large reserve of energy gets a predisposition to bad habits, in particular, to alcohol and drug addiction, but for the most part they still have enough will to keep themselves in their hands.

Zodiac Sign Scorpio - Woman in Work and Career

Women born under this constellation can bypass in many men. They are independent, smart, strong, nature gives them versatile abilities that help achieve success in the most different areas - From creativity to science. Difficulties in the work only bloody them, will be an excitement in them. They are focused on a successful career, and the desire to possess the authorities over others makes them marvel on guidelines. Scorpions women differ in the ability to finely feel the situation and use it as profitable as possible for themselves.

Scorpio Woman in Love

This woman is extremely difficult to circle around the finger. If it allows himself to contact a man looking for temporary entertainment, then just because it corresponds to its own plans. She is insightful and very quickly determines who she is suitable, and who is not. In love, as in the rest, scorpion is inclined to rush in extremes. If she loves or hates, then on the "full coil", and if he decides to part, then it is almost impossible to return its favor.

Scorpios ladies often become the subject of adoration of the weaker spirit of men who fueled them with a crazy energy. However, these women themselves stop the choice on bold, desperate, self-confident men. The love for a scorpion woman is even dangerous, because men often lose their heads, forget about relatives, friends, work, sacrifice plans, or even family. Such ladies can not only look like fattest tempted, but also to be such in essence.

Scorpio Woman in Sex

A scorpion woman in bed is a very sensual partner, she loves to have sex, knows how to relax completely. She is not against experiments, and if it has a rich experience, generously shares craftsmanship with a person who considers worthy of it. Scorpio diligently supports itself in an excellent form, and its stormy temperament does not conquer.

Scorpio Woman Marriage

A man who became a spouse or a permanent partner of Scorpioly, can be proud of himself, because it is very difficult to please this demanding woman. She always has a lot of other applicants, and he needs to be able to bypass them in charm, self-confidence, external attractiveness and inner strength. The character of scorpion-women is not easy, it is filled with energy, but she also sometimes wants to feel like a weak and defenseless, and life satellite should be able to satisfy this emerging need.

Seeing the integrity and nobility of nature chosen, his love and care, scorpion-wife is ready to give all of themselves without a residue. She has a business grip, helps her husband make a good career, promote social status. This woman will be dedicated to him with all the soul, but as for the body, everything is not so unequivocal here. The husband may not give up to her in sexual opportunities, but the thirst for new impressions is able to push these women to intimate contacts with other representatives of strong sex. At the same time, they do not have thoughts about divorce.

Zodiac signs: Scorpio-Woman - Household House

Scorpio gladly decorate and engraves his house, she always caught even in those corners, where strangers do not look around. The decoration of the dwelling eloquently testifies to the beautiful taste of his mistress, and luxury items, an abundance household appliances And other attributes comfortable life - About the desire to establish life in accordance with its high requests. The women of this sign of the zodiac are very not indifferent to the money, in particular, as a tool with which you can get freedom and power over people.

Characteristics of Scorpion Women - Mother

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The mother of this sign does not like when someone else, even close, interfere with the process of raising their children. They are convinced that they know everything better than everyone. Scorpions feel beautifully their children - like all people in general. Sons and daughters can count on participation in solving their problems, for explanatory, realistic advice. Mother scorpions are demanding, they teach children of life, prepare for a collision with its unfavorable parties, make a lot to make natural talents to gain development.

Who is suitable scorpion-woman on a horoscope to create a family

What to give scorpion-women

Choosing a gift to a scorpion woman, it is impossible to fine: it belongs to this very rursing. If there is enough money only on the cheap and besides, a useless bauble, better under any faithful pretext to transfer the presentation of a gift until the opportunity to present to her worthy - say, jewelry. But it is worth knowing that the value of the gift in this case should increase relative to the period of delay almost in geometric progression! These ladies love them to congratulate them on the day of the celebration, and even associated with this feast almost never transferred for reasons of convenience for the weekend. Therefore, it is still better to show ingenuity and pick up an inexpensive, but a good gift for scorpion-women, for example, to order a personal cake in her honor, choose something from the assortment of shops selling exotic, occupation with occultation, as well as erotic goods. If a woman is a typical representative of his zodiac sign and an adventure amateur, you can give a woman scorpion "adrenaline" entertainment, the so-called leisure with the perch.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

Zodiac Zodiac Zodiac Scorpio - Characteristic

Characteristic Woman on the sign of the scorpion horoscope can be described by the following epithets:

  • beauty mystery;
  • attractiveness of the view and movements;
  • independence;
  • pride and self-confidence.

Characteristics of a girl sign Scorpion can also be described as early femininity, charm and seduction. The girls of this sign already with adheral of age understand their inner superiority over the same time, but at the same time know how to hide their attitude and very sincerely act in the role of a gentle and good creation, controlling the sense of domination.

Woman Scorpio - Characteristic in Love

IN love relationship Women of this sign are quite unpredictable. The beloved Scorpio can very much change the change in behavior. But this is not scary, men still love such representatives of weak gender. In the intention to attract the attention of men, the scorpion woman skillfully uses everyone available tools: Thin fragrance of perfume, views, other methods and ways.

Such a woman knows exactly what she will definitely serve her hand, open the car door, bring the match or lighter to the cigarette. She will be able to charm any man and make it happy or unhappy in love, it all depends on her desire. It is not ashamed to appear at the secular event, and work in the garden. It will attract attention to himself and in a denim costume, and in the evening dress, and in casual clothes.

Of the other features of a scorpion woman in love relationships, it is necessary to highlight her amazing ability to literally pierce with his gaze through and perfectly understand its real intentions and desires. In other words, you can dump it with flowers and read the poems to it until the morning, but at the same time it will know exactly about the real desires and motives of such a man. By the way, it is worth noting that the girl can be given the same characteristic - scorpion in love.

Another important feature of the Scorpio woman is its inclination to black and magic abilities. Sometimes she can remind the witch or sorcerer. Each man will be able to feel her influence on himself. In this case, the result will be one of the two - or the strongest desire to escape from such a woman, or to fully get under its charm.

Features of the characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac Scorpio in love relationships

As already noted above, the scorpion girl is fully characterized by all the features that the scorpion woman is inherent. For the sake of justice, we note that it will fully master them, when turns into a real woman.

The girl of this sign will never forgive and will not be with a weak man. Her chosenses should be allocated by courage, indispensable and irreconcilable ambitions. He can dominate love, but at the same time will never be able to completely submit such a girl. His main features is:

Male Chief Chippion Girl should be in all better than the rest of the male. If the girl still chooses his chosen one, he will immediately feel himself unique and unusual, something that is distinguished from the crowd. The girl, because of his inexperience, can truly captivate them, in every way to please him and fulfill almost all the desires, will be able to express all his passion. For this reason, it is not difficult to guess why the favorite people of scorpions feel really happy. Such. general characteristics Scorpions, or rather, women of this sign of the zodiac.

Woman Scorpio - What is she?

in the women's club!

You do not need to be psychic to determine what in front of you is a scorpion woman, since this outstanding lady is visible to the naked eye.

The woman of this sign of the zodiac attracts, as if the sorceress - it combines an external coldness and boiling passion in the shower, a fiery look and exquisite speeches, elegant manners and militancy.

Scorpio woman does not use typical ladies' stuffs: it is in itself, knows the price and knows what he wants.

This person is difficult to conquer. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She can not be stopped or to beat the head with compliments and romance, the lady of this sign of the zodiac is similar to the Snow Queen, and in men appreciates real qualities, and not the ability to charming young girls.

But she is right, with her comfortable and good. Because if the woman Scorpio chose the chosen one, then it did it with the mind, and the opinions of their own will simply not change.

In bed, this sign is a find for everyone. She knows how to adjust the partner and bring it crazy, may be gentle and obey, can become a passionate fatal mistress, there are no borders and prohibitions for her, it is the most original and dare. If the lady of this sign found his partner, he will be crazy.

Woman Scorpio Great wife and mistress, strict and sensible mother. Everything is always in perfect order, she knows how to fulfill a lot of things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has perfect family, educated children, full order in the career, and this lady will always find time.

Try or not?

Conquer the regulatory heart of the lady of this sign of the zodiac is not easy, and before deciding whether it is worth doing this in general, it will be useless to know its compatibility with other signs, whether the Aries, Cancer, Lion, Scales, Virgo, or another zodiac sign, and find out what couple It is ideal for her, and what the horoscope speaks about this.

1. Perhaps a man of Aries - just the one who can tame it. The horoscope says that Aries - ardent, Aries passionate, Aries - a real manhe will be able to find an approach to her, make a worthy party and find mutual language. Such couples have excellent compatibility.

2. Taurus is a good option for this lady. Passionate woman Scorpio and strong, calm male Taurus in many ways complement each other, this pair is harmonious and conflict compared to others. Woman Scorpio has something that is not in the character of a man Taurus, and vice versa. The characteristic of the Union shows that there are all the chances!

3. Jealous scorpion woman and non-permanent man twins - dangerous union. Gemini do not know what they want. Gemini is there, then here. Twin-loving twins, twins are unpredictable!

And the lady scorpion needs completely different. Conflicts will begin immediately, and will end with a terrible war, so compatibility, alas, low.

4. Cancer, in general, can be a good party for this woman, but everything depends on it. Cancer is not a leader in a pair, a domestic cancer, romantic, calm, Cancer will be able to obey and will not climb on the Rogon, such a sign of the zodiac.

Therefore, the horoscope indicates the average compatibility of the pair. Strong energy Scorpio can destroy, and maybe strong Soyuz.

5. The lion for the scorpion woman is not a friend, not a partner, but an opponent. Their characters are created to fight - the lion will not give way, the lion does not recognize the woman equal to himself, the lion will try to put it in place, at the slab, and this is big mistake. The characteristic of this pair is dangerous, they better stay away from each other.

6. Virgo may seem like a scorpion victim: Virgo soft sign, Virgin, honest, romantic, Male Virgo is not a fighter. But it is this sign that the horoscope is read into the scorpion pair!

Compared to others, this pair has every chance, they will complement each other, they will comply like pieces of puzzle, and will find overall happiness. Excellent compatibility!

7. But scales are a strange option for it, and the development of the plot can be different. Scales - a man's non-permanent, scales forever in search and doubts, scales - a mystery.

But the horoscope assures - a scorpion woman in love with this man will be able to change it, and if both partners want to build harmonious relationships, they will succeed.

8. There is no more dangerous pair than a wayward scorpion woman and a militant, uncompromising male Scorpio. They are far from boning in spirit, but rather fighters in equal weight categories. This pair has a clear characteristic - it is better not to start not start, because the relationship of bloodshed will end!

9. Sagittarius and Scorpio is something! Sagittarius - Passionate, Sagittarius, the Sagittarius rapid ... Sagittarius is just a find for her! But no more than for a stormy novel, alas.

Woman Scorpio will be fascinated by this dusty cavalier, but before the first conflict. In a pair, someone should be able to "extinguish the fire", and these two signs can only pour oil into the fire. But sexual compatibility is better than with any other sign.

10. But when there is a scorpion woman and a conservative man Capricorn, then you can begin to believe in a miracle. He will be able to charm her, and she - to show respect for him. He does not like to play, she, too, they have a lot in common.

Wayward scorpion woman and brought up, but strong man Capricorn can make a magnificent couple. Characteristic and compatibility talk about it!

11. Sexual compatibility Couples Woman Scorpio and Male Aquarius - the perfect, sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings and passions. But the ardent woman Scorpio and a non-permanent, freedom-loving man of Aquarius may not understand each other, because both of them are not taught to listen and heed, both self-sufficient and wayward. Characteristic is complex, it all depends on partners.

12. Male Fish seems to be too soft for her. Fish - Romantic, Fish is not a fighter. Fish - a man creative and emotional.

But how to survive everything around when the irresistible lady Scorpio will choose a man's feet! They are harmonious and have something that does not get a partner, the couple has every chance.

Eastern horoscope

The nature of this lady is difficult to solve, but eastern horoscope It will help to see a clearer picture. So, what year born scorpion?

  • Rat Scorpio - Woman is surprisingly dreamy and emotional, but she knows how to embody their dreams and got used to the hip for their desires.
  • Bull - a soft sign, good for scorpion. This woman adores children, she is a wonderful mother - reasonable, kind, but fair.
  • Tiger in this case is not a terrible predator. This lady has all the warriors' deposits, but does not use its strength just like this, for the sake of entertainment or because of the nature. She is reasonable and judgment, but in her arsenal - a huge force and fearlessness.
  • If she was born a year cat, it is aesthetic nature. Everything is beautiful - for her, she loves luxury and truly good things, they will not surprise her baubles, it has a perfect taste and style.
  • Dragon is a rich imagination, creative vein, sharp mind and dreaminess. Sometimes impermanent in desires.
  • Snake is not fussy, it observes and analyzes, and does not make unnecessary movements. Very emotional and there is a touching, it does not know how to forgive and return the old one.
  • A horse is not a very good year for scorpion. This feature is pretty careful to start implementing big dreams, and plans can build for four. She always needs a stimulus to start actively acting.
  • The goat is charming and mila, but Caprip. Her mood is hard to understand, she loves to be alone and does not need support than the people often attracts. Mysterious, unusual and is not amenable to understanding.
  • The monkey is incredibly smart. She does not demonstrate their mind, hiding behind the mask of the fragile woman, but inside the terrible intellectual opponent hides.
  • Rooster is an incredible courage. Such a woman is not afraid of anything, she will be valid and will not get under anyone, it will stand until the end.
  • The dog is devoted and configured to the family. She is valid, defends interests and prone to revenge.
  • Pig is a wonderful sign. This woman is not only smart and successful, she is an ideal mistress and mother, kind, not vengeful.

Horoscope, characteristic and compatibility - only send and advise, but should not be relying on them to make the final conclusion. All people are unique, and from any rules there are exceptions, so that only living communication and observation can give the opportunity to draw conclusions ...

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Consider closer to their character. Not Scorpio woman Not exciting, attractive and difficult to understand?! Smart but S. solid character - This is not a tender lily, but a rose with spikes. Having decided, the scorpion woman will follow him unconditionally. Never perceive the scorpions frivolously. They are straight, sober, concentrate on the most important thing and want to understand everything; For which they put questions with such a skill that always receive answers.

Woman Scorpio, Characteristics

Scorpions Women have the glory of secret personalities. They will not tell you more than they themselves want. Their secrets are hidden deep in the soul. But you should not consider them in notproper - everyone wants to chat.

Just remember: Scorpio will tell exactly as much as he wants; hides true feelings up to a certain time; He considers his secrets precious golden. And it is often difficult to maintain secrets, so another characteristic of the scorpion of a woman is tension. You can overcome it, it is worth disclosure really near man. After all, to keep everything in itself harmful to nerves and it is necessary to give will to emotions.

Scorpions have a well-developed feeling of intuition, self-control and self-confidence. Negative features include their stubbornness and secrecy. Read more: Scorpion Zodiac sign, characteristic.

Scorpion woman married

Scorpio Woman with a strong character prefers to be a housewife and hold a man's place. And then the obedient and calm partner falls into the trap of their own blinding and all consent.

And for counterweight, strong and stubborn, can bring unpleasant and prick arguments that provoke quarrels and disagreements. And scorpion such situations are not needed at all. They need a partner who is able to "go on the blade": a hard brave, withstanding its factories, and a smart enough to give the opportunity to sometimes hold leadership positions in relationships.

Scorpion girl caring and devoted; Interested in deep and long-term relationships. She is loving, passionate and faithful. Aries and Virgin are suitable as satellites.

In difficult situations, she is ready to help. Scorpio-woman Provide comfort and comfort for your husband. In addition, she is ready to sacrifice extra time, just to keep the house in order.

Do not think that the proprietary instinct will negatively affect and you will have to suffer because of home duties. She is ready to do everything herself. If only it would feel that the husband still loves her and appreciates.

Family for Scorpio is a holy, and she will protect her boldly and courageously. Children raises as independent and strong personalities. Considering their individuals, and not with their own property or continuation - like rare and excellent creation. Read more: a scorpion man, characteristic.

Woman Scorpio in Love

Even hell will seem a holiday if the scorpion girl was negligible. Fortunately, this happens rarely. Passionate and amazingly emotional, this zodiac sign Scorpio Woman can be a complete riddle for the beloved. Real feelings are hidden, and intentions are not always clear. In love, they are tempting and mysterious, and their passion is emerging with the power of storms.

Girl Scorpio is extremely predicted and fully passionate. I am confident in my partner she will love forever, and all life will turn around the beloved. Even the character of the scorpion of a woman will change - it will become more loyal and open to his beloved.

The love of a scorpion woman does not know the borders. She will do everything: help build his career, maintain in everything, will praise and raise his self-esteem. That's just a man try to try. Before all the above listed leads a long way.

If you are able to look out of the forehead instead of shooting with eyes and flirting giggling, or the first flirting attempts were met with skepticism, then in a moment you will realize that all the efforts have not been in vain. After all, this love and trust will change you for the better will become an unforgettable adventure of your life. Read more: male Taurus Woman Scorpio, compatibility.

Woman Scorpio in a career

Scorpio-Woman succeed in almost any chosen profession. Ideal for the position of a doctor or surgeon, a scientist or manager, in the positions where its sharp mind is used in full potential, and enough forces will be enough to overcome complex and responsible situations.

Scorpio girls are effective in work, which changes the situation in the world. Her ambitions and perseverance guarantee the success of any cause for which it takes. She will remember the smallest kindness and good relationship To her, and always ready to express his gratitude. She absolutely copes with the responsibilities.

Enough permeable, scorpion zodiac sign Woman will be successful psychiatrist, psychologist, police officer or detective. Analytical abilities are ideal for researching and analyzing materials, especially in scientific fields.

Perhaps one of the most interesting personalities in terms of zodiac features is a scorpion woman. What is she? It is difficult to describe in brief. This girl is born under the auspices of two planets - Pluto and Mars, which give it the most diverse and contradictory qualities, starting with the purposefulness and strong intuition, ending with eroticism and love for Esoteric. In the particular representatives of this sign a really interesting zodiacal characteristic, and it is worth viewing in all details.


This is the first thing to be noted, telling about the scorpion woman. What it can be understood, even just watching her behavior in society. This girl attractive and graceful, sensual and passionate than causes great interest from the opposite sex.

Strong, temperamental, assertive nature, which can also be soft and feminine. Obey someone, recognize anyone authorities? If someone has given such an gesture from her, he can consider himself a truly significant person.

This girl is the owner of a complex, controversial inner worldwhich is often valid for her destructive. And it is almost impossible to guess for external manifestations. Visually, the scorpion girl will seem calm, cold and unshakable. But inside she will be awesome a flurry of emotions, corrosive soul.

Communication with people

What is she, a scorpion woman, when contacting others? Due to its natural charisma, ambitions, mind and outstanding tricks, this special is easily poured into any company. Everyone is interesting to talk to her, chat.

But it will not be revealed. Sometimes even people entering the close environment cannot understand it to the end. Just his secrets and secrets she trusts only and some selected who are personality tested by time and circumstances.

All because the scorpion girl is used to counting only on himself. She even assisted to ask for someone unusual.


Another feature of this person - she clearly sees the shortcomings of others. And remembers all the insults caused by anyone. Most scorpion girls are not revengery for truly serious misconduct. And they make it masterfully. When the offender does not wait for the blow, they remember everything in the smallest details, they revenge, receiving unreal pleasure from the pile. This is what she is - a scorpion woman.

By the way, if this feature begins to "stiff", it is better to remove it from the place of battle as soon as possible. The discourability of the enemy is only stronger it will warm up, and she "will achieve", having charged negative emotions and fear.

We must admit that in conducting an emotional combat, the girls born under this sign are really no equal. Despite their ability to hide their own feelings and reactions.

What she loves

This topic is also worth noting by attention, telling about the scorpion woman. What is she? The sophisticated, exquisite and attractive. She likes this image to emphasize luxurious and expensive things. Such girls usually manage money with the mind, but they can suddenly inspires to spend what has been copied so long.

In addition, they love their home. I am pleased to bring order in it, always contain it clean. Walking general cleaning, can spend a whole day, selecting what would be worth throwing out, and in a new one organizing a vacant place. In the House of Scorpio's Girls Very cozy, and everything is chosen with taste.

The species born under this sign of the zodiac is a supporter of an active lifestyle. Boredom and monotony is lying. Therefore, it is always more additionally involved - goes to courses, to the gym, has several hobbies. And of course, they like to spend time in noisy companies.

But this is not all that the scorpion woman loves. What is she? Power, authoritative and strong. So, and she likes the same people. Weak, who do not know how to resist circumstances that do not put the goals, it despises.

Love horoscope

It is also worth paying attention to him, telling about what is actually a scorpion woman.

It is seductive, seductive, feminine and proud. This girl will never run for the guy liked, throw on the neck of the Beloved or, having married, try to "keep the spouse. All of the above is contrary to it, and it will not be necessary - the men themselves will try to conquer her attention by all their might.

But it will not look far away. Its chosen one will be a charismatic, interesting, intelligent, intellectual man with an outstanding appearance, a strong spirit and body. She will never pay attention to the cowardly, unsure and weak representatives of the opposite sex. And a person who can become close to the scorpion girl will be amazed, what a mad passion inside it boils with an external coldness and absolute peace.

Partners for perfect relationships

Let's talk about what a sign suits the scorpion-woman. The owner of this sign is an outstanding and strong, not every man can withstand it. Born under the sign of the Scorpio girls and women can work out excellent relations with:

  • Ova. He is as strong and domineering as she. The foundation of their union will be equality, independence and freedom. From Aries, the scorpion girl will get everything she needs - decisiveness, male power, energy. However, since they are both impulsive and wayward, there may be problems. However, the scorpion girl quickly solves them through the use of his diplomatic abilities and tricks.
  • Cancer. These two can really be happy - they will unite deep and sincere love, devotion to general ideals and goals, mutual loyalty and sensuality in bed.
  • Lvom. Such a man will accurately attract the attention of scorpion girls - it is successful, energetic, active, strong, original, interesting, bright and popular. And one who will adore her, for and she is ideal for him. True, the lion is the same domineering as Scorpio. And to avoid problems, they will have to learn to give up.
  • Capricorn. Relationships with him will be strong, long and calm. They are united not only love, but also material stability, the ability to provide support and quickly solve any problems.

As a rule, it is with representatives of these signs of the girl scorpions that are building the most strong unions.

With whom it is better not to get involved

It will not be superfluous to answer this question, talking about compatibility. Here are some men in women scorpions should be in the "stop list", according to the horoscope:

  • Tales. They have nothing to do with scorpions. They are very different. Taurus too "thick-skinned" in terms of manifestation of feelings, and Scorpio is a passionate and ardent nature. In addition, he is too boring too boring for her.
  • Twins. From a man, a scorpion girl is waiting for stability, seriousness and responsibility. And the twin guy is lightweight, carefree and sometimes even windy. She can be fun and fun with him, but only in friendship. Relationships will not be successful and long.
  • Aquarius. Stubborn, not able to find a compromise of a man. People who believe that there are only two opinions - their and wrong. With a water, the life of the scorpion girl will turn into a dull-nervous existence with constant quarrels.

Therefore, if you want to avoid sad experience, it is worth avoiding guys related to these zodiac signs, no matter how attractive they seem.

Ambiguous relationship

So, above it was told about what kind of zodiac sign to a scorpion woman can approach, and what - no. But a few more remained. And with their representatives, this girl can all work out both well and terrible. Here are the options:

  • Virgo. There are prospects to build a harmonious and durable union with this, as they are binding to the honesty, a sharpened sense of duty and traction to justice. But quarrels, disputes, contradictions and disagreement are not rare. As they both love to ulce, criticize and prove their right.
  • Libra. There is either unlimited love, or jubilant hatred. All destroying can be frivolous and spraying on other seductivity of the scales, and their wastefulness.
  • Scorpio. Explosive union. Two typhoon under one roof. Their mutual passion will create a strong union, but only if both learn to find compromises and tolerate the shortcomings of the partner.
  • Sagittarius. This man loves freedom, flirt and lack of obligations. And he has its own concepts about treason. An excellent option for scorpion, if she wants a stormy and passionate novel, but if a long relationship arises, they will be full of constant scandals, scenes of jealousy and conflict.
  • Fish. The man of this sign will conquer the scorpion girl with his disinterested freaking out love and devotion. But she needs someone strong and courageous, and fish are sensitive, gentle and sensitive.

With representatives of these signs, there may be a relationship with a scorpion woman in different ways. What she really is - already mentioned above, and in principle, if the Union with one or another man will seem promising, then even to make compromises and concessions for the sake of a successful joint future, it will not be difficult for her.

Talismans for Scorpio Girl

She likes all the unusual, mysterious, esoteric and mysterious. It always draws attention to things and talismans associated with these themes. Want to surprise her or please? You can give it a zodiacal talisman.

What stones are suitable for women scorpions on a horoscope? There are only three of them:

  • Aquamarine. Beautiful seamy wave color mineral. It is considered a happy symbol married life and a powerful faucet discrepancing from its owner.
  • Carbuncle. A variety of grenades of amazing bloody red color. It is believed that the decoration with the carbunculus attaches vitality, Provides well-being, dispels melancholy and drives bad thoughts.
  • Coral. Awesome marine creation, which protects from the evil eye, protects against temptations and scares demons.

By the way, astrologists do not recommend to wear several decorations at once. If the girl believes in their magic properties, it should understand - the stones will interfere with each other to provide an action, and in the end, none of them will work fully.

Woman Scorpio has a deep mysterious beauty. Attracting, proud and absolutely confident. I am sure that it is an personification of true femininity. She, of course, is enough charm, and she is very seductive. However, subconsciously preferred to be a man to have less charm and more opportunities. But in this she is not recognized even to himself. Women Scorpions are two types, both are very strong characters. If the first can be attributed to hidden temperaments, then the second is truly fatal women. The first type of character resembles men. All that is said about a man applies to them. They have a male mind warehouse and unbridled energy. Girl Scorpio with difficulty finds himself a partner who meets its requirements. Strong character Such a woman usually attracts weak, passive and indecisive men who do not meet her ideas about masculinity. However, if she still decides on such a marriage, it often helps her husband to make a career. The second type is flirty, sensual, curious, greedy to sensations. This is a very dangerous woman! Everywhere where it appears, she is alarming and brings the misfortune on those who love her. She brings men to ruin, and sometimes before suicide. Unbridled passions are almost always lying and its own.

Scorpion woman Looks downward on those women who are suitable for a gentle wife and mother. She knows how to control his desire to dominate, acting perfectly in the role of a feminine creation. And she does it with much greater grace than signs in which the male side is also present -,. She knows how to suppress her nature at the right moment and attract a man with thin spirits, languid glances and other tricks. She knows perfectly well that he does not need to light a match for a cigarette or let you smoke in your face. She will move towards you slowly, seductive silently, enveloping you with your charm. You should not wait for blind adoration from her. She understands everything in your mind perfectly. This is some other you can sing something romantically to whisper on the ear, and the Girl Scorpio simply looks at you with his penetrating glance and immediately understand all your intentions. Therefore, you should not play with her without having solid intentions. You will spend the time and thereby insult her. And this should not be done, as it is a very dangerous woman and it is best to be with her.

Woman Scorpio can be the dominant and sarcastic, gentle, as a spring breeze, and hot down to hundreds of degrees, maybe you can hate you very much, but it can also love to love. This woman has a gift that makes goosebumps to run on your skin. She owns almost black magic and so deftly uses it that sometimes seems real witch. With its mystical sixth sense, the Girl Scorpio can very often recognize his future partner at first glance and, of course, you will immediately feel its influence on yourself. At the same time, you can have two reactions: either you can agree to the charm, or you will have a desire to flee without look as far as possible. In any case, you must consider ourselves as well because of the interest that manifests you. She does not recognize weakness in men. She needs a man with ambition and courage. He must dominate Pei, but at the same time it should be able to preserve his individuality. It should be strong and courageous, look better than others, possess developed intelligence and more than the superficial knowledge of philosophical works. You will think that you are above others, because she drew attention to you. Your rates will greatly rise. Getting close to her, feel an outstanding person. And for sure her love will exceed all your expectations. You will become the most important interest in her life. She will try to please you with all his passionate factories.

Apparently, the word "passion" has already attracted your attention. Most men have already heard exciting rumors about the passion of these women. It's true. She burns from the inner passion, which is trying to keep under control. At the same time, it is extremely cold with strangers, and its external calm reminds black velvet. But men usually the word "passion" belongs only to love. For this woman, such a definition does not fit. Passion is present in all matters and feelings. She never happens just interested. It is impossible to imagine her indifferent. She can't just like something or not to like it. She either completely denies or loves or ignores. In this case, externally remains absolutely calm. She has a lot of virtue, but quite a few vices. She can experience a lot in life and extremely enrich their knowledge and experience. But somehow suspicions and rumors do not stick to her, it remains above many other women. Knows how to keep other people's secrets though own soul You can hang a sign "Foreign Login Prohibited". Loves to listen to other people's secrets, but herself will not confess anyone.

A woman is very true to those who find strong and deserving respect. The dignity that she retains in relationships sometimes makes it snob or somewhat alienated. To some extent, it is. Girl Scorpio has a large depletion and exposure. It helps her overcome many temptations, for example, a tendency to alcohol, drugs, depression. She needs to be a legitimate wife to express a man love and affection. If circumstances do not allow you to get married, she will love you, despite the fact that the neighbors will say. And often these relationships are better, more honest than married. She has its own laws. Despite its strong personality. It allows a man to be the owner and helps him in achieving the goals. Your future will be important for her, for you, she can sacrifice his career. She can fight with you alone, but fiercely protects you in humans. Your participation is in the first place. Will patiently help you in everything, will not whine and complain. He loves his house where purity reigns, taste, comfort. Food is fed on time, everything is in perfect order. Her natural desire - beauty and order.

Women Scorpions are perhaps the most attractive and sexually charming zodiac signs. You all emotions express our charming body of the body, especially with your own eyes that show the confusion of your feelings and moods. The air of the mystery that you exude can be a magnetization force, although you are not from those who prefer simple and simple faces. You can not embarrass you because you have congenital confidence in yourself, and the phrase "take everything", is your life motto.

Your flexibility is a consequence of painful life events. In your childhood and in the early adults you were probably subjected to a variety of events that checked your willpower. At the same time, you are creatively operating your own innate instinct, understanding and reasoning to stay in life ahead of everyone. It is not surprising that you are growing up too quickly and with unshakable faith in yourself.

Scorpio women are desperately independent by their nature. Because of these features, it's hard to deal with you, but positive for you, because it makes you feel that you can control yourself to successfully. IN socially socially, Of course, you are trying our best. You speak the skill of the settlement of conflicts and are able to offer a decision that will arrange both parties. In general, you are skeptical about people, and your character can quickly change. You can chand the whole eternity, forcing others to break your head to understand the reasons for your gloominess. Try to understand that negativity, as such, can destroy even your best relationships.

You work hard and earn good money. Being independent by nature, you are looking for happiness, generously spending money you earn. You like to live life on your own conditionsAnd you hard work hard to fulfill your dreams. Your social status, character and a high self-evaluation Forcing you to shine among many others.

Women Scorpions - seductive zodiac, because you constantly feel that the world spins around you. This faith revives your innocent charm and attracts many people to you. You respect private life Other people and keep secrets, so you trust your secrets. Even if you make a decision to listen, instead of giving advice, you can cure people alone with your presence. Your aura exudes the therapeutic effect that attracts people who like to use your energy. With your clear and developed intuition, you can offer reasonable arguments to solve the tasks.

But your most famous quality shows itself in love. When it comes to love affection, you know exactly how to find the best partner. You are a great mistress, because I achieved exceptional results in this area.

You also like to show men's qualities to prove that you are also influential and threatening as a man. But in your quest try to use your thin female traits Charm, equilibrium and seduction. Believe it works better than any other strategy you can use. With surprisingly accurate extrasensory ability and well-sharpened sixth feeling, women Scorpions should not hold a comprehensive study to understand better than man or the situation as a whole.

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Spripion woman horoscope

Scorpio Woman: Exterior

Even if this woman you can not call the beauty, she will still attract views - and not only male, but female. She is confident in himself, extremely attractive, in her appearance there is something magnetic. Such ladies are decisive, bold, stubborn, possess a male mind warehouse, but at the same time can be externally feminine and seductive.

Scorpio-Woman - Characteristics of Behavior

The senses of scorpion-women often remain a mystery even for those who know her perfectly. Even if she feels deeply unhappy, she never cries and does not complain of other people in society. Women scorpions will not be allowed to extract their self-esteem, will not tolerate resentment and humiliation. They know how to distinguish when harm is applied unconsciously, and when deliberately, and in the second case turn into fierce avengers. Very appreciate care, love and attention and pay the same coin.

Zodiac Sign Scorpio - Woman in Work and Career

Women born under this constellation can bypass in many men. They are independent, smart, strong, nature gives them by versatile abilities that help achieve success in various fields - from creativity to science. Difficulties in the work only bloody them, will be an excitement in them. They are focused on a successful career, and the desire to have the authority over others makes them marry leadership. Scorpions women differ in the ability to finely feel the situation and use it as profitable as possible for themselves.

Scorpio Woman in Love

This woman is extremely difficult to circle around the finger. If it allows himself to contact a man looking for temporary entertainment, then just because it corresponds to its own plans. She is insightful and very quickly determines who she is suitable, and who is not. In love, as in the rest, scorpion is inclined to rush in extremes. If she loves or hates, then on the "full coil", and if he decides to part, then it is almost impossible to return its favor.

Scorpios ladies often become the subject of adoration of the weaker spirit of men who fueled them with a crazy energy. However, these women themselves stop the choice on bold, desperate, self-confident men. The love for a scorpion woman is even dangerous, because men often lose their heads, forget about relatives, friends, work, sacrifice plans, or even family. Such ladies can not only look like fattest tempted, but also to be such in essence.

Scorpio Woman in Sex

A scorpion woman in bed is a very sensual partner, she loves to have sex, knows how to relax completely. She is not against experiments, and if it has a rich experience, generously shares craftsmanship with a person who considers worthy of it. Scorpio diligently supports itself in an excellent form, and its stormy temperament does not conquer.

Scorpio Woman Marriage

A man who became a spouse or a permanent partner of Scorpioly, can be proud of himself, because it is very difficult to please this demanding woman. She always has a lot of other applicants, and he needs to be able to bypass them in charm, self-confidence, external attractiveness and inner strength. The character of scorpion-women is not easy, it is filled with energy, but she also sometimes wants to feel like a weak and defenseless, and life satellite should be able to satisfy this emerging need.

Seeing the integrity and nobility of nature chosen, his love and care, scorpion-wife is ready to give all of themselves without a residue. She has a business grip, helps her husband make a good career, promote social status. This woman will be dedicated to him with all the soul, but as for the body, everything is not so unequivocal here. The husband may not give up to her in sexual opportunities, but the thirst for new impressions is able to push these women to intimate contacts with other representatives of strong sex. At the same time, they do not have thoughts about divorce.

Zodiac signs: Scorpio-Woman - Household House

Scorpio gladly decorate and engraves his house, she always caught even in those corners, where strangers do not look around. The decoration of the dwelling eloquently testifies to the beautiful taste of his mistress, and the luxury items, the abundance of household appliances and other attributes of a comfortable life - about the desire to establish life in accordance with their high requests. The women of this sign of the zodiac are very not indifferent to the money, in particular, as a tool with which you can get freedom and power over people.

Characteristics of Scorpion Women - Mother

The mother of this sign does not like when someone else, even close, interfere with the process of raising their children. They are convinced that they know everything better than everyone. Scorpions feel beautifully their children - like all people in general. Sons and daughters can count on participation in solving their problems, for explanatory, realistic advice. Mother scorpions are demanding, they teach children of life, prepare for a collision with its unfavorable parties, make a lot to make natural talents to gain development.

Who is suitable scorpion-woman on a horoscope to create a family

If a woman is scorpion, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such signs of the zodiac, like cancer, Aries, Virgo, Fish, Capricorn.

What to give scorpion-women

Choosing a gift to a scorpion woman, it is impossible to fine: it belongs to this very rursing. If there is enough money only on the cheap and besides, a useless bauble, better under any faithful pretext to transfer the presentation of a gift until the opportunity to present to her worthy - say, jewelry. But it is worth knowing that the value of the gift in this case should increase relative to the period of delay almost in geometric progression! These ladies love them to congratulate them on the day of the celebration, and even associated with this feast almost never transferred for reasons of convenience for the weekend. Therefore, it is still better to show ingenuity and pick up an inexpensive, but a good gift for scorpion-women, for example, to order a personal cake in her honor, choose something from the assortment of shops selling exotic, occupation with occultation, as well as erotic goods. If a woman is a typical representative of his zodiac sign and an adventure amateur, you can give a woman scorpion "adrenaline" entertainment, the so-called leisure with the perch.