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Signs of damage to impotence and methods of its removal. Damage to potency and male strength

Life of this man can not be called easy: constant stress, hard work, responsibility not only for yourself, but also a family. Well, if the body is withstanding. But impotence may occur. Then the young man cannot feel a full-fledged man, his body ceases to obey.

The cause of impotence may be a disease. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctor. But Magic can help. It is worth reading a conspiracy on male strength, and everything will be fine.

Permanent stress can cause serious diseases and cause male impotence

Causes of impotence

Before using a conspiracy to potency, you need to understand why this problem arose. Sometimes a person needs treatment with a specialist. You can combine therapy and reading of conspiracies. Then there is more chances to get a positive result.

Conspiracy capable of returning men's strength

If suddenly there have been problems in bed, you need to pass the doctor and to get to it. At the same time, you can read a conspiracy against impotence. These magical methods, proven over the years, will help a man overcome problems in sexual life. And it is important not only to what he can satisfy the partner. We are talking about his self-esteem, whether he will feel a real man. Such problems are a real misfortune for representatives of a strong half of humanity and are seriously experienced. Therefore, it is very important to return this ability to him, even if with the help of magic.

If traditional treatment methods do not help, there are special conspiracies capable of returning male strength

Conspiracy with nail

This potency conspiracy is very simple and effective. You need to take a glass and a nail. The nail suspended behind the hat, so that he was on the edge of the glass, and vodka pour into it, talking to her. Vodka must be used. Nail can not be removed from the glass. Then you need to attribute a nail into a deserted place and stick to the ground. He must completely hide in the soil.

"On a high mountain, Buyan stands the oak green, in it - the nail is kalen. From a rage and with pity that the slave of God (the name of the man) at the slave of God (the name of the woman) was standing as a nail. "

Conspiracy helps from male powerlessness

Talking cherished words need when uncertainty appeared in his abilities.

"In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. There is a holy ocean-sea, on the Saint Ocean-Sea stands the island, on the island there is a bouquet oak, in that oak bouquet root beef, the top of a bouquet. The circle of that oak of the bouquet wind will not be offset, the swirl will not be broken. So I would have, the slave of God (name), stood 70 lived and one lived on the female face of the Red Maiden, on old women, on young men, on the Silent mare. I, the slave of God (name), would be better than the previous, brave former, that Touri Horn, that fir bitch. And there would be a slave of God (name) of diluch and yaps to female lust, on hollow revenge, forever and centuries, Amen. "

When uncertainty appeared in his abilities, just read the plot.

Conspiracy "Three Monday"

These words of conspiracy need to pronounce 3 months in a row. We must wait for the first Monday of the month, take a half-table of water and speak a conspiracy. The next day, in the morning, it is necessary to make a sip of a glass. The remaining water should be used for washing, not forgetting about the authority for which the plot is read.

"In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, the tree is growing not wood - iron cypress. The wind does not break, the hail is not bent, the lightning is not increasing. His roots are strong, busty is bouquet. It is worth it the midst of the sea-ocean - will not bend, it will not overtake, so I would have a slave of God (name), we would have stood seventy lived and one lived, now, and died, and forever and ever, Amen.

There is another version of this conspiracy. Only used not water, but a men's belt. It is also read before bedtime in the first Mondays of three months. After pronouncing these words, the conspiracy belt needs to wear or put under the bed. This is an old conspiracy. With the help of it, you can attract unprecedented energy to a man. It helps to establish a sexy life.

From male impotence will help the plot conspiracy

"I will stand, the slave of God (call the name), blessing, go out in a purely field, crossing, go to the eastern side, to the sea ocean, the island of Buyan. There, the mighty cypress grows, the roots of him are strong, bruises of bouquet, the wind does not break, the hail is not shot down, the lightning is not increasing. So let the power of the slave of God (call the name) will never bend, will not overtake, faithfully serves. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with bottle

It is necessary to find a bottle, the crook would be straight and long. It is necessary to pour a firepan of holy water. Then you should read the words of the conspiracy and give a man to drink some of this conspired water.

"Lord, bless, Lord, help. As a bottle of this neck, it stands cheerfully and straight, so that the Slave of God (name) is always Mikhir standing at the servant of God (name) and the dinner and Nosno and for the lust of bodies and for love hot. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Crank with holy water

This rite will come in handy wives who dream of returning male strength to their spouse. It is necessary to wait for the full moon. In the church you need to take the holy water and get candles, 13 pieces. Going out of the church, you must say:

"Leave weakness, I urge strength. And all the failures, let them come to the grave. Amen".

In impotence to the aid, holy water will come

Left alone, you need to light the candles, bring a vessel with consecrated water and repeat the conspiracy several times. This water should be given to a man at least 13 days. If the plot does not help, you need to repeat the rite to the next full moon.

"As the trunk from the wind does not bend, so let the man goes away. In bed, in fact, in concerns and in the body. Wakes his weakness, leave fatigue. Kohl there is a nastiness on it, let it be wounded, back to the instigator rinse. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Conspiracy on drinking

It is necessary to have these words over some drink (tea or milk).

"On the eastern side, the border is lying at the sea depth. It does not bend and breaks, the snake does not appear. It can not be broken, it is impossible to kill it. Whoever takes it to the bitterness, that ... wakes up. He will not sleep with him, peace will be all the women to disturb. With a clear dawn, in the morning, during the day, with the sun and in the evening. Like a bitch strong on the sea depth, so let me be a strong hollow place on me. The key to my words, the castle of my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy on tea mug is very effective when impotence

Prayer for establishing a marital life

Prayer, appeal to the highest forces - a good way to solve any problem. There is a special prayer that will help and with impotence.

"Bring, Lord, even and natural attraction to the marriage lie and do not give the great strength of the worldwide life began to fade and become only a memoir. My greatness, come to my members and fill them with a new force to continue and strengthen the proximity to bodily. It will be a blessing every night, as well as for me, and for me, the Lord of the Lord, who spoken with me, the Lord's Lord, who all the body of his bliss is immeasurable gives my body. The name of the Lord urge the power of the sky to help me in this. Amen".

To establish a marital life, use a special prayer

Male power conspiracy

It is best to spend this rite in full moon. You need to stand in the middle of the room in which there is no one. From four sides you need to put lit candles, keep a cup with water in your hands. Before reading the conspiracy, the prayer "Father Ours" is pronounced three times, then the prayer is read by St. Panteleimon. Now you can proceed to reading the conspiracy itself:

"From the Earth, from the month, from the Moon - Svetlitsa, come and settle down, trip - Multiply, Wheel Slave (Name) will be conquer. Light, day and darkness dirty, on all four sides, east, and to the west, and north, and south, I apologize, I come, I pray. So that there were strong forces, strong forces, zakipi water, sweeping candle, melt wax, increase strength. Amen".

When these words are pronounced, you need to drink 6 sips of water. And the rest of the water take into the bath and pour yourself, trying to wet the whole body, starting with the head.

After pronouncing a conspiracy you need to drink 6 sips of water

Conspiracy with scissors

This rite is carried out in full moon, at 12 o'clock in the morning. You need to buy scissors and do not use them for destination, as well as take a mug with water. At night you need to get out of the house. Neither neighbors nor natives should see it. Then you need to put scissors into the water and speak them. All the water must be helped with a volley. Going home, you can not touch the leg before the threshold, you need to step it up with my left foot.

"How I will not be nervously nervous, so that God's slave (name) did not get an efim. As these scissors do not get bend, do not break, so in God's slave (name) to stand. As a bull is a horn, so that God's slave (name) stood. From now on before the century. Amen".

The potency for a man means a lot, and its loss is often becoming a serious problem. It is very difficult to solve it alone, especially if there is a conspiracy to impotence. Like defeat sexual impotence and return the joy of sexual life?

This article describes 5 best conspiracy from impotence and 2 ways to remove damage on male strength. Also, for those who do not want to resort to magic exists.

Magic and impotence

Quite often it happens that the man is completely healthy, but he has sexual intelligence problems. Any doctor is powerless if the causes of impotence are hidden in magical effects.

Cut damage can jealous wife, former lover or just rejected girl. In this way, it deprives the joy of sex not only a man, but also his rival. More often than others use a special ritual (), when intimate relationship is possible only with a single woman (the one that said a conspiracy on male impotence).

The consequence of such an impact becomes:

  • healing coldness to his wife or mistress;
  • curvature of the body, pain in sex);
  • full impotence.

Usually, the conspiracy or damage is guided by tying nodes on the underwear of men, linings in the form of broken sticks and bitch. Having found a strange subject, a man is needed immediately, or at least try to remove the plot of impotence on their own.

How to recognize the magic impact on potency?

The situation with the damage is very dangerous, the majority of such men comes depression, they become closed and nervous. If you do nothing, then subsequently the loss of sex life will lead to the breakdown of the family and complete loneliness. Signs that erectile dysfunction appeared due to witchcraftare:

  1. Weak erection or her absence even with a large desire for a man.
  2. Gradually growing indifference to the opposite sex.
  3. Full impotence in bed without visible causes.
  4. Sudden outbreaks of aggression, severe irritability.
  5. Nightmalls, insomnia, obsessive thoughts about a particular woman.
  6. Dislike and rejection from unfamiliar women who intuitively feel damage and avoid such men.
  7. The absence of any pathologies from health.

In addition, a man who is damaged by damage cannot get to the reception to a specialist. He constantly interferes with some sudden problems - The doctor is not on the spot, the transport broke, etc.

If the man has a damage to all the signs, it is not worth a despair. There are rituals and conspiracies from impotence, with which the improvement of potency is possible at home.

Remove damage to impotence

If a man suspects that it is damaged by damage, then you can contact my knee or Magu. However, there are several ways to solve the problem yourself. must conduct the victim himselfwithout attracting anyone from the environment.

  • Method number 1. Plant thistle Ordinary in a mallywit place, supports him with its seed. Then, when the plant is germinate, it is necessary to disrupt it in the first week after the new moon, preferably Friday. Thistle should be divided into two parts. The first to dry and wear with you. From another part, a decoction should be made, boiling water bay and breeding for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon before bedtime. The root of the plant must be transplanted as close as possible to the house.
  • Method number 2. Full moon you need to remove the wedding ring From the finger and throw his urine three times through it, repeating the words every time " Reset all the calves, rise and reconcile Yako young, no longer fall, it is full of power. My word amin».

5 best conspiracy from impotence

The power of the word with the proper wording is simply huge. There are special conspiracies from impotence that help improve the erection, strengthen male health and return the joy of sexual life.

Lunar plot

The ritual is held by his wife during the full moon. You need to go at midnight to the street or just on the balcony and repeat three times, looking into the sky:

How does the moon fall from heaven
So let him stand at the slave (name) end.
It is worth not falling,
I am a slave of God (name) pleases.
Now and forever and ever. Amen

On the growing moon, you should fill the bath to the edges with warm water. Load the church candle and say the words of the conspiracy, sprinkling the genital organ of holy water:

3 Monks walked, 3 Skimki carried.
Keep staff, take the belt.
Keep a hang
I will become healthy, to hell with the disease.
3 monks, 3 tropar,
3 Skimki, 3 Bibles,
Lord, pray, healed me.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

After that, you need to immediately lie down in the bath. After 15 minutes, stand up, put the candle with your fingers and give water to dry without wiping. Ritual to hold every Sunday while the candle will not have a trace.

Healing nail

This conspiracy from the impotence of the husband must pronounce the wife. It is necessary to prepare a nail, vodka, faceted glass and church candle. Looking at the flame of the candle to pronounce:

"Over the sea ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there is a mountain high, on the mountain of oak green, and in the trunk of his nail Ralena. How to stick together and stand by the nail forever and my husband to indulge with me, the slave of God (name) of fun.

After that, to drop wax to the bottom of the glass and attach a nail with a book with a book. Pour a full glass of vodka and give a drink to my husband. The nail should be driven into any strong and large tree so that the hat is practically not visible.

Conspiracy on the belt

It is necessary on the growing moon to buy a new belt made of genuine leather. At the arrival, you need to wear a belt on the naked body and repeat the words three times:

I will come out, the servant of God (name), in a purely field, where the cypress is green. The roots of the tree are strong, and the bitch is strong. So let the power of the slave of God (the name) will become nogestive, the wind is not blown away. Amen

After a conspiracy, the belt will give a lot of power, which will increase every day. Wear it needs as often as possible.

Copy bottle

This is an old Slavic plot for male strength. The ritual is carried out by a woman for a young month. It is necessary to prepare a bottle with a long and straight throat, preferably with green glass. Then you should fill it with holy water and whisper say:

Lord, bless, Lord, help.
As a bottle of this neck, it stands cheerfully and straight, so that the Slave of God (name) is always Mikhir standing at the servant of God (name) and the dinner and Nosno and for the lust of bodies and for love hot.
Amen. Amen. Amen

Water from the bottle should be given to her husband for 7 days. This conspiracy can repeat every month, so the Holy Water is exactly the man's force will not harm.

Prayer from impotence

For those who are afraid to resort to magic, there is easy and effective prayer from impotence. It is necessary to pray every morning and before bedtime until the strength appear again and the married life will not work.

Lord, give me a natural attraction to the face of the marriage. Yes, it is not fade by the power of the start of life. Give the younger to my members, strengthen them and fill with the force for the proximity of the body. Let every night be a blessing for me and my wife. Amen


Each man who suffers from sexual impotence should be remembered that there is so-called psychological impotence. It is important to enlist the support and understanding of the spouse, believe in your strength, and only then hold one or another ritual. Need to sincerely believe in conspiracy, then the power will return again, and the man will be able to enjoy closeness with his beloved.

  • Lisa: Hello, Vladimir! Tell me you know any conspiracy to read on male impotence? So that others could not look except me? I want to revenge my husband.
  • Vladimir Hello, you can not imagine how all these words have felt just super! Thank you very much, but there is something like that I remembered, not a spell and just remember?
  • Imagine how your way is on the husband, which you suggested me.
  • Well, let's say the impotent he did not, but they don't have sex, they are generally put to sleep back to the back. Yes, and I seem to communicate more or less better.
  • I did everything as you told me and on the other day, they quarreled with his woman and he called me and said that I was better than her, no matter how far I was. Then he brought her home because She lives 400 km from the city where my husband lives. In general, after a week, I broke my pigtail and everything became smooth.


  • Prepare a rope, cord or black thread arbitrary length. Three threads of white, red and black colors can be used to enhance the effect.
  • Light a candle.
  • Drink three stroke of water before and after the ritual.
  • Choose the energy of any patron, to which you appeal for help (to the Russian family, or to the holy, is even easier to the elements of fire, water, etc.).
  • Word your goal and mentally create its image.
  • Charge the rope (threads) of the energy of the target and good luck, for this, make it on the rope or tie together three threads by eternal nodes.

The number of nodes should be equal to the number of targets and good luck. The number of targets is the number of human name, for example: Anna \u003d 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 \u003d 14 \u003d 5. Number of good luck is the number of birthday dates, for example: 1975 \u003d 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 \u003d 22 \u003d 4.

On the rope (threads) tie nine knots for each sense:

  • I deprive you of the energy and power of male.
  • As long as this thread is connected, curly,
  • So you (the person's name) will be!
  • I think the word!
  • So I want, so it will be!
  • And to miss you (the name of the Celebration),
  • As long as this thread is connected,
  • And you will not help you no matter what kind of potions or conspira!
  • So it will be! So I said!

After three times, you shake and say three times: "Shaking, shake, good luck to me and the tie to it."

This plot of impotence is always loved by all witch. Typically, the rope (thread) was buried, or wasted in the rag and was hung to the pebble. But, the most powerful action of the conspiracy will occur if a conspiracted thread is placed in men by means of "snake bite."

Ritual - snake bite.

Black thread in men make nine knots in clothes and everyone is sentenced to each conclusion. This method is effective when conspiracy to a quarrel of people.

How to quarrel people.

On the thread tie seven knots for each sense:

  • So that they quarrel.
  • Essently.
  • So that between them.
  • The enmity was witching.
  • And the hatred of snake!
  • May it be so!
  • And I think the word!

After three times, you shake and say three times: "Shaking, shake, good luck to me and the tie to it." Rope or thread keep up before performing desire. Usually they were hung (wrapped) on any tree, a pillar or a fence of rivals.

An offended woman can make him a conspiracy on impotence. This is a strong damage that turns into a person big problems. There are a number of signs that help detect it. When they are detected, it is necessary to remove the conspiracy immediately to save the man from the naughty curse.

In the books of black and white magic, you can find many conspiracies that are being done on impotence. Most often, they use women who, for certain reasons, did not have a relationship with a young man. Therefore, they try to take revenge on him, causing a blow to the most important place.

On the candle

Conspiracy to impotence former husband, friend, work colleagues or just familiar often make on the candle. For the rite, a wax figure is required, resembling a person. It is a symbol of the offender. To understand how to make damage, it is necessary to accurately adhere to the following instructions for the magic ritual:

  1. In the head of the head, the figure is required to attach a small man's hair strand;
  2. The candle should be located in the place where the purpose of the ritual is located. Damage to impotence provides for the foundation of this subject in the field of the sexual organ;
  3. Fitil candles must be positioned so that it watches up;
  4. A figurine is required to cross and give it a man's name;
  5. Near the head FIG. It is necessary to arrange a candle of black. It requires to pre-scratch the initials in the black handle with black ink.

Need to find a candle in the form of a person

After conducting the above manipulations, the shape is rewinded with a foil and a black cloth. Now you can light the wick candle. Above the symbol of the victim should make a couple of circular motions with a knife clockwise. Thus, at the request of the customer, damage is circumcised male dignity. Upon completion of this stage, these words should be pronounced:

"Never more the slave of God (name) will not be able to enjoy lust and break. This one else can satisfy anyone. His life will begin to collapse, because no girl wants to have a relationship with him. He will no longer be desire to have women. I do not need to increase shame, he himself will handle it perfectly. There will be no difference, a good girl or bad. Lust your beloved, I will not be able to spread on them. Another woman never will be more. I spell the highest strength to help me. I did not want to create relationships with me, so not to be this at all. The whole century will have to live alone. One you will stay for life, and no one can help you. The female floor will forever forget the road to you, and from this life will become unbearable. From this point on, your body will start to die, and no one can raise it. It will come to the help to me the dark forces, which will give my words to execution. Amen".

Now it remains to collect all the items that participated in the ritual and fold them into an empty bank. At night, you need to go to the wasteland and bury it. At this time, it is necessary to think about the victim and represent that together with the bank, the male power of the offender is buried.

Using the node

There are many rites with a rope

An induced spool with the help of a node can deprive a man of men's power. Conspiracy is needed in accordance with all the rules. Only in this case it will work. The one who plans to hold a rite can well imagine damage without help.

For a spell, which is read after certain actions, a rope will be required. It is a symbol of negative energy, which will be sacrificed. From this rope you need to make a pigtail. Its length should be about 2 fingers, and the width is only 1. After the braid, it is necessary to fold twice. After that, it is necessary to read a strong conspiracy to the appearance of impotence:

"I, the slave of God (name), please the highest strength to deprive a man's potency. I wish him to gain impotence, and never could be satisfied with women. The witch node will help me achieve an increase in the result so that no one can turn the ritual back. Kosh, I specifically spun that you, the slave of God (name), never had the opportunity to show its strength. The man betrayed me, and please bring him impotence. This is the fee for all my tears, and sorrow. Problems will be pursued until the Spit is tied. Conspiracy and drug will not be able to solve this problem. My words are strong, yes inviolable. Amen".

It remains to fold the braid in a blank bag and hang over the surface of the ceiling. The attribute that will cause impotence from a man should be in this place for a very long time. Then the offender will not be able to solve his problem of an intimate character.

On Lozova Prut

For this conspiracy requires a nose rod. They need to hit the land three times and sentenced the following words:

"I'll be drunk in the hands of the pastry rod, I'll turn it from my shoulder and he hit the hodgepiece black. Cun will fly, and in the arrow will dyate, as the whip will fit, the whole will come. I will be a bell in a gentle arc, tightening to the whitewashing it, I will start the rope of the smallest and let him go to the seabed, I will roll the stones weighing. In order for the centuries to no longer begone, do not swing, so that in the arc bent, at the bottom of the sea to lie, about the past Gulbe and do not remember. Never straighten, not to slip, under the stone weighing to stay. Knut - arc, rotates under the water, and you and you, (the name of the man), with your cocks, do not go to your prog, about the joy forget, the rooster to break into the neck and body to break down, slightly move, the grains are not banging, the chicken is not trammed! And all will come true, but will drag on the long century! No one who has been told not to lose, pressing empty not hack! "

Vine is used not only for the manufacture of beautiful decor items, but also in rites

How to recognize damage

There are certain symptoms that help to recognize the availability of the evil eye. Men can disturb the following signs of damage to impotence:

  • Inability to enjoy a woman;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Feeling of permanent fear;
  • Nightmares;
  • Premonition of trouble;
  • The emergence of aggression by domestic pets;
  • Reduction of self-esteem;
  • The desire to remove a native cross;
  • Prostration;
  • Depressive condition arising without reason.

Men may have other signs of conspiracy. A certain number of unknowing symptoms will help him recognize damage to impotence. They also explain how to determine the curse affecting the performance of sexual function.

How to Repair Situation

The consequences on time did not remove the damage are very unpleasant for a man. Because of them, he risks forever to remain impotent. Therefore, when anxiety signals appear, which indicate a sharp appearance of problems in the intimate sphere, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual that helps restore health.

The removal of damage, which is made on impotence, takes time and effort. So a man should not count on a fast and light result. Be sure to take the curse. But it is advisable to visit the church before that. So you need to do, even if something does not allow a person to this place. If the victim does not know how to remove damage to impotence, it can always seek help to the signs and folk healers.

Hike to church is mandatory. It is not necessary to refuse it, even if a man has no desire to confess. In the church, you need to put a candle for health and three times read the prayer "Our Father". With a weak conspiracy of these actions, it is sufficient for recovery.

If the damage to the male impotence was posing a black magician, which specializes in complex conspiractions, then it will take a stronger spell for removing it. For advice with such issues, it is recommended to refer to verified healers that independently conduct the required rituals to eliminate the impotence curses.

What is damage to impotence today, alas, known to many men who, wishing or not, did not please the women from their closest environments: they left his wife, they ignored someone's love, did not please the subordinate, etc. Revenge through the use of magic is unworthy, but a very common phenomenon in our time. Especially from women.

The damage to sexual impotence is a special kind of negative magical impact relating simultaneously to the category of "damage to health" and "damage to a bad life." It makes it impossible to have a healthy sexual activity of a man, thereby not only undermining his well-being, but also intervening in his relationship with the representatives of the weak gender. The person who was performed by such a damage, as a snowball begins to recruit complexes - first associated with their disease, and then a number of concomitant. He ceases to believe in his strength, begins to be afraid of contacts with women, closes in itself and minimizes its own interaction with the world around. Thus, the vitality of his former or real friend, with whose help a similar to the spell was imposed, turns into a person in a catastrophe both on physical and psychological level.

The main on erectile dysfunction includes the following:

  1. Explicit, clear worsening of sexual health without visible reasons.
  2. Gradual fading of the sexual function to the complete impotence in bed.
  3. Lack of sexual desire, libido, manifestation of indifference to the opposite sex.
  4. Irritability, unfortunate anger, aggression.
  5. The inability to appeal to a specialist.

The last sign is the most impact, because the doctor can sometimes help such patients in resolving or relieving their problem, but the strength strength in this case is manifested in complete overlap of human access to the doctor: a specialist is not in place, it is busy, a patient has a hundred urgent affairs, A visit to the doctor is postponed indefinitely, etc.

Indirect signs of damage are somewhat different:

  1. Psychological discomfort: the emergence of anxiety, depression, paranoid signs.
  2. Sleep dysfunction (insomnia, chronic lack of sleep, nightmares).
  3. Parallel with the main diseases of the aggravation of chronic diseases, as well as potential diseases (like a cold).
  4. The emergence of hostility towards a person who lies damage, in domestic or farm animals (especially in representatives of the Feline, horses, cows).
  5. Return from the representatives of the beautiful gender, which in a thin level feel damage and prefer not to bind to its carrier.

If most of these signs take place, but many are implicitly expressed, then there is no reason to panic. Perhaps there is no damage, but only temporary or age-related health problems are observed. To find out for sure, you can spend the following register check:

  1. It is necessary to take an ordinary glass and fill it with clean cool water. Give her to stand and calm down.
  2. When the water rests a little, in a glass with a liquid gently drive one chicken egg (preferably fresh, homemade).
  3. A person for whom the presence of damage is established, put a glass on the dark for 5 minutes (the chin of the subject should be pressed to the chest).
  4. When the time passes, remove the glass and trace the behavior of the egg. If the yolk remains in the protein (as it was originally) and does not affect water (it will remain crystal clear, as it was), there is no damage. If the yolk is separated from the protein, and the latter walks on water with white stripes, there is a damage. If the protein is separated not only on the white stripes, but also on specific bubbles, violating the purity of water radically, then the damage is very strong.

Often the process of imposing damage is carried out by means of so-called strings - special nodes, which in one or another quantities are imposed on the stems or lianas of plants, ropes, wires and other long and flexible items, symbolizing the men's orientation organ. Such things throw into a room or bed to a person, poisoning its bioenergetic field with a negative impact. Sometimes for this purpose, men's underwear is used - it's a strictly defined number of nodes on it, and after a person puts on this thing, he completely disappears sexual power - she simply "tying" itself. At the same time, they also read a special conspiracy to impotence, which enhances the effect of the string.

To cure such a disease with traditional methods of modern medicine is practically unrealistic, since it has no physiological or anatomical background. But it is possible to refer to anti-themeship - the effects that pay the power of damage against it or eliminating it completely. This can be done both with the help of a good white sorcerer and through your own forces. The main thing is to know the appropriate ritualistry.

How to treat impotence with magical ways?

Since the potencies of men at all times remained the main subject of their pride, and impotence, respectively, the main cause of concern, and the methods of deliverance from the last humanity accumulated many. In almost all countries and all nations have signs and rites aimed at eradicating sexual impotence in a man.

Muslim ritual to eliminate damage to impotence

  1. The man who is going to return sexual function should make sacred ablutions and read standard prayers.
  2. Its woman needs to put their right-wing index finger on the proper conductive body, covering both men's belly at the same time.
  3. Partners need to look at each other long and closely, after which the woman should read the last two chapters of the Holy Book "Quran," by finishing reading the phrase: "Go, a man, to spend Palo, you have gained sexual strength."

Indian method of getting rid of damage to sexual dysfunction

  1. It is necessary to get a bit of incense, sea salt and juniper needles.
  2. Taking each of the ingredients each of the ingredients on a small spoon, to pour them together into a small one in the small boxes.
  3. Stand in the middle of the room, taking in the hands of Ladanitsa.
  4. To set fire to the contents of Laneanka and start spinning it around yourself, making only twelve turns.
  5. With each turn, you need to pronounce any of the common Indian mantras: Gayatri-Mantra, Shiva-Mantra, Vishna-Mantra. For example, the Shivist "Ohm Namo is awesome."
  6. Upon completion of the promotion of the Lanennica, it should be stopped, folded hands in the "Namaste" gesture and worship, expressing gratitude to the gods for the help.

Remember that the rite of thanksgiving the gods or forces that are called to the rescue should be required regardless of the specific equipment of the disposal of damage!

Slavic rite of damage

A married man will suit any vintage Slavic conspiracies from impotence. For example, the following:

  1. You must dial in a glass of my own urine.
  2. Then you need to take your wedding ring and skip the contents of a glass through it three times.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to say such a conspiracy text: "Stand up and reconcile from (pronounce your name), if it is full of full, I will remove your breath, it's impossible to rebune the young and more. I think to be. Amen".

On video, another way to remove damage: