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Prayer to restore energy. Strong Prayer for Return of Energy

I want to teach you to include that energy that is present in every person, each living creature, starting with a crystal, but the more highly organized a living being, the less effectively this energy works in it. It can be called its self-describing energy - "SI" energy. To include internal reserves of the body, the activation of this energy is necessary.
Modern medicine uses for this mainly chemicalsaffecting a certain aspect of this energy. In the old days, the signs activated this energy with plants, minerals, conspiracy, that is, sound tuning. We will create a universal symbol to activate this energy in the middle of its spectrum, and set the intention of body wisdom to activate exactly those segments of the energy scale, which are necessary to restore the ideal matrix, the ideal parameters of the function of systems and body organs ..
Include the entire spectrum of this energy is not yet possible, since modern man It will not withstand such an energy burst, simply "burns" in the literal and figurative sense. Some aspects of this energy increase body temperature, other aspects enhance the excretory function, for example, during intoxication. Third aspects include the reproduction of certain blood cells or tissues. Since each time a specific organism will need the energy of a particular vibration, your body will be configured to certain energy parameters.
I will give you sacred rally to activate this "SI". - Energy:
"Energy is born in me, energy comes from outside, energy penetrates through all my creature, and each cell of my creature is included in the creation right life. Energy passes through me, the energy returns to where she should be, and I stay perfectly .. Amen. "
Such a verbose class creates prerequisites for the activation of "SI" - energy in the place and such a spectrum as needed in each case. It is not necessary to memorize the classification, then remember it as applying.
This text will help you include in your physical body the processes necessary for healing, that is, it does not matter what the cause of the disease, you include this energy, and in each particular case your body will receive that energy frequencies that will help in healing. In some, the process of healing with this energy can occur quickly and efficiently, especially in young people. For older people, this energy will work not so effectively by virtue of the huge accumulation of defects, but as this energy is practiced, even the elderly will definitely feel the improvement of the state of all organs and systems.
This energy should help well with acute diseases of infectious nature, including under the newest influenza and other "exotic" diseases. For the help of incapable people of this energy, you can first include it in yourself, and pass through the imposition of hands to the highest heart center of another person with the intention of the inclusion of this energy from this person. It should work with babies, and with old men, but infants will work efficiently, and old people are weaker.

Amen. Saint-Germain.

Prayer for the return of energies.

I ask my true creator, all the highest light powers, in whose help I need today to collect from all my energy-information space, with aura, bioflasp, from all systems and organs, up to an internal, intracellular level all the energies that I Olyu or unwittingly, consciously or unconsciously, took (a) in other people in the past, present and future, please collect them, clean, skip through the filters and return to those who belong to. I ask them all forgiveness, forgive me and go to God's court. Amen. And I just forgive you and let go of God. Amen
And all the energies that were given to me initially, at the moment of my birth, according to the Divine Plan, find, restore (if necessary - replace), clean, skip through the filters and return to me in the past, present and future, starting from this second and forever and ever. Amen. My true creator! Make as it should! Make as it should! Make as it should! Amen.

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It is believed that any idea is material, so the patient's condition, his mood, strongly affects the development of any disease. The brain unconsciously transmits the authorities to their signals and their statements, prayers, the healers affected the chakras of the body, transmitting their energy to the physical body of the patient. This theory found its confirmation in modern times.
Prayer for refund of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayerTogether with the words of support from loved ones, their warmth and love often helped the patient not worse than proven medications.

People really went on amendment even in the most difficult situations. There are cases when the doctors name in deep coma is the name of their names. Can their voices will break the impulses in the brain, and he will wake up. Similarly, "work".

Pray for refund of the energy in pure form

All invisible shells existing in every person around it physical body, fully reflect its condition. Joyful kind peoplecarrying light and charged by the positive surrounding, have bright shells, attractive colors. They still say about them: "He seems like". A man radiates radiance, other people may not see his eyes, but feel the heart. Located next to this interlocutor is nice, he can raise the mood with one glance. The energy of the gloomy, eternally dissatisfied with their lives of people is painted in dark colorsTheir "balls" are less. Other people instinctively hold apart from such interlocutors.

Even at the subconscious level, they do not want to "pick up" the negative. From that, faith began in damage, the evil eye. When people Consciously send bad energy pulses to others, as if they are filled with a spot of energy on a light ball surrounding healthy man. That gradually raging, causes trouble. Bioplaspi not only reflect the condition, character and even thoughts of a person, but they also protect it from external influences. Any conscious or unconscious action will first "hit" the energy field, only then, dark spot "Burns" the ball is one layer after another and informing the body. A man is ill with something, or feels anxious, he begins a series of failure.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer helps to clean their energy fields, get a positive energy charge.

How prayer helps

Any evil deed, even just dark thought can disrupt the integrity of the field. Through the "holes received", a person begins to lose energy. When feeling a lack of its energy, a person is trying to borrow it from others, he is called "Vampire". You can easily meet such people: they are sitting on someone and begin to conversation. First, about trifles, then they complain about life or neighbors, they love to put pressure on pity, sorry themselves, with a savor to list all the problems and edify the fate for the failures. Everyone should know with the help of prayer.

At the same time, a forced to listen to the "vampire", the interlocutor begins to feel weakness soon, dizziness. He quickly gets tired of conversation and tries to leave, but the "vampire" holds his sacrifice - the flow of words is not dried, such people love to talk. At the same time, splashing the accumulated, they feel, the tide of energy and leave an exhausted sacrifice. However, such "vampires" should be careful - other people's thoughts, sins, dark desires and other people's problems come to them with someone else's strength.
Prayer helps to clean not only its energy, also return freely or by ignorance borrowed from people. Then you can destroy the suddenly formed vicious circle.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, text

It can repeat everything, even people of another faith or nationality. She will not lose his strength. This is a general prayer for cleansing, which can help any person. The main thing is to believe in it.

"I ask my real, the true creator, as well as the highest forces with him, today, when I strongly need help, collect the energy of the energy information space surrounding me: energy from the aura, also with biopoles, also all systems, of my all organs. Energy from the internal studary and intracellular space of my body.
All other people's energies that could consciously or accidentally took / but from other people before or now, also, the future I can pick up. Please collect everything, clean, through the desired filters, then return the owners to whom it belongs! Now I ask you who gave me your energy forcibly forgiveness, please forgive me, then let go, let him judge only the court of God. I, too, all who voluntarily took my energy once, for goodbye. After letting those people, let him judge the court of God.

All the energies put to me by the time of birth, from the first day of my life, as conceived by the Divine Plan, I ask you, find them, restore, and if you need - replace. Clean them from the bad, skip through the filters and then return to me now, in the future, of course in the past. So, starting from this minute to the end. Amen. My real, true creator! Please do how you need! Do how! Amen."

Prayer power

Many have heard of the stories from the Bible when truly believers have acquired vision with the help of holy eyesight, could walk. And once Jesus fed hungry, using a minimum of existing products. He also believed in the virtue of the human faith in God.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer can achieve the goal only when it is read consciously and seriously, sincerely believing in the result. After all, with her, people turn straight to the creator. It is not enough if a person cannot reproduce it literally, or during pronouncing the words confused something, I forgot something. The creator sees everything, including his thoughts and desires. The stronger the faith will be in result, the more effective will be a prayer. Find out at home.

The accumulated negative will be removed from the person, his thoughts will be cleaned. In daily concerns, people are constantly offended by themselves and voluntarily offend others. Someone will face the bus on the bus, someone has undermined the delivery, buying bread. Following the offending man even involuntarily sent negative impulses. Gradually, this "cargo" will be copied, pouring out into the dark thoughts, depression, the decline of forces. If the measures do not accept on time, the person begins to hurt. The disease can be any - migraine, cold or something more serious. Any illness is a powerful signal that the human energy fields are not all right.

People crave for forgiveness, no matter what sins or mistakes, they will have all. But not everyone is able to openly approach the offended and bring sincere apologies. Different thoughts interfere, fear to be incomprehensible or rejected. Maybe, offended man Already no alive. Prayer for refund of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer can act at a distance. After all, God is perfectly known who offended the man who read it and who was offended in turn. She is not afraid not the time, no kilometers, nor pride or prejudice of people. Specified from the pure heart, she will certainly find the addressee, then both sides will feel much better. As brighten on the soul of sincerely gone or forgiven.

The language barrier

It is known that the power of prayer is proportional to the belief in her person. But to believe in what is said, first of all it is worth understanding the meaning of words. Of course, you can learn the words of prayer and read them, as the poem read or excerpt the text, but then the prayer will not have enough strength. How the same verse will not receive a semantic filling.

How to be people who heard about prayer, but not familiar with the Russian language? They may ask the knowledgeable translators to turn the text to understand it, better native languageWith which there is a solid national relationship. For the Most High, all nations are equal as children, and the prayers of all he hears the same. Therefore, prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, you can read on different languages.

Achievement of many goals

People, sincerely believe in prayer forces, can use it for different purposes, depending on which the most wish. The main thing is to remember one of the covenants: "Love nearby", that is, wanting something to yourself, not harm the other. it powerful way Work on yourself, with your insults and learn to forgive everyone for small and big insults. Many do not even realize how internal experiences do not give them to disclose completely! In affairs, personal life. It is advisable to read prayer before and \\.

What does the forgiveness mean? Forgive - not to make a decision, it should go from the depths of the soul as a sincere desire. Forgive from the heart, not for the sake of the word or under the influence of the mood, it means to forget. Each from the memory made by the offender and never remember. It is impossible to say: "I forgive me, and here ..." Sincerely, we sincerely, I will never use it for your own purposes, will not remind you of the deed and even more so, ask for awards. The best reward for him is to relieve the soul.

Seeing how sincerely a man forgives his enemies, even the most evil and sometimes fatal, the Most High necessarily awards him. So things come in order, enlightenment on the soul. Learn to forgive - the present art, who tried to teach people still Jesus.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, you can listen endlessly. Sometimes people are trying to force themselves to forgive someone or vice versa, pour forgiveness. Sometimes, it is simply impossible to live with a sense of guilt, and they follow the heels for those who are offended by them and try to push the vacation of their sins. If you have become such offended, followed by a former friend, familiar or even the enemy, should not torment him, listening to requests for forgiveness many times. Having broke off his insult, you do badly and yourself, as an acid corrosive everything inside, burning good and spreading. If you can not even forgive the offender now, it is better to honestly tell him about it.

At least in words: "God will forgive" or "sorry, I am unable to listen to you now." Perhaps after some time the darkness will dispel, and you can talk. After all, the former did not have the main step - stepped over myself, came. Even if he did not apologize sincerely, respond to him openly. Perhaps your honesty will change something in it. Maybe he still did not understand how hard it is for the load of guilt in the shower.
However, forgiving others, many people do not understand how to blame for themselves. Often, it is very difficult to forgive even small mistakes, you can make a lifetime for the major. Often heard: "I hate, I can't stand myself." Speaking, people are literally destroyed from the inside.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, download video and then listen to him, perhaps many times to realize the depth of the problem. Some people are much easier to forgive any offender, but not himself. They are closed, wounded and any of their failure is experiencing extremely painful. They are most difficult for them to forgive themselves. Video with prayer will help tune in to the desired wave. The main thing is to suit it thoroughly. Work on the purification of his soul is difficult and requires patience.

It is impossible to forgive immediately, at a time. Therefore, every day, choosing the time of silence in the house, include a prayer record and getting up in front of the mirror, remember all the insults, miscalculations, failures, mistakes made once, repeat: "Forgive yourself" many times. Sincerely. Such people need to love more, appreciate themselves and remember everything good that they made other people, to themselves what they have achieved in life. Then they will be able to understand everything is not so bad. Honest good people Also can be wrong and do someone hurt. That's life.

It is difficult for any newcomer in forgiveness, it is easy to simply say: "Fare of", you need to skip it through yourself, to feel, then there will be the right effect. Then you can start with small, minor disorders that ordinary life Listen very often. It seems to be a trifle, but sitting like a zanoz in the soul, not letting go further. Having understood, start up to more serious.

Prayer for refund, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, reviews

"I have been working with this prayer for many years and I will gladly send everyone acquaintances, friends and subscribers! Use it is of great strength! Recomend for everybody! Forgive yourself, enemies and friends, do not keep negative. Prayer can transform a negative in another type of energy. Then working on it, we will not return the dark thoughts and actions to our offenders, we will reply purified energy! Only so you can break the vicious, dark circle of mutual calculations and offense. Prayer stunningly works! With love everyone, use! "

"Prayer helps, not only sorcerers or lead, but any person. This is a real return of energies and forgiveness. Prayer will help to clean the soul from all thin thoughts, sins and offensive. In total, a person has time to take a life for life. Present update! "
"Everything that man thought, spoke to others or herself, all his acts cling to the reurenik to the alert. And he himself is not knowing, carries forward the load of the past, increasing daily. Sometimes rolling melancholy, I don't want to do something, think, live ... This cargo is offended, negative, dark thoughts closes all the bright areas, presses on the heart. Pray! Only forgiveness will help get out of the dark. "

Available to all

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, download or copy the text literally yourself, then save and print. The benefit of achieving equipment allows you to find any information for the blink of an eye. It has long been using people from different ends of the world, sharing their opinions on the forums. Prayer helps in different everyday situations. People sometimes do not understand how great the influence of the offense and claims for their life and the fate as a whole.

Offended for something daughter can not talk for years with his mother, but they have spoken words in the hearts offensive words then tormented the mother all his life. Two best girlfriends quarreling because of a trifling, give the word not to see more. Situations are different, the result is one. People cannot talk, everyone thinks that it does not matter and forget. But memory helpfully complements the picture, poisoning thoughts every day! Making a step forward, even mentally sent a forgiveness pulse to a close person, we can cleanse.

"I decided to use prayer, you had to forgive many insults. It did not help immediately, there was such a feeling as if I struggle with the disease. At first I remembered what happened, it became anxious and was worried about the new force. Then, taking a piece of leaf, read a prayer several times. The day, the second, then challenged and again took. That's how gradually, step by step was able to forgive "

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, video, when people try to transfer important messages with their loved ones with the help of rollers. They read together with prayer harvested texts, lifting your mistakes. It is not necessary to consider it a minute progress, for some it may be the only chance to fix something or contact your close, who does not want to talk to a person. Reach. Some use videos with a prayer referring to everyone who will look at the roller. They tell their stories trying to emphasize the importance of forgiveness and how it was then affected their lives. Perhaps someone will be able to do as well.

It is worth remembering one thing: trying to forgive someone, even myself, a man first of all cleans his soul, his own fields and corrects his fate. Of course, pure energy from forgiveness will reach the recipient, but before, the healing forces will feel the gone. It will be so easy and pleasant, want to dance, run somewhere, love everyone. The art of forgiveness is truly great, learn that it is not easy, but making it once, then "go" as it should.

Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, mp3 download as a record of the voice of a prayer person will help in inexperienced to understand how to pronounce words what the message should be. Some use it as a remedy for soothing, because this is a source of light energy, especially spoken from a pure heart. It is better to read before bedtime.

"For a long time I could not force myself to pray. I do not know why. The words were just stuck in the throat, it was ashamed or scary. Even when there were alone with him. Before that, I did not pray earlier, I decided to try the prayer for forgiveness. The text found, read, but about myself. However, it decided that the strength of the prayer would only have to pronounce it out loud, as they do in the church. Several attempts did not bring relief. I was silent, I simply pronounced words, without stopping, then sighed it easier. Suddenly, the exit was found myself - I found a record as mp3 read prayer and downloaded it. At first, the voice soothed, I just listened on the way to home or in the bus.

He sounded in the headphones, creating the effect of loneliness. Only I and voice reading prayer. Gradually, in the soul settled confidence. I can read. Slowly tried to repeat the next and one night somehow ... it came out. Now if someone needs a prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness, very powerful prayer, download mp3 from site page and listen. Helps, if they did not pray earlier and do not know where to start. "

This article comprises: prayer for vitality - information is taken from the side of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

Through the prayer you can get what you want only if your desire and strong faith strongly. Do not allow doubts to relax your faith.

ask seriously sincere and the path will open.

Some prayers giving power together with talismans and overalls.

wisdom to know the difference between them.

But God, give me the courage, do not give up what I think is right, even if it is useless. "

Prayer about healing soul

I am an empty vessel that needs to be filled;

my faith Mala is an effort to her, my love chalk - Groove her;

my defense of weak - strengthen it;

my heart is restless - bring peace to him;

my thoughts of crayons - make them noble;

my fears are great - eliminate them;

my soul is sick - healed her.

Protect my faith in what everything is possible to achieve through love. "

"Bless me with the world of a happy home. Protect us from all dangers and misfortunes. We believe in you, we know that you care about everything in the world. Your will leads everything. Your love guards everything. Protect me from unseemly actions. Let the law of good manages my life and controls everything that I say and do. Give us your full blessing. "

"Crane all bitterness, which inside me, show how to show love and participation to those that are far away. Let I always love and defend those who are close to my heart. Bring them to my love. Let me touch the generous kindness to all the meeting. "

"Stretch your hands and protect me from unnecessary unrest in this life. Make my enemies powerless, unable to hurt, destroy and apply evil those who started at your defense. I call you with all my heart and expect your consolation. "

"Take my hands, Lord, breathe in them for strength to fulfill the tasks and duties of this day, overcome my weakness, gain clarity of thought and show my abilities. Let me find faith to adhere to what is best suited for my work, relaxation and life. "

Protective prayer

"I beg you to protect me and stretch your hand help in my trips. Bring me what belongs to me, and bless me with the fruits of my work. Give me some of the gifts of the earth, improve the conditions of my life. Give me confidence in your defense, protect me from those who want to harm my body or my property. "

"Eliminate me any intention to cause evil, all destructive signs. Replace them with truth and kindness. Inhales in me wisdom, from which I will get the power of character, calm confidence and devotional friendship. Let me use knowledge to purchase a dedicated friend.

"I ask my eyes to be open to those things that before I was not able to see or understand. Send my steps to right directionSo that the bumpy road becomes smooth and safe for travel. Fences my body from the evil forces and my thoughts from immorality, take off sin from my soul. Tell me the desired answer. Make me so that I understand and accepted that the decision you suggest to cope with my problem. Take my lips and talk through them, take my head and think through her, take my heart and fill with his love and kindness, which I want to pour out on others. "

"Give me justice, compassion and forgiveness in my affairs with the authorities. Sudi me with that kindness with which I relate to others. Some of all the courts of the spirit of wisdom and understanding so that they can recognize the truth and impartially act under the law. "

"I pray that there was a distance between me and my cursor. I appeal to humility so that we are separated from one of the other. Take this enemy to remove the calm to reign in my house and heart. I think about the world that comes to me.

"Be with me and support Mnya with your presence. Be my friend and refresh my soul. I went clarity of mind, tranquility of the soul and faith to have patience and greater incessant love, going in my heart and emanating from it. Show me the goal of my life, give me courage and perseverance to achieve the goal you laid on me. "

Prayer for every day about the purity of thoughts

"Help me to be kind on words and generous in affairs. Help me forget myself and turn my love and affection on others. Make me with an excellent soul, clear and clean in thoughts, beautiful and strong body. Increase my body forces and spirit to direct them on those I encourage. I am grateful for everything that I got on this day and for the love of the other you have invested in my heart. "

"Be with me on this day and help to fill my head with light thoughts, my body is harmless habits and my soul in an innocent spirit. Help me control my desires for that food that is harmful to my body, thoughts, soul or life itself. I am confident in your help. With this help, I will overcome all the temptations of this day. "

Who pray for illnesses

For healing from the ailments, you must first of all believing success. Even the best prayer will not be effective if you read it automatically, without soul. Who can usually pray for various diseases? If children are sick, then resort to Moluba to the Virgin and K Varvarey-Velikomartetse. Women dreaming of children can pray Sergei Sarovsky. Also, for healing, they turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Virgin, the healer of Pantelemon, Christ.

Prayer for forgiveness and return of energy

Prayer for the return of energy - Special text, allowing the authors, fill the soul Divine grace And learn pain exhaustion in the shower. Energy is spent when making sins: grief and despondency pursues sinners who love to swear, angry, envy - or, at least do it.

If nervous exhaustion and decay, drowsiness and stiffness approach you, visit the temple, and then pray at home before the icon and with a lit candle or lampade.

But do there really exist orthodox prayers on the return of energy?

Ask the priest about this when you go to the temple to prepare for prayers returning energy. Orthodox Christians do not use the word "energy" in the esoteric, occult sense - only as a scientific term.

What prayer is able to return energy?

Prayers, in a set broken on the Internet, can be either a prayer-like appeal to the saints or the very Lord, or a cool mixture of spell, in fact calling Satan and the Globes of the Evil Middlewealth in your life, and the science-like "zady" words, like "Synthesis" "," Energy ".

Appeal to the highest forces in such a strange context, the abundance of scientific terms and frank charlatania in one paragraph - a nuclear mixture, which can confuse even experienced and sophisticated parishioners, not to mention neophytes and even more so - gullible old men and old women.

Appeal to Nicholas Relief - also the dishonest admission of those who persecute unclear (often harmful and terrible at the heart of their own) goal. So I love the Orthodox people, Batyushka Nikolai, that any stupidity to which his name will be attached, it will be possible to fade and fool many people and many people. Do not be supplied to dishonest provocations, not confident in the words of prayer - consult with the priest.

If we talk about the Orthodox understanding of the "return of the estate" (based on the definition of "waste"), then it is possible only with voluntary and sincere reconciliation with offended and offended. After you need to pray to the Lord about the forgiveness of sins, confession and coming around the Holy Taine. Only so possible to eliminate the consequences of sin, which can be called "waste energy" with different purposes.

If it is read exactly a prayer for the return of energy - it is definitely worth paying attention to the phase of the moon. Witchcraft associated with replenishment and increment must be timed to the growth phase. Also, "dedicated" will certainly advise you to light a certain amount of candles (the color is also indicated, and it is usually unusual: black or red candles).

A more complicated way to correct your life is a gradual, systematic and careful, but stubborn and sincere movement forward. If you are offended close man - Go and apologize! If you offended you - reconcile and do not hold the evil. You can "replenish" an energy reserve with traditional prayers that help with despondency. There are many texts on the Internet (here you should be careful), and in the prayer.

You can pray for relief from the despondency and in your own words - the Lord hears every of his son, who sincerely decided to remove the evil and create a good.

Each prayer for forgiveness should be completed by the commission of major sacraments. christian church - repentance and communion. Repentance allows us to be cleaned completely from our unkind, non-resident actions, the sacrament of the Saint Communion is a living communication with the Lord, the adoption of the Holy Spirit for the Seni.

This method of "energy recovery" - where as more and more plausible, rather than the witchcraft reading of a variety of pseudually scientific "prayers". Just open your heart, and invite the true God in it!

Prayers for Return of Energy: Comments

One comment

Due to the death of the father, he could not find a long time mutual language with his sister. That's how it cuts us with her on both sides and everything, as other people's straight. Troli envy hung between us. In general, this terribly oppressed me, I sometimes didn't get enough strength due to what I thought how to live on with it. I went to the temple and asked the father. There were advised to read the prayer for the return of energy. He tried with all the soul and the result appeared, not big, but he is.

Prayer for Return of Energy

When you are angry, swear, show negative energy - This leads to the fact that you are squatting vital energy And feel depressed.

Many to restore energy are asking for help to the Almighty, reading strong prayers. In order to recover, people go to church, pass the rite of purification, asking for forgiveness for their sins.

You need to seek help by this holy, which is responsible for the sphere in which you need to help. The correct prayer facing the saint will help you to heal, understand life and send you to the right way.

Request help with open heart, good intentions. To deal with what holy you better contact, ask the priest, it will help you figure out.

Prayer to the Lord God for Return of Energy

energy Return Prayer Text

This prayer helps make your negative energy - positive. You will feel how a peace comes, feel the tide of strength.

Clean the prayer is better for candles. The most important thing is that you must believe that the prayer will help you.

What gives this prayer?

Prayer to restore energy

On our planet for many years of its existence, much evil has accumulated. We appear on it to make it evil love, fill the planet only good.

When you read prayer, then think not only about restoring your strength and clean yourself, but also that there is no evil around you, ask for the Most High.

If you are correctly reading prayers, correctly feel about reading prayer, you will soon see how you are changing, and everything that surrounds you. From your life disappears the negative, people who brought into your life only bad, you clear your mind and your soul from evil.

When to read prayer?

girl reads prayer

The best time, in order to ask the Most High Aid - this evening. If you pray in the evening, then you have more chances to have the fact that the Lord will hear you and help. More good and positive will appear in your life, you will gain happiness and peace, restore your strength.

It is very important to contact the Almighty with faith in the heart, because if you do not believe in yourself, in the Lord, that you will have a bright and happy future, then the Lord will not believe that you really need His help.

Also you yourself should not be evil person. Treat everything with good, help those who need help, goodbye people with a clean heart, do not tait evil, do not swear out of the trifles, do not speak badly about people, despite the fact that they did you.

Remember that the Lord will hear and help everyone regardless of age, nationality and gender.

Prayer for vitality

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    Restoration of aura prayer

    Religious traditions tend to imply a direct appeal to God for help and support in church, and at home.

    In the East, mantras are used, and in Europe with antiquity they know that only prayer restores the aura, especially if the words are sincere, individually and rightly selected. The effect of competent prayer is compared with powerful meditation for the enlightenment of the soul and mind, because God relieves any energy problems.

    Prayer benefit to restore Aura

    • Each word addressed to the Spirit helps to focus on the highest matters of the world, concentrate on something favorable. Consequently, all black thoughts, experiences and negative, begin to go to the background, they leave the human head. In addition, the removal of negative thinking through prayer means the elimination of different energy suckers and subtles from the human biofield.

    Due to this transition to a positive way of thinking, you can stop the leakage of energy from the biofield and prevent the emergence of energy holes.

    • God always gives those who appeal to him with a prayer and at the same time knows how to remove the worldly concerns, the most pure energy. IN different cultures This response stream of force is called differently: a pranal sip, the breath of life, the energy of the cosmos. With the help of such high-frequency waves from the Holy Spirit, you can completely fill emptiness in your biofield. In the absence of significant ruts in Aure, at the expense of prayer, you can also create a necessary energy supply. By the way, it is believed that the bulk of the energy from God goes through the top. It is there that, according to Eastern practices, is the highest seventh chakra of the human power system - Sakhasrara.
    • Knowing the higher truths at the time of communication with the Lord, the individual is transferred to the level of transcendentality. The stay of consciousness on a high spiritual stage allows you to understand your mistakes in the earthly life. A person begins to realize his sins, he refuses a vicious way of existence, which automatically harmonizes his aura.

    The effect of divine energy on the development of a living organism is also proved by scientists at the biological level. In particular, experiments show that plant seeds attached to the relics of saints give the best rates of growth rate and the level of germination. Doctors also note that prayer impulses come to the brain and affect the entire life activity of a person, the functionality of all its systems.

    Interestingly, esoteric centers also conduct research on the effects of prayer on biofield. Of course, they make an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist options to appeal to God, but this does not affect the amazing results.

    A person who regularly associates with the Almighty, forgets about the deformation of the aura, its subtle mattles are fixed and aligned, they have symmetry and a pleasant glow. The functional of the energy system in the body is also restored: chakras and channels are activated and filled with the necessary force. It turns out that each prayer is always an energy phenomenon that enhances the value of a person in the bioenergy space of the Earth.

    It is safe to argue that prayer optimizes all the processes of metabolism in a person, so it improves the energy exchange, including.

    Appeal to the Lord is always filled with light feelings, so with the help of God's words you can heal not only your body, but also the soul, heart, mind, as well as aura. It is not necessary to use only christian prayers, because you can talk to the Almighty on simple language, while maintaining the bioenergy power of its words.

    Biopole harmonization: prayer reading rules

    1. Any conversation with God or the Guardian Angel is always the sacrament. Therefore, a secluded place is chosen for prayer, in which it will be quiet, comfortable, calmly. Select the desired text in advance.
    2. Prayer for restoring aura is different, because it can mean the disposal from the negative, saturation vital power, elimination of envious and ill-wishers. In addition, sometimes to harmonize the biofield, you first need to repent, and this is no longer a classic prayer request.
    3. Create around a favorable atmosphere. You can put a suitable icon, keep the cross in your hands, surround yourself with church candles. It is also allowed to use flowers, incense, for example, incense. You can put a harsh relaxing music. By the way, the use of candles is also due to the fact that flumeter fluctuations translates sound vibrations on the desired level of the waves that reach the skies.
    4. Do not dwell on the entourage. Yes, a pleasant atmosphere is important, but it is valuable only for your inner state, and not for God. Remember that the Most High always with you, he is in your soul and in the heart.
    5. Never ask for prayers to punish those who cause the deformation of your aura. Use the noble sides of their soul when contacting God, let you be brightened lightweight gust, and not the thirst for revenge.
    6. Of great importance is how many times you read prayer. First, it is desirable to choose some particular text to restore the thin shell and stick to it constantly until the problem is solved. Secondly, the number of readings is usually determined individually, but the main canonical prayers read seven times. As practice shows, one or two or three prayers is not enough for the full saturation of the body with energy.
    7. Be sure to include in any prayer of the words of gratitude to the Most High or Specific Holy Holy, the help of which you ask. Higher power Rarely go to meet those who can only demand and complain. Learn appreciation, and then prayer will become a real conductor to God and the tool of salvation, the good transformation of life.

    Prayer, restoring aura, is actually an energy bunch that man sends God or a separate spiritual defender.

    However, some of this force concluded in words, always remains with the believer itself, it affects him already due to the fact of the conviction that the result will be. That is why it is necessary to carefully approach what you say and how. Every thought, vibration, the image is in the soul, settle in the energy system.

    Types of prayers for improving thin matter

    Each word facing God has its own special strength, its depth level. Most prayers act on completely different energy plans, so that the specific text is chosen about the same way as the medicine in the pharmacy. It is necessary to proceed from the painting of the aura disease and clearly present at the same time what the desired effect is required.

    The strongest prayer can cause the most deep change. This means that it does not just restore the biofield, but also eliminates the reason for his deformation. Such text wins all the inner demons of man, his negative emotions, sets up a spiritual plan completely differently.

    Internal confession

    Internal confession aims to eliminate those negative changes In Aure, in which negative emotions, strong feelings and experiences of a person are guilty. It follows from the memories of all cases of a strong insult, humiliation, insults, etc.

    It is advisable to apply to all the life moments of this kind from 12 years. Imagine a mental former unfriendly, kiss and hug it. If it does not work, because soulful pain I did not leave yet, you can imagine the offender with a small child. Do not forget to send gratitude from the bottom of my heart, because you taught each other something new.

    Also, I must say thanks and God, because the training took place thanks to him. Feel that in your soul there are warmth and go to the second part of the confession before Most High. Think how often you became a violator of the rules of morality, were hostile to someone. Imagine that you are in court where your heart leads. Tell him about all the bad deeds from adolescent age, reveal, getting rid of the negative.

    Such a confession can be repeated several times, even daily until all the negative moments of life will be worked out, which can affect the integrity of the aura.

    Combining prayers

    Combined prayers usually relate to different temporary gaps. For example, the morning reducing prayer can be directed towards the Lord with the goal to get a blessing for all future affairs and meet possible dangers for Aura with honor.

    The evening prayer is just the restoring. You must ask God to fill the lost energy forces so that the adoption of a new day is worthy.

    The universal text on the restoration of the biofield is the prayer "Our Father". It is usually read three times before bedtime. You can also combine reading with a blockage of a body with an egg, which makes it possible to effectively distribute the aura for the presence of a decline and damage that deform the human biopol.

    Raw egg Conducted counterclockwise and reproduce prayer, and then break the product in water dishes and look at the presence of foreign enclosures, threads, bubbles.

    Prayer "Cross Lifely"

    Prayer can use to restore fine matter of individual parts of the body, because it perfectly removes manifestations unclean power. Vibrations of this text also destroy damage. However, it is necessary at the time of reading the prayer to keep your hand on the affected place and visualize how the outgatment is coming.

    The obtained bunches are usually mentally burned over the real church candle.

    Psalms made of psalter

    Psalms from the Psalmier also possess special efficiency.

    • Let's say if spiritual health is required, you need to read the texts under the numbers 4, 7-9, 11, 27, 55.
    • Psalms №3, 6, 13, 34, 90, 133 are removed from the unclean strength.
    • Various spiritual questions also allow solving tests No. 24, 25, 29, 72, 98-100, 130, 136.

    Strong prayer for refund of human energy

    This text is suitable for reading everyone who feels a permanent decline. This prayer collects all mental evil from the human soul, processes it and returns already in the form of pure and fresh energy flows. In addition, sincerely voiced words are able to save a person from the burden of energy vampirism, returning to all victims of them, possibly involuntarily assembled, vitality.

    There are several variations of such a returning prayer.

    If you have time, then you can cook a special drink in the morning, which in combination with the text will help enrich the aura of energy.

    Need to brew 5 cloves 200 ml hot water. When the potion is removed in 20 minutes, you need to drink on an empty stomach one sip. But before this, the drink is spoken by prayer. In words should sound a petition from God. It is necessary to extract healing from mental illness, protection against the evil eye and damage, the force for absorbing the body of this life.

    Option of prayer number 1.

    For those who prefer pure prayer strength, the impressive text facing the Almighty will suit. It is necessary to read many times and consciously, imbued with the soul into each word. Such prayer is real repentance, and it can be voiced even in the church:

    "I ask the true creator, as well as all the bright forces of the highest order, whose support I need: Collect from my bioenergy shell, from all corners of the body, from each cell and the atom of that energy that was taken accidentally or purposefully in other people in any time. Please, take these streams of strength and clean, let them take filtering and return to their former owners. I ask these people forgiveness, let them let me go to God's judgment. Amen. I also forgive them all and let go to the court of Lord. Amen. And that before those energies that, by the will of God, I received, appearing on the light, then find them, restore in full and need to change, clean, profile and return to any time, from now on and forever. Amen. The true creator is mine, do it (3 times). Amen!"

    Option of prayer number 2.

    There is also a simpler and short version of prayer, which transforms negative energy into a positive and, thus, returns the aura of harmony:

    "Everything that destroys my biofield, strains and zombies the mind, stops spiritual growth, I will cancel alone by the awareness! All the released energy of the past is directed by me on the healing of the aura and soul. I cancel everything that prevents me on the right path. Freed energy streams I send me to restore your memory. The accumulated flows that have become harmful to me, I change into the energy of love, happiness, mutual understanding with the world and your soul. I cancel all stagnant energy vibrations that stand between me and my pure consciousness. All the released energy I send to the transformation of myself. May it be so!"

    Thus, each believing person should not have doubts: any prayer restores the aura and strengthens the energy of the personality. At the same time, however, it should be remembered that the intentions of the reader should only be good, and the beliefs are unshakable and persistent.

    It is necessary to desire recovery not only to yourself, but also to the whole world.

    Therefore, the effectiveness of one or another prayer text should be assessed primarily in their own behavior and spiritual development. Sincere prayer will definitely help the heart of becoming free of disappointment and offense, and it always makes the biofield strong and healthy.

    Man often feels the decline. This is due to the wrong attitude to reality, the abundance of the received, not particularly high-quality and useful, information. Helps prayers for refund. This appeals to the highest forces about forgiveness, a kind of repentance. Let's study it in more detail.

    Why do these prayers need?

    The Lord sends us to Earth to enjoy her fruits and beauties. And people often belong to this invaluable gift. They spend the power of the soul to fight far-fetched obstacles, enmity, foul language, jealousy, envy, malice, and so on. Energy, with which a person came to the world, is sprayed to empty, unnecessary. And the important tasks available for each person remain unresolved. Sooner or later, some are aware of the errors. Then they need prayers for the return of energy. Lord good. If he sees that the sinner repented, it will definitely help to correct the consequences of his incorrect actions, solutions or feelings. It is only necessary to understand what to spray forces is an objectionable thing. It is much better to rejoice at what he gives the created world, nature and communicating with close people. Unfortunately, the general created by humanity does not allow to come to this simple and natural thought before serious problems begin. But, as they say, it is better late than ever.

    How to read the prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness

    Below is the text of this appeal to the Lord. Try to approach prayer consciously. It should be observed, to understand the soul. Mechanical text reading will not give results. You see, a powerful prayer for the return of energies becomes just when it is clear to you the meaning of the incorrectness of the former spending of forces. It is necessary to think about your life, repent in the shower. Only then proceed to learning text. The priests are recommended to pray at first in the temple. His atmosphere contributes to distraction from worldly bustle, concentration on the salvation of the soul. After all, it is this task that is first in the list of any believer. He should go his way so as not to spill the power given by the Lord at birth, not to spend this great and magical gift for completely unnecessary things. Only when you come to the awareness of this heart, read prayers for the return of energy. Here you should not hurry. Nowhere, believe me, you are not late.

    Prayer for Return of Energy, very powerful

    I ask the true creator, the strength of the world to help me in a difficult matter. Collect from my past, present and future energy-information structures, surrounding space, auras and biofields, from each system and organ, including intracellular level, all that is obtained unreasonable, it is randomly randomly or realized from other people. Please, clean, skipping through the filters, and return to true owners. I repent of what he hovers out that belongs to another person. I ask for all forgiveness, sincerely wish you happiness and love to these people. Let the court of God judge us. Also pray, collect those energy from the spaces, which gave me the Lord from birth. Clean, skip through light filters and return to the place. Let everything recover in the past, present and future. From now on forever. Let them never fall into my energy structures belonging to another personality. I just forgive everyone and ask me not to blame. Amen! True creator! Do how correct! Amen!

    What gives this prayer?

    It should be noted that a lot of evil has accumulated on the planet for millions of years. We come here to transform him into love. Described prayers for the return of energy are designed specifically to perform this task. By the way, texts can be different. It is important to have the intention to clean not only your aura, but also the space of the planet, return the surrounding that they involuntarily selected. It is impossible to escape alone. The Lord has created a temple for us. And this is not a building, but a community of believers. Together they are able to withstand any evil. And each - a particle of the Great Power. Reflect on this when you decide to pray! And yet, the result of the work should be monitored not in what is happening outside, but in the shower. If you do everything right, then from the heart will get offended, disappointment, despair. You will become easier and more optimistic to look at the events. And find out one day that the world is ideal in its harmoniousness. Be sure to ignite the candles at home as in the church. Their lights help not only concentrate, but also to be cleaned.

    Religious traditions tend to imply a direct appeal to God for help and support in church, and at home.

    In the East, mantras are used, and in Europe with antiquity they know that only prayer restores the aura, especially if the words are sincere, individually and rightly selected. The effect of competent prayer is compared with powerful meditation for the enlightenment of the soul and mind, because God relieves any energy problems.

    Prayer benefit to restore Aura

    • Each word addressed to the Spirit helps to focus on the highest matters of the world, concentrate on something favorable. Consequently, all black thoughts, experiences and negative, begin to go to the background, they leave the human head. In addition, the removal of negative thinking through prayer means the elimination of different energy suckers and subtles from the human biofield.

    Due to this transition to a positive way of thinking, you can stop the leakage of energy from the biofield and prevent the emergence of energy holes.

    • God always gives those who appeal to him with a prayer and at the same time knows how to remove the worldly concerns, the most pure energy. In different cultures, this response stream of force is called differently: a pranal sip, the breath of life, the energy of the cosmos. With the help of such high-frequency waves from the Holy Spirit, you can completely fill emptiness in your biofield. In the absence of significant ruts in Aure, at the expense of prayer, you can also create a necessary energy supply. By the way, it is believed that the bulk of the energy from God goes through the top. It is there that, according to Eastern practices, is the highest seventh chakra of the human power system - Sakhasrara.
    • Knowing the higher truths at the time of communication with the Lord, the individual is transferred to the level of transcendentality. The stay of consciousness on a high spiritual stage allows you to understand your mistakes in the earthly life. A person begins to realize his sins, he refuses a vicious way of existence, which automatically harmonizes his aura.

    The effect of divine energy on the development of a living organism is also proved by scientists at the biological level. In particular, experiments show that plant seeds attached to the relics of saints give the best rates of growth rate and the level of germination. Doctors also note that prayer impulses come to the brain and affect the entire life activity of a person, the functionality of all its systems.

    Interestingly, esoteric centers also conduct research on the effects of prayer on biofield. Of course, they make an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist options to appeal to God, but this does not affect the amazing results.

    A person who regularly associates with the Almighty, forgets about the deformation of the aura, its subtle mattles are fixed and aligned, they have symmetry and a pleasant glow. The functional of the energy system in the body is also restored: chakras and channels are activated and filled with the necessary force. It turns out that each prayer is always an energy phenomenon that enhances the value of a person in the bioenergy space of the Earth.

    It is safe to argue that prayer optimizes all the processes of metabolism in a person, so it improves the energy exchange, including.

    Appeal to the Lord is always filled with light feelings, so with the help of God's words you can heal not only your body, but also the soul, heart, mind, as well as aura. At the same time, it is not necessary to use only Christian prayers, because you can talk to the Most High in a simple language, while maintaining the bioenergy power of your words.

    Biopole harmonization: prayer reading rules

    1. Any conversation with God or the Guardian Angel is always the sacrament. Therefore, a secluded place is chosen for prayer, in which it will be quiet, comfortable, calmly. Select the desired text in advance.
    2. Prayer for the restoration of aura is different, because it can mean the deliverance from the negative, the saturation of the vital force, the elimination of envious and ill-wishers. In addition, sometimes to harmonize the biofield, you first need to repent, and this is no longer a classic prayer request.
    3. Create around a favorable atmosphere. You can put a suitable icon, keep the cross in your hands, surround yourself with church candles. It is also allowed to use flowers, incense, for example, incense. You can put a harsh relaxing music. By the way, the use of candles is also due to the fact that flumeter fluctuations translates sound vibrations on the desired level of the waves that reach the skies.
    4. Do not dwell on the entourage. Yes, a pleasant atmosphere is important, but it is valuable only for your inner state, and not for God. Remember that the Most High always with you, he is in your soul and in the heart.
    5. Never ask for prayers to punish those who cause the deformation of your aura. Use the noble sides of their soul when contacting God, let you be brightened lightweight gust, and not the thirst for revenge.
    6. Of great importance is how many times you read prayer. First, it is desirable to choose some particular text to restore the thin shell and stick to it constantly until the problem is solved. Secondly, the number of readings is usually determined individually, but the main canonical prayers read seven times. As practice shows, one or two or three prayers is not enough for the full saturation of the body with energy.
    7. Be sure to include in any prayer of the words of gratitude to the Most High or Specific Holy Holy, the help of which you ask. Higher forces rarely go to meet those who can only demand and complain. Learn appreciation, and then prayer will become a real conductor to God and the tool of salvation, the good transformation of life.

    Prayer, restoring aura, is actually an energy bunch that man sends God or a separate spiritual defender.

    However, some of this force concluded in words, always remains with the believer itself, it affects him already due to the fact of the conviction that the result will be. That is why it is necessary to carefully approach what you say and how. Every thought, vibration, the image is in the soul, settle in the energy system.

    Types of prayers for improving thin matter

    Each word facing God has its own special strength, its depth level. Most prayers act on completely different energy plans, so that the specific text is chosen about the same way as the medicine in the pharmacy. It is necessary to proceed from the painting of the aura disease and clearly present at the same time what the desired effect is required.

    The strongest prayer can cause the most deep change. This means that it does not just restore the biofield, but also eliminates the reason for his deformation. Such a text wins all the inner demons of the person, his negative emotions, sets up a spiritual plan completely differently.

    Internal confession

    The internal confession is aimed at eliminating those negative changes in Aure, in which negative emotions are to blame, strong feelings and experiences of a person. It follows from the memories of all cases of a strong insult, humiliation, insults, etc.

    It is advisable to apply to all the life moments of this kind from 12 years. Imagine a mental former unfriendly, kiss and hug it. If it does not work, because The mental pain has not yet subsided, you can imagine the offender with a small child. Do not forget to send gratitude from the bottom of my heart, because you taught each other something new.

    Also, I must say thanks and God, because the training took place thanks to him. Feel that in your soul there are warmth and go to the second part of the confession before Most High. Think how often you became a violator of the rules of morality, were hostile to someone. Imagine that you are in court where your heart leads. Tell him about all the bad deeds from adolescent age, reveal, getting rid of the negative.

    Such a confession can be repeated several times, even daily until all the negative moments of life will be worked out, which can affect the integrity of the aura.

    Combining prayers

    Combined prayers usually relate to different temporary gaps. For example, the morning reducing prayer can be directed towards the Lord with the goal to get a blessing for all future affairs and meet possible dangers for Aura with honor.

    The evening prayer is just the restoring. You must ask God to fill the lost energy forces so that the adoption of a new day is worthy.

    "Our Father"

    The universal text on the restoration of the biofield is the prayer "Our Father". It is usually read three times before bedtime. You can also combine reading with a blockage of a body with an egg, which makes it possible to effectively distribute the aura for the presence of a decline and damage that deform the human biopol.

    The raw eggs are spent counterclockwise and reproduce prayer, and then split the product in the dishes with water and look at the presence of foreign engines, threads, bubbles.

    Prayer "Cross Lifely"

    Prayer can use to restore fine matter of individual parts of the body, because it perfectly removes the manifestations of unclean power. Vibrations of this text also destroy damage. However, it is necessary at the time of reading the prayer to keep your hand on the affected place and visualize how the outgatment is coming.

    The obtained bunches are usually mentally burned over the real church candle.

    Psalms made of psalter

    Psalms from the Psalmier also possess special efficiency.

    • Let's say if spiritual health is required, you need to read the texts under the numbers 4, 7-9, 11, 27, 55.
    • Psalms №3, 6, 13, 34, 90, 133 are removed from the unclean strength.
    • Various spiritual questions also allow solving tests No. 24, 25, 29, 72, 98-100, 130, 136.

    Strong prayer for refund of human energy

    This text is suitable for reading everyone who feels a permanent decline. This prayer collects all mental evil from the human soul, processes it and returns already in the form of pure and fresh energy flows. In addition, sincerely voiced words are able to save a person from the burden of energy vampirism, returning to all victims of them, possibly involuntarily assembled, vitality.

    There are several variations of such a returning prayer.

    If you have time, then you can cook a special drink in the morning, which in combination with the text will help enrich the aura of energy.

    You need to brew 5 clove grains 200 ml of hot water. When the potion is removed in 20 minutes, you need to drink on an empty stomach one sip. But before this, the drink is spoken by prayer. In words should sound a petition from God. It is necessary to extract healing from mental illness, protection against the evil eye and damage, the force for absorbing the body of this life.

    Option of prayer number 1.

    For those who prefer pure prayer strength, the impressive text facing the Almighty will suit. It is necessary to read many times and consciously, imbued with the soul into each word. Such prayer is real repentance, and it can be voiced even in the church:

    "I ask the true creator, as well as all the bright forces of the highest order, whose support I need: Collect from my bioenergy shell, from all corners of the body, from each cell and the atom of that energy that was taken accidentally or purposefully in other people in any time. Please, take these streams of strength and clean, let them take filtering and return to their former owners. I ask these people forgiveness, let them let me go to God's judgment. Amen. I also forgive them all and let go to the court of Lord. Amen. And that before those energies that, by the will of God, I received, appearing on the light, then find them, restore in full and need to change, clean, profile and return to any time, from now on and forever. Amen. The true creator is mine, do it (3 times). Amen!"

    Option of prayer number 2.

    There is also a simpler and short version of prayer, which transforms negative energy into a positive and, thus, returns the aura of harmony:

    "Everything that destroys my biofield, strains and zombies the mind, stops spiritual growth, I will cancel alone by the awareness! All the released energy of the past is directed by me on the healing of the aura and soul. I cancel everything that prevents me on the right path. Freed energy streams I send me to restore your memory. The accumulated flows that have become harmful to me, I change into the energy of love, happiness, mutual understanding with the world and your soul. I cancel all stagnant energy vibrations that stand between me and my pure consciousness. All the released energy I send to the transformation of myself.May it be so!"

    Thus, each believing person should not have doubts: any prayer restores the aura and strengthens the energy of the personality. At the same time, however, it should be remembered that the intentions of the reader should only be good, and the beliefs are unshakable and persistent.

    It is necessary to desire recovery not only to yourself, but also to the whole world.

    Therefore, the effectiveness of one or another prayer text should be assessed primarily in their own behavior and spiritual development. Sincere prayer will definitely help the heart of becoming free of disappointment and offense, and it always makes the biofield strong and healthy.