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Prayers for the forgiveness of sins. Orthodox prayer for the forgiveness of their sins, daily

In the Orthodox doctrine, as well as in the Christian consciousness in general, a very important place is given to such a practice as repentance. Despite the well-established stereotypes, this is a rather deep concept, and its importance can hardly be overestimated. However, the daily legalistic religious practice and the superficial attitude of the Orthodox towards their own theological and philosophical heritage significantly leveled the original concept to the level of a marginal account of their misdeeds before God. Hence, we can talk about two types of repentance. Let's call them common and ideal types.

Everyday Repentance

Let's start with this kind of repentance. According to the way of thinking that underlies such an attitude to faith, repentance consists only in remembering those sins and violations of the church charter that were committed by a person. To avoid some kind of divine punishment for these misdeeds, read different kinds prayers for the forgiveness of sins. For one and a half thousand years of Orthodoxy, practically all canonical prayers have gradually taken on such an excuseful character.

Perfect repentance

The second type of repentance is much deeper, and goes back to the height of the original pathos of Christianity, which, alas, remained unattainable and not accepted by the majority of the followers of Jesus Christ. Its meaning will be easier to understand if we turn to the Greek word for this term - "metanoia", which means "change".

Indeed, in comparison with the modern church, where a monthly confession is expected for the believer (at least), in the first centuries of the history of Christianity, new converts confessed only once, thus testifying to a change in their sinful lifestyle and obedience to the commandments of God. After that, having become Christians, they could no longer sin. If they again stumbled heavily, they were simply expelled from the community of the faithful, where they could return, at best, one more time through heavy penance.

Those who sinned a second time ago were never expected or accepted. Gradually, this maximalism came to naught, and today everyone has the opportunity to sin, and after Sunday confession, being “forgiven”, proceed to the sacrament.

But the primordial concept of repentance presupposes not an account of one's sins, but a change in consciousness, values, priorities, tastes, and in general all components of the personality and life in such a way as not to violate the commandments at all. According to this idea, a person should live in such a way that he simply does not have a reason and a reason to go to confession. And so, when such a change took place, it was considered a completed repentance.

As it turned out in practice, for most people such a task is unbearable. Therefore, the Gospel had to be “adjusted” to the weaknesses of human nature. To help this, prayers for the forgiveness of sins were invented. Some of them are read every day in the temple, others involve daily recitation at home. There are also specific texts intended only for special occasions or timed to coincide with important days, for example, the Great Canon of Penitence of St. Andrew of Crete.

The Meaning of Daily Repentance

There is only one thing to remember to understand why the church commands its followers to repent daily. Namely, the fact that a person also sins daily.

The only way out is to read prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of the family, fast and hope for the mercy of the Most High at the Last Judgment. Here is the text of one of them: “Remember, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom all my family - everyone born from the forefather Adam, deceased ancestors, all ancestors, fathers and mothers and each of my relatives, who have passed away to this day, whom You yourself, God mine, you know by name. Leave, let go, have mercy and forgive them all the sins that they have committed, willingly or unwillingly, and grant them life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Orthodox personal confession

It is worth touching on a special text that is prescribed for Orthodox believers to read every evening before going to bed. This is a daily prayer for the forgiveness of sins, the so-called everyday confession of sins. It is a form of one-on-one confession before God (that is, without the mediation of a priest) for the forgiveness of all sins committed during the day, and at the same time for the whole life. This practice has its own positive sides and significant potential for personal development. To what extent this potential is being realized is another question. For now, we are interested in the tradition itself, which goes back to pre-Christian times.

Traditions of Daily Repentance

A similar practice probably existed in Judaism and in many other religious systems. But it is most vividly represented in the Pythagorean Union, which, being a philosophical school closed type, at the same time represented a specific pagan religious group Greco-Hellenic edition.

From the depths of this tradition, the Golden Verses have come down to us, in which Pythagoras (or someone on his behalf) instructs us to finish each day with a report that “What have you done wrong? What could you do? What did you fail to do? " Further, it was supposed to draw conclusions in order to assimilate what you need to strive for, and on this basis draw up a plan for the next day. At the same time, it was not just about the routine of affairs, but about the dynamics of spiritual development.

In fact, the same methodology underlies the Orthodox practice of daily evening confession, when prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins. Ideally, having realized today's sins, the next day a person will have to try to avoid their repetition.

Orthodox prayer for the forgiveness of sins for every day

Here, with some abbreviations, it is appropriate to cite the text of everyday confession. The prayer for the forgiveness of sins begins with the following words: "I confess to You, the Lord God ... all my sins that I have committed throughout all the days of my life ..." The following is a list of sins, which is standard. He is followed by such a request for mercy: “... with tears I humbly pray to You, my past sins by Your mercy, forgive me and allow me from all of them, for You are good and philanthropic. Amen!"

Catholic prayer to God for the forgiveness of sins

For comparison, let us present another text from the Western tradition. This is also a prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins, but not from the evening rule, but from the Mass.

"I confess before God Almighty ... that I have sinned much in thought, word, deed and failure to fulfill my duty ... My fault." The last two words are repeated three times with blows to the chest. This is followed by a request for intercession: "Therefore, I beg the Virgin Mary, all the angels, saints and you, brothers and sisters, that you pray for me to the Lord our God."

The only significant difference from the Orthodox analogue is the absence of a list of sins. In this, Catholics are given the opportunity to independently fill the content.

Benefits of Evening Confession

As already mentioned, the Orthodox prayer, as in this case and the Catholic one, has a powerful potential for a beneficial influence on the individual and his moral improvement. This is achieved by analyzing their behavior, as well as words and thoughts for the past day. Prayer is a kind of work on mistakes, which allows you to behave more correctly and meaningfully the next time in a similar situation.

Regular practice of evening confession also allows you to identify moments with which a person has special problems and difficulties. It is worth paying more attention and diligence to working with them.

Thus, a person has the opportunity to gradually develop, approaching a given ideal. In Orthodoxy, he is represented by the image of the gospel Christ.

Controversial points

The shortcomings of the Orthodox version of confession lie on the surface and lie in the standardized list of sins. This prayer for the forgiveness of sins is printed in all editions with the same list of religious crimes. At the same time, everyone is imputed to read it in this form. mandatory, even if a person has not committed a single sin from this list during the day.

This kind of nominal confession of imperfect sins makes the practice of confession itself a mere proofreading of the text, nothing more. After all, if these are imperfect sins, then the text is not able to lead a person to real regret about them, and therefore, there is no analysis and expression of the will to change for the better. As a result, there is no progress, there is only daily reading of the same text of transgressions that have nothing to do with the real spiritual life of a person.

Consider in detail the prayers for forgiveness of the sin of love spell - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Anyone who at least once apologized for knowingly or unintentionally causing harm or pain, and received forgiveness, knows that the feeling of relief that replaces the pangs of conscience cannot be compared with anything.

This is one of the forms of true happiness that colors the days. sunlight and removes the heaviest clouds from the horizon.

But the forgiveness that we ask the Lord for our deeds is capable of more. Thanks to prayer for the forgiveness of sins, you can not only remove a heavy burden from your soul, but also see the path along which you should go further so that life brings joy and is full of peace.

Prayer to the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins

Prayers for the remission of sins can rightfully be called miraculous and healing.

In the process of turning to God, we completely abstract from the vanity of life, and all we want is the generosity of our Father, and his forgiveness for our actions, thoughts and intentions, which are caused by weakness of spirit and inability to resist life's temptations.

Before you start praying, you should get rid of all distracting thoughts and create the right attitude. The main thing is to be honest with oneself and sincerely repent for willful and unintentional acts that burden the soul with sins.

Such an appeal to the Lord, performed regularly, carries with it purification - finishing it, a person feels the enlightenment of consciousness.

“Lord my God, you know what is salvation for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, as I have come to you, deliver me, Lord, for you are my strength and my hope and glory and thanksgiving to you forever. Amen".

Be sincere in your appeal to God and do not forget: it does not matter whether you did something bad in reality, or just wanted to do it, but abandoned the wrong act.

There is no particular difference between the desire to sin and the perfect wrongdoing - any unrighteous action begins with an unrighteous intention.

How to pray for the forgiveness of sins

When we turn to God, we turn to the one who sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of our sins and was crucified on the cross for this.

The power of his forgiveness and mercy cannot be measured, therefore at any time - the happiest and most difficult - we offer him our prayers, since no one else is able to cleanse us of filth and make our look pure and unclouded by temptations.

Forgiveness is a medicine for the soul. And also, as a medicine, they should only be used when you need it and you feel an inner willingness to be healed.

Pray every time:

  • you feel guilty towards someone;
  • you feel remorse for any intention or action you have taken;
  • you have made a decision not to repeat mistakes and to act in accordance with the covenants of God.

But main feature, by which you can understand that the time has come to turn to the Lord God and ask him for forgiveness - a feeling of discomfort and heaviness, which seems to make you bend to the ground. This means that another sin has fallen on your soul, which deprives you of your strength.

Strong prayer to the Lord can work a miracle. But do not expect quick results: getting forgiveness is a long enough process, and one time prayer will not atone for intentional or unintentional harm that you caused someone or intended to do.

Visit the Temple regularly, where you offer prayers to the Lord, the Mother of God and the Saints, observe the laws of God, be merciful to your neighbor and the Lord will hear you.

The following prayer is one of the most powerful. Read it every time you feel the need for it or when temptations and doubts begin to haunt you.

“In the hand of Thy great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and my body, my feelings and verbs, my deeds and all my body and soul movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and residence, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breath, my repose, the rest of my soul and body. But Thou, O Merciful-hearted God, overwhelmed by sins of the whole world by Goodness, Kindly Lord, me, more than all sinful men, accept in the hand of Thy protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, give correction to my evil and accursed life and from my future always delight me with the fierce falls, but in nothing, when I anger Your Philanthropy, also cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people... Prohibit the enemy visible and invisible, guiding me through the saved path, bring to You, my refuge and my desire to the land. Grant me the end of the Christian, not ashamed, peaceful, from the airy spirits of malice observe, at Thy Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Thy servant and bring me to the right hand of Thy blessed sheep, and with them I praise thee, my Creator forever. Amen".

The person who has received forgiveness is one of the happiest people on the ground. His soul is filled with peace and tranquility, thoughts acquire purity and coherence, and he himself finds harmony with himself.

It helps you not to get lost with life path even when a person is surrounded by temptations, and the acquired generosity and mercy towards others gives him strength and courage.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins is a very powerful, but not the only way to remove the burden from the soul and go through a kind of cleansing. The main message that these special words carry can also be realized through everyday activities. They should be aimed at showing mercy to your neighbor and getting rid of pride, which often becomes a companion of concern for material things.

Such activities may include visits to nursing homes, where you can help with caring for people who are already completing their earthly journey. Or take part in collecting donations for the poor and sick who need your help as much as God.

But, most importantly, do not treat the prayer for the forgiveness of sins as a kind of "inoculation" that for some time will make you sinless and invulnerable in the face of temptations.

Turning to the Lord for forgiveness means making a promise to him to continue to monitor your own thoughts and actions, which determine the purity of your soul.

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How to beg forgiveness from God for sins, a rare Orthodox prayer.

To ask the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins, read the rarest Orthodox prayer in secluded silence. You will notice the result immediately.

Throughout our lives, we commit acts of sinful content.

Realizing this, one wants to seek the grace of Divine help.

We beg for forgiveness by listing sins in confession in an Orthodox Church.

We read the Prayer Book with delightful zeal and cross ourselves randomly, looking around.

First of all, go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your own Health.

Put 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Pleasure.

Buy several candles for home prayer. Collect the holy water by purchasing the icons listed above.

Gather your strength and observe a strict weekly fast. Then take Communion and confess to Father.

All this time read the prayer "Our Father" and limit yourself from the earthly vanity.

Returning home from the Church, retire in a locked room.

Light a candle. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Read the prayer “Our Father” several times.

Without haste, but with Orthodox zeal, remember all the sins you have committed, sincerely repenting and mentally asking God for forgiveness.

Proceed to repeated whispering of a special text, allowing you to cleanse yourself of the accumulated filth.

I implore you, O Heavenly Father, that my sins will end soon. Let go of the evil weight that sits in your heart, let him forgive the one offended by me for the abomination. I beg you, do not punish severely, let the road to the Church spread under your feet. Help in Orthodoxy to save the soul that I still sin, I beg, forgive. Thy will be done. Amen."

Be baptized again diligently and drink holy water.

After a while, when you again feel sinful heaviness, pray to the Lord God, patiently waiting for the grace-filled forgiveness.

I also bring to your attention 3 Orthodox prayers for the forgiveness of sins, addressed to the Lord God.

Such prayers do not ask God for anything, except for magnanimous absolution.

Sins are different, mortal and everyday, as well as not mentioned by oblivion.

It is the forgotten sins that pull our soul into the abyss of hellish flame.

To ask the Lord God for forgiveness, read with lit candles and in a graceful silence one of the three Orthodox prayers below.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Forgive me for the sins mentioned and forgotten. Do not allow Orthodox torment as a punishment and do not torment my soul with new trials. I deeply believe in you and pray for your soon forgiveness. Thy will be done, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

I beg you, Son of God, for the forgiveness of forgotten sins. In captivity of the devil's temptation, I did (did) deeds that were not righteous. Forgive me all the insults, slander, greed and greed, stinginess and rudeness. Let not sinful scabs infect my mortal body. May it be so. Amen."

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I confess to you for sinful thoughts and unkind deeds. Forgive me sins forgotten, accidental and intentionally committed. Help me to cope with the temptation of the devil and guide me on the path of holy Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.!

Remove the sin of love spell

Some not very far-sighted people, trying to bring a little of a great and bright feeling into their lives, begin to engage in black magic, conduct rituals with conspiracies, give the chosen one a love potion, dry him through food and through things. At the same time, they do not think about the consequences. After all, a bewitched person can become addicted to alcohol, his psyche is disturbed, his life is shortened. Yes, and a person who made a love spell may not have love, but one punishment. Many people then turn for help. Basically, these are those who once bewitched without thinking: is it enough to take risks? First of all, if you made a love spell or even tried unsuccessfully to do it, be sure to neutralize the effect of witchcraft.

This ritual is performed then, if you once bewitched someone, and now you have parted with this person. Why do people still leave after a love spell? The first reason is that they charmed the wrong person, the second - they did it on the wrong day. We must try to remove the punishment from ourselves. By the way, this can be done if you are pursuing a streak of failures and you do not understand what the reason is.

On the eve, you need to remember absolutely all deceased relatives, and in this case it does not matter whether you communicated with these relatives once or not, loved them or not. 9 days after the memorial service for deceased relatives, order a prayer service in the church for the health of living relatives, friends and enemies. A week later, you should order a prayer service for your health. On the same day, you should go around all three churches, collect holy water and bring it home. If you are trying to remove the consequences of a love spell, then you need to order a prayer service for the health of a partner or partner with whom you parted. The holy water from this prayer service must be handed over to the “former” so that he or she can drink it. You bring your water home and drink a sip in the morning and in the evening for 40 days, add a little to the bathing water in the bath. After that, as a rule, the effect of divination is removed, although there are special cases when additional measures need to be taken.

In particular, if someone in the family has recently died, then you should go to the sacrament. And the harder it is for you psychologically to do this, the more you need the sacrament. After that, you can never do any magic anymore. Exception - you can make yourself protective amulet... This is not punishable.

The main thing in magic- the strength of your desire and faith. Do you have them? So everything will work out. The basic principle is that you remember the very situation in which you made the love spell. As if enter into it mentally. But this time is different from the last time. The mechanism is as follows. You go back there, at that moment, and give up what you did. As if untangling the threads back, removing the tools, releasing all the energies that were involved in that situation. If you walked in circles, go to reverse side, if you were dressed in light, put on a dark one, if you lit candles and left them to burn out, light them and then extinguish them, if you tied knots, braided your hair, then untie, untangle! Choose a day for the ritual when the moon is waning, and preferably Tuesday (the day of Mars, war and strife). Tune in to release. If you pronounced the words of a love spell, say them backwards or using the particle "not". In general, the "lapel" should be a mirror image of the ritual that you used for the love spell. With a clear awareness that you are correcting the mistake you made, that you are doing everything the way it was before, back. In this case, you need to realize that a mistake was made. And understanding what exactly. For example, the realization that you do not need slaves. If the understanding of the error is sincere, then in any case everything will work. If at this stage there is no mistake, but only fear of punishment, then it is too early to work for release.

Then cleanse your own energy. How to do it? First of all, pay attention to your posture, shoulders, back, arms - they are responsible for love and attractiveness. If the back is bent, the muscles are flabby, and there are fat deposits on the arms and back, you will no longer attract love. Take care of your posture, swimming, massage will help you. But just do not use diet pills; this poison, which causes irreparable harm to your body, disrupts metabolism and often entails irreversible consequences.

But what if the spine is in order, the shoulders are straightened, the woman is slim and beautiful, but she still has no love? For those who seek to get married, it is advisable to sleep in pink bed linen... Put pink roses in a vase - they attract love. If you cannot afford to buy fresh flowers often, lay a tablecloth on which they are painted or embroidered on the table.

A woman or girl can mentally decorate her hair with a rose before leaving the house. Pink colour: then her attractiveness will increase, spreading around a charming aura of love.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire helps very well. With its help, you can achieve the fulfillment of your own Dream, as well as help your family and friends. First, say the following words:

« Lord, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Saint Nicholas, the Kazan Mother of God, help me (name your desire)».

Then read the Lord's Prayer "Our Father." Repeat this treatment three times in the morning and three times in the evening. It will help someone to make their Dream come true in two weeks, and to someone - in 2-3 months. But remember: even after finding your loved one and getting married, keep reading the prayer to strengthen its effect.

When you cook food for your loved one, say: "I cook with love and joy!" Then read "Our Father": twelve times - if you want to "charge" food for love, or 15 - if you dream of a happy marriage.

The following simple trick will help to find happiness: having closed your eyes, you need to mentally repeat the numbers 11,12,15 every day for 10-20 minutes. With this digital conspiracy, you will set yourself up for youth, love, happy marriage and, accordingly, health.

To achieve success in love helps the mood to align fate; by the way, it helps to improve posture:

« I am calm, I am strong, I am brave, I am confident, I dare everything, I can do everything and am not afraid of anything.».

Learn this words. And repeat as often as possible.

These simple words make it possible to get rid of complexes, change fate and find happiness:

♦ I live with love and joy.

♦ I deserve the best.

♦ Whatever I do, wherever I am, and whatever happens around, everything brings me success, happiness and love.

♦ I communicate with people who live with love and joy.

♦ Life and destiny love me and spoil me with their gifts.

♦ People appreciate me, love me, respect me and help me in everything.

♦ Men who are handsome, happy, rich, prosperous, kind, affectionate love me.

♦ Men love me, appreciate, respect, give flowers and gifts.

♦ Guardian angels help me in everything.

Sin and repentance

Please tell me how to atone for the sin of a love spell if a person repented of his deed? What prayers to read? What to do?

Like every sin, this sin requires deep heartfelt repentance in confession, the sacrament of repentance. And only in this way we overcome sin by God's mercy and grace, which cleanses our heart and gives it the strength to fight against sin. Therefore, only in confession, sin is forgiven, and the confessor gives instructions on how to deal with sin, how to lead a spiritual life, how to strengthen in the fight against sin in the careful fulfillment of church commandments. At the same time, the confessor also advises the confessing what prayers to add to prayer rule how to study the Law of God and be established in faith and piety.

Help to cope with the craving for souls, close to 7 years that they went with the children to the fortuneteller and bewitched their own person, mi 3 rockies live at the same time, ended up in a church, my little dear, but now I realized that I have a great time, I am crying my own man and little girl, I love you even more. To help you with joy, how can you do it?

So, go to the fortune-tellers - there is still a great time. The fight is not up to God, but up to your adversary, up to unclean force. Even better, do you repent of this sin, regret that you have been blamed for that, however, you need to cleanse yourself of this sin until the end, and become a true only to our Lord Jesus Christ, to seek the prosperity of Yogi from Nyogo. To those who need to easily override their counterparts, to that, through repentance, truly, generously, the Lord will cleanse us from sin, and there is no need to do anything to repent and purify from everything. It is necessary to firmly remember and constantly disclose a thought about those who are to bewitched and bewitching is power. As long as we see the thoughts in repentance and bazhanní to intervene only with God, only God is above us, His grace, and nothing can be done. Ale in the center of the demand is firmly true, the demand is pragmatic, reporting all the questions at the viconious will of God.

My daughter, in a state of mental instability, “blurted out” about God something similar to “Come on. “. Now she greatly regrets and worries. I have confessed, but there is no rest. He believes that this sin cannot be forgiven and atoned for. Is it so?

Every sin that a person repents of, the Lord forgives. But in this case, the daughter needs to be helped to realize this and to feel her guilt before the All-Merciful God, forgiving the repentant sinner, correcting his life. Because when a person is overwhelmed by a feeling of despair, he does not have enough repentance. That is, the consciousness of one's sin and a humble desire to correct one's life, overcome sin and live according to the will of God.

What should I do if I have lustful thoughts? I repent, but I fall into it again.

We can fight lustful thoughts only by frequent confessions, spiritual conversations with the confessor, revealing these thoughts to the confessor and healing our heart from them, repenting all the time, resisting them, making efforts to get away from what drives us into these thoughts. We must always try in every possible way to keep ourselves in this struggle and the desire to save ourselves from them, to purify ourselves and remain in this purity and faithfulness to God.

Father, bless! I just can't cope with laziness for prayer and with the sin of envy, how can I be corrected?

Laziness in prayer is overcome only by an active spiritual life, because an active spiritual life is already constant prayer. And she herself will call us to prayer, constant thought about God, about virtues, about eternal life. And naturally, an active spiritual life in prayer and good deeds will help you overcome the sin of envy, because a person envies only when he weakens in his spirituality, when he forgets that he has unspeakable wealth - immortal life, life with God. When a person remembers this, he naturally cannot envy, because he has everything, because he is so rich that he cannot even imagine what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. And naturally, if a person forgets this, he sees only the earthly, his own shortcomings in earthly life, and this all leads to thoughts about earthly life and envy of those who have something more in earthly wealth.

How beautiful it is to repent in crafty thoughts, at home, what is more beautiful in the church on the basis? Dyakuyu.

In crafty thoughts, you need to repent at your heart, everywhere, if you do not bully, in the house and, more, in the church on spovid. We are to blame for the memory, but the struggle against crafty thoughts is the struggle of the end, it’s not easy to carry on. However, the very persistence and ease in struggle is even more important, to help you gain more and more control over your thoughts, and more and more beautifully and more beautifully the thoughts of the wicked, unclean, sinister, and trying to help yourself in them, constantly overcoming God.

Good afternoon! I am Orthodox, I walked to the path and read to speak in a christian, for an hour I thought that I would save my sin from alcohol. Now I’m working, how can I screw up this shit? Dyakuyu.

You need to bring a lot of heartfelt repentance and a little more thought and hope for the paths in your heart, even though you don’t go to waste before them, but now, ask only Christ God, hope for Nyogo and vitality, so that Win is more helpful in correcting yours. If you can help you to come before you, before your repentance, before your life with God. As soon as you can wake up to the mind and take it to your heart, then all at once, - you will be guilty of your war and hope, and in your prayer that hope, - you will overcome the sin of pianism.

Please tell me, if there is no way to go to church and confess, but sincerely in my soul and at home icons I repent and pray, and this brings peace to my soul, is it acceptable?

Of course, the Lord accepts every prayer uttered from the heart, and even more so in repentance. Naturally, if you do not have the opportunity to go to church, you have made every effort to find these opportunities, and your conscience is calm in this regard, then the Lord accepts such prayer and repentance and blesses you. But it all depends on your conscience, whether it is satisfied, whether you did everything to go to church, whether you made every effort to pray in church and come to confession, repent, cleanse your heart and start new life... If there were opportunities to do this, but you did not, then, of course, what kind of prayer and, moreover, what kind of repentance can be discussed. We understand very well that if a person remains indifferent to prayer and to the reception of the sacraments in the church, he anger God, there can be no question of any repentance. If conscience convicts us, then it judges us. For this is the voice of God, which will always tell us exactly whether we are doing right or wrong.

Is it true that the Lord punishes mortal sins up to the seventh generation? What are these sins? Why is it punishing? After all, is God all-merciful and all-just?

Yes, indeed, that is the whole point of punishment, because the Lord is All-Merciful and All-Just. And out of His love for man, he often punishes Him on earth in order to lead to salvation. Yes, in Old Testament this law was in effect - punishment for sins up to the seventh generation. He acted in order to stop the spread of sin and apostasy from the true faith among God's chosen people. The Lord does not punish in order to simply punish, because a person deserves it, but he punishes a person in order to help him to improve and be saved. But this law works only when people do not repent, when they do not forsake sin. But if a person repents of his sins, then the Lord has mercy on him and removes the punishment from him. Among these mortal sins, the most terrible are apostasy, pride, licentiousness and the sins that flow from these sins, which corrupt society and divert it from true faith and piety.

Do my sins harm the people around me, or do they only destroy myself?

Sin, as a negative, destructive phenomenon, cannot be localized, protected from the spread of itself. On the contrary, it is aimed at distribution. Therefore, one cannot look at sin as a phenomenon that develops only in a person who is subject to it. Sin, always developing in one person, has the goal of spreading to others. It is like a virus, like an epidemic for the body, in the same way it acts on the soul, in the same way it is transmitted, like a virus on the body. In many different ways, sin spreads to the souls of other people. Therefore, the Orthodox Christian always strives not only to overcome sin within himself, but also tries to prevent it from spreading to his neighbors. In this he is assisted by the Gospel commandments, which require a virtuous life and attitude towards one's neighbor with love, patience, humility, and meekness. Then these virtues help the Orthodox Christian not only to protect himself from the bad influence on others, but also to correct himself in many ways, to overcome sin in himself, to open his heart to the love of God, which heals him and cultivates virtues in him.

Father, bless. How to deal with thoughts from the evil one? Before, I didn’t notice this, but as I began to strengthen my faith a little more, or so I think that I am strengthening myself, from time to time very terrible thoughts come. I understand that this is all from the evil one and we need to pray more and trust in God's mercy, but it's scary, since the holy fathers succumbed to temptation, but what can I? When I look at myself from the side, I see one continuous Sin. Save me, God.

Naturally, when a person begins to struggle with sin, he begins to see more in himself. Conversely, if a person does not struggle with sin, he sees less and less his guilt before God. Therefore, in spiritual language, a person who is struggling with sin begins to cleanse his heart, that is, he sees, and therefore more and more sees in himself his iniquity. And a person who does not struggle with sin, does not cleanse his heart, naturally, blinds himself and ceases to see even great sins in himself. Therefore, one should not be afraid of the struggle with sin, one must be afraid of stopping in this struggle. For as we struggle with sin, we become more and more enlightened, and the grace of God sustains our struggle, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable it may be. Of course, a person struggling with sin has many trials and temptations. But all of them are allowed by God for more and more reinforcement in our struggle. For through them we gain spiritual experience and are more and more firmly grounded in the struggle. For we see not only the power of sin, but, moreover, we see and feel the help of God. It is she who confirms us in the struggle. She comforts us, inspires us, infuses the love of God into our hearts and gives us the desire and zeal to wage this struggle harder and more purposefully. This teaching of the Church reminds us that there is no difficulty or even horror that we could not overcome with the help of God. Moreover, the more we feel weakness, the more grace comes into our hearts, for the Lord reminds us, just like the Apostle Paul: “The power of God is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12: 9).

How to avoid despondency, despair?

Despondency can be avoided only by constant and continuous work on oneself, on one's spiritual growth. For discouragement comes only when this spiritual work is not done or is not being done enough. Because one cannot lose heart who grows spiritually, who overcomes sin within himself, who becomes more and more richer in virtue. Such a person naturally rejoices, thanks God and strives more and more towards spiritual life. And vice versa: if a person does not work on himself, remains in sin, does not bear the fruit of repentance, it is natural that he is visited by despondency and despair. Therefore, the fruit of repentance is joy, and sorrow is only the fruit of sin, of impenitence. And the center of our entire spiritual problem is our egoism and pride, because it is they who, by inclinating us to the satisfaction of our desires, bring emptiness to the soul. Because they incline a person to what is unnatural, what is not. And a person who thinks a lot about himself and wants to satisfy his passions, naturally, is not in reality, because reality is our sin, it is our crime before God, failure to fulfill His holy will. If a person does not perceive this reality, he cannot repent and receive the fruits of repentance. And not having this, the human soul grieves, for it was created by God for the acquisition of spiritual benefits, and, not acquiring them, it becomes discouraged and falls into despair. He gets out of there only when he realizes the reality of his sin and lawlessness, the unreality and futility of his desires.

The sin of resentment goes very deeply into the soul of a person. Sometimes it is so deep that it takes possession of all thoughts, feelings and desires. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Apostle Paul reminds us: “Do not let the sun go down in your anger. Be angry, do not sin! " (Eph. 4:26). These words remind us that any dissatisfaction with our neighbors, his actions and relations with us must be eradicated immediately, preventing them from developing in the soul, for it is these selfish feelings of ours that are generated by our weakness in faith and spiritual life. Therefore, if a feeling of resentment against our neighbor has taken possession of us, we must turn to the merciful God who loves us with prayer to teach us to love our neighbor, to forgive him all sins, to accept him as he is. Because only by the grace of God through our repentance the grace of the Lord can comfort us, strengthen our soul in the struggle against anger, anger, irritation that bring us this restless feeling of resentment.

While reading prayers for the dead, I cannot pray for my father. He was a very cruel man and I have no good memories of him. I asked my mother to say something good about my father, otherwise I cannot pray for him. And my mother answered me: “What can I say? I forgave him everything! " Father, what to do, how to forgive him? 2. My mother died very young (40 years old) due to an unforgivable, banal mistake of a doctor. How to forgive him?

No matter how difficult and difficult life is, no matter what cruel and hateful people we meet in life, we, as Christians, must endure it calmly, with the hope of God's help and mercy, especially if they are relatives or close people. Christians should always forget bad things and never remember them. For if we remember the bad, we will condemn the person who did it. If we believe in an almighty all-merciful God, then we will place the judgment in His hands. For He will always be just and perfect. As we can see, such a Christian needs to forgive his neighbor who has sinned against him. And he has his Intercessor - the All-perfect God. Therefore, one must grow in faith, in spiritual life, so as not to judge others, and to forgive their transgressions.

Yak to have fun with dashing dumoks?

Dashing thoughts enter our head through our spiritual weakness. Opanuvati spiritual weakness, to become spiritually minded, it is possible only through persistent and easy spiritual struggle, which means gliboka kayattya in cases of sinfulness, purification of the heart in the mystery of repentance, the elbowing of addictions and lack of hardship. The leaders of such a struggle is our respect and striving to concentrate on spiritual benefits, more and more, the struggle of the supervisor and the grace of the Holy Spirit. All of this helps people to be with God in the spiritual light, how to rob the spiritual truth that is unattainable for dashing thoughts, which, obviously, is the manifestation of a person's light, spiritless and terrifying. It is not surprising to him that a spiritually weak people give in to dashing thoughts and the stench to enter into the mind and heart. And for the spiritually minded people, dashing thoughts are not so strong that they do it well, but often they do not know how to get close to the svidomosty.

What if every day you lose faith in God, but at the same time I regularly go to church, receive communion, communicate with Orthodox people... It is very painful to lose the meaning of all life in God.

This does happen to believers who are mature age came to faith, because it is not easy to transform yourself from a secular person into a church person. A secular secular person in such a believer is still quite strong and often pulls a person back. Therefore, it all depends on the intensity of the elimination of habits and the way of life of the old person. Therefore, a person who comes to faith in adulthood should force himself as much as possible to give up old desires, thoughts and aspirations. Moreover, he must force himself to do everything, to desire and think in a Christian way, to fill his heart and soul with the Gospel teachings, images, and narratives. In such spiritual work on oneself, a person becomes different, the grace of God acts in him more and more, and his soul and body become God's dwelling place. Such a person gains the experience of spiritual struggle and quickly overcomes the trials of the old person rebelling against the new life. In addition, a person working on himself begins to love Christ, His Gospel more and more, he becomes accustomed to fulfilling Christ's commandments, and this even leads such an active person to zealous fulfillment of the Gospel instructions and living according to them.

Hello. Tell me, really, that God returns anger to people in a circle (I fed the cats, and one woman doused me with kerosene for this, and I would like to know if she will receive punishment for this). Thank you.

God is love, and awaits man's repentance. His love is long-suffering, therefore it punishes people only to correct them, and by His providence, His action in this world, all good supports and even evil human deeds corrects. Therefore, we must also pray that the Lord will help a person who has offended us to reform and not want him to be punished by God, but that the Lord will govern by His mercy. He's omnipotent! He will protect us! And we must forgive the sins of our neighbors, so that the Lord would forgive us as well, as we ask for this in the prayer "Our Father": "Leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors."

Is a love spell a sin that is punished up to the seventh generation?

Any appeal to sorcerers and fortune-tellers for Orthodox Christian unacceptable and is a very great sin. Therefore, no matter what problem we encounter in life, we must solve it in the Church with a confessor, in prayer, repentance, in fasting and abstinence, and never be inclined to solve them in another way. The Lord, seeing our efforts, our love, our humility, will help us, will never reject us. But if we try to achieve something only as we want, according to our pride, without humility, repentance, patience and hope, then, naturally, we will not be able to receive what we ask for, for we will anger God with our humility. We must remember that God is proud resists, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, remembering about gaining what is asked for through Him, we must reject any other thought, about another path, which will always be contrary to God.

Say whether it be a caress, how robiti, if the nasty ones think not to read, how to read prayers, why is it necessary to take communion? Even more important in the soul. Save me, God.

It’s clear that before we need to receive communion, it’s unambiguously, for that, preparation for communion in prayer, fasting and striving, and especially repentance, that sacrament spoken, spiritual confrontation with the confessors, will help to set up those who help them spiritually and overcome However, all the demands of God, knowing the love of God, the law of the Lord, the Evangel of Christ, embracing the new Church. Only with such a rank we can become spiritually minded and successfully fight against usimka with thoughts, with respect to those bazhans, disliked by God and dolati їkh.

Father, it happened that my close sister in Christ, with whom we have been friends for a long time, asked my opinion why they did not treat her very well. I responded by pointing out her wrong behavior, then noticed that it was unpleasant for her to hear my answer, although she agreed with me, saying that she would be more attentive to her behavior. Question: you can say things that are painfully perceived when they ask you to sincerely answer, if not, how will it be right?

Naturally, you always need to start talking, and especially to answer questions softly, non-compulsively, calling the person into dialogue. When a person comes to a conversation with you, then it is easier for him to explain certain aspects of a Christian's behavior, completely without touching the personality of the person with whom you are conducting a conversation. And in general, the best tactic of such a conversation - if there is some question, the answer to which is very difficult to perceive, - to answer indirectly, from the outside, introducing the person into the content of the proposed. And if this is stated correctly, then it is often enough not even to indicate to the person his specific misconduct, he himself will understand it and not only will not object, but will be grateful, and you will be able to continue the conversation and communication.

Bad thoughts about God, I constantly repent, but they do not leave me. What should I do?

Our thoughts depend on our spiritual state. If we are in a spiritual struggle, then, of course, we also overcome crafty unkind thoughts. Therefore, you need to start by perfecting your spiritual struggle. It should be constant, it should never be postponed, but on the contrary, live it, because it is a manifestation of our love for Christ. And naturally, when we are in a struggle, the Holy Spirit helps us to lead it, and we are strengthened in it, and it is easier and faster to reject bad and crafty thoughts.

Every nation in every country passes secret words from parents to children that allow a person to communicate with higher power- By the Lord God. These words constitute prayer. You can turn to God and ask him for blessings for some business, give thanks, and also offer a prayer for the forgiveness of sins.

How to properly ask for forgiveness

We are all sinners and we all have a way that the Lord has created for us. Even if it seems that there is no way out, everything is bad in life, do not forget - God has a specific plan for every person, even a notorious sinner. The main thing is to open the soul, to show sincere repentance, the purity of the soul. Everyone has a chance, and this is proved by the rapture of the robber crucified next to Jesus Christ.

It is important to visit the house of the Lord - the church, because there they will tell you how to properly beg forgiveness. The priest will conduct confession, where he will listen to your sins, and then the sacrament of communion will be performed. The church choir will praise the Lord by singing prayers, and you can join them. The main thing is to sincerely repent, otherwise there will be no point in repentance. You need to experience real pangs of conscience so that the soul is cleansed of sin.

So, in order for the prayer to God for the forgiveness of sins to be effective, certain conditions must be observed.

  • Visit the house of the Lord - a church or temple.
  • At divine services, do not step aside when confession begins, do not run away from communion.
  • To offer prayer to the Heavenly Father not only in the temple, but also at home.
  • Do not sin, be a pure soul and thoughts.
  • Do not commit a sinful act.

Clarity of intentions will be shown by your deeds and actions. If you indulge in sin after the service, this will indicate the weakness and baseness of desires. Sincere repentance is very powerful, and those who sincerely, truly experienced the pangs of conscience will no longer fall into sin.

But you also need to understand that it will not work to atone for sin in one go. This has been done for a long time, persistently and diligently, as Christianity teaches us. The heavier the sin, the longer it will take to pray for it. If many acts of one offense have been committed, for example, masturbation, theft, it may take a long time before the Lord has mercy and grants you the cleansing of your soul.

Church and lay texts

The Lord hears and sees all of us, he knows who is speaking to him. But you can talk not only with God, but also with the holy great martyrs. Prayers can also be directed to the Mother of God - the Holy Virgin Mary loves her children, no matter what they have done.

After the forgiveness of sins occurs, the character of a person will also change. Cleansing the soul means getting rid of those qualities that pushed a person to violate the commandments - laziness, weakness, lack of will, cowardice. A person will become diligent, persistent, courageous - all this will allow one to overcome obstacles on the path of life.

First you need to learn the prayer for reading at services. Although words should come from the heart, there are certain texts that have long been used by lay people.

“O Lord Most Reverend, Heavenly Father, God in Heaven, I transfer my soul and body to your power, all my aspirations and thoughts. The time of my life, as well as the day and hour of its end, repose and repose, take everything to your will. Merciful Father, goodness that the sins of the whole world will not overcome, accept me into your service and grant deliverance from the evil one, cleansing me from my iniquities and sins. Have mercy and cleanse with the hand of the heavenly creator, guide this hand on the path of salvation and farewell. Lord have mercy, amen. "

The prayers of the laity are different from the prayers of the clergy. At confession, you need to write your sins on a piece of paper and tell the priest about them. He will take a piece of paper and begin his prayer, in which he will ask the Lord for the forgiveness of your soul. Laymen cannot read such a prayer, since you need to know the sacrament of the priesthood in order to read church prayer forgiveness of sins from the Lord. Here is another example of prayer for lay people.

“Lord, Savior of all things, Human Keeper, grant your forgiveness to your unworthy servant who is mired in sins. Deliver me from enemies, delighting me for service and creation, and not for destruction and laziness. Grant me the possibility of a peaceful, Christian death, instructing me to get rid of my sins. Accept my repentance of the soul, and be merciful to your servant at the Judgment. I praise the Creator forever and ever, amen. "

There are also tips for proper conversion, on how to atone for sins before God. It is important to create a certain attitude, get rid of negative emotions speaking sincerely. You need to go to any icon in the church and start a prayer. It is not necessary to gloss over misconduct clearly and loudly, you can just whisper.

“Lord, I am weak, I admit it myself before you, but I ask you to correct your unworthy sheep by your hand. Reward your servant and give me strength for zealous service, grant me angelic love, not allowing me to commit sin from now on, for I am weak. Let me offer prayer and service to you, All-Merciful, for you are strength and hope. Praise and thanksgiving to you forever and ever. Amen".

Is it possible to pray at home

The Lord God possessed the strength that every person should have - strength of spirit and mercy. He forgave sinners and was crucified on the cross for our sins. And people must learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Don't forget about God when you leave Orthodox church... You need to offer him prayer in the morning, before meals and before bedtime.

If there are no icons at home or the text of the prayer has been forgotten, there is no need to despair. In prayer, words come from the soul, from the heart. The main thing is to treat God with respect, admit your weaknesses and ask for forgiveness. Here is an example of how to atone for sins before the god of the house.

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father. I praise your sacrificial gift, which you brought for the sake of the wicked sinners, who have not taken away their sin to this day. I pray you, direct your mercy on me and deliver me from the obstacles in my path, give me the strength to overcome them and not fall into a new sin and forget the old one. I glorify you forever and ever, amen. "

Prayer for the forgiveness of your sins is powerful and delightful. If you live in accordance with the canons of Orthodoxy, you can see how much better life is when you live with God in your heart.

Even if a person is not a good Christian living according to the canons, praying will help him. If you encounter difficulties along the path of life, you can ask Heavenly Father for help. The Lord sees everything, and he also knows that you remember him, and will grant redemption, because he is merciful and loves all his children.

Prayer to the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins is very important. The essence and meaning of prayer, in principle, is communication with God, its goal is the salvation of the soul. And only a pure soul can be saved. Therefore, we turn to the Lord God, and ask him to forgive our countless sins, sins of our kind, sins of distant ancestors.

You need to pray to the Lord with all your heart, asking Him to forgive your sins, the sins of your ancestors, known and unknown, of all your kind before the beginning of time. Orthodox tradition knows the prayer for the forgiveness of forgotten sins, the daily confession of sins, the prayer for forgiveness, intercession and help. This distribution of prayers is connected with the need to confess your sins.

It is not accepted to pray to the saints of God for the forgiveness of sins, for the saints are our friends, our representatives and intercessors before God, but only the Lord forgives sins. You can pray to the saints for the forgiveness of sins only as a request for representation before the Lord.

A common misconception also exists with regard to the concept of powerful prayer. It is necessary to understand once and for all: prayer, as a text, cannot be strong or weak. Magic can be "strong" due to the power of words, while prayer can be strong only in connection with your spiritual state. Ardent, sincere prayer is always "strong", even if the person is praying for the first time.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins does not replace the sacrament of confession.

Nor does it save you from the need to ask for forgiveness from people who have been offended or hurt by committing a sin. You always need to first come to terms with the one offended by you on earth, and then soar to the heights of the spirit with a prayer to God.

To whom and how to pray for the forgiveness of sins?

As already mentioned, prayer for the forgiveness of sins is not a substitute for confession.

The procedure for committing a bad deed is as follows:

  • Realize that you are wrong and apologize if the sin has hurt the other person in any way.
  • When praying before going to bed, mention your wrongdoing in your Daily Confessions of Sins, which can easily be found in every prayer book.
  • Turn to the Lord with a request for forgiveness in your own words: ask Him as sincerely as possible to forgive your sin, all the sins of your kind, your distant ancestors.
  • Confess your sin with the priest, do not mention that you have already prayed for a confession of sin, be humble and contrite in heart about your behavior.

For the sins that we have forgotten through inattention and negligence (a person has too many sins, more than the stars in the sky - we cannot remember all of them) there is a prayer for the forgiveness of forgotten sins. It is called the prayer of the Monk Barsanuphius the Great, and you can find it in the Prayer Book.

You need to pray humbly, with full awareness of your sin.

If you do not see your crime, ask God to show it to you, and then proceed to confession.

How should a person who read a prayer for forgiveness feel? The question, frankly speaking, is strange, it refers to questions "on the brink". Each person, having received absolution in confession, feels a certain lightness - people usually describe the sensations as from the weight being thrown off.

But here's a prayer ... No, of course, reading it is not meaningless, it carries a deep message that is necessary to prepare for the confession of sins. But when asking the above question, a person seems to want to hear a different answer. Ease, euphoria - there are a lot of options, some people arrogantly describe the atonement of the sins of their ancestors, deliverance from suffering of all kind. Anyone who feels that his prayer is enough for his entire family is in the power of delusion, induced by demons in order to lead him astray.

A person is arrogant (which is also a sin), he is easily confused, led astray, convinced of his own strength.

So how should a person who prayed for the forgiveness of sins feel? Shame. Shame and repentance, which can only be washed away through the sacrament of confession.

Prayers for Forgiveness of Sins: Comments

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Prayer for forgiveness

Prayer for forgiveness in Orthodoxy plays an important role. It represents such secret words, filled with deep spiritual meaning, which allow you to turn to the Higher powers with a request for forgiveness of your own sins. Prayers for forgiveness must be read in the temple. In order to atone for all your sins, you should attend church as often as possible. Also, in addition to such prayer, you should continually give alms to those in need more than you.

Prayer for the forgiveness of your sins before God

The most powerful prayers for forgiveness are offered up to the Lord God. They need to be read every day. Every word in prayer addresses should sound conscious and sincere.

Daily prayer of repentance and forgiveness

For the daily prayer of repentance and forgiveness, you can use the following prayer:

Prayer to Jesus Christ for forgiveness of offenses

Resentment against other people pollutes the soul very much, so you need to get rid of them using a special prayer.

It sounds like this:

Prayer of John Krestyankin for the forgiveness of generic sins (a kind)

The main purpose of prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins of a kind is the salvation of the human soul. Its strength lies in the fact that with its help there is one-to-one communication with God. This means that it must be uplifted in complete solitude and absolutely sincerely.

The basic rules for such prayer are as follows:

  • Before offering prayer, you need to realize all that you have done wrong in life. It is important to awaken in the soul a desire for sincere repentance for their misdeeds. You need to voice in your own words what you did, breaking the commandments of God and ask for forgiveness for this.
  • Before reading the prayer for forgiveness, it is recommended to visit the temple and confess.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins for aborted children

Abortion is considered a terrible sin and a woman needs to pray for it. long time... The prayer for forgiveness for the murder of an unborn baby is read for 40 days. It is important not to miss a single day. Before starting to pray, it is recommended to visit the temple, confess and repent before the priest. Prayer words should be pronounced in front of the icon of the Mother of God and the Savior. Sincere prayer will surely be heard and God will take away sin from you.

The prayer text reads as follows:

A very strong prayer to the Creator for forgiveness and help

There are several powerful, purposeful prayers to the Lord. They need to be used in specific cases. It is very important to offer such prayers before the icon of the Savior.

Prayer for forgiveness of those who have offended us

In order to cleanse the soul of negativity, you need to offer a prayer for forgiveness of people who have caused offense. This will allow you to let go of the situation and successfully move towards your goal. The peculiarities of reading such a prayer is that it should be close in its essence to meditation. It is necessary to retire in a separate room, install the icon of the Savior, light a church candle in front of it and take a comfortable position.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Prayer for forgiveness of a child

Parents very often offer prayers for the forgiveness of their children. This allows you to clear the aura of your children.

The most powerful is the mother's prayer:

Prayer for forgiveness of enemies

If you know your enemies, then you should definitely read the prayer for their forgiveness. This will save your soul from the influence of negative energy. In addition, such a prayer will push your enemies on the right path and it is very likely that soon your enmity will end.

One of the powerful prayers sounds like this:

This prayer should be raised to the Lord in solitude in front of the icon of the Savior. Also, be sure to visit the temple after it, where to light a candle for the health of your enemy.

Orthodox prayer of repentance for sins and for the forgiveness of sins

Anyone who at least once apologized for knowingly or unintentionally causing harm or pain, and received forgiveness, knows that the feeling of relief that replaces the pangs of conscience cannot be compared with anything.

This is one of the forms of true happiness that colors the days with sunlight and removes the heaviest clouds from the horizon.

But the forgiveness that we ask the Lord for our deeds is capable of more. Thanks to prayer for the forgiveness of sins, you can not only remove a heavy burden from your soul, but also see the path along which you should go further so that life brings joy and is full of peace.

Prayer to the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins

Prayers for the remission of sins can rightfully be called miraculous and healing.

In the process of turning to God, we completely abstract from the vanity of life, and all we want is the generosity of our Father, and his forgiveness for our actions, thoughts and intentions, which are caused by weakness of spirit and inability to resist life's temptations.

Before you start praying, you should get rid of all distracting thoughts and create the right attitude. The main thing is to be honest with oneself and sincerely repent for willful and unintentional acts that burden the soul with sins.

Such an appeal to the Lord, performed regularly, carries with it purification - finishing it, a person feels the enlightenment of consciousness.

Be sincere in your appeal to God and do not forget: it does not matter whether you did something bad in reality, or just wanted to do it, but abandoned the wrong act.

There is no particular difference between the desire to sin and the perfect wrongdoing - any unrighteous action begins with an unrighteous intention.

How to pray for the forgiveness of sins

When we turn to God, we turn to the one who sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of our sins and was crucified on the cross for this.

The power of his forgiveness and mercy cannot be measured, therefore at any time - the happiest and most difficult - we offer him our prayers, since no one else is able to cleanse us of filth and make our look pure and unclouded by temptations.

Forgiveness is a medicine for the soul. And also, as a medicine, they should only be used when you need it and you feel an inner willingness to be healed.

Pray every time:

  • you feel guilty towards someone;
  • you feel remorse for any intention or action you have taken;
  • you have made a decision not to repeat mistakes and to act in accordance with the covenants of God.

But the main sign by which you can understand that the time has come to turn to the Lord God and ask him for forgiveness is a feeling of discomfort and heaviness, which seems to make you bend down to the ground. This means that another sin has fallen on your soul, which deprives you of your strength.

Strong prayer to the Lord can work a miracle. But do not expect quick results: getting forgiveness is a long enough process, and one time prayer will not atone for intentional or unintentional harm that you caused someone or intended to do.

Visit the Temple regularly, where you offer prayers to the Lord, the Mother of God and the Saints, observe the laws of God, be merciful to your neighbor and the Lord will hear you.

The following prayer is one of the most powerful. Read it every time you feel the need for it or when temptations and doubts begin to haunt you.

A person who has received forgiveness is one of the happiest people on earth. His soul is filled with peace and tranquility, thoughts acquire purity and coherence, and he himself finds harmony with himself.

This helps not to stray from the path of life even when a person is surrounded by temptations, and the acquired generosity and mercy towards others gives him strength and courage.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins is a very powerful, but not the only way to remove the burden from the soul and go through a kind of cleansing. The main message that these special words carry can also be realized through everyday activities. They should be aimed at showing mercy to your neighbor and getting rid of pride, which often becomes a companion of concern for material things.

Such activities may include visits to nursing homes, where you can help with caring for people who are already completing their earthly journey. Or take part in collecting donations for the poor and sick who need your help as much as God.

But, most importantly, do not treat the prayer for the forgiveness of sins as a kind of "inoculation" that for some time will make you sinless and invulnerable in the face of temptations.

Turning to the Lord for forgiveness means making a promise to him to continue to monitor your own thoughts and actions, which determine the purity of your soul.

A very strong prayer for the forgiveness of sins

All peoples who live on Earth have secret words that are necessarily passed on from the older generation to the younger, and thanks to which, a person turns to the higher powers, to the Lord God. Such words are called prayer. The main conversion is a prayer to the Lord for forgiveness - the atonement of sin before another person, the cultivation of the power of forgiveness.

In order to atone for your sins, it is important to visit the temple of the Lord. Attend divine services. But, most importantly, you really want to receive from the Almighty the condescension of grace in the form of the forgiveness of sins. The Lord God forgives everyone and forgives them sins, but only to those who show him their unshakable desire to receive forgiveness, all-consuming faith and the absence of dashing thoughts.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins

During his stay on planet Earth, a person commits a large number of sins from day to day based on various circumstances and reasons, the main of which are weakness, inability to subdue his willpower in order to resist the many temptations that surround us.

Everyone knows the impartation of Jesus Christ: "Out of the heart come the evil providences, and they will defile a man." It is in this way that sinful thoughts are born in the subconscious of a person, which flow into sinful actions. Do not forget that every sin originates only from “evil thoughts”.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins is a very powerful prayer

One of the common ways to atone for sins is by giving alms and donations to those who need it more than you. It is through this act that a person can express his compassion for the impoverished and mercy for his neighbor.

Another way that will help to free the soul from sin is the prayer for the remission of sins, which comes from the very heart, about sincere repentance, about the forgiveness of committed sins: “And the prayer of faith heals the one who is sick, and the Lord will restore him; and if he has done sins, they will forgive and be redeemed to him ”(James 5:15).

V Orthodox world exists miraculous icon Theotokos "Softening of evil hearts"(Otherwise -" Seven-shot "). Since ancient times, before this icon, believing Christians have been asking for forgiveness of sinful deeds and reconciliation of those at war.

Prayer of repentance and forgiveness

“In the hand of Thy great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and my body, my feelings and verbs, my deeds and all my body and soul movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and residence, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breath, my repose, the rest of my soul and body. But Thou, O Merciful-hearted God, overwhelmed by sins of the whole world by Goodness, Kindly Lord, me, more than all sinful men, accept in the hand of Thy protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, give correction to my evil and accursed life and from my future Always delight me at the fierce falls, but in nothing, when I anger Your Humanity, also cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Prohibit the enemy visible and invisible, guiding me through the saved path, bring to You, my refuge and my desire to the land. Grant me the end of the Christian, not ashamed, peaceful, from the airy spirits of malice observe, at Thy Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Thy servant and bring me to the right hand of Thy blessed sheep, and with them I praise thee, my Creator forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness

"Lord, you see my weakness, give me correction and make me love you from all my soul and thoughts, and give me your grace, give me zeal to perform services, bring my unworthy prayer and thank you for everything."

Forgiveness with God

“Lord my God, you know what is salvation for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, as I have come to you, deliver me, Lord, for you are my strength and my hope and glory and thanksgiving to you forever. Amen".

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins (very strong).

Among Orthodox believers, there are 3 common prayers for the forgiveness of sins:

Prayer of repentance and forgiveness:

“In the hand of Thy great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and my body, my feelings and verbs, my deeds and all my body and soul movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and residence, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breath, my repose, the rest of my soul and body. But Thou, O Merciful-hearted God, overwhelmed by sins of the whole world by Goodness, Kindly Lord, me, more than all sinful men, accept in the hand of Thy protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, give correction to my evil and accursed life and from my future Always delight me at the fierce falls, but in nothing, when I anger Your Humanity, also cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Prohibit the enemy visible and invisible, guiding me through the saved path, bring to You, my refuge and my desire to the land. Grant me the end of the Christian, not ashamed, peaceful, from the airy spirits of malice observe, at Thy Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Thy servant and bring me to the right hand of Thy blessed sheep, and with them I praise thee, my Creator forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of grievances:

"Lord, you see my weakness, give me correction and make me love you from all my soul and thoughts, and give me your grace, give me zeal to perform services, bring my unworthy prayer and thank you for everything."

Forgiveness from God:

“Lord my God, you know what is salvation for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, as I have come to you, deliver me, Lord, for you are my strength and my hope and glory and thanksgiving to you forever. Amen".

The power of appeal to the Almighty.

A person's ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness is the ability of a strong and merciful person, because the Lord God performed a magnificent act of forgiveness, He not only forgave all sinning people, but was also crucified for human sins on the cross.

Required Reading: Prayer to Simeon Verkhotursky for health.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins to the Lord can help a person achieve the long-awaited deliverance from sin. Its strength lies in the fact that the one who asks the Almighty already sincerely repents and wants to atone for his guilt. Turning to a prayer for the forgiveness of committed sins, he realized that:

  • that I have committed a sin
  • I was able to admit my guilt,
  • realized that I had done wrong
  • and decided not to repeat it again.

The supplicant's faith in His mercy can lead to forgiveness.

Proceeding from this, the sincere prayer for sinful forgiveness is the repentance of the sinner for the deed, since the one who cannot realize the gravity of the deed will not turn to the Almighty in prayer.

Paying attention to his errors and turning after that to the Son of God, the sinner is obliged to show his sincere repentance by doing good deeds... In this case, “the servant of God will certainly be accepted, and his prayer will come before the clouds themselves” (Sir 35:16).

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Prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of the family is a very important sacred text. main idea prayer is that you communicate with the Lord one-on-one, and its main goal is the salvation of the human soul. Do you think a dirty soul can be saved? Of course not. Only a crystal clear soul has the right to be forgiven. We are all people with sins, we all do not do very well. So, in order to get rid of all this, so that there is no burden, it is very important to talk with the Lord and ask for salvation.

Basic rules of prayer for the forgiveness of the family

This text should be regarded as a spiritual request, as a serious dialogue with the Almighty. One of the most important rules this reading is the sincerity of the believer during prayer. The basic rules of the sacred text are as follows:

  • before reading, it is important to think over everything that you once did in the past, realize your wrongness and apologize to the Lord for what you once did;
  • even if the act was insignificant, petty, but unkind - it is also worth mentioning about it if you pray;
  • it is necessary to turn to the Lord God with maximum sincerity, with an open soul, freeing your soul from all the sins that were once near you;
  • it will not be superfluous if you definitely go to church and ask for forgiveness from Father, forgive all your sins;
  • also, you can pray both for yourself and for those close to you.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins of a kind - text in Russian

Merciful Lord and Righteous Judge, punishing children for unrepentant sins of their parents up to the third and fourth kind!
Have mercy and forgive me, my family, my living and already deceased relatives and my entire deceased family for the great and grave sins of apostasy, for the crime and violation of the Cathedral oath and kissing the Russian people on the fidelity to the Chosen Tsarist Family, for treason and betrayal to the death of the Anointed of God - Holy Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich and all his Holy Family, for the renunciation of God and the Orthodox Faith, for the persecution of the Holy Faith and the Church, for the destruction and desecration of the Temples of God, shrines and their Orthodox Fatherland, for idolatry and veneration of godly holidays, rituals, idols , symbols and ideals of the satanic religion of the atheist, for all suicides, murders, witchcraft, fornication, debauchery, swearing, blasphemy and all abortions committed in my kind, and for all other grave sins, blasphemy, blasphemy, filth and iniquity of my kind from the ages committed , about them you have everything, Lord.
Do not leave us to the end to perish in our sin, but weaken, leave, have mercy and forgive me, my family, my parents, my living and departed relatives, all my deceased family. Resolve the conjunctions of sin and unrighteousness, tear to pieces the oath with which we are bound for our iniquity, remove the curse for these terrible sins from me and from all my family. Amen.

How does a person feel after forgiveness and forgiveness?

After reading the sacred text, each person feels his own grace. Someone feels complete lightness, another constantly wants to smile, and the third one literally feels the load falling off his shoulders. You yourself will understand when the prayer for the forgiveness of the race will begin to work. If we compare the forgiven state with that which was before the recitation of the prayer, then there is a significant difference. At first, you were a bashful, shameless person with negative thoughts in your head. And then, you became a kind, open, light and radiant person.

Remember that prayer for the forgiveness of the family is a very effective text. After all, absolutely all sins are forgiven and offenses are forgotten. The person ceases to feel in a bad mood. Isn't this the true happiness of every inhabitant of the planet? Isn't this the dream of every believer?

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins of a kind was last modified: July 7th, 2017 by Bogolub

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