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Main signs, how to distinguish the wasp from the bee. Bee, Osa and Bumblebee - Differences and Interesting Facts What you need to know about bees

Not all insects lead a single lifestyle. Some of them live in big communities - families. Such insect includes bees, wasps, bumblebees and still ants.

The first three, belong to the detachment of the reference (ants usually do not fly). Accordingly, they have certain similarities, but also enough of the differences. Many of you are thinking about what the difference between the bee from the wasps. After all, externally they are almost the same.

In fact, to distinguish the bee from the wasp or bumblebee on external signs is easy. But this is provided that the insect sits motionless and allow you to consider yourself. And this happens not often.

Atlas-determinant for schoolchildren

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The atlas itself is a beautifully designed edition with colorful illustrations and a detailed description of most representatives of our flora and fauna, including insects. More detailed description you can read on the website of the store. You can buy atlas-determinant by these links:

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Know the difference between these types of insects is useful already in order to properly provide first help in bite. For example, if after an attack the sting remained in the skin, then this is a bee. And if there is nothing in the rink, but the place of bite hurts and swells, then most likely the wasp. And you need to try hard that you have a stubborn bumblebee. They are not up to you at all, they have their own life. But after attack the sting in the wound, they do not leave.

External differences

Well, let's understand in detail than the bee different from the wasp and bumblebee. Since 90% of the information about the outside world, we perceive with your eyes, let's start by the fact that we see, or rather with appearance. The difference in the size and structure of the body between the bumblebee, the ax and the bee is essential. What are their external differences?


The body of the wasp is thin and elongated, smooth, slightly omitted in the abdomen area and head. The chest and abdomen are connected by a thin jumper (here comes from the expression "Osin waist"). In front of the chest and head have a black color. Brighter bright color with black and yellow wide stripes. Wings are thin, transparent. There is a mustache on your head. The length of the body is not more than 1.5 cm. Sherny, which are the largest representatives of the OS, can grow to 5 cm in length.

On a note! You can distinguish the wasp for the presence of a more powerful jaw. The bee is significantly less. Bumblebee is the owner of an even more powerful jaw.

Bee and wasp differ in the structure of the sting. Weapons at the OS looks like a needle - easily enters the skin and is freely deleted. When attacking the insect can be painful up to 5 times.

Interesting facts about OS:

  • Fact number 1. The wasps living in a big colony know each other in the face. At the same time, insects living with small families - this ability does not possess.
  • Fact number 2.. Not all wasps build nests. There are species that prefer to live in Norah, in the ground.
  • Fact number 3.. One bee family for a month can bring more than 20 kg of honey. The aspen colony of the same number will collect a teaspoon from the strength.


The structure of the harhni body is similar to OS (no wonder they are the next relatives). Color is also black and yellow (sometimes dark brown with yellow). Of all those described in the article insects, Holshenni have the most powerful jaws and the largest dimensions. Any hornet of 2-3 times more bee or bumblebee. They grow up to 5 cm long. Convert insect of this size with some other - difficult. In flight buzzing quite strongly.

Interesting facts about Horses:

  • Fact number 1. There are suspicions that Oriental Horshny is capable of converting sunlight into electrical energy. But as insects use this - it is still unknown.
  • Fact number 2.. The ancient warriors of Maya used the harnesses as a weapon of mass lesion. With the help of throwing devices, they threw the nests of a country with all their inhabitants in the enemy's ranks. The angry insects sowed panic, riots and mercilessly zhalili everyone who comes.
  • Fact number 3.. Oddly enough, the hornets themselves are not aggressive. They attack only in case of direct threat.

Note: The main difference: bees - nectar collectors, wasps - predators, insect hunters.


The size of a conventional bee is equal to a little less than the size of the wasp. The color is also striped, but more pale. Some breeds of bees and are at all grayish. The transition from the breast to the abdomen is more smoothed. Head shape - triangular. Unlike the wasp, the bee body is covered with hairs, which perform the role of the conname authorities. Paws thick, black color, with small hair. Body length is about 1 cm.

Bees form a family consisting of three types of insects: uterus, working bee and drone. The queen of bees in length can reach 2.5 cm. The uk is forced to take care of himself.

Interesting facts about bees:

  • Fact number 1. In ordinary honey bees 5 eyes. Two big sophisticated and three simple eyes. Sophisticated eyes consist of a large number of facets and are located on the sides of the head, and simple - on the patterns (drone, simple eyes are somewhat shifted on the forehead).
  • Fact number 2.Bees do not perceive red. That is why checking the state of the hives in the wintering in winter, the beekeepers use red lights.
  • Fact number 3.How far did not fly away the bee in search of nectar from his hive, she will always find the way home.


Mokhovoy Bumblebe (Bombus Muscorum).

In contrast to all other bumblebees - a calm, shaggy fat man. Not aggressive. Attacks only in the case of self-defense or protection of your nest. Its dimensions are more impressive than the OS and bees. On the body are visible yellow-black wide stripes. The head is slightly lowered down. Some have completely black stripes or reddish. One of the distinguishing features of the bumblebee is its rear paws, and more precisely the leg. They have long hairs at the edges that form a collective apparatus, the so-called "basket". Only females can boast such a basket.

Refinement: Bumblebee is not a bee husband, as most children think. Although they are relatives. There are more than 300 types of bumblebees in the world.

If the sizes of the bee, the wasps and bumblebee you are about imagine, then the sizes of the hornet better show the photo. So it will be clearer. After that, you can hardly confuse him with someone else.

Size of the hornet for a more correct presentation.

What are food

Bumblebees, bees and many types of OS are a public lifestyle. However, bumblebees in search of food are acting one by one. Feed mainly floral nectar and pollen. When the air was not enough enough, the bumblebee quickly reducing the breast muscles, it is able to heat its body to the necessary 40 ° C. This interesting ability allows them to fly before their "competitors" and collect the first nectar.

Bees when coating form a small group and collect nectar and pollen with flowering plants. The wasps fly with flocks of 2-3 dozen individuals and prefer to eat animal food (small insects). The victim is divided into pieces and carry in the hive, for feeding the larvae. Often, the wasps kill bees and take honey.

Insect behavior at the time of danger

Bees guard their hive, can be stolen only when the threat has arisen for the home. Insects lightningly transmit a signal about the appearance of a stranger, after which the whole swarm flies on protection. After the attack, the bee dies, leaving the sting at the bite.

The wasps and hornets are characterized by rather aggressive behavior. It is not known when they can attack, insects are stuffing at each other case and does not matter whether there is a threat of a nest or not. After the bite does not die, the sting of their long and looks like a swarm.

Bumblebee is not aggressive and peace-loving insect. Similarities with an axis less than with a bee. Maybe stool in case of protection (stings have only bumblebee females). Unlike the bee, it does not leave his sting in the place of bite.

Differences in flight

These insects fly differently.

The movement of the wasa is sharp, they can hang in the air for a while. Lightningly move from one place to another. Often during the flight you can observe chaotic, sharp movements. The exceptions are large-size wasps (Scholyni, Skoli), they are moving slower.

The bee flight is somewhat calmer and measured. For them, sharp movements are not peculiar, they try to land more. Do not form an annoying buzz in contrast to the OS.

Bumblebee flies slowly, hard with a tangible hum. From the point of view of aerodynamics, the bumblebee should not fly. But the bumblebee did not say about it, so every morning they fly out their affairs.

Refinement: Physicist Jane Wang (Jane Wang) from Cornell University (USA) proved insect flight not violates physical laws, and finally dispelled the old myth that according to the laws of aerodynamics bumblebee fly ne. may.

Differences in the structure of the nest

There are differences in the methods of construction of the nest.

The construction of the hives at bees comes from the wax, which they themselves and produce. Bees on private accommodations live in special houses built for them by pets. Wweaves of wild bees can be found in a wood on a tree or in a cleft cliff. In one family, you can count to several thousand individuals. True, sometimes the bees will settle in the same house with a person and then such a binding occurs: (video)

The OS nest consists of a material similar to paper, which is obtained by chewing wood fibers. Form of the ultrasound round, color gray. You can see the spray nest on the branches of trees, under the ceiling of abandoned buildings, and the earthquakes are altogether live in Norah in the ground.

And those and other nest consists of hexagon cells - cells.

Bumblebee nests are named bombed. It is built in nests of small animals, dupels or abandoned bird nests. The first cells, like the bees, are erected from wax. Then the capsules of the already appearing larvae are in the case.

Differences of the bite

The wasps, as the most aggressive, are more often allowed in the stress. Osin bite is quite painful. In addition, they may well bite their powerful jaw (the human skin does not come, but the small insect of such a bite is more than enough)

OS, which can lead to a re-attack. Hurting her health does not affect. The poison provokes strong swelling and burning sensation, accompanied by severe pain.

Bees use a sting to protect only in extreme cases. It can only be horrible once, causing harm and die. The sting has a jar, it remains at the site of the bite with the rear side of the body (a bag of poison, which even after the death of the bee continues to decline for another 15-20 minutes) the pain of not such strength, as when the bite of the wasps. There are no other significant differences in OS bite and bees.

During the attack, the wasps and bees give a signal about the danger of their relatives, which are already throwing everything together on the offender. Bumblebees can also behave like that, but since they are more often flying alone, in case of conflict, it is necessary to have only one individual.

The bite of the bumblebee is much stronger than the wasp and bee, but somewhat weaker than the harder. The smooth sting in the wound does not remain. Jelly can only bumblebee females.

Dear students and their parents, you are sorry, but we have no ready-made report on the topic "Bees Osia and Bumblebee", but this article has information about the differences between the bee from other insects similar to it. We hope it will come in handy to you to write a report or message. Though for grade 2, at least for 2 courses. Apologize in advance for this little trolling.

Varieties of bees and wastes

According to the latest estimates, there are up to 20 thousand varieties of bees in the world. Bumblebees are also included in a group of a large beesfamily.

Inside the hive for bees and OS are characterized by the following types:

  • workers individuals (here refer to females that are not capable of fertilization);
  • drums (males);
  • the uterus or queen (the main task is to output the offspring, lay the basis of the nest).

The OS can also meet single species that do not create nests, but hold the moays. Conditionally, you can talk about two kinds - public (paper) or single.


Bees can be found everywhere where there are flowering plants. You can not see them in the hot desert or in places with a cold climate.

The most favorite place where the bees love to settle are mountain clefts, abandoned holes or hollows of large trees. For their hives, they only choose a reliable support. Very good if there is a reservoir nearby. Better with running water - river or stream, but not swamp. The hive must be reliably protected from a strong wind.

OS habitat is quite extensive. Basically, they can be found in the northern hemisphere. It focuses on the greatest number of OS on Earth. These insects try to equip the nest closer to man and trees. This allows them to easily and quickly produce food and build sockets and output larvae.

Where can I meet a bumblebee? And where can I find it? The ability to maintain a high temperature of his body gave the opportunity to fade even in the north. They come to Chukotka, Greenland and Alaska. And all thanks to interesting thermoregulation, which at the same time does not allow them to dwell in the tropics. Bumblebees are found in North America, Northern Eurasia and in places where there are mountains. Next, two types of these insects were found, which took root in Brazil's tropics.

Well, friends, while this is all. We told you everything you knew about the differences between the bee from other insects. A little refinement - if you see in the text of the phrase of another color, then do not hesitate, click on it with the mouse. You will open a new, more detailed article on this topic. If you have some questions and comments - write them in the comments. We will try to answer them if someone from our other readers will not respond to you faster.

Today there are many breeds bees. All of them are the result of both natural and artificial selection.

Selection parameters

In the process of selecting breeds of honey bees, it is necessary to take into account all of the above factors, as well as the characteristics of the climate in which you plan their breeding. For example, the southern types of insects in the northern regions are also perfectly collecting honey, but at the same time they will not survive.

Also should pay attention to what plants are growing nearby. For example, Mid-Russian bees will be out of competition to collect honey on buckwheat fields either at the landings of other honey cultures, but will significantly refuse to other breeds on the meadows in the meadows, where different types of plants grow.

Representatives of the Caucasian breed are no challenge and are engaged in collecting honey in all conditions. Get the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe breeds of bees will allow the following characteristics and photos.

Central Russian breed

Medium-Russian (they are also called dark European) bees are an aboriginal view for the central and northern regions of Europe. These insects differ in the dark gray color, which together with the area and gave them the name.

The middle Russian breed of bees is characterized by large sizes, resistance to diseases and increased frost resistance. Fruit of the uterus is extremely high. During the day, they lay up to 3000 eggs, which contributes to the growing of the bee family.

Medium-Russian bees are rather angry, they begin to be nervous when the beekeeper does not pay enough attention to them or too rudely interfere with the life of the hive. Not inclined to theft, poorly protect the nests from bees thieves. Strongly susceptible to rose.

Thanks to the commitment of this breed, bees to the collection of nectar only from one culture, it is possible to obtain mono-culture honey (lime, acacia, buckwheat, etc.). But because of this behavior, insects are delayed to move onto the best cultures and produce honeycomb on the shockless plants. Productivity is high: over the year they collect up to 200 kilograms of honey.

Distributed in the Russian, Belarusian and Baltic forest regions.

Italian breed

In natural conditions, Italian bees live only in Italy. In the middle of the last century they were brought to America, where they were brought with a bright golden Italian wasp.

Italian breed is characterized by yellow body color, which is noticeable in the photo. Weigh insects 113-117 grams. The length of the trunk is equal to 6.5-6.6 millimeters.

This breed is characterized by peace-loving, middle rosium and increased wax capacity. Insects do not bring wax moths and fight it effectively. Protect hive from the thief, but they themselves can do theft. Very initiative in finding food, quickly go to new honey. The uterus lay about 3000 eggs per day.

Italian breed is most resistant compared to its relatives to acarpidomosis and European rot, but is often subjected to easemate, a fall toxicosis. Winter resistance is not very high. Winter insects are strong families, which is why there is a lot of food.

The development of families in the spring proceeds slowly and takes a lot of time. Therefore, Italian is not recommended to be breeding in regions with an early Medosbor. But they are well suited for regions with late Medosbor. Entomophilic cultures are perfectly pollinated.

The beekeeping of the United States is based only on Italian breed.

Carpathian breed

Carpathian bees, or carpats, live in the Transcarpathian region. The ash color prevails in their color. The average proboscity length is 6.5 millimeters. But some of the representatives of the bee family, it reaches 7 millimeters. The Carpathian breed has the longest wings. According to the size of the body, it occupies a boundary position between its Caucasian relatives with small size, and middle-Russian, with their characteristic-large sizes.

The characteristics include the following features: increased productivity of the dies (more than two thousand eggs per day), the properties of workers bees quickly feed off the offspring, which ensures intensive family buildup, extraordinary enterprise in the search and use of sources of honey, increased ability to form wax and other beekeeping products, Weak rose, disease resistance, frost resistance, economical use of feed reserves, increased peacefulness (no concern and aggression when examining nests).

These insects are easy to get along for 1.5 months of the uterus (young and old). They are well pollinated fruit trees and agricultural crops. Carpats feel great even in conditions of medium Siberia.

The main disadvantages are commitment to theft and indifference to wax moths. Therefore, beekeepers have to pay special attention to the destruction of these pests.

The Carpathian breed due to its advantages has gained enormous popularity among the beekeepers of Russia. She is zoned in 30 regions of the country. According to the prevalence of Karpathian bees, only Middle Russians are superior.

Caucasian breed

Caucasian breeds of bees are divided into 2 types: yellow and gray mountain Caucasian bees.

Gray mining Caucasian bees live for a long time in the Caucasian Mountains and Transcaucasia. As noticeable in the photo, they are painted in gray. The proboscis workers bees belonging to the Caucasian breed is the longest. It reaches 7.2 millimeters.

This type of bees is distinguished by an extraordinary peacefulness, weak rosy, an increased formation of propolis, enterprising in the search for sources of honey, is rapidly moving to new honey cultures, are pollinist cultures, including red clover. Even during years with a weak medical board, good stocks of honey are harvested. Capably fly to the cold, with a small rain and in fog.

Winter hardiness is lower in comparison with mid-Russian and carpathian. Greatly affected diseases. The productivity of the module is relatively low: no more than 1,500 eggs are postponed per day.

Yellow Caucasian bees live in the countries of the Transcaucasus. In the color of the body, a substantial yellowness appears. Characteristic features are a predisposition to theft, strongly pronounced, exposure to various diseases, low winter hardiness (prefer a warm climate). The productivity of the uterus is quite low - up to 1,700 eggs per day.

Krain breed

The Krain breed of bees, or Carnik, originally met in the Alpine Mountains, Austria and Yugoslavia. Insects are painted in gray with characteristic silver edge. Possess small sizes.

For the Krain breed, the bees are characterized by peace of mind and peacefulness, active early early development of a bee family, a quick transition to new vigoros, effective fees for falling honey, weak propolis formation, economical use of feed.

In winter hardiness, Caucasian bees exceed, but inferior to the middle-Russian. Infexial to fall toxicosis.

A relatively resistant to European rot and nosebeatosis. Carnika is best suited for localities with a short medical climb and a non-quieter climate, as well as for districts where there is an opportunity to collect falling honey. This breed form the basis of Western European beekeeping.

Ukrainian breed

Steppe Ukrainian bees for a long time lived in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova. Areaered in many regions of Ukraine. Many signs bring these insects to the middle-Russian bees, but they have a little lighter painting. The proboscis grows in length by 6.1-6.5 millimeters.

Ukrainian bees are characterized by moderate aggressiveness, a high propensity to the formation of Rye, satisfactory winter hardiness.

Kuban breed

The Kuban breed bees is a pronounced south. It is adapted to hot summer and periodic winter flights. Representatives of this breed bees give a lot of honey. They have a peace-loving character, but intolerant to the uteromas of other species. The disadvantage is the ability of working bees to become flocks.

Far Eastern breed

Far Eastern Bee is not officially recognized as an independent breed. It was formed as a result of crossing the Italian, Ukrainian and Caucasian bees. The color of the body is grayish or grayish yellow.

These insects are excellent adapted to specific conditions and intensive collection of honey from the linden. They are peaceful, winter-hardy and unresponsible to rot. Disadvantages - a tendency to the formation of ROEV and the low productivity of the module.

Northern breed

The northern breed of bees (though, this name is conditional) is found in the Altai Territory, in Siberia and the Far East. Often they are called Middle Eastern.

They are distinguished by the high productivity of the diet, resistant to diseases, increased winter hardiness, are excellent adapted to life in the harsh conditions of the north. Because of the short summer, they do not have time to stock up with enough honey, but it is very highly appreciated, as it is going in environmentally friendly areas.


Bacfast is extremely popular among the beekeepers around the world. They have many advantages: produce a large number of honey, effectively struggling with ticks, the nests of the hives are well clean, they do not form ROOH, characterized by high hard work, resistant to diseases, vitality, acute sense and peaceful character. Can collect honey in all conditions, but prefer rainy weather.

The only drawback of the breed is low winter hardiness.

A carpenter

In appearance, these insects are similar to the bumblebee, but there is no yellow color on their body. The uterus and drums are painted black, and their wings in blue.

Distinctive feature of the breed - honey collection even in bad weather. Thanks to the shaggy feet, they are able to collect a large amount of pollen.


From their relatives, these insects are distinguished by a flattened body, a large rounded abdomen, a non-standard head shape, a narrow long trunk and strong mandibulos, capable of cutting the leaves, for which they received their name.

This breed bees is bred to pollinate strategically important honeycomb (alfalfa, bakhchi, vegetables). Bees leafores do not produce honey and lead a single lifestyle.

Giant bees

The characteristic feature of the rock is the lack of external differences between working bees and uteros. Live only in the wild, are not amenable to domestication.

Himalayan bees

These insects prefer mountainous areas. Characterized by typical yellow-black color. Form a hive on trees, rocks, buildings, bridges. Committed to seasonal migrations.


This kind of bees lives in Australia and the southeastern regions of Asia. Put large sizes and black and blue color with shiny hairs. They do not build nests, and throw off the offspring of the relatives of the genus Amgel. Cuckoo bees are slow and lazy, unable to collect pollen.

It is impossible to give an accurate answer to the question: "What breed bees are the best?" Each breed has its advantages and advantages, which makes it optimally suitable for certain conditions.

Based on the above information, it can be concluded that the best breeds of bees for neutral, the central strip of Russia - Middle Russian and Carpathian.

Osa and bee differ outwardly, behavior, lifestyle. But often they are confused among themselves, not knowing what to expect. In the same category included. He tries to stay away from man, but periodically meets, even builds his nests in the country, garden plot. The difference between the wasp and bee, as well as a harder noticeable to the naked eye, but only aware people are able to distinguish them.

External differences

The difference in sizes, body structure is essential.



If we compare in size, who is more axes or bee, an advantage on the OS side. The bite of the wasp or bee bite - also wins the ranking of the OSA, but only on the strength of painful sensations. The bee poison is more dangerous if the sting is not timely extracted. Who is more aggressive - again defeats the Osin family. Representatives are distinguished by excessive aggressiveness, nervousness, rush to attack with a small waving hands in their direction.

Hello, favorite readers! Every summer we love to ride in nature. The past was very hot, but the warm season was upset all the presence of the OS. Many of my friends argued who more bees, OS or Sherne.

They did not know how to distinguish them, and I myself initially confused. And somehow it came across a very interesting article in the journal. After reading, allocated for myself the main distinguishing features of striped insects. Now it is not difficult for me to determine where anyone.

Once, at the next leaving to face, the experience gained to me. Bees flew to the tea party, the children began to run, fearing that they would be biting. But I knew about the need to behave calmly and not provoke polymatics. In this article you will learn: how to distinguish the bee from the wasp, what lifestyle they are inherent, their anatomy and general information.

Caution: Poisonous sting!

Being in the summer outside the city, we are anxiously observing the buzzing striped insects, annoying sweet dishes on our table. What is the bee different from the wasp, bumblebee and hornet? After all, they all stuff not only hurt, but in some cases it is dangerous.

How to distinguish a bee from the wasp

However, it is known that the manufacturer of honey does not attack the first, and representatives of the Osin family by nature are aggressive, so you need to know how to distinguish some of others and not neglect care.

  1. If the bees flew to the sugarist or a sauna with jam, it should be safely, but carefully monitor the insect with sweetness together: a bite in the tongue or a lip can cause swelling and even an anaphylactic shock.
  2. It is necessary to be doubly careful with the axle - it is impossible to annoy it, wave your hands, do sharp movements. In addition, aggression can cause smell of perfume or too bright color clothing. The appearance of this insect in a country house may mean that somewhere nearby there is an Osin nest, and this is already extremely dangerous: the bite of one individual will cause sharp pain and swelling of the skin, the bite of many can lead to the most severe consequences. Moreover, it was noted that they somehow feel people susceptible to allergies to their poison, and attack on them.

Why are the externity similar striped bugs have such a difference in the habits? Bees and wasps are two completely different families of one sub-trainer stem, that is, having a thin membrane ("waist") at the scene of the breast and abdomen. The subverse is part of the stuffing of the refamps.

Vegetarians and predators

Honey bee (Ápis melliféra) is a public insect living families in which the responsibilities of all members are strictly regulated.

  • The head of the family is the female - bee uterus. The insect caller consists of 3 departments - head, chest and abdomen, and covered with the finest chitinium hairs.
  • The bee is an absolute vegetarian, feeds on nectar, pollen plants and honey, which is fermented nectar.

    To collect and carry nectar, it has trull and a special Pind. Collect pollen occurs at the expense of hairs on the body and brushes or scallops on the legs.

  • In the back of the abdomen there are 2 poisonous glands and a sting with the jar and the reservoir for the accumulation of poison. The stagnating device is intended primarily for penetration of insect competitors in the chitinos, and stuck in the skin of the mammal, including a person. In this case, the manufacturer of honey can not pull out the sting, leaves it in the skin of his victim along with a part of the intestine, and dies. 100-200 such attacks cause people a heavy poisoning, more than 500 death.
  • A person uses not only the results of the vital activity of these amazing creatures - honey, perma, propolis, wax, but also a bee poison. Healing properties is so high that the whole medical industry has developed on its basis - apitherapy.

    The poison for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, first of all - diseases of the musculoskeletal system, is used as part of medicines, as well as in its pure form. For this, the insect is applied to the patient the place so that it is sturned. Treatment is carried out under the strictest control of the doctor.

Bumblebee (Bombus) - a relative of Ápis melliféra, refers to the same family. It is a large, thick, shaggy refilled: the female length reaches 28 mm, the male is 24 mm. It is also a public insect living in small families to 100 individuals.

  1. The roles in the family are less clear than in the inhabitants of the hives, although the basis of the family is a fuzzy female, the only one from the whole family remains wintering. The remaining members in the winter die.
  2. The nests are located close to the ground, under moss or between stones and consist of honeycombs made of coarse wax or empty cocoons.
  3. It feeds on a bombus nectar and pollen, also produces honey.

    The bumblebee honey in many indicators exceeds the product produced by the inhabitants of the apiary, but it is impossible to collect it in sufficient quantities - insects do not make stocks, as the family does not remain wintering.

  4. He is an unsurpassed pollinator. Employees of greenhouses try to attract it to their farms to improve the fruitlessness of plants.
  5. The sting of this refluenced - the hollow, without jar, is only in females that can use it repeatedly. The insect is not aggressive, the stamping is very rare, but painfully. At the site of the defeat develops swelling, numbness.

The external difference between the famous paper wasp from the honey bee can be seen with the naked eye: the first - the first is a slender, smooth, the breast in the articulation venue with a belly is thinned, the second is more rounded and shaggy.

OSA in accordance with the entomological classification is a representative of a special family, which includes many varieties. In our lane, weapons were most common, or a paper variety.

  • The name occurs due to the fact that these public stem fertilizers are chewed and make paper from it from which the spherical shape nests are built.
  • In the nest, the female builds honeycomb and puts the eggs there. Later, the larvae hatch. If the uterus is removed, the eggs begin to postpone the workers of the individual.

    The size of the inhabitants of the nest per season can reach several hundred, but in the winter most of them will die. Winter is experiencing fertilized females, which in the spring are based on new colonies.

  • The main difference between Wesups and residents of the hives is in the system. Builders of paper nests, like most species of an Osin family - predators. Moreover, adult individuals feed on floral nectar and fruit juice, but their larvae requires protein food. They are chewed by flies, butterflies, pieces of meat, sprinkling fish or fell and falling like their larvae. Other varieties of poison are paralyzed by their victims - insects, caterpillars and spiders and put off in them, alive, but immobilized, their eggs. The larvae, developing, feed on "fresh meat".

    It is these differences between the Osin family from producers of honey explain its tendency to attack without visible reasons.

  • The sting of these refigitable hollows inside, it does not have a jar and is at the same time an eggland. It does not get stuck in the skin of the mammal, and its owner can sting several times. The thin "Osin waist" contributes to the fact that the refigulation can be folded almost in half and strike at any position. The poison is much more allergen than the poison of the inhabitants of the apiary, causes the strongest pain, swelling and destruction of the cells, especially in case of attack on the face - nose, eyes, mouth. Sad statistics confirms - annually several dozen people in the world are dying because of the aspen attacks.
  • These stems are equipped with powerful jaws that they apply painful bites.

Aspen giants

The danger increases, if a person or animal is attacked by the harder - the largest variety of Orshen family. Under conditions of moderate climate, the workshop reaches 25 mm, and the uterus -35 mm.

  1. Nests can be found in human housing under the roofs of houses or sheds.
  2. They are one hundred percent predators, feed on other arthropods and they larch the larvae. Includes fruit juice in their diet, do not bypass honey. For this reason, adult individuals apply a big damage to the daughters, destroying their workers and robes of hives.
  3. The serious consequences of the injection of poison are not explained by its number, but an increased allergenity. Three-million meters are equipped with only females that can sting repeatedly. The poison contains histamines, toxins, acetylcholine substance and other components that cause irritation of nervous fibers, heartbeat and strongest pain syndrome. Allergic reaction in this case is accompanied by heavy edema and may have unpredictable consequences.
  4. They meet much less often than the same freedoms, and less aggressive, they are first not attacked. However, this neighborhood in a country house or in the country is very undesirable - an inadvertently worried nest can turn into a tragedy.
  5. In the wildlife there is nothing useless - every kind, including predatory, occupies the necessary ecological niche. And yet, if the aspen was discovered near the human housing, and even more so - a rowed colony, it is necessary to take all measures to get rid of it.

Source: ""

How to distinguish a bee from the wasp - determine the difference

There is such a legend that the operator created the devil, and the bee is God. Following the legend, it is thanks to the blessing that the bees are on guard of human health, supplying such important and necessary components of many medicines as honey, wax, propolis. OS, at least relate to useless creatures, but as a maximum, to pests. And, nevertheless, the similarity of these two insects leads to confusion, in which we have to deal.


If you ask the child, who in front of him, wasp or bee, it is most likely confused. But adults are often unable to distinguish between the bee and the wasp. And, in no less, there are many external differences in these insects.

The bees belong to the detachment of the overpowering apoidea.

They look as follows: the body is somewhat rounded, covered with vile. Bee, like many similar insects, has yellow-black stripes on the body muffled.

The OS has no strict scientific definition, they are attributed to those from the sub-train of stem, which cannot be attributed to bees or ants. The wasps have a long body, which is pulled in the chest area. The body has a smooth, without a porce. The coloring of the wasp is similar to the bee - the same strips, but only bright, noticeable.

Vital activity

Bees by nature relate to workers. They are ready to work infinitely for the benefit of the hive. Collecting nectar with flowers, the bees produce many useful products that are used in the pharmaceutical and human nutrition. The cells of the bees are emitted from the wax produced by them.

The wasps are not able to work out any useful product, they make their hives from a variety of waste.

OS food is quite diverse. They do not circulate either fruit or nectar. In the diet of the OS, both delicacies are provided to which flies and other small insects can be attributed.


In case of danger, the bees are stuffing, but only if they are being first. So they protect the hive. After the bee was stung, she dies, leaving the sting in the opponent's body. In the bee family, there is a certain hierarchy, the highest step in which the bee uterus occupies.

It is about her well-being workers' bees. In winter, it creates all the conditions for a comfortable existence. OSA refers to rather aggressive insects.

Its characteristic features are the annoying and the ability to scold at any time. At the same time, the wasp does not die. In addition to the sting, the OSA for defense from opponents uses the jaw apparatus, which, in principle, for insects of its families is uncharacteristic. The uterus aspen in the winter spends alone, she has no helpers and guards. Alone, she puts out the larvae and builds the nest.


  • The bee has a more rounded form. Pokrov has a villi, the color is muffled. OSA on the contrary, has a smooth elongated body and a bright color.
  • Bees produce useful products: wax, honey, propolis. The wasps do not produce any useful products.
  • The bees are first not attacked, the wasps by nature predators, they are capable of horrifying without a visible cause.
  • After the bee is horrid, she dies. The wasps are capable of stratum repeatedly, and besides biting, using the jaw apparatus.
  • The bees feed exclusively with pollen, while the ral diet is more diverse.
  • The uterus bee is surrounded by caring from other representatives of the family, while Osin's uterus is forced to take care of himself.

Bees and wasps are very similar insects, so it is important to know how to distinguish the wasp from the bee. Bees are refigured, and the wasps do not have a scientific classification.

Externally, the bees have a rounded color of the striped color. As a rule, strips are black and muffled yellow, brownish. The core is also elongated and pointed, and the strips are much brighter. Also, the bees shoulder shaggy, and the OS is not. The main difference between the bee from the wasps is that the latter do not bear honey.

It is the opinion that bees useful insects, as honey is carried, and the wasps are pests that can only be stupid. In fact, this is not the case, each insect has its useful features. The wasps, for example, exterminate truly malicious insects, they feed the future offspring.

Jallery can both the wasps and bees. True, the bees are not so often found in the city, as they live near the floral fields.

By the way, about 80% of all plants were pollinated exclusively thanks to the bees. It can only stupid bee in life, because at the tip of her sting there is a hook, because of which she cannot get a sting from the body of the victim. The wasps can sting many times, as well as they also bite the jaws.

The semantics of the names of the varieties of OS and bees is quite fascinating. For example, the public OS is called this way, because they live in a whole society, with their charter and hierarchy. Also these OS are called paper, as they build their houses from paper.

It is amazing that the wasps themselves produce paper. The woods are nibbled with its strong jaws, they are chewed, diluted with saliva and get paper.

The honey bee is called precisely so for obvious reasons. There are bee-bricklayers who build their homes from the present cement. Bees rarely fly into human housing, as they feed exclusively with pollen. The Spa is also attracted by human food: honey, fruit, juices and even meat, which they carry larvae.

It is very important to know how to distinguish a bee from other insects, since in the bee poison contains an acid that can be neutralized with alkali, for example, lay the place of bite. In the same aspen poison enters alkali, and it is necessary to neutralize it with acid, for example, vinegar.

The bee poison is even useful, as it is able to treat diseases of nervous and blood systems. It also increases the level of hemoglobin in the body.

Despite the fact that the bites of these insects are quite painful, they rarely cause complications and problems. The only exception can be allergic to the components of bee and aspen poisons.

Bees rarely bite just like that, but the wasps can attack and the first, since they are predators by nature. In addition to honey and poison, the bees produce a useful and needed wax. OSS also destroy insect pests, for example, flies. That is why these insects should be preserved.
Source: ";"

Honey bee and ordinary wasp

Arthropods insects Bee and OSA have their own features related to the structure of the body, the habitat. How the hierarchy is arranged in a bees or an aspen family, how many insects live, what factors affect the life expectancy, for which they are meant of sting?

Insect General Information

The first mention of bees was recorded 15 thousand years ago, and reports on the uniqueness and mysteriousness of communication between insects are rooted in the 17th century. In those days, the fact was established that the transfer of information and the language of the bees lies in dancing, characterized by special movements, flight speed and the power of the buzz.

What is the difference between the bee from the wasp, you can determine visually in appearance. The color of the bee has muffled color, and the body is covered with vile.

The wasp has a smooth and long body pulled in the chest area. The coloring of the wasp is bright, with noticeable yellow and black stripes. Among OS are equally found single living and collective species.

Therefore, biologists consider the OSE to be the most convenient object to study the way of life of animals and the transition from a single existence to colonial, and then to public interaction with the hierarchy. Bees form a family, which represents 3 types of insects: uterus, working bee and drone. Oracle varies between themselves with dimensions and shape.

Insect body structure forms:

  1. Head;
  2. Abdomen;
  3. Chest;
  4. Solid, flexible chitinous cover (external skeleton).

They are considered the descendants of the ancient OS, which at a certain stage of development were acquired or lost some abilities. Unlike OS, where the uterus is obliged to independently take care of herself, in the bee family it is surrounded by comprehensive care from the entire family.

Features of the structure

The main difference of the bee is the presence of a triangular head with the main part of the nervous system and the brain concentrated in it. In the middle of the head, along the tempa, the seam passes, from which there are complex (facet) insect's eyes on both sides.

From each individual hexagonal plate goes deep into the round tube, gradually narrowing down the book. The walls of the tube are covered with a shell that skips light.

A branched nerve is suitable for each tube from below. The eye of the working insect consists of 4-5 thousand faces, uterus - up to 5 thousand, and the drone - up to 6-8 thousand. Simple eyes are on the head of the head, and the so-called third eye - on the epicranial seam line. The feature of the structure of organs of vision is in the form of transmission and processing of external information.

The OSA has 2 pairs of connectable wings, and its body sizes are 1.5 cm to 10 cm. On the side sides of the OSS head are 2 large and complex eyes that provide insect the opportunity to see simultaneously in different directions.

Below on the front side is the forehead, from which 2 movable segments (antennas) depart.

They are arranged the sense of smell, intended for their orientation in the dark space. Insect amps perceives moisture, temperature, carbon dioxide in the nest. On the head, the Up is a mustache performing the following functions:

  • remote and direct perception;
  • measuring the sizes of cells when building a nest;
  • taste receptors.

Insect 3 pairs of legs attached to the bottom of the chest and consisting of 9 segments. The foot of the foot is formed by another 5-part, interconnected with chitin film. Bee's wings consist of a membrane and are supported by veins in a stretched state, and when flying - perpendicular to the body.

Anatomy of insects

The anatomical structure of the bee consists of organs:

  1. Digestion;
  2. Breathing;
  3. Lymphatic system;
  4. Genital organs that are in the abdominal part.

The honeycomb insect the abdomen has an egg shape, the uterus is oblong, and drutones with a dull end. It consists of segments that are a ring of 2 halves. The drums have 7 segments, the remaining - 6. There is a stirred apparatus between the last segments.

The digestive system of bees consists of 3 departments, and the digestion occurs during the movement of food through the channel.

The lymphatic system is not closed, filled with hemolymph and liquid substance. The system organs include a heart of five cameras and vessels. The inner structure of the bee in the context looks like this: a row of glands, vessels, knots, nutritional organs.

A feature of the structure of the respiratory organs is the presence of air bags without chitin chitin inside and the trachene system with holes in the rings, which are opened depending on which state is insect and the degree of its load.

The bee nervous system consists of such parts:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • vegetative.

The weight of the bee depends on the functional duties in the family. For a honey beeon, 0.1 g, and the uterus - 0.25 g.

The oral apparatus consists of the upper and lower lips, paired upper and lower jaws. The bee of the mouth is equipped with a trot that insect collects nectar. The oral rotter apparatus, in contrast to the bee, is designed to grind the vegetable mass, which insects are used to build a nest or in food.

Sting insects

Bee sting has small jar, at the expense of which it always remains in the sacrifice body. If you consider the sting of the bee under the microscope, then it sees the chitin style with thickening in the shape of a saw at the proximal end. Inside the style are 2 lancet.

Wasp, Hornets, ants also use sting. This body is a modified eggland and placed behind the abdominal field.

The sting is a pointed organ and part of the body. With its help, the wasp or bee injected a toxic substance under the skin. Thausing organ is used to protect against attacks. The sting is placed at the end of the insect abdomen and in the bite for a long time continues to act at the expense of glands.

After the bite on the site, where the sting is at the bee, an open mortal wound is formed. Not only a honey, but also the uterus can be terrible if necessary to protect the family from the attack and to combat someone else's uterus.

The main differences in the structure of the tales of the wasps and bees:

  1. The sting of the wasp has small jar;
  2. The wasp on the tip of the bang is missing node;
  3. Bee leaves his sting sacrifice and dies;
  4. Osa can be pain several times.

In case of danger, the bee never attack the first, and stuff exclusively for self-defense purposes, and after the bite died.

The wasps relate to aggressive insects, they are annoying and can be horrified at the most unexpected moment. Unlike bees, with an external threat, the wasp is used not only the sting, but also the jaws. The wasp bite is very painful, and in the presence of an allergic reaction, a person can be dangerous.

Insect food and habitat

Among the OS are distinguished predators and herbivores. Depending on the type of the wasps, they feed very diverse: tool, pollen, nectar, insects, fruit juice. Painted wasps catch their prey and paralyzize with poison. The wasps dwell everywhere are not found only at the Arabian Peninsula, Arctic and Sahara.

The conditions necessary for the life of the bees are noticeably different: vegetable resources are needed for insects with fruit trees, pastures, fields with technical and grain crops (sunflower, buckwheat).

The closer to urban agglomerations there is an apiary, the higher the probability of the presence of chemical elements in the form of heavy metals in honey. In search of nectar bee flies over long distances. Productivity assembly of honey largely depends on the number of broods grown by working individuals.

The flight rate of the bee filled with stuff is 30-40 km / h. With intensive work, the number of seams collected by the bee family of nectar is 10-12 kg. During the day, the working bee makes 26 departures. The mass of the bee is not stable. During the period of the first departure, the mass of the bee is 0.122 g, in flight - 0.120 g, and the old flight - 0.108

The life of the bee born in the fall may be 7-8 months, and summer - up to 6 weeks. But the life expectancy of insects can be regulated if the family for some reason lost the uterus.

To find the way home, bees are focused on the position of the sun, the landscape and keep the path in memory. Focusing in the conditions of absolute darkness, the sense of smell and tanging helps them. The difference between the bee from the wasp is not only external. By the way of life, the bee are workers working for the benefit of the family.

Collecting nectar with flowers, they produce many useful products:

  • Music milk;
  • Wax.
Many of them are used in the pharmaceutical industry (bee poison).

The wasps are not able to produce useful products, and honeycomb they are built from waste. Bees feed solely with pollen, and the ral ration is diverse and includes an abundance of products. Very often in the garden they can be found on ripe apples or peaches, and by negligence to be dug.
Source: ""

Differences and similarities: wasps, bees, and bumblebees

The differences between the bee and the bumblebee are quite difficult to allocate, and insect similarities, at first glance, not everyone is visible. The initial similarity of these three species, which determines their general gene, these yellow-black insects are located to the comma-coil detachment, they are all equally useful for agriculture.

Since they serve as a good cause of pollination of flowers, thereby contribute to an increase in yield.

And one more similarity, which, first of all, recalls a sensible person - a sting. More about this weapon, sometimes fatal for the victim, will be said later. Many have heard the legend about creating bees by God, and Os - the Devil.

Such a separation is based on wheels create honey, taking care of human health, and the wasps collect garbage from the garbage and tolerate the mass of diseases. So what is the difference between the wasp from the bee? Externally, these insects are very similar. The most interesting thing is that the child can easily confuse these "buzz."

But in fact, these insects relate to different detachments and are significantly different habits, habitats.

Bees belong to the detachment of the refamped, and the OS is difficult to enroll in a specific group. Therefore, they were attributed to stem, which do not belong to ants and bees. Bees drink dew, and their evil "girlfriends" quench thirst than it fell.

Differences in the color

Externally, the bees, the wasps and bumblebees have quite bright differences. The largest bumblebee of this Trinity, he is pretty shaggy, so its size is almost three times the usual work bee and wasps. The colonel of the bumblebee is much brighter than the bee, but is not inferior to the axis on the light range.

Insects have a difference in coloring. There are dark and bright stripes on the trousers, but their contours are blurred.

The "Devil's creation" strips are distinct, yellow and black. The body of the bee is covered with vile, OSA, in turn, completely bald. The belly man has a rounded shape and resembles the belly. In the wasp, the Taurus is divided into the chest area into two parts. The lower part is thin and has an oblong shape.

Habitat and vital activity

Bees belong to workers. From morning to night, they collect nectar, build honeycombs. The most interesting thing is that the storage facilities for the collected honey are also made by bees from their own enzymes. The glands on the legs produce peculiar honey glue, which connects the pieces of wax, so the mass resembles the construction mixture.

  1. Garbage from landfills;
  2. Small insects;
  3. Padal birds and animals;
  4. Fresh and rotten fruits and vegetables.
As you can see, the wasps feed very diverse in contrast to the bees.

Because of the permanent stay in the landfills on the legs of these insects, there are a lot of pathogens of various diseases. Accordingly, after the bite it is possible to infect or the addition of a bacterial infection. You can distinguish insects in the picture.

What is the difference between the bee from the wasp in stressful situations

Workers care about their uterus and constantly protect the hive. But they never attack the first in case of danger. Only if you decide to climb into their accommodation, then get ready for the attack. They instantly convey a message about attacking their sisters.

The wasps are very annoying and aggressive insects. They can terrify anytime, regardless of whether you attack them or not. That is why it is recommended not to move if the OSA flies near you. She quickly reacts to your movements and dishwashes. After the bite, she does not die, since her sting is long and has a spear's form.

Workers always leave their sting in the opponent's body and die. Bumblebee is also very similar to the bee, but his poison is less dangerous.

Carefully look at the coloring and the presence of a gun on the body. Os is there are no hairs, and the abdomen is long and thin. She is a little longer than bee, but her thinner. Look at what surrounds you. If a number of apiary, then, most likely, it is a worker returning from the honey to the hive. If a break is near, then an annoying insect is an axes.

Does the wasps and bumblebees make honey

As for honey, the bee and bumblebees are different. As part of liquid honey bumblebees, the number of proteins of sucrose and mineral substances is twice as large as in the bee product. And he, in turn, has an advantage on the shelf life, regardless of air temperature.

Bumblebee honey is stored only in the refrigerator, otherwise it will soon be wandering.

The wasps, in contrast to bees and bumblebees, do not collect nectar and pollen do not produce honey. In pollination, they are involved indirectly and not always, if accidentally turn out to be on the flower to find prey for their larvae (TRU and other small insects). The wasps are also different from their honey rampants that larvae feed animal food while the bees offspring is ascended on pollen and nectar.

The place of residence of homemade bees is the hive of creatures of human hands. The wild bees dwell in the hollows of trees. Bumblebees, despite its awesome appearance, the impressive size and loud bass buzz, are looking for more secluded places and most often build houses in the ground and very rarely in the birdhouses and trunks of trees.

The shape of cells at bees and OS have a neat symmetric view. Their cells of the symmetric shape look more largely than the nests of bumblebease larvae lined up in a row.

Bees live with pretty large families several times larger than members of the bee family. The latter simply does not need to be needed in such a mass of bee shower since in the winter they are inactive, unlike bees leading their pace and in the cold season.

How to deal with the axis

The struggle is better to start in the winter. It is best to destroy their nest. In the daytime and summer insects are very aggressive and can deliver you a lot of trouble. Therefore, do not try to knock down the nest stick. If you want to get rid of the in the summer, use Yadochimikati.

At night, enter the substance in the hive. Do not forget about precautions. As you can see, the differences between the wasps and bees are not only in appearance, but also in behavior, habitat and character. The way of protection against danger in each of the insects described above, but the tool for the struggle has a single name. The sting of the bee after the attack remains in the body of the victim, and the brave worm dies after the loss of this part of his interflower body.

The bumblebee is more dangerous because his sting remains with him, and he can attack re-influencing the attacks in the open parts of the body of a person or an animal disturbed the calm of the shaggy giant.

The danger of a bee bite or bumblebee increases at times for people who are prone to allergies on the substance allocated by these insects. It should be attentive, being among the colors, because the probability of meeting and offend here the bee is quite large. Do not risk your health and life.

What is the difference between the wasp from the bee?

Do not mistakenly count the wasp and bee to counterparts. No wonder there is a legend, telling about the creation of the wasps of the devil, and the bees - God. Indeed, the first are considered pests, and the second - workers and assistants to our health, longevity. What other differences between these insects?

According to the classification, they relate to different detachments - so differ in the description and behavior. The bees are easily recognizable on the shaggy tank. They have a round, massive. The yellow-black stripes on the torso are not a bright color, but muffled.

The wasps represent a special mixture of insects, which borrowed a lot from bees and ants. They have a long, narrow body, has a typical "waist" near the chest. At the same time, the body is absolutely smooth, devoid of villi. And the color is very combat: black and yellow stripes are bright, clearly pronounced.

Where inhabit

Bees are not in vain called workers. They constantly work for the benefit of a large family and a qualitative state of the hive. Workers are building housing from wax, which is produced by independently. Also produce beekeeping products that are useful for us.

But the wasps are not able to produce anything, the benefits for people they do not imagine. Moreover, the aspen hives are built from waste, small garbage.

Attention! The wasps, unlike bees, feed on a very diverse meal. These are fruits, berries, nectar, flies and other small insects.


Bees are friendly creatures that always stand guard of their home. They can only attack if the hives threatens the danger. But the wasps are aggressive, always attack the first. They are the worst enemies of bees, because they rob their hives in order to get ready-made food.

Attitude towards the uterus:

  • Bees create beeland royal conditions. She is always surrounded by a suite of assistants, it is fed and singing, they care about her condition, they can even be transferred to a more comfortable area of \u200b\u200bthe hive.
  • Osin uterus is doomed to life alone. She independently builds a nest, lives without helpers and guard, alone makes laying larvae.

Stuffed in different ways

Bee bite leads to insect death. Therefore, bees and do not attack the first, but only defend. The sting remains in the opponent or on the skin of a person and leaves along with part of the internal organs. Therefore, the bee is stuffed only in extreme cases. Osin sting strong, it does not remain in our skin. Poke insect enjoys all his life and does not die after the bite. Thanks to this feature, you can easily distinguish their bites.

As it turned out, the difference between the two types of insects is huge. And their visual resemblance is very deceptive. Therefore, it is necessary to fear the OS, but do not drive and not to show aggression if the bee flies near.

Strong Osia and Bees: Video