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The prayer rule before communion in Russian. Preparation for confession and holy communion

Questions of personal participation in the sacraments - a fundamental moment for Orthodox Christians. To build a spiritual life, it is necessary, first of all, to find out what and how is being done on confession. Prayers readable before confession help tune in to the right thoughts, to get together with the Spirit.

What is repentance

Many people do not understand why in general go to confession - the Lord after all sees everything, why can not do it at home? But the Orthodox do this every day, reading the final words that are in the list of daily prayers. The appearance in the temple is designed to demonstrate not so much sinning, how much the determination of a person leave their bad acts. After all, to say about them with a witness - you need courage, repentance, some detachment from yourself former. These are all signs of spiritual work.

Prayers readable before confession, very well help to recognize among the familiar actions those that are sinful. People are so accustomed to them that they often do not even notice them. Sins are divided into two main types:

  • Against God. I did not attend the temple, I was late for the service, I listened in noteworthy. I missed home prayers, violated posts. I hid the belonging to the church, shy to wear a cross or impose a cross sign.
  • Against the near. I envied familiar. Discussed someone for his back. Condisted in the heart of the actions of other people. Dustified by sinful passions. Pride, rudeness - everything belongs to this category. Careless attitude to work.

Rasskowning should not be limited to the declaration of its sinfulness. This is primarily the right thing. Offended his wife? Come apologize. Hold a neighbor? Bring money. Do you eat too much? Contain the post.

At the same time, the Lord is better not to promise anything, but simply ask for his fertile care. After all, a person is very weakened by sins, he can take too difficult obligations, not to fulfill them, and then fall into the despondency. It is better to fall and climb than to abandon confession.

Text of prayer before confession

God, the Savior of OUR, FIRST David David Nafan, resting the gift, and monascia into repentance of the prayer, his own, and the slave of yours (name) of the smoking, about them, they are familiar, with the usual person, despise him all the deeds, leave a false , and superior to lawlessness. You are Bo Relk Esi, Lord: the desire is not the worst of death of the sinner, but I am rose and I live to visit him: and Smya seventyly the Sedmircean to leave sins. Major Majesty is your unappretory, and your mercy is immense.
Is it more boleless, who will stand? Yako, you, if God, and the glory of the glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed and forever. Amen.

Conjugation of repentance and communion

The rule is that before participating in the Eucharist needs to be confessed, it is not really canonical. For example, the priests do not follow him and communion free on any day. This is disputes in church medium, bewilderment among parishioners.

How to be ordinary parishioners who want to start sacrament? We will have to deduct all Orthodox prayers before confession, attend services. Perhaps appreciating your efforts, the priest will eventually become less demanding in question issues and repentance frequency. However, services and prayers remain unchanged. Unfortunately, such a burden is not for all. Many, frightened such a serious training, at all refuse to visit the temple, which is very sad.

Testing conscience

What it is? A kind of general spiritual cleaning. You should carefully ask yourself, which of the commandments were violated and why. Is such behavior often repeated? Why is it not possible to leave him - it's little effort attached, or is it just a stronger? In the latter case, it is necessary to strengthen prayers, more often read the sacred writing. His words possess healing power. Ask for advice from the confessor in how to defeat one or another passion.

Many spiritual books describe in detail the process of claiming sins. Unfortunately, society today has been so degraded that much, inconceivable 200 years ago, today is the norm. Therefore, the Christian is not always immediately able to distinguish bad from the good. For example, a married man flirted with a girlfriend. It would seem that here is terrible - there was nothing. And the Lord teaches that even sinful thoughts are already the crime of the commandment.

  • There is holiness from God and what is considered the norm in society. Orthodox standards should be higher generally accepted.

How to be if there is no feeling of humility in the heart? The answer is one - pray, read the revenue psalms, ask God to open spiritual eyes. It is more often in the temple, to participate in the life of the community, in the affairs of mercy (even if I do not want). Give things to charity, instead of watching TV shows, do something useful with the child. Gradually, the heart will start thawing and God will give to see sins.

How is the sacrament of confession

In most temples, priests take people after the all-night, on the eve of Liturgy. Such a brief gap gives the opportunity to keep himself clean before the adoption of the body and blood of Christ. But if in the evening there was a sin, in the morning you need to approach the confessor, tell about him. This is not done so that the person felt the sinner, and in order to avoid communion in condemnation.

Before confession, the priest reads prayers out loud. What kind?

  • After the blessing, the usual presenter texts are coming.
  • Psalm 50 is considered to be repeated, enters the daily rule. It is advisable to know him by heart.
  • Troparies, these are short poems.
  • Three prayers to the Lord, the text can be studied at the end of the article.

In Russian, the data of prayers before confession are not translated, they are only in the church and read by church believers. And the liturgical language in the ROC - Church Slavonic. The meaning of the prayer is a request to God about the condescension to sinners, for forgiveness, which is the essence of repentance. Peace to you!

More prayer read before confessing

Lord pray!
Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God Zhivago, Shepherd and Agnce, to explode the sins of the world, the borrowing of the gift by the two debtors, and the Greater is granted to leaving sins of Heri; I myself, Vladyko, Oslabi, leave, forgive sins, lawlessness, freezing free and involuntary, yazing and not running, the crime and crime formerly from the slaves of yours, and it is more like that of people flesh is worn and in the world in the world, from a lather Pretty. In the word in the Word, or the case, or in jurisdiction, or not under the guidance, or the word priesthood, or under the oath of the priest, or under his anathema Padosha, or under the oath, I have managed: myself, it's a good, and kindly owned Your word will be resolved by Blagovolt, who spends their anathema and an oath to them, in the great mercy.
She, Vladyko's humanity, Lord, hear us, who are praying for your goodness about Brother's worker, now, and a multi-faceter of the pregregation of them all and relieve them eternal flour. You Bo Relk Esu, Vladyko: "Elika, tie on the Earth, will be connected to the sky, and I will allow the Earth to the Earth, it will be allowed in the sky." Yako, you are one of the sinner and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Prayer St. John Damaskina before communion

Lords of Lord Jesus Christ, God, ours, merciful and human-loving, one who has the power to forgive sins to people, despicable (forget), forgive all my sacrings, conscious and unconscious, and there is no condemnation to compete with your Divine, Pressenger, Most Punishment, not in the multiplication of sins, but in cleansing, sanctification, in the key to the future life and kingdom, into a solid stronghold, in defense, and defeat the enemies, in the extermination of many of my sins. For you are the god of mercy and generous, and people's humanity, and you glorify you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and are dreaming. Amen.

Communion and confession carry with them the cleansing of the soul of man, the forgiveness of his sins. Sincerity, truthfulness, the desire to correct do these sacraments with such simple and complex at the same time.

The simplicity lies in simple actions that most people are under power. The complexity is to avoid a formal approach, in the awareness of their sins, in the desire to receive forgiveness. This is a difficult inner work.

Prayer, canon in front of sedatives adjusted to customize a person for spiritual work. The ability to forgive, understand and take their mistakes, shame for them, the desire to change is a difficult way, at the end of which grace will fall into the soul. And it does not want to lie more, be angry, to be angry, envy. The gradual cleansing of the soul will entail a change in life. There will be inner calm, peace, desire to understand and forgive other people.

What is canon

Canon translated from Greek means "norm, rule." Has 2 values.

First. Canon is a set of rules of the Orthodox Church.

Second. Canon is a peculiar poem, anthem, which is pronounced in the glory of any holiday or saint. He came to the change of Kondaku in the VIII century. Contains 9 songs.

Canons are big and small. Dedicated to the prophets, saint, the Great Martyrs. In addition, there is a canon in front of the communion, canonpo-sick, on the deceased.

There is a book "Right canons". It was written for the monastery of the Old Believers in 1908. It has notes that will help correctly read the canons at home. In the prompts, it is written in what canon what kind of song to read, with which chorus and how many times alternate when putting a bow.

How cannon is arranged

Canon consists of 9 songs. The very first verse of each song is called IRMOS. All the following are referred to as the path. Before each of them is read by sewing corresponding to the canon. Depending on the floor of the reading, the end should be changed (for example, sinful - sinful).

Each canon contains from 4 to 7 traps. The second song is usually absent. She is pronounced only on some holidays. At certain points of reading, it is necessary to put earthly, waist bows or make throwing. The latter mean that you should cross and touch the right hand.

Depending on the day of the week, the presence or absence of a church holiday in additions to the canon has its own notes. So, the belt bows can be replaced with throwing. In the church calendar you can find the charter about bows for every day.

Mystery of communion

Communion is an admission to God, the most important sacrament in the life of a Christian. This ritual can be carried out once a year or more. It is important not the number of compets perfect, but their sincerity.

For the laity there are several rules before accepting the communion.

  • Observe the post.
  • Read prayers and canons before communion.
  • Get to confession intake sins.
  • Refrain from caring relationships.
  • Make mercy.

The entire preparatory process takes 7 days. You should know that it follows the same. If health status does not allow post within a week, it can be limited to 3-5 days. In rare cases, the day is allowed.

Canon before comiants every evening. After him - prayers. In the days of beanie should be in church services.

Who is not allowed to communion

  1. Women during menstruation.
  2. Out from the holy secrets.
  3. Not concerned.
  4. Spouses who had sex on the eve of communion.
  5. Dead, insane, unconscious.

Children under 7 years old are allowed to communion without confession and fasting. In this case, another, more simplified preparation is required. The behavior of parents is reflected in the children. Attitude towards the church, prayers, poor and good behavior, the child reproduces. Therefore, each family individually finds an approach to prepare for communion.

Preparation for communion

Before you need to leave repentance. Recognition in our sins, awareness of them, the acquisition of forgiveness is the first step towards the cleansing of the soul. Be sure to confess the sorry from relatives, familiar. Mentally remember everyone who was offended.

Before confession, you can read the repentant canon. Prayer preparation will configure a person to see the ability to see, recognize, recognize their sins and imperfections. Repentance cleans a person from sins and bad. It is necessary sincere repentance of a person in all its non-residenting acts. And then get rid of these sins, prevent them in their lives, fighting them.

we carry with you only temporary cleansing of the soul. All the rest of the work is a person to spend himself. Honesty in front of him, understanding the slightest movements of the soul, awareness of errors, shame for them - this is the true essence of repentance.

The sacrament of confession

Confession is not an extensive reasoning about their sins. She does not lead to self-election. This is sincere repentance in their unworthy thoughts, feelings, actions. Therefore, confession is required before the communion. She prepares soul with prayers, the awareness of sinfulness, the need for forgiveness.

Canon before coming should be read and before confession. This is not a mechanical voicing of the text, but focused soul preparation. That confession did not become a formal ritual, but carried purification and forgiveness.

Do not stand your sins before the clergyman. Only the truth should sound for confession. Then repentance, shame will lead to complete awareness and the desire to fight with their sins, eradicate them.

Prayer preparation for confession will help to reconcile with close familiar. Eradicate worn, narrowing. A person wants to change, becomes kinder.

The path to God may be long. One confession, one communion will not make an indifferent person at once attentive and positive. Most likely, through these sacraments will have to go through many times before the understanding of the essence of Orthodox rituals comes.

Canons before communion

Communion is a personal matter of man, his relationship with the Lord. Therefore, read or not read home prayers, canons - everyone decides on their own. First of all, the cleansing of the soul from sinful thoughts should go. Do not allow the manifestations of malice or aggression. Learn calm, patience, understanding.

During prayer preparation for the communion, you can read three canon. They reflect the whole essence of the rite. This is the preparation of the body and soul to the adoption of the holy secrets. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the body by post. Soul - prayers.

  1. Reculting canon before the gentleman to our Jesus Christ.
  2. Prayer Canon in the Most Holy Virgin.
  3. Canon Angel Guardian before communion.

The practice of reading canons before communion is not mandatory. Therefore, you should consult with your confessor.

After three canon before coming up voiced, you should read the follow-up to the Holy Communion. All this is read on the eve of the ritual, after visiting the evening worship. Prayers for Holy Communion can be transferred to the morning. Read them immediately before the ritual.

Prayer rule before communion

The number of prayers, canons, acceptors have no clear restrictions. In different cities, churches, monasteries have their own rules. Therefore, you should contact your confessor for instruction. Mandatory is the reading of the repentant canon and the submission to the communion.

Not a violent decision. Each person individually decides that it should be read at home and how many times to go to the church. However, the Christian should have a daily prayer rule. It can be changed in accordance with the health, state of affairs, internal mood.

Before communion should get rid of temptation and read the canons and prayers every day. This should be included in the tradition, but not to become a formal pattern. Personal prayer preparation remains at the conscience of man. It should not be overwritten by countless canon repetition. They carry enlightenment to the soul when read sincerely, consciously. Monotonous repetition leads to a scholastic understanding of church rules.

The ability to delve into the essence of the sacraments will consciously refer to your transformation. If a person understands that he should change in himself, on what to work, then repentance and communion will not become empty sound and standard ritual for him.

Search utility for the soul and body - this is what the prayer rule is. Canons are easy to remember by heart. Therefore, they can be read on the way to the temple, standing in traffic jams. The main thing is that they go from the soul.

What time should I read the canons

There are no accurate laws when you should read the canons and prayers. At home, a person himself determines what time should be devoted to prayers, and what - worldly matters.

Canon before communion, the text creates a certain mental state. Makes a person more focused, collected. Canon concentrates on internal, mental work. Pronounced words fill the heart with a flavor, and the mind of sorrow for all human imperfections.

Best canons and subsequent prayers read before bedtime. This will allow you to customize the mind and soul to communicate with God. When all worldly affairs are completed, you should devote some time to summarize the day. For some - ask God's forgiveness, for others - thank.

Reculting canon before communion will comprehend its thoughts, feelings, acts for the whole day. Only in terms of concentration at a desire to be cleaned, to join the holy secrets it is possible to get a higher grace.

Combined canons before communion

Canons allowed to read one every night. Such prayer training should be included in the ritual of every Christian. On the eve of the communion, until midnight, it is recommended to voice the necessary three canon. They can be read by each other. And you can combine.

3 canons are connected in front of the manner:

  • iRSMOS 1 songs of the repentant canon;
  • path of the repentant canon;
  • troparies 1 Kanon's songs by the Virgin, without Irmos;
  • canon's Troparies Angel Guardian, without Irmaos.

You can read all the subsequent songs, but in this case, you should lower the paths before the canons of the Virgin and Angel Keeper and the stimit after the Canon of the Virgin. In Orthodox prayer, you can find more detailed information on how it is possible to combine the canons.

How to read canons

During the sign, it is necessary to utter morning and canons. They create a pacifying mood. After reading the holy texts, negative emotions are gramed. A person is configured to communicate with God.

Proper canons before are seized according to a specific scheme. It can be found in the charter about reading the right canons. Daily humility, the pronouncement of prayers is preparing a Christian for the adoption of the sacrament, when the Lord penetrates into the body of man in the form of wine and bread. To the arrival of such an expensive guest must be prepared. The body and soul should be cleaned of sinful thoughts and earthly frills.

Canons readable in front of communion are not a formal prescription. Therefore, to read them in a certain mental mood. Without malice and irritation, without extraneous thoughts and conversations. Only concentration, privacy and understanding of the text of prayers, canons will allow competently prepared for communion.

Behavior before communion

Before the communion should be pacified as greed, envy, abandon the excesses, bad habits. Forget evil thoughts, greed, anger, rage. Try to forgive those who offended. Do not remember and keep negative manifestations. Ask forgiveness from familiar and relative. Feel in humility, readiness for repentance.

It is more common to stay in solitude. Focus on prayers, communicating with the Lord. Communion Doctors soul people. Hot-tempered and irritable becomes good and calm. Shrew and indifferent are made fit and attentive. Rough - polite. Lazy - hardworking. People cease to be offended, swear. Apathy and depression passes. The soul is filled with kindness and joy.

Be sure to thank the Lord, the Virgin, the Guardian angel after the communion. Ask to keep the gift of communion. This is done in order to pacify the soul left. After leaving the church, do not talk with anyone right away. Before going to bed again, try not to quarrel with anyone, do not swear, keep quiet, do not watch TV.

Value canon

Canons before confession and communion - This is a request to the Lord and the Virgin, to give health and the opportunity to confess to gave the strength to go to the communion and clear your soul so that the guardian angel guarded the whole road to the church, did not allow temptations.

It happens that a person will forget about confession and communion. Or gets tired and refuses to comply with the sacraments. A canon before the communion will help to customize the mind, soul and heart to communicate with the Lord. It will give for strength and health to go to confession, cleanse from sins, fight them. In no case should not justify yourself, give partitions or blame other people in their problems. Experiencing and shame for their acts should be sincere.

The health of the soul will give the strength and physical body of a person. Perverted anger and evil. It does not want to swear and quarrel. A good mood and a desire to share them with people will appear. The facts are known when, after confession and communion, people got rid of deaths from deaths, threw their bad habits. The world and calm appears in the shower after honest and sincere appeal to God.

The spiritual update is an important task of life for every Christian. As a rule, this is achieved by confession and communion. With the help of confession, you can clean the soul and prepare for the adoption of secrets of St. Scripture. During the communion, each believer is reunited with the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that he gains all the benefits associated with Divine Life, is filled with forces to help him create good. And confession, and communion require special prayer training.

What prayers read before confession and communion

Confession in its essence is repentance in perfect free or involuntary limits. The purpose of this ritual to get the release of his sins to get for eternal life after death in the kingdom of God. Holy Fathers consider confession by the second baptism. This is due to the fact that the child during the baptism ritual is cleaned from the original sin, and in the process of confession the believer is given the possibility of cleansing from sins breathable to them in the life path.

In order for the confession to be accepted and had a positive result, it is necessary to be aware of their sins and have sincere desire to repent of them to repent and not repeat sins in the future. Be sure to in the soul should be sincere faith in the accuracy of God. It is also necessary to believe that even the most difficult sins will be published by the Great Heavenly Physical Man - Jesus Christ.

When a person is preparing for confession or communion, he needs to be sure to comply with the morning and evening rule. Mandatory prayers that are included in it must be performed in full. Preparation for communion includes the confession and post itself. As a rule, the church requires that the preparation is carried out within 3-7 days.

And every day, in addition to the morning and evening prayers, it is necessary to read one canon, among which must be:

  • Canon repented to the Lord to our Jesus Christ;
  • Canon is a prayer service to the Most Holy Virgin;
  • Canon Guardian Angel.

During the preparation for confession and communion should be given to attention and spiritual abstinence. It is impossible to visit any entertainment or public events during this period. It is important to spend as much time alone. It needs to be dedicated to reading a sacred letter and reflections on his life. It is necessary before confession and communion to strictly monitor its own actions and thoughts. In order for cleansing to be successful, you need to avoid quarrels and conflicts with people from your inner surroundings. And if you are with someone in a quarrel, then you need to make it possible to reconcile with this person as soon as possible. It is very important to remember what to do this from sincere motives, and not for a tick.

Immediately before the ritual, the communion is read by "follow-up to the Holy Communion". Also be sure to visit the service in the church on this day.

Confessions and communion belong to the sacraments of the Orthodox Church. When preparing for these rituals, special prayers should be made, which will contribute to the purification of the soul from sins.

Revealing prayers before confession in the temple

The sincere repeated prayers before communion and confession are particularly important. It is these prayerful texts, pronouncing with deep sincerity, indicate that a person repents in his sins and is ready to ask the Lord about their vacation and cleansing of the soul.

Prayer first - text in Russian

Praying prayer in the temple may sound as follows:

"Vladyko Heavenly, the Savior is our Jesus Christ, I ask you to take the rest of the prayer Slaves of a sinful of yours (own name). Miliates were healing my spiritual ulcers and rub my soul. Give me, Lord Merovy Tears of Uming. Let me touch your life-giving body and enjoy your honest blood. Help me a repentant to get rid of the spiritual sort of sorrow, upwards my mind to himself, do not let me go to sins and approaches the disappearance of the abyss. Hear, Lord, my repentance, give me tears of consolation and mild from the grace of your. My mind is overshadowed by everyday passion, so I can not contact you in illness, I can not warm myself with my own tears. I want to earn your love, so give me repentance and grace your own, what give me a sign. Let me go my sins and clean my soul so that I could hope for the eternal life after death in the kingdom of God. Risk me in the sacraments of God and let live in your commandments. Amen".

Prayer Second

Another strong submissance prayer, which can be pronounced in the temple sounds like this:

"Merry me, Lord, in the great grace of yours, and in the huge number of your generaries, I ask you to clear my soul from my lawlessness. I repent of my sins and realize my guilt. You have been a single prayer for myself and excuses for myself. Only you, the Lord, you have the power of the Great Forgive the Simples to those who loved the truth, and the desire to know your wisdom expressed. Spree me with the goodness of my own and clean my soul, so that it became cleaner white snow. Give me the joy of life and grace, let my bones rejoice and fill the power. Take out my face from all sinful, so as I did not commit. Slave of God (own name) sins. My heart is true true, updating my soul. Do not reject me, Lord, we do not take your hope for your mercy. Release me the joy of salvation, the Spirit with my dominical approve me. Teach me how to push off from myself. Merring me, Lord, and save. Amen".

Prayer before coming on the adoption of bread and wine (prosphora and holy water)

Prayer before communion on the adoption of bread and wine is very important. This contributes to the sanctification of the body and the spirit of a believer person. At this point, the desire arises to create good and thoughts are illuminated on the sincere service to the Lord. Prayer protects a person from evil spirits and nothing bad can ever get closer to it.

"Prosfora" means translated from the Greek language "Offering". This special baking bread consists of two parts. They symbolize the earthly and heavenly world. Each part is baked separately. This is done in the temple and in the process of baking, Jesus prayer is read. Two separate baked parts are connected together. The top of the holy bread symbolizes the world of heavenly, it is stamped with the image of a four-pointed cross, on which there is an inscription CC or IC, which means Jesus Christ.

You can order a prosfora every person who has subscribed a note "about health" or "about rest." After the end of the liturgy in the temple, small pieces of antidora disformation are carried out. It is necessary to take them on the palm folded with a cross, while the right hand placed on the left. Be sure to kiss the hand of the Church Minister, who brings the gift. Eat the antidor follows the church by drinking it with holy water.

By bringing a brief home, it must be put on a clean tablecloth next to icons, and next to put holy water.

Before tasteing, such a prayer is readable:

"Lord of the Almighty, let the gift of your saint be a gift for leaving my sins: prosfora and holy water. Let him help me enlighten the mind and strengthen the strength of my mental and bodily. Let the prosfora and holy water be in the health of my body and my soul, to get rid of my passions and impossible in your infinite mercy, the prayers of the Blessed Virgin and all the saints. Amen".

The prosfora needs to eat over a clean white plate or over a sheet of paper. It is very important that no crumb of heavenly bread fell to the floor. The prosfora needs only to break, it is strictly forbidden to cut it with a knife. It is also impossible to offer it to unrestained people.

The prosfora and holy water is allowed to eat small pieces every day in the morning on an empty stomach. At the same time, each time you need to vote the words of the above prayer.

Prayer in front of communion and confession is a mandatory ritual for a person who strives will purl from sins.

The prayer appeal in this case consists of three canons:

  • Reculting to our Lord;
  • Solebed to the Most Holy Mother of God;
  • Canon Angel Keeper.

All listed prayers are better taken from the prayer room and pronounce them in the most approximate to the original source. It must be done in complete concentration on your own thoughts. It is impossible to be distracted for anything. These prayers are needed in order for the Lord to hear you and let all your sins after communion. In addition, such prayers before the ceremony of purification allow a person to get soulful calmness.

In addition to the listed prayers, priests are recommended to read in front of the communion additionally the prayer of St. Vasily the Great.

She sounds like this:

"The Lord of Heavenly, our Lord and Savior our Jesus Christ, you are the creator of everything around and the source of life. You, the son of the original father, in Great His mercy in the flesh, was crucified and buried for us, sinful, ungrateful and insensitive. You updated my holy blood sin nature our sinning! You my immortal king himself is imperative, hear me the slave of your sinful and accept my sincere repentance. Hear your ear what I will speak: I sinned, the Most High, in front of the sky and before you. Unsutently, after the warm-up of my eyes, I realize that I realize that I am very angry with you, passing your commandments and disappointing your commandments.

But I sincerely believe that you, Lord, a phrase, kindly, patient and merciful, will not leave me to die in my lean sins after my appeal. For you told the mouth of your prophet that you do not want the death of a sinner, but you want him to add to you and stayed. You do not wish the death of people created by you. You want everyone to escape and are ready to let go of all the prejudices of those who sincerely repent of them and came to know the truth of God. Therefore, I am an unhappy and sinful hopefully on my salvation, and I will be rendered to my prayer. Take me, Lord, like a robber, and as a cloud, and as a sootar, and let me go my sin. For you, taking the sins of people on themselves, healing any human gestances, calling for honestly workers and soothing suffering. Teach me. Lord, righteous life, clean my body and soul from any uncleanness. Let me make your affairs with awe's reverence, allow you to connect with your holy body and blood. Let the communion won't be condemned for me, sinful and unworthy, and I will be forgiveness. Give me, Lord, the opportunity until the end of the days of his communion with your shrines, so that I could get your farewell to a terrible court and expect your grace great. Amen".

The most important sacraments in the life of the Orthodox Christian are the confession and communions helping the soul of human to be cleaned and get close to God. From our article, you will learn what to read prayers before confession and communion.


In the daily prayers, Orthodox Christians appeal to the Savior with requests to forgive the human race for the deed sins. The culmination of repentance of a believer person is forgiveness and his absolution of sins, called the sacrament of confession.

Church believers call confession by the Savior Jesus Christ by the second baptism. During the sacrament of baptism, the baby is cleansing from the original sin, the second baptism makes it possible to reappear, repent and cleanse from the provinces that have been deepened during the lifetime.

Sin is not only actions, but also the thoughts contrary to the commandments of God. Similarities are against God, condemning the Holy Spirit, against their neighbor, against themselves and mortals. Sin is called spiritual dirt, generated by passion, which is in the depths of the human soul. According to priests, committing atrocities, speaking against the Lord God and the Holy Spirit, a person becomes an accomplice of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross.

Confession helps the soul to cleanse the promoted misconduct. I assured in God and the rejoiced believer is becoming closer to the Savior, receives His mercy and grace.

In Orthodoxy, confession is carried out in the church, but if necessary, confess the priest can be in any other place. Before holding the Holy Orthodox Christian reads:

  • morning and evening prayer rule;
  • canon repented to the Savior to our Jesus Christ;
  • prayer Simeon of the New Theologian.

No need to confuse and fear of their sinfulness. All the provinces in which a person sincerely repents will be heard and forgiven by God. As stated in the Holy Scripture, some holy worships were previously sinners. Frequently repentance and sincere faith helped them to cleanse them, to become righteous and get close to the Lord.

Eucharist, or the sacrament of the communion - this is the possibility of a believer Christian to touch the most intimate, having tried in the temple of bread and wine, which they registered the righteous sins and confessional righteous, and who personify the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Some parishioners consider themselves unworthy communion, forgetting that this sacrament exists for previously unworthy, but aware of their sinfulness of people.

Women during the menstrual cycle cannot be commsed. Also not allowed to the church, the woman recently becomes. Before entering the temple and the commitment of the sacrament, the semissions of the feminine, the priest must read a special prayer over it.

Before communion, an Orthodox Christian reads:

  • morning prayer rule;
  • evening prayer rule;
  • canon repented to the Savior;
  • canon prayer for the Most Holy Virgin;
  • canon Guardian Angel;
  • akathist Jesus Sweethest;
  • submission to the Holy Communion.

The Orthodox Church permits to distribute the reading of all canons for several days preceding the commitment of the sacrament of communion.

Upon completion of the ritual, thanksgiving prayer to Jesus Christ, the prayer of St. Vasily Vasily and Prayer after communion to the Most Holy Virgin. Reading the Sacred Texts gives a believer spiritual food and the opportunity to meet God.

Video "Preparation for confession and communion"

How to properly prepare for the most important sacraments in life, which prayers need to read, and how to repent of confession.

What prayers read

Confession and communion are important sacraments for an Orthodox Christian. The main point is the right preparation for the cleansing of the soul and the adoption of the Holy Taine of Holy Tain. It is very important to know and read prayers before confession and communion.

Before confession

God and the Lord of all, in any way of breathing and soul them power, one of the healing MOGY! We hear the prayer of me, the ilenenny, and the nesting in me in me by the host of all of all and the life-giving spirit by making the consumption. And Mene, Naga and Naga, everyone virtues of the fortune, to the legs of the saint of my father (Duhavnago) with tears, the controversial of the controversial, and His soul to mercy, hedgehogs are pretty me, attracted.

And gaze, Lord, in my heart, humility and thoughts of the Blagi, appropriate to the sinner who agreed to be killed; And yes, I do not completely leaving my soul, combined with you and the confessant, and instead of the world, I chose and preferred. Weighing Bo, Lord, IKo Khoschu is escape, the obstacle and the evil one is an obstacle: but you can, Vladyko, the essence of all, Elika is impossible to essence from a person. Amen.

Before communion

Lords of Lord Jesus Christ, God, ours, merciful and human-loving, one who has the power to forgive sins to people, despicable (forget), forgive all my sacrings, conscious and unconscious, and there is no condemnation to compete with your Divine, Pressenger, Most Punishment, not in the multiplication of sins, but in cleansing, sanctification, in the key to the future life and kingdom, into a solid stronghold, in defense, and defeat the enemies, in the extermination of many of my sins. For you are the god of mercy and generous, and people's humanity, and you glorify you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and are dreaming. Amen.

In the life of an Orthodox Christian, the most important event is the adoption of the Holy Tynens. It is necessary to prepare for him not one day. For three days to fast, as well as subtract prayers before confession and communion. So believers must prepare themselves to meet with God.

Before proceeding with the adoption of holy secrets of the body and the blood of Christ, the believer must be cleaned by repentance. We are talking about the sacrament of the confession established by the Church.

Before the sacrament of repentance is not provided for compliance with the post. But, as the holy fathers say, each sin requires proportionate repentance, and if it is not, the corresponding flour will come.

If we committed a difficult sin, it means that you need to cry and taste about the deed, refrain from any actions that led to the commission of this sin. It is necessary to repent and in small sins, do not neglect this. We must remember everything we did for the period from the past confession.

In order not to forget all the sins performed during this time, the holy fathers recommend every day before bedtime to summarize the day. To give an assessment to his actions, ask God for God, if something has done the opposite of his commandments. In order to configure himself to the desired way, before confession it is necessary to deduct the revenue canon. It helps bring the soul into a crushed state.

What is read before confession

Reculting canon, readable by all Orthodox Christians to prepare for confession and communion, was written by a great Russian man and commander A. Suvorov.

It happened in February 1800, undoubtedly, under the influence of the Canon Andrei Cretan, read in the days of the Great Post.

He wrote Canon General weakened hand. Already in May of this year it will not be. So did not come true the dream of the great Russian commander to become a monk and to hide in the Nilova of the Desert, where he was striking for many years with his own soul.

A. Suvorov was in life not only by a soldier, but also a Bogomol. For his piety, he was named by compatriot Russian archrestics Mikhail. Suvorov was a bright representative of Orthodox Russia.

The contradictions that he combined, the prayer state of the soul and the need to shed someone's blood, perhaps and led him to the writing of the canon, have already called all believers for the realization of their sins and high repentance.

Canon, who read before confession, can be found in any Orthodox prayer. It is necessary to help the believer remember:

  • lifeguards of life;
  • upcoming terrible court;
  • the need for all means to recover the kingdom of God;
  • repentance and cleansing the soul from sins;
  • awareness of her hard-hearth;
  • madness of a person who is temporary wealth;
  • strengthening in virtue;
  • much.

According to the Charter of the Church, believers do not have the right to begin the holy bowl without being prepared and not clearing the soul of repentance. In this case, home repentance is not enough.

It is necessary to ensure the sacrament of the confession, at which the clergyman will release the sins by the authorities given to him by God. An exception is made for children under 7 years. It is believed that this angelic age, when there are no sins or they are committed unconsciously due to age.

Attention!About the fact that you need to pay attention to preparing for confession, quite a few books are written. Somewhere given detailed explanations, somewhere simply lists sins. Prayers for preparing for this sacrament can be found in the liturgical books or listen online on the Internet.


Christ himself commanded us to commit. It must be done in order to escape and have eternal life.

The mysterious way wine and bread in a bowl for the Eucharist during the liturgy are converted into the flesh and blood of Christ.

Taking them inside, we connect with God, thereby getting cleansing from sins and strength to the further path to the kingdom of heaven.

Commission is a very important and responsible moment in the spiritual life of an Orthodox person. Very envy of how to prepare to it. The unworthy app to the gifts without proper preparation will entail an even worst penalty. The process itself consists of several steps:

  1. Compliance with a 3-day post.
  2. Subtracting certain prayers.
  3. Passage of confession in the temple where the sacrament will be performed.
  4. Participation in the sacrament.
  5. Listening thanksgiving prayers.

On the day, communion before the start of the liturgy and especially the moment the gifts will be accepted inside, do not drink anything and not to bite any food. The exception is the people who take the vital drugs in the vital for them.

If the tightening with the intake of medical preparations can lead to a sharp deterioration of health, in which case their use is allowed until the incident. But no more. All this is advisable to do with the blessing of the confessor.

How to read prayers before communion

The post and prayer help believers to clean the soul and the body for the adoption of holy gifts. The church has established certain prayers that are necessary for each believer who wants to connect with Christ in the sacrament of communion. So what you need to read:

  1. Canon repeated to the Lord to our Jesus Christ.
  2. Canon is a prayer service to the Most Holy Virgin.
  3. Canon to the guardian angel.
  4. Submission to the Holy Communion.

Priests, monastic and pious laity each day, permanently subtract three canons mentioned above in the list of prayers, mandatory for subtracting before the adoption of holy gifts. But we would not afford this prayerful work for us to be ordinary believers.

Interesting!When noted by the church Orthodox calendar

Therefore, the subtraction of three canons is prescribed to us only during the preparation for communion, as a particularly important and responsible moment of our spiritual activity.

Seraphim Zvezdinsky, a preacher and church hierarch of the beginning of the 20th century, which subsequently became a priest, called them three paradise roses, which should blame everyone asking the kingdom of heaven.

And those who with the attention and open-hearted heart will read the rows of canons, will be able to feel a special spiritual aroma emanating from each of their words. Cleaning lines purify and paint the soul of praying, produce its mysterious spiritual transformation.

The follow-up to the Holy Community is a cycle of texts compiled in a certain order and aimed at setting up a soul of a believer to a decent passage of the sacrament. We list which prayers they include:

  1. Total start.
  2. Psalms Troparies.
  3. Canon.
  4. A cycle of ten or more prayer texts.
  5. Brief prayers, pronounced directly at the time of the adoption of holy gifts.
  6. Thanksgiving prayers, subtracted after the end of the sacrament of communion and liturgy.

All these prayers, in addition to the last two, must be performed in advance, in the process of preparation for the sacrament. Thanksgiving prayers can be heard in the temple or pray their own at home.

Attention! Prayers before communion for children, as a rule, are reduced or abolished at all, if the age of the beeer has to such an election of the Charter. What to read before the sacrament and confession to children will tell a spiritual mentor.

How and why prepare for the sacraments

The views of the clergy for the passage of the believers of the Divine Eucharist sometimes do not coincide. Some conformists bless their children to pass as often as possible.

But it is more appropriate during the post or in the event that a parishioner is under a monastery as an emergency.

Perhaps it simply lives in a monastic hotel for a long time and, of course, goes to all services, performs any no too much burdensome obedience.

In this case, the believer is immersed around the clock in a state of prayer contemplation, constantly fastens, because in monastery refectants predominantly offer lenxtar food. He has all the conditions so that coming often, to do it worthy.

Other Orthodox priests believe that parishioners can detract on the high meaning of this sacrament in the Divine Eucharist of the parishion. The quality of preparation for communion and confession will suffer primarily.

In the fuss of numerous cases that surround Miryanin, it will be very difficult for him to often arrange posts, paint extra time and forces to frequent subtraction of a compulsory prayer rule, which is quite voluminous.

It will be shedding, depreciation in the consciousness of Christians of this High and Holy Sacrament, as the preparation for it will be put on the flow, to be made in a hurry and carelessly, without proper reverence.

In Russia, the Revolution in the Church there was a clearly established model of behavior of believers Christians, which at that time was the majority of the country's population. Pious people were prescribed to commit about each simple reason. The communion was impossible without weekly senses with all the rigor. During the post, this condition could be done much easier and easier than on ordinary days.

Attention! Experienced conformists advise commits once a month. It is more likely to do it undesirable, but it's not worth tightening too.

Do you need special prayers before communion for children? The views of the priests on this question are also diametrically opposed. Someone believes that a child from the small years should be gradually accustomed to observe the post and deduct at least a few prayers, gradually increasing their number. Other conformists insist that at first, in the period of preparation, to introduce restrictions on chocolate, ice cream, cartoons.

Thus, the child will feel that something significant should happen, out of a series of outgoing. The child should not avoid the temple and prayer, because they brought him boredom. He will be enough to see how adults are involved in preparing for confession and communion, stand up with them for several minutes on reading prayers.

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Let's summarize

If we want to approach the Eucharistic bowl, then the confession must pass. The priest will read the permitting prayer by placing the Epitrohil on our head. Thus, he witnesses the purity of the soul and the conscience of the daring to start holy daras. Read prayers before communion is necessary to prepare the soul to this sacrament.