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The second marriage of the relationship of men and women. Happy second marriage: myth or reality? Difficulties in adaptation

Marriage with a divorced man can have many difficulties in a psychological plan. The person who had a family and children was used to a certain way of life and the role of a woman in him, so to be the second wife, you should study the nuances of such a union. But it is not worth a despair, according to statistics, the second marriages are stronger than the first.

If the previous family union broke up, both sides are guilty. Most often, such:

Treason, both husband and wife.

If a woman changed, men most often remain deep psychological injury and damage to self-esteem, which is impossible to fix. In the depths of the soul, he remains doubts about his male consistency, and you need to make a lot of effort to convince your husband in the opposite.

Incorrect interests

After the end of the romantic period of relationships and weddings, when partners idealize each other and do not pay attention to the disadvantages, the joint residence discloses the habits and characteristics of the character that was not visible earlier. Sometimes it turns out that absolutely different people live together. Missing character and temperament lead to inevitable conflicts and breaking relationships.

Disagreements in the raising of children

If the dad and mom hold different views on what to instill a child, then the quarrels on this basis are inevitable.

Material security

The lack of finances often leads to the fact that the wife of the "saw" husband for making little earns. The inverse situation is possible - when the widen's salary is higher, and the husband feels its inconsistency, which can also lead to imbalance in relations and rupture.

Second marriage: We work on errors

Entry into the second marriage must be conscious, unlike hasty youthful marriages "on love" or on the occasion of pregnancy of the bride.

If you want to save your new family, pay attention to the reasons for which the previous marriage of your husband broke up. Pay enough attention to communicating so that the husband is honest and frankly shared the reasons for the break, and try to make the right conclusions.

The correct analysis of the situation and the reasons for the previous divorce of your husband will help prevent errors and save your marriage.

If the reason was in its treason, be sure to note how much he wants to be with you and is not going to look towards other women. If you threw it, try to create a comfortable psychological situation in the family so that he felt the right and beloved, do not give any reason for jealousy.

Disagreements in material plan and lifestyles can be solved in a trust concern. Tell your husband how you present your collaborative life, especially if there are children from the past marriage, and try to come to a compromise in important matters.

Divorce for the sake of a new marriage

The situation will be more difficult if your marriage has begun from a husband's divorce in order to create a family with you. In this case, you will inevitably come across condemnation by relatives and friends whose sympathies are on the side of his ex-wife. No wonder they say that you get married not only for your husband, but also for his whole family. Contact contact with everyone, including children and a former wife, with which it sometimes has to solve business questions.

In this situation, you can advise not to pay attention to provocations, because your relationship is primarily a personal matter of you and your spouse. As you will build your, the success of your marriage, its psychological furniture, when all participants, including children, are comfortable in this union.

Relationship with husband's relatives: Principles of proper communication

You will have to communicate with relatives inevitably, so try to immediately behave correctly, politely, not to take part in conflict situations. If this is impossible and relatives are stubbornly configured against you, believe that you have taken a spouse from his past family, distance from them without entering the conflict. The absence of the soil for the quarrels levels the opposition, as it will simply be supported.

Children from the past marriage: Correct relationships

If the spouse in the first marriage had children, you will have to communicate with them, you want it or not. Therefore, it is better to immediately determine the frequency and nature of relations with them. You can't become a mom for them, because they have their own mom, and build good, friendly, trusting relationships are quite real. Integet to the needs of the child, their classes and hobbies, organize joint leisure.

Holding a joint leisure and shared affairs with a specific result bring parents and children

Often, the former spouse tries to send children to an existence to a former husband, which can cost you spoiled plans. Treat this understanding, but also regulate the time spent with the children in the case of important events and outlined events.

Mom or stepmother: communicate with children

Complex, conflicting the role of stepmother in relation to the children of the spouse deserves many efforts, and how you deal with it, ultimately affect the success of your marriage as a whole. Your husband's children also have him roads, like their own, have it in mind. With non-rigid children, you may be difficult because there is no maternal instinct, which will always prompt the right decision. If you do not have our children, then a cry, noise, mess as a result of active games of children can annoy you, cause negative feelings. Try to cope with emotions, if children do not live with you, it's all temporary.

Relationship with ex-wife: how to communicate

Difficulties in communicating with the first wife of your spouse are caused by the psychological characteristics of the female psyche. Even if it does not associate anything with her, he is-inward, and you are the second one. The presence of children from the last marriage exacerbates the situation, because the former wife necessarily manipulates them, trying to solve material problems and free their time for personal affairs, giving the child to the spouse on the weekend.

Immediately determine the business format of your communication, we don't need to share my wife with a former wife, she is his past, and you are-present.

Friendly relationships and joint holidays will also be inappropriate, especially if you are jealous and suspect that the spouse has some feelings for the former wife.

Widset Bride

If your husband's first marriage ended in connection with the death of spouses, you should pay more attention to this. Often, men cannot decide on the creation of a new family because of devotion to the deceased spouse and feelings that did not disappear with her death. There is a defective perception of reality as a result of severe experiences due to the death of his wife. In your power to create every possible way to create a strong widow, a happy marriage.

Do you need to affect the topic of relationships with the former spouse

Load your husband more attention, talk to him, trying not to focus on his loss. Tell him how you love him and appreciate how much he means for you, how good you with him together. To mention the spouse, ask about her character and habits without the need is not worth it, try to unobtrusively convince the spouse that you need to live by the real, no matter how happy he was in the past.

The first two years after the death of the spouse are the most severe when a person has not yet completely survived bitterness of loss, feelings of attachment, bitterness and guilt. It is clear that at this moment is not so fun. Try not to focus on its condition, please with pleasant trifles, distract. It will take time, and you will notice how bitterness will begin to be moved easier, and your relationship will be harmonious and self-sufficient.

What to do if the spouse throws on the late spouse

Get rid of longing for a former wife may not be earlier than 2 years after her death. Nevertheless, men seek to enter into a re-marriage as quickly as possible to find out in the situation of the usual comfort, when they care about him, support and care. At the same time, a challenging task goes to the second wife, because on it will actually hold the newly created family. Show tactfulness, respect, delicacy against the spouse, the feelings of which survived such a shock.

How to build relationships with children who remained without a mother?

The complexity of the newly created family is the presence of children who stayed with the Father after the death of the mother. Ask yourself, are you ready to take your care for them, especially if the child is not alone, and be a real mother?

After all, the difficulty will consist not only that children are missing for the mother, and in any case you will not be able to fully replace it with it, but also in the need for proper upbringing and material support.

Relations with children of her husband from the first marriage, especially if they live with you, should be based primarily on trust, the punishment system in this case will only cause an active protest. It is important to bring their position correctly to them, especially in relations with adult children.

Do not compete with children, and try to become a friend for them, with whom you can discuss problems without scandals and conflicts and come to a constructive solution.

If you see that the child keeps out you, do not invade his personal space, behave friendly, always wonder his opinion, show how it is important for you, advise, discuss joint plans. Do not make yourself call yourself mom if the child wants, he will do that.

You and the first wife: how to avoid comparisons?

By concluding a re-marriage, you must be prepared for the fact that friends and relatives will constantly compare you with his former spouse. It is inevitable, especially if the divorce happened recently. Try not to pay attention if you are started to compare and say, how the first wife behaved. Immediately determine priorities with friends and relatives, if possible - even in a categorical form, so that they do not have thought to compare you. Stress your personality with your behavior so that others understand that you are different from the old spouse for the better.

You have no need to participate in a competitive struggle, proving our advantages over the former spouse. The husband chose you, and you can pay your strength to his support, attention and pleasant pastime.

A competent approach to the consciousness of his role in the family is able to make any woman happy, regardless of whether this is a marriage or she is married to a divorced man.

Psychological aspects of the second marriage

Psychologists note that many people have a look at the family formed at a young age, and it is often impossible to change these installations and values. That is why, having survived a painful divorce, and men and women choose a new spouse, completely similar to the previous one. Thus, they seek to create their own ideal family model and correct the mistakes made in the previous marriage.

This approach is incorrectly incorrect, therefore, before creating a family again, do not rush, read the person well with whom you want to associate your life.

If there are character traits and lifestyle that you do not suit, think well, can you put up with them?

Give a man time to move away from past relationships and find the strength to create a new marriage, without looking at the failures of the past. Let your future union be informed, based on love and trust, in the presence of mutual desire to find compromises and settle possible conflict situations.

A variety of reasons for the second marriage can cause many problems in its conclusion and provoke unwanted consequences:

Difficulties in adaptation

Men often experience difficulties with addiction to new relationships, so all their complexity usually falls on the shoulders of a woman

Availability of idealizations

Spouses hope to create an ideal re-union and are often faced with the inconsistency of their reality. In this case, you need to work with what is, trying to approach ideal on your own.

Broken hearts

Failures in past relations often cause fear of new newly necessary overcome joint efforts.

Children from previous marriages

Difficulties in relations with children can make a new marriage of tense, so much patience will be needed and the desire to achieve harmony in it.

Egoism of partners

As a rule, there are two adults in marriage, which are difficult to pass together to each other, taking into account the past negative experience. To achieve harmony in marriage will have to make efforts.

Creating a new union, even if he is the second, suggests new relations, traditions and family foundations, in which it will be psychologically comfortable to both parties. To achieve harmony in new relationships and not repeat the errors of past relationships, follow the following recommendations:

  • Release last marriage, Clean all financial, property and psychological issues;
  • Analyze the mistakes allowed and try not to allow them in new relationships;
  • Find out a new spouse and decide for yourself if you can put up with its disadvantages;
  • Share all doubts with the new spouse, talk to him, discuss the problems that have arisen;
  • Create new habits in a new marriage without looking at the old one;
  • Try to ensure the financial independence and the material basis of the future union;
  • Leave a negative experience behind and do not focus on failures, programming yourself on a happy and successful new marriage.

Confidence in their forces, harmonious construction of relations at the conclusion of a marriage with a divorced man will create you a happy union based on love and respect. First of all, do not forget about yourself, plunging into the problems of your family, children's husband from the past marriage, and then you will become a good wife and mother, able to support the spouse in any situation.

The second marriage is a new legal relationship, which is entrusted by those who could not be happy in the first marriage for a number of reasons. What pitfalls exist in repeated marriages and can they be happier than the first, about this in detail in this article.

Second marriages - Psychology

Youth is the time for the crazy and building relationship in which the second half is seen ideal, in all beautiful. Often, love is taken for love and the first marriages are made on the impulse, some experts call them student. Such unions last long and the percentage of divorces is very high. To decide on the second marriage after a divorce, it takes time and awareness of readiness for new relationships.

According to statistics, men are more entering more (up to 70%), women after 35 years it is difficult to find a chosen one, so there are many lonely among them, and only 30% will be married again. Relations in the second marriage often repeat the first marriage script, if a man and woman did not realize all those mistakes and disagreements that were committed in previous relations, but maybe quite the opposite.

Are the second marriages happy?

This question is more often asked by representatives of a beautiful sex. The second marriage official statistics calls more deliberate and durable, even if there are children from the previous marriage. Whether the second legitimate marriage is happier than the first, it depends on the spouses themselves, whether they are ready to go on, change, respect their partner and build harmonious relationships, taking into account that experience that was in the first marriage.

Second marriage for a woman

Many women in the second marriage feel much happier and calmer, because in them the nature itself laid wisdom to extract life lessons and recycle them in an important experience for themselves. As women who married a second time recognize, they already have a clear image of what they want from these relationships and what efforts are ready to attach the marriage to be durable and long. What problems the woman overcomes in the new marriage union:

  1. Difficulty is rebuilt from a loneliness regime, which was after the divorce for some time (usually a woman is re-married after 3 - 5 years);
  2. A comparison of the current spouse with a former is an inevitable phenomenon, and the comparison itself can occur as in a positive sense, which is characteristic when a husband was the initiator of the divorce, and at the same time he continued to love him. Then the comparison may not be in favor of the second husband, and attempts arise to remake it. Negative comparison is the transfer or projection of negative traits, actions of the former spouse at the current one.
  3. Comfortable building relationships with her husband's parents, and if there are children from the first marriage, then sometimes you need to make a lot of effort to help find everyone a common language.

The second marriage of a man

Is the second marriage for a strong half of humanity? Traditionally, in many cultures it is believed to have a comfort in the house, a harmonious atmosphere creates a woman. To some extent this is so, but it also depends on a man, whether his second marriage will be happy. A woman who wants to marry a man who has already been in marital relations, should take into account some recommendations of psychologists:

  • men are no less wounded women, and for them divorce is a heavy test, disappointment, they need time to survive;
  • if a man has children from the first marriage, it is important for him to see them, help materially;
  • some men immediately during the year after the divorce seek to plunge into new marriage relationships, not imagining their lives without it, others do not hurt to leave the status of a divorced bachelor, and they are satisfied with ordinary dates;
  • a man who threw his wife, for a very long time and painfully experiencing and the second marriage may not happen for him, only a sensitive attitude of the elects can make him reconsider their attitude towards marriage.

Second marriage after divorce

Divorce is a difficult life test and a shock for the one who rejected, stopped love. The initiator of the divorce, no matter, the husband is either a wife, also suffer from the feeling of guilt, and it is difficult for them to enjoy new relationships. For a while, a person must survive personal injury, harmony, again learn to love life and give yourself a chance to be happy in a new relationship. Often aware of the second marriage and church wedding in it is an attempt to give the spiritual depth of marriage. Many couples hope that this is very strengthens the marriage.

Entering into the second marriage, a man and a woman need to remember the following useful things:

  • everyone has the right to happy relationship;
  • the past is impossible to delete from his life, but you can take it to him, as a useful experience and forgive all the mistakes and misses, which served as the basis for the divorce and accept the past of their partner without going into details;
  • the feeling of guilt is an unproductive feeling, it imposes an imprint on new existing relationships and prevent them from enjoying, it is important to get rid of shame and guilt;
  • sincerity - the key to these and trust relationships in a new marriage

The second marriage if the husband died

The death of the spouse is a big tragedy for a woman, and to survive it, you need a lot of time. In each case, its nuances, it all depends on the senses of a woman to the deceased spouse. According to religious canons, Mourning must be lost at least a year - it's like a tribute to the memory of the past spouse. Psychologists adhere to the same opinion. The new name in the second marriage, take it or not, the woman should solve itself for himself, but if we consider the situation symbolic, then the taking of the name of the second husband is the release of an old connection, a break with the past.

Second civil marriage

To date, the couples living together under one roof, but without a stamp of the registry office about marriage, are called civil, although it is not entirely true - if it is accurately characterized by this phenomenon, it is called cohabitation, marriage without commitment. The realities of the modern world are such that people do not hurry themselves to sink official marriage, so that you can quickly disperse without mutual claims. It often turns out that a woman who lived in actual marriage for several years wants to legalize his following relationships, but they develop in the same scenario as the first.

Another option when a man or woman visited a legal first marriage and are not in a hurry to execute their following relations officially. In the first marriage there were children, so the second marriage without children, a man or a woman do not want to burden themselves to other offspring. The reasons for the unwillingness to enter into a second legitimate marriage can be heavy exhausting disagreements in the first marriage with the property and children.

Second marriage with ex-wife

For family psychologists, this is an interesting topic, because they often face their consultations with couples who have decided to reinforce again after the divorce. The second marriage with the former spouse, whether he needs it - there is no definite answer to this question, but there are certain advantages and cons of such a marriage. Why repeated marriage with former spouses can be happy:

  • no need to try to each other;
  • all close and friends will be happy to reunite and provide support;
  • all shortcomings of the second half are known as irradiated, and are already perceived as cute and charming;
  • you can always find a compromise;
  • if we talk about children, then they will certainly be happy that their mom and dad together together;
  • a new period of development of relations, with a more careful attitude towards each other.

Second marriage and children from the first marriage

How will the second husband and the children of his wife from the first marriage? This is a difficult question, and the answer depends on how children were raised, as they were prepared for other relations of parents. Often, children perceive in the bayonets of the new chosen of the father or mother, they can be understood that no one can take the place of this parent in their heart. And the second marriage of the father or mother they perceive as the betrayal of the second parent and in relation to them.

Two children with two children

Relationship in the second marriage is easier to create childless spouses, but more often life is that after the first marriage in a woman or a man there are children, sometimes at both, and here you need to possess very thin psychologism to build your relationship between children and spouses, and between themselves children. When children are very small, it is easier to do it, but the older the child, the more stumbursts arise and contradictions. It is important to create such conditions so that the relationship is strengthened.

Birth of a child in the second marriage

Over time, being in a repeated marriage, a woman understands that you need a common child, so children born in the second marriage are more often a weighted and deliberate solution to both, which can say that a man is configured to strong relationships. A woman may have concerns that the second husband can start worse to treat the child from the first marriage, but it rarely happens. If he accepted a woman with a child initially, no reason to doubt his sincerity of his feelings. The birth of a child in the second marriage actually strengthens the relationship between spouses.

Psychologists assure that the problems of the second marriage are quite common. From how much competent people will decide them, and even better - to warn their appearance, it depends on how much this marriage will be successful, positive and happy.

The second marriage for a woman can become happy enough if she sacrows certain efforts to this. Psychologists believe that, having married a second time, a woman is already fully aware of what kind of man she would like to see next to them, as its chosen one should possess. They rarely choose absolutely unsuitable man for them again, because they have already had an unsuccessful marriage experience.

In addition, they have time to acquire certain everyday experience. But experts also understand that the second marriage has the possibility of problems of a completely different nature. The most common of them is to acquire a certain habit, which is very difficult to break. If before marriage, the woman lived for a long time alone, or quite recently she divorced her first husband, she was hard to rebuild. Lonely existence to some extent dedicts. A woman gets used to care only about himself and a child. When a new spouse appears in her life, psychologically and physically happens very difficult to change their lives.

If the lady divorced the first spouse, but at the same time preserved the most positive memories about him, then it is possible that it will often compare her husbands among themselves. And this situation is a dead end. For example, if a former husband helped the housework, and the new home does nothing, then a woman is difficult to take such a state of things. In this situation, you need to remember once and for all that all people are different. You should not redo the spouse and irritate about the fact that he does not look like a former husband. It is better to simply explain to him what would like him in the future. Loving people will always find a compromise. You should also not allow a man to compare ourselves with previous wives. You need to immediately tell him that every person is individual, but at the same time listen to his wishes.

A happy second marriage is possible only if people learn to respect each other and will not compare the second half with the previous beloved. It can destroy any relationship. It is important to remember that every person is individual.

Another very common problem of the second marriage is misunderstanding, based on relationships with other people's children. Often, women are married again, already having a child.

Not always a new husband finds a common language with a child. In this case, you should take a sufficiently rigid position. It is not worth constantly reproaching a new spouse in the absence of love for other people's children, in refusing to perceive them as their own. Trust relations should develop gradually.

At the same time, first of all, to focus on the interests of his own child. This is completely normal. My husband should not hurt, because the child is the closest person for every mom. The spouse should understand that the wife will not allow a gross attitude towards his children and disrespect.

With respect, you need to treat your husband's child. This situation is complicated by the fact that the man has to pay alimony, periodically communicate with the former spouse. Some give it annoying, as a result of which a quarrel flarelves in marriage. This cannot be allowed. A woman needs to calm down and understand that the communication of his father with his children is simply necessary.

Moreover, with caution should be addressed to those men who do not communicate with their children, they do not pay alimony on them. This is a kind of indicator of their responsibility. After all, it is possible that the second marriages will once be completed and after that they will behave in a similar way. No need to feed the illusions about the fact that everything will be different with the new wife.

If a woman marries a man without children, she needs to understand that in the second marriage, a child must be born. If she does not want to become a mom again, you need to discuss it before the relationship will be registered. It will be as honest as possible in relation to a man.

The first marriage and the second can differ significantly from each other. In order to be truly happy in the new relationship, you need to learn to see only good and look for positive parties. Otherwise, marriage may fall apart.

The second marriage for a woman can be very happy if she behaves with a new spouse correctly. The most important thing is to learn not to compare it with a former husband and see more positive qualities in it than negative, as well as respect his children and demand from him the same.

Being the second wife of your beloved man can not be so simple. Knowing that this marriage for your chosen one is not the first, can generate some doubts and uncertainty. However, if you look at the eyes of your partner's eyes, stop thinking about his past marriage and develop a faithful strategy of behavior, your union will be successful and long.

Photo shutterstock

The feeling that you are not the first spouse can easily grow into a complex if you will be looped at this moment. To feel confident on his legitimate position of the spouse, be objective and develop the tactics of the behavior of the second wife.

Before you determine your line of behavior, you need to figure out the situation. First of all, do not let the stories of relatives and friends of your spouse influence your relationship with your husband. Understand: They may have their own opinion about the former wife of your spouse, and not always correct.

To judge how his previous marriage was, only your man can, but not his friend, sister or mom. Talking to the unpleasant topic of ex-relationships of your faithful, listen in alive and do not take to heart. Do not let outsiders make you think about the last wife of a husband, think of some moments from the period of his first marriage and turn it into difficulty for yourself.

Realize that since your husband is not with your ex-wife, but with you, it means that you are more important for him. Priority here has nothing to do with it. It is only important that there is love, mutual understanding and respect between you and your spouse. All people have the right to the past - and you and your favorite. Moreover, the previous marriage gave him the necessary experience to build a strong family with you.

Consider past marriage as your husband's workout before the real Union

Take an active position

Try to strengthen your marriage, run work on relationships. Arrange relationships with your husband's relatives. This is especially true for mother-in-law. Come adequately, show your spouse's mother respect and attention. Show you that your husband's family is really interested in and you are happy to join it.

Show women wisdom, actively communicate with parents, brothers and sisters of your husband, avoid conflicts with them, and soon they will take you for a new family member. But do not replay. If you pretend or too much to demonstrate your location to your husband's relatives, they can feel false. If your husband has children from the first marriage, you should demonstrate the willingness to establish relationships with them.

With a woman? When I was a little and teenager, I thought that the boys were special. That they are not terrible not only fights, but also to the girl you like the first to go - a trifle! Yes, yes, this is exactly what I thought - only the boys have the right to offer friendship. And the girl's gum is waiting ...

Life experience changes our views on life over time

Time went, I gained life experience, and gradually my opinion on the psychology of men changed. It turns out that men are the same people as we, women. And they are also inherent in weakness. But just once to indicate it for these weaknesses is better not worth it. For this they do not like terribly, and fear women (or just avoid) who do it.

Every man dreams of seeing a woman who knows the woman with whom he will feel strong and.

Unfortunately, our youthful dreams do not always coincide with the reality of life. And the divorces that the army of unsatisfied and disappointed former spouses are too frequent. The period after you need to survive, not a hurry event. Moreover, it concerns both women and men. If he laying his head to plunge into new relationships, not rethinking his mistakes, the outcome of the second marriage may not be as rainbow, as it seemed like a unhealthy euphoria immediately after the divorce.

However, such cases are not so often. More often a man with caution is suitable for a re-attempt. And it raises this fear that deposited in the subconscious. Being there, he can poison life as the most representative of a strong sex, and disappoint a woman in anticipation of the sentence of hands and hearts.

So what are men afraid?

And they are afraid of comparison with former, and just with other men. In general comparison. The pride of men is very wound, and it is always necessary to remember this. A wise with understanding refers to this feature of a man, as it is aware of their responsibility for the relationship.

That is why it is not necessary to put pressure on men. Because each of them is afraid of encroachment on his freedom. This does not mean that family life causes disgust. Not at all, they also like to come to a cozy house, where he lives and they are glad, take care and take care. But to mature and make the decision still should he himself. You can under sensitive guidance)) The main thing is that it did not guessed. In addition, a woman is usually more thoroughly looking at the advantages and disadvantages of a new candidate for husbands, according to the acquired life experience.

What yet fear men so as not to fall in the eyes of your beloved woman? After all, since childhood, the boys are because they fight that they fighters in life. It is very important for them to not seem in something incompetent, or not consistent in bed. Do not secure or not protect the family is sometimes present.

Of course, it is not at all necessary that all these fears are present in your favorite. And they are hidden from everyone deep, in the soul of men, where the small ...

Relationship between children and receiving parents

And another very important problem may arise in the second marriage, these are children. More often it happens that women already have children from the first marriage, small or already teenagers. Even adults are sometimes not always with understanding relate to the emergence of a new member in the family. You can explain this circumstance with children's egoism or jealousy. But only with a superficial look at the essence of things. The true causes of conflict situations between the children from the first marriage and the stepfather can lie much deeper, in the subconscious. And here it is often necessary to help a specialist, if a new family can not cope. For in the resulting triangle (or polygon, if children are somewhat), everyone should realize its role. Communications, once formed between people, do not disappear, only the attitude of people to the past changes. If a woman is released for a former husband and takes into his life a new man; If it is able to explain or children that she and dad will forever remain loving their parents; If stepfather feels in the soul of heat in relation to not only new wife, but also to her children, without claims and reproaches, a new family has a chance to become the strongest in understanding these few people.

The main thing in all respects, and here, among other things, sincerity and goodwill.

What is the second marriage different from the first?

Youth is good that we sometimes do not think about making decisions. Young people covered with feelings create families, not always realizing that they are waiting ahead. And life presents lessons with whom not everyone can handle.

The experienced unsuccessful relationships always leave in the soul of every wound, which first hurts, then the pain is dull and hope for new happiness appears. But often the burden of failures imposes an imprint to the human worldview. And he transfers this stereotype to all people. As a result, a man sees in all women of Brevel, who are able to cut the days, and which only money and material benefits are needed. He does not trust and afraid of women. But these fears are completely unfounded. After all, the world has not changed after your divorce, only your attitude towards it has changed. Trust your heart, it certainly knows the way to the place where you will meet your. With which you will be ready to go through the remaining life path.

Whatever fears were present in your life, they do not need to fight with them, they must be taken. And then they retreat, and life acquires new paints. And everything that man does, he does for the sake of a woman.

And now you can listen to the conversation of the leading program "closer to the body" Semyon seagulls with a sexologist, a candidate of medical sciences, psychologist Yuri Prokopenko on the topic of repeated marriages.


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