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How to pick up and speak the defensive amulet itself from damage and the evil eye. Carrying from the evil eye and damage

In this world, almost anyone can have energy Impact on the other. And the impact is far from always favorable. Someone believes in the presence of sorcerers and witches, someone is not, but even the most a common person, I myself unaware, maybe, as they speak in the people, " sloracted"Other, just having chosen to him or very angry. After all, each of us has biofield and energy And in force they are all different. It happens that a person with a strong energy, while offended, it is only not good for you to see how evil eye You are provided. As manifest evil eye? What are his symptoms? How, in this case, conspiracies from damage and conspiracy from the evil eye can help you?

Usually evil eye It is manifested by a sharp deterioration in the well-being, relationship, affairs or the other. In a person who sloglasili, character and behavior may change. Usually evil eye "Beats" in that sphere of life, where a person is not all stable and good. But evil eye - This is one of the light forms of negative energy Impact. Much more difficult things about the damage and curse. Damage It is always applied to a person knowingly, for its impact the most different means and methods from which sometimes hair stand up. Favoring damage, a person gives a lot of energy and strength, while, of course, not without the support of the dark forces. Flush curse almost impossible. Damage only the person who has a powerful energy protection. If damage and evil eye have already achieved their goal, and you have disappointing guesses about this, then reflect negative impactwill help respond energy Impact - consistencies on defense OT. schalza And damage! With protective conspiracies, you can be confident in a favorable outcome of the situation. When you start reading consistencies On the defense that can take any damage from you, you will probably see the reward from those who add it to you. The process of causal relationships and the law of conservation of energy will work. Powerful conspiracy energy you will push the negative energy of damage back to its supplier.

Consistencies from schalza And damage are read on a decreasing moon!

Strong protective conspiracies from damage (plotting-charm)

Read this strongest conspiracy against damage with special respect and reverence!

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, I wonder the honey dew, I will dry by the sun, I will pray to the king of Heaven, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: Christ gave birth to Pellena, also me, the slave of God (name), close and protect silk shoes, Silk belts, their holy spirit from the evil sorcerer, from the sorceress and from any evil of man's lich, from the evil blood, from the evil mind, from the evil industry. I'm still conquered, the slave of God (name), Ilya Prophet: Light you, Ilya Prophet, Fire Carea and Fire Chariot, tightly you pull, do not shoot the enemy and sacuostat and praise the fire to me, the slave of God (name), not To spoil, not to scold either the sorcerer nor an evil lick man nor the evil blood and the Duma is evil, the crime, oncoming and added, and on beings and on the hedgehog in Piru, in conversation, in any death. I am still conquer and perpetuly save the preserver: And you follow, save, all-storey Nicolas, Izosim and Savvathi Solovetsky Wonderworkers, Tikhon Rev., John the Baptist, John Friend, John the conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the postnik and all the power of Heaven, put iron tune about me, the slave of God (name), from the ground to the sky, from the century and before the century, so that me, the slave of God (name), not to spoil, not to be crowned, not to look and not see, and do not hear in the feast, when conversation, In every fee and forever, Incefora, from now on and trick, Amen, Amen, Amen, and ever and eyelids Amen. Most strong plot From damage. "

Conspiracies from damage to death

If every day you feel worse and worse, the forces leave you and suicidal thoughts begin to arise, perhaps you flutter on death. This strongest conspiracy will help you!

"We have flowed from the rooking through the city of Jerusalem from the sorcerer, from the sorcerer, from the heretic, from the heretius, from scientists and born, from children's and infant, from typhoid and fever, from empty genera, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from longing Tuscch , barbed barbed, oppressive, sour, fresh, gone, transverse, wind, water, seeded and soaked (here you need to baptize water and talk): and the city of Jerusalem before the throne itself, the Lord Jesus Christ, Ilya himself. The prophet with his golden rod is striking demons, holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. By passionate fire, I call you - I expel: Go out, Satan, from the slave of God (name) from the mouth, out of the voice, from the voice, from a riveted head, from white bone, from red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, isleren, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from bladder, from the intestine, from the hands, out of the legs, outlorn, outlined, from fingers and toppers. There you are not to be, worry blood not to drink from the generated, prayer baptized slave of God (name) forever. Amen".

Stainless conspiracy OT damage and evil eye on the grandmother Solomonid

Grandma Solomonide is one of the strongest, famous historic signs. Legends went about her wonderful healing and protective conspiracies. The following conspiracy from the evil eye is very ancient, it is believed that he came to us from the 15th century.

Read this plot in a dark room and in full solitude.

"There is a great sea in the east, the sea is wide, the sea is deep. The medium of that sea is the Great Island, and on it the church is stone. In the church, the holy throne of gold is pure, but sits on him grandmother Solomonide. The slave of God will come to the island of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, suitable for the throne of gold, yes to the grandmother Solomonide, that Jesus Jesus Pelenal, his silk belt wrapped him, he was thrown to him. Take off, grandmother Solomonide, with a slave of God (name) all sloa Evil, all pursuers, damage, night, evening, morning, medium-lane, and midnight.

As in the fist, one water can not be held, so in the slave of God (name) and evil eye Stop cannot be kept. Like a gray gray in the water swims, yes floats, yes from the drops devads and dry remains and the passage, yes sloa From the servant of God (name) will come off, they quit. Both on the grass of the morning dew dries and pursuers, yes sloa Dress on the servant of God (name) will be.

Like fire from water goes out and power schalza It will go out, let it go. Tit you sloa Yes, the pursuers for the woods are dark, in the dirt black, where no one is walking, where the horse does not pass, where the dogs do not run, where the birds do not fly. In Moss Green, in the swamp Szybly, go, yes there and do it, but stay forever. As stated, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful conspiracy on holy water from any damage

Take in the Church of the Holy Water and tell the following words for it:

"Bless, Lord God, the whole Orthodox people, and me too. Holy Mother of God, this driver, yes, see it with me all the boots and lessons.

All eyes enviable let the holy water wash off with me, all glances hate, male views, female, girls.

Funny, sent, rejected, phoned, rusked, faked, let everything envy the holy water from the slave of God (name).

May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After a conspiracy on the water, wash it in the morning and in the evening, and you can also sprink off all that your soul (clothes, corners of the house, bed or workplace).

The strongest ancient protective conspiracy

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. This conspiracy is not an hour, not for a day, not a month, not for a year, but for the whole of the century and for life, Amen, Amen, Amen, over the amen of Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From God Holy Wonderworkers, Rev. Fathers and Martyrs in the Sea, and outrageing the sea from the cloud, raw with the sea on the thirty field of the popyan, unclean spirits, demons of the damned, vision of the devil. Associated by them, holy miracle artists, reverend fathers and martyrs Nifont and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, Conmon Isavria and Dimitri Rostovsky Rostovsky:

"What did the cursed for the demons come to the prayer of Christ?" It is also a robosh: "We are damned and perfume unclean, children of Satan, Prince adcago." And other questions of the Saints and Great Wonderworkers and Reverend Fathers and Martyrs and Retreats to them: "Waying are unclean spirits came?". They are a robos:

"They came to torment the genus Human Christian, bones of the lomit, the mind and feeling of expanding, illness and a little bit betrotate, the dirtiness and harm of the creatority, the heart of Schhepti, in the longing and sadness of Podavati, all the relaxation, the ownership of Otnimati, the difference of Kozny act, go away and to death Whoever walks without prayer, drinks, eats and what takes and who happens on the feasts and weddings, that our slave and a house, in addition, nesting we live, in the same sorcerers and send and send. "

And these holy miracle artists will be squeezed: "Do not torment the human genus, do not break the bones, do not expand the mind and feelings, do not betray the disease and a little bit, do not create a dirtyness, do not be a fellow heart, do not go to the longing, but go to the abyss of hell, to the ground Empty, there and live from now on and trial. Amen "".

At this time, there are many types of conspiracies. And it is very difficult to understand which one must use is very difficult.

This can help Skarka Praskovya Ivanovna. She received a huge experience, working with conspiractions most of her life. Grandfather Praskovia was a lead White Magic And she passed the knowledge of another young Praskovye.

For their own long life Praskovaya helped not one hundred people who are grateful to her today. Situations in which I had to work as Savarka, were also twisted. This gave great experience in working with all sorts of conspiracies for getting rid of problems and improve life.

Skarka Praskovya Ivanovna Can help everyone who needs her help, who is tired of difficulties and adversity. Everyone who wishes to change his life, Praskovya wishes not to retreat from receivedAnd you will definitely gain good luck and well-being.

You will forget what is problems with debts and loans, quarrels in the family, failure. Praskovya Ivanovna writes a conspiracy individually under each person and his concrete life situation. Therefore, it is very important to tell your story as open and honest as possible to achieve the maximum result.

Together with the plot, you get prayer to enhance the effect. Be sure to (!) It is necessary to follow the instructions that Praskovya Ivanovna sends with each plot. All instructions are built individuallyto your life situation because all the problems and life difficulties All people are different. You need to decide for yourself that you need to change your life, turn it into a happy track and follow the goals. You must be prepared for waiting for you to change. Rearrange your energy and your thoughts to receive blogs of life. Forget about doubts and become happy. Any questions you can ask on the site Praskovya Ivanovna.

Charm from the evil eye and damage is needed to each person for wishes or directed influences. Conspiracies, items or specially made amulets may become champions. Effective charging is considered minerals, protective plants and even specially selected aromas.

Schalz - the most common negative phenomenon. Can be smoothed by any person possessing strong energy. The reason for the evil eye can be unkind thoughts, envy or frank hostility towards another person. Negative energy filled with places of mass accumulation of people - queues in stores, public transport per hour of peak, pavilions and large shopping areas.

Amulets and chambers are specially conspired subjects or spoken words. The challenge of the overag is to accumulate negative energy aimed at the owner, or to remove it aside. Verbal chambers have short term Actions, about a day or week.

Conspiring items serve long: until they spoil or not lose. To verbal conspiracy acquired strength, it can be written on a sheet of paper and dip in wax. While the wax does not turn around, and words will not erase, the charm will protect against the negative.

So that good luck is not smoothed

In order for your happiness and good luck to be smoothed, spend a protective rite. You need to go to the river during the growth of the Moon or full moon. On the shore, find the stone, hold it in your hands for a few minutes - the stone will absorb your energy in yourself. Then throw a stone into the river and tell the protective words three times:

This wagon from envy and the evil eye must be done after the wedding or other meaningful eventTo protect yourself from envious looks. Minerals, bovine eyes, are effective overalls from the evil eye. These stones must be worn with me. If the stone from the evil eye is lost or cracked (it can lose the shine), he fulfilled his role defender. From such faces, you get rid of - bury in the ground.

If you go to the crowd - Charm

When a responsible event is to be needed, it is necessary with a strong energy. Before leaving home, read the special words on the water three times, and then work yourself and do not wipe:

Ring from Schalza

Good champion Ot negative energy A closed object is considered. When equipping a conspiracy ring, the biofield is closed, and the negative energy cannot harm the person. If you take off the ring, you need to re-pronounce protective words when equipped. Words to amulet from the evil eye Pronounce Naraspov:

Mirror defense

The mirror is an excellent wubble from the evil eye: it has a property to send a negative back. To protect yourself from unkind views and bad wishes, wear a small mirror on the chest near the heart. For women, the mirror must be round shapeFor men - square. The mirror is located on the reflective side.

Purchase the mirror is needed on the mother's birthday until noon, you need to pay a little over a purchase - just leave the store in the store. When you place a sirror on your chest, kiss the reflective surface three times, cross and ask to protect against everything unfaithful - from the evil eye and damage, secret thoughts and wishes.

Effective protection on the pin

How to make a wubble from the evil eye and damage with your own hands? Acute iron objects are well protected from negative influences and unclean power. If the house appeared to bring, you need to stick a knife or score a nail into the place where you watched the phenomenon - more than the ghost will not appear.

Whipping to the clothes, closes a man's biopol and does not miss the negative. On the growing moon, buy a new pin and church candle. Keep the pin pin above the flame and read:

Print the pin to the involving side of the clothes with the edge down, in the chest. While the charm does not unzip or not lost, he will defend its owner. The pin can not be detached from the clothes: you can speak a few pins for different things from your wardrobe.

After half a year it must be repeated with the same pin. If the guard unbuttoned, it is necessary to get rid of it - the pin accepted the astral blow. Just jump into the ground. If the pin is lost, make a new charm.

Protective bracelet.

In old days, the decorations were not decorative element Wardrobe - they defended the owner from unkind views and wishes. Decorations served to remove the eyes, attracting attention to themselves. Together with the attention of the evil force envious man. Jewelry is a trap for negative energy, for example, a bracelet from the evil eye. The bracelet can be made of protective stones suitable for energy to its owner.

Protective force has a simple woolen thread, moistened by a saliva man. The wrist was tied up, and in the evening the candles were burned on the flame. In the saliva is the DNA of the human code, the thread itself is a container for saliva. Take the wrist with a thread of a red color, in a mixture of its saliva. In the evening, before bedtime, just burn the thread - along with her all the negative will burn. In the morning, make a new thread on the wrist.

Protection against damage

To damage the damage to the Aure, you need to protect yourself with the help of the overag. In addition to the overag, precautions should be observed so that the negative force does not penetrate the aura:

  • do not raise money, wallets or valuable things at crossroads - with them take someone's illness or misfortune;
  • after sunset, anyone do nothing from the house, who would not ask;
  • do not solicate someone else's comb, especially, visiting;
  • constantly wear a silver cross under clothes - this is not a decoration, but protection;
  • remove the rug outside the entrance door - it is easy to damage it.

Permanent visit church services - effective remedy for of different types Negative influences. However, it is necessary to stand under the dome of the church during the service, and not at the door or the altar.

Protection on black feather

For this, the rite needs to be found on Vorona Pen Street. At home, put a pen into a bowl with water and read the protective spell three times. When you read, keep a bowl in your hands. Then go out into the street and pour water along with the pen on the ground. The charm will protect against negative impacts until the pen has elapsed. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Damage by phone

Completed phenomenon was damaged by phone. If you are with someone scandalous or feel unkind, fold the fig from the fingertips of your left hand. At the same time right hand, along with the phone, draw a cross in front of me and tell me:

Then turn off the phone, put it away from myself and read the prayer "Our Father" three or nine times. Damage will not stick.

Protection on a guest.

Pitch can pass through food, so it is necessary to apply security measures on banquets, weddings or anniversaries. Take a bubble with conspiracted water and drink before meals. Can be enjoyed in the corridor, as well as in toilet room. The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced three times, and the bottle is immediately closed.

See another kind of overag in video:

"I do not believe in damage and evil eye" - did you hear such a phrase once? When the negative influence of the Universe begins to reflect you, believe in Mickey Maus. Needs from enemies is not difficult.

The main thing is to protect yourself from gossip and empty speeches that turn into damage.

In fact, in such receptions there is no supernatural. All magic is to influence the sound on the body. It has long been known that plants that hear the classics develop much more intense, give fruit larger than those who were deprived of attention. So each cell of the body feels and offense and praise. Even if you, in mind your character, in the controversy came out the winner or missed the mistreat words at all, the subconscious, your soul will remain wounded from the sound resonance created by the abuser. This will affect the dream, health, family relationships.

If you bought for yourself a good warrant of enemies or made it yourself, consider what we carry a panacea from all sorts of trouble.

How to make a strong wubble with your own hands?

If the charm is made with your own hands, he, in the literal sense of the word impenetrable amulet from enemies. After all, in it you will lay the exact goal, your desires and energy that eats away from you and the generating positive aura around you without outside interference. The words and actions of competitors and enemies will bounce off the dome of protection, like peas on the wall and return to enemies.

To create a charm, you can approach anything. The most important thing is to want to protect yourself and your family. You can weave baubles, speak your favorite accessory or decoration. Jewelry turns into charms after consecrated them in the church. Dolls, key chains, even nasal shawls can be worthy of the overalls of your health.

First aid with the symptoms of damage

Symptoms Pulling:

  • Constant headaches;
  • Insomnia;
  • Durability;
  • Devastation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Pussy appetite;
  • Loss of interest in life, sport, entertainment;
  • Nightmares in a dream (especially if the same thing dreams);
  • Strong diarrhea;
  • Profilely reflects damage to appearance: a person looks like older. Loose, disease.

Naturally, all the symptoms can be attributed to the usual ARZ. But what to do, if no of possible diseases are treated, and dreams are becoming harder and migraine more often?

You need first aid when damaging. First of all, come up with charm. Most likely, it will be what you have at hand:

  • Pin;
  • Happy cufflinks or earrings;
  • Belt from dresses;
  • Teddy toy or machine decoration;
  • Artificial flower;
  • Statuette on the desktop;
  • Rim.

As you can see, you can list almost everything you can hook with a look while in the same room. It is best to choose the one that the warm and joyful memories are associated.

The red thread on the left hand greatly collects negative from the outside

If there is no such thing at hand, get the elementary red durable thread or flap. Tie it on your wrist with the words:

"It is worth a black bull at the gate, his eyes go on trouble. The trouble stood in the middle of the yard, the bay, whims, the songs howl. I assume a red cloth, I will call a bull. Bull will run to the courtyard and ravine the misfortune. Less woven, fewer words, less diseases, less evil. Leave the trouble, do not proper my gate. Amen".

In addition, this conspiracy has been tested for years and really helps in the first hours, you can easily find a person who made a black conspiracy on you. Keeping the trouble with red matter, you become a rock, from which the echo departs and returns to the one who sent the sound.

Good plot on the belt:

"Belt - Tuesuck, Podbuchi - Removes. In a happy road, help me. "

The pin has long been used as a wubble from the evil

Such an overlapping and will support and save from damage and evil eye, and will send the right path. His positive energy will block sad thoughts, ready to crawl into your head because of the evil leaders and gossip. And also, relieves the belly from disorders.

Normal pin

Simple pin, fastened by clothes strong Obereg. It protects against the evil eye and does not allow the impact of gossip on man.

"Plug, protect against damage, from the evil eye from the whole infection."

How to protect yourself from gossip

Remove from gossip, you can not gossiping. If you teach yourself not to share your thoughts with everyone in a row or with many, people will begin to trust you, but do not dissolve rumors. There is a certain category of people who are interested in staging bones and rummage in someone else's underwear. And there are people with whom it is easy to talk about their problems and to know exactly that this information does not leave the walls of the house. Who do you want you to be considered - to solve you. But there will be much less rumors about you if you close an informative stream.

Next: If you want to throw off all the gossip sticking out of yourself, do not rented a week without removing on your fingers and neck gold jewelry. Gold absorbs the whole negative energy and does not give it back. Therefore, the decorations are subject to cleaning and sanctifying. To shook with gold accumulated energy, leave everything that you wore overnight in a glass with holy water.

Types of Oberegov

The wubbles from enemies are very diverse. It can be a conspiracy pin, even decorative, which is not needed to hide in a pocket or under the jacket lining. And there may be a whole poster: Embroidered panel, the runic symbols drawn on the walls of the apartment, a huge vase with Iquaban, standing in the office.

Family jewels and leather decorations with silver and stones are more common.

Today I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about the use and selection of protective amulets. The world of talismans - protection is rich and diverse. This is knowledge, without which you can not do. The more you know about amulets and protection against negative, the greater the chances not to be mistaken in the choice of personal custodia amulets. Before coming into contact with the amulet, find out all about his strength, his meaning, try to understand if your amulet is from the evil eye and damage, and whether you can cope with him.

Magic talismans from the evil eye and damage - symbols of protection and safety

  • Amulet - Pentagram. This is a symbol of dark witchcraft. Mystical talisman, symbolizing a strong shield. Amulet - the pentagram use magicians to protect, making complex rites with spirits that are able to harm. Outwarms, i.e. not magicians, too, often worn strong defense Talisman - Pentagram, knowing that he is able to protect his carrier from many negative impacts: woven and robs, bad thoughts and wishes, evil eye, magical damage, the influence of the Astral Jewish. Amulet - Pentagram, not only protection, it is a seal, closing corridors, locking evil in the world where it came from.
  • The magic talisman is the Egyptian cross of the life anch, it is an ancient, widespread and used not only by the magicians of the defense with damage from damage and the evil eye - the Egyptian cross of the life anch. Sacred value Amulet - the second birth. It has the ability to endow its owner power, to protect against witchcraft. Mystical key, opening the gate to the world of gods and spirits. The one who is protective talisman from the evil eye - the Egyptian cross of the life of anne, is firmly protected from a household negative associated with energy attacks, cuts out the evil eye, vampire bindings, gives strength to the body in opposition to diseases, protects a person from accidents and troubles.

  • Talisman - Seraphim. Christian charm, the image of a powerful creature that is beside God. To the one who wears this strong amulet From the evil, the protection of angels is given. You can maintain contact with the talisman through prayers asking for protection against the evil eye and damage.
  • Strong Amulet Key Solomon. Legends are connected with this talisman, the Key of Solomon gives protection to its owner from unfriendly sorcerers, as well as the attacks of the unclean, hungry perfumes, the astral fortune. The defense talisman is activated in minutes of danger. It has the ability to make a person invisible for evil spirits, which makes it difficult to sacrifice the dark perfume for a black mage to a sacrifice having such protection.
  • The magic seal with the inscription - the time passed irretrievably - another amazing amulet of protection against the negative, both the magical and those undesirable characteristics of the character of a person who prevent him from life roads. Magic amulet Can almost any gravity, through which they try to influence a person. Another wonderful feature strongamulet from the evil eye and damage- change in the perception of the life of the carrier of the magic seal. Old bindings leave, resentment, pain, dislike and regret. If you feel emptiness in the shower, the amulet will help you cope with this condition.
  • Amulet - the sword of the femis, an instrument of justice. Wear powerful talisman The person who needs a reliable shield from the magic forces can be envy and the evil eye, despite the fact that the person himself does not want to attack others. If the amulet carrier - the sword of the femis will be offended undeservedly, hurts, the amulet will punish the abuser. However, if a person himself will be unfair to others, his evil will return back.
  • Talisman - anchor. Popular charm for sailors, an effective amulet from envy and evil eye for everyone who is not used to sit still. In long wandering, the amulet will protect against diseases, dangers and elements. Strong male mascot, women should not wear it, because he conflicts with female energy. The carrier of a strong amulet at the right moment help will come, Believe in yourself. Talisman - anchor will help to find a man of his true destination.

Feline eye - a strong wubble from the evil eye

Beautiful stone Green quartz and yellow chrysoberill are called a feline eye for their amazing optical effect - a vertical strip of concentrated light, resembling a narrow pupil of a cat. People, including engaged in magic, wear charm feline eye from the evil eye, and how reliable protection against vampire and magical bindings, damage, curses. A strong amulet of a feline eye gives his own possessor positive energy, brings success and good luck.

The cat's mascot is recommended to wear as an amulet to protect against the evil eye, he will give self-confidence, clean the energy field. Stone - amulet, cat eye will help a person to avoid sudden and early death. The golden shade of the chrysoberil stone carries the energy of wealth and luxury. His magical properties have a positive effect on a person, helping to get together with thoughts, to cultivate patience, calm, confidence.

Amulet feline eye, actively use in witchcraft rituals, Especially in positive magic on well-being and prosperity. Strong Talisman protecting from the evil and negativemay become support and energy feeding financially. Decoration with a feline eye is recommended to wear those who relies on luck and fart - gambling players.

A huge plus talisman is a cat eye, in his ability to quickly adapt to the person who wears it, to recognize its energy, reflect the dark energy of the magical attack. A protective amulet from the damage and the evil eye helps a person who is wearing, to see signs that remained unnoticed before, and which carry certain information important to humans. The mascot cat eye with his mystical strength, is able to make friendship tight, ignite in the heart of love, and keep married faithfulness.

The strength of amulet blue eye - protection against the evil and vampires

In the east, love to tell the legend of love of the beautiful Fatima and its chosen one. Conducting your beloved hike, full of dangers, she gave him a Nazar Boncuk stone - an amulet to protect against dangers, misfortunes and dark witchcraft. In this suspension, Fatima has invested all his love; The amulet began to call the eye from the evil eye, when Ali returned and hurt. The Nazar stone gained great strength, becoming an assistant to people, a powerful amulet from the evil eye and protection against sorcerers.

Amulet from the evil and negative can be worn without rim, but you can make and precious decorations, works of jewelry, such as, for example, golden eye pendant from the evil eye, protecting and decorating its carrier. Powerful wubble from damage and curses is not accepted. It should be in sight to reflect the negative impact of any nature. Hidden clothing, a strong amulet from the evil eye loses the intensity of its qualities.

When a stone amulet, splits, it means that he has exhausted his capabilities. It means that blue eye from Schalzareflected a powerful attack, directed by the sorcerer. Chicken Stone Talisman, I need to scream with gratitude. It is necessary to thank protective charm and in the event that it disappeared, since its disappearance can be caused by the same reason.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Golden amulets against the evil eye - magic of jewels

IN modern society Gold is perceived as an indicator of status. But, not only with material well-being is connected by this metal. Magic properties Gold is used in positive witchcraft to bring good luck to life, to gain high position, for wealth and fulfillment of desires. Mages create strong talismans protection against damage and evil eye, converting gold bars and decorations. And each such decoration has its own character.

Gold loves decisive, creative peoplewho know how to go to the goal and do not betray their nature. I note that gold jewelry and amulets should not be worn with those who are not able to fight. All that can do for such a person amulet in the form of a golden chill with a magical eye from the evil eye - to protect weak man from complaints and accusations of others. But, how good is strong protection, and whether it does not harm if it does not have an ambitious person and relaxes at all, it stops even the attempts of spiritual development, loses sensitivity to the situation.

Golden amulets against the evil eye teach a person to keep the situation on control, pacify its emotions, be balanced, calm. Amulet power makes it possible to remain independent of negative emotions, from mood, take constructive decisions, remaining on rational, and not on the emotional level.

Gold gives man power over people, and financial success through the ability to see new opportunities, through determination and readiness to risk where, most likely, you can gain material benefits.

However, as I, Magic, Sergey Artgrom said, gold, like a strong amulet from the evil eye and a powerful talisman, attracting good luck, multiplies powerful power, but does not give it weak. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, would like to once again notice that, like any other talisman or charm, golden amulet against the evil And other negative influences of the magical and domestic plan helps only those who believe in its strength, asks for help and thanks.

If you want not just to wear jewelry of precious metalbut also enlist magic power Gold, feel about it with due respect. And try to match the nature of gold. Next, I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom will tell you how to make an amulet from the evil eye with my own hands. I will offer to your attention several conspiracies applied by sorcerers for the installation of personal protection against damage and curses.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage with his own hands - to speak the lunar stone on protection

In the full moon to read a plot on the lunar stone. How many times to read a conspiracy, decide for yourself, let the intruder's intuition prompts you. The conspiracy stone wears on the neck as a protective amulet from the envy and the evil eye. In addition, as follows from the conspiracy, the lunar stone helps a person with him in direct physical and energy contact, to find his life destination.

"I like that the stone sparkles and the life (the name) shines and blesses. Come, peace and luck, leaving thunderstorms and storms. Help, stone, (name) Find the main life goal, develop its creative potential to the upper limits. Help (name) to realize yourself, helping to become wiser and clearly think. You, a stone (name), listen, and he will hear you. Amen".

Black protective mascot from the evil eye and damage on the bullet

To independently make black protection against witchcraft and magic - amulet protection against the evil eye and what is customary to call the magic war, I need a bullet that I had blood acquired, through which a person or a wild wild beast was deprived. Take this bullet, speak three times, holding it so that the breath concerned that bullet. Corporate artifact - protective amulet from damage and evil We have to wear with you.

Protection is powerful. Real magicians put this shield or permanent wearing (it is activated in minutes of danger and extreme need), or before a dangerous, long-term witch ritual. And here is how independently do a mascot from the evil eye and damage with your own hands and his witch plot.

The text of the conspiracy on the initiation of amulets of protection against damage and the evil eye should be read three times:

"Behind the black field, and the fiery sea, it is not seen, that is not known to anyone, there is a stone yard, yes in that courtyard Stone stands a black, yes. Yes, the eyes are flawed, and speech thunder rose, then the book is black for them, I am a firm bowing, and he is an indental word. Yes, the words are allowed by the bullet, the force is filled, and all the enemies are my emotions, the eyes are thin bullets, the words are thinned, the chains are broken, the keys are open, the curves of the ways shook. It's all thin from me, it is dismissed for a pin one, and that the move will come, Ile Gad that it is changing, it decides to harm me, but I'll think about it on me, that Sagillo is like a bullet. Amen".

Very strong, protective mascot from envy and evil eye, made on their own, you need to carry with you. Put a conspiracy bullet into a small linen bag, she will tighten you from trouble, will take trouble. Good strong thing. And at the end of the article, another good wayfor self-use. So, how do they make a talisman from the evil eye and damage to the beast of the beast.

Protective talisman Wererag from the evil eye and damage to the beast

There are many vintage conspiracy, with the help of which the sorcerers created strong protection for themselves. And used for these purposes fangs, claws and skins of wild animals. Here is an effective way to make strong defense, make an amulet from the evil eye do it yourself on the bell beast. To begin, it is necessary to make the behavior itself - the basis, arrange it as you think necessary, in the form of a necklace, for example, or rosary. Conspiracy reading, keeping your right hand over your personal amulet. There must be a very clear, very, asking the program for the talisman.

Visualizing the work of the future talisman from the evil eye and damage, drain the thought, intention, the witch word and the matter. It is necessary to wubble from you, and the power went to you. It is important to feel it. Created by your own hands and enlivened this strong animal from the evil eye and damage In the period of the full moon.

A strong conspiracy on the amulet from the beast of the beast is read three times:

"From the kingdom of the hidden, with the kingdom of a timelessness of the Great Beast urge. I put the call through the passage of the centuries. You, a wonderful beast, a wolf (foxes, bear) Forest, over all the wolves prince senior. I want to be your grandson, under your lie, part of my spirit in the fangs in line, I am covered, savor. Give the power and power to my business and body, make the charm strong and faithful. Let him be associated with you, your spirit feeds on, by the power and power of yours poured. This fang will help me, the spirit will strengthen the body, the body will save, the way will save, the springs will take. Your spirit of my deeds are wrestled, your strength is closed, my words are reverting. The beast let go, I get the charm. May it be so".

Simple but very strong protection against the evil eye and damage.

The wubbles are the items of force, not only the defending person from the evil eye, but also bringing the opposite blow to ill-wishers. Any item can be a charm.

It is advisable to charge a charm, charge. For this, on December 6 and 16, take the charm and tell it: "I stand on your knees, I pray. The wound is not to the body, the envy is not a matter, to attack the party, moan, tears are not to the eyes, the grief is not to the shoulders, blood is not to the flesh. Lord God, save! Amen".

Another way to charge the overama. Take the charm and spend them from top to bottom and left to right three crosses above the candle. Then dip the whale in holy water, then in salt and hold over the flame.

All actions are repeated three times: water - salt - fire. Take the charm, put it in left On the revealed palm, and spend the right hand on it from top to bottom and read at this time:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I didn't clean my power, I cleanse the power of the Lord God. It is not sanctified with its soul, the Holy Spirit is sanctified. I gave your power, Jesus strengthened by force and will be his own. Keep my house in the word and power of my own, Lord. Clean me will be your will, saint. Amen"

Cross in and bow. After that, overlapping three times.

A big magical, protective force has a "Thursday" salt. To cook it, for an honorary or in Maundy Thursday (Thursday by Personal week) During sunrise, put a salt in a linen bag for 10 minutes in the oven. While salt is in the oven, read the "Father Our" three times. After 10 minutes, remove it from the oven and keep in the bag in the bag secret place All year, gradually using.

So, if children often sick, we knew the usual salt yeast doughLittle unsweetened buns are baked at the dawn. They are served for breakfast in the morning one for seven days. Heavy patients should have them within 21 days or before recovery. Buns every morning should be fresh.

If children are naughty, "Three-" Salt pour on the part of the hallway at the threshold - a non-neuto, but the track, so that everyone who is entering it. Pour it also on the floor around the perimeter of cribs. Let it lie so three days and three nights. Then notice the entire salt of the broom and scream in the snow or in the ground (but do not throw in the garbage or in the toilet - everything will come back again).

To "Thursday" Sol served as a faith, worst a very small linen bag, pour salt there and squeeze it. Attach the bag from the inside to the child's clothes or linen.

Also use various plants.

♦ Hormoker grass associated with a bunch of red woolen thread, you need to hang over a cot.

♦ Wreath of nine carnation flowers - good protection for children of any age: it must be hung in a secluded corner, so that the child does not take out.

♦ Wreath made of elderber branches, reliably protect the baby from the evil eye and damage. To do this hang it above the cradle or a cot.

♦ Charple protects children. And alder is considered a patron saint of a family and at home. Therefore, it often makes charms for women and children.

It has long been known for the defendant from the Schalza - Cross. Another charm - a red thread on the wrist right hand.

There are also wanted words. They are put on children on the day of their angel or the holiday of the patroness icon gain. Charm for Son:

Guardian Angel, Saint Patron, My Son, the Slave of God (Name), from the enemies of enviable and from arrogant arrows, and from Braga Khmel, and from the girl evil. Save it, sokolika my. To evil the eye to look - not to see the sorcerer-ravel, the Leni-Evrepester of the soul of the slave of God (name) do not touch, do not mock the body. The sovereign of the Cross. my. Amen".

Charm for daughter:

"Oh Mother Christ, about the guardian angel, you are the intercessors of my daughter, the slaves of God (name). The servant of God as a zarry, not spoil her enemy and sorcerer, nor evil charnice. Fresh the same slave of God (name) in all matters, in all paths, with the sun and on the night, save, Lord, my daughter. Three crosses put: Jesus Christ ahead, the Most Holy Mother of God behind. Guardian angel over his head, save your daughter. Amen.

If your child is tormented by sadness and longing, read such a faith over the water:

The Lord created the slave of God (name) happy and called the despondency to sin. Satan tempts grief. Closed the enemy of the slave of God (name) with a black veil, bitter fog, the joy of life killed the Lord God, help, the slave of God from grief is free. Save his body, soul, consecrate the mind. Amen".

This charm is read in the premonition of the trouble: once out loud, once with a whisper and once to ourselves: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I'm at the cross. Cross - Church Beauty. Cross - martyrs praise, and the sufferer - help. I approach the cross closer, worship him down. Protect and relieve from enemies and enemies, from their languages, their batuals, from their fire and sword, from sweeping. Lord, went blessings, so I stood unshakable and disadvantaged as the Holy Cross. Amen".

There are both word-chambers, for example, "Chur". Therefore, it is not necessary to hear such a phrase: "Chur me." Keep in the house churochki from the evil eye and damage. And at sight poor man Mentally utterings: "Not touch", "Salt to your eyes, salt to your tongue," "all your own". So you protect your child from him.

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