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Four-leaf clover. Powerful good luck talisman - four-leaf clover

»Lit six bubnoy clover fourlist. All four petals - it means - zong, longing! On the meadow, the heat comes: happiness nearby, on the way. "

Clover meadows, paradise for bees with an abundance of fragrant, beautiful inflorescences possess magic power. Mystic hiding in the petals of the plant, or rather in their quantity. An ordinary clover leaf symbolizes the triple aspect of the body, soul and consciousness - the Divine Triad. But there is a rare, four-leaf clover, a symbol of huge good luck, endowed with powerful power.

The most powerful appears the possibilities of a four-hundredth century in the night of the full moon, the days of equinox and solstice. And especially - on the night of Ivan Khapov (from July 6 to July 7).

In Ireland, on St. Patrick's Day (the holiday falls at the date - March 17) it was necessary to find a mystical four hundred. Irish believed that his strength was doubled on this holiday.

Why is the four-leaf clover become a sacral flower? Maybe all the fault of Eva, who captured four hundred and four hundred people from Eden, so that he reminded her of Rai, when her and Adam, an angry God expelled to the ground.

This is the belief there are already several millennia. Clover grown in the paradise forests, so his appearance in the garden means a happy sign for the owner. Moreover, if a four-leaf instance is found.

Each sheet in such a plant has its meaning:

  • The first petal for faith and glory. Fire sign.
  • The second is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Element of water.
  • The third means eternal love, hope and happiness. This is air.
  • The fourth sheet is health and powerful equilibrium. Owned by land.

It is a unique plant at all times has increased interest in people of different countries, religions and beliefs. And everywhere the value of the clover was special, sacral meaning.

How to use a mascot for good luck

If luck is right next to you - it will surely bring you to it, a very rare plant. After all, the four-hundredth meeting occurs once every 10,000 plants. Carefully and carefully pull such a clover for good luck and bring home.

It can be used in different ways:

  • Put the sheet in shoes before leaving the house - you will come real feelings and loyal love soon.
  • Keep a four-leaf flower always with you (perfect place - wallet). This is the faithful mascot for attraction of money and good luck.
  • Wrap leaf blue cloth and wear closer to the body. Such a symbol will help get rid of depression, sad thoughts and longing.
  • To protect your home, place a clover leaf under the glass and hang a collage in your hallway opposite the front door. The talisman will be a reliable facing from damage, races and envy of ill-wishers.
  • And if a couple of lovers eat a four-leaf flower - they will be provided long, harmonious relationships.

To create a powerful amulet from clover-four-hundredth, it needs to be rided early in the morning and climb to the nearest hill or any other elevation. When it will argue shone, throw one petal at first towards the north, then south, west and east. With this whisper, urge the power of four elements to protect and fulfill all the desires.

After the end of the ritual, the conservate leaflet of the usual clover (preferably white) and leave yourself as a binding character between you and the four elements.

Clover goes to help

If you find the cherished talisman did not work, do not be sad. Clover and so a mystical plant, it will help you in any case.

  • White color flowers are able to protect you from the evil eye and damage. To do this, make any beautiful composition of white clover and hang it above the front door. You can also decompose the grass around the rooms.
  • Red flowers are monetable. Such a plant is used in love magic. To improve well-being - take a bath with red clover petals. For the Love Zoom, add dried petals in the food.

Well, if your area is completely devoid of meadow vegetation - do not despair. Such a talisman can be found in numerous souvenirs, pendants and decorations with the image of a four-dollar clover. Even the symbol drawn from the hands has the country and carries the sign of power.

Money talisman with their own hands (video):

Clover - truly wonderful plant! This plant symbolizes the blessed success in everything impressive success in all matters. It is considered initially the clover leaf appeared on Earth due to Eve. She captured this wonderful leaf with him when she was with Adam, God expelled from Paradise. And since this plant grew in the paradise gardens, the appearance of him in the garden of the man, is considered an omen of good luck, success and happiness. Especially if the four-leaf clover falls, this is an application for 100 percent success in all matters. Since then, leaf clover, conquers peace. The images of this wonderful leaf are found in ancient manuscripts and papyrus, its leaves or images were used and used, in rituals and in magical actions, such as mascots, charms or amulets, and even as details of company logos or organizations.

Believing about the leaf of clover.

It is believed that every petal, this wonderful leaf, has its meaning: one petal means fame and faith (sign and element of fire); the second - symbolizes good luck, wealth (refers to the element of water); Third - hope, happiness and eternal love (air element); The fourth - brings man strength and health, sincere equilibrium and beauty (Earth elements). And the belief associated with this leaf, the great set, and here we will give a few of them. The ancient Slavs and the ancient Greeks, Druids and Masons, and other communities and countries used the magic of clover. For Druids, the clover leaf personified an abundance in everything, fertility, revival: they are on the holiday of spring, scattered on arable land of this beneficial plant. In the pagan culture, the four hundred counted to the four elements of nature, each petal symbolized - water, fire, air and land. And the ancient Egyptians placed an image of a clover sheet onto the corner of the mirror, to protect against entities from the casting card. Well, the usual clover leaf (with three petals), was used as a talisman, an amulet of a long youth and longevity. It was also believed that the four hundred guarded (as an amulet):
- From dementia and madness.
- Strengthens spiritual forces.
- Sometimes, can help find treasure, treasures.
- The guy will give masculinity, and the girl - grace, elegance and of course femininity.

Use a clover sheet.

1) It is considered if two, together a four-leaf clover will be eaten, then mutual and strong love will definitely appear between these two.
2) If you eat such a wonderful leaf in love with a couple, then they will have a strong and long (eternal).
3) Having found a four-leaf clover:
a) Place it in your wallet (in separate pockets) and good luck, wealth and success will now always be with you.
b) Place it in a small flaskwork, even better in the medallion (you know such with a latch and a secret compartment) and wear with you: from the evil eye, from the attitude, from damage.
c) You can place such a leaf at home (so that the troubles and troubles from the household), for example, hush the clover leaf, between two glass, or stick to the cardboard and again press the glass with the frame. You can hang such a collage in the hallway to drive away from your home of evil entities and negative energies, and attracted to you only positive and good.
4) You can put the leaf clover under the heel, in the shoes (before getting out of the house) - and the outlook soon you will gain love or friendship with a good person.
5) Wrap a wonderful leaf of a blue flap of fabric and always wear with you (closer to the body) this mascot, which will save you from sad, gloomy thoughts, from depression and boredom.
6) To enhance monetary good luck - take a bath, with the leaves (red) clover, and everything will turn out.

Amulet from four-lift clover do it yourself.

And now you will learn how to make a powerful, protective amulet, for good luck and happiness from the clover sheet. As you can find a four-leaf clover, do not tear it right away, and it is better to mark this place where wonderful leaf is growing. And make it at dawn, then climb on the nearest hill or slide and throw it on the wind on the petal in each direction: first north, then to the south, then to the east, then to the west, at the same time call the shop for help to help the power and energy of all four elements. Clean your most cherished desire, and go down from the hill without looking around (even if you are called!). Well, at the end of this magical action, make the leaf of ordinary clover (best of all from white), he will be a link to you with all four elements. Hide this leaf at home and do not show anyone. That's all, Amulet is ready to protect you, and attract good luck to you.
If you failed to find a clover leaf with four petals, do not be discouraged, you can also purchase an image of a clover-four-hundredth. You can buy and wear a clover decoration in the form of a pendant for a bracelet, coil, wallpapers, embroidered or drawn, in the form of souvenir or stickers. And even better, if you yourself draw a four-leaf clover on the leaf leaves and place an apartment or at home in any sector, where (in which area of \u200b\u200blife) you need support and luck.

A four-leaf clover is a symbol of incredible good luck and luck in everything. It is believed that a person who will accidentally find a four-leaf clover will be happy, lucky and rich.

The history of this popular amulet began at the dawn of civilization. It is said that Eva took a four-leaf clover for himself, when he was expelled from the heavenly garden with an enraged God.

Since then, a four-leaf clover has always been a faithful companion of man and was considered not only a powerful protective talisman, but also an amulet that brings good luck, hope, faith and love, as.

As clover grown in the paradise forests, his appearance in the garden means a happy sign for the owner. Moreover, if a four-leaf instance is found.

Each sheet in such a plant has its meaning:

  • The first petal for faith and glory. Fire sign.
  • The second is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Element of water.
  • The third means eternal love, hope and happiness. This is air.
  • The fourth sheet is health and powerful equilibrium. Owned by land.

Since the times of our ancestors, there are a lot of belief regarding this four petal plants. The main of them passed through the centuries and successfully work in our day:

The ancient Slavs believed that the four-leaf clover had a special force if found in the right time: clear moon nights, which were accompanied by annual solstice, attached to this plant special power and strength.

However, the true connoisseurs of magic arts went to search for a four-lift clover in one strictly defined night, namely, Ivan Khakuhu.

Our ancestors and an ordinary three-leaf clover were not accounted for attention: it was carefully collected and dried to be worn in a small bag with me as a reliable talisman from the evil eye and any unkind influence.

We wouldingly used the magical power of this plant of the girl: in the morning it was necessary to collect a little dew from the leaves of this plant and put three sprigs into the same container. In the evening, this water was followed to wash their face, so that beauty and youth remained with a girl for a long time.

If people wanted to forever tie themselves with strong uzami and eternal love, then for this we needed only to eat every half of the founder four-doller clover.

If luck is right next to you - it will surely bring you to it, a very rare plant. After all, the four-hundredth meeting occurs once every 10,000 plants. Carefully and carefully pull such a clover for good luck and bring home.

How to use four-leaf clover

Put the sheet in shoes before leaving the house - you will come real feelings and loyal love soon.

Keep a four-leaf flower always with you (perfect place - wallet). This is true and good luck.

Wrap leaf blue cloth and wear closer to the body. Such a symbol will help get rid of depression, sad thoughts and longing.

To protect your home, place a clover leaf under the glass and hang a collage in your hallway opposite the front door. The talisman will be a reliable facing from damage, races and envy of ill-wishers.

And if a couple of lovers eat a four-leaf flower - they will be provided long, harmonious relationships.

How to make an amulet of four-lift clover

To create a powerful amulet from clover-four-hundredth, it needs to be rided early in the morning and climb to the nearest hill or any other elevation.

When the sun will take place, throw one petal at first towards the north, then south, west and east. With this whisper, urge the power of four elements to protect and fulfill all the desires.

But, on the other hand, clover with five petals brings misfortune. In China, clover is the emblem of spring. As a child, our feelings are especially exacerbated, we are accompanied by many sounds, paints and smells. Perhaps this took place in the summer. The wonderful summer outside the city at the grandmother, in the country or just walks in the forest can remember each. Nature is a lot of plants and colors. One of the plants of our childhood was clover or in prosecroodia Kashka. Small round inflorescences, white or pink. Pink were bigger and if they snatch their stamens, and lick, they were sweet. Also very liked the leaflets of clover, three sheets collected in one. Around the clover - a tribal walks a lot of legends, of course, the most famous legend about the fourth sheet. Find such a four-leaf clover is considered incredible luck. But first things first. The name - trifolium means "having three sheets". Visitnik, clover, bash.
White clover for a long time has been known for its medicinal properties, and in the Victorian era, has become a very popular motive in ornaments.
The most famous reflever myth tells that Saint Patrick used three sheets on one stem for explaining the concept of the Holy Trinity - the leaves depicted the Father's God, the Son God and the Holy Spirit. It is also believed that with the help of a leaf of clover Patrick expels all the snakes from the settlements, where he was. And indeed, it is believed that where the clover grows, never crawl snakes. Probably precisely for this reason clover, or a shader, is a symbol of Ireland.
The only country where the clover is a national symbol is the Caribbean Island of Montserrat, originally educated as the Irish Catholic Colony: there is a stamp in the form of a triliosset.
On the flag of the Canadian city of Montreal, the shaded tribal is located in the right bottom. It symbolizes ethnic Irish, is one of the four main groups that made up the population of the city in the XIX century, when the flag was officially accepted.

The shaded tribal was also present on the flag of the Police of Northern Ireland.
The first mention of the link between the Baptist and Clover is found at the beginning of the XVIII century in the diary of the Watching Protestant Caleb Telkelda. He wrote: "This is a plant (white clover) people wear on hats every year on March 17, a day that they call the Day of St. Patrick. They say that with the help of the tribal he explained the sacrament of the Holy Trinity. " Of course, a similar legend was born in a Catholic environment to remove earlier references to the magical beliefs of Druids, the time of the centuries of those who lived on the same lands. So druids, there were rites associated with clover. Druids, who have seen in the tribal emblem of fertility, abundance and revival, scattered ashes clover over arable land during the Spring Holiday. A rare four-leaf grade clover symbolized four natural elements in pagan culture: ground, air, fire and water. Druids very much read four-leaf clover. They considered it an incredible luck because He meets very rarely. This clover brought good luck to his owner and who had surrounded him, and any potion was twice as much as. Clover conventional three-lines applied as an amulet of youth. Each of the four-seater plates, in terms of spontaneous symbols, also attributed their characteristics: the first plate is hope, the second plate - faith, the third is love, and the fourth is good luck.
The four hundred fastened from madness, strengthened spiritual forces, gave the opportunity to determine the presence of the spirits and leads one who wears him, to gold, money or treasure. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, then mutual love will break up between them.
Superstition associated with the successfulness of the four hundred is so old that no one can say exactly how or where it originated. There is one myth that says that when Eve was expelled from Paradise, she took with him a four hundred. Since the clover was a plant from the paradise garden, it began to be considered a sign of good luck if they find him in someone or the garden.
The faith in the successfulness of the four-hundredth exists so far, therefore, in a modern subculture, many suspensions, amulets and a variety of images of the four-lines are made. Myths say that those who have found such a clover must put it in the wallet, then money and good luck will always be accompanied by this person. Now there are whole companies engaged in the cultivation of four-lines of clover plants - for the manufacture of gifts and faces.
In dreams, it is said that in a dream the clover flower - to prosperity, walk along the beautiful blooming and smelling clover field - to the execution of cherished desires, to see a faded clover field - to bitter regret. The color of the colors clover means good luck. The main properties: protection against variousness of various nature and attracting good luck in search of their happiness.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) used the juice of fresh clover grass as a wound healing agent during gold, lean herbs as a diuretic for kidney disease. In Central Asia, the blade clovers, in addition, is used as astringent with weak digestion, with malaria, cold. From the roots, the anti-grab substance is trifoleisid. It is believed that the clover helps well with headache and dizziness.

The magical emblem of the trilister our ancestors were depicted on the gate and on the walls of their dwellings, the American Indians painted her on the rocks, the Egyptians applied a magic sign on the mirror surface, and the Indians embroidered the shamorn on the clothes and scarves. The Celts assured that a four-leaf clover is capable of not only to protect his owner from the Witchcraft Char, but also provide him with the opportunity to look into the magical world of elves and fairies.
In the ancient Egyptian iconography, the thriller - the cross - the Anubis attribute, the god of the underground world with the head of Shakal, who defeated the souls of the dead in the kingdom of the dead. The special kind of trillery (handicapped) cross is also known in Christian iconography. In Heraldry, the classic French shape of the shape (TRF) is an equilateral triangle, formed by three cramped circles (one above two), resting on a short thread. Such a heraldic shader who is well acquainted to everyone on the appropriate suit of playing cards, can be painted in black, white or natural green. For the German heraldry, the so-called "Rutov Crown" is characterized by a tape on which numerous emblems of black or green trilisters are applied through certain intervals. The heraldic ornament "Rutarate Corona" in our time can be observed in the emblem of the German Principality of Liechtenstein.
Cross with clover leaves, called in Heraldry "Cross Botton". The clover leaf is a symbol of the Trinity, and the cross expresses the same idea. It is also used to designate the resurrection of Christ.
The varieties of the Cross of Botton is the Irish Cross - with four-meal leaves of clover - the national symbol of Ireland.

The trickver symbol is inextricably linked or the trinity symbol is a very ancient symbol that many nations of Europe used. The Latin symbol designation that occurred from the words tri- ("three") and quetrus ("coal"), in the original meant just a triangle and was used to denote various triangular forms.
The Trikver was used in the bronze age of northern Europe. This symbol portered the position of the Sun on the sky, the three angle of the symbol corresponded to the sunrise, zenith and sunset. Also, this symbol represents life, death and return to life as an endless cycle, like the three forces of nature: earth, air and water. Three circles, as components of one of the sign option, symbolize the female element and fertility element. Many religions use the "Three" figures as a sacred or divine. The symbol of three crossed sheets was found 5,000 years ago in the culture of the Indians, its value became known from the VIII century. When this symbol was located inside the circle, he becomes a pagan magical sign of infinity, personifying a triple goddess. Three forces are originally source, both magic and the development of the person.
Three circles symbolize female element and fertility element. The meaning of the tribal is to connect incompatible.
In the Celtic culture, the Trikver meets on the crosses and on the ornament as the symbol of the Marine God of Mannan.
In the Scandinavian and Teutonic symbolism a sign is connected with the torus.
In Chinese semiotics, clover is a sign of spring.
Shamrah's thrillery, which has the Arabs, symbolized Persian triads. He also personifies all the triads, a mystical tree, "Sunny Wheel".

In Russia, there were their legends associated with clover and a trillery (Trikver). He was one of the symbols of Varyagov and was present in ancient applied art. It was believed that the magical properties of the clover itself are most strong on the lunar night, the days of solstice and the equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Käpala from 22nd to 23 June. Our ancestors believed that the clover carries the Great Power of Love, Happiness, Beauty and Youth. His leaflets were collected, dried and then always worn with them in a clean flap or - later - in the nose handkerchief. And the kind assistant divered the troubles, the evil eye, damage, the love spells - kept the happiness of the monstering man and threw his man. The great-grandmothers with clover did the following procedure: at dawn, when everyone slept, went to the glade and collected Rosu from him. They merged her into a small vascular, and then all the day they put there three branches of clover. And overnight was washed with this water, which served them with wrinkle cream.

As we can see, the symbol of a shader and four hundred has very ancient, magical roots that sprouted up to the present day and are actively used in contemporary art.

Once, two, three ... sit down.
Once, two, three ... The grass is getting closer.
Once, two, three ... Where is the south, where the north?
Only clover, clover, clover.

Greens - Sea meadow.
Petals are always three!
I hope I think
All dream, Thay, Tay ...

Once, two, three ... And the temper is dug.
Petal I am looking for the fourth.
Maybe he hid low?
Happiness is close, close, close ...

Once, two, three ... Rent early.
Once, two, three ... I'm not tired!
Eye sharper, hands wider ...
Once, two, three ... Hurray! Four!

Four-leaf clover loves to hide. To find it, you need to choose a clearing, full of his three-lift fellow, and scattered out. Pretend that you are not looking at all, but just so walking.
Clover This is the most curious of all. He will follow you to watch, will pry, and when he sees that you leave, it will dyate, pushing my fellow, here it is necessary to catch it.

Leed six Bubnova
Four flip clover.
All four petals
Entry clover, - Sgin Tosc!
On the meadow heat comes:
Happiness is near, on the approach.

A four-liter clover is a single clover plant, which has at least one four-barbed sheet, in contrast to the usual three-barlasts. In Western tradition, there is a belief that such a plant brings good luck to the found, especially if it is found randomly. But, on the other hand, clover with five petals brings misfortune.

"The magical properties of the four-lift clover are most strong on the lunar night (in full moon), the days of solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Kapahu from July 6 to July 7. Our ancestors believed that the clover carries the Great Power of Love, Happiness, Beauty and Youth. His leaflets were collected, dried and then always worn with them in a clean flap or - later - in the nose handkerchief. And the kind assistant divered the troubles, the evil eye, damage, the love spells - kept the happiness of the monstering man and threw his man. There is a belief that a sheet of four-lift clover eliminates young people from the need to undergo military service.

Clover is one of the nine herbs of the fire of summer solstice.

Like the foliage of the Hypericum or root pods, this is a circle symbol separated into four parts - a solar wheel. It is known that some Brahmins see this symbol of four main cultural centers located around the "roof of the world", that is, India itself - in the south, the Greek-European Mediterranean - in the West, the region, subject to Tatar-Mongolas - in the north and China - in the east. Other states, the crown surrounding the main, numerous and insignificant, because they are all under the influence of four major cultures. By the way, Hutsules - Carpathian Slavs - see the symbol of the world in a four-dollar leaf of clover.

There is a legend, which says that the Human Human EVA when exile from Paradise, the clover flower with 4 petals growing in Eden from Paradise and took it with him for goodbye. This piece of paradise, according to many people, possessed magical power - could bring good luck, happiness to someone who find him in his own garden.

The clover cleans and removes the spell, induced for failure, loneliness, lack of money. To get rid of the spell, you need to perform a cleansing ritual, which is carried out in the new moon. Early in the morning, even before the sunrise, it is necessary to go on a clover glade, to undress and swim in dew. It is necessary to wash the face and the whole body. We must lie on the grass and turn 3 times to the right, and then 4 times left. Stop, you need to dry in the air, without wiping. Then get dressed and be sure to go home back to sunrise. So you need to do three in the morning in a row. These days it is impossible to take anything from people (even from relatives). You can not eat meat and dairy products, eggs. Drink at this time is best clean spring water. To the minimum to reduce communication with people. After that, at the growing moon, it is necessary to collect a clover early in the morning, to take it home and decompose throughout the house. Clover can be folded both on the floor and on other surfaces - cabinets, tables, shelves. After 10 days, the clover must be collected, reveal and dispel in the field. It is necessary to do it together with the sunset. In order for you to accompany good luck in all endeavors, it is enough to find a four-leaf clover, put it and wear with you the amulets that allow you to avoid calling to the army. This is how the process of creating such an amulet is described: Collect a four-leaf clover in the morning, and then climb on the nearest elevation. When sunrise, throw on one clover sprout first to the north, and then on other sides of the world, calling for the power of all four elements for their own protection, to prevent calling to the service or achieve any other purpose. Then, after the end of the ritual, make another leaf of clover (remember that the Earth needs to give anything instead as a fee for the torn plant) and leave it to yourself as a link with four main elements of nature.

Young girls believed that the four-leaf clover would help them happily get married. Girls on the issuance were looking for a clover with four leafies - a symbol of tripod, transformed into perfection. Those who were lucky to find, without the grooms did not sit: their success among representatives of the opposite sex increased many times.

And also, the mixture of clover and whiskey, rubbed into the eyes, cured the blindness sent by the Fairy, and allowed to see otherworldly objects and magic islands. The shadownik cured the wounds received in battle, defended the bits of snakes and scorpions, wrapped in the flap of blue silk and stored at the heart, the tribal returned the lost love. And our great-grandmothers with clover did the following procedure with clover: at dawn, when everyone slept, went to the clearing and collected Rosu from him. They merged her into a small vascular, and then all the day they put there three branches of clover. And overnight was washed with this water, which served them with wrinkle cream.

Exposure from the lectures of Professor herbalitsa (Mugglovskie, Hogwarts).

A four-fledged clover was considered a familiar sign, dedicated to, was the attribute of Celtic priests - Druids, as well as Snagraine, Laders, Charger. Clover leaf appeared as a miniature scheme of the universe created by nature. Poet clover became the national emblem of Ireland

The first mention of the link between the Baptist and Clover is found at the beginning of the XVIII century in the diary of the Watching Protestant Caleb Telkelda. He wrote: "This is a plant (white clover) people wear on hats every year on March 17, a day that they call the Day of St. Patrick. They say that with the help of the tribal he explained the sacrament of the Holy Trinity. " Of course, a similar legend was born in a Catholic environment to remove earlier references to the magical beliefs of Druids, the time of the centuries of those who lived on the same lands. So druids, there were rites associated with clover. Druids, who have seen in the tribal emblem of fertility, abundance and revival, scattered ashes clover over arable land during the Spring Holiday. A rare four-leaf grade clover symbolized four natural elements in pagan culture: ground, air, fire and water. Druids very much read four-leaf clover. They considered it an incredible luck because He meets very rarely. This clover brought good luck to his owner and who had surrounded him, and any potion was twice as much as. Clover conventional three-lines applied as an amulet of youth. Each of the four-seater plates, in terms of spontaneous symbols, also attributed their characteristics: the first plate is hope, the second plate - faith, the third is love, and the fourth is good luck. There is another idea. One petal for glory, one petal for wealth, one petal for love and one - for health.

A truly nationwide, this symbol (green clover) became in 1708, when the day of St. Patrick in Dublin Group of young people, carrying a banner with a green trillery, defeated the central quarter of the city, where the British settled. Since then, the banner has become referred to as the flag of "Shamrock", and the trillese forever began to be associated with St. Patrick and National Freedom.

Currently, the official coat of arms of the Republic of Ireland is the harp on a blue background (by the way, one of the old Celtic characters), but every year on the day of St. Patricks rises everywhere "Shamrock" is a symbol of freedom of the Irish people.

And since 2001, the tribal was introduced into the small coat of arms of Ireland and began to be depicted on the state flag as an element of a small coat of arms.

On the flag of the Canadian city of Montreal, the shaded tribal is located in the right bottom. It symbolizes ethnic Irish, is one of the four main groups that made up the population of the city in the XIX century, when the flag was officially accepted. And on the Caribbean Island, Montserrat, originally educated as the Irish Catholic Colony, put a stamp in the form of a triller.

But also on the coat of arms of settlements of other countries often depict clover. After all, the clover image in Heraldry is one of the oldest emblems of unity and harmony.

until August 1938

In Russia, there were their legends associated with clover. He was one of the symbols of Varyagov and was present in ancient applied art. It was believed that the magical properties of the clover itself are most strong on the lunar night, the days of solstice and equinox, especially on the night of Ivan Khakuh from 22nd to 23 June. Our ancestors believed that the clover carries the Great Power of Love, Happiness, Beauty and Youth. His leaflets were collected, dried and then always worn with them in a clean flap or - later - in the nose handkerchief. And the kind assistant divered the troubles, the evil eye, damage, the love spells - kept the happiness of the monstering man and threw his man. The great-grandmothers with clover did the following procedure: at dawn, when everyone slept, went to the glade and collected Rosu from him. They merged her into a small vascular, and then all the day they put there three branches of clover. And overnight was washed with this water, which served them with wrinkle cream.

The four hundred fastened from madness, strengthened spiritual forces, gave the opportunity to determine the presence of the spirits and leads one who wears him, to gold, money or treasure. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, then mutual love will break up between them.

Based on clover prepared various drugs. Clover is a very frequent component of the means to preserve the youth, to care for the skin. With the help of clover he helated wounds, he helped survive after the bites of poisonous snakes and insects. If you take a bath with clover flowers, then you will never know what poverty is.

Palau 2006, 2011, 2013, silver.999, 1 oz, diameter 38.61 mm, Pruf, 5000 copies, capsule, certificate.
Coin with a real clover! A rare clover with four petals has long been considered a symbol of good luck. It symbolizes or cross, or the unity of four elements: land, air, water and fire, bringing good luck and prosperity. There are no two characters!

Now about the healing properties of clover.

It must be said that the healing qualities and the white and red clover are very similar. Moreover, the amount of sheets on branches does not matter for the manufacture of therapeutic drugs. It can be a four-leaf clover, and a three-leaf and even five-leaf.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) used the juice of fresh clover grass as a wound healing agent during gold, lean herbs as a diuretic for kidney disease. In Central Asia, the blade clovers, in addition, is used as astringent with weak digestion, with malaria, cold.

Clover preparations are used to alleviate dry cough. After taking inforations of clover, the sputum departs easier, cough attacks cease to be so painful. Clover also removes excess fluid from the body, improves sweating and destroys malicious microbes.

Decorations and clover chalks are good with sharp respiratory diseases, asthma. If you suffer in elevated cholesterol in the blood, then you need to take tools from clover. It is also good clover and to normalize metabolism. Clover will help improve the condition with diabetes mellitus.

If you have no healing wounds for a long time, then try tool from clover. It will definitely help, since not only destroys microbes, but also contributes to the growing of new tissues.

Clover wonderful immunomodulator. It is used for weight loss, to enrich the organism with oxygen, as it improves tissue trophy. In the northern regions, clover flowers infused on milk are a favorite and ancient means to improve the state of the veins and vessels. In addition, they say that such a means helps a woman to extend the youth. Clover is used to normalize the composition of blood, increase the level of hemoglobin.

In some countries, the clover is eaten. It is added to salads and first dishes. Used for the manufacture of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) and drugs, only overhead parts of the plant.

Prepare tincture from clover is very simple. Take half liters of vodka and forty grams of clover heads, put it all in a dark container, it is good and removed in the closet for fifteen days. Then you can skip the resulting infusion through the sieve and consume twenty grams once a day.

Application in medicine

Roots. In folk medicine, decoction - with hernia, inflammation of the appendages, as antitumor. A anti-grab substance is isolated from the roots - trifolirizine.

Overhead part. Antisosklerotic, antiseptic, anti-cutting, anti-osciltic, binder, appetizing, antimalarial, diuretic; With headache and dizziness. In folk medicine, decoction, infusion - with asthenia, anemia, metrragia, bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, atherosclerosis with normal pressure; anticarcinogenic; juice - similarly, as well as with bronchitis, chronic cough, gout, poisoning, acute colds, and also as an antitumor agent; Outwardly in the form of a suppress, compresses, patches - with diathesis, malignant tumors, abscesses, burns, rheumatic pains, as a wound-healing, antitumor, smaller and painful agent. In addition, the juice is used in the treatment of Panaritia, hernia, ear diseases and eyes. In the Caucasus infusion - with gynecological diseases. Essence from fresh flowering plants is used in homeopathy.

Leaves. Fresh external - hemostatic, wound-healing; juice - at crofulosis; The decoction is local - with abscesses, burns, rheumatic pains, such as antitumor, smaller, painful, anti-inflammatory, wound healing agent.

Socuagement. Outwardly - wound-healing, from paronichs and panaritis, in diseases of the ear and eyes, frostbite, proleells, abscesses, ulcers. Inside (decoction) - with urolithiasis, chronic cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, gold; A decoction - with chronic cough, gastritis, skin diseases, colitis, cholecystitis, diathesis.

Dosage forms, use and dose

♦ The decoction of clover roots: 20 g of chopped raw materials are poured 200 ml of hot water, boiled in a closed enameled dishwashing in a water bath 30 minutes, filled with hot through 2-3 layers of gauze, press and bring the volume with boiled water to the source. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals.

♦ Infusion of complexity of clover: 20 g of raw materials poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 h, then filtered. Take 2-3 tablespoons or 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

♦ decoction of the inflorescence of clover: 20 g of raw materials poured 250 ml of water, boiled 15 minutes, insist 30 minutes, then filter. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

♦ The infusion of clover grass: 40 g of raw materials poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 h, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

♦ Clover meadow juice: harvested from the above-ground part of the plant along with inflorescences. Take 1/4-1 / 3 glasses with a spoon of honey 3-4 times a day.

♦ Feed for all types of farm animals, but with non-harmonious consumption is possible poisoning, especially in rabbits and pigs.

Application in other areas

Overhead part paints fabrics in green.
Inflorescences give yellow painting.
Coats soil with nitrogen.
One of the most valuable feed herbs. 100 kg of a meadow clover hay contains 52.2 feed units. The plant is widely used on green food, for the preparation of hay, hayp and silo. After cleaning the straw seed goes to feed.
From the leaves receive vitamin concentrates.
Medonos; With 1 hectares of bees collect up to 200 kg of honey. In one flower contains 0.25-0.45 mg of nectar. Honey bright, fragrant, reddish-yellow color, weakly suicing.

Delicious advice

Fresh fresh leaves are used as a salad, boiled as a spinach substitute.
Dry confused leaves in the past were added to flour when baking rye bread, and also used to prepare sauce and in the production of cheeses.
In the Caucasus, young unprecedented floral heads are quassed as cabbage and add to winter salads. In Kyrgyzstan, the leaves of the clover meadow - the national dish.

Salad with clover

clover red meadow (he must have a light drawing on leaves) - a half cup
fig - 80 g
fresh mint - 2 ppm
olive oil - 2 tbsp.
juice orange - 2 tbsp.
orange fleece

Boil rice in salted water until soft. Dry, mix with orange juice. Wash clover, break the leaves and chop them. Mix clover with rice, olive oil and disturbed mint. Share on the dish and decorate the flesh of the orange.

Clover Salad "Vitamin"

- Clover meadow - 50g
- Nuts of downtown - 50g
- Bow - 25g
- Oblique ordinary - 25g
- sour cream or mayonnaise - 20g
- Salt.

Prepared greens and unspoken clover buds of meadow, the greenery of the nettle nettle, the onion of the victorious and sour of ordinary finely cut, stirred and rubbed a slightly wooden spoon, fill with sour cream or mayonnaise, salted.

Salad with clover.
Young clover leaves (80 g) rinse thoroughly with cold water, crushed. Add chopped carrot (100 g), boiled potatoes (100 g), welded by screwing egg, salt. Fill sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil) (25 g).

Powder from clover leaves.
Sweep the leaves first in the air in the shade, and then in the oven, chop into the powder and sift through the sieve. Use to refuel soups (1 tablespoon for a portion), cooking sauces and other seasonings.

Garnish from clover.
Clover leaves (500 g) Extinguish on low heat in a small amount of oil (30 g) and water (100 ml), add pepper, dill, cumin, bay leaf, salt (everything in taste), fix sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil, Tomato sauce) (25 g). Use as a side dish to meat and fish dishes.

Clover and sorrel soup.
In the salted meat broth or water (500 ml), cook chopped potatoes (80 g), carrots (50 g), onion (50 g) until ready. Then add chopped clover (100 g), sorrel (100 g) and cook on low heat until ready. Fill with a packed bow (50 g). Before serving on the table in the plates, put the circles of welded with screwed eggs, sour cream (25 g).

Soup with clover.
To welded to half-preparation in water or meat broth (500-700 ml) potatoes (100 g) add crushed greenery clover (100 g) and sorrel (100 g), parserized onions (40 g), fat (20 g) and spices . When feeding on the table, put in a plate of finely chopped boiled boiled egg (1/2 pcs.) And fill sour cream.

Vegetable soup with clover.
In the salted meat broth or water (500 ml), cook chopped potatoes (150 g), carrot (50 g), onion (50 g), parsley root (15 g). 5 minutes before readiness to add crushed leaves and clover heads (80 g). Fill with a packed bow (50 g), tomato sauce (25 g). Before serving on the table, sprinkle dill and parsley with greens, put the sour cream (25 g).

Clover casserole with potatoes.
Boiled potatoes (60 g) wipe. In salted water, boil the clover leaves (50 g), strain and cut. Add the crushed cheese or cheese (10 g), mix. Lubricate the baking sheet with fat, decompose a smooth layer of half potatoes, put a clover on top and cover the remaining potatoes. Pour whipped with milk (10 ml) egg (1/4 pcs.), Melted margarine (10 g) and bake in the oven.

Roast pork with clover.
Boil to half-ready, and then fry meat pork (200 g). Extinguish in a small amount of water, adding fat (20 g), clover leaves (400 g), before readiness to add salt, pepper (to taste) and fill with sharp sauce.

Clover cutlets with rice.
Boiled rice (120 g) to connect with chopped clover (600 g), parsley (40 g), slightly fried onions (80 g), egg (4 pcs.), Pepper and salt. Separate the cutlets, border in the flour (60 g) and fry. Serve with robust or dairy sauce.

Vegetable cutlets.
Chopping and put out to softening cabbage leaves (100 g). Crumpled clover and swan leaves (100 g) extinguish separately, as they softened much faster. Prepare white flour sauce (5-10 g), butter (10 g), milk (50 ml) and eggs (1 pc.). Mix stewed cabbage and greens with sauce, add salt (3-4 g), form cutlets from the resulting mass, to cut in breadcrumbs (10-15 g) and fry on a hot frying pan.

Cupcake with a powder of clover leaves.
Ringing yolks (1 egg) with sugar sand (15-30 g) and butter (15-30 g), add wheat flour (45-60 g), Powder from clover leaves (45 g) and raisins (15-20 g ), mix with whipped protein (1 egg). Put the resulting mass in the molds and bake.

Kefir with clover flowers and parsley root.
To boiling water (40 ml) put finely chopped clover flowers (3 g) and parsley root (4 g), bring to a boil, cool. Add pastenerized kefir to the resulting decoction and beat well.

Clover drink.
1. Fresh clover heads (40 g) Cook in water (200 ml) for 20 minutes, then completely cool. The decoction to strain, add sugar sand, stirred and leave for 2 hours. Served in chilled.

2. Clover heads (200 g) Put in boiling water (1 l) and cook for 20 minutes. After cooling the decoction to strain, add sugar sand (500 g) and stir. Feed in chilled.

Tea with clover.
Welding porcelain teapot to quote boiling water, pour a mixture consisting of dried clover flowers (25 g), hormone herbs (5 g), raspberry leaves (5 g), pour boiling water (200 ml), insist for 8-10 minutes.

Tea team with clover.
Dry at room temperature in the shade of the clover head (2 parts), the grass of the Hypericum (1 part) and the leaves of the black currant (1 part). Stir and use for welding.

In general, clover plants can have a larger number of plates in the leaves: the Guinness Records Book for 2011 recorded the record of Shigeo Obara: he found clover with 56 leaves! There is an assessment that one multife plant accounts for an average of each 10,000 clover plants.

Until now, there is no final answer to the question whether the appearance of four-listed clover plants is genetically or depends on the environmental conditions in which such a plant has grown. A comparative rarity of such plants implies a possible presence in the genome of the plating a recessive allele that gives the effect with a very low frequency. According to another version, the appearance of a four-licked clover may be caused by a somatic mutation or a violation of the development caused by environmental conditions. It is possible that such an anomaly is the result of a random interaction of several genes in a separate plant. It is also permissible that any of the specified reasons can be triggered in each case.

There are companies engaged in cultivation of four clover plants using various means for this. English writer-naturalist Richard Maby in the book "Flora Britannica" writes that there are farms specializing in the cultivation of a four-licked clover and producing up to 10,000 plastic packaging per day. These farms, according to him, use certain secret genetically modified ingredients, which cause the necessary deviations in planting plants. Nevertheless, there are also widespread varieties of clover, which with an increased frequency have four and more lamellar leaves, for example, a variety with purple leaves "Purpurascens Quadrifolium", as well as grade with green leaves "Quadrifolium". The "Good Luck" grade is distinguished by the presence of three-, four and five-plastic green leaves with dark sites in the center. Maibi also writes that, according to children, five-liter clover plants bring even more good luck than four-lines.

And in Germany in the early days of the new year, it is customary to give each other a flower pot with a rabid type of clover, but with four, instead of three, leaves.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world record, recorded on St. Patrick's Day on March 17, 2005, belongs to a certain George Kaminsky ( George Kaminski.). He collected 72 thousand 927 four-fold clover.
Joor Kaminsky is serving a conclusion for Kindnepping (kidnapping) in Pennsylvania State Prison (USA). His almost 73 thousand Flowers of good luck, he collected for 25 years in the courtyard of prison during walks. Just found 1 flower among herbs. Kaminsky told Correspondents The Washington Post.What was looking for and collecting a four-lift clover to show youth to a younger prisoner that they can be found for themselves for the mind.

And they say that the happy hours do not observe:

With a four-listed clover, you can confuse some other plants, for example, the plant Oxalis Tetraphylla, a variety of acidic, also called a casual cabbage whose leaves resemble the leaves of clover.
