Repairs Design Furniture

Technology of installing metal-plastic windows. Installing the plastic window - step-by-step instructions for self-use. The importance of the proper window installation

Plastic windows have advantages over wooden and have deserved popularity among the population. The article provides the order of installation of plastic windows and video material (at the end of the text). The main provisions of the GOST are given, including instructions for conducting such work. Some recommendations and explanations on the device are also given. The description is given on the example of replacing the old wooden window, in new homes just do not need dismantling.

Dimensions and selection of windows (GOST)

The dimensions of the windows for different types of houses are very different, but in one house they may vary for several centimeters. therefore it is important to determine the correct dimensions of the product.that define its cost.

Comment! The gap between the edge frame edge and the wall should be 2-6 cm, if it is greater, should be reduced by the window opening of bricks (stronger design) or foam.

The windows of standard sizes are produced, which depend on the type of house - panel, brick, "Khrushchev", etc. These are windows of the series P-46, P-44, -44T, P-3, -3M.

If the standard windows are not suitable, you can always make an order window of any size. And there will be no loss in the cost.

By type of glazing (double-glazed windows) windows are different types:

  • two-chamber - preferably and cheaper;
  • three-chamber, maybe more;
  • triplex (multi-layered) - do not give fragments;
  • with tempered glass - give small "stupid" fragments;
  • energy saving, noise protection, sunscreen.

PVC windows are available in three classes:

  • economy class - Kbe, Montblank, Novotex;
  • standard - Rehau, Shueco, Vera;
  • vIP class - Shueco Corona, Salamander, etc.

Preparation of window opening

First you need to prepare a window. Remove the glass and remove the sash. In the package, drill several mounting holes. For a two-dimensional window, it is enough for 2 along the edges and one at the top and bottom, for three-life there may be more. Next you need to remove the old frame (if any), clear surface from dirt and align. Rama is attached to the work three ways:

  • special brackets;
  • samores for concrete;
  • anchor bolts (most often and convenient).

The depth of the holes under the bolts is 4-6 cm, depending on the wall, for slotted bricks - the maximum.

Attention! If there are strong winds in the area, you should consult with the windshield specialists, especially on the upper floors.


  • Mounting foam - two-dimensional window - 3 cylinders.
  • Liquid plastic - 1 tube not several windows.
  • Paint is a water-level - 2-3 l / window.
  • Dowel - 660 mm - 15-20 pcs.
  • Saws.
  • Anchor plates or anchor - 4 on the window.

The exact amount depends on the type of window.

Plastic windows installation order

Practice shows that mounting defects window may appear during operation. It is characteristic that immediately after the end of the work, these errors are not noticeable, so when installing plastic windows, you need to be very attentive.

Installation of various options for windows is somewhat different, but the most common steps are characteristic of all windows. The following describes these procedures.

Ventilation of the room with PVC windows

When choosing a plastic window, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the room.

The fact is that the windows are almost absolutely sealed and ventilation is possible only by opening the windows of the windows, which leads to drafts. Wooden windows of such a defect do not have. The output from the position is to install windows equipped with ventilation valves, for example, AERECO.

The features of the valve include the absence of extraneous noise from the street. One valve provides ventilation of the room approximately 50 sq. M. Ventilation is performed continuously with adjustable consumption.

Thus, the installation of plastic windows is possible on its own.

Installing PVC windows is simple, if you at least once kept building tools in your hands and even a little understand the materials. Installation of such windows will take a little time: half an hour to dismantle the old windows and 2 hours to install new ones.

Installation of PVC windows. Installation according to GOST.

GOST to install PVC windows, unfortunately, in most cases wears only a recommendatory nature, but some rules should be held during the installation of windows. First of all, it concerns the preliminary measurements. We define the type of window opening - with a quarter or without. Below is a visual example of a schematic view of the opening of a quarter (a), a quarter to (b).

Scheme 1 - window opening with a quarter and a quarter

Measurement of windows without a quarter

Installation of windows without a quarter occurs by mounting windows into the purified window opening. To order the window:

  1. from the size of the window opening vertical, take 5 cm - an indicator of the height of the window;
  2. from the size of the window opening horizontally, take 3 cm - the width of the window.

These gaps will be subsequently filled with mounting foam: i.e. 1.5 cm from each vertical side of the window, as well as 1.5 cm for the upper horizontal and 3.5 cm - for the bottom (for the mounting of the window sill).

We measure the length and width of the window sill, outdoor and add to the numbers received at least 5 cm - the windowsill should crawl into the wall with both sides of the window.

Still windows with a quarter

We measure the window opening horizontally in a narrow place. I add 3 cm to the resulting number (1.5 cm on the side of the window) is the desired window width. Vertical Measure the length from the bottom of the window opening to the top quarter is the required size of the vertical window.

The windowsill and the tump are measured similarly to an option without a quarter.

As a result, you must have:

  • window height indicator;
  • windows width;
  • the length of the window sill;
  • the width of the windowsill;
  • low-length;
  • locking.

Scheme 2 - window measurements

Installation technology

Technology installation of new windows in old houses is similar. The only amendment is the measurements of the new window on the outer sizes of the dismantled window frame.

When ordering the window, specify whether the delivery includes:

  • windowsill;
  • plugs;
  • installation profile (mounting profile);
  • anchor plates for mounting the window;
  • installation instructions for PVC windows (some manufacturers are included in the kit).

When ordering the windows, you should also know the answers to such questions:

  1. What type of window profile do you want to order - 3, 4 or 5-chamber?
  2. What kind of glass package you chose - 1, 2, 3-chamber?
  3. The way to open your window is a deaf window, a window with opening, a swivel-fold window with air, or a combined window (swivel-folding window with ventilation and microwing).

By the way, if you want to get a quality product for a reasonable price, you should choose from, mostly German and, more than surprisingly, domestic window-based system manufacturers: Rehau, Veka, Kbe, Schuko, Aluplast, Kemmerling, Brugmann or Trocal.

Installation technology provides two ways: installation of PVC windows with unpacking and installing windows without unpacking.

Scheme 3 - Metal Flastic Window Device

The first method provides for preliminary disassembly of the window: pickups, removal of double-glazed frames from the frame, fasteners of the frame to the wall of the dowels, and the subsequent installation of double-glazed windows and staps.

The second glass removal technology does not require: the frame is attached using the walls fixed on the outer surface, and not a dowel through.

The installation method with unpacking can sometimes lead to fogging windows, also with a lack of experience, you can damage the strokes and double-glazed windows, and the installation process itself will take much more time. Of course, the correct installation will not lead to any negative consequences. However, be extremely careful!

The method with unpacking is considered to be more reliable, especially if the frame was fixed on large long anchors. If we are talking about mounting the window on the floor above the 15th, on the installation of large windows (2x2 m), the correct choice is to fix the frame through, disassembled the window.

Required tool

To install windows you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • pistol (under the balloon of mounting foam and sealant);
  • mounting foam (1- 3 cylinder 1 standard window);
  • Psyms for external waterproofing;
  • Primer;
  • perforator;
  • set of hexagons;
  • lobzik;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • painting brush;
  • roulette.

Install the windows. Stroke work

In the process of assembly work, you must navigate the previously intended plan: Mounting the windows (drew it yourself or it was filed as an example in the instructions from the manufacturer of window systems) will help to avoid mistakes and clearly follow the plan. If you doubt whether your calculations or ideas about the installation of windows are true, a technological map on the installation of windows - a universal set of rules and installation rules, guided by which you will be confident in the correctness of your actions.

We dismantle the old window and prepare the surface to the installation of the new window system.

Prepare a tool for work.

To improve the adhesion, waterproofing tapes to the surface of the opening are processed by its primer. Pricewer apply painting brush.

Removing the cellophane packaging of windows, the internal vaporizolation tape is glued to the frame by half-version.

Figure 1 - Watching the window frame with a vapor insulation ribbon by half-versioner

Frames are covered with outer vapor barrier-finding psyl on the outer surface of the frame. If you are saved, do not allow breaks between the junctions of the tape. Psuli - vapor-permeable tape will not allow the output of the mounting foam when processing the gaps outside, protecting not only the appearance of the design, but also the installation foam from environmental exposure - precipitation, ultraviolet and winds that destroy foam.

We set the frame in the opening, align and fix it, focusing on the installation rules:

  • on the frame prepared for installation, we apply markup places of subsequent mounting;
  • breeping with 4 sides of the frame with a step of 70 cm, while the indentation of the angle of the window frame to the first fastener should be no more than 15 cm;
  • fastening elements are fixed to the window frame (the screw must be fixed in the metal inside the frame, therefore the proper installation technology provides for the use of screws for metal with a diameter of 4-5 mm, with a large size of the window, the diameter of the self-drawing must be 12 mm);
  • as fasteners, use anchor plates;
  • in places for mounting the fasteners, perform recesses in the window opening (the fasteners are combined by 2-4 cm for convenience of working with slopes after completing the window installation);
  • the window must be exhibited (for a slight alignment of the horizontal window, wooden wedges can be used, placing them under the frame at the desired points);
  • to fix the frame in the opening, we install wedges - first the bottom two, thanks to which you can set the lower and upper edge of the frame into the horizon (so that the window does not creeps appropriately fasten the upper anchor), then the wedges of the windows vertically are fixed;
  • fresh window to the window to the window.

On the outer side of the window opening, the diffuse ribbon under the sow.

After adjusting the fittings (buying the manufacturer's accessories other than the manufacturer of the window system, it is not recommended, however, if necessary, pay attention to the offers from Winkhaus, Siegenia, Gu, Aubi, Schuko (Germany), Maco (Austria)) you can marry a window (assembled foam On the entire perimeter of the window frame, taking into account that this mounting material increases its volume up to 3 times) and 15-20 minutes after processing all gaps, it is necessary to beat the protective film previously applied around the perimeter of the window frame so that it completely closed the mounting gaps ( See Figure).

Figure 2 - Processing of mounting seams

Krepim sings. It is desirable to install it under the window - so you can avoid seeping water on the connecting seam of the low tide and the window frame.

Installing PVC windows with your own hands in winter

Many concerns the question: "Is the Winter installation of PVC windows possible?".

Of course, it is possible! And the installation technology is unchanged. The only thing that is worth paying attention is the temperature regime indicators for the materials used during installation. In particular - indicators of applying a mounting foam.

Developed special winter options, thanks to which you can work at -10 ° C!

When choosing a mounting foam for winter work, focus on Machroflex Profi (Finland) trademark products (Finland), Illbruck (USA) and moment (Russia).

Installation of the windowsill PVC

The installation of PVC windowsill completes the installation of new window blocks.

Length and width of most windowsill standard. In any case, you need to take a windowsill with a reserve in length and width. Surplus can be easily trimmed with a grinder.


The windowsill start a window and set up the level using wooden wedges or any other durable girlfriend.

The windowsill must enter the wall at least 1.5 cm.

Before final installation, make sure the windowsill does not seek, pressing in several places.

The slope of the windowsill relative to the window should not exceed 3 °.

The cavity under the windowson belated by construction foam.

The surface of the window sill must evenly simulate at least 12 hours so that the mounting foam, expanding, did not affect the angle of the window sill.

A day later, the remains of foam are removed by the stationery, and the docking seam between the window and the windowsill is treated with a sealant.

Scheme 4 - Mounting of the window sill

Only the installation of slopes on the PVC windows remained - and everything is ready!

According to GOST! Installation of PVC windows: video

Installing PVC windows: video

$ Installation of PVC windows: Question Price

The cost of work will depend on how much your window is: firms that provide a complete package of services, often rates of installation of windows are output from the cost of the window - from 10% starting. Thus, when performing work with your own hands, saving on the window installation can be from 40 to $ 60 (for one window).

Installation of PVC windows. Price:

  • Kiev - from 100-130 UAH. per m²;
  • Moscow - from 1,000 - 1,200 rubles. per m².

The cost of plastic windows with installation:

The cost of plastic windows with a set is an average of 80-90 $ (a deaf window 1M 1.5 m) and up to $ 2,200 (glazing of a section of 3.4 m per 1.5 m sliding two-chamber window system). As you can see, the price variation is amazing. Installation of windows - the price is not always included in the total amount. Therefore, when signing an order for the manufacture of the window and the corresponding contract, make sure that it is included in the final price, and what you have to be spent.

Estimates - an extremely important document: upon receipt of it in hand, ask you to provide you with full price of work and materials - the check is never excess.

The cost of installation, paid separately, is different: Rates vary in the range of $ 30-70.

If you pay the full amount immediately the client is not able, some firms provide product and services of the brigade of their masters in installments.

Window business, by the way, a profitable business: for example, win a tender for glazing of high-rise buildings or a housing label - it's like to tear a kush in a casino. The company's profit can be calculated in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

To date, plastic double-glazed windows can be called the best solution for use in any buildings. If you still use wooden windows, then it's time to change them to more modern and forget about annual problems in the winter. You do not have to paint them and plug the gaps, because the plastic frames are perfectly even and not at all demanding towards care. We will tell you how to install plastic windows, and show the video installation process for clarity.

If you were interested in the services of firms on the installation of plastic windows, you probably know that they have normal installation and installation according to GOST. It is more expensive, but when complying with all the tolerances of high-quality usual. Read more familiar with the requirements for the quality of products and installation works in several regulatory documents.

  • GOST 23166-99 "Window blocks" - general requirements for lighting the room, ventilation, protection against atmospheric phenomena and noise permeability.
  • More specific requirements are described in GOST 30673-99 "PVC profiles" and GOST 30674-99 "Blocks of window from PVC profiles".
  • Installation requirements are indicated in GOST 30971-02 "Seams of mounting units of window blocks of window blocks to wall openings".
  • The norms of heat and sound insulation, ventilation, light permeability are described in GOST 26602.1-99, GOST 26602.2-99, GOST 26602.3-99, GOST 26602.4-99.
  • Those. The conditions of glued glass stacks of construction purposes are indicated in GOST 24866-99.

Installing PVC windows with their own hands includes the following steps:

  • measure measurements;
  • dismantling work;
  • preparation of openings to the installation;
  • installing the plastic window.

However, if you decide to produce all actions yourself, it may arise a problem: manufacturers do not guarantee if measurements and installation are not made by their masters. If they are mistaken on a centimeter, the window block can simply not fit, and if you insert plastic windows incorrectly, after a couple of years they will freeze, flow, etc.

On the other hand, if approaching work is responsible, having studied all the subtleties before work, it is possible to install PVC windows even better masters from the company who often save time and money, without observing the technological process.

Consider in order all the stages of installation work, and begin with the measurements of the window opening. This is the hardest stage, because it is difficult to determine the real dimensions of the windows with the already installed, especially in old houses. The layer of plaster and insulation after dismantling can fall off, and the opening will become more than you assumed, so you should carefully examine the walls when measurements.

First, consider the process of measuring the window in the opening without a quarter. The window quarter is an internal frame of bricks wide approximately as ¼ brick (5-6 cm), which prevents the windows from the fallout and allows you to more rigidly fix them. In addition, a quarter closes the mounting foam from sunlight, which is necessary even if it is absent. When there is no quarter, the frame is attached to the anchor plates, and the foam is hidden using a decorative nickname. Seeing the presence of a quarter is very simple: you need to compare the width of the frame inside and outside the window; If it varies greatly - you have a quarter.

Measures of the windows occur as follows:

The width of the window opening is measured. To do this, find out the distance between the internal slopes. At the same time, in old houses it is worth considering the thickness of plaster, it is desirable to remove it for more accurate measurements.

The height of the window opening is measured from the upper slope to the windowsill, considering the thickness of the latter. Multimum make 3 measurements, with the edge and in the middle, the minimum result is taken for calculations.

  • Width \u003d width of the window opening - 2 centimeters on the mounted gap.
  • Height \u003d Height of the opening - 2 centimeters on the mounted gap - the height of the undercut profile.

It is also necessary to check the rectinity of the window opening so that its parties are not spoiled by vertical and horizontal. You can perform measurements using a conventional alcohol level. If you are a fan of urgent measurements, then use the laser level.

If there are irregularities, you must define them in the drawing, which you will order a window. You need to calculate the useful space so that when installing the angles, the frames do not resume into the wall due to the skew of the opening. In other words, it is necessary to maintain an uniform mounting gap around the perimeter.

As for the location of the window block, then if you look at the top, it must be installed on 2/3 widths from the inside. If there is an external facade cladding, you can move the window closer towards the street.

To measure the width of waterfronts, it is usually sufficient to add to the width of the already installed 5 cm on the bend. The total width should be folded from the width from the mounting seam to the outer angle of the wall + 3-4 cm on the protrusion and + bend reserve. If the exterior finish of the facade is planned, take into account the thickness of the insulation and finishes, so the sampling is recommended to be put after finishing the facade, but it is important to close the mounting foam from the Sun in any case.

The dimensions of the window sill must be equal to the width of the inner angle of the wall to the assembly seam + the departure size inside is the width of the window frame (60, 70, 86 mm). The departure must be of this size to close the radiator from above by about 1/3.

It is better to measure the slopes after mounting windows, as it is difficult to determine the exact width. The length will be equal to the height of the window opening with a reserve on the cutting.

Friends of windows with a quarter

In the presence of a quarter, it is necessary to take into account its size and make measurement on the outer part.

  • Width \u003d distance between the quarters + 2 centimeters on the back of quarters on the frame (2.5-4 cm).
  • Height \u003d The distance between the tint and the upper quarter + backstage on the upper quarter (2.5-4 cm).

The plane of the installation is chosen along the inner part of the quarter, and the size of the windowsill and low tide are calculated from it.

Many firms manufacturing windows are measured free of charge. Therefore, think before being taken for independent measurements, it may still provide this work to professionals.

Order window

After all measurements, you can contact the manufacturer and determine the configuration of the reservoir window. The fittings are selected, the presence of deaf pieces and sash.

Also, when choosing, you should know that the windows mounting systems are several:

  1. fastening through the frame in the mounting plane;
  2. fastening with support fittings, which is installed in production.

In the first case, when mounting, the double-glazed windows are pulled out of the frame and fasten it, and then insert back. The second option means that the window is fixed immediately with double-glazed windows. And the one, and other systems have their drawbacks: when pulling out and installing double-glazed windows, it is possible to damage their tightness, and if this is not done, the weight of the whole design will be greater, which adds the risks of damage during the installation.

Preparatory work

Preparation should be started only after the presence of a window in place. First of all, of course, it is necessary to free the workspace and cover the furniture with polyethylene, because the dust will not be enough.

If necessary, the windows pulls out the glass and removed from the hinge of the sash. To pull the double-glazed glass from the frame, you need to carefully pry the china stroke and pull it out. First remove the vertical strokes, then horizontal. Be sure to check them out, so as not to confuse, otherwise the gaps may appear.

After you pull the head, the frame can be slightly tilt and pull out the glass by removing it to the side.

To remove the sash with the frame, you need to remove the caps from the canopies and unscrew the bolts. After that, turn the handle to the center to translate the window to the ventilation mode, open it and remove from the lower canopy.

As a result, only a frame with imposses will remain (jumpers for sash separation).

The markup of points under anchor mount is made, and holes from the inside are drilled. Make minimum 3 points of fastening along the edges and 2 tops / bottom. Anchors 8-10 mm and the corresponding metal drill are suitable for reliable fixation.

If the walls have a low density (for example, cellular concrete), then the mount must be made on anchor suspensions. They are screwed to the frame and are attached to the wall on the tempered selflessness (6-8 pieces for each suspension to the wall).

Tip! To eliminate the temperature bridge at the site of the undercut profile, it is extremely preferably a day before the installation fill its internal cavity by mounting foam. So you will protect yourself from its freezing.

Removing the old window is better to produce new installation day. Some owners prefer to save old windows for recycling. If you want to dismantle the window neatly, make the following:

  1. remove the windows sash with loops;
  2. remove the old solution from the space between the frame and the discovery;
  3. having access to the windows attachments, dismantle them or cut the "grinder";
  4. choose a frame from the patch;
  5. remove the old seal and insulation;
  6. punch with a nozzle-blade remove the layer of plaster with slopes;
  7. remove the windowsill and perforator to remove the extra cement under it;
  8. align the slope and remove the surplus of the solution;
  9. treat all adjacent surfaces in the primer.

If the opening is wooden, it is necessary to provide a layer of waterproofing around the perimeter.

If work occurs in the cold season, then the street should be warmer than -15 degrees. At the same time, it is necessary to use frost-resistant foam in winter.

Fastening the plastic window

Initially, you need to fix the window to the wooden wedges around the perimeter so that it is possible to align it in terms of the level, and then only lock to the wall. Wooden substrates do not need to clean after fixing, they will additionally support the design.

View of the installed plastic window in the context

Another gross gost violation is the absence of a coaching profile. It provides not only sustained fastening, but also allows you to fix the windowsill and sings to it. In the absence of a profile, they usually be attached directly to the frame, disturbing its tightness. The diagram shows how to position the bottom profile below the frame.

After that, you need to make sure that in all three planes the window is perfectly smooth. It is best possible to determine the plumbing, water or laser level. Popular bubble levels have low accuracy for such measurements.

As soon as you put the window block smoothly without distortion and slope, you can fix it with anchors to the wall.

The perforator is careful not to damage the profile, drill the wall by 60-120 mm through the holes prepared in advance in the window. First, fasten the lower anchors, but not to the end, then check the even times and secure the remaining points. Finally, you can delay the anchors only after the final check. It does not need to overdo it, otherwise the frame will overflow. In the same way, the attachment on the anchor plates occurs.

Installation of waterfront

From the outside of the window, the sump window is attached to the coaching profile on the self-tapping screw or in a special groove on the bottom of the frame. All joints need to be sealed so that the moisture does not penetrate inside. Additionally, you can deepen the ends in the wall into the wall for several centimeters, making a deepening perforator. Before laying, the bottom slot is close to exclude freezing. To reduce the noise from the rain, on the lower part of the liner of the sound insulation of the sound insulation of linoterm or make a pillow from the foam.

Build window

When all anchors are fixed, you can invert the double glazed windows and put on the sash. We insert the glass in the frame and the fastener of the stroke back, they must snap up, for this gently knock on them with a rubber hammer.

Elements of plastic windows

Then you need to check the sash freely open and fit tightly when closed. Finally, the window level is checked. Open sash should not be arbitrarily open or closed if the window is exactly smooth.

After you have seen in the correctness of the installation, you can proceed to seal the mounting seam. Close up by its polyurethane foam and we make reliable waterproofing on both sides to avoid freezing and stuffing glass.

Before applying foam, you need to moisten the gap water. When fill in the gap, it is important to spy it once again to improve the polymerization process.

Tip! When choking seams, be particularly neat! It is important to apply the correct amount of foam (70-95% of the seam space), if it is too small, freezing is possible, and if much, the window can be a story. After drying, the foam should protrude from the seams for several centimeters. Also watch it not to get on the front of plastic profiles. Wide seams more than 8 cm Fill in several stages.

Inside, we glue a hydro-vaporized tape for plastic windows around the perimeter, except Niza. At the bottom of the window, you need to glue waterproofing with a foil surface, which will hide the windowsill. From the outside, you need to stick a vapor-permeable membrane so that the moisture is from the inside, but did not penetrate inside.

Cut the windowsill so that he rests on the lining profile and entered the opening. At the edges, it must go on the walls by 5-10 cm. Do not forget to leave the temperature gap 0.5-1 cm, which will be hidden by plastic slopes.

The windowsill is installed on wooden lining, in terms of level, slightly with an inclination inside the room. An empty space is filled with foam and plastic plugs are glued with the ends. After that, it is necessary to put a heavy item on it until the foam dry. You can also fasten the windowsill and the anchor plates, screwing down to the wall below.

The video on how to make a measure and install plastic windows:

Now you know how to put a plastic window correctly, and for sure you can do it with your own hands. Finally, it is recommended to check the operation of the fittings after the installation after the installation so that the foam could grasp. You need to adjust the accessories for a dense fit of the window from all sides.

This installation manual of PVC windows is also applicable to glazing the balcony, but there are their subtleties. In particular, it is usually necessary to strengthen the parapet, additionally creating a septum from foam blocks.

When buying the window, we plan to be able to serve it for many decades. However, this is possible only when the window is correctly established. Almost all specialists have their own techniques and secrets, but there are also special fixed norms - GOST and SNiP. It is the installation of PVC windows according to GOST, which is able to give the highest quality result.


Installation of PVC windows according to GOST will be a guarantee of its long and trouble-free service. Today, all types of work related to this area are regulated by four basic standards:

  • GOST 30674-99. It contains general information on the issue and basic windows requirements. About the process of installation in this GUT is practically not mentioned.
  • GOST R52749-2007. This standard is focused on the process of installing windows using a vapor-permeable self-insulating sealing tape.
  • GOST 30971-2012. This document contains the most detailed information on the issue. It can also find accurate requirements for the size of the windows, parameters of the device and filling materials of the seams, methods for fastening structures and similar information. Here are also described requirements for regulatory documentation, some warranty obligations of the contractor and general requirements for the performance of work. This standard was introduced in early 2014 and came to replace the outdated GOST 30971-2002 on the installation of windows.
  • SNiP 23-02-2003. The standard sets the parameters of the thermal protection of the premises. It is enough to mention that it requires the installation of a 3-chamber glass package for most climatic belts of Russia and 5-chamber for Siberia.
Standards take into account the climatic belt in which the plastic window will be installed

All regulatory documents listed above are valid, but at the same time not binding on execution. The only exception has become various requirements, one way or another. Compliance with gtostas helps only achieve the highest quality installation of the window.

Preparation for installation

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST is not much different in general terms from the usual installation of the PVC window. The main differences lies in the nuances and compliance with a number of requirements. The technology of installing plastic windows is as follows:


Before proceeding with work, a number of measurements should be carried out. Window dimensions are set as follows: The width of the window is the width of the window opening, from which the double width of the assembly clearance (which will be on both sides), the height is similar. According to GOST, the minimum width of a similar clearance is 2 cm, and in calculations, the indicator is most often used in 2.5-3 cm.

When mounting the window with a quarter, measurements are conducted from the outside

If we are talking about installing the window in the opening with an external quarter, then all measurements should be made from the outside. The width will be the distance between the quarters, enlarged on the size of the frame of the frame for a quarter, which ranges from 2.5 to 4 cm. Height is defined in the same way.

Preparatory work

After the windows are made and delivered to the customer, you should not immediately start work. It is recommended to prepare the room at first: clear the space by the window for convenient work, remove unnecessary things and furniture, close the walls and the remaining objects with a film or a dense cloth. Frames with frame are dismantled, the cavity of the undercut profile is filled with thermal insulating foam. The latter is recommended to do another day before editing.

Special attention should be paid to the very same way - it should be pre-cleaned from dirt and dust. If there are tangible irregularities, they are aligned with putty.


GOST stipulated two main types of windows fastening. The first is made in the mounting plane - the self-tapping screws are fixed directly through the frame. This option is most often applied, but requires that door sash and double-glazed windows with a frame are removed in advance. The plus of this method is the simplicity of installation in the opening.

Most often, self-consolidation is used for fixing

The second option uses based on the use of reinforcement mounted in the frame during production. Mount the design is entirely. It should be noted that its weight will be quite large, so the process will require certain efforts and skills.

Mounting work

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST provides one important point: the frame is not installed on a naked brick or similar basis. Instead, small wooden bars impregnated with solutions. They will help in the window alignment.

After that, they are installed or a separate frame, or the entire design is entirely that depends on the preferred type of fastening. For greater stability and reliability, the supports leave part of the structure, and between the window and the wall, the wedges are knocked out for fixation. After that, the frame is similar to the sides. By controlling the process with the level, the frame is aligned, the adjustment is carried out with a good substrate.

Framing of the frame, according to GOST, can be carried out through the drilled attachment. Start from the bottom, gradually moving above. To top ital, the design is additionally tested on the horizontality and delay all the screws and anchor.

Plum installation and window assembly

Most often with the outer part of the window there is a special groove in which water trap is mounted. GOST argues that when installing it, it should be used. If you need to create a more durable design, the waterproof is additionally fixed with screws.

Waterproof is mounted in a special groove from the outer part

Upon completion, it is required to carry out another control check of the entire design: for strength, vertical and horizontality. After that, it will be left to assemble the window. The assembly process passes in the order, reversible: In the process, restricters, handles and other fittings are returned to their places.

Filling gaps

Special attention in GOSTs is paid to filling the gaps. This procedure is performed almost always by polyurethane foam basis. This material is checked for years of work, but still has a number of shortcomings. First of all, its resistance to environmental impact and ultraviolet leaves much to be desired. That is why GOST standards are prescribed to produce the maximum isolating all seams from all sides - this will avoid the destruction of the insulation, which can turn the loss of tightness, fogging windows and the penetration of the cold from the street to the house.

The insulation procedure is as follows: From the inside around the perimeter, the waterproofing tape is glued for PVC windows. The tape must also have a playproof property. The bottom of the foil is glued at the bottom, which will later be under the windowsill board. Similarly pass on the outside. The adhesive strip of cuts (moisture resistant and steamproof). This membrane film is able to skip couples out.

Installation of windows according to GOST provides compulsory waterproofing of gaps

Both of the material mentioned are characteristic not only to find them in the construction market will not be difficult. They also differ and affordable, that is, the final price of work in the end does not increase much, and the quality will increase significantly. In addition, the design mounted in this way will last for several years longer.

To fill the gap during the installation of PVC windows according to GOST, the bands are somewhat rejected, and the surface is wetted from the inside. Apply the composition with a pistol. A foam is used as a placeholder for use all year round. According to GOST, it is possible to use a conventional foam, but only at temperatures up to 30 degrees of frost. Given the conditions in most regions, such insulation of the seam in Russia turns out to be unlikely..

Installation of the window sill

At the last stage of the work, the window sill is made. This process is considered rather simple - it will only be necessary to fit into size and, if necessary, trim the finished window sill so that it perfectly entered the frame. According to GOST 30971, the windowsill on the walls are taken to the distance from 5 to 10 cm. Drying toggles are used, after which the cavity under the board is closed by mounting foam or mortar. Experts recommend during installation to make a slope of 1-2 degrees towards the room.

When mounting the windowsill, you need to properly fit it in size

To decorate the windowsill, use plastic panels that are attached to the initial profile using clips. The platband that starts the corner is fixed with self-drawing, and top with a decorative film. It will only remain to wear end plugs and for sealing seams with a sealant.

Many construction companies interpret GOST standards and SNiP as they want and can simply ignore them, and what is fraught with the wrong installation, it is not necessary to talk once again. The exit here are two: or closely monitor the installation process and immediately notice violations, or make the installation of windows according to GOSTO own.

If you earlier, or your acquaintances used the services of firms to install double-glazed windows, you know that the installation can be ordinary and GOST. The second option is more expensive, but if all the requirements are met, the quality will be the order higher than in the first one (more about the rules can be read in GUT 30971-02).

Consists of several stages.

Note! The manufacturers do not provide a guarantee if the measurements were not conducted by their employees. If the window is incorrect, the window will soon begin to freeze, and if at least the slightest error was allowed in the calculations, then the design is simply not included in the opening.

Nevertheless, if you study all the subtleties of the process, then there will be no difficulties when installing. Moreover, it is possible to save a decent amount of money.

Video - Installation of PVC windows according to GOST

Stage 1. Measures

Most apartments meet openings without a quarter.

Note! A quarter is an internal frame of a 6-centimeter width (or in a brick ¼, hence the name), which prevents the windows falling out and the strengthening structure as a whole.

If there is no quarter, the frame will be installed on the anchors, and the foam closes with special nicknames. Determine the presence of a quarter sufficiently simple: if the internal and outer width of the frame is different, then a quarter is still there.

  1. Initially, the width of the opening is determined (distance between slopes). Plaster It is recommended to remove the result to be more accurate.
  2. Then the height is measured (distance between the slope from above and the windowsill).

Note! Measures need to repeat several times and take the smallest result.

To determine the width of the window from the width of the opening, two mounting gap are taken away. To determine the height of the height of the opening, the same two gaps plus the profile height for the stand is taken.

The symmetry and rectinence of the opening is checked, for which the assembly level is used and plumb. All defects and irregularities are defined in the drawing.

To determine the width of waterfronts, it is necessary to add 5 cm for bend to the already occasionally. It also takes into account the width of the insulation and cladding (subject to the subsequent finish of the facade).

The dimensions of the window sill are determined as follows: the width of the opening is given the size of the departure, the width of the frame is taken away from the figures obtained. Regarding the departure, then he must overlap the heating radiator on a third.

Note! Perhairs already at the end of the installation.

Stage 2. Order

After measurements, the finished drawing should be attributed to the windows manufacturer, all the necessary fittings will be chosen there. It is worth remembering that the installation can be performed by one of the two existing ways:

In the first version, you will have to pull the package from the frame, insert it into the opening and install the glass back. In the second case, the entire design is attached entirely. Cons have every option - if you pull the bag, then it can; And on the contrary, if the window will be collected, it can be damaged due to greater weight.

Prices for a popular line of windows

Stage 3. Preparation

This stage of installation is starting only after the delivery of the ordered windows. First, the workplace is released, all the furniture is covered with a polyethylene film (there will be a lot of dust).

Step 1. If required, double-glazed windows extracted from the window. For this, the stapper is slightly suited for a staple and pulls out. First of all, vertical staps are removed, then horizontal. They are mandatory numbered, otherwise the gaps are formed after installation.

Step 3. Bolts are unscrewed after the caps are removed from the canopies. The handle turns into the "ventilation mode" (in the center), the window opens and removed. It remains only a frame with imposses.

Note! The imposses are special jumpers, which are meant for the seas.

Then you need to mark the markup for the anchors and do the holes along it - two from the bottom and three and three on each side. For this, Ø1 cm anchors will be required and the drill of the required diameter.

If the material from which the walls are loose (for example, cellular concrete), then fasteners are performed using anchor suspensions. The latter should be fixed on the wall and frame with hardened self-drawing (eight pieces per each).

Note! To avoid the formation of the thermal bridge in the submarine profile, the day before the installation should be filled. So the element will not freeze.

Stage 4. Dismantling work

This procedure is recommended to be carried out immediately before installing the new window. Older in most cases are thrown out, so the design can be pulled together with the mount, and if necessary, cut the frame.

Step 1. Initially, the seal and thermal insulation is removed.

Step 3. The windowsill is removed, it is considered a cement layer under it.

Step 4. The adjacent surfaces are processed by primer material (by the way, many installers forget about it). In the case of a wooden opening around the perimeter, a layer of waterproofing material is stacked.

Note! Installation can be carried out at a temperature not lower than -15ᵒc. Installation foam must be frostable.

Stage 5. Installing the plastic window

Step 1. Initially, wooden wedges are put on the entire perimeter, the window is installed on them (it will be easier to align the design), only after that it is made to the wall. The substrates can be left - they will serve as an additional fastener.

Step 2. The lack of a profile of the stand and can be considered a gross violation of the norms of the GOST, since it is not only needed for stability, but also makes it possible to install a sill with a window sill. In the absence of a profile, they are fixed directly to the frame, which disrupts its tightness.

The correct arrangement of the coaching profile is shown in the diagram.

Step 3. Further the smooth window in three planes is checked, for which the mounting level is used and the plumb. It is characteristic that traditional bubble levels do not suit this due to insufficient measurement accuracy, so it is better to use.

Step 4. If the window rose smoothly, it is fixed by anchors. For this, the perforator through the pre-cooked holes in the design the wall is closed (about 6-10 cm). Fixed (not finally) lower anchors, the accurate package will be checked again, after which the remaining points are attached.

Note! The final screed is made only after the final check. Do not delay too much, otherwise the design "turns".

Prices for Mounting Foams and Cleaners of Installation Pistols

Mounting foam and purifiers of assembly pistols

Step 6. Waterproof

Outside to the underlying profile, self-assembly is mounted. The locations of the compounds are carefully close to the sealant in order to avoid moisture penetration inside the design.

The edges of the mound for several centimeters are combined into the walls, after prehasting the recess with the perforator.

Note! Before installing the lower gap is also close.

Stage 7. Build window

After fastening the anchors, the glass package is inserted back.

Step 1. The glass is inserted and fixed by the strokes (the latter should snap into the latter, for which it is possible to slightly face them with a rubber hammer).

Step 2. Folds open, the density of their adjustment is checked. In the open position, arbitrary opening / clouding the sash can not happen if the window is installed smoothly.

Step 3. On the sides closed the installation seam. Polyurethane foam will provide high-quality waterproofing and prevents glass fog. Before and after sealing, the seams are sprinkled with water to improve polymerization.

Note! The seams are filled with no more than 90%, otherwise the design will "lead". If everything is done correctly, after drying the foam will come out for several centimeters.

Step 4. The perimeter of the window is sampled by a special vapor insulation ribbon, and the material with a foil surface is used below.

Stage 8. Mounting of the window sill

Step 1. The windowsill sucks in such a way that it goes into the opening and at the same time rested into the lining profile. A small gap remains (about 1 cm) for temperature expansion. In the future, the gap is hidden by plastic

Step 2. Wooden wedges are stacked under the windowsill. It must be put with a slight inclination towards the room, then attach something heavy for a while until the foam dries. Additionally, the windowsill can be fixed with anchor plates.

Video - Installation instructions for plastic windows


Now you know how plastic windows are installed, so you can safely begin to work. The final check of all elements can be carried out only 24 hours after the end of the installation (then the foam already "grab").

The described technology is completely applicable to, although there are their nuances - such, for example, as an installation of a parapet to create a partition.

Find out how to do, from our new article.