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When will go to the procession. How are church services for Easter. And the secular authorities helped

You want to know more about, about procession At Easter in 2019? On the eve of this holiday, which is celebrated by Orthodox believers on April 28, 2019, church services are in temples.

Especially solemn car serving on the night from Saturday to Sunday. It goes all night and is called Vigrosive.

When and how is the congestion for Easter in 2019? What time will the procession for Easter? Tell about it in more detail.

This procession got such a name because usually headed by a priest, who carries a big cross. Other clergymen carry icons and Horugwi.

On Easter ahead of the cross moves are lantern, behind him the recent cross, renovole God's Mother, Gospel, Sunday icon. Completes the procession to the head of the temple with a trispecie and a cross.

In Orthodoxy there are prolonged and short cross moves. The congestion for Easter, as a rule, is short-lived.

Where and when is the congestion for Easter?

Church Service B. Good Saturday Starts in the evening, at 20.00. And the procession passes on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

What time will the procession for Easter? This action takes closer to midnight. All clergymen are becoming at the rank of the throne. Priests and praying in the temple ignite candles. The solemn ringing of the bells - Blagovest - heralds the onset of the Great Minute of the Bright Holiday - Resurrection of Christ.

The clergy and the flies three times bypass the temple, stopping every time his doors. The first two times the doors are closed, and for the third time they open. The doors symbolize the stone that closed the coffin of the Lord and on the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ was discarded.

Now you know when and how the congestion goes on Easter. After making the godfather, with the onset of Easter, the priests are changed in white festive robes and the service continues.

Begins the bright ship, during which joyful exclamations sound: "Christ is risen!" - "Verily Risen!". After the festive liturgy, at about 4 am, believers are fighting painted eggs, slices of a slicer or Easter.

If on the day before, in the days of the passionate week, the bells in the temples were silent, then on easter week Annunity is heard everywhere. At Easter, it is customary to visit friends and close, treat themselves and treat others.

In the old days they arranged these days folk Gulyanya, drove dance, swung on a swing. Widely celebrate this holiday and in our time.

Procession - Pious ancient tradition. However, do not everyone know what its meaning is. The congestion is a crowded solemn prayer procession from one temple in another, around the temple or to any appointed place, for example, a holy source, with a large impartial or remote cross, from which the name itself also got the name. The participants in the procession are also carried Holy Gospel, icons, Horugwi and other shrines of the temple. The priests and church believers make a march in the liturgical vestments. During the procession, liturgical chants are singing: the feast of the holiday, Irmodos, and sometimes a festive canon (in the Easter bed).

The congestion is an expression of a single folk faith and a diligent moles to the Lord and Mother of God about the gift of the Church and people of fertile care.

There were processions in the IV century in Byzantium. St. John Zlatoust arranged against Heretics-Arian Night marchs through the streets of Constantinople. To do this, silver crosses were made on the trees, which were solemnly rushed around the city together with sainted icons. People walked with grilled candles. Later in the fight against heresy, the Special Cross moves satisfied the saint Cyril Alexandria. In Constantinople, for consecration of places and disgust, diseases were carried out from the Imperial Palace to the temple of Sofia, the life-giving cross and wore the streets.

In Russia, the congestion was committed during disasters: droughts, threatened to destroy the harvest, epidemics of plague or cholera, threats of attacks of enemies. People spent a lot of days on their feet, in a post and prayer, in a heat or in the rain, but the grace of the Lord was great. Moral enlightenment caused by the action of the spirit of the Holy Spain, experienced each.

In the 20th century it became possible to carry out air goddes. Oddly enough, the first such flight of the cities of Russia took place during the Great Patriotic WarAlthough few people know about it. On December 2, 1941, the Li-2 aircraft with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was performed to the German-fascist troops. The plane led Personal pilot of Stalin Alexander Golovanov, afterwards Marshal, founder of long aviation. This historical moment Reflected in the documentary frames of the film "Unknown War", as well as in the memoirs of the relatives of Alexander Golovanov.

The congestion, on the path of which angels follow invisibly, protects the settlement, city and all state. An impregnable stronghold surrounded by a wall of fiery prayer.

IN orthodox churches There is always a procession for Easter. This solemn procession symbolizes the path of the church to meet the benefit of the resurrection of Christ. It is held annually on the night with the Great Saturday to the bright resurrection. Clergy and believers three times pass around the temple, and then, standing at his porch and hearing good news On the resurrection of the Savior, enter the open doors of the Church, where the Easter service begins with this minute.

The solemn church procession began to call the "procession" due to the fact that at the beginning of the procession there is always a clergyman who carries a large cross. This tradition is based on the faith due to the general prayer committed during the gloor procession. Such processions look very solemnly. They are headed by priests, reading prayers and carriers of religious relics: Cross, icons and church banners with the image of biblical scenes (Horugwi). And after the holy fathers, believers are going.

The history of processions takes its beginning from the moment of the origin of Christianity. And if it initially passed only the procession for Easter, then over time, after the cessation of the persecution of Christians, this custom became widespread and firmly entered the chinusement of Orthodox services. Now the solemn orthodox procession is accompanied by almost all significant events Church life.

Cross moves since ancient times were carried out:

  • in honor of the church festivities;
  • when transferring the relics of saints, as well as other religious shrines;
  • during various natural disasters, epidemics and wars, when people asked God for protection and salvation from the comprehensive misfortunes.

It is known that the Church History of Russia itself began with the commission of the godfather on the Dnieper, when Kievans were baptized. Orthodox in Russia often performed processions not only in honor church holidaysBut in the case of various disasters, including natural cataclysms. For example, they went with field icons during periods of drought, as well as villages and cities during terrible epidemics.

In the chronicles there is a mention of one of the first massive cross moves, which occurred in the middle of the 14th century, when the seaside attacked Russia was attacked, from which the residents of Pskov were most affected. Then Archbishop Novgorod Vasily, carrying the cross and holy power, accompanied by the clergy and citizens committed a march around the city. Alternatively, almost all locals who still kept walking on their feet, starting with old people, and ending with babies, who carried their parents, took part in the crisp. All the time there was a procession, priests and believers prayed, loudly appealing hundreds of votes: "Lord ame!".

For a long time, the congestion was recognized only walking procession with the participation of clergy and believers. However, over time, thanks to technical progress on the blessing of the clergy, non-canonical flights began to be performed, or airborne goddes.

During the Great Patriotic War, on December 2, 1941, the plane was placed around Moscow with a miraculous list of the Tikhvin Mother of God on board (according to other sources, it was the icon of the Kazan Mother of God). After that, the capital was saved from enemy offensive.

Easter procession: rules and symbolic meanings

Initially, the procession was performed only on the day of light Christ Sunday. This procession for centuries symbolized not only the church to meet the Savior to meet, but also the fact that before the emergence of the resurrection of Christ, everyone was forced to wander in dotmakes until he pointed to all the way to the light. Therefore, an Easter procession, although it is quite brief, is furnished very solemnly, and participation in it is very important for any Christian.

Church worship in honor of the resurrection of Christ starts exactly at 00.00 hours on the night with the Great Saturday to the bright resurrection. Shortly before midnight in all churches there is a solemn easter procession.

Despite later, the procession passes under a non-melted bell sober. The priests and praying three times pass around the temple, stopping every time before its main entrance. The first two times the doors of the church are closed to parishioners. The moment when people stand in the night darkness before locked temple doors has a great symbolic meaning. The church recalls how the contemporaries of Christ before His resurrection also stood in darkness in front of the closed entrance to the cave, where the Savior rested, as if closed by paradise gates.

About midnight, when the procession is again, for the third time, glorifying the Holy Trinity and the Risen Son of God, comes up to the door of the church, they solemnly swim away, revealing the light in the darkness of the night. Thus, the church seems to open the heavenly gates of Paradise for people and indicates the path to them. After that, the entire procession is included in the temple, which symbolizes the path of the wing-mironosus included in Jerusalem in order to inform the apostles the good news of the resurrection of Christ. Mironine's wives who do not know about the resurrection of Christ, it was on the third day who came to his coffin, in order to graze the body of the Savior with precious oils. And only coming to the entrance to the cave, where, as they thought, Jesus Christ was resting, women learned about the accomplished miracle, after which they headed in Jerusalem in order to tell everyone about the resurrection of the Son of God.

The fact that the door of the temple is revealed to believers only for the third time, has a deep theological meaning. Jesus Christ is risen on the third day, so the Easter procession and should circumvent the temple three times.

The television viewers are answered by Archpriest Alexy Kulberg, the abbot of the temple of the Ascension of the Lord, the head of the religious education department and the catechization of the Yekaterinburg Metropolis. Transfer from Yekaterinburg.

- Today is marked by one important event. On June 3, a multi-day and multi-kilometer All-Russian Great Multi-king move was launched from the Holy Sepulovsky Cathedral of the city of Kirov. Many people participate in this procession. They will be held a 180-kilometer congestion. This procession has official page you can trace the movement of people and the route. In Yekaterinburg, a children's procession was also held on the day of protection of children. And on the night of July 17, there will be a procession to Ganina pit in Yekaterinburg, to the place where the holy royal family was taken away. Therefore, today I suggest to start a program from the topic about the cricker, talk about why we make such a feat and for what he exists. To begin with, let's talk about these etymology of these words: why "the godf" and why "move"?

Velikor's procession is the most ancient of all existing processions. Tens of thousands of people participate in it. We will assume that he is not from Kirov, but from Vyatka - after all, back to the historical name of this city. The congestion goes from Vyatka, from the place where the icon of St. Nicholas Wonderworker was revealed on the river Great. What is this procession? A kind of peasant on the Great River was found icon of St. Nicholas, which was consecrated wonderful ways. Beyond what it was, he took the icon and brought to Vyatka. The inhabitants of Vyatka gave vow every year with this icon to make worship - to go to the place where it was acquainted, and giving honor, thanks to St., who through this icon a huge number Prayers (voiced or not voiced), as well as the requests of the inhabitants of Vyatka heard and executed. This icon has become the main shrine for Vyatichi. And the Great Moving Procedure is an external expression of gratitude to God and St. Nicholas for these mercy.

I am not a historian, and trace the retrospective when the first procession was recorded in the story, it is difficult for me. Probably, I will not be mistaken if I say that the first congestion was the godfather of our Savior, who he committed under the severity of the Cross, assigned to Roman warriors by the sentence of Pontius Pilate and in the treacher of the Israeli people. This is the first procession, as a result of which the saving victim of the Lord for the human genus was brought. The result of this godfather was the resurrection and victory over death. Perhaps this is the most important meaning of any criste and the life of a Christian: to live your way, not to raise under the severity of that cross, which the Lord is entrusted to us or who are aslending themselves, and come to the salvation of your own soul.

The second historical fact that I am associated with a cross move is an event that happened nine centuries, which we remember as the feast of the praise of the Mother of God. We take it at the end of the Great Post or during the holiday of the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary. Residents of Konstantinople, besieged by barbarians, understood that there was no hope for salvation, the city would now be captured, ruined and the blood river will be poured on the bridge of Constantinople. The only hope they laid on the Mother of God and passed around the walls of Constantinople with the belt of the Mother of God and the icon, which is stored in the Varhranian temple. We know that the Mother of God saved the city. Numerous troops, precipitated the city, were destroyed, and residents were saved.

Yesterday the church was remembered by the holy prince Dovmont Pskovsky, in the holy baptism of Timothy. His life describes a similar phenomenon: on the death of Holy Prince Dovmont, who was a defender of Pskov, the city was besieged. As life says, about 100,000 German knights and whirlwinds hired by them surrounded Pskov and were ready to capture him and turn him into ruins. Prince Dovmont in a dream came to several citizens and urged them to take the mantle, which his tomb was covered. With this shrine, they passed through the walls of the city, and the city was released. This is the third example in history when the congestion was performed. In the last two examples (in Constantinople and Pskov), people went to the procession not from the oversupply of pious feelings, not because they so wanted to strive a special heavenly grace, lunizing and tears. And they went to the congestion, because they understood: hope is no longer anything, now there will be bitter and cruel death to us and our children. Human hope is no longer anymore, something must be done, contact God. This cry, in despair brought, was heard. The Lord standing up.

Today we are making congestion. They are beautiful - for example, in a bright saddemite around the temple. Now summer, the whole series of processions begins. Velikoretsky of them are the longest and massive. It should be understood that it is not just beautiful tradition. Yes, it is gracious and beautiful: so many people, Horugwi, icons, what are all pious! And in fact, there is a crowd of sinners, a "crowd of problems". I know many people who go to the procession. From Yekaterinburg, the parishioners of our temple were left for the Great Moving Procedure, I know people who participate in Borisoglebsky, Irinarhovsky's goddes. They do not go there in order to chat with similar Orthodox, enjoy grace. They carry their problems there - they drink husbands, children do not listen, there are some diseases. The man goes, realizing that he had an incurable disease, hope not to: "The remnants of the forces bring God, maybe he will take it, or give health, or the patience to bear this disease." Such people who die in their sins, harsh, sufferings, passions are going, like the residents of Pskov or Constantinople, in the hope that the Lord will at least make a procession and relieve from what a person himself cannot get rid of.

What do the people who have passed this way? It's very hard. Imagine: 180 km on road off-road, in any weather. Though the thunderstorm, even the heat, they go, spent the night where it turns out, who is in the field who are on the floor. And they bring these works in the hope that the Lord will accept. The Lord takes, of course, but not massively. Not all 70-80 thousand immediately heal, enlightened, and problems disappear. People say: "We passed, we received such a charge of approval in faith, in the desire of a pious life that for a year ahead to the next cross move this charge feeds and keeps against falls and human disgraces."

Now many processions will be made. Of course, this is the royal procession, which will be on the night of July 16 on July 17 in Yekaterinburg, a length of 21 kilometers. About 50 thousand people are going to this procession. The main leitmotif of the royal procession is a prayer for our country, repentance, which we bring to God to the royal family for the sin of the sin of the sovereign and the sin of our own heat-chapter, comfortable, satya life. We pray and hope that the Lord will send trials, will be patient in these trials and through this making the Christian our country, our Russia still facilitates the holy, aspiring, first of all, not to life on Earth, so that everything is satisfied, good, calm, comfortable , But that the people seek before the kingdoms of heaven, and then already the rest.

There are not only traditional goddes when people take a cross, an icon and with prayer go to the road. There are, for example, a wonderful tradition, when people sit on ships, on kayaks, children and adults, take icons, Khorugvi, even a small bell tower on the kayak, and such a procession is sent along the river. People overcome about 100 kilometers. It is performed on the territory of the Yaroslavl and Tver regions, along the Nerlin River. On the way, participants in the cross move, or alloy, visit the set of villages, in which there were once churches filled with life. And now the temples are abandoned, the inhabitants also abandoned. This is a missionary processing alloy, the inhabitants of these villages know when to expect the coming of young prayer books. This is a joy and the opportunity once a year to participate in prayer, in liturgy in abandoned temples. Even there is a tradition to make a liturgy on the island. Once there was a tragedy: when the water was raised the water of the Rybinsky reservoir, were flooded settlements. And such a picture arose: in the middle of the sea, the bell tower sticks out. There is an island there, on which there was once a temple, now the earth is visible from the water and the rest of the brick. Liturgy is performed on this island, on the place where the temple was once stood. Such a procession is facing not only to people who are involved in it, but even hundreds of those who expect him in these villages. During the night, conversations are held, concerts. People touch the spiritual life that is unavailable throughout the year. Here is the result.

The question from the viewer of Alexei from St. Petersburg: "I heard that in ancient times, in the first Christian centuries, it was such a rule: everything that could not manage to carefully come to care in Petrov Great post, for example traveling. And if a person spent a great post carefully, he was released from Petrov's post. Have you heard about such a rule? "

Yes, I heard about such a tradition that Petrov post was established for those people who either have no opportunity to go properly the path of the Great Post, or did not have such a desire - for example, only baptized the day before, in Great Saturday. Naturally they did not fasten during the Great Post. The post was dedicated to the apostles. These works that Christians brought for short term Petrov post, gave certain fruits. Today is a discussion: "Kohl in antiquity did not exist Petrov's post, for which now we will diligently post them and in the great and in Petrov? Let's cancel Potrov post. Since we fasted a great post, it means that I will not fast in Petrov. " On this occasion, there are interesting arguments "for" and "against". The Synodal Commission gathered a lot of smart, educated and theological, and historically spiritually experienced people who prepare proposals for the relationship to Petrov's post. I can only say as a priest and as a Christian: I'm glad now I'm waiting for the end of a solid week, the moment Petrov will begin. The great post is called the "spiritual spring". When it begins, the soul flourishes like an apple tree, which in the spring of Sogret's Sun, throws its leaves and blooms. And when does the post end? Well, who did not experience this sad reality: Easter, joy, resurrection of Christ, week, the second, the third - and that tension of spiritual life leaves, the time appears for relaxation, some regret that the taste of spiritual life is blurred, lost. And where to find it? The ability to devote two or four weeks to God is a joy personally for me and for those people I, as a priest, okormy. We are waiting for the opportunity to post, explore the actions of the apostolic, the messages of the Holy Apostles, we expect the post to refrain your vigorous and practice in piety and to benefit themselves and others who, seeing us as you really benefit. The post means not just that we do not eat something, but you need to limit yourself in spectacles, idle conversations. This benefits not only a person, but also to people around him. Who is like, and I believe that for a Christian it is a great benefit and who will pay it, he will acquire. There are people who are looking for: "How would we not fast?" Do not quit. God will give you something else, some more grace, maybe a disease of some will send, sorrow, and maybe it seems his love, he will warm his heart so that you and without a post will be fine. This post is consecrated by our ancestors in centuries. In the life of Rev. Varlaam Khutynsky, the great saint, revered in the church, is mentioned that he is on Tuesday or on Thursday the first week of Petrov's post in the summer came to the prince, predicting this arrival in advance. That is, Petrov post for people who lived during the times of St. Varlaam Khutynsky, who had such missionary works, was an important milestone, it was essential for them. They, too, probably knew that this tradition comes from the Holy Apostles, not from the Lord Jesus Christ. There was such a tradition, we accepted it, therefore, probably, Russia is called. Faith was in Russia, and in the West without posts, she cooled, washed out, and now they came to those troubles that there. Therefore, the strength of the tradition is important, especially for a Russian person a lot means a lot. I believe that traditions must be kept, to observe carefully, with love. Then the Lord will give a lot of letters to a person. If someone is hard, then enough emaciates are for people who are hard who are sick, which are weak. I think that your confessor will define the measure that you can incur. Moreover, the post is not strict, the fish is blessed. So come with the post of Apostolic, favorable.

Question from TV viewer Tamara from Volgograd: "I buy icons in the temple and put them not on the shelves, but glue glue to the wall. It is a sin?"

If the glue is strong and icons do not fall off from the wall, it is not a sin. I think that you are glued with love and then pray before them. And if they are poorly glued, fall or corners turn away, find good glue. It is only important that the icons do not fall and so that you, looking at them, apply to the Mother of God, to the Savior, to holy aspare. This is a very fertile business. Buy, attach, pray for us, and for all listeners and viewers of the Soyuz TV channel. And it will be great blessing, not sin.

We told earlier that those who participate in these solemn processions are people who are jumping, sinners, as you said - "Crowd of Problems." And if you take children's crosses, is there such a feeling of this event in the souls of children, what are they - sinners, what do they make a feat? Or is it one of the solemn events in which they participate?

This is an educational event for children who participate in these moves.

- Does educational work take place to explain the meaning of what is happening?

Children who participate in the procession of June 1 and in the gloor alloy along the river are not random children. They walked to this crosses of a certain time, studying on a Sunday school, preparing for alloy, studying the route, studying the icons that they will have in their hands. Preparation time is a serious educational moment. Here are the children to school, the lessons do, but why, why - not very clear. It feels aimlessness, meaninglessness of their existence. They are shipped in social networks, in your children's problems. There is a feeling of frivolousness, the virtuality of everything they do. When a child lives in one foot in a virtual world, he has the opportunity to touch of real life Then, when it goes into a criss alloy on water, it turns out in the village. Urban residents see another reality, completely different people, residents of distant villages and villages. For us, they are today as an aliens. How the expressions of the individuals and the behavior of children change when they begin to talk with the inhabitants of these villages: a completely different talk, a completely different feeling of time. They live a year, and someone for two years of their lives in the experience, who acquire: overcoming themselves, communication with those people who would never have met either in television screens or in instagram. They get the experience of void. And know: what they are doing now is good. It brings joy and consolation. For a whole year, they receive energy charges, because a long stay in such a valence does not pass without a trace for the soul. And when they return to their apartments, in a circle of friends and comrades, they feel that it was so good, and now this is not. Where is it "good"? It is "good" where "two or three are collected in my name", where the church is. People who touched long-term valences, then seek the opportunity to communicate, continue this vasting in Sunday School, in the Church, at the parish. The same is about those children who the day before yesterday we passed through the streets of Yekaterinburg. People live in the city, they know that the life of the city is chaos, a fuss, advertise something, sell something. And what they touch in the church, they do not meet on the streets, in the alleys, on the avenues of the city. And here they have the opportunity to open this church, internal, intimate life to open in front of the people and be not just with some kind of toddles, and this is their missionary doing. The child himself goes with a cross, with an icon, he sings the Lord songs, hymns. When the congestion ended, the children approached the chapel in honor of St. Catherine. There was once a temple. The peers came to them, were interested in: "Guys, and what is happening here?" And what is this young korugveno to tell and justify it so as to interest the peers with the seriousness and grace of his doings? This is, in fact, the exam that he studied during the year in Sunday school, or the exam on faith and loyalty that he acquires in the temple. It's one thing - to embarrass, shy: after all, all such swap, painted, danced to the music on the day of the protection of children, and we somehow behave differently. But justify, do not confuse is a serious test. If the child was capable of it, that is, the hope that when he is tomorrow-day after tomorrow it will go through the streets of the same city, passing by the temple, then he is not ashamed to stand up with a congestion. When he is in school and will see some public atrocity, someone from the younger will insult, he will have something to cling to, he will have a "concession" in the soul, which he can get up and not slip, not be like All, but still staying a person who we saw here during the godfather. This is very important for others and for participants in the cross move.

The question from the TV viewer of Evgenia from the Belgorod region: "Christ spoke with Pharisees about the post. They asked him: "Why don't your students cost?" He said: "How can they fast when with them the groom. When the bridegroom is rolling, then they will fast. " The groom is Christ. And the post was committed. And Petrov post committed for the apostles? And why is the post in honor of the Apostle Peter, why did we go around the Apostle John? He did not answer the only one and did not renounce Christ. "

A Christian is a person who is looking for opportunities for any life situation to use for spiritual salvation. We will post by the sake of Christ: in the great post - for the sake of Christ and in Petrov - for the sake of Christ. We are committed to the body and blood of Christ. The crown of the post is preparing for the communion of the Holy Taine, not Peter and Paul or John, and Christ. Therefore, the post is called Petrov, but this does not mean that we will post in honor of Peter, and does not mean that we do not notice Paul or other apostles. Let's talk like this: first, during Petrov, the Church urges Christians to carefully treat the apostles about whom; Secondly, to strengthen the imitation of the lives of the Holy Apostles. We can ride very quickly into Protestantism: "Nothing is important, only Jesus Christ and the Gospel is important. More than we are not interested in anything. " We know that such an imaginary concentration on Jesus Christ and on the text of the Gospel Protestants were deprived of a huge spectrum of spiritual funds, which the Lord and Church give a man, a Christian. I would not want to go this way and limit yourself. The Lord chose the apostles and sent them to the sermon so that they would broadcast them all over the earth about Jesus Christ, about the Gospel. Jesus Christ could say: "I am the main one. Believe in me, I will preach throughout the earth about myself. " The Lord does not do that. He opens himself to the disciples, the apostles, he gives them on the day of Pentecost of the Holy Spirit, so that their word was not a word of human, performed by some vices and lust, and the word of the Divine, performed by the Holy Spirit. Then he says: "Go and preach the gospel of the whole creature." What we know about Christ, we know from the Apostles. Do not at least for at least for this 2-4 weeks to devote what they said, wrote, what life they lived and how she graduated from the holy apostles. Petrov Post by tradition ends on July 12, on the day of memory of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. If you confuse that on this day we end the post and two apostles, and the rest are humiliated, do not worry. Fall until July 13, on this day the church makes the memory of the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles, all twelve. Continue to fast another day and dedicate this post in John the Theologian, Jacob Zezrecedheev, Andrei the First-Called and other holy apostles, whom I have no doubt, you love, read, read and the lives of which you imitate. Continue until the 13th, come to the temple to the service (in Belgorod, I have no doubt, there is a temple in the name of the Cathedral of the 12 apostles), it will be yours good thing, good worship of the Holy Apostles of Christ. You started with the words: why the students of Christ are not fasting, and the Lord replies that the time will come, when the groom takes. Yes, this time has come. On Wednesday, Judas betrayed Christ, on Friday, the Lord was taken away from the disciples, crucified on the cross. Therefore, each environment and friday - check-in days. The Christian carefully relates to the environment and Friday, does not just change the diet, but draws attention to what divine services are committed. On Friday, the Cross of Christ is always revered, on Wednesday, the Mother of God. Attention to these details will certainly make your post, and the post of anyone more meaningful and faster leading to Jesus Christ. I would love it to you and myself.

Question from the viewer of Artem from Sochi: "During worship, we pray to the saints so that they pray to God about us. The Virgin We pray for the words "Save us", although the Gospel says that the teacher we have one - Christ. Why are we praying to the Virgin "Save us", and the holy - "Pray God about us"? "

Such is the tradition. By this we emphasize the special role of the Mother of God in the save of mankind. So God was pleased that it was through the chosen "the virgin, Jesus Christ came to the world of God. God has so confessed this person, this virgin that she taught him human life, she taught him to walk, speak, write. She was his closest man on this earth. This proximity was expressed in the event of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, when the Lord himself came to Earth in Hephsimania in order to take the soul of the Mother of God, and then the body and reaches the sky. These special relations of the Mother of God and the Godhead, her son, Jesus Christ, are emphasized by the fact that we see a special relationship. She is - who led the Savior to the world, who served the case of salvation, we appeal to her: "The Mother of God, as you served to save all mankind, and please serve to save me personally." We appeal to it: "Save us." But this does not least detract from the dignity of the saints of God's worshi.

We read the life of the saint and the wonderworker Nicholas on how he repeatedly saved people of dying, who were preparing to execute the cut-off of the head with a sword or who were drunk on the ship. They prayed not by prayer or official. They had a cry, in which the whole faith focuses: "I dare, please help, save!" Such prayer was heard. Here, in these words, the Most Holy Mother of God, Save us, "" The Holy Rates of God, the pray for God about us, "not a dogmatic component, but rather a measure of the participation of the Mother of God and Saints in our life and in our salvation. The messenger of the Mother of God, rather than the measure of the holy waters of God, who are also involved, also help, but still not to the extent, not to the extent, the meaning and proximity to God and people, as it is revealed by the Mother of God. But, turning to the difficult situation to the worship of God's worship - to St. Nicholas, St. Spearidon, the Holy Great Martyr George, Saints Konstantin and Elena and others, - you do not at all insult the Mother of God. I think you will be heard and those whose name is called. But this is a tradition that is in the church, consecrated by the fact that this tradition lived a generation of people to us and in this tradition they were taught in holiness and entered the heavenly kingdom. For them, I didn't like an obstacle to such a wording to believe in the Risen Christ, the Mother and Saints and Saints and imitate their lives. It helped them themselves become saints and enter the heavenly kingdom. If we are, as Christians, we will make a church tradition with love, as children with love take the language on which their parents talk, it will be saving for us.

Today I walked down the street and saw from afar beautiful seven.: Pope Static, Mom, modestly and beautifully dressed, and two children. And I hear that they are "GalDyat" in the Central Asian language, I don't even know what language it is. If I first heard the language, then maybe I did not have the best thoughts born (on our land they do not like aliens from other countries). And I first saw the beauty of this family, this love that is present. They walked as one. And when approached, I did not have anything else, how to glorify God: "Lord, thank you, nourishing and blessing every person living on earth." And if we, as children, perceive that tradition, which our ancestors then brought blood, retained, then we are approaching salvation. In Greece, another tradition, Copt is the third. They live as accepted from their fathers. Let's live and escape in the tradition that the Orthodox Church has retained for us.

I want to return to the topic of the day of protection of children and the All-Russian action in defense and the memoirs of those children who could be among us. We are talking About unborn children. What is the essence of this action, how was she going?

All the favorite shepherd, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov, who is the Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family and Childhood, addressing the Holy Patriarch and discussing the theme of abortions, received from the Patriarch blessing to make all possible efforts in order for this misfortune Lime. And the Patriarch, strictly speaking, blessed on June 1, on the day of protection of children, special prayer doing: to read the repentant prayer to our God, Mother of God, holy asparats with a request to remove this plague from our people, our country, burn candles to saline to designate That in this day, there is some exclusivity in this prayer. In Yekaterinburg, 5 thousand red lamps were prepared, they were informed about this repentant action. These lamps were distributed on the temples of the city, the dioceses, warned the media. Thus, on June 1, the priests were treated with the Ambon, saying that the children who were at the Mom under heart, the children in the womb, are full-fledged living citizens that abortions are the murder of full-fledged citizens. We must protect not only those children who live, but those who live under the heart of the mother. These words were relayed by many TV channels. We hope they were heard by TV viewers. There is hope that the Lord still hears his church and executes what we ask. People learned, heard, were ashamed of what was committed, or what they intended to do is glory to God! In the temples, all the saline, all the steps that in front of the Embon and the left and to the right of it were forced by the ranks of the last-minute lamp. We understood that the lamps with a light people brought not just like that. Someone at the conscience of one or three ruined child. Someone non-resistance, assistance, stupid advice to people to commit this crime. See how these lamps are burning, and the heart melts; People came. It was necessary to look into the eyes of these people who prayed: so much grief and hope was in them hidden, the hope that when the souls of ruined children, who come to God, will meet with their souls, the meeting will not be so terrible, for the perfect sin will not be reduced to hell. Still, there will be hope for salvation. We know that the His Holiness Patriarch made an initiative in the State Duma so that abortions are excluded from the compulsory health insurance system so that abortions are not taken at the expense of the state, taxpayers. It is not easy for such an initiative. There are high-ranking people who resist this patriarch initiative. But I really hope that the Lord who has worked a miracle so many times on our land, this cannibal practice from our people will exert. Children will be born, to be brought up - and will keep Petrov post (this tradition will not leave our life). They will also enter the heavenly kingdom not as martyrs, not involved in baptism and waiting for meetings with their mountain-parents, and so, as the children of the saints of God.

Host: Dmitry Brodovkov
Decoding: Natalia Maslova

The congestion usually opens with damagers in the preview of the lantern with a burning candle, these as if sacred banners, under which the Church of the militant will face here on Earth; The Horughs are the Cross of the Lord, like a trophy - a sign of victory and the celebration of the faith of Christ, followed in front of the icons of the saint, and these last before the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior. With the participation in the cross procession of many priests, the younger priests will be published from the church, and then older in turn and pairwise; Closer to the Primer, with two hiereheans, the pressure cross and the gospel - a cross on a dish, which is covered with air, and the gospel is a cross on a dish, which is covered with air, and the gospel of the chest, without a shield. During the procession of the laity, carrying Horugwi, crosses and icons, when changing their own, should not stop all the progress or go ahead too far from the clergy, but also the priests themselves should not fall behind each other, neither to be ahead, and go so So that the cross movement line is not interrupted by unauthorized persons who entered it from the sides. The priests must submit an example of conscious and reverent participation in the procession. The clergy should be far from lagging behind the icons who are carried in front, go pairly in a row, and not as it happens; not to crumble with acquaintances, do not smile, do not talk on the road with the laity and between sobya (CC. St. Sin. 1830 Apr. 28 days), not shy away from the direct path and to be held between the crowd of laity, do not protect yourself from sun ray And the pr. umbrellas, and even more so do not protect their heads from the cold and bad weather with caps and hats (R.D.S.P. 1886, №14).

During the fall of the cross for four countries from the Primate, with the crop, follows the deacon to be chosen: "Lord will pray, Retz Si", or "Lord Pray, RSC WSI"?

In the "order of consecration of the temple, from the Criton's bishop" at the end, it is said that when the bishop "falls the cross to three times on four sides," the "Protodiankon" comes against the cross on three times and translate the verbolet: the Lord is praying, RSC WSI. " And in the "Following, how consecrated antimiss to put in the new church" about the similar action of the Presbyter, it is true: "Start the following cross and, becoming in the middle of the temple, it falls on three times to four countries: east, west, south, north. Deonon is the same as an honest cross on custom, I can go to it. " So, the actions and the introduction of the consecration of the temple at the end of the china are the same with the actions and leadership during the procession; Therefore, when the cross of the cross during the Cross Diakon, the country, having entered the country, should be brought to the country with a cross from the cross of the country to the country: the Lord will be prayed, RSC MSI "(R.D.S.P. 1899 №35) .

Can a priest entrust the psaller to one to follow the procession from his church to another?

During the procession, the prayer on the paths and intersections is going on to consecrate both people and everything that is needed for life, that is, at home, paths, water, air and the very earth, as the sinners trapped and deserved in the footsteps "( Simeon Solun., Ch. 353; new screen., P. 544-545). In view of this order, what will it be for the procession if one Psalmist will participate in it? During the commissioning of the glory moves, the special rise of religiosity is noticed, and the pastry should not impede this, reducing the advent of the congestion with his absence (C. West. 1894, No. 7).