Repair Design Furniture

Traditions of the Ancient East: Feng Shui rules for the kitchen. Feng shui cuisine

A cooking zone that meets this teaching requires a special location, sometimes this is not possible, so you should ensure that the correct design is created to ensure the flow of positive energy in the room. For the organization of such a room, it is important to adhere to the requirements that satisfy the characteristics of this philosophy.

Feng Shui cuisine - rules

Feng Shui traditions dictate to us that by arranging in accordance with them kitchen area, we attract success, happy and joyful living of all its inhabitants to our home, without adhering to them - we let lack of money, illness and troubles into our lives.

Feng Shui kitchen arrangement presupposes compliance with several simple requirements:

  • correct placement (southern, eastern, southeastern sides of the dwelling) and its layout (square or rectangular shape premises);
  • certain, correct color solutions(the indispensable predominance of green, white tones);
  • giving up mirror surfaces, protrusions and level drops;
  • the location of the stove, taking into account the traditions (you cannot put the "queen of the kitchen" in the corner), freedom of movement;
  • serviceability household appliances and kitchen appliances;
  • high-quality and sufficient lighting;
  • lack of unnecessary things and broken (or cracked) dishes;
  • perfect cleanliness.

Feng Shui kitchens are the basis of abundance, therefore, its improvement should be approached with special attention, respecting traditions. Equipping it in accordance with all the rules that correspond to oriental principles, without violating them, you will have a beneficial effect on the material and moral condition of residents, saving them from failures, illnesses and troubles, and help positive changes in the lives of family members.

Feng Shui wallpaper in the kitchen

The right decision wallpaper in pastel colors will become, the use of bright, red or blue colors can destroy the harmony of balance, the masters of this teaching advise avoiding "flashy" tones. Feng Shui photomurals used in the kitchen help create active specific zones; they should be chosen with a pacifying and positive storyline depicting flower plots, still lifes, trees (preferably peach).

The color of wallpaper in the kitchen according to Feng Shui is designed to calm the energy inherent in the Fire and Water elements, visually increase the space, make the room brighter, white will help to make it best. You should not glue wallpaper in dark colors, you should also abandon brown and gray colors, they inhibit life processes, interfere with activity. The perfect solution will become wallpaper in green, beige colors... You should not buy cheap and low-quality wallpaper, opt for expensive, wear-resistant, to be washed and cleaned.

Feng Shui paintings for the kitchen

The plots in the pictures chosen for the Feng Shui cuisine should reflect a warm and cozy atmosphere, the walls should be decorated with images of people in love, still lifes, beautiful animals, birds, fish. Feng Shui kitchen design welcomes some red details. A bright red color can be present in paintings - in the form of flowers in the field, still lifes with fruits. Particular importance is attached to paintings with three-toed toads, turtles or elephants painted on them, especially those depicted against a green background.

The image of rivers, seas or springs, twigs in a vase of water, any other Water element will have a good effect on the atmosphere of the room. Fish and water are a symbol of abundance, so it is good to have a Feng Shui aquarium in your kitchen, it will attract money to your family. It is better to choose the shape of the aquarium round or rectangular, and the number of fish is odd. The principle of this philosophy is “I am what I see”, so you should not decorate the walls with scenes that carry aggression, depicting old people who are sick and poor, choose what will bring positive emotions.

Feng Shui curtains for the kitchen

A detail that accentuates attention and is important for the interior is the curtains. For window openings you should choose curtains that completely cover them, reaching the floor. During the day, they move apart, letting the positive energy of the sun into the room, at night they twitch, preventing the darkness outside the windows, bringing bad luck and misfortune. At different times of the year, curtains of different colors should be used:

These colors bring good luck, health, prosperity, happiness and joy to all family members. Choose models that are not complex, without deep folds, give up lambrequins, heavy fabrics. Roman shades are a good option. Do not use multi-layered, complex cut models. in feng shui - not the most The best decision on the organization of living space, the masters of philosophy believe that in such a room it does not make sense at all to adhere to its rules. The cooking area combined with the living room will break harmony and worsen the luck of the head of the family.

Feng Shui kitchen mirror

The opinions of experts about the appropriateness of mirrors in the kitchen are controversial. It is believed that the work surfaces reflected in the mirror "double" the amount of work, but the plus can be considered the fact that they increase the number of dishes prepared on the table. Aspects of Feng Shui teachings call mirrors very strong elements capable of carrying both good and harm.

The right kitchen does not allow feng shui mirror tiles as a finishing or decorative material for surfaces, it is a symbol that everything is cut into pieces, and so are people. If, nevertheless, you decide to equip a mirror, the best place for him there will be a space above the stove or a wall opposite the dining table. The food on the table, reflected in the mirror, will become a symbol of prosperity.

Observing the traditions of this teaching, the sink should be used from of stainless steel, since the element of Metal will destroy the negative energy and help the water wash it off. Install a sink that personifies water element, you need to be away from the stove, which belongs to the element of Fire, this will help to avoid conflict between them. Knowing what a Feng Shui kitchen should be, having correctly chosen a sink, take care that the whole plumbing system was in good working order, and the drain hole in the sink was always closed, this will prevent the outflow of money from the house.

Feng Shui kitchen table

When purchasing a table in accordance with this philosophy, it is better to select it round shape, in the form of an oval or octagon, quadrangular tables are acceptable. Semicircular or triangular patterns should be avoided as they can lead to conflicts. An important aspect when choosing the material for the manufacture of the product, the seemingly fragile and fragile glass model will create a feeling of instability. Give preference to a sturdy, wooden product.

The table should correspond in size to the area of ​​the room and the number of people sitting at it, the feeling of crampedness behind it is projected onto the disastrous financial position families. A studio layout, a living room combined with a Feng Shui kitchen, can lead to family quarrels or conflicts, but if it is impossible to refuse this option, then you should divide the space using decorative partitions and screens.

Feng Shui Cuisine - Stove

The most important element to ensure correct principles teachings is kitchen stove, she is the nurse, the hearth. According to this philosophy, the stove is a source of wealth, it must be kept in perfect cleanliness and serviceability. The place for it is chosen away from the sink, there should not be a refrigerator nearby, and the person preparing food on it should not have his back to the doorway.

The most favorable sector of feng shui cuisine is the south, which represents Fire, and the main element on it is the stove. An undesirable direction for the kitchen is the north, it is dominated by the element of Water. The room itself is also divided into sectors, it is very important to arrange everything in them correctly, harmonizing the space. Having chosen the environment, the technique, corresponding to the chosen philosophy, taking into account the characteristics of the sector, you can very quickly achieve positive results.

How to choose a feng shui kitchen color?

The specified philosophical doctrine defines the kitchen area as the central energy room in the house, therefore the choice of colors is very important for it. Feng Shui kitchen color provides powerful, stable financial flows, and affects the well-being of residents. Favorably acting, creating harmony, are considered dim green and yellow shades, cream, in limited quantities it is worth using red, orange and pink colors.

It is believed that the most suitable color, for finishing surfaces and furniture. serves as white, this color is easy to dilute with other tones, it goes well with chrome-plated metal faucets, sink. The best option is mediation white between the elements of Fire and Water. Not worth using color combination from opposite shades, if the colors of the element of Fire prevail in the room, then the colors of the element of Water in it should be applied limitedly.

Feng Shui Green Kitchen

This color is considered optimal, it is identified with nature, it personifies life. The rules dictating the selection of the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui say that prosperity, harmony and happiness will reign in a room where the ratio of green and white colors is used. Also, this color, according to experts, has a positive effect on psycho-emotional and physical state of people. It is good to buy flowers for the Feng Shui kitchen, which carry the vital energy of qi, which can improve mood, add vigor and strength to a person, create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth and comfort.

Red cuisine in Feng Shui

In small quantities, this color can be present in the Feng Shui kitchen. He personifies the color of fire, so it is important that this color is used in the kitchen. To know what color to make a Feng Shui kitchen, it should be understood that the element of Fire is capable of not only creating, but also destroying, which means that red elements in the room should be used in limited quantities. To ensure that the use of red does not harm the energy of the room, use it in a balanced manner with the shades of water. Taking red as a basis, you will attract trouble, danger and problems into your home.

Yellow Feng Shui Kitchen

This color is associated with sunlight... The interior of the Feng Shui kitchen, made in yellow colors, will fill the energy of the space with a positive flow, protecting the house from negative, negative, unkind emotions and events entering it. This color can be made both basic and accent, adding it a little as a decorative element: paintings, vases, Feng Shui clock in the kitchen.

Competent creation of a Feng Shui kitchen activates a powerful flow of energy that will spread to the entire home and its inhabitants. The efforts made, the fulfillment of all the traditional rules and requirements necessary for decorating the kitchen space in accordance with the indicated oriental philosophy, will result in happy changes, happiness and health for people living in the house.

Oriental experts in the study of the influence of the environment on our life and well-being, pay attention to every detail.

So, for example, not only the color of the walls can be very important, but even the location of the stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, and this is what we will talk about with you today.

The tips given in this article will be useful to those who are engaged in the repair or redevelopment of the premises in which household members eat.

Why does the location of the slab matter?

First, let's see why the stove is generally considered so important element in our house and why it must be placed on certain rules... After all, many simply do not pay special attention to this subject in the kitchen and put it the way they like best.

Let's agree that by "stove" we mean not only classic household appliances, but any hob, on which we cook food, because many people replace an ordinary stove with modern gadgets.

Oriental masters claim that the slab affects four vital areas at once, namely:

  • on the relationship between spouses;
  • for pregnancy and conception;
  • on the child's academic performance;
  • to the health of all family members.

The stove is essentially a symbol of the family hearth, and the element of this object will always be associated with fire. It is easy to guess that the fire itself will be associated with emotions and feelings, therefore, the wrong location of the stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui will lead to quarrels, scandals, and the extinction of the family hearth.

The family traditionally consists of parents and their children. Experts of oriental science, very often explain the impossibility of having children precisely by the wrong arrangement of furniture in the interior. Of course, the plate here does not play a key, but only an auxiliary role, but, nevertheless, its location still has a certain significance for a successful pregnancy.

This inalienable attribute of the kitchen affects not only the very possibility of having a child, but also his attentiveness, perseverance and other qualities associated with successful school performance. Of course, a plate will not make a round excellent student out of a poor student, but the Feng Shui masters say that to calm down a hyperactive child a little and, on the contrary, "stir up" a slow one with the help of her correct location can.

The element of fire is at enmity with the element of Metal, and by the latter it is responsible for such parts of our body as the respiratory organs. It turns out that if the plate is in the wrong position (when Fire will "melt" the Metal), we can get different kinds health problems: cough, runny nose, pneumonia, asthma. Since Fire is responsible for blood and skin, therefore, improper placement of its corresponding elements (in particular, plates) can cause problems with the circulatory system, for example, with pressure, and allergic reactions.

Now that you know how important this piece of household appliances is, we can talk about how the location of the stove in the Feng Shui kitchen should be in order to avoid many problems.

So let's get started. First, we need to remember two important concepts - position and direction. By position, we mean the immediate place near the wall, where the slab will stand, a sector of space. And the direction we call the side where our back "looks" when we cook food at the stove, turning our face to it.

Now consider the most suitable options from the point of view of oriental masters. The most successful and, one might say, "classic" variant is the central position of the slab with a straight direction. Those. such a position when the “hearth” is located in the central part of the kitchen wall and, standing by it, our back “looks” at the opposite wall at a right angle.

Second good option the location of the stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui is considered to be in a corner with a straight direction. This means that the slab stands against the wall on the edge, and standing by it, our "back", as in the first case, "looks" at the opposite wall at a right angle.

The third variation is the angular position of the slab at which the direction will be diagonal. In this case, the stove turns out to be in the corner, but at the same time it stands in relation to the wall not directly, but as if diagonally, and if we draw a straight line from the back of the hostess who is with her, then she will rest against the opposite corner of the kitchen.

The fourth option is quite difficult, but quite feasible with the help of a competent interior designer. Such an arrangement of the stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui can be called "central-diagonal". The slab is located in the central part of the wall, but at the same time it is turned diagonally and our "back" will look at the opposite wall at an angle. A similar construction is found in designer and bespoke kitchen corners with modern hobs.

The fifth option is very convenient for spacious kitchens and studio apartments. We put the stove (or better the hob) not against the wall, but in the center of the room as an "island": it turns out that the hostess will see the guests' faces while cooking - and this is very favorable from the point of view of energy.

What cannot be done?

Now that you are familiar with the rules for the successful and correct location of the stove, let's talk about what is not recommended to do.

  • Don't put a stove under a window - this is the worst stove spot you can think of. If you break this rule, money will always flow out of your home.
  • Try to place the stove so that it does not "look" at the exit from the kitchen, front door, stairs, toilet or bathroom.
  • Elements of the elements that conflict with Fire cannot be placed next to the stove, i.e. Metal and Water. The first category includes various metal objects, to the second - a sink and decorative fountains... Such things should not be in the immediate vicinity of your "hearth".

We hope that our article helped you to decide, and you will choose the most successful Feng Shui stove location in the kitchen, which is possible in your layout. And if you can't make the necessary redevelopment yourself, contact the interior design specialists.

But it happens that despite the exquisite decoration and tastefully selected interior, the room still does not carry the proper comfort and we want to leave it as soon as possible. Or at least it feels like something is wrong here.

Have you seen this, right? And it's especially frustrating if our own kitchen fits this description. After all, this is the place where we used to spend the largest number time, and not just cooking, but also at the family table.

In this article, we will talk about some universal rules famous ancient Chinese teachings that will help you change the atmosphere of your kitchen, will attract to you well-being, health, luck and longevity, namely:

We will also try to at least slightly influence those who consider Feng Shui inapplicable to our person as a foreign semi-mystical nonsense and use this word only in a joking context.

After all, feng shui methods are quite rational - both from the practical side and from the point of view of hygiene and even safety measures, and the positive effect of most of them has already been proven modern science... If you wish, you can conduct an experiment - change literally a few small things in accordance with Feng Shui and observe the consequences.

In our understanding, "feng shui cuisine" is not strict rules that must be adhered to, but rather tips to help you choose the best arrangement of kitchen items for your body and soul.

The photo shows examples of feng shui kitchens. Nice and nothing out of the ordinary, right?

A bit of history

Oriental philosophy, aimed at harmonizing man and the Universe, has managed to conquer many today. It is believed that Feng Shui is a descendant of the older Vedic teachings of Vastu, which include the same recommendations.

Where is the best place to build a house, what should be the preferred landscape, what colors are best for the room, what is the best arrangement of windows, doors, furniture and other items - all this was found out several millennia ago. It is possible that there is whole line similar teachings.

The essence is the same - there is knowledge confirmed by practice, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of life both on the physical and spiritual levels. So why not use them?


Now it is worth saying a few words about the terminology used below. According to feng shui, there are 2 types of energy:

1. positive Vital energy"Qi" which:

  • usually comes from outside;
  • should flow evenly and unhindered throughout the room;
  • should not stagnate.

2. negative energy"Sha", which:

  • formed in the room itself; - in dark and narrow places;
  • contained in sharp corners and broken, knocked or damaged items.

If the first type of energy should be involved in every possible way, then the second should, on the contrary, be avoided.

What color should your feng shui kitchen be?

There are 5 types of natural elements that correspond to a certain side of the world, colors, materials and shape.

Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
Red, crimson, bright orange, hot pink, purple, violet Brown, clay, ocher - all the colors and shades inherent in the earth All shades of gray, metallic Blue, light blue, black - all colors characteristic of water All shades of green and woody brown, all colors inherent in trees
Triangle Square lying rectangle Sphere, circle Waves, wavy surfaces Standing rectangle
Warm, hot, heating up Clay, stone, ceramics Hardware Water, ice, glass Wood, wood, paper

The color should not contradict the side of the world, in which the kitchen is located. For example, in the southern cuisine, you should not use northern colors, and in the southeast, respectively, northwest, thereby giving freedom to Qi. You can determine the side of the world directly from the windows of your kitchen by the position of the sun.

It's great if your kitchen is located in the south, east or southeast, but if it is located in other directions, it's okay, everything can be compensated for with other elements.

Most Recommended Colors both for walls and for kitchen furniture are white, as well as light yellow, light orange, light brown or light green and all pastel shades... Bright, saturated colors are acceptable as discrete details.

It is not recommended to use red, hot pink or bright orange as base colors for walls or furniture. In the same time, dark colors- black or blue feng shui give a reason for the Sha energy to roam in your kitchen.

Have you already matched the color? Take your time, there are other factors to consider.

Placement of functional areas

In room there must be a balance of all 5 elements, and the lack of any of them can be filled with the appropriate color, image, material or shape.

Basically, the kitchen is dominated by fire (microwave, stove, oven) and water (sink, refrigeration units, washing and dishwasher). Accordingly, all this must be diluted with other elements.

It is believed that this particular element is present in the kitchen in the smallest amount, so it never hurts indoor plant, a painting depicting a beautiful or fertile tree or something "woody" flowers.

It is best that the stove, sink and refrigerator are not on the same straight line, but form a triangle. The distance between them should be between 1.5 and 2 meters.

The stove should not be located on the north side, as well as near the window and opposite the entrance to the room. If you cannot change its location, then you can dilute the situation with a mirror, in which you will see those entering the room. It will also help to visually enlarge your kitchen.

A mirror in Feng Shui is generally universal tool for balancing.

The refrigerator is best located in the southeast, north or east, as well as washing machine and a washing area.


Since Sha loves the dark, make the kitchen as light as possible using an odd number of lamps. It is quite logical, because work zone should be well lit.

Windows should let in as much light as possible and, accordingly, Chi, so they should be clean.


Qi loves not only light, but also space, so there should not be too much furniture, moreover, furniture without sharp corners, with rounded shapes, is preferable to avoid the appearance of Sha.

It is best to choose a table made of wood. The preferred shapes are circle or oval, it can also be rectangle or square. Glass table better to cover with a light-colored tablecloth.

It is important that pieces of furniture do not interfere with free movement. All shelves should be closed with doors, and if this is not possible, fill them with rounded items.

Hanging cabinets and shelves should not be hung over the heads of people sitting at the table - this creates discomfort.

Where should the kitchen be

According to Feng Shui, the kitchen should not:

  • be combined with other rooms;
  • be close to the front door (direct entry of the Sha), toilet and bathroom;
  • be located opposite the stairs.

There are things that are not easy to change - for example, the layout of your own apartment.

Therefore, if, nevertheless, one of these situations is present in your house, you can:

  • hang an amulet, a talisman, a curtain made of beads, beads, threads or "wind chime" on the conditional or visible border of the kitchen;
  • keep the kitchen doors always closed or use the above options;
  • hang a mirror, a picture on the stairs or decorate it in a designer way.

In addition to the fundamental postulates, our consultant has kindly shared a few more tips for arranging a kitchen in Feng Shui:

  1. 1. The kitchen should always be clean- it is believed that order and cleanliness will attract wealth and luck into your life (read);
  2. 2. On the kitchen table there should be only the most necessary things so that Qi does not stagnate - all utensils should be stored in drawers, cabinets and on shelves. For the same reason, you should remove from these boxes and shelves what you do not use at all;
  3. 3. Throw away the overpowered dishes or dishes with cracks - there will be a great reason to buy a new one;
  4. 4. All available technique and devices should work and be useful, just throw out what doesn't work;
  5. 5. In the kitchen, and especially during meals do not talk about anything bad or swear, after all, our ancestors also believed that together with food we absorb this negative;
  6. 6. For the above reason you should always cook in a good mood;
  7. 7. In the refrigerator, as well as in the kitchen in general, there should always be only fresh products;
  8. 8. Before going to bed, remove from the table and other surfaces. all sharp objects.

We hope you have learned something useful or even changed your attitude towards this teaching. Still, what the kitchen should be like, and whether it will be decorated according to Feng Shui or other methods - it's up to you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable!

The kitchen is the place where people prepare food, and food provides a large part of the Chi energy that is so necessary for life. In most cases, people also eat in the kitchen. Therefore, the very arrangement of the kitchen and the objects inside it is essential for the harmonious improvement of the home. There are several rules Feng Shui that will help you organize a supportive environment at kitchen.

The best place for a good feng shui cuisine

Feng Shui in the kitchen is less important than in the bedroom or workplace. If the kitchen only serves to cook and the room is no longer used for anything, then the well-being of the sector is not so important.

Since there are outlets for Chi energy in the kitchen - a sink and exhaust ventilation, it is even better if it is in a less favorable place. In this case, unfavorable energy through these exits will leave your house, and you will save space and be able to allocate it for other, more important premises.

In addition, the kitchen belongs to the elements. Of fire , so for good feng shui, she must receive elemental support. And she will receive support in the southern part of the house - from the elements of Fire, or in the eastern (or southeastern), where she will be supported Wood ... The northwest sector is unfavorable for the kitchen.

In any case, the kitchen should not be located opposite the bedroom or study, otherwise the Qi energy from these places will tend to flow into the kitchen and leave the house through the sink and hood. In addition, if you constantly see the refrigerator in front of you and feel the aromas of food, then you will often have a desire to once again go to the kitchen and have a snack. If redevelopment of rooms in the house is impossible, then at least keep kitchen door permanently closed!

Furniture and household appliances in feng shui kitchen

For good feng shui cuisine is essential so that the sharp corners of the furniture do not look at the people eating at the table. To decrease Negative influence from them, cover the corners with live or artificial plants. Lying in plain sight kitchen knives, forks and other piercing objects also emit harmful arrows, so always keep them in a closed box and remove them only before using.

By the way, about the sharp corners. Dinner table should have a rounded shape, without sharp corners. Then those sitting behind him will feel more cozy and comfortable. At the same time, it is not recommended to sit with your back directly to the door, so as not to get caught in the "draft" of Qi energy. If this cannot be avoided, then hang the wind chime at the window, it will scatter an unnecessarily sharp stream and prevent the escape of Qi energy from the kitchen.

When eating, you need your face to look in a favorable direction for the Gua number, so give your household the appropriate permanent places at the dinner table.

Kitchen sink and refrigerator- indispensable attributes of the kitchen. They belong to the elements Water. This means that if they stand in the north, then Water will support them, and in the west or north-west it will support them. Metal ... For the same reason, the sink must be made of metal. Plumbing manufacturers produce fairly high-quality sinks from other materials. For example, from ceramics. But ceramics is the element of the Earth that suppresses Water. Therefore, choose a metal sink, for feng shui cuisine it is more harmonious.

Toaster, microwave oven, coffee maker and plate, belong to the elements Fire. After all, all this is used in order to cook and heat food. And water and fire are known to be in conflict. Therefore, in order not to harm the feng shui of the kitchen, do not put the warring elements opposite - a sink and a refrigerator. You do not want your Appliances broke down?

The stove is the heart of any kitchen, and the feng shui of the entire kitchen as a whole largely depends on its location in the room. After all, food is an important source of Qi energy, and it is better to recharge with high-quality energy!

The kitchen is the heart of the house, the Chinese generally believe that it is the kitchen that is an indicator of well-being and prosperity, and they pay a lot of attention to its decoration. It is here that the whole family gathers, and often the most pressing problems are discussed and the most responsible decisions are made. Therefore, it is so important to equip it correctly. One of these design options is the creation of decoration according to the rules of feng shui.

Feng Shui: striving for harmony and purity in everything

Talking about feng shui, you need to understand that this is a very complex philosophical doctrine, which has many schools and directions, therefore, the conversation will only focus on the basic well-known rules of interior design in compliance with some traditions characteristic of this philosophy, with one goal - to create an atmosphere convenient for the hostess , family, guests.

Location of the room

  • In the feng shui tradition, you should not place the kitchen in the middle of the house (this provokes family conflicts), ideally arrange it in the farthest room.
  • In no case should her door be opposite the door to where water is constantly pouring: bathroom, toilet. Then wealth and luck will be washed off with water.
  • When it is no longer possible to change, it is worth trying to mitigate the unwanted effect by placing wind chimes or a small mineral over the door.
  • The option when the door to the kitchen is opposite the entrance to the house will also be unsuccessful.... There is a double danger here: the good will be blown away by the wind, and all negative energy will rush to the kitchen: it can get into food and cause illness among the owners, first of all, indigestion.
  • In addition, it will attract a large number of uninvited guests that will have to be fed. To avoid this, you need to hang curtains on the front door, and put big plant in a tub or any decorative element that will take away most of the bad energy.

The kitchen must necessarily have a window, the view from which delivers positive emotions, but if the corner of a neighboring house or a triangular roof is visible, then you need to hang a reflective sticker in the shape of the Bagua symbol (the influence of the five elements on the cardinal points) on the window in order to reflect dark energy.


The kitchens located in the north are not very good option , but on the other hand, this is the most calm place, devoid of emotions in cooking. The element of the north ─ Water, here you need to be very careful about the state of the plumbing, and such an arrangement can even hinder digestion.
See our article on how to choose a color for a north side kitchen.

Also unsuccessful and northwest orientation... Much the best location is northeast, the food here is prepared tasty and high quality.


The eastern and southeastern sides are quite favorable- their symbol is the Tree. The kitchen in the southeast encourages creativity in cooking.


Western cuisine is perfect for those who like fun companies.

Cooking in such a kitchen brings satisfaction and pleasure, provokes bouts of fun, but often it is simply impossible to concentrate here.


Orientation of the kitchen to the south - perfect option ... According to Chinese philosophy, the yug is the element of Fire. But such an arrangement whets the appetite, which is not always good, especially for those who have decided to lose weight.


Basic rules for registration:

  • ideal if furniture and equipment are arranged according to the triangle principle;
  • sharp corners and sharp objects in plain sight must be avoided;
  • everything present in the kitchen must be constantly used, otherwise the positive energy of Qi will accumulate at the location of unnecessary things;
  • you can not leave the old unused and broken- such things absorb Sha's dark energy, provoking scandals and troubles;
  • symbols of the opposite verse cannot be used in the zones (for example, it is impossible for objects symbolizing the sun to be on the north side);
  • it is impossible for people to crowd in the kitchen;
  • there should be a lot of free space so that nothing interferes with the circulation of positive Qi;
  • the kitchen must have correct shape with right angles, otherwise negative energy will accumulate in sharp corners, creating negative zones there, carrying diseases and even death;
  • all dishes must be put in the closet;
  • worth organizing maximum(dark corners concentrate the energy of Sha) and active ventilation, it just disperses all the dark energy;
  • do not divide the kitchen into zones using different levels floors, all kinds of ledges, etc.

Tiles and furniture coverings should not have a reflective effect, because then they will refract the person's reflection, which will negatively affect his health, or even completely "break" his life.


Correctly positioning furniture in the kitchen is one of the basic rules of Feng Shui.

  • All furniture must be functional and constantly used.
  • Must not be old furniture with unknown history, it can carry stagnant negative energy.
  • For such a kitchen, it is better to buy furniture with rounded corners.
  • Cabinets should be positioned so that the person cooking sees the entire kitchen, it is important that he does not need to turn his head more than 45 degrees, and ideally he should not be with his back to the door.
  • Ideal for lockers working surface were installed in the middle of the kitchen, then the chef can take any convenient position.
  • It is more harmonious to place wooden furniture between the sink, refrigerator and stove, dividing the zones of Water and Fire, based on the Chinese saying: "Water gives rise to wood, and wood gives rise to fire."
  • Do not hang open shelves.
  • The table should not direct sharp corners to the stove, it is better if it is round, oval or octagonal, reminiscent of Bogois.
  • There should be nothing on the countertop if in the kitchen in this moment do not cook.
  • Chairs, armchairs, a sofa (stools are not welcome here) must be placed so that the back of the person sitting is not in a draft opposite the door, otherwise the person will fall under the influence of Qi energy.

A certain place should be assigned to each family member so that while eating a person looks in the usual favorable direction, and it helps him Gua number(personal number of each).



All pipes should be safely removed, or they will fill the room with Sha negative energy.

Ideally, if the three main items, refrigerator, stove, sink, are located in three corners.


The most important item in a feng shui kitchen is the stove. She symbolizes success and prosperity. It contains the element of Fire. The principles of its installation are as follows:

    • the stove should never stand by the window
      after all, one has only to open the window, how luck can fly out into the street, if you cannot move the plate, then you need to attach a reflective sticker to the window;
    • ideal if the slab can be installed against the south wall, the south is the refuge of such an element as Fire. But it must be pacified by placing it next to the stove ceramic vase with charcoal;
    • if this is not possible, then just put the stove to inner wall at home;
    • it should not be placed next to the sink and refrigerator: Water is the enemy of Fire.
    • if, nevertheless, they are nearby, then it is better to establish a separation from the Tree: planks, decorative elements, tile; it will be better to use green or brown colors;
    • cook better on the stove with an open fire avoiding microwaves, ovens and electric stoves;

  • the number of burners is also important - the more, the better, if there are only one or two, you need to place a mirror near the stove so that there are more of them visually;
  • all burners, even those that are not constantly used, must be switched on periodically;
  • the slab must not be under the ceiling beam.

Read our article how to choose hob to the kitchen and oven,.

It is good to hang photos of relatives on the wall, including the dead, so they are symbolically invited to the table and thanked for everything.

Watch the video for expert advice on how to set up a Feng Shui kitchen.

The ancient teachings of Feng Shui can change your life.