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What is the number of gua and how to calculate it. Favorable and unfavorable directions by the number of Gua

Let's talk about what is the number of Gua in Feng Shui.

The number of Gua is a number calculated personally for each person, depending on year of birth.

The definition of an individual number of GUA will help to understand the most favorable directions in life for a person. Of the eight existing compass directions, the first four favorable a person, and the other four - on the contrary.

Having learned and taking into account new knowledge gained, it is possible to significantly improve life, avoid troubles and direct the course of events, and fate for the better. .

The number of Gua will help to answer many questions: why sleep or rest do not bring full-fledged relaxation, or for what reason the personal life is not laid, or things are going to work.

The number of Gua is calculated quickly and easily. You just need to know the year of your birth and take into account a few features.

  1. The number of GUA for men and women differ, as well as they differ in those who were born until 2000. There are differences for girls and guys who were born after 2000. All are calculated in different ways.
  2. The Chinese lunar calendar is somewhat different from our, to which we are accustomed. They have the date of the new year periodically changing and can be timed to the days, starting on January 21, ending the 20th of February. Thus, those people who were born until February 20 should order with the Chinese calendar to begin. In case China has come in China after your date of birth, it is necessary to take the previous one for the initial year, that is, a year before the occurrence of January 1.

Example: Your birth date is January 30, 1985. It turns out, on the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year has come on February 20, 1985. So, when calculating GUA, you should take 1984.

Calculate the number of Gua to women who were born until 2000

  1. You need to fold the last two digits from year of birth. As a result, you need to get an unambiguous number. If the result was the number consisting of 2 digits, for the same principle, add these numbers again to bring them to one.

For example: You were born in 1992: 9 + 2 \u003d 11, then 1 + 1 \u003d 2.

  1. Now I add to the resulting number 5. The final result is again necessary to lead to one digit if a two-digit number came out.

Example: year of birth - 1978: 7 + 8 \u003d 15; 1 + 5 \u003d 6; 6 + 5 \u003d 11; 1 + 1 \u003d 2

As a result, the number of Gua - 2.

The number of GUA for girls born in 2000 and later

Similarly, fold the last two figures of the year of birth, only the resulting result is not enough 5, as an example above, but 6.

The number of Gua Men who were born earlier than 2000

Slip the last two birthday figures. Must leave a number, as a result, consisting of the 1st digit.

The result is required from 10.

Example: 1969 year of birth. 6 + 9 \u003d 15; 1 + 5 \u003d 6; 10 - 6 \u003d 4.

As a result, the number of GUA - 4.

Calculate the number of gua boys born in 2000 and later

The result, resulting from the addition of the last two years of birth, this time takes away from 10, and out of 9.

Important notes

The number of Gua 0 simply does not exist, for this reason, the young man who was born in 2009, the GUA will be equal to 9.

For women, if the result is in the end is 5, the number of Gua is equal to 8, and for men to 2.

2 groups of people are allocated depending on their GUA number:

1) If Guo 9, 4, 3, or 1, then, accordingly, you are the representative of the Eastern Group. Favorable for such people of the South-East and South, East and North.

2) If Guo 8, 7, 6 or 2, then you are a representative of the Western Group. The favorable directions of the northeast and the West, the North-West and the South-West.

Favorable directions

Heavenly doctor Responsible for strength, energy and health.

Personal development - Direction contributing to self-improvement, disclosure of domestic reserves, the development of creative and professional abilities

Love and marriage - Direction, is designed to help harmonious relations, in love and family

Success - The most favorable of all directions, promises good luck in all endeavors, wealth and luck. Feng Shui advises as often as possible to look in this direction, for example, for the working or dining table, the face is to sit in this direction.

Adverse directions

Five spirits May lead to monetary difficulties, loss, fires.

Obstacles - This direction promises small quarrels and troubles.

Six killers Threaten serious problems, diseases, legal and financial difficulties.

Total crash - The most dangerous of adverse directions is possible serious loss, bankruptcy and even death.

As the Feng Shui says, for the desired improvement of any of their areas of your life, you should watch, eat, work and sleep face in favorable directions, which of them, you can choose yourself. And, on the contrary, in order to avoid poor consequences from unfavorable areas, avoid looking throughout these parties, especially during sleep, work, study, food, and other important matters. The same principle should be followed in other aspects of life, such as a house, a study or office, you should choose the "face" in a favorable direction.

Directions for each number of Gua

Guo 1.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - Yu-B;
  • Love and marriage - Yu;
  • Personal development - with;
  • Heavenly Doctor - V.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - s;
  • Six murderers - s - s;
  • Five spirits - C-B;
  • Total collapse - yu.

Guo 2.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - C-B;
  • Heavenly Doctor - s;
  • Personal development - Yu-s;
  • Love and marriage - s - z.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - in;
  • Five spirits - Yu-B;
  • Total collapse - C;
  • Six murderers - Yu.

Gua 3.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - Yu;
  • Heavenly doctor - with;
  • Personal development - in;
  • Love and marriage - Yu-c.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Five spirits - C-s;
  • Six murderers - C-B;
  • Obstacles - Yu-s;
  • Total collapse - Z.

GUA 4.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - C;
  • Personal development - Yu-B;
  • Heavenly Doctor - Yu;
  • Love and marriage - V.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - C-s;
  • Five spirits - Yu-s;
  • Six murderers - s;
  • Total collapse - C-B.

Guo 6.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - s;
  • Personal development - C-s;
  • Heavenly Doctor - C-B;
  • Love and marriage - yuz.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - Yu-B;
  • Five spirits - in;
  • Six murderers - with;
  • Total collapse - Yu.

Gua 7.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - C-s;
  • Personal development - s;
  • Heavenly Doctor - Yu-s;
  • Love and marriage - S-in.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - with;
  • Five spirits;
  • Six killers - Yu-B;
  • Total collapse - V.

Guo 8.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - Yu-s;
  • Personal development - C-B;
  • Heavenly Doctor - C-s;
  • Love and marriage - Z.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - Yu;
  • Five spirits - C;
  • Six murderers - in;
  • Total collapse - yu-c.

Guo 9.

Favorable directions:

  • Success - in;
  • Personal development - Yu;
  • Heavenly Doctor - Yu-B;
  • Love and marriage - S.

Unfavorable directions:

  • Obstacles - C-B;
  • Five spirits - s;
  • Six murderers - Yu-s;
  • Total collapse - ss.

Thus, Feng Shui The number of Gua will allow you to improve life with a simple change in some rules. Such small changes will lead you to success and prosperity. Try.

There are four directions for the positive application of the GUA number. It:

  1. Shen-qi - allows you to build a successful career, achieve success in work and achieve financial well-being. This is all related to active actions, wealth, achievement of goals.
  2. Yan-Nan - the sphere of love relationship. It helps to build a harmonious happy family, live in harmony and the world for many years without conflicts and quarrels.
  3. Yegende - Health Sector. Enhances attractiveness, protects against disease and gives longevity.
  4. Fu-Wei - develops intellectual and creative abilities, reveals the mental personality potential, empowers luck and luck in all spheres of human life.

Feng Shui is a philosophy in which the balance is very important. Therefore, there are negative directions that mirror reflect positive. Four them:

  1. Ho-high - sector of negative emotions. Acting in this direction, a person will get a lot of trouble, enter the black strip of his life, complete disappointments and failures.
  2. U-Wei - negatively affects the social life of a person. Detects relationships with loved ones, provokes the appearance of fears, phobias and blocks in a thin body.
  3. Jie-min - adversely affects the financial sphere of human life. Attracts failures, poverty, need, leads to bankruptcy and ruin.

How not to get into the unfavorable zone? To do this, you need to know where it is in your home. And then neutralize with the help of Chinese talismans that destroy the negative energy and activate the positive. 1, 2, 3 and 4 sectors correspond to the north, east, west and south, respectively. Take this in the arrangement of your home.

Look at the video about how the date of birth affects the fate of the person:

Definition of the element

Human element determines its character and temperament. To find out what energy prevails in you, learn this table:


  • 0 is the number of "metal" people with Yang's energy. They are very decisive, stubborn, endowed with the colossal power of will and fair. But they may be overly stubborn and demanding, which complicates relations with others. Intellectuals;
  • 1 - Metal, Yin. Aesthetes, the main thing for them is the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. They seek everything around to improve, improve and decorate. But they can be too arrogant, criticize people and consider themselves better than others;
  • 2 - water, yang. Very active, living people, inquisitive and curious. They are interested in absolutely all, incorrigible optimists and driving. Sometimes they can be infantile and live in the world of pink clouds, without seeing true reality;
  • 3 - water, yin. Sophisticated and noble nature. We strive to be part of the "highest society", take a high social status. Prone to depressions, poorly carry stress;
  • 4 - Tree, Yang. Very fundamental nature, stubborn and uncompromising. Live in their own, clearly formulated rules, do not tolerate rags and will never make something ababy as;
  • 5 - tree, yin. Very tolerantly belong to others, any negative act of a close person will find justification and explanation, kind and compassionate. At the same time, they are very demanding to themselves, seek to meet the ideal ideal;
  • 6 - fire, yang. Very energetic and active. We strive to try everything in life, often change work, place of residence, hobbies and friends. Fall in love and are often disappointed;
  • 7 - fire, yin. Careful and vulnerable people are very sensitive to the negative, often offended. Do not know how to relax and relax, so they can live in a state of constant voltage;
  • 8 - Earth, Yang. Conservatives, adhere to strict moral principles. Very faithful and devotional friends will never leave a close man in trouble;
  • 9 - Earth, Yin. Soft, stopy, compliant personalities. They honor parents and the family above all in the world. They love to be in privacy, do not tolerate noisy companies.

Knowing your element, you can understand how to live the energy inhabited in you, harmoniously and correctly.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

The GUA number is a key indicator that characterizes the person in the technique of Ba Zhai. It is calculated based on birth dates. It is very important when appointing and executing recommendation on Feng Shui take into account the number of GUA of this person. A favorable direction for one person can be destructive for another.
The number of Gua is the basis of the Ba-Zhai technician - eight palaces, is based on Ba-Gua - eight trigms. Ba-Zhai technique takes into account that the focus of his dwelling is influenced by a person, i.e. Those energies that penetrate the house from the side of the world on which it is oriented. The basis for such a calculation is the back side of the house, i.e. The opposite facade. Accordingly, housing and people are divided into groups - Eastern and Western. In addition to the standard Ba-Zhai, which divides the space on 8 sectors of 45 degrees, exists and extended Ba-Zhai, dividing the space on the 15 degree sector, referring to the equipment of 24 mountains.

IMPORTANT: The number of Gua 5 does not exist. Therefore, if when counting the final result is 5, then the number of Gua for men is considered 2, and for women - 8.

NOT LESS IMPORTANT : If you are born between January 1 and February 4-5 (New Year's Day on the Chinese calendar), then you need to make calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

For a man - First fold four birth numbers. If the result is a two-digit number, then fold its numbers again so that one digit remains. Then the result is deducted from 11.
For woman - Fold four birth numbers in the same way, give the result to one digit and add a number 4.
If the boy was born in 2009, then the number of Gua is equal to 9.

Fen-shui favorable directions for gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

Sheng Qi: Success The most favorable direction on Feng Shui with the best kind of energy. It provides success in absolutely any endeavors, brings money, fame, high position in society. Ideally turn the desktop in this direction. If the entrance door to the apartment and to the office "looks" here, then it will be just wonderful!

Yelen and: Health If the entrance door to the bedroom and the headboard bed will be directed in this direction, or taking food, you will be facing it, it will mostly affect your health and add vital activity.

Yan-Nyan: Love It helps to create a harmonious relationship in the family for a long living together. For this purpose, install the bed headboard towards Yan-Nyan will be especially useful. If you are alone and dream of a life satellite, then this direction is the best for you.

Fu-Wei: Stability Perfectly suitable in order to develop internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This contributes to advanced training, and as a result, career growth. This side will be well to send your workplace.

Number of Gua.SuccessHealthLoveStability
Eastern Group
1 SoutheastEastSouthNorth
3 SouthNorthSoutheastEast
4 NorthSouthEastSoutheast
9 EastSoutheastNorthSouth
Western Group
2 NortheastWestNorthwestSouthwest
6 WestNortheastSouthwestNorthwest
7 NorthwestSouthwestNortheastWest
8 SouthwestNorthwestWestNortheast

Adverse directions

Use them leads to various problems.

Ho-high: obstacles - Unpleasant, but from bad it is the weakest. Means "minor failures" and small problems. Not so scary, but if possible, avoid it better.

Liu-Sha: six killers. If this side looks at the desktop or bed, then in the family and at work there may be serious conflicts, and in business, unexpectedly emergertic problems.

U-Gui: Five Ghosts This direction faces accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep in this direction, you can seriously snap or fall into depression.

Jew-min: Full collapse. This is the most unsuccessful and harmful place. Avoid it in order for anything, do not sit face while working or important meetings. The bed should not be headboard stand in this part of the house, otherwise you will see bad dreams and you just can not sleep. For the entrance door, this is also an unwanted place, because every time leaving the apartment, you attract the negative energy together with failures.

Number of Gua.Full collapseSix killersFive ghostsObstacles
Eastern Group
1 SouthwestNorthwestNortheastWest
3 WestNortheastNorthwestSouthwest
4 NortheastWestSouthwestNorthwest
9 NorthwestSouthwestWestNortheast
Western Group
2 NorthSouthSoutheastEast
6 SouthNorthEastSoutheast
7 EastSoutheastSouthNorth
8 SoutheastEastNorthSouth


Personal favorable and unfavorable directions have a cumulative effect. They are gaining great power only when repeated several times.
Try to sleep your head in a favorable direction
Sit behind the desk in such a way as to watch face in a favorable side.
Try to make your successful directions as often as possible repeated in the house.

If it happened that the favorable direction for one of the spouses is unfavorable for the other, the married bed is better to place the headboard in a favorable side of the one who needs it. And that the rest of the factors are favorable.

Lesson 20. Feng Shui for good luck: how to calculate the number of gua

The art of Feng Shui has more than three thousand years, and those who follow the advice of the ancient sages, amazingly transforms their lives. If you have already made a change in your home according to the Bagua grid, you probably feel the positive energy of qi, attracting many joyful events to the life of households.

Want to influence your reality? And to achieve cherished goals without any problems?

Then you just need to take advantage of the unique recommendations of Feng Shui for good luck and calculate their number of Gua.

Gua is a personal number of each person with which one can determine its favorable direction. Having learned it, you will discover excellent opportunities for effective career growth, health promotion and even attracting the second half.

How to calculate the number of Gua?

Take advantage of simple mathematical calculations: fold the two last figures of your birthday. If it turned out a two-digit number, we fold again.

For men: take away the resulting number from 10. For example: year of birth 1982. 8 + 2 \u003d 10, 1 + 0 \u003d 1, 10-1 \u003d 9. Number gua \u003d 9
For women: add to the resulting number 5. For example: year of birth 1983. 8 + 3 \u003d 11, 1 + 1 \u003d 2, 2 + 5 \u003d 7. Number gua \u003d 7

Attention! If you celebrate your birthday from January 20 to February 20, these calculations may be incorrect. Use the table below.

After you calculated the number of Gua, determine which group you treat.

Gua \u003d 1,3,4, 9 - Eastern Group People
Gua \u003d 5,2,6,7,8 - people of the Western Group

Directions of the Eastern Group







Healing direction


Romantic direction



Unlucky direction




Direction of five ghosts




Direction of six killers




Direction of total collapse




Directions of the Western Group








Best Direction (Wealth)






Healing direction





Romantic direction





Direction of personal development






Unlucky direction


Direction of five ghosts



Direction of six killers


Direction of total collapse



Feng Shui for good luck is based on the right orientation of its favorable side of the world.

For example, if your number gua \u003d 9 You belong to the eastern group:

East - Your best direction is responsible for prosperity and material well-being. Masters Feng Shui advise always to sit face east even while eating. Put your desktop according to the direction, and you will noticeably improve your financial tributaries.

Southeast - responsible for health. If you often sick, put your bed so to sleep your head in this direction.

North - It will help to get rid of loneliness and attract love in your life.

South - Develop your mental abilities. The best direction for learning.

As you have already noticed, each number of Gua has adverse directions. On our example,
Northeast - It is considered the most unlucky place in the house. You are in it now, and sit back to it.

West, South-West and North-West - can attract many troubles for you: collapse, ruin, disease, etc. The names of "Five Ghosts" and "Six Killers" - small collections of structures such as parting, quarrels, etc. We will not list them.

It should be noted that the GUA works with the directions, that is, you can activate any sectors according to the Bagua grid and not be afraid of the consequences (of course, if there are no unfortunate flying stars).

You just need to look into your side of the world when you think about desires, or do something important. Do study, eat, sign important paper, sleep face for the best direction, and you will attract a huge luck in your life!

Table to determine the number of Gua

Western Calendar Dates

Element of the year

Gua for men

Gua for women

Feb 18,1912-Feb 5,1913
Feb 6, 1913-Jan 25, 1914
Jan 26, 1914-Feb 13, 1915
Feb 14, 1915-Feb 2, 1916
Feb 3, 1916-Jan 22, 1917
Jan 23, 1917 - Feb 10, 1918
Feb 11, 1918-Jan 31, 1919
Feb 1, 1919-Feb 19, 1920
Feb 20, 1920-Feb 7, 1921
Feb 8, 1921 -Yang 27, 1922
Feb 28. 1922-Feb 15. 1923
Feb 16, 1923-Feb 4, 1924
Feb 5, 1924 - Danger 23, 1925
Jan 24, 1925 - Feb 12, 1926
Feb 13,1926 - Feb 1,1927
Feb 2,1927-I HB 22,1928
Jan 23, 1928 - Feb 9, 1929
Feb 10, 1929 - Jan 29, 1930
Jan 30, 1930-Feb 16, 1931
Feb 17, 1931 - Feb 5, 1932
Feb 6, 1932 - Jan 25, 1933
Jan 26, 1933-Feb 13, 1934
Feb 14, 1934-Feb 3, 1935
Feb 4, 1935-Jan 23, 1936
Jan 24, 1936 - Feb 10, 1937
Feb 11,1937 - Jan 30,1938
Jan 31, 1938-Feb 18, 1939
Feb 19, 1939-Feb 7. 1940
FVV 8, 1940-Jan 26, 1941
Jan 27, 1941 -Frees 14, 1942
Feb15,1942-Feb 4,1943
Feb 5, 1943-Jan 24, 1944
Jan 25, 1944-Feb 12, 1945
Feb 13, 1945-Feb 1, 1946
Feb 2. 1946-Jan 21, 1947
Jan 22, 1947 - Feb 9, 1948
FVV 10, 1948-Jan 28, 1949
Jan 29, 1949-Jan 16, 1950
Feb 17, 1950-Feb 5, 1951
Fairy 6.1951- Jan 26, 1952
Jan27, 1952- Feb 13. 1953
Feb 14. 1953-Feb 2, 1954
Feb 3, 1954-Jan 23, 1955
Jan 24. 1955 -Frees 11, 1956
Feb 12, 1956-Jan 30, 1957
Jan 31, 1957-Feb 17, 1958
Feb 18, 1958 -Frees 7, 1959
Feb 8, 1959-Jan 27, 1960
Jan 28. 1960-Feb 14, 1961
Feb 15. 1961 -FEV 4, 1962
Feb 5, 1962-Jan 24, 1963
Jan25, 1963-Feb 12, 1964
Feb 13, 1964 -Frees 1, 1965
Feb 2, 1965-Jan 20, 1966
Jan 21,1966-Feb 8,1967
Feb 9. 1967 - Jan 29. 1968
Jan 30, 1968-Feb 16, 1969
Feb 17. 1969-Feb 5, 1970
Feb 6, 1970-Jan 26, 1971
Jan 27, 1971 -Frees 14, 1972
Feb 15, 1972 -Frees 2. 1973
Feb 3, 1973 - Jan 22, 1974
Jan 23. 1974-Feb 10, 1975
Feb 11, 1975-Jan 30, 1976
Jan 31,1976 - Feb 17, 1977
Fairy 18, 1977-Feb 6, 1978
Feb 7, 1978 - Jan 27, 1979
Jan 28. 1979 -Frees 15, 1980
Feb 16. 1980-Feb 4. 1981
Feb 5. 1981-Jan 24, 1982
Jan 25, 1982 -Frees 12. 1983
FVV1E, 1983-Feb 1, 1984
Feb 2. 1984-Feb 19, 1985
Feb 20, 1985-Feb 8, 1986
Feb 9, 1986- Jan 28, 1987
Jan 29, 1987-Feb 16, 1988
Feb 17. 1988 -Frees 5, 1989
Feb 6. 1989-Jan 26, 1990
Jan 27, 1990-Feb 14, 1991
Feb 15, 1991-Feb 3, 1992
Feb. 4. 1992-Jan 22, 1993
Jan23, 1993-Feb 9, 1994
Feb 10, 1994-Jan 30, 1995
Jan 31, 1995 - Feb 18, 1996
Feb 19. 1996-Feb 6, 1997
Feb 7, 1997 - Danv27, 1998
Jan2B, 1998 - Feb 15. 1999
Feb16. 1999-Feb 4, 2000
Feb 5, 2000 - Jan 21. 2001
Jan 24, 2001 - Feb 11, 2002
Feb 12. 2002 - Jan 31, 2003
Feb 1,2003- Jan.21,2004
Jan22, 2004 - Feb 8, 2005
Feb 9, 2005 - Danger 28, 2006
Jan 29. 2006 - Feb 17.2007
Feb 16, 2007 - Feb 6. 2008

Anastasia VolkovaFor rubrics


My name is Alexander. I will be very grateful if you answer me one question. You as a professional could not clarify how the personal number of Gua is calculated correctly?

In the books of Richard Webster, for example, is calculated so.

Below is a simple formula for determining the person's personal trigram. The formula for men is somewhat different from the formula for women.If you are a man, take away the last two digits of the year of your birth from 100, and the difference is divided into 9. We are interested in non-division, but the residue. If there is no residue, then the human trigram is.For example, if you were born in 1954, take 54 from 100 - it will turn out to be 46. Delim 46 to 9 and we get the residue 1. So the trigram of this person is cany.Another example is for a man born in 1964. 100 - 64 \u003d 36, 36 is divided into 9 without a residue. The trigram of this person is.For women, the formula is somewhat different: they should be between the last two digits of the year of their birth and divide the difference by 9. And again we are interested only in the residue.Example for a woman born in 1973: 73 - 4 \u003d 69. We divide 69 by 9, we get in the residue 6.Another example: for a woman born in 1950. 50 - 4 \u003d 46. 46 is divided into 9 with the residue 1.

And in other sources are calculated so.

1. Take the year of my birth. If you were born in January or the first days of February, then deposit your birth date with the lunar calendar. If your number falls on the previous lunar year, then for the number of Gua, you should take the previous year. For example, you were born on January 20, 1982. In accordance with the lunar calendar, 1982 begins only on January 25, and therefore for the calculation of the number of Gua in this case should be taken in 1981.

2. Fold the last two recent digits of your birthday. If it turned out a two-digit number, fold the numbers of the resulting number again. For example, you were born in 1975: 7 + 5 \u003d 12, 1 + 2 \u003d 3.

3. Now it depends on your floor. For men, the resulting number should be subtracted from 10. In the example of 1975, it is 10 - 3 \u003d 7. The resulting number of Gua 7. If the calculation is carried out for boys born after 2000, it should be deducted from 10, and out of 9.

4. For women, the resulting number should be added 5. In Example 1975, it is 5 + 3 \u003d 8. The resulting number of Gua 8.

In this regard, different figures are obtained in some cases.

Many thanks!!!

Hello, Alexander!

Diffuses when counting the number of Gua usually appear in two cases.

1. Different Masters Feng Shui can use different calendars for counting Gua. Some believe that the solar calendar, starting on February 4-5 of each year, is more appropriate. And others believe that the lunar calendar needs to be used, the scatter of which began to be much larger. But still, as far as I know, most Feng Shui masters prefer to use the sun calendar.

2. Some formulas used in Feng Shui until 2000 are not suitable for counting after 2000, that is, they will give erroneous numbers.

Each person belongs to one of the 8 types of magnetic decline depending on his year of birth. Only in China, the sunny year begins at the time of the "coming of spring" (this is the middle of the interval between the winter solstice and the spring equinox), which is usually falling on February 4-5. Therefore, those people whose birthdays come to the interval from January 1 and on February 3 belong to the type of decline in the previous year. If the date of your birth falls on February 4-5, email us to clarify.

To determine your magnetic decline (the number of Gua, Gua of Life) is necessary:

1) Fold all birthday figures. For example, 1999 - 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 \u003d 28

2) to fold until one digit 2 + 8 \u003d 10 remains; 1 + 0 \u003d 1

But, if the calculation is obtained by number 5 (as in the above case), then for a woman the number of Gua will be 8, and for a man 2.

Two numbers should be remembered: for men 11, from which one should deduct the amount of birth numbers, and for women - 4, to which the amount of birth numbers should be added. All these arithmetic acts serve to simply calculate the number of GUA. In fact, Gua has a natural distribution by year:


Gua for men

Gua for women



8 (5)














2 (5)













8 (5)














2 (5)


(In this table, I have already replaced 5 to 2 for men and 8 for women.)

Why not gua 5?

Gua in Chinese is a trigram. There are only 8 trigms - Bagua ("Ba" - eight). Why not exactly 5 gua? Because in the Lo-Shu Square (the nine-sector square Lo-shu with numbers from 1 to 9 is the basis of Fengshui formulas) Figure 5 is in the middle and it cannot be compared to any trigram (direction).

Square Lo-Shu:

east 4 9 2 west
3 5 7
8 1 6

8 types of magnetic decline are divided into Eastern - Gua Life 1, 3, 4, 9 and Western - 2, 6, 7, 8 groups. Successful directions for people belonging to one group coincide, but differ in the degree of influence.

There are 8 directions in total: 4 successful and 4 unsuccessful.
Successful (in descending order of influence):
1. Shen Qi ("Producing Good Qi"). This is the most successful direction.
2. Tian and ("Heavenly Doctor").
3. Nyan Yan ("longevity").
4. Fu Vei ("Good Life"). Least good direction.

Unsuccessful (in order to reduce harm):
5. Jew Min ("Unhappy Fate"). The most unfavorable direction.
6. GUi ("Five Ghosts").
7. Liu Sha ("Six Demons").
8. Ho Hai ("misfortune"). Least harmful direction. "

In order to determine their best / worst directions, it is necessary to find your number of Gua in the left column, which is written "the number of Gua". On one line with your number of Gua, your best / worst directions will be indicated: in the column under the number 1 - the best (Shen Qi), under the number 2 - Tien and etc.

Number of Gua.


















































































Try most of the time to pursue your face in your favorable side, as well as while sleeping heads in good for you.

There are different opinions about what time the direction (from 4 favorable) is the best for sleep? Someone says that the most appropriate is the best (1), but so that you are not exactly in this direction, but would be shifted by several degrees to any side. Someone believes that it is best to 4 direction. And if you have, for example, health problems, it is better to sleep in the direction 2 (Heavenly Doctor). Now you can experiment, because the main thing is that you know what directions are good for you, and which - no.

about the author

Master Feng Shui Anna Kumacheva practices Feng Shui for about 20 years. In 1999, her site became the first site about Feng Shui in Russian. Currently, Anna continues to give Feng Shui consultation for both residential premises (apartments, houses) and for any kind of business (offices, shops, restaurants, beauty salons, medical centers, etc.).