Repairs Design Furniture

Cherry color roof. The color of the roof and the facade: how to choose a suitable combination? Colors Roofs Photo and Description

Facing facades is performed a variety of materialswho give him natural and natural color. Brick, stone, wood, painted stucco, clinker, majolica - all materials or their combinations change and decorate exterior appearance building.

To pick up the color of the facade, you need to take into account a number of parameters: climate, geographical location, specifications, building functions, its size, facing materials, structural elements.

The harmonious combination of shades contributes to the creation of architectural ensembles at the art level.

Types of facades and finishing methods

Surface texture and type of lighting have a big impact on color perception. Wonderful effects can be achieved by a combination of natural building and facing materials.

Stone, concrete, the tree is perfectly combined with mosaic, glass, asbestos cement, ceramics, metal.

Sometimes for finishing use artificial materials, But it is not the best choiceBecause the walls of the houses must be durable and reliable, because it is not furniture where the facades of LDSP are often used.

Shades of structural elements should be combined with each other and decorate the facade. Typically pick up the color combinations of the base, roofs and facade so that they harmoniously decorated the house.

For plastered walls, paints are used, resistant to temperature changes and other weather phenomena.

For metal elements, the paint of steel or black colors is more often used, and the front elements from metal alloys are covered with varnish, vinyl chloride or produce anodizing.

To select colors, you can use special programs or invite a specialist.

Color selection rules and color gamut combinations

When choosing the color of the facade, you need to remember simple rules:

  • light tones are more preferable than bright and saturated;
  • well harmonize shades derived from one color;
  • the classic type of object can be obtained using natural paints;
  • successfully selected palette will give individuality and unique object to the object.

The combination of the color scheme should emphasize the advantages and hide disadvantages.

For staining of walls, warm shades are used: brown, yellow, red. Often combination is white and gray. The dark colors of the facade should be used in small quantities, so as not to create the impressions of miseption.

The house should be beautiful, neat, and bright colors highlight the construction of space, visually increase the size. White facade is well combined with other shades.

Green shade is perfectly combined with nature, and it is often used to decorate the facades of cottages and mansions outside the city. In modern architecture, purple and black shades can be used.

Terracotta is a modern and trendy color in which the whole gamma is present. autumnal paints: carrot, brick, orange. They cause relaxation and calm. Terracotta design may consist of from saturated tones and more muted.

Facades are drawn up and in brown-red tones. The brown facade can be different shades: from the color of copper to a chocolate shade, and is often used to finish objects that do not have complex architecture.

Color harmony facade and characteristics

How to pick up the color so that the object looks more effectively and attracted attention - this question is solved and professionals and simple people, Building your private house.

Color has a different effect on the human psyche, and for the color scheme is important to select shades that have a beneficial effect on the body. For some people, these are shades of red and brick, and for others - beige and green.


There are several types of color hammes: achromatic, contrasting, monochromatic, disharmonious, nuance. The selection of Gamma is a difficult process, and better if experts are carried out.

Pick it in mind the style of the structure: classical, modern or rustic.

It is more correct to use a small amount of shades: one main and 2 or 3 additional. Paint a house in one color is not very good solution, because he will look monotonous and uninteresting.

The main colors are blue, red and yellow, and green, purple and orange are composite colors.

The features of the architecture of the object dictate solutions in the choice of color palette, because unsuccessful colors can cross the style and sophistication of the building.

White and dairy shades are often used in classical architecture, because they visually increase the dimensions.

Important color characteristics:

  • resistance;
  • form dependence;
  • visual properties;
  • the degree of heat absorption.

Dark shades attract light, and they are used for buildings in the northern countries. Bright colors Fur in the sun, and it is better to take this factor in advance.

Saturated tones are used in the absence of small elements and simple forms of the building, and the intricate structures look good in bright colors.

Light colors visually increase the volume of the structure, the dark - emphasize the form and reduce the emphasis on the object, bright shades Allocate the house from the surrounding space.

Important parameters for selecting color gamut

The choice of color for the facade is carried out with the following parameters:

  • destination object;
  • architecture of neighboring buildings;
  • climatic conditions;
  • peculiarities of psychological perception;
  • cultural traditions;
  • modern fashion.

The selection of the shade should be carried out with regard to the architecture of the object: a concise and simple silhouette of the building is emphasized by light colors, and complex architecture is bright colors.

It is also necessary to take into account the texture and size of the elements. Smooth texture increases brightness, and rough - softens colors. The selection of the color scheme involves the allocation of all elements: doors, base, facade, roofs, windows.

Rules that are advisable to perform in selection of colors:

  • the base is painted in dark shades;
  • the roof is usually the brighter base;
  • walls have an intermediate shade between the basement and the roof.

Regardless of the choice of color scheme, the combination should be harmonious and correspond to the architecture of the object. You can choose the colors of the facades of houses, looking at the photo (see the link). This is an excellent opportunity to choose the desired option.

Combination of flowers facade buildings with surrounding objects

It is necessary to paint the house not only with your taste, but also take into account the overall surrounding color gamut Those objects that are nearby.

In a historic location you need to stick color combinationswhich are characteristic of this building area. For country house good decision There will be pastel tones. If the house is surrounded by garden and trees, then it is decorated with painting in light colors.

If the building is located in a conventional residential array or an open area, it can be isolated by bright colors.

Facades should be painted and taking into account climatic conditions, because paints organic (red, green, purple, yellow) under the influence ultraviolet rays Quickly burn out, and too dark - contribute to the heating of the facade and its destruction.

For the south side of the facade, you need to pick up more muted paint tones, because with bright lighting they look more light. It must be taken into account how the building will look in winter or in summer: the white house will not stand out against the background of snow and completely aloes with the environment, and green - will not look in summer.

Adjust the architectural proportions, emphasize the most interesting elements and common style At home, disguise disadvantages, increase volumes - these tasks can be effectively solved by changing the color of the facade.

The manifold of building materials for the construction of walls and their color solutions can put any owner of the construction site before the problem of choice. And how from the very beginning to know what color the facade of the house is best suited for the building? Will it be optimal for a particular material? With the help of the designer below you can imagine future housebuilt out different materials All sorts of colors.

When finishing the cottage, the customer may face a number of problems. If in the construction of the building, its fortresses and reliability is given an important role, then the texture and color of the facade comes to the foreground. So, the white and pink houses will look completely different. When using clinker tiles and brick colors, it is important to be attentive. Sometimes incorrectly chosen facade spoils all the impression of the house, and his owner plans to produce overhaul. Do not hurry with this step. Perhaps ordinary shuttering, design in the form brick masonry, the selection of the base and other techniques will allow you to get exactly the type you need.

If you are planning to completely change appearance at home and plot, then pick up color solution It will not always be easy. Nobody is insured against errors. It is exactly the color of the facade can give the house a boring or fright look, and in some cases and to make it ugly. Let's look at the recommendations that will help determine the optimal color.

The colors of the facade of houses and walls must be combined

First of all, it is important to achieve the color of the walls of the walls and the house: they must be combined with the basement, roof, windows, door, etc. If one or another color is badly harmonized or does not combine at all, it is necessary to refuse it. Remember that repaint the door or the window is easy, but to rebuild the roof or change the color of the neighbors home will be more difficult. Well, if the walls of the walls will not repeat the color design of other sites. Try to differ and combined.

When staining the facade, it would not hurt to refresh the color of the shutters, stairs, windows, porch, etc. You should not be limited to one color, because it will make the exterior boring. But three or four well-combined tones will be quite appropriate. The use of neutral shades will help create color harmony.

Color harmony is a mutual combination of closely arranged colors. There are many compatibility rules, but the most confidence are the tables developed by Max Lucher - a Swedish psychologist, the author of the well-known color psychodiagnosis. Based on its recommendations, experts accounted for the following colors compatibility table.

Try to experiment

Balance will always be by the way: avoiding the use of neutral shades and bright colors, you can pick up optimal solution. Try adding a "highlight" with a suitable color, you should not underestimate dark shades. Many have achieved excellent results through the use of black or chocolate finishes. If there is a beige color house in your area, try to highlight our building among them. This can be achieved if you use the blue color of the facade at home. At the same time, remember that your structure should fit into the overall mood of the street and the area. And one more warning: the color can look good on a small sample, but if you paint significant areas in it, it can become more dark or screaming.

If you are the owner of an old house, try when choosing a color solution to keep its history. Naturally, if the building has been painted throughout the century, it does not mean that it should remain so all your life. However, it is not worth doing it brightly screaming. Well, before the selection of paint, find out what solutions were in fashion during the construction of the building. Often the popularity of this or that color was explained by his good combination with architectural style. Often, the most modern shade does not matter any comparison with the color, characteristic of the history of the house. And if the building is located in the historic development area, then you can not do without permission to dyeing. In addition, the color gamma in this case is very limited.

Analyze your preferences

If you really like some color, it would be unreasonable to immediately exclude it due to the inconsistency of the history of the house or a bad combination with neighboring buildings. In some cases, it is worth choosing that facade paint (Tikkurila, Dulux), which you like, regardless of the opinions of others. After all, the house belongs to you, and you will live in it. Try to choose the color so that the color of the facade of the house always pleased you and enhanced the mood.

The roof is not only a means to protect against bad weather () but also an element of the decor of the whole structure and even a plot. In order for the roof of harmoniously fit into the design of the house, you must think in advance. In order for the roof and the facade of the house well to fit each other, it is necessary to choose the right color and try to combine various options for these colors and their various shades. But in order for your home in harmoniously fit into the atmosphere around it, it is necessary to choose the right color depending on the place where it is located (forest, mountains, the seashore, etc.).

1. What needs to pay attention to choosing the color of the future roof?

Figure 1. Roof color sample and facade

In order for your future roofing, and the whole house as a whole, on the basis of construction looked beautifully, it is necessary to prepare a project in advance on which everything in the details can be calculated in advance and think about it, including what color of the roof and the facade to choose . You can mentally imagine it yourself and then try to postpone all this on paper, but you can immediately contact special agencies that are engaged in the development of projects of any complexity. They will help to determine the color of the roof and with the material both for the roof and the facades of your future at home. In the process of work, you can create a computer layout of the future house on which it will be very easy to "play" with paints roofing material and walls at home.

Only if competently approach this issue "What color of the roof and facade to choose" and clearly work out the color gamut of the roof, only in this case, at the end of all construction work You, looking at your roof and house to receive moral satisfaction and feeling of aesthetic completeness. Not every new house It can boast it now. Very often, the future hosts pay the choice of roofing a slight value and, according to the results of all works, do not feel the joy that should be from the new home.

Everything should be in unity and harmony:

  • Roof with home;
  • House with the environment.

Sometimes, depending on the roofing material, blood color You can change already in the process of working on the roof itself (for example, if the roof in any color). But what if the roofing material does not allow you to change the color of the future roof? To do this, we need to think over the color gamut of the roofing material in advance, and decide in advance with the material itself.

Very often there are doubts about choosing the color of the roof or color of the facade. In this case, as an option, you can ask for advice from your friends or relatives. After that, you can analyze their answers and make your decision. In addition, exist various tables "Shades of colors" that allow without any design formation to competently choose the combined colors. It is no secret that different colors act on a person's psyche. So one colors can cause irritation and nervousness, while others on the contrary lift the mood and bring joy to life.

The main rule when choosing the main color is to support one style of the house and the buildings around it with the location of the house itself. Sometimes you need to emphasize the beauty of your home and somehow highlight it against the background of neighboring houses, and sometimes on the contrary, it is necessary to make the house to merge with the environment and was one whole. For example, if you have a lot of green vegetation (trees and christmas trees in your yard and in winter and summer), then green roof Very well fit into this interior. But if there is very little around the greenery or not at all, then in summer, such a roof can still look beautiful, but in the winter it will be just like one big green stain on a white background. The time of the year's change is very strongly affected by the color decision of the future roof and should be considered.

Here are some tips on which you can pay attention when choosing a color of roofing and roof:

  • Very dim will look in places where it is constantly wet and raw, long autumn and spring. For a gray roof, in this case, it is best to choose some bright and warm color of the facade;
  • Dark red or barded roofing (terracotta) very richly looks in forest and hilly places;
  • Roofing of brown and chocolate It looks very nice and overlooking those places where the autumn is very long warm and sunny;
  • Blue roof It will be very good to look somewhere near the water (for example, on the seashore or lake). In this case, the color of the facade is better to choose light, for example white.

2. What factors can affect the choice of color of the roof

It must be remembered that the dark roof is much better absorbs the sunlight and the heat released by the sun. The attic or the attic of the roof of the dark color warms up much faster. And the snow on such a roof is faster than light. It is for this reason that in the northern and cold countries most often choose the dark color of the roofs, and in the south, where most of the time is preserved warm and hot weather, light colors for roofs are selected.

When choosing a material for a roof and its color, it is also necessary to take into account the factors that with time, under the influence of sun ray and other atmospheric factors, the colors are pale, fade and burn out (change their saturation). On the light burnout color is less noticeable, but black, dark blue or dark brown colors It is not recommended to use in those places where a lot of the sun. Otherwise, the roof will have often painted (if material allows) or change the roofing material more often than indicated in the warranty service life.

On the this momentThe most common colors for the roof is: red, blue, brown and green colorbut. The color of the roof, as well as the material of the roof itself, must be harmonized with the facade of the house and its various finishing materials. Those. The same roof will not be beautifully looking at a brick house and from a log. Under stone houses (blocks, brick, plaster, tile) need one roofing material, and under wooden houses (Lining, plywood, log) need another roofing material. And the color, respectively, the same. A red brick house will not look good with a red metal tile, and wooden log with beige soft roof. They just merge.

The choice of the roof material and, accordingly, the color of the roof also affects the region in which the structure is located with future roof. So in the wooded terrain is much easier and cheaper to make a roof from the tree, which means the color will have to choose an approximate tree color. And in some rock or hilly areas, it is much easier to make a roof of a tile or slate. The natural color of the roof will always look beautiful and rich.

Tile of dark flowers is very well considered natural materials, such as red brick or log.

3. The most common errors when choosing a color for the roof

  • Very often, the owners of the house buy the roofing material of the same color with the facade of the house. If the choice is made in favor of the same color for the roof and walls of the house, then the colors must be separated at least with shades, such as the walls to make lighter, and the roof is darker (or vice versa)
  • Dark color more than bright. For example, a huge dark color house will not look harmoniously with a small but bright roof. Much better to do bright walls, and dark roof. Dark color should not prevail in contrast over light.
  • Simultaneous use immediately large number flowers;
  • Simultaneous use of several warm and cold shades at once.

If for some reason you are mistaken in the choice of color for the roof and it doesn't look at your opinion on the background of the facade as you would like, then do not rush to repaint it. Sometimes, it is much easier, and sometimes cheaper, it will repaint walls at home, as the options for flowers for roofs are not so much, compared to the number of colors for facades.

4. Options for companyon flowers for any roof and walls:

  • Dark roofing and light walls. For example, brown roof (chocolate) will be very richly looked with a beige facade of the walls. Such a combination of colors visually increase the height of the structure and reassuringly act on vision. Brown roof gives charm structure. It looks very good with wood houses (cutters). Brown roof and light walls are a trend for all times. You do not know which color of the house and the roof to choose - pay attention to this combination of colors and you do not lose.
  • If you need to vice versa to make the house brighter and stand out against the background of the neighboring structure, it is better to choose bright contrasting colors. So, for example, a house with red walls and green roof will look very bright and juicy. It will never seem boring and always raise the mood.

Roof blonde flowers, such as blue, blue, gray or beige, will merge with the sky and the appearance of the house can lose it in this.

5. Distinctive features of various colors for roofing

It has long been known that some colors are capable of disturbing the lush forms of the human body, and some on the contrary make forms more. These tricks and tricks are very often used in modern fashion. Similarly, it can be applied on the roof. Some colors are able to hide those or other defects and unevenly on the roof, and some are able to decorate the old and the declaration of the roof, breathing in it a new life.
Let's consider the properties of the most common colors for the house and roof today:

  • Red color- One of the most catchy and bright colors. Today, very often manufacturers of various roofing materials use different shades in their production. This color is suitable for almost any walls and is very popular with consumers. Red roofs are very popular. Perhaps this is one of the most fashionable colors at all times. Red roofs can often be found in old areas of tourist cities.

  • Brown color - Very calm and neutral color. Brown roof And bright walls are one of the "golden" standards in construction, which is chosen increasingly and more often. Brown roof is an excellent option in almost any scenario. Brown roof And blonde walls (white, beige, light yellow) will look richly always at any time.

  • White color - Creates a feeling of purity, comfort and superiority. So walls white color It looks above, and the roof of white color is very often used in combination with a transparent polycarbonate roof or large glass windows. Such a color looks as well as on the background of the sea or greens, but completely dissolves against the background of a snow-covered field or snowy mountains.

  • Yellow- looks very good on the background of brown or burgundy flowers. True roof B. yellow Typically paint where very little sun. Usually in such a color paint facades.

  • Grey colour- One of the most common colors for the roof today. This is the color of the usual not painted slate and metal (folding roof or stainless steel sheet). This color is neutral and long-faced everyone. He does not cause any aggressive emotion and does not pay attention to others.

If you do not know what color of the roof and the facade to choose, it makes sense to turn to the natural combination of colors. For example, if you draw your eyes on the flowers, then you can see that they all have a green barrel and various white, red, yellow and so on flowers. Although the green color of the facade and the white color of the roof will not look good, where the white facade of the walls and the green roof will look better.
Do not fully rely on someone's taste, since the same color can be perceived different people In different ways and cause various feelings. You always need to see how exactly you like what kind of roofing you chose.

It would seem that it would be easier to choose the color of the facade of the house and the color of the roof in accordance with their taste preferences, but in reality everything is not as simple as it seems at the first moment. Colorics is a whole science of color harmony. Knowing her bases, you have all the prerequisites to achieve perfect combinationwhere all the elements of the facade will be harmonized with each other. You will create a certain image of your home that will cause positive emotions And you have, and in ordinary passers-by. Selecting the color of the facade of the house and the roof color should be borne in mind that they affect not only physiology, but also on the psychological state of a person.

A little about the properties of the color (Koller)

Color solutions not only help hide disadvantages or flawed buildings, and may emphasize the merits of the house. With their help, you can correct the shape of your building: make it visually smaller, lower or increase the insolation, which is very important to take into account for different climatic conditions.

To fully use the properties of the kolacher, you need to know the following:

  • Insolation is the ability to absorb heat, such as sunlight. Many are known that (according to the laws of physics) dark surfaces absorb the light more than white or bright. So, the color of the house and the color of the roof in the northern regions is to pick up dark shades, and the facing material for walls and roofs in the southern regions is better in pale gray, and pastel colors.
  • Select a kolator with a resistance to burnout. Sunlight affects construction Materials - They burn out or change their initial shades. According to the laws of physics, bright and rich shades suffer most. As practice has shown, black is especially pronounced. The lighter facade, the less he is exposed to sunlight. By logic - white kel must be the ideal optionbut he turns yellow. The most practical shades are gray: they do not burn out, they are not visible dust, if they change their shades over time, it is not significantly.
  • Visual properties - the ability of the color to make the size of the object visually greater than or less than it really is. So the bright tones of the facing coating increase the visual size of the construction, they are often used for fundamental buildings, wanting to emphasize their greatness and power. Also noble will look like the buildings painted in pale beige and cream tones. But it must be borne in mind that the use of one paint can make a faceless of your home, so it is better to give preference to the combination of colors in tone, for example, blue and blue, brown and beige or apply a contrasting dark finish of small details.
  • Select color, taking into account the shape of the house. If you have a dwelling without special architectural pieces and a large number of small design elements, it is better to apply saturated and bright shades of the facing coating. And if the building is equipped large quantity small architectural elements - You must muffle the abundance of small elements with pale colors - it will create a balanced look of your home.

  • Landscape. Very good use natural paints: green, brown, blue, etc. And also take into account the area around your home: trees, shrubs, neighboring buildings, etc.
    For example: Harmoniously looks at the finish of the house with gray, green or brown paint and their shades, such a gamma is better combined with the surrounding nature. Excellent on the background of the summer sky will look like a white and blue house, and yellow on the same background looks elevated and bright. White facing contrast and festively looks summer against the background of the blue sky, white clouds or green foliage, but in the winter it will "be lost", white paint Solives with a winter gray landscape and the dwelling will become pale and faceless.
    The color range of finishes has crucial When updating or build a new house, such a color solution should be considered in more detail.

Three main types of combination of a koller

If we systematize the colors of the colors and their shades, then three main groups are formed:

  • Dark roofing - light facade.
    The most traditional, widely used combination. Beige, yellow and white walls are perfectly shaped with a dark roof, and the use of contrast elements creates a complete architectural ensemble.
  • Monthly.
    Creates the impression of monolithic and generality of the roof and walls. But without contrast finish, such a composition will look not very interesting.
  • Light roofing - dark facade.
    In this embodiment, all attention is focused on the walls, the roof is as if dissolved against the sky. It is recommended to choose contrast shades: beige or white windows, doors, base, corners, etc. unusual optionFor experimenters that are not afraid of new ideas.

How to choose the caliber of the facade

As mentioned above, for cladding buildings in the private sector, it is rational to use the natural koler: green, brown, yellow, beige, and they are very harmonious and complement each other:

  • Yellow walls look sunny and elegant, and if it is details to do in dark shades, it will give the house an attractive look.
  • Red facade (more often used brick shades) in combination with a light roof, windows and doors create a finished picture.
    Important: Red Koker is always comfortable and attracts a look, but you must take into account that its saturation is lost under the influence of external factors.
  • Gray and white walls. The gray facade is an excellent background for bright details or contrast finishes of the home elements: doors, windows, etc. Red roof in these two versions - a classic that does not leave fashion.
  • Blue facade - in last years Popular is quite popular. Great harmony with white, fit the shades of a beige and gray flat. Very elegant houses with blue walls, gray roofs and white windows.
  • For lovers of extraordinary and bold solutions, a dark blue, black or purple kel will suit. Do not forget to apply light shades for contrast (windows, door corners, etc.).

Using the proposed kel, the owners of the house must take into account, in which region is the construction: this solution is rational for the northern latitudes.
And yet, such a roller is great for modern houses (modern) architecture: simple forms, lack of small design elements.

An important condition is: all the buildings on your site should be harmonized and combined with each other.

How to choose the roof koler

To pick up the roof of the house for the house a little more complicated, and it is due to the fact that the palette of materials for the top of the building does not differ in such a variety as for the walls of the house. In addition, this selection depends on the type of material used for finishing: for example, a roller rarely happens to silver or copper, and a tiled of a saturated blue spike is difficult to find.

The principles of the selection of the koller remain the same as for the walls: taken into account geographical position Plot and such a property of color as insolation.

If your home is equipped with good thermal insulation, then on such a property, like insolation, you can not pay attention to: and bright and dark colorsAnd their shades can be safely applied. In the roast (or cold) time of the year, the roofs (or cooling) of the roof will not affect the indoor microclimate.

Most often for roofs apply brown, green, red, blue, terracotta and gray kel.

  • Red roofing harmonizes with brown or gray facades.
  • The terracotta kel is especially combined with brick or plastered wall surfaces.
  • Gray tone roof - classic. It is suitable for any facade color: dark, pale, blue, white, red, etc.
  • Black roofing is rare, it looks good on large buildings. In this embodiment, the color of the house is selected white, gray, green or blue.
  • But, if you do not suit these options, you can pick up another. For example, monophonic: orange facade and roof. In order for them not merged, it is necessary to diversify black and white (at the same time) details, the focus on the facade, and giving the house a completely different image. Or the second option - to arrange part of the facade white.

How to choose a facing material

Selection of colors, their combination of each other - the case is responsible right choice It guarantees the final appearance of your construction. In the construction market, finding the material liked will not be difficult.

Consider several options for the selection of the roof under a certain kind of facade:

  • Wood. This factor should be taken into account, as the facing coatings inherent in this area, it will not only allow to save on delivery, but also will give a guarantee of durability in operation, since he was inspected by climatic conditions, for example, in the area where wooden houses are traditionally built with wooden houses Tiles (shing). Such walls and roof are very well harmonized with each other. Not often, but the wooden frame is combined with tiles, such a connection has the right to exist. For wooden sheds began to use not only ceramic tile, Bitumen tile is in demand: terracotta tones and shades are especially popular. Application Metal tile for wooden walls - Not the most successful solution. Of course, it costs it cheaper, but saving, you lose on the appearance of your home.

  • Brick. Choice opportunities roofing for brick buildings Much wider. The terracotta kel of the brick is perfectly shaped in green, burgundy, dark burgundy and gray tiles. And brick, and tile - a ceramic material that is perfectly combined. For the roof, a good option is a bitumen, copper coating, as well as metal tile. Dark brick is well filmed with a contrasting roof background, for example, gray.
  • Plastered. Almost any top will suit this type of cladding, the main thing is to correctly pick up the color and pay attention to the style of the roof. Classic style is combined with copper coating and tiled. More modern buildings Beautiful S. bituminous Tiled Serious silver or black.

Several rules that should be followed before buying a facing coating

  • If you are not sure own powerYou should contact professional professionals - designers who will help you choose the color of the facade of the house and roof.
  • If for some reason this method does not suit you, take advantage of special programs that allow in electronic format Pick up suitable color combinations.
  • There is another way - to see samples posted on large format stands in the store.

The perception of color is very individual, it affects the type of lighting (natural or artificial), the texture of the sample. Etc. Therefore, designers are recommended to test facing material By your chosen color. To do this, part of the facade, depending on the type of finishing, is facing, plastering or painted. The size of the tested area is small: from 0.5x0.5 to 1x1 m. For some time, you see how the test facing will look in different time day. It is rationally to simultaneously test 2-3 variants of samples of a facing coating.

The selected sample at different times of the day and on the different side of the house (south or northern) may look different.


Pick up optimal combination The spokes of the roof and the facade of the house - the case is quite responsible and troublesome. In some situations, it is easier to apply for recommendations to those skilled in the art. Of course, this article is not a mandatory leadership to action. Whatever color you choose, he must like you and this is the main thing when deciding.

During the construction of the roof, not only materials and technical details are important, but also the color of the future roof, because the appearance of the house should be harmonious, look aesthetic, cause delight. It would seem that the choice of color - the question is far from the main and to give him too much attention there is no need - you just take the color you like, and build a roof. But no. As practice has shown, the combination of colors of the house and the roof is worth thinking in advance.

Compatibility of flowers for walls and roofs: 5 - perfectly combined, 4 - fully combined, 3 - not very well combined, 2 - do not combine at all.

How to pick up a color?

Initially, tell me what you expect from the house as a whole? This is the first question to which you need to answer before choosing some kind of specific color. Do you want him to merge with a shared landscape, as if dissolving in it, or, on the contrary, prefer your home to be bright, noticeable, attracted attention? Color should be chosen depending on your response. If you want the house to fit into the overall composition, you will be suitable brown or green roof. Naturals are more extravagant who are not afraid to experiment, you can safely choose bright saturated colors: red, purple, yellow.

For the house, the walls of which are covered with siding, you should navigate on the color of the walls, and then to choose the tone of the roof.

It is worth paying attention to the color of the selected roof and its combination with the color of the facade. If the facade is made in warm tonesThe roof can not be made in the cold, from all shades of blue in this case it is better to refuse. But with gently blue walls, this color will be very successful, while the brown roof will seem inappropriate. The white facade is universal, any colors of the roof are suitable. Also to universal colors include black and gray.

The most common schemes of the combination of colors of roofs and facades are as follows:

  1. Dark roof / bright walls. This decision is traditional and distributed most widely. Naturals conservative makes sense to choose it.
  2. Roofing and walls of one tone. With this combination of the facade and the roof form a single whole, it looks harmonious, monolithically, but somewhat boring.
  3. Light roofs / dark walls. It is not often found, but creates an interesting effect of dissolution in the clouds. This option is to choose bold personalities, innovators.

Flower combination plays an important role, but also more importantly, from which they build.

By virtue of these or other properties, the possibility of selecting tone and the shade of roofing material is significantly limited. For example, do not meet saturated blue roofs from natural tile or Copper and silver shades roofs roll Materials. Because of this, priorities should be arranged that it is more important for you: the color of the roof or material, and choose, pushing out something one.

Color properties roofs

Before you choose the color of the roof of your home, arma some knowledge about their properties. After all, it is very easy to choose an erroneous option, not knowing that some colors are capable of visually changing the shape of the houses, others - to narrow or expand them, the third is to hide flaws, and the fourth are to lower or increase the insolation. So what to wait from the color?

The drains can also be chosen under the color of the roof or the facade - red, green or brown. By the way, the latter are also often chosen under the facade of the brick or natural tiled roof.

Dark shades of roofs of houses attract light and heated. More roofs are more appropriate in the northern regions, but Southerners prefer light roofing. Light tones, besides, visually strengthen the building. White facade is a classic architecture, but in combination with the same roof may look like fad.

Bright saturated shades are more prone to burnout. The color of the roof house is lighter, the less he is exposed to sunlight. However, yellow spots may appear on the white roof. In this regard, the most practical from all colors is gray, although he and the most ridicular one. In addition, it is worth considering that choose bright tone It is possible in the absence of a large number of small parts and with simple forms of the house.

  1. If the combination of the roof tones and the facade of the house causes you doubts, choose the shades produced from one color.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of the shade with the architectural style of houses. In classic style, for example, do not recommend using bright shades.
  3. If you are not sure if a certain color of the roof is suitable for your facade, trust it with the choice of specialists.
  4. Pay attention to environment, appearance of neighboring houses, their facade and roof. Even if you do not want to merge with them into a single composite series, it will help you beautifully stand out from the common background.
  5. Take a look at the scenery around. For houses located in the countryside near the forests and mountains, the colors of the Earth (brown, yellow, green) are suitable, and for houses built by reservoirs, overlooking the sea landscape - all shades of water (blue, blue, turquoise).