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Plans to single-storey houses with attic and garage. Projects of houses with attic and garage: various variations of buildings. Projects of brick houses with attic and garage

Projects of houses with attic and garageProposed by our architects are now in high demand. The popularity of mansard structures is due to a variety of factors:

    economicity of construction

    aesthetics of the exterior of the building

    the originality of the inside interior

    the ability to get more useful area

    the ability to conveniently divide the inner space into two zones.

If you wish, you can acquire the development of a cottage with spectacular loggias, erker inserts, wide glazing, a double living room. Carefully thought out beautiful projects of houses with attic and garage are an excellent basis for respectable housing in elite cottage settlements. We also have projects of simple concise buildings that do not require high construction costs.

Order or buy a turnkey project with us

The presence of a devounted garage provides an even higher level of comfort. A qualitatively designed extension harmoniously fits into a holistic architectural composition. Usually, the arrival in the garage is located near the main entrance to the house. Often in the garages are provided for the output of the back of the house. In many projects, you will see an internal message of the garage extension with a residential part of the house. However, some developers do not want to have a garage connected to the house internal entrance. For them we have projects with attached, but completely isolated garages.

A stylish and modern house in which there is a garage, and the attic is not only aesthetic, but also very practical. It is this option that is the most rational, because it is possible to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot as efficiently as possible. The attic people practically do not use, however, if you improve it, you can get a full-fledged living space.

Benefits of the presence of attic

Recently, the house with the attic is becoming increasingly popular in the construction of private buildings. Such a compact living area is designed to save space on the land plot, which will allow you to equip a cozy courtyard. Such a cozy house can be the display of housing owner, express its individuality.

A single-storey house with an attic is not the most profitable solution, as it will have to attract professionals to develop a project. The fact is that condensate can be formed on the attic floor, and this adversely affects the atmosphere at the top of the building. To avoid such problems, you will have to equip high-quality heat, hydro and vaporizolation, and this will entail the influence of additional funds. Despite this drawback, it is worth noting that this decision is worth it, since the full construction of the second floor will stand even more expensive.

If the project of the house with an attic and garage has already been chosen, it remains to consider the insulation of the roof so that the stay on the attic floor was as comfortable as possible. For insulation, the attic is best to use foam plastic, which is very cheap, and its installation takes only a few hours. The only drawback of the material is low fire safety, so you can use an alternative option - Fiberboard or glass gamble. For residential buildings, it is best to use the last option, as it is most popular, it is enough to take care only about protection against dust and you can insulate the attic.

Two-storey buildings with a garage

Options for ready-made projects of two-storey houses with a garage and an attic can be found on the Internet, their number is simply amazing. You can also contact any construction company that can offer several ready-made options at once, it remains to choose the optimal project and you can start a construction site. If you want to express my individuality, then you can order the development of the project for yourself, but this option will stand much more expensive.

If the land plot is large, no difficulties will arise, build a large house with a garage and an attic here easy. There is a completely different thing when the site limits in the free space, but there will be a way out here, because good construction companies are ready for this difficulty and will be able to offer an option that takes into account this factor.

Features of houses for small land:

  • One of the walls should be "deaf" (there are no windows on this wall). It is this side that the house is as close as possible to the neighboring plot, thereby freeing a little place ahead.
  • Shed or other structures of the economic type are best placed along the longitudinal walls of the building, and the living rooms in the house will need to be located in the ends.
  • The entrance must be equipped with an end or frontal part, and the garage is to build a closer to the road in such a way that the departure is minimal, and the garage itself did not occupy a lot of space.
  • It is necessary to qualitally think about the project of the house and all the buildings located in the site, so that it does not arise and did not have to spend money on modifications, which will be difficult.

For maximum comfort and comfort, it is recommended to equip the private yard planting, arches and trees. They must organize space, divide it into zones. At the same time, it is important that these zones are not isolated between themselves, otherwise it hurts with a common design, make a plot close.

One-storey houses with garage

At how many floors will be in the house, the size of the land plot is most. One-story houses are more in demand, as it is much more convenient to move on them, this is especially true if at home there are elderly people or children. A two-storey house involves the presence of a staircase, to save space, it is often used by a screw staircase, and the present obstacle for pensioners for pensioners is used to the second floor. Therefore, if the land plot allows, the construction of a large one-storey house will become the perfect solution.

If a large one-storey house is combined with a garage, this will make it possible to maximize the use of space on the land plot. The garage can be used both for storing a car and for seasonal things that can be hidden there.

The advantages of a garage combined with a house under one roof:

  • No need to go outside in order to move from one building to another. This option is especially good in bad weather.
  • Moral calm, as the car is nearby, and not on the street or parking lot.
  • In winter, the car does not have to warm up for a long time, since the garage can be a fairly warm room and this action will not be necessary.

If one-story mansion will have large dimensions, it will turn out a cost-effective option, although you have to spend money on a huge roof. Despite this, inside the house, the comfort will delight the tenants of the house around the clock, because here you can equip functional corridors, while isolating each of the rooms or bedrooms.

Residential rooms and bedrooms on the attic floor are an excellent solution for young people who prefer to wake up from the rays of the sun. After equipping a comfortable attic with special windows, you can create a cozy living room with a special interior. Here you can create not only a bedroom for yourself or children, but also to equip the Cabinet for doing business or a sports gym.

Advantages of residential space on the attic floor:

  • Aesthetic appeal, because it will affect the exterior of the house and his visual perception.
  • Many building materials whose application does not limit the desires or ideas of the owner of housing.
  • The insulation of the roof will stand much more expensive, but in this way, not only the attic floor can be protected, but also the whole house as a whole.
  • It will not be necessary to create a heavy duty foundation, since the attic does not create a large load on the basis of the house.
  • The uniqueness of the house, because each construction with an attic and garage has something special, exclusive and unique.

The project of a small house with a garage and an attic is often an important stage with the owners of their sites. Many wish to have a comfortable and comfortable dwelling, located outside the city, away from his bustle, but close enough. However, before construction, it will be necessary to choose the right draft of a small house with an attic and a garage, it is most in demand for a family having an average wealth. The article will tell you how to create a project for your site.

Constructive features of such buildings

The house with a garage and a small area of \u200b\u200ba small area is a fairly convenient modern project. In it on the first floor there is a garage, and on the second zone for living.

This option is perfect for the country house or a small suburban structure, where you do not need to have a large free space above the residential room. In addition, you can perform a house project with a garage and an attic of 10x10 to one floor, where the balcony will be used as a non-residential room, for example, as a attic.

The advantages of such a design:

  • Savings when calculating utilities. The heating system is arranged throughout the building, and this will significantly reduce heat loss. You will not need to lay extra pipes for water supply and sewage - there is no particular need to arrange the sequin in the garage.
  • Safety. The garage embedded in a small house is very convenient: it can be reached directly from the dwelling. The place where the car is stored will have maximum protection against foreign penetration.
  • Saving space. The project of the house with an attic and garage of 10x10 one-story or two-storey is popular thanks to a small area occupied on the site. Such an architectural solution will like the owners of the courtyards of up to 6 acres, which you want to build a house with a terrace, bath, and maybe even a swimming pool. At the same time, the use of residential area is much less. The garage is easily combined with a boiler room or an additional underground parking is satisfied.
  • With the temporary absence of its transport, It makes sense to consider the project of the house of 10x10 with an attic and garage, and the garage room is used as a home workshop, which increases the convenience in the presence of light and water here.
  • Save funds to arrange roofing, foundation(cm. ).

However, such compact buildings also have disadvantages:

  • Very low level of noise penetration into residential premises. Often, all noises from repair work in the garage room will be heard in residential rooms.
  • Not too good security cottages. In the garage, it is usually stored a lot of different fire hazardous substances.

Tip: For security purposes, it is impossible to combine a wooden house with a utility room, where Tosol, gasoline and others will be, fuel lubricating compositions.

By drawing up a project of any residential building, it is necessary to consider:

  • How many people will live in it constantly.
  • Features of its future owners. For example:
  1. elderly, it will be difficult for many times a day to climb the stairs;
  2. children are the presence of a big room, even if she is on the attic, very much.

In addition, it is immediately necessary to determine which approximate price will be the whole structure, which depends on the project and the choice of materials for construction:

  • Frame houses have a smaller cost. Their construction can be performed with their own hands with the invitation of a small amount of assistants.
  • Houses and cottages from concrete blocks or bricks will be more expensive, but also the reliability of them is much higher - they will serve many generations of heirs.
  • The projects of wooden buildings with a garage and attic, which differ in environmental purity, and in their reliability are no worse than the other options.

With any project of a residential building with an attic and a garage, it should be provided in it:

  • Rooms for use during the daytime. It is best when they are spacious enough and are located on the lower floor. These are such facilities like:
  1. living room;
  2. kitchen;
  3. combined bathroom;
  4. utility rooms of different kinds;
  5. cabinet.
  • For the attic remains, most often, only the bedrooms. Its territory is usually less than the ground floor area.

An exemplary plan of the house can be seen in the photo.

  • Often, during the planning of the house, the placement of the terrace, wardrobe rooms, mini saunas are scheduled. For this, it will be quite enough at home, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 120 square meters, and the family of 5 people can comfortably live in it.
  • The correctly chosen mounting scheme, between storeic floors, will allow all the attic space to use without significant inconvenience.

Tip: If there is a beveled ceiling on the attic floor, when it starts from the floor, at the level of 1.5 meters, it takes close to the wall to mount the built-in wardrobe or put a bed that save space.

  • The project should be clearly planned to accommodate a comfortable staircase on the attic floor.
  • Calculations of load on overlapping for the second floor.
  • The heat insulation device for walls and ceilings. This decision will save on roofing. If the thermal insulation is performed by a solid layer on the entire ceiling, then the overlap can not be too warm.

How to build a house with a garage and an attic

For example, the construction and layout of the house with a garage and a residential attic with their own hands from foam blocks is considered.

Typical construction technology includes conducting such works:

  • Foundation device: Construction of basement or basement.
  • Walling.
  • Arrangement of attic.
  • Construction of roofs.
  • Perform finishing work.

For a relatively light structure from foam concrete, you can arrange a ribbon foundation.

For this:

  • It is planned and placed a plot.
  • A trench is digging in size equal to blocks of blocks.
  • Planned formwork, for filling the base.
  • It is stacked from sand and crushed stone pillow with a layer of 20-30 centimeters, which depends on the depth of the freezing of the Earth and the size of the foundation.
  • The waterproofing layer is stacked.
  • Armature is prepared before the fill of the foundation to give the design greater rigidity.
  • In the corners of the structure, the binding is made, and then the wire all over the perimeter of the building is welded.
  • A ready frame is poured with a solution.
  • The mixture remains for sinking about 10 days, which depends on the season and the characteristics of the climate of a particular region.

The walls can be erected from the blocks of aerated concrete, foam concrete blocks, the wooden log house is used, but in this case there is a fireproof.

Installation instructions:

  • Waterproofing the base or location of the foundation and walls.

  • The first layer is constructed from a rounded timber.

Tip: Such technology should be used when building stone houses or small brick buildings with a balcony or veranda.

  • Racks and other elements for stiffness structures are mounted on top of the bar. They are located strictly to the foundation at right angles.
  • Additional elements are installed for strength.
  • Concrete blocks are put.
  • Wall decoration is performed. The facades can be covered with clinker tiles, which has excellent indicators of resistance to external aggressive factors and easily sink.

When the roof is erected:

  • Develop drawings, taking into account the desired height of the ceiling of bedrooms or terraces and other features of the premises.
  • The roof frame is constructed using a rafter design consisting of inclined beams, which are based on the outer part of the wall and a carrier beam located in the center of the construction.
  • Lower rafting boards are stacked, they will be overlapping between the roof and the first floor.

Tip: To increase the reliability of the design on the wall, it is necessary to arrange an additional reinforcing belt.

  • The coating is performed at its discretion.
  • After the end of all construction works, doors are installed ,.

What is the project of the house with a garage and the attic to choose for your site, how to properly perform all the building stages will show the video.

If it becomes necessary to expand the house, the developers tend to consider two options.

The first is an extension of additional rooms. But, rendered by the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can serve only as economic or utility.

The second option is more acceptable. We are talking about additional square meters due to the restructuring of the second floor. In this case, the project of the house with an attic is the most optimal option. Heated roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

How long is it functional and economically justified? We will try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "For"

  • Such accommodation will save on the building area. That is, the house with the attic is logical to build on a small land plot.
  • In the matter of rational use of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, projects of houses with an attic room wins compared to one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic room is not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and attic differ from the point of view of financial costs. In the classic attitude of the attic option - the option is more economical. If brick, concrete, bar, insulation, materials for the outer decoration are needed for the arrangement of the full-fledged second floor, the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then insulation costs are added. Only in this case can also get a residential floor, and the roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • In addition, warm air from the lower rooms rises up, which makes heating the attic floor less costly. You can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and consequently, about saving during operation of the ready-made building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts argue that the main disadvantage of projects of houses with an attic is their bad lighting. We are confident that this minus conditional. You can solve the problem very simply at the expense of the attic windows. In addition, through them, light in the room enters significantly more than through the vertical windows. Of course, mansard double glazed windows - the pleasure is not cheap. But the funds saved during the construction, you can afford a comfortable organization of everyday life. In addition, there is always the ability to design windows and, even, balconies in frontions.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that the beveled ceilings cause depression at the residents at home. But the competent organization and design of the premises easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the foregoing

Projects of homes with attic and garage are aesthetically and practical. The best option is rational to use the area simply not to come up with. The attic few people use, except for economic needs. But a little improved him, get a magnificent house with an attic, where you can put a children's room, a bedroom or an office.

Attic in the house

Now we are increasingly ordered by the project of the house with an attic and garage. Such a compact extension makes it possible to significantly save the land space to arrange a cozy courtyard, besides, it looks beautiful. Such a big or not very mansion can become a kind of business card of the owner and tell a lot about his tastes.

We decided to build a one-storey house with an attic, prepare for the fact that the project of the roof of the house will have to be developed very carefully and with the involvement of specialists. After all, warm and wet air, which rises from the house, forms condensate, and the external natural impact (rain, snow, sun) can significantly affect the state of the interior of the room at the top. In order for this not happened, reliable steam-heat and waterproofing will be required. But despite some special requirements, an increase in the living area is worth it. Yes, and the cost is cheaper than the construction of a two-story with the same area.

So, the roof is ready, it remains to consider and implement its insulation so that the room further was cozy and comfortable. As you know, the weight loss is the greatest. This is due to the fact that the natural thermal pillow existing in facilities with ordinary overlap is absent.

Such a project of the roof of the house requires careful and attentive selection of materials for insulation. Many options:

  • styrofoam - cheap material, easy to lay, good thermal insulator, but easily flammable;
  • DVP. Such material is best used if the bath is located under the attic. Fiberboard is an excellent heat and soundproofer, it is easy to work with it. However, its use is not recommended in residential premises;
  • glasswater - Budget option. But it is somewhat problematic: a lot of dust dangerous dust, special protection will be required. But the advantage is indisputable - thermal insulation qualities are excellent, resistant to ignition.

Selection of insulation on sale is great. Find the right, will not be difficult.

Projects of two-storey houses with a garage

Typical projects of two-storey houses with a garage in large quantities, for every taste are offered by many construction firms. The owner of the land plot remains only to choose the liked. Well, if the plot is large, then you do not have to save space. But there are sites quite narrow, it seems that to build on it the house of your dreams is simply there is no possibility. But it is not. Projects for buildings with a garage in such sites are also there.

Features for narrow sections:

  • one wall is asked "deaf", that is, without windows. This allows you to position the building as close as possible to the landstand area with neighbors;
  • economic buildings are recommended to be placed along the longitudinal walls. Thus, bedrooms, living rooms, other rooms requiring bright lights are located in the ends, their natural lighting is the maximum;
  • the entrance is frontal or from the end, which also allows you to save the place, putting a porch or a small veranda;
  • if the building goes to a noisy highway, it can be protected by green plantings, and build a garage at the front of the site. So he will not take a lot of space;
  • all additional engineering systems are desirable to think in advance (well, lighting, etc.), before the start of construction, so that additional funds do not have to lay out. After all, changes in the already approved project will require additional payment.

Well, what is the estate without a garden? So that it was beautiful, original, landscape designers advise to divide by arches, trellis, green plantings. However, zones should not be fully isolated one from another. Otherwise, the site will turn into a variety, let the cozy, but close corners.

Projects of single-storey houses with garage

The main factor affecting floors during the construction of the house, most often, the size of the land plot. Projects of single-storey houses with garage are more in demand due to the convenience of movement in the building, especially if there are small children or old people - it is not necessary to climb the stairs every day, especially since the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not always allow them to make them comfortable for movement. And the screws, which occupy the minimum area, to overcome not even an adult healthy person.

During the construction of the mansion with the garage, the land area is also saved. After all, a house for a car attached to the main building will take less space in the courtyard, which will create comfort in its use. In addition to direct destination, you can adapt under the workshop or store things unnecessary in residential premises.

  • You do not have to go outside during the rain to sit in the car, because the entrance to it can be directly from the house;
  • no need to worry about your car left on the street or in the parking lot;
  • in winter, it is not necessary to warm up the engine for a long time to start.

Is such a dwelling - what is not your dream house?

If the estimated area of \u200b\u200bhouses of 150 kV. m or 100 square meters. M, then they will be pretty economical, despite the fact that the roof will require certain costs. At the same room there is an opportunity through the design of several corridors, which will be endowed with certain functionality, isolate each room.

The room above will look more spacious if the angle of inclination is large. It depends on it, and in what capacity it will be used, as a residential premises: Children's, Bedroom, or summer veranda version. In any case, the presence of such a room will respond to the requests of all family members.

The advantages of the building with a room under the roof:

  • aesthetics, the design affects the guide of a mansion or cottage;
  • for the construction used a huge range of materials (brick, log, bar and other building materials);
  • the cost of insulation of the roof will be much higher than the insulation of the attic room.

Every mansion from the attic unique. For their design, architects use erkers, exclusive windows, balconies, columns. The inner design of the room may be no less original: non-standard furniture, designer interior delights, functional niches of various purposes, all this will make housing unique, characteristic only for the inhabitants of the house.

Even if you alter the ordinary roof under the attic, the foundation that is not designed to build the second floor, it will not suffer a large load. After all, for the room upstairs, relatively light building materials are used: glasswater, fiberboard, foam, plasterboard, other light, but reliable.

If "in the attic" intend to live yearly, then you still do not need to save building materials. Remember the proverb: I pay a miser twice.

House 8 on 8 with an attic

House 8 on 8 with an economy of the economy option compared to the construction of a one-story or two-storey house. This is the perfect option for the price and quality. Beautiful projects such buildings can be found on many sites of construction companies that are engaged in the construction of mansions, cottages, country houses.

A small house with a room in the attic is appropriate for the construction of both the country area and under constant housing, if the space does not allow you to build a large mansion or cottage. Such homes are rational, have several advantages over one-story:

  • the area will be almost the same;
  • inside will be warmer due to the fact that the attic is not washing;
  • the construction, turnkey delivery is cheaper - building materials will need less, and it means that cash spending will be reduced;
  • communication length decreases significantly, costs, too;
  • saving land on the site.

Due to the construction of a small mansion, are defined between one-storey with an attic and two-storey? Choose the first option, but be prepared for some features:

  • the optimal attic wall is from one meter to 1.2 m;
  • in order not to be stuffy, the ventilation system must be properly designed, without experts, it is hardly possible to do;
  • although lug -ana make a house more attractive, they give the lights much less than the windows;
  • without problems, such houses are built initially, if the roof of one-storey is reworked, then it is necessary to take into account the features and parameters of the overlap (rafting structures, roofing pie, etc.).

When erecting all buildings 8 per 8 m, like any other buildings, climatic conditions are taken into account, soils. In accordance with them, building materials are chosen.

Projects of houses from a bruse with an attic

Already only projects of houses from a bar with an attic look spectacularly, original. And finished buildings simply affect the imagination. In addition, which is beautiful, they are still comfortable, comfortable. No wonder our ancestors appreciated this building material for many more centuries ago, building their homes from the logs.

Recently, housing from the bar is building more and more people - fashionable, unusual design, stylish, creative species attracts. But the main thing is profitable, and it is comfortable to live in it. Photo projects of houses can be viewed here.

Each construction is thought out in the designer design, you will not find the same. And if also the owner will fantasize, it may turn out just fabulous terems. Is it possible to resist the temptation to sit in the room with a glass wall in a cold winter evening or in a warm summer, admire the nature outside the window?

The houses from the bar have greatly proven themselves as country buildings, as well as full accommodation for year-round accommodation. Typical projects for such filaments with attic are designed for large single-storey, two-storey buildings, for compact 6x9, 8x8 meters of country houses.

Bruss buildings are always unique. After all, the requirements that are fully answered:

  • originality;
  • beauty:
  • relevance;
  • inexpensive price;
  • the speed of work.

Buildings are built from high-tech materials, such as a profile bar. Coniferous wood is used for its manufacture. A timber from the inside is usually planed, flat, and its external side can be semi-alone. The profile timber can be both for winter buildings and dacha. Differs thick. Thickness up to 200 millimeters is a ram for capital buildings.

As you can see - a practically useless, the cold attic can turn into a cozy room where you can retire, take guests over a cup of coffee, or equip a comfortable bedroom. Yes, and outside such a building will significantly improve the appearance of the mansion. Attic will make any house unique, original.

  • windows is preferably located on the south side of the house;
  • the height of the ceilings should be such that the person can walk without being flexing into three deaths.
  • The most common errors in construction:

    • the insulation layer is laid taking into account the climatic zone;
    • gaps in the insulation should not be;
    • it is not recommended to apply insulation for horizontal surfaces;
    • in places where the insulation is adjacent to the walls, its contour must be closed.