Repairs Design Furniture

Green roofs and stairs for fish. The staircase roofing. Features of the installation of facade stairs Borg

No technological operations related to the renewal of roofing, carrying out repair work, testing and prevention of engineering communications passing through the roof, by putting into order of its other elements, cannot be qualitatively carried out if the masters have no reliable support. In short, this requires a foundation that would particularly shy an employee in movements. But at the same time guaranteed the integrity of the roofing and protection of it from deformation. Such a device becomes a staircase, which should be well fixed on the skate - constantly or only for the period of certain works.

Immediately it should be noted that the design used to work at the height must be highly and absolutely safe. Therefore, if necessary, have a folding version of the skate staircase at the disposal, it is recommended to purchase it in the finished form. Moreover, such proposals in construction stores is quite enough. However, many owners of private houses have a question about how to make a folding staircase on the roof of the roof on their own. Let's try more to illuminate this problem.

Why do you need a roof staircase?

To sort out how much the staircase is needed to be installed on the rope of the roof, it makes sense to start contacting regulatory documents. So, according to the norms of GOST 12.4.059-89, the system of labor safety standards ", it was determined that when working on roofing having a bias of more than 25% (14 degrees in the angular dimension), portable should be applied on wet covered with inheree or snow Working moves, having a width of no less than 300 mm made of two boards bonded by transverse straps. When performing work, the bedding must be securely secured.

Well, if any technological process is carried out on the roof having a bias greater than 33% (more than 18 degrees), or on the overwhelms of any roofing structures, not having fencesWorkers must wear safety belts with safety cables. Safety devices are fixed for reliably installed roof elements that can withstand loads created by the weight of a person.

So, the presence of a temporarily installed or stationary fixed version of the staircase on the roof rods ensuring the safety of a person when working at height is a necessity for the following processes:

  • Conducting regular revisions of the state of chimney and ventilation channels, the execution of them. Control quality Waterproofing Plots of Roof Coating to them.
  • Preventive examination, and if necessary, the performance of repair (including with the full replacement of certain elements) of the skate and joints of the roofing coating.
  • Installation on the surface of the roof of additional structures - racks or masts, roofing windows, etc.
  • Purification of roofing and elements of drainage systems from snow or accumulated garbage.

Due to the fact that some roofing coatings are rather fragile, and are not able to withstand point loads, they can crack or deform when moving through them. Therefore, the staircase is an element that is necessary for almost any roof operations. That is, another important function is to protect the roofing material when working on the roof on the movement of a person by its coating.

To roofing, especially requiring a neat relationship, can be attributed to membrane coatings, slate and ondulin sheets, bituminous tiles, profile with a low profile that It can be easily rushing when exposed to it with a foot.

If a specific model of the staircase is needed to install on the roof, then it can be purchased in a specialized store. Especially since not every variant of the staircase can be made independently without the presence of special equipment.

However, the interest of the owners of private houses to the issue of making the ladder for the roof with their own hands does not disappear. Therefore, this topic further will be reviewed from different sides.

Varieties of stairs on the roof of the roof

Initially, it is worth considering stairs for roofs that Can be divided by its design and manufacturing material.

Folding ladder prices

folding staircase

Designs of stairs

According to the overall design, the stairs can be divided into stationary and temporarily installed, as needed.

  • Stationary stairs Firmly fixed on elements of the rafter system and roof. They are intended for a safe lift to the roof for repair, cleaning smoking channels, as well as the release of the roof from

Such a design is fixed in one immediately selected place, as a rule, next to the chimney pipe, as it most often requires preventive work. It is clear that relations with the fact that it cannot be rearranged into different areas of the roof, such a staircase can only be installed on stable structural elements. It is usually put on a row with a durable coating that will not be fed and cannot be damaged under the influence of point loads, and it is possible to perform certain works on other parts of the roof. In addition, the roof must have a small slope not exceeding 25 degrees.

However, in order to avoid accidental damage even durable roofing coatings, stationary stairs are often installed in a complex with modern metal beats. They are mounted on a permanent basis along the skate or slightly below it, so that it can be, if necessary, get to all communication channels. In addition to the bedtime, the security complex includes cornice limiters, which can also serve as stopped for the feet, in the case of sliding down. These elements in the form of metal pipes or profiles, fixed along the edge of the roof, can simultaneously serve as limiters for snow nanos. They do not let go snow from the roof at the same time - lingering, it gradually melts, and thah water flows through the gutters of the drainage systems. Such a system allows you to safely carry roofing and preventive work, and also eliminates the risk of falling on the head of snow and ice blocks in the spring.

  • Mobile (portable) stairs can constantly be on the roof or stored in the utility rooms and used if necessary for any work on the roof.

It is a removable version of stairs can be a solid design, folding or sliding. This staircase can be transferred and installed in any area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and used to perform both preventive and repair and roofing works and the installation of fair coating elements.

Portable folding staircase can be purchased at a finished form or make it yourself. However, making it yourself, it is necessary to produce accurate calculations that will make it use at an altitude absolutely safe - it must calmly withstand the weight of the person moving around it.

Materials manufacturing stairs for a horse

Previously, the stairs for the roofs mostly were made of wood. Today, you can find not only wooden, but also metal structures made of aluminum or steel. Metal ladder options can be solid or collapsible.

When choosing a metal staircase, it is best to give preference to that that Made of aluminum, as it is more racks to the effects of external aggressive factors and much easier became, which is especially important for mobile folding stairs.

All, without exception, the staircase models can be used to work on the roofs covered by any roofing materials. However, with its inpatient installation or temporary installation, it is necessary to take into account the features of their location, as well as fastening on the skate and rods.

  • Wooden stairs - This is the most popular option. From this material are manufactured both mobile and stationary models. Folding structures made of wood do, of course, more difficult, but still possible.

For the manufacture of ladders from wood, a standard set of parts will be required. Typically, it includes two reference bars installed along the skate line, and horizontal crossbar lintels. The number of these crossing can be different, and it depends on skate size on which It is planned to use the stairs.

Stationary wooden stairs are mounted directly on the roofing coating, usually along the lines of the lines of the rafter (for greater reliability) and are fixed to them and the guides of the crates in several places. For example, on the roof, covered with professional flooring, slate or ondulin, the fixing of the stairs is carried out by special locks installed at the lower point of the wave. Therefore, by planning the manufacture of the stairs for such roofing, it is necessary to calculate the distance between the waves, and focusing on this parameter, choose the width of the staircase.

Instead of stairs, some owners of private houses prefer to produce ladders, which consist of a wide board and crossbar fixed on it with a certain step. This device is convenient because the usual staircase is easier and "turning", but in terms of ensuring the safety of work, definitely loses to her.

Prices for wooden stairs

Wooden staircase

Most common The method of fixing a wooden staircase or a row on a skate is a kind of hook from the same material fixed to the end or back side of the stairs at an angle under which The roofing rates are converge (for large corners of the slope) or in direct, for the slopes of small steepness.

  • Metal stairs Can be made of steel or aluminum conventional or profile pipes suitable size. The stationary version of the structures is fixed on the roof scap using special brackets - racks, which are usually installed on rubber gaskets - to ensure the sealing of these connecting nodes.

Factory stairs can be single-generating intended for use on roofs with rods with a size of no more than 2000 mm, as well as multisective, which are necessary on roofs having a greater length of the skate size. Factory metal structures are most often made of steel galvanized pipes, on the surface of which a protective powder coating is applied. The color of the color is chosen depending on the preference of the owner of the house and the shades of the roofing coating - the range is proposed quite wide.

Finished stairs are sold unchanged and mounted without the use of welding work - with the help of fastening parts included.

The optimal variant of stationary metal stairs is a whole complex consisting of modules of different purposes. One of them is fixed on the roof scap, and the second is on the wall. This allows you to silently climb from the ground to the skate. It is usually provided for the fencing on the most dangerous during the rise and the descent of the site - on the transition from the inclined to the vertical surface.

The kit usually consists of the following elements presented in illustrations:

1 - Bracket, with which the staircase is fixed on the ridge of the roof.

2 - Staircases installed along the roofing rod and vertical wall of the building.

3 - handrail to ensure the safety of transition from vertical to the inclined staircase.

4 - bracket for fixing the stairs to the roof surface.

5 - suspended bracket for mutual fastening of the roofing and wall module of the stairs.

6 - bracket for fixing the vertical module to the surface of the wall.

Collecting such a design, it is necessary to take into account that the distance between the upper step of the wall module to the eaves can not be greater than 100 mm, and the distance between the wall and the staircase should be at least 200 mm. However, the installation of such a kit makes sense to consider in more detail.

Installing the finished set of metal staircase on the wall and roof

Before purchasing a ready-made staircase, it is necessary to determine the place of its installation, which is selected taking into account the following criteria:

  • The need to ensure free access to all objects located on the roof and requiring a periodic examination, and if necessary - and repair. Additionally, along the skate for free movement throughout his line can be mounted.
  • If the roofing coating has a smooth surface, then the paving must be equipped to ensure a safe approach to all nodes requiring a periodic preventive inspection.
  • A staircase consisting of a roofing and wall module can be installed on the side of the row of a skate or from the frontal side of the structure. If the design is mounted from the front side, then in the upper part it can immediately switch to the pavements.
  • The location of the ladder on the roof also affects the design of the crate, as the brackets that hold modules can be fixed exclusively on the hard base.
  • If a solid suit is equipped under the roofing material, it simplifies the task somewhat, since the staircase can be fixed anywhere in the skate.
  • When designing a staircase for a roof, it is necessary to immediately decide whether the wall part of the structure will be installed, which is designed to ensure safe lifting on the skate. It should also provide an optimal location, with convenient access, but not interfering with the placement of any objects in the yard and not spoiling external The appearance of the building, if it seems so the owners.

Most manufacturers make staircases having a length of 1860 and 3000 mm. If necessary, modules can be connected. Well, the excess structures are easily dumped with hacksaw, after which the edge is recommended to be treated, in order to avoid the formation of the corrosion focus. It is not recommended to produce a stack of ladder having a polymer coating using corner-grinding Machines ("Bulgarian"). First, the edges of the cut from this dispenseed, which contributes to the further development of corrosion. And secondly, sparks flying during cutting are capable of burning metal protective coating.

The rules for mounting the stairs require its reliable fixing to the surface of the skate as well as on the line of the skate run. However, the fixation of the metal structure to the skate is an optional measure. But if you wish to install in all the rules, a special type of fastening will be required - these are steel strips with holes. When fixing the stairs with the help of these parts, they come under the ski element of the roof.

Whether the fastening of the skate is used, it is necessary to decide during the preparation of the project, due to the fact that:

  • When fixing the stairs only to the plane of the roof, the staircase can be made shorter than the length of the slope for 200 mm, retreating from the bottom and the vertex of 100 mm.
  • If both types of fastening are applied, the staircase will be shorter than a 550 ÷ 600 mm skate. In this case, retreat from the cornese edge of 100 mm, and from the skate line 450 ÷ 500 mm, which will be necessary to install the skate mount.

To secure the stairs on the roof, various fastening elements are used, which must correspond to the type and relief of the roofing material. According to the established safety standards, when installing a staircase from above ceramic, bitumen and metal tile, as well as on the roof of a professional flooring and ondulin, for each section of 1860 mm long, it is necessary to use four fastening brackets, and for the three-meter section - and all six fixtures.

To install the staircase on a folded metal roof, in addition to ordinary mounts, special, mounted in the central part of the structure, usually need two pieces for the module length in 1860 mm.

If the staircase model is selected, which has a wall module in the kit, then when designing it is necessary to determine the length of the brackets. This parameter will depend on the width of the cornese swell, since the staircase must be removed from the edge of the eaves for 200 mm.

Wall brackets for the stairs are fixed with a step of no more than 1000 mm.

The upper stage of the wall staircase should be located at one level with an open line of ± 100 mm, and the lower crossbar is higher than the level of the ground by 1000 ± 200 mm, depending on the comfort of the lift for the owner of the house. However, to approach this staircase, a small gear is usually used, which is unrelevantly removed into the utility room. A good precautionary measure from the fact that the ladder on the roof becomes the object of children's games.

Prices for Wall Brackets

wall brackets

To remove a portion of the load from the top wall bracket, it is additionally fixed by the suspension bracket, which in the upper part is connected to the roofing unit of the stairs roofing module.

After the main parts of the staircase are installed, that is, roofing and wall modules are mounted, mounted handrails, for the fixation of which at the edges of the vertical elements of the wall module use a bolt M -10 × 35. The other side of the handrails is fixed to the roofing module of the staircase using the package included in the kit. If necessary, the ladder is needed in short, cutting them with a metal hacksaw.

As far as all the fixing elements of the stairs are tightened, it is necessary to check in the first year after installation at least three times, in the future it will be enough for one annual audit.

Fastening the stairs on the skate at the top is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the product manufacturer, and taking into account the peculiarities of the roofing coating. The illustrations presents the main options:

1 - The module is fixed only by brackets on the surface of the roofing material.

2 - consolidation with special fastening parts, thrown through the skate line.

3, 4, 5 - additional fixation with the help of special brackets, fixed on the upper ends of vertical racks of roofing stairs, and the other side - for the ski bar.

And in the illustration below shows the features of several more fastening and connecting nodes:

Wall brackets are fixed on a tight and durable base, such as concrete or brick. Fasteners are selected in accordance with the material from which Lined walls. Installing brackets is made in pairs at a distance of the width of the staircase, as they will hold the vertical stand of the module.

Wall brackets are connected to the staircase racks by clamps that are tightened by bolts.

The connection of the handrail with the wall module is carried out by bolts, and with a roofing module - using U-shaped brackets.

If necessary, suspended brackets that bind the roofing module with the wall mount can be skipped through an abnormal (or frontal, depending on the installation site) of the sink of the roof, as shown on the right fragment of the pattern.

Video: Demonstration of the installation process of the staircase on the roof

Options for using ready-made aluminum stairs as a skate

If the owners already have a reliable aluminum staircase, it is quite realistic to adapt to use, if necessary, as a roofing option. It will become one of the species of folding skunk stairswhich can not be left on the roof, but quickly lead to "combat readiness" when there is a need for this.

  • For example, you can purchase a special hook, which is intended for fixing on stair racks. It is designed for any angle of the roof rod, so it can be called universal, that is, suitable for different designs of roofs and roofing types.

Often, similar designs are equipped with a soft pneumatic roller - this greatly facilitates the movement of the root staircase without the risk of damage to the coating of any type. High chaos of the hooking device will never damage the skate elements of the roof, even with a large load on the staircase. And at the end, which starts behind the horse, the brackets are connected by a solid wooden jumper. It will eliminate the likelihood of point exposure to the roof of the installation site, its considerable area distributing the load falling on the hook device.

Posted on the finished staircase such a convenient device from all points of view, you can safely perform work on the roof.

  • There are adjustments easier and cheaper. The illustrations above show simple hooks, which also easily convert the usual attachment aluminum staircase into roofing.
  • Above the options were shown when the hooking devices are removed with the staircase with the ladder. But the hooks can be mounted on the roof and on an ongoing basis. For example, if it is not planned to fix the usual aluminum staircase on the roof inpattern, then for its temporary installation, it is possible to provide in different parts of the roof (those that require the most frequent "visits") special hook brackets, which are fixed to the crates of the crate or to the plywood flooring Solid crate.

In addition, this type of brackets is characterized by quite high strength. Such hooks can be used to consolidate the wizard's safety belt on them when performing roofing repair or other works.

Brackets (hooks) are most often mounted before the flooring on the roofing rods. May also be installed on the finished roof. Work on their installation is carried out in the following order:

If such hooks need to be installed on the already shining roof roof, then part of the coating must be temporarily dismantled.

After the bracket is fixed, the roofing coating returns to the place. The bottom edge of the sheet or tile covers the place of attachment of the hook to the elements of the root, and the bracket itself, as if it turns out of the coating. This is how to protect this node from leakage.

If it is necessary to use on the roof of the skim staircase, it is put on the crossbar to the fixed brackets. The illustration also shows how the safety cable can be fixed on the bracket, simultaneously with the staircase.

Manufacturing of wooden roof stairs

As mentioned above, wood is the easiest in the processing material, so it is much easier to make any staircase from it. It is enough to have tools that, as a rule, are already present in the Arsenal of the average private host. This is a hacksaw or electric jigsaw ,, planer, chisel and electric drill.

To install on the roof, you can make a conventional staircase, ladder or folding or sliding option. As a rule, all wooden stairs are mobile, that is, they can rearrange over the surface of the skate in the required place. And this means that all of them are fixed in the roof of the roof specially made wooden or metal hooks.

The sake of fairness must be said that correctly selected and treated wood is capable of listening to no less metallic structures. But it is easier than the metal, so it is easier to move it to the desired roof area.

Immediately it should be noted that for the manufacture of a roof staircase, which, not going anywhere, will be exposed to the aggressive effect of the external natural environment, the larch wood is best suited or another conifer. Wood must be processed - they are very presented on sale. For this purpose, the usual olifa, which should be good to impregnate the part of the structure ready for installation are quite suitable.

Bonding staircases can be made using nails, but it is better for this purpose to use the screws of a suitable length.

First option

It is very plain Variant of mobile wooden skate stairs. Such a completely simple will be made independently literally for several hours, of course, with all the necessary materials and tools.

For the manufacture of this model, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • For vertical racks, two boards are required by a cross section of 25 ÷ 30 × 150 mm. Their length depends on the size of the skate.
  • The crossbars (steps) of the stairs are cuts of a bar of 50 × 30 or 50 × 40 mm, a length equal to the width of the staircase.
  • For a supporting structure, you can use one bar 50 × 50 mm or several boards - two of which should have a cross section of 25 × 100 mm and a length equal to the width of the staircase, and four segments having a size of 25 × 150 × 300 mm.

  • In addition to sawn timber, the fasteners are required - nails or self-tapping screws with a length of 80 ÷ 100 mm.

Work on the manufacture of this model the stairs is carried out in the following order:

  • From the timber-processed timber and boards, according to sizes, all necessary design details are cut.
  • Then, they should be covered with oil or other antiseptic primer with hydrophobic qualities, and wait until it is absorbed into the material structure.
  • If the staircase is used on the roof covered with a wavy material, then the width of the stairs must be calculated so that its vertical racks fit into the bottom of the roofing wave.
  • For the staples, the bar is best suited or a wide board, the sizes indicated earlier, the foot stop on them will be more convenient than on a narrow board. Steps are fixed in increasing at least 500 mm, since if they set them more often and more - it will increase the weight of the structure and create inconvenience during the movement along the stairs.
  • The next step of the vertical racks must be postponed horizontally next to each other and make the installation markup. And it is best to immediately note their width.
  • Further, on the outlined lines, you can cut the grooves, the width of which should be 3 mm more than the width of the bar of the cross. The depth of the grooves can be from 5 to 15 mm - steps will be installed in them. You can, of course, restrict ourselves to only marking, without cutting the grooves, but with the grooves it will be more reliable.
  • Now you can move to the installation of steps. If they are screwed to the racks of self-drawing, it is recommended to first drill holes for them - it will warn the cracking of the wood along the edges of the details. When used to fit the nails, they must pass through the connections of the crossbar and the rack, and then bent on the back side of the staircase. The mounting with nails is not suitable if the staircase is mounted on the roof covered with bitumen tiles, since the fastened and curved plots of fasteners are still capable of damaging it.
  • To fix the module on the ski line, at the top of the stairs, it is necessary to secure the supporting element, which is most often placed at a right angle to the main structure. It is screwed on the reverse side of the racks or to their ends. However, the first fastening option is more reliable and durable. As a support, a powerful beam can be served or (preferable) the design presented above in the illustration consisting of six boards.

Special attention should be paid to the strength of fastening the supporting element, since the reliability of fixing the staircase on the skate will depend on it.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers

Such a staircase can be used as a portable or stationary option for lifting in the ridge area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. If it is planned to establish it stationary in a certain place, then it is necessary to arrange it to try so that it can be made as much preventive and repair work. If this location is not possible, it is additionally recommended on the skate to secure the walkways, allowing you to get to all that require regular control and maintenance of the elements of the roof design, first of all - to ventilation and smoking channels.

Second option

This staircase differs from the previous model with the size of parts and configuration of the support element, but it is manufactured in the same way. First, the markup of vertical racks is made, then the steps are fixed on them, and the reaches of the support node is assembled, which has a slightly more complex design.

For the manufacture of such a staircase, the following materials will be required:

- two high-quality boards with a cross section of 100 × 30 mm, a length corresponding to the size of the skate;

- cuts of the board for cross-steps 100 × 30 × 710 mm - their quantity depends on the length of longitudinal racks;

- Stubborn board with a size of 100 × 30 × 850 mm - one thing;

- Fastening board 100 × 30 × 607 mm - two pieces;

- spacer board 100 × 30 × 462 mm - two pieces;

- Binding board 100 × 30 mm, the length of it must be equal to the width of the staircase - one thing.

How these details are collected into a single design of the hook node - can not be told. The illustration very clearly shows his device. Which in special explanations, as it seems, does not need.

It can only be noted that for the strength of the assembly of the node, the two cross-plates of the hook in the shown variant are also closed with each other with a wire cleaner.

And one more and interesting moment.

If necessary, have a universal staircase that could be used everywhere, an option with a folding reference element can be useful, which is used, for example, a segment of a wide powerful board. That is, it can be fixed not inpatient, screwing up self-tales or having nails, and installing on powerful loops, limiting their opening only to an angle of 90 degrees or on the one under which the roof rates relative to each other are located.

If you make a qualitatively such a design, then when it is installed onto the roof it will be enough to just open the supporting item and fix the staircase on the roof. At another time, it can be used as the usual attachment to perform other houseworks or the garden.

Third option

Another, so to speak "Light" - the roofing staircase option is a ladder, the design of which can be called the simplest in the manufacture. The only thing that is important to take into account during the calculations is the ability of the ladder to be reliably held on the skate and easily withstand the weight of the owner of the house.

The ladder can be made of one board and crossbreak, or if you need a wider support for roofing, then two boards are installed as the base.

For the manufacture of the ladder, the following materials will be required:

  • One board width of 300 mm or two having a width of 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b200 mm, 25 mm thick. The length of the boards may vary depending on the size of the roof slide. The board will be necessary for the base of the ladder.
  • Two supporting boards with a cross section of 100 × 25 mm and a length of 700 ÷ 1000 mm, as well as one board width in 200, 20 thickness and a length greater than the width of the base for 200 mm. It is designed to bind the supporting boards - these parts will be required to form the design of the structure of the structure.
  • Bar with a cross section of 30 × 30 or 40 × 40 mm - for making steps. The length of such crossbars should exceed the width of the base for 200 mm, that is, the steps must perform on each side of the vertically installed boards per 100 mm. The number of steps depends on the height of the ladder. They must be installed in a step that can vary from 200 to 500 mm - this parameter depends on the convenience of lifting a particular person.
  • In addition, nails or self-tapping screws will be needed to build construction. When using nails, they must be beatened from the reverse side of the main boards, so there must be no less than 100 mm. Self-tapping screws must have a length, slightly smaller (by 5 ÷ 7 mm) total thickness of the stage and base.

The order of the assembly of the route There is little different from the process of manufacturing the stairs. It is carried out as follows:

  • On a flat surface, one or two base boards are stacked. If two boards are used, then it is necessary to leave a small lumen between them, which can be 5 ÷ 10 mm. It is necessary for ventilation, as well as to compensate for temperature and humidity linear vibrations of wood.
  • Then the installation of the steps is made - this process is performed using a roulette and a simple pencil or marker. According to the marked lines, it will be easier to navigate when fixing the crossbar, especially if the base is made of two boards.
  • The next step over the applied lines of markup to the base is screwed up the upper and lower bruises of steps. They will fasten the boards of the lad among themselves, and therefore the rest of the crossing will be fixed much easier.
  • Next, retreating from the top edge of 150 mm, on the side ends of the main boards there is a place of installation of the supporting boards. Their edges should perform above the surface of the ladder also 150 mm, and below - from 500 to 1000 mm. Moreover It is necessary to install these support details, given the angle of the slopes relative to each other, as they must fit tightly to the skate and surfaces. Supported boards are fixed with self-tapping screws, which should be screwed in increments of 40 ÷ 50 mm, through pre-drilled holes of smaller diameter.
  • The last stage of the assembly of the design is the installation of a transverse board, which will tightly connect the supporting boards.

Fourth option

If you need to make a portable staircase, which is planned to be used not only to work on the roof, but also for other needs, and it is required that it should be enlarged if necessary in length, you should pay attention to the sliding design option. By the way, it will continue even if there are several business buildings with roofs that differ in the sizes in the complex with the house. In this case, one sliding staircase, having modules of different lengths, can be used for examination or any construction.

The optimal option may be a staircase consisting of two modules that can be completely disconnected or fastened into the design of different lengths. It can be used as a roofing staircase or an inlet, and can be applied to clean or repair, for example, the drainage system fixed on the roof eaves.

Stairs prices for stairs

For the manufacture of two-module design, represented in the diagram, the following material will be required:

  • Four 30 × 35 mm in size in a section - for the manufacture of racks. Their length can be different or the same, for example, it can be 1800 mm.
  • A ram size in a section of 30 × 25 mm - for the manufacture of steps, which will be fixed in a step of 350 mm. The width of the main module of the staircase, which will always be in the lower part, according to the scheme, should be 520 mm, and the upper is 450 mm, as it should be between the racks of the first. Accordingly, the length of the steps for different modules will be different. For the main module, this parameter must be 470 mm, and for the upper 400 mm. The number of crossbars will depend on the selected height of each of the modules. At the same time, the step must necessarily be united for all parts of the collapsible staircase.
  • In addition to sawn timber, you must prepare:

Two reliable hooks that are fixed at the upper ends of the upper module racks. With the help of them, it will gear for mounting mounted on the skate;

At the top ends of the lower main module, the brackets should be attached to which the upper module will be mounted, and with them the length of the staircase can be increased half.

For a more reliable fastening of the upper module on the lower, two brackets are required, fixed to the inner sides of the racks immediately above the lower level.

For the lower sides of the racks of modules, metal linings must be provided, which are put on bars of racks;

To secure the steps on the racks, the method of compounds "in Polterev" can be used, the stages of the "groove-spike" method. And the scheme shows the use of specially intended for this purpose fasteners High-resistant plastic elementsthat are screwed by self-drawing to the inner sides of the racks. Stages are inserted into these clamps, and their edges will be protected from moisture. If one of the methods of the insertion is selected for fixing the steps, then the steps must be made a little longer. It is the excess length that will be used to arrange connections.

Metal retaining parts, fixed under all steps, or at least under those that will fall out a large load. In particular, such an increase is seen particularly necessary where it is supposed to consolidate the connecting brackets connecting two modules.

If you understand this design, you can come to the conclusion that there is nothing complicated in its manufacture and assembly.

The work on the assembly of such a sliding staircase is almost the same as the usual. Each of the modules is collected separately as the standard staircase, but to each then in certain places are fixed to the connection to a single design of the brackets.

So, relatively simple options for the manufacture of roofing and installing finished factory structures were presented. If there are no stairs to the skate on your home yet, it is worth it to think seriously over the question of its acquisition - whether buying whether, or independent installation. It is very important that there was an opportunity to free access to all communications located on the roof of the building, to the roofing sites. All the problems that have emerged will be solved as soon as possible, and the regular audit and the prevention of chimneys and ventilation risers will provide comfortable and safe accommodation in the house.

And at the end of the publication - probably the reader will become an interesting and informative video showing the original devices that ensure safety on the roof.

Video: Useful snap for safe work on the roof


To perform various work on the roof, you need to have a special staircase, as in the photo, which will allow you to maintain balance on steep slots. The staircase for work on the roof is sold in construction stores, but it is quite expensive at cost, and not everyone has the opportunity to buy it. In this case, you will have to make it yourself.

Even after the roof roofing works are completed, the stairs for mounting the roof will still use, for example, for carrying out repair. Their main purpose is to create appropriate conditions for the performance of work and human protection from falling injuries, but in addition, this device protects the roof from damage that may appear from shoes or tools. For example, a polymer coating on the surface of the tent roof is easily deformed - traces appear on it under the weight of the human body, and a stone crumb is sat down with bitumen tiles, waterproofing is disturbed.

Types of stairs

Most often there are such types of stairs:

  • attic;
  • confused;
  • stationary - located on the roof scap.

Roofing staircase with her own hands for working on a holm roof is made of aluminum, steel pipes and wooden bars. The design of these collapsible devices allows them to collect them yourself from individual parts.

The staircase for work on the bartal roofs is attached by the brackets passing through the hole in the roof. Connection locations are desirable to equip rubber gaskets or sealant. Before climbing the roof, the sections are well fixed together, and the last part firmly attach to the skate.

If the roofing wall is manufactured, then it should be borne in mind that the distance between the upper step and the edge of the eaves should not exceed 10 centimeters, and the distance from the wall to the device is not more than 20 centimeters. In the place where the transition to the roof is observed, they make reliably assigned handrails.

How to make a staircase

The staircase for the roof is made with his own hands, with this case, you can cope with this business, even without having special skills.

To work will require such tools and materials:

  • self-tapping screws or 100 mm nails;
  • bruks 40x40 millimeters, boards and pieces of timber 40-60 millimeters thick;
  • wooden boards of 16x2,5 millimeters.

Sideboards with such width cannot damage roofing - this is especially important for ondulin or slate. To choose size, it is necessary to approach responsibly if the roof has a wave type.

They make steps from bars for greater stability of the stop, because on thin steps the legs quickly get tired, and the work does not work with high-quality. The crossbars are not recommended to be placed too often, as it worsens the convenience of staying on the stairs and gives it excess weight.

To secure the steps, it is better to use nails having a length of 100 millimeters - they are bended on the other hand, beating in wood. The ladder for working on the roof should not leave dents and scratches on the roof, so you need to carefully check that the ends of the nails do not protrude out.

Then they make a hook, with which the staircase will be attached to. This item must be secured reliably, since it will have a large load. If the hook is unreliable, the likelihood of fall is great. It is made of thick boards and nails a length of 15-20 centimeters. The total length of the hook should be more than 30 centimeters. The side boards of the element is better to do a little longer, so that they are 40 centimeters in favor of the roof of the roof. To give the design greater reliability, you can hit the breaks from the bar at the edges.

Stairs for mounting the roof, which will be used with a large coal of the skate, should be strong and reliable. Recommended from the back on the hook to install counterweights from the board. If the length of the staircase on the roof of the house turned out to be too short, then on the sides, the design can be increasing, having a bracket of the VanBest (read also: ""). You should not screw the hooks on it or other tool holders - you can cling to clothes, lose your balance and fall. In order to place the tools, it is better to use a special mounting belt.

If the roofing staircase has been made with their own hands in compliance with all the requirements, it will be safe and reliable. It is most convenient to transfer it to all together, one person should be on the forests or downstairs, and the other is on the skate. It is easy to install, while ensuring the safety of lifting up and moving.

The staircase for the roof is going downstairs. At first, the brackets are attached, which connects the fastening of the skate, then after every 2 meters, the roof supports in the crossbar places are mounted. Then they measure the roofs of the roof and determine the required length of the stairs, which will rise to the roof and attach to the crate board. Then they join wall supports and handrails with a period of two meters, produce mounting brackets for cornice.

The roofing wall staircase is attached on the roof using two brackets that are connected to the walls of the walls. The lower constructions should be at a distance of no more than meter from the ground, and the upper one is about 10 centimeters from the eaves.

Do not neglect the creation of the stairs to the roof. It will come in handy not only during the installation of roofing and drain, but also when performing subsequent repair work. You can use the staircase and in case of emergency situations, with random roof ignition.

The roof of the building is the basis of safe living in it. It protects tenants from atmospheric precipitation and adverse weather conditions. Preventive inspections held twice a year must identify even the slightest damage. But how to get to the roof and spend it if the angle of inclination is very big? Here you will need a roof staircase. About how to make it I will tell in this article.

Is roofing staircase so much

The roof staircase can be used not only for preventive inspections, but also apply it in the following cases:

  • When there is a need to clean the ventilation or chimney channels
  • With repair work
  • To clean the surface from various garbage or snow
  • If the roofing surface is laid with a very sensitive to the loads of materials and movement on them will adversely affect their structure

As evidence of the last paragraph, I can bring several examples of such products. They are modern coatings of polymers stacked by a bulk method and some membranes. Human weight is enough for local destruction of these coatings.

By installing the ladder on its roof, it is always worth careful about the safety technique. As a rule, residents of private houses are entirely counting on their luck during repair work and completely forget about safety equipment. For most of them, these works are deplorable. If you do not want to acquire the safety devices, you can completely borrow it with your friends or neighbors.

A high-quality roof repair staircase should carry maximum stability and reliability. How to make it right I will tell you a little later, but for now let's look at their views.

Types of stairs

The staircase can be performed from almost any material, but the reference is the following types:

  • Wooden
  • Uncine metal. Most often performed from steel or aluminum
  • Metal combined parts

All the above species can be operated on any type of roofs, regardless of their slope and configuration.

Wooden stairs are collected from a certain set of sawn timber. It includes two long boards, small bars with raw corners, auxiliary parts. This type of stairs is usually arranged over roofing material. Their fixation occurs at several roof points. If it is mounted on slate or metal tile, the fasteners are best arranged in the lower part of the wave. To protect the tree from rotting it is best to treat it with antiseptics, and then paint with paint and varnish products.

As for metal structures, they are erected from steel or aluminum pipes with a suitable diameter. Their fixation on the roofing skate occurs with the help of special brackets. These fasteners must have rubberized lining. The staircase produced by the plant is created from a galvanized product, on top of which paint is applied. It acts as a protective layer and applied by spraying. As a rule, such elements are painted in black, brown or white. If you decide to order a stairs, and not buy it in the finished form, then this option you can set an absolutely different shade.

Precast staircases made of metal do not provide welding work. They are assembled using special threaded connections. Special products or brackets are applied to fix these elements on the roof surface.

The complexity of roofing configuration will be completely affected by their number and view.

Important: For fasteners of the metal staircase, the metal tile is spent from 2 to 10 brackets, and 2 of them will be skate. The identical number of elements will leave on the roof from the corrugated floor with a slight wave.

Prefabricated structures, as a rule, consist of a small number of parts. They include wall and roofing sites. Thanks to such a design, the rise in them can be carried out directly from the Earth. The height of the wall-mounted part should not reach the eaves of about 10 centimeters, as for removal from the wall, then the minimum value is 20 centimeters. The ladder device is closer than this distance - prohibited.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe staircase located on the roof is joined with the walls with the same brackets. Their pins pass through the roofing coating, therefore, these places need to be treated with moisture-resistant sealants. If you have not enough for some distance to the roofing sink, then you can purchase additional staircase modules. The connection of the details occurs by the bolted method.

Important: In a place where the wall part goes into roofing, the handrails and the corresponding protection against falling back should be arranged.

Wooden Design Assembly Nuances

The staircase on the roof of the house may well be created on its own. Before proceeding with the process itself, let's look at some nuances of this case.

To create a high-quality and sustainable design, you will need the following materials:

  • Two long boards with a cross section 16x2,5 centimeter
  • Some brucks cross section 4x4 centimeters. Everything will depend on the distance between these elements and the length of the support boards
  • 100 millimeters nails

Collecting the design together must remember some nuances.

  1. Boards must have a minimum width value of 16 centimeters. If this parameter is not enough, then calculations to find a distributed load will help you decide
  2. If your roof plane is laid from a wavy material, then the distance between the support boards must be selected by the distance between the waves. The design creates such a width, so that the boards were located on the lower waves of roofing
  3. Bruks that will be installed as steps, it is best to sharpen. This will make it more sustainably feeling on the stairs. If you post a large number of steps, you will be very difficult to ride, while you will significantly increase the mass of this design.
  4. Ordinary nails are fasteners. Their minimum length should be 100 millimeters. In the case of firmware of the material, the sharp ends are necessarily accumulated in the wood
  5. If you need, that the staircase independently retained on the roofing skate, it is necessary to provide a triangular holder. It is worth noting that for greater stability, it should go on the opposite direction of the roof about a third of the skate lengths.

The auxiliary triangular holder is made from the same lumber as the staircase itself. Thick boards and long nails are needed about 15-20 centimeters.

The staircase for the roof is going to be quite simple, it is enough to have all the necessary tools and materials. So that the steps have stronger stability in the supporting boards, it is best to make some deepening. They can be made using a drill with a special round nozzle. Thanks to her, you can drill the board and create a more beautiful design, but do not get carried away with the holes. A large amount of weakens the whole design.

Under the created deepening, it is best to bother small pieces of bar. In case of damage to the main fasteners, they will give an additional emphasis and this element will not fail during operation.

I hope this information will be enough to understand how to make a roof staircase.

Metal stairs assembly process

The staircase for the roof consisting of separate parts for safety is assembled on the roof surface, but on Earth. This will allow you to perform work in more secure conditions, resulting in the speed of its implementation. As preparatory work it is necessary to find the required length, and only then make an assembly.

Then the assembly work goes into welding. During this process, you need to install fasteners for the skate and base. The remaining fasteners are placed in a step of 2 meters.

After completing the previous points, the construction of the structures on the roof is carried out. It is worth noting that workers must be equipped with safety belts, proven cables, gloves and non-slip shoes.

The raised staircase is attached to the top board of the crate and left on it. The workers themselves proceed to assembling the wall part of the structure. It is erected identically roofing. Only with some distinction. Instead of brackets, wall supports are welded. Their step is about 2 meters. The handrails are mounted as protection.

After the device and attaching these parts produce their docking. This plot should be equipped with additional protection from falling.

For convenience and speed of installation it is better to purchase light staircases, such as aluminum. Despite the fact that the products released possess the protective layer of paint, it is better to rebuild and apply one more. It is worth understanding that the oxidation of metals is a complex process. Therefore, use fasteners with identical material, otherwise your design will very soon cover rust, even if it has a lot of protection layers.

Responsible hosts should always carry out preventive inspections of their roof, and high-quality design for lifting will allow it without problems.

Roofs and roofs are an integral part of each capital structure. At the same time, no one is secret that they should be inspected from time to time, repair and eliminate defects acquired during operation. For this purpose, when installing the roofs, such a design is provided as roofing staircase. Only in case of constant observation and control over the roof condition, it is possible to detect and eliminate the deterioration of its appearance and damage. The real owner of the house always provides for the moment during construction. And if in the case of the appearance of minor defects, a small planned repairs are required, then when Ignoring the problem, the roof wear will increase significantly, which ultimately leads to the need for its replacement. Periodic control should be subjected to drainage systems and chimneys, and for this it is just necessary to have safe and unimpeded roof access. So without such an element, like a roofing staircase just can not do.

Types of roofing stairs

Today, roofing staircases are presented in a wide range of specialized stores and strokemakers. Products of this type are several species, among which you can allocate:

  • shelter stairs;
  • wound stairs;
  • mansard stairs;
  • emergency stairs.

Features of the installation of roofing structures

The staircase on the roof is set in this way:

  • by means of brackets, which are special fasteners, which are planted on the stair racks and are attached to the bolts.
  • the set of staircase is played sectionally, in accordance with the size of the skate;
  • on the roof is attached ready-made product assembled on Earth.

Important!To prevent leakage in the places of fixing the stairs to the roof, it is necessary to use a special sealant.

As for the requested structures, they are collected from the modules, whereby the desired length is easily achieved.

The installation phase of roofing staircase provides:

  • installing handrails, after which the nozzle of brackets on the rack is reproduced. Fix them with bolts over and under steps;
  • then the brackets are attached to the walls;
  • the selection of anchors is carried out depending on which building is built from what material.

Installation of roofing stairs

Such structures are suitable for any roofing coatings: professional flooring, folding surface, metal tile, soft roof, smooth metal roof and so on.

Tip!With the length of the roofing design, it is desirable to determine the previous one. It will make it possible to carry out the pruning in advance until the staircase is yet collected and simplifies the installation process.


The roof staircase is an integral part of the roofing system of each house and is designed to facilitate the tasks for the implementation of care and control over the coating of roofs, chimneys and drainage pipes.

Designs of this type should be as comfortable in operation when ensuring a high degree of reliability. This is exactly what is due to the use of high-quality modern materials in their manufacture, which prevents the likelihood of emergency situations.

The manufacture of roofing stairs was adopted by leading world manufacturers. Products of this plan are in demand among owners of private houses, country villas and cottages. Such structures can be applied not only for private buildings, but for public and social buildings. Roofing and facade staircases allow without special difficulties to rise to the roof of any home, which is necessary for inspecting the state of the roof, antennas, chimney. In addition, adaptations facilitate repair work on the roof.

The roof of the house is the most important design, which is the first barrier that protects a person's dwelling from the penetration of a cold, wind, a thaw or rain moisture. The process of construction of the roof begins with the assembly of a rafter frame and ends with a roofing flooring, however, even after the roofing work is completed, it remains the need to rise to the maintenance, repair and cleaning of the surface from snow or debris. To ensure access to perform these functions of the outdoor staircase. In this article we will tell you how to make a roof staircase so that its use is safe.

Roofing or outer staircase is called a design that facilitates the rise and movement on the roof during repair, maintenance, cleaning its surface. It usually consists of a vertical part that is fixed to the wall, and inclined, the installation of which is made along the skate. The roof staircase consists of the following elements:

  • Vertical supports. Two vertical supports are necessary for fixing steps between them. They must be smooth and durable to withstand the weight of a person who performs the roof service.
  • Steps. The step is located between the two supports of the staircase, it can be made of wood or metal. Steps should be located every 30-50 cm so that you can rise from the edge of the sock to the ridge of the roof.
  • Railing. The railing is necessary to ensure the safety of the ladder, as well as relief.

Note! According to modern construction standards, all roofs of residential and production facilities must be equipped with outer stairs. Installing a lightweight design does not increase the load on the foundation, but it significantly facilitates the urgent repair of the coating, timely service of chimneys or ventilation channels and surface cleaning from snow and land.


Installation of the outer staircase on the roof is a prerequisite for long-term and smooth exploitation of the house, especially if the maintenance of the roofing construction occurs on its own. The fact is that it is necessary to rise to the root for cleaning or repairing it quite often, so a stationary staircase is necessary, which will make it easier and secure high-altitude work. It performs the following functions:

  1. It facilitates the rise to the roof to clean its surface from snow mass, toes and icicles actively generated along the sink in winter.
  2. Provides operational and safe access to the roofing coating for point and urgent repairs to avoid flowing and strangling cold air.
  3. Ensuring free access for maintenance and ventilation systems that have an output through the roof.
  4. It distributes the weight of a man serving the roof during the advancement along its surface, protecting roofing from damage and deformations.

Important! Most roofing coatings have a high bearing capacity, however, are very sensitive to point shocks and mechanical effects, therefore the load arising from a human weight is capable of damaging a material that is fraught with leaks.


As we found out the outer staircase - a practically mandatory element of the roof, which is necessary to ensure the lung, fast and safe lifting onto its skates. Building stores have an impressive assortment of ready-made and prefabricated structures used to facilitate the movement on the roof. They differ in weight, carrying ability, material and, of course cost. There are 3 main types of external roofing staircase:

Note that the staircase mounted on the roof is constantly exposed to moisture, so it should be resistant to rust. You can increase the anti-corrosion properties of the metal using a polymer or paint coating, and wooden stairs are protected from precipitation using antiseptic impregnation.

The roof staircase is your own hands - a practical option for homeowners who do not want to spend extra money. It is easiest to make it from wooden blanks, although the wizard with welding skills can easily assemble the design of the suitable diameter pipes. The installation of the finished staircase is made after the end of the roofing work in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. The roofing staircase should begin not higher than 1 m from the surface of the Earth, and end the roof of the roof.
  2. It should be located in close proximity to the chimney, ventilation mines or other elements on the roof, which requires regular service.
  3. The minimum allowable distance from the staircase to the wall of the house, which allows you to safely move, is 20 cm.
  4. The distance from the upper step of the vertical section of the staircase to the roofing sweep should not exceed 10 cm.
  5. For fixing, it is necessary to use at least 2 skate brackets and 2-10 roofing depending on the length of the skate.

Important! For the safe use of the stairs, it is necessary to securely fix it. In order for the designs to withstand their weight in aggregate with the weight of a person, it is necessary to strengthen the crate at the place of fixation, as well as use reliable fasteners.

Manufacture of wooden staircase

The roof, equipped with a stationary staircase, is much more convenient to operate, because at any moment you can safely and easily climb to eliminate small defects, chimney maintenance or cleaning roofing from a flavor without risk of damage. If the homeowner does not have a desire to spend money on the finished staircase, you can make it with your own hands from the cross section of 160x40 mm, 40x40 mm bars and nails with a length of 100 mm as follows:

  • First, it is necessary to wear lumber and impregnate them with an antiseptic of deep penetration or paint.
  • Then you need to take two boards cross section 160x40 mm and make two vertical supports of them, the length of which will be equal to the length of the skates.
  • The 40x40 mm bar is cut on a blank with a length of 40-50 cm, and then driven in a step of 30-50 cm.
  • At the upper end of the staircase from the residues of the bar make a fastening element that will fix it on the skate, engaging for.

Consider that the smaller the step between the steps, the greater the weight of the stairs. On the other hand, increasing the distance between the steps makes the design less convenient. Therefore, experienced masters recommend choosing a step so that transverse crossbars fall on the lower part of the roofing material with a profile.

Video instruction