Repair Design Furniture

Projects of log cabins with a second light. Wooden house with a second light. Why choose this bath

Even if your life is connected with a big city - for example, Moscow, sooner or later you will want to recuperate. The best way to do this is to try to get closer to nature and its healing powers. The Tsar Banya company will certainly help you with this.

To do this, you just need to order a bathhouse from us, which in its appearance will fully correspond to the spirit of antiquity and at the same time will impress with its comfort and special warm atmosphere. We suggest you consider such a wonderful option as a bath with a second light. It will not only become a place for you to conduct beneficial thermal procedures, but will also allow you to completely disconnect from stress and tense thoughts.

Why choose this bath

If you are attracted by unusual architectural styles, you will definitely like such a project. We will create for you a truly fabulous bath with a second light, because:

  1. It is strikingly different from the old-style steam rooms, which are a dark and stuffy room, due to the absence of interfloor ceilings. Our experts will calculate all the risks during construction, so the durability of the bath will not be threatened by anything.
  2. In the sauna with a second light, you will experience a unique sensation thanks to the wonderful illumination and the feeling of spaciousness.
  3. Even the most complex projects will be completed on time, which we discuss with the customer in advance.

Bathhouses of our company are true architectural masterpieces, in which any client's wishes quickly become reality.

In wooden housing construction, houses with a second light have become popular for a long time.
In houses with a second light in one or several rooms (most often in the living room or dining room), interfloor ceilings are not installed. Thus, the space between the first and the second in these rooms becomes one.
Natural light enters rooms with a second light through the windows of the first and second floors, while creating, as it were, double illumination. The room becomes even more spacious and light. Often the windows of the first and second floors are combined, and one common glazing is obtained for two floors. This makes the facade of a house with a second light stylish and representative, and the room - solemnity and presentability. High ceilings allow you to hang luxurious chandeliers and lamps, embody various design solutions that cannot be used to decorate rooms with standard ceiling heights.
The second light effect is also present when the ceiling is sutured along the rafters rather than parallel to the floor.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with a second light

Houses with a second light have two significant advantages:

  1. 1. Due to the absence of overlapping, rooms with a second light look more voluminous and freer, and the footage of the whole house seems to be more significant. All this adds solidity and solidity to houses with a second light.
  2. 2. Additional natural light has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and health of the owners of the house with a second light, and, to some extent, allows you to save energy.

The disadvantages include the following facts:

  1. 1. The organization of the second light takes away part of the usable area of ​​the house. Therefore, when designing, you should initially provide for the number and footage of the premises necessary for the comfortable living of all family members.
  2. 2. As you know, warm air rises. Therefore, in rooms with a second light, the organization of modern efficient heating systems is required, contributing to savings in the operation of the house.

Construction of houses with a second light in North Forest

The architects of the "Nord Forest" company took into account all the details in the projects of wooden houses with a second light, the layouts are carefully thought out, which ensures comfortable living in such a house.
If, instead of the second light, you want to equip an additional bedroom, study or dressing room on the second floor, we will rework the project in accordance with your wishes. And if you liked a typical project in which the second light is closed, in most cases it is permissible to arrange it. We are making these changes at no additional cost.

The most popular among our customers is the project of a house with a second light and

In the construction of modern housing, "second light" is often used - an original architectural technique that provides an increase in natural light due to the absence of a part of the ceiling and interfloor ceilings. In the Domamo catalog you can view the most interesting ready-made projects of houses with a second light for a number of characteristics, layout and photos, as well as order an individual design.

Benefits of a second light

The houses with the second light have a European look, reminiscent of the palace decoration of ballrooms, luxurious living rooms and large libraries, which are freely viewed from the stairs and galleries on the upper floor. At the same time, the windows can be made high and with panoramic glazing, which gives the cottage a stylish appearance. Such projects provide several advantages at once:

  • Visual space and free air circulation,
  • Maximum lighting that allows you to decorate the room with light-loving houseplants,
  • Facade aesthetics with the possibility of arranging original windows and stained-glass windows.

In addition, the construction of houses with additional light structures allows you to save on daylight lighting for internal stairs, balustrades, and winter gardens.

Features of projects

A house with a second light is quite difficult to design, therefore, the participation of specialists is required to accurately calculate all the subtleties and nuances. When ordering a project, it should be borne in mind that:

  • Rooms with a similar architectural feature are inappropriate in a small house.
  • The heating price will be slightly higher than for cottages of a standard storey form. To exclude heat loss, the best thermal insulation of the roof, installation of a fireplace or "warm floors", which make the home not only warm, but also cozy, is needed here.

House projects with a "second light", implemented in a wide range of architectural options and various materials for the construction of private low-rise housing, are especially loved and popular among the customers of such real estate.

The second light, projects of log cabins with which are presented in the catalog of the company "MariMagnat", is a special architectural device.

Its specificity lies in the removal of part of the overlap between one or more floors, as a result of which the house acquires a number of certain advantages.

Projects of cottages with a second light: advantages and disadvantages

Cottage projects with a second light offer their owner the following benefits:

  • due to the lack of overlap, the room becomes more spacious (allowing, for example, to place a winter garden there with tall ornamental trees);
  • in the room where the second light is made, the intensity of natural light is increased. The latter advantage can be accentuated and enhanced by increasing the glazing area. Moreover, the second light is usually brought out to the side that is exposed to increased insolation;
  • growth of presentability and aesthetics of the premises due to the high ceilings;
  • a country house with a second light provides excellent opportunity and ease of fireplace installation.


Do you want a wooden house?

Homeowners who have chosen houses and cottages with a second light are immediately faced with the question of the functional purpose of the premises with this architectural solution. As a rule, this is a living room with or without a fireplace, a winter garden with appropriate landscaping, very rarely - an empty hall with a staircase and multi-level lighting.

But with all these advantages that are characteristic of this architectural technique, it is not a panacea for ennobling the appearance of any private house. In addition to many advantages, the second light also has certain disadvantages, including:

  • an obvious loss of usable area, which was provided to the upper floor by the part of the ceiling that was removed when the second light was made;
  • additional heat loss, since it is more difficult to heat a room with high ceilings;
  • certain technological difficulties if a second light is performed in a wooden house from a log.

Speaking of cottage projects with a second light, one cannot fail to note the increased acoustics of such a room. This factor cannot be unequivocally attributed either to the number of strengths or to the number of disadvantages of the second light - it all depends on which functional room is on the ground floor and which rooms are adjacent to this “loud corner” of the log house. So, if live music (piano or guitar) sounds in the living room, then houses from a log with a second light will provide it with an improved sound. If the TV is working in the living room, then its sounds will be very audible in the rooms of the second or attic floor.

Log cottage with a second light: a challenge for the pros

A log cottage with a second light in comparison with monitors or houses from a bar requires additional measures to strengthen the rigidity of the structure. Moreover, such work has a number of its own nuances that are unknown to self-taught builders. Therefore, real professionals who work with this building material from day to day and thoroughly know its specifics should embody projects of houses and cottages with a second light from rounded or chopped logs. For this reason, projects of houses with a second light - from design to turnkey construction - should be entrusted to the specialists of our company, which has the appropriate specialists and experience in this area.

If you are interested in projects of houses made of wood with a second light, we recommend that you not only familiarize yourself with the catalog of our typical projects. Projects of wooden houses with a second light are quite few in comparison with typical projects of wooden cottages with a classic layout, so you should contact our managers about ordering an individual project of such a log house.