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What a smart home is created for what. How to make a smart home with your own hands. Smart Home - Future or Present

Lifechaker disassembled how to automate the apartment and why it is worth doing.

What is a smart home

Remember the story of Ray Bradbury "will be affectionate rain"? If not, I will briefly remind: the speech there goes about the life of the house left without the owners. Automatic systems continue to work in the same mode: the speaker watch reminds that it is time to get up, the smart furnace is preparing a breakfast on its own, the meteorob reports that it rains on the street. Before pain reminds modern technique, right? But the story was published in 1950.

A smart home is a set of solutions for the automation of everyday actions, which will save you from the routine. Here and household appliances - from robots-vacuum cleaners to devices managed from a smartphone - and systems controlling everything that happens in the apartment.

In fact, it is a story about improving the quality of life. Comfort consists of trifles, and a smart home will take all the little things on yourself. If you woke up at night and went to the kitchen behind a glass of water, you will not have to make your way to the dark corridor in search of the switch: the light will light automatically. Have you ever worried that you did not turn off the iron or TV? Down with the alarming thoughts: it is enough to send a smart socket command from the smartphone, and it will turn off the device that feeds from it.

Why don't he need

Everything is obvious: to make your life easier and better. Smart home is calm and significant savings.

Let's start with peace. If experiences are about everything in the light of the usual business for you, the smart home will help to get rid of at least those alarms that are connected with your apartment. Did not turn off the iron? Not trouble, send the command to the smart rosette, it will be de-energized. Are you afraid that the washing machine running before leaving home failed and arranged the neighbors from the bottom of the water park? Nothing wrong. If she really leaks, you will instantly inform the leakage sensor.

What is the result: you are less disturbing due to non-existent problems and free the brain from unnecessary reflections. Check how the houses are at home, you can at any time with a smartphone.

Now about savings. Many this advantage of a smart home will probably seem doubtful. Say, what else saving, when you need to buy several sensors, sockets and a video camera? Believe me, tangible. Take the same smart socket - she knows how to track how much energy consumes the device connected to it. As a result, you can calculate the most voracious devices and decently saved on the payment of accounts. And how much money you will save if the leakage sensor announces the starting focus on time, and it is difficult to imagine.

In general, the smart home is an undertaking that fully justifies itself. Life without unnecessary alarms is much more expensive than several sensors and sockets.

How to make your home smart

Lighter than it seems. If you choose the right technique, you do not even have to call for the installation of specially trained people. For example, all RUBETEK devices are equipped with simple and understandable instructions, so you can easily cope with your own. Let's deal with what to purchase if you want to pump the dwelling, but it is not very clear where to start.

Perhaps this is the first thing you need to buy if you are seriously tuned. The control center will allow you to interact with all smart devices that you purchase: You can connect to 300 devices to it. With it, you can create a job scenario for technology. For example, leave home - run the corresponding mode. The rooms goes out in the rooms, blinds or curtains are closed, the devices running from smart sockets are turned off. No need to run around the apartment, checking whether you all turned off.

The control center works in a bundle with a free mobile application, so it is easy for them to drive from the smartphone. You can even apply for voice.


Protect your home from the penetration of foreign, flood, fire and gas leakage. The guys from Rubatek in secret told us that soon the very cool thing will go on sale - the temperature and humidity sensor.

If you connect it to the control center, the sensor will follow, is not too hot or cold in the apartment. For example, it is worth the temperature below the specified border, the sensor will report this control center, and he will send a signal to the heater.

The opening sensor will be useful to parents not to the measure of curious children. If at home there are cabinets or boxes, where the child looks categorically not worth it, set this sensor on them. As soon as the child gets around there, where you should not, you will learn about it. And if you attach the sensor to the door, you can follow, whether the child came from school on time.


What the child is engaged in while you do not have a house that now does your pet, everything is fine with your older parents - the smart video camera will give an answer to each of these issues. In the mobile application Rubetek, the camera logs the event log and saves screenshots, video can also be recorded in the archive on "Google. Disc" or "Yandex.Disk".

Street camcorder will be useful to car owners. First, you will know exactly what your car is fine. Secondly, it is easy to find out if there is a place in the parking lot near the house: to do it right on the road. If someone has damaged your car on this parking lot, you may install literally in a few minutes.

Smart sockets

A real find for everyone who does not remember whether the iron or TV turned off. Send the command outlet - she immediately dealers a device running from her. Dimmer sockets allow you to adjust the brightness of the flooring or wall brake, without getting up from the sofa. You can install such a rosette in the children's room. If the kid got used to fall asleep when the night light connected to it will go out gradually.

If the expense of electricity does not have a sincere surprise from you, buy an outlet, measuring power consumption. She will tell you exactly what the device decided not to refuse themselves.

Smart technique

If you have thought about buying an air conditioner, the choice clearly should be done in favor of its intelligent option. To him in a pair it is worth purchasing a temperature sensor and humidity. The sensor monitors the temperature in the room, and when it rises, reports to the air conditioner, that it is time to correct the situation. Manage the air conditioner from the smartphone, let's give him a voice to him, embed it in the daily scenarios of the smart home - in general, do not deny yourself.

Ready sets

In case you do not want to think independently, which devices to buy, Rubetek has ready-made sets for specific needs. An excellent option for the first acquaintance with smart techniques, besides, such a kit is cheaper than the devices included in it separately. A set of "video surveillance and access control" will suit those who are concerned about the protection of the house from the penetration of foreign ones.

The kit includes a control center, camcorder, opening sensor and motion sensor, which can be made up with a relay or smart socket so that the light automatically turned on when a person appears.

The smart apartment kit will save you from experiences about whether the crane does not proceed and the light is turned off.

The set has a control center, opening sensor, leakage sensor, camcorder and relay for a two-layer switch to turn on and off the light from the smartphone. For complete tranquility, you can additionally purchase a smart intercom, outlet, smoke sensors and gas leaks.

Progress is not only a man landing on Mars or transplantation of everything that can, but also solutions that help get rid of everyday worries. Yes, albeit on a global scale of suffering about the tanel, it looks ridiculous, but if you have the opportunity to charge the whole routine to smart devices, it does not take advantage of this.

Imagine such a picture: You come to your home, and in the kitchen you are already waiting for a warm dinner, cozy burns in the living room, the underwear is postulated and stroke, the floors are spelling and washed, the colors are polishes, and pets are fed. And you did not attach any effort to this. Presented?

This is how the "smart home" works. This is the management system of home engineering networks, which takes over all everyday worries and routine. For many people, SMART HOME technology still remains something fantastic and unthinkable. But experts are confident that after 20-30 years, all country cottages and city apartments will become smart.

Smart Home and Smart House: What's the difference

To begin with, we define the terms. Today, two different concepts are often confused: "Smart Home" (Smart House) and "Smart House" (SMART HOUSE). And this, although close in meaning, but not quite the same thing.

  • Smart House SMART HOME) - Automated electronics complex, which carries out routine home affairs. For example, it can prepare coffee, warm up dinner, turn on air conditioning, open the door to release a pet, etc. Smart Home is created in one, separate household and serves the interests of a particular user / family. We add that in our country to the concept of "smart home" also applies to "Multifunction" (whereas in the West are two different terms). To speak simply, the system of multicamum is a central management of all multimedia devices of your apartment: a TV, computer, laptop, an acoustic system.
  • Smart Building (SMART HOUSE) - This is a common technology in the US, which allows you to automate the management of a large apartment-building resolution. Smart House controls the operation of central water, gas, power supply, seppe and security. In Russia, such technologies are still afraid, but over time, you can not doubt "smart buildings" will appear in all major and small cities of our country.

So, we figured out what the Smart Home is and why it does not need to be confused with Smart House. We now turn to the question: How does the Smart Home work?

How does the smart home system acts

The principle of work Smart Home is built almost as fantastic films. You give the command ("Enable a heater!") - The system performs it (the heater is on). How exactly does it all happen? Depending on the modification of Smart Home, there are two main options:

  • In the first case, the "living" person participation is necessary. You must personally ask the system to perform this or that action using a voice, smartphone or remote d / y (as you are more convenient). The user team enters the central processor, which instructs its implementation to a specific device.
  • In the second case, the direct involvement of a person is not required. A variety of sensors and watches come into business. For example, the computer makes the solution to enable or turn off the air conditioner, focusing on the readings of the temperature sensors. And when the motion sensor is triggered in the apartment (in your comprehension), the central processor includes alarm. Etc. At a certain point in time, in accordance with the user settings, the system warms the kettle and prepares coffee; Switches the TV to your favorite series; Watering colors. This listing can be continued for a very long time.

Thus, the SMART HOME system includes three main elements:

  1. sensors that perceive signals and environmental information;
  2. central processor (hub) processing these signals and decision makers;
  3. devices-performers (actuators) that receive instructions from the hub and directly perform the tasks of the house.

Modern systems of "smart home" allow the presence of a variety of actuators. It can be smart sockets, video surveillance systems, controlled thermostats, climate control systems, smart door locks, alarm systems, a robot vacuum cleaner, etc. More about all the diversity of Smart Home appliances we will tell below.

Communication: wired or wireless

All elements of the system can be interconnected by means of wired or wireless communication. The use of wires may seem archaic, but it provides a high level of reliability. Therefore, the cable connection is used even the most advanced industry flagships, such as AMX and EVIKA.

On the other hand, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless communication - much more modern, more convenient and gives more opportunities. Including, enlarged range of actuators. Some producers Smart Home offer combined solutions that combine both wired and wireless communications.

FROM the overvalled market is saturated with a variety of systems and complexes that turn the usual house to "smart", or "intellectual". Listen to manufacturers, so their devices will make a genius even a birdhouse.

In general, at all represents a smart home and what this mind is expressed, and is it difficult to teach your dwelling "Mind-Mind" yourself. In the article we will tell you what is a smart home and how to make a smart home in the country with your own hands with minimal cost, that is, cheap.

What is a smart home and how to make a smart home in the country with your own hands, with minimal cost

Since we make a smart home in the country, for example, we will consider it, telling what a smart home is. It is sometimes for a long time for a long time without the owners, or they live in it constantly and a little intellect does not hurt him.

In our absence, independently either with our minimum participation our smart home should:

  • protect against intruders
  • care for the local area (at least water the flowerbeds, lawns and a garden),
  • carry out climate control
  • in the case of a critical, force majeure situation, somehow try to cope with it, at the same time inform us,
  • provide the ability to control and configure all the above, wherever we are.

Most of the systems of "smart homes" existing on the market allow all this and even moreover.

The device itself of existing smart home systems is similar to the living being:

Special electronic sensors are eyes and ears at home. The electrical impulses from them by wire-nerves are transmitted to the controller - the brain of the system. The controller, depending on the signal, selects the appropriate action program and includes the muscle-muscles of the corresponding actuators.

Externally, everything is simple, understandable and works well. But there are questions. Let's start with the price.

Modern systems "Smart Home"

Prices for intellectual systems for an order decreased even compared to the beginning of the century, and continue to decline. But still "bite." Today, there is an estimate for the system of "smart home" in a minimum configuration begins somewhere from 120 thousand grew. rub. (2018 year).

We note immediately that the system described below allows any little-to-educated person to create its own entry-level house, spent on this minimum of funds and forces. And all the described devices differ primarily by simplicity of installation and use, and not their outstanding characteristics. All of them can easily be replaced with similar, it all depends on your preferences, the availability of devices on sale, and from several technical factors. In addition, we do not specify here where you can buy the device mentioned in the article, you will have to do already, if the need for it.

Smart Home Observation System

The first thing that comes to mind is when you think about the automation of the house, it is to ensure the safety of your home and family. Moreover, if you see your home as a stuffing "smart" (and not very) electronics space. Therefore, it is very important to know what is happening inside your home and in its immediate surroundings, including when you yourself are somewhere outside the house.

There are many companies that offer smart cameras that will be able to follow your home in your absence, including ISMartAlarm, which is quite recently at CEDIA 2014 presented its new iCamera chamber. It has a resolution of 1280x720, and also has a night vision function. In addition, it, naturally, contains motion and sound sensors. An interesting fact is that the camera can be used independently, without the need to include in a single system of "smart home". The main advantage of the camera compared to competitors is the storage function. ICamera has a USB port that allows you to connect the local information storage, for example, a powerful terabyte disk. There is such a chamber of $ 149, which corresponds to the middle of the price range for such devices.

Or, as an option, you can use the "smart" HD-camera of Withings, which will soon have to be on sale. This camera not only looks good and has all the necessary environmental control sensors, but also allows you to see what is happening at your home from anywhere. The system has a function of a live recording, and you can see what is happening in the house through a mobile application, you can also increase the image in order to consider the details. The camera has a function of sending automatic alert if there is something that differs from the usual order in the house. The price of the chamber is 200 euros.

Here are some more options:

"Smart" monitoring

To ensure security in the house of some surveillance cameras - with all the desire they cannot cover all the space and trace all the events. Therefore, to control and ensure security, it is necessary to use sensors of various kinds, the benefit of their choice is now very wide.

For example, the NOTION security system, which uses a small multifunctional sensor, which is characterized by exceptional performance. With it, you can know how much fuel remained in a cylinder with propane when your child returned from school, do you have water leakage, what is the temperature in the refrigerator, did anyone touch anyone and the like. The system includes a hub that controls all sensors and connects to the Internet via WiFi, multifunctional sensors capable of detecting 8 different actions and a mobile application based on iOS and Android.

The system includes lighting sensors, temperature, approximation, accelerometer and gyroscope to control the opening of doors and windows, water leakage probe and a piezoelectric converter. Each sensor can detect several different events, so the system will more accurately respond to situations and to ensure protection from erroneous response. Sensors operate up to two years without replacing the battery.

The price of the device is still unknown, since the project is at the stage of obtaining financing for production.

Alternative surroundings control systems:

"Smart" lighting

It seemed a simple thing - lighting. But remember how many times you have to get up to include one or another lamp, how many times have you wondered that it would be nice to be able to close the lighting here and add it there. There are several systems on the market (plus a few will appear in the near future), which allow you to control the light with a smartphone, but one of the first and well-deserved customer confidence is Philips Hue. Since this system has appeared on the market, it has grown and changed, but the original system allows you to manage with a mobile application with 50 bulbs combined into a wireless network.

The system includes a bridge that combines lamps into a single network, and an application for a smartphone (or tablet), which allows you to make a lot of things, such as setting up certain modes, within which individual light bulbs change the tone and the power of lighting. The system has a number of pre-installed modes: concentration, energy, reading and relaxation. All of them are distinguished by various settings of the PHILIPS HUE managed LED lamps.

The Philips Hue system allows you to even change the color of the lighting or include a special mode in case of your long absence, to make it seemed to be the impression that someone is at home.

And you can choose all these settings directly from your favorite sofa.

There is such a system, just say, it is not suicato. The initial set of a basic controller and three ls costs about 300 dollars, each additional lamp is about $ 80.

Here is a similar system, characterized in that it allows you to control the light by vote. We are talking about the bulbs for the bulbs, called Vocca, which acts as an intermediary between the usual light bulb and an equally ordinary patron. A smart gadget has a speech recognition feature: Hearing the code phrase, it turns on or disables the lighting. Voice control is not a novelty, but in Vocca it is implemented as simple as possible and convenient way: the device does not need additional equipment and does not require any configuration. There is also a modification of VOCCA Pro, which allows you to change the code phrase, as well as control the lighting from the smartphone. For communication in this case, Bluetooth is used.

Here are also a few alternatives:

Smart Heating

Also, as in the case of "smart" lighting, there are many possible solutions, some of which can do more than the others. And you must decide what you want from your heating system, in addition to control it with a smartphone or tablet. You should also consider what type of heating system or boilers are used to choose a solution that will work with them. What is not so obvious as it seems. For example, the NEST thermostat is popular in the USA only recently began to be sold in Europe and until now he did not fit for use with the habitual heating systems.

One of the very convenient systems is Honeywell Evohome, which connects to the heating boiler and to room radiators, which allows it to control 12 individual zones from one central console or using a mobile application.

Each zone may have several radiators, and you can set your parameters for each of them. The Honeywell Evohome system comes with several predetermined settings that will allow you, for example, to reduce the house temperature when you have a whole day.

The cost of the EVOHOME initial set, which allows you to connect your boiler and the water heater will be more than $ 400, and each battery life will cost you another $ 80 each. Reliable pleasure, especially if you compare with competitive solutions, but it is worth it. The installation of the system is better still to trust the specialists, it will take less time and ultimately will allow you to save the mass of the nerves.

As a simpler option, you can consider the Zen thermostat, on which the production of Indiegogo is now being traded. This device does not even have a display: all information is derived by the LED group, and the thermostat is controlled by pressing the edges of the front panel. Nevertheless, Zen looks stylish and basic functions - control of heating, cooling and ventilation - performs very well. You can connect to the thermostat using an application for iOS or Android. It allows not only to adjust the temperature and mode of operation, but also to schedule. Of course, all this can be done remotely via the Internet. The thermostat supports only ZigBee protocol, to connect to Wi-Fi network it is necessary to use a special hub.

The estimated cost of the thermostat is $ 150.

Of the possible options, the following devices seem most preferred:

"Smart" power supply

If you feel about people who periodically begin to worry about, and whether you have turned off the iron before leaving the house, or begin to think why the costs of electricity have increased and what can be done with this, then systems that remotely control the device connected to the network will help you handle these unrest. Now such systems began to appear on the market. All in more quantities and their basic function is the ability to disconnect electrical sockets from afar and, thereby disable unused equipment.

Smart Socket D-Link Smart Plug is a simple, convenient device. You just need to insert it into a standard socket, click on the WPS button on your router and the button on the Smart Plug. And your smart socket is already online. Management is carried out using the MyDlink Home application, which exists in versions for iOS and Android and is supplied for free. The application allows not only to turn on and disable the device, but also to schedule it on / off at a certain time, which is very convenient when departure for a long time. Recommended retail price D-Link Smart Plug - $ 39.99.

Alternative options:

Smart Home equipment

Start building a "smart home" with security systems, lighting and heating is a very correct step, but if your budget does not exhausize, you can slightly expand your capabilities, considering the use of "smart" home devices. Today you can purchase a lot of different kinds of devices that are managed using a smartphone, and some of the leaders here are Korean companies Samsung and LG. But we will imagine not only these manufacturers.

Have a house outside the city - the dream of everyone. Therefore, every family, having financial opportunities, is trying to acquire or build housing, which would meet modern standards of residence. Recently, the "Smart Home" projects are enjoying greatly popular. They not only allow competently to pay space, but also guarantee the owners maximum comfort and convenience.

General characteristics

The smart home is the accommodation of the future, in which the work and control of all systems is carried out automated, providing a high level of security and all the necessary conditions for living. In such houses, labor costs are completely excluded for management, since the installation of temperature regime, lighting and other is performed manually. In addition, the building is equipped with special monitors with sensors, which can pre-identify potential threats for both own systems and tenants themselves.

When interruptions in power supply, faults in the operation of heating, smoke and unauthorized penetration, the installation instantly notifies the owners and self-esteem.

The main advantage of a smart home is that its flexible control systems make it possible to significantly save energy resources, since in the absence of tenants all devices are included on the economical mode. Thanks to the stored programs, this installation will properly fulfill all the assignments of the owners, often predicting them on their own. Therefore, we can say that after the installation of such innovation in the housing there is a "unstattonable butler". The only minus installation is a high price, but it justifies yourself with time.


To make a country house as comfortable as possible, many owners establish a smart home system, which helps not only save energy resources, but also precious time by performing automated management of all communications and entertainment centers. Depending on what functions and opportunities are available in the installation, it is divided into several types.


Consists of switches, sensors and climate control devices. All equipment is controlled using a wired panel to which signals come. It is located in the main shield and cables are bodied to it. The advantages of the wired installation include high reliability, as well as a greater speed of clicking. After pressing the button, the program starts without delay, which eliminates the tenants from a long expectation, the scenarios with proper installation do not "hang." In addition, the control elements are characterized by a beautiful design. They are usually equipped with smart switches and a variety of integration systems.

Thanks to a wired "smart home", it is much easier to customize the temperature regime in the rooms, as well as manage video and audory. It serves a long time, since there are no batteries that require constant replacement. Switches in this case use fireproof and low-current. So that the system worked securely, before installing it, you must select the location of the panel in advance and display the cables there.

If the country house is built of wood, then the owners need to pre-harmonize the project and prepare a place for electrical wiring.

The wired device is also recommended to be installed in the process of repairing housing, when the wiring is not made according to the classic scheme. In the ready-made building it will be problematic. For the installation, a large shield is usually used in size in a width of up to 60 cm and up to 150 cm. Installation work is best carried out with the help of experienced specialists, since the equipment is expensive and the slightest error may entail a number of trouble.


In contrast to the previous version, in this system, the actuator is transmitted to working devices not by wiring, but according to the dedicated radio channel. This allows you to significantly save on electrical wiring and installation. Such installations can be placed in houses with completed repair and conventional wiring scheme. Due to the fact that each switch "Wireless" appears the ability to set different light effects, pre-programming the function keys. Installation of these systems does not require the preparation of the project, therefore it is ideal for wooden buildings, and its price is quite affordable.

A wireless "smart home", operating from the radio channel, directly depends on the quality of communication, so different interference from phones and electrical appliances can negatively affect its functionality. In addition, the quality of radio communications also depends on the building material of the walls, and if the wiring is too scattered along the walls, the signal level will be minimal. In the event that the system is controlled on batteries, then they should be changed regularly, otherwise something can not work at the most inappropriate moment.

Some wireless systems consist of radio equipment that feeds from alternating electricity, so they need to be laid with zero wire. To avoid problems with mounting such an installation, it is recommended to immediately lay the additional zero wire for the switch. He put in the box. The disadvantage of the device is considered to be the fact that it is difficult to establish stable functionality in it, since the house will have to manage not only heating floors and lighting. In addition, the installation of the installation is low and "hackers", the applying signal of the external communication, can quickly deal with it.


Its principle of operation is based on programming modes that come from a single logical module. As a rule, the device is represented by a controller having many outputs. The controller preload a unique program that is responsible for managing communication systems and executive devices. Thanks to such technologies, it is possible to apply a huge selection of complex scenarios and any equipment. The advantages of the device include the ability to control in one window, the creation of complex tasks, given the state of the owners of the house, the time of day and the lunar cycle. In addition, any type of equipment can be connected to the system.

As for the shortcomings, they also have.First of all, such a centralized "smart home" completely depends on the human factor, because it works on a program written by a programmer, and if the contact will be lost with it, you will need to completely reprogram the entire system. Secondly, when installing, you should install a high-quality controller, otherwise when it fails to stop the entire system. Thirdly, this is a high cost.


The work of the "smart home" in this case is built on the use of a microprocessor with a non-volatile board. Therefore, these systems are considered the most reliable and in malfunction of even one equipment the entire system will fully continue its operation. Installing is easy to maintain, and if there is a need to create a new script, then for this you simply use an additional logic unit. To date, we can find many decentralized systems that differ in between functional and design.

Unlike previous options, when installing the installation in the shield, there are many devices, so it is recommended to give preference to well-proven manufacturers, otherwise you can later encounter their failure.

Necessary equipment

Before installing the Smart Home system in its countryside, it is necessary to create the right project and purchase all the necessary devices.

Depending on personal preferences, the equipment kit may be different, and the minimum set should consist of:

  • sensory system;
  • adjustments with which the technique and lighting will turn on and off;
  • monitors where video surveillance will occur;
  • alarm;
  • controller;
  • program applications for smartphones containing the necessary gadgets;
  • cloud network channels that simplify connection and control devices.

How to install and configure?

Installing a "smart home" is quite accessible to their own hands, but as installation and technology require the right execution, it is best to seek help from specialists. The contracting organization will begin to determine the characteristics of the object, then will offer the most appropriate project. After the design, the estimate will be included in which control devices and system scheme will be included.

If the owner of the house is confident in his abilities and can make an independent installation, then it needs to perform the following stages.

  • Before the start of repair work in the housing, the network of cables should be laid and install the server cabinet, the racks for it and close everything with mounting boxes. In the technical room you need to place the equipment for electrical supply, switch, and connect automation to modules.
  • After the repair of the premises is completed, you can install acoustic speakers and control system, connecting the touch panels. Next, follow the test system test.
  • The final stage will be the final configuration of the technique and testing, after which the installation is commissioned. With proper design and installation, the smart home system will begin to function effectively and fill the housing interior with harmony and comfort. In order to reliably hide it from prying eyes, it will take to skillfully hide the auxiliary equipment and wiring at the stage of the room.

From the above, it can be concluded that the installation of a "smart home" labor-intensive, as most of the time is given to the creation of the project and the installation of equipment. At the same time, the speed of work depends on the number of installations, the material of the walls and the housing area. Usually the whole process takes up to two weeks, including scenario programming.

Control systems

Usually in modern urban apartments and houses outside the city use systems of purification, air conditioning, lighting, and security alarms and video audio are installed. Therefore, equipping your housing under the "smart home", its owners appear a unique opportunity to conveniently manage all this "orchestra". So that automation takes place quickly and without failures, such an installation is divided into subsystems: safety, climate control, lighting, multi-meter and home theater. Each of them is characterized by its type of management.


Groups or individual luminaires can work in different mode, for this they are given their level of illumination. The control is carried out with the help of the consoles, remotely has the opportunity to set the illusion scenarios of finding the owners in the apartment. Managing all light sources is performed by a single console, and you can additionally set a date, time or a specific event. Similarly, the brightness of the devices is configured, automatic shutdown of lamps when exiting the room.

Climate control

This system controls devices that provide heating, air conditioning, cleansing and air ventilation. Thanks to the settings of the technique, it works simply in a given mode. In addition, there are also remote climate management in some projects, due to which the comfortable temperature is set to the coming of the owners of the house. The whole technique is controlled from a single console, where you can control heating depending on the date, time and season. Indoors also additionally place humidity sensors and temperature, which are triggered at a certain time and adjust the climate.

Home Cinema and Multiform

This system includes not only players and televisions, but also a concomitant technique: curtains, blinds and lighting. Thanks to the established work in the room, a special atmosphere for movies will be created. Control happens both voice and automated by pressing the buttons on the remote control.

Safety system

It is a unique multifunctional device that is remotely controlled and promptly responds to various alarming situations, including fire safety, signaling and disruption of work in communications. Fire and security alarms work automatically and turns on immediately after the home care of the house. It can be controlled both with the help of a cell phone and the console. You can remotely receive signals about gas leakage, water leaks and hacking. Information instantly enters a mobile phone or computer.

The device "Smart Home" is ideal for both country houses, cottages and apartments. Since the system is expensive and its installation is difficult, then the owners of housing, who want to install on their own, avoid mistakes will help the recommendations of specialists.

  • It is impossible to use equipment that is not suitable room stylist. Miscellaneous design equipment will spoil the interior of the room, because ugly, when the panel room is located in chaotic order and differ in color from the decorative wall decoration. For example, a plastic white intercom is inappropriate on a wall with a dark surface. Therefore, at the design stage, this time you need to pay special attention and acquire suitable kepades and panels. In addition, the devices must be additionally masked by special plates or frames, harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior elements.
  • Not a very good idea is the installation of a large number of control panels on one wall. For example, the floor heating thermostat installed at the same time, climate control, the remote multicamum remote and the switch will not only complicate the management of the technique, but will also look like bulk. As a result, the "smart home", on the contrary, will complicate life and will not make it comfortable. Therefore, in order to prevent this, you need to try on the walls to have a minimum of devices, giving preference only to rosettes, switches and touch panels. As for the setting of the temperature regime in the rooms, it is usually running once for the season, so the control panels can only be installed in important rooms.
  • Many home housing prefer to mount the "smart home" only with wireless control. Of course, modern life is arranged in such a way that every person cannot live without a tablet or mobile phone. But if you fully rely on this method of management, you can find a risk zone and lose control of the instruments in the event of a smartphone breakdown or disabling the Internet. Therefore, experts advise simultaneously connect wireless and wired panels.

They can be in the same place, their life longer exceeds 30 years. Mobile control is executed using a tablet or phone. In the event of a breakdown or loss of a mobile device, the system is easily reinstalled for stationary control. It is difficult to break and such panels are not discharged.

  • The smart home is considered a complex system that all components should work out and coordinated. Therefore, purchasing equipment from different manufacturers, such harmony can be broken. As a result, the problems of incompatibility of technology, and the installation will not only be difficult to manage, but also serious failures in its work are possible. To prevent this, it is necessary to select equipment that has the same technical indicators and information transfer rate. It is not recommended to further use the auxiliary software and expansion gateways or installers, they will only complicate the settings and control.
  • Professionals usually build a smart home system based on a software platform and equipment of one manufacturer, whose products are well known in the market and has positive feedback. The correct solution will also be the acquisition of one integration platform, which is intended for automated control over climate, lighting, protection and fire safety systems and audio and video engineering. It is reliable in operation, its warranty service is up to 5 years, and the most importantly, the platform provides compatibility of all devices.
  • During the installation of a "smart home" it is important to organize a workflow correctly by applying special software applications. At the same time, it is undesirable to separately create scripts for climate, music or light, as they complicate management. Each brand offers programs for its development, so if you all install them, then it will be difficult to find the necessary bookmark on the desktop. In addition, to configure it will be necessary to constantly switch from one program to another and regularly update software.
  • Simplify the task will help install one application designed for a smart home. Thanks to him, it will be possible for counting seconds to check the mode of devices, automatically update the version and quickly find the required partition in the lists.
  • In order for the installation to please with comfortable living conditions, its design is best entrusted by specialists, since the slightest inaccuracy in the schemes can disrupt the operation of the system and output expensive equipment.