Repairs Design Furniture

Vegetable garden drawing. How to make a comfortable and beautiful bench itself. Therefore, the choice of this material is as important as a tree

In the country area, I really want to have a corner where you can relax and enjoy nature. Such a place is impossible to imagine without a beautiful bench. Made a garden bench with her own hands will be able not only to save money, but also to carry out individual needs and ideas of each, because there are quite a lot of options and techniques for its manufacture, and you can choose suitable for yourself.

Step-by-step circuit assembly of a garden bench with a table

How to choose a place to install a country bench

Before you begin to independently make a bench, you need to carefully approach the question of where to place it. This issue should be done because the bench is not only an object for the convenience of recreation, but also the place where a sufficient large amount of time will be carried out, and therefore the view and the atmosphere should be suitable. In addition, from the selected area to install a garden bench, as well as its type, will depend on its design and the installation process.

Examples of the location of garden benches from the designer solution.

Bench for garden cottage combined with a forging in the frame.

Bench of logs with stone base.

It will very harmoniously fit into the garden, in which trees are growing with large crowns, various fluffy shrubs.
Romantic Style Bench, Openwork

Good for accommodation is a garden of young trees or a vineyard.
Miniature bench painted white
Ideally will be it in contrast with a thick lively rich in a rich green color. Also a good option for such a shop will be a pond, blooming flower beds or simply in a secluded corner, separated by flowers.
Retro bench from the "old" tree

It can create a very mysterious atmosphere together with nearly old trees bent trunks, near which flowers are planted different types.
Bench combined with decor objects
A very popular location of the bench is a veranda or gazebo. In this case, the garden bench must be performed in similar stylistics with the already existing decor and the veranda or arbor.
Combined benches and table

This design is good will be on a small spacious plot of land, which can be decorated with floral vegetation, can also be located near the house or under a canopy.

In addition to the listed options, you can install a bench in a place where children are usually carried out, which will allow them to be near them when they play. Especially good will be organized place for recreation, if there is a lonely tree on the site, which has a scattered crown by setting the bench right under it.

In addition, can be organized near the house canopy, under which to put a garden bench. It will be a good holiday destination even in rainy weather. There is another option to simply determine the place of the bench at the ridges, where the harvest is grown - it will be comfortable for relaxing between work in the garden.

IMPORTANT: It is best to choose a place to accommodate in such a way that there are no annoying objects or buildings, garages, fences and the likes in the field of view. It is worth remembering that the view should raise the mood and promote relaxation, and not be a reminder of how much the work remains at the cottage.

Options and ideas for the embodiment, which can afford to implement a Great Bench made a Great Bench. It is quite simple to come up with a decorative composition with her participation, for example, it looks good on elevations, decorated with boulders or shrubs, also pleases the eye of the bench, harmoniously merging in flower beds.

Preliminary steps

After the place is defined for the location of the bench, you need to plan a future product planning. It is worth considering a few points:

  1. The size. In the event that the bench is typical of the size of the Internet desire to design an individual model, then you can use the data from the table.
  2. The method of fastening the backrest.
  3. Planning legs. It is possible to identify such a criterion on the basis of the mobility of the product. If the bench involves a stationary design, it should be strengthened in the ground using cement, leaving the pre-deepening in the soil the necessary value.

Table of standard size of the bench.

Height seat, m Width seat, m Back height, m
0,4-0,5 0,5-0,55 0,35-0,5

When a drawing plan is drawn up, then it is possible to easily determine the size of every detail of the bench, then proceed to its manufacture.

It is also worth lending to the question of the material from which the garden bench will be made with their own hands. Each material has its own special nuances that can be used as advantages to achieve the desired result.

Requirements for bench

In addition to the previous nuances in the process of designing the product, it is worth considering a certain list of requirements that it must match. Be sure to be taken into account:

  1. Safety. It is impossible to allow an unreliable design of the product, because it can bring a lot of trouble at the moment of use. It is worth ensuring safe application to choose only high-quality material, as well as fasteners and any fittings.
  2. Convenience. Undoubtedly, such an object in the garden as a garden bench must be convenient that the recreation process prevented anything. To do this, we need to be very competent and carefully approach the project to create a project and think over all the details in advance.
  3. Infertility to the influence of external conditions. To ensure a long-term preservation of the appearance and service life, it is necessary to choose only solid material on the assembly stage. Additionally, it is necessary to process it (in the case of the manufacture of wood material) with special means that are able to provide a product of protection.

Design options

Variations on which a garden bench can be made with their own hands quite a lot. If we are talking about works from a wooden material, then for this you will need the following list of tools and material.

Any cottage bench has, in fact, the same assembly process. To more accurately understand this process, it can be considered on a specific example, based on the material listed above.

Help: A similar principle is used when self-creating a tree bench in any embodiment.

Simple bench

In order for no problems in the process of drawing up the drawing, it is possible to use it ready. Such a bench is very easy to manufacture. It is only necessary to drive additional supporting bars for three more and smaller sizes. The assembly occurs on the specified principle.

Help: Diversify such a product, you can simply change the color decision, as well as drawing various kinds of patterns. But at the same time, it is necessary to carry out the processing of wood material.


It is also quite easy to design, plus it is possible to vary with the back, replacing the location of the planks, for example, to make them cruciform. If you approach the process of creating such a shop with the execution of all these nuances, it will be used not enough for a long time. For the drawing, you can use already available, and the dimensions take the standard sample.

Foldable bench for cottage

Metal bench.

Garden bench can be done not only from wooden material. You can use a metal frame, to do which will not be difficult to everyone, even if there is no way in the forging of the metal.

To design a frame for a bench, a cold forging can be applied, namely, combine the metal frame part of the metal frame. At the same time, you can complement the product, decorating it.

The table indicates the principle for which the garden bench is done with their own hands.

Process Description
Size definition If there is no project of the bench, in which all sizes will be competent, then the dimension of the standard sample can be used. It can be in the length of the seat of 1500 mm, a width of 500 mm, and the back of such values \u200b\u200bwill be 900 mm. If the occupation for creating a bench for a garden is new, then it is better to use a variety of products one of the simplest according to the design and sizes.
Designing framework The first is made the seat. To do this, you need several segments of pipes, 1500 mm long and 400 mm, each two pieces. If there are no such segments in the finished form, they need to be made independently. To achieve a more reliable structure, it is possible to supplement the structural structures to the frame ribs.
Designing legs The length of the legs should be 460 mm, it is precisely this size that needs to be done for this pipe. Also, in addition, it is necessary to take care that the front and rear legs are connected to each other. This will provide the best degree of sustainability.
Making back The back is made in such a way that parts of the pipes, the size of 1.5 m and 44 cm were welded with each other. After this process is completed, you can welcome it to the already manufactured part of the structure. The back is best spaced at an angle of up to 20 degrees, it will provide the optimal level of comfort when seat on the bench. Regarding the reliability of the back - the ribs of the hardness of the longitudinal and transverse direction will help.
Polishing At the end of the design of the frame of metal, it should be cleaned with existing docks, as well as polish the metal product and coat using soil.
Manufacturing wooden elements In order for it to acquire a complete view, you need to make wooden parts that will be attached on top of the frame. Such elements can be easily accomplished using a timber or board. Depending on the size of the framework, it is necessary to determine the size of the wooden elements, as well as the direction of their attachment. You also need to keep in mind that all parts must be smooth, without any kind of damage.
Connect all elements To connect all manufactured items, you can use the electric jigsaw and make the required number of holes in the frame and wooden parts for their attachment to each other. As fasteners, it is best to use bolts that have a rounded type hats, as well as nuts.
Completion of work And the rest of the latter, before the garden bench will be made on their own and is ready for use, it is necessary to process wood sections with the help of a veil. You can use and lacquer for such purposes. Such a procedure will protect material from many unwanted factors.

A positive point in such a design is that due to the material that is included in the design, it is quite easy to transport or rearrange it to be transported if desired. Also important is that the product is stable to the temperature of the temperature regime, which will be the opportunity to use it not one year in a row.

Helpful information

In the process of manufacturing a garden bench, it is better to keep in mind the following rules that will largely simplify work and help to avoid difficulties:

  1. By purchasing material for the design, it is worth considering the percentage of losses when cutting the required parts. It is about 10%.
  2. So that there is no material overpowering, and it is possible to achieve its savings, it is best to start the manufacture and cutting of elements and those boards that are the longest.
  3. If there is a desire to make a larger width seat than is specified in standard sizes, then it is necessary to remember that it is possible to brass the wood material, in the absence of a supporting frame structure.
  4. In order not to be injured, it is better to initially take care of the elimination of all angular and pointed sites.
  5. It is also worth remembering that the wood material is inclined to dryness, which should be considered when drawing up the drawing and leaving places for the clearances.

Video - Interesting ideas for making a garden bench on their own

Most of the owners of country sites, be it home or cottage, want to know how garden is made, and it is not surprising. You now have the opportunity to get acquainted with several options where drawings and photos of wood structures are attached. This furniture can be done portable or stationary, but if you do not use it in the cold season, then the second option you can do anything.

Family holidays on a garden bench

What are the benches for the garden

Relaxation bench

First of all, let's figure out with the meaning of this word. In different dictionaries of the Russian language, it is determined as a seating device for several people and can be with a back or without it. Synonyms include such definitions like benches shop, shop, furniture. But the bench, it is already more regarded as a low footrest. In our case, it is a garden furniture, which has a back for stop.

Such structures differ not only in size - they differ in other parameters, such as:

  1. product configuration - standard, non-standard;
  2. armrests - is available, not available;
  3. design - with wood thread or strict straight lines.

Elegant wood carving design

Make such furniture as in the photo at the top, under the power of a little to people - there is not enough to be an ordinary joiner or even a firewall. This is the art of a wood thread, which requires a warehouse of the artist's mind and, of course, practical skills. But each second is available to manufacture the simplest garden benches, if there are tools and materials available.

Materials for assembling garden benches

Edged grinding board from larch

The main material for garden benches is wood, but it has absorbing properties, which is extremely undesirable for outdoor products. Of course, to protect against street moisture, such antiseptics are used as "antighel", neomid, "woodcutter", etc., but better, if the lumber himself refers to the discharge of moisture-resistant. Therefore, the highest quality garden furniture is made from oak and larch.

In addition, wood exposed to atmospheric phenomena (rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice, UV radiation (sun rays), wind), covered alkyd-urethane varnishes. You can use such brands like "Rogneda Euroteks", "Varagan Premium Spar Urettan", "Duf Retail", "Tyskurila Unica Super" and others. Such formulations will not just protect wood from atmospheric processes, but also from shocks and scratches is possible Due to the increased wear resistance of the coating. From the paints of such an effect do not have to wait.

Follow the following materials:

  • a cutting board grinded with a thickness of 40-50 mm for the seat of any width;
  • a cutting board polished with a thickness of 30-40 mm for the back of any width;
  • cutting planed board 40 × 70 mm or 50 × 100 mm for frame assembly;
  • bar 100 × 100 mm for frame (not always applied);
  • 70 × 70 mm lump for frame and jumpers;
  • antiseptic (liquid preparation);
  • paints and varnishes;
  • metal fasteners: Tree screws, bolts with nuts and washers, steel corners.

Note. In some cases, for the manufacture of a garden bench, with their own hands, can even use a log, dissolving it along into two equal parts. Also among sawn timber, pallets may turn out to be excellent blanks for the assembly of simple furniture.

Requirements for the quality of sawn timber

Chamber Method Drying Wood

An important role in determining the quality of products is played by the moisture of lumber and this is no accident, because the design assembled from a wet board will be laid in the future. Therefore, in order to choose the most appropriate board (timber or bar), attention should be paid to the instructions of GOST 20850-84, where the dark wood is considered to be a board with 12% humidity, and the natural (street) state implies 15-20%.

Dryer sawn natural way

In our case, it is suitable as the first and the second indicator of the State Standard, since such furniture is designed to operate outdoors. But it will be quite normal if you gain very dry boards - there are no such nodes here, which can critically affect the swelling of the sawn timber during wetting.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of spots on the boards: if there are black spots, it indicates that wood is infected with fungal mold. But if you see the blue stains, you can be sure that the drying was carried out without ventilation and the board was greeted. The presence of black and blue indicates an incorrigible marriage and should not be purchased such products. Also check the boards on cracks and flowing knots - there should be no need for high-quality workpieces.

Tools for assembling garden benches

Minimum joinery tool set

We live in times of rapid development of technical progress, therefore, it is not at all necessary to use the minimum set of joinery tool. That is, the destination may remain the same, but the functionality and the processing speed will certainly increase in times!

What is useful from the joinery tool:

  • manual (stationary) circular saw and / or electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill and / or screwdriver;
  • a set of rolled, nozzles and cropped cutters on a tree;
  • hand mill with a set of cutters (not always needed);
  • disk or ribbon grinder (not always needed);
  • chainsaw (for large blanks of a timber or log);
  • keys of plumbing (precipitant, end, horn);
  • ax for work with logs;
  • roulette, Construction Corner, Level, Pencil, Paint Brush.

Some options for making wood benches

To make a garden bench with your own hands, of course, drawings and photos of finished designs will be required to imagine the end result. All the following examples of furniture are harvested from a tree with a small amount of metal fasteners.

There are average dimensions of such products, therefore, to create conditions for a comfortable stay, follow the following indicators:

  1. seat height of the benches - 400-500 mm;
  2. the width of the seat shops - 500-550 mm;
  3. length of a shop and back - 1000-1900 mm;
  4. the height of the back - 350-500 mm;
  5. the width of the back - at your discretion.

Option number 1 - Simple shops from boards

Drawings with dimensions

Sketch with the name of the details: 1) Legs Front, 2) Legs Rear, 3) Tsargi Longitudinal, 4) Side Tsargi, 5) Boards for the back and sidewash, 6) Furniture waders Length 80 mm, 7) Washing Furniture Length 40 mm, 8 ) Knights of rigidity

At this stage, after selecting the necessary materials and tools, you need to measure each workpiece to make sure that its size is enough for the manufacture of a particular part. You probably realize that with constant loads, the transverse docking of the parts is extremely undesirable and even unsafe for a person, under which such furniture can break.

The joints of the main sawn timber is possible, except for a meeting, if a central pair of legs are provided. For example, a shop will have a 1990 mm and this length can be obtained by connecting two boards on the jumper of the central pair of legs. But for such an operation, it is necessary that both fragments of the boards were the same thickness and widths, then maybe the docking seam with due process will not even be noticeable.

Now you need to chop all the details from the workpieces in size specified in the drawing, or by your own parameters, as you can have other needs on your cottage. All connections are carried out with the help of ducts, screws and bolts with nuts and washers (the sewage, by the way, can also be replaced with self-draws). But when choosing a fastener, you need to take into account the possible load on the bench. If the children will be used, the nodes can be fixed with self-draws and / or nails, but for more serious loads it is better to use bolts with nuts and washers.

It should start the assembly from the frame, or rather from the feet, which will be two or three pairs, depending on the length of the shop and if it is designed for two persons (meter), then the third pair is not needed. I want to draw your attention to the rigidity of the legs.

Usually these are two vertical boards or two vertices - one to the top of the back, and the other to the Niza shop. There are also two jumpers: the bottom connects the racks in the middle of the short riser, and the top forms the base for fastening the boards on the seat. In order for such an assembly, it is never loosened, under the bottom and / or under the top jumper, knockers should be fastened - these are triangles from the same profile from which the frame is made.

All nodes are marked in the order of their assembly

Step-by-step instructions for assembling all nodes (check with a picture):

  • Forming a frame. Two vertical racks (№1 and No. 2) are connected by transverse jumpers (No. 7).
  • Strengthening rigidity. After that, in the same way, another pair of legs are collected (or two more pairs, if the bench is designed for three points of the support) strengthen and connect them. For this, additional transverse jumpers (№4 and №5) are used, and all pairs are connected to each other longitudinal bars or board (No. 6).
  • Installation of seats and backs. For this operation, grinding bars or boards will be required - they are fixed to the framework frame (No. 3).

Protection against moisture

Wood processing with antiseptics and varnishes

If you want a bench on your site for many years, it needs to be treated with antiseptics and / or alkyd-urethane varnishes, which were referred to in the section "Materials for assembling a garden bench."

Video: Build a very simple bench with your own hands

Option number 2 - Breed bench

For the manufacture used thick boards and bric

Today, they are increasingly looking back in the past and in connection with this in the interior are in demand such styles like Russian and English Country or French. All this can be combined under the general name in the "Rustic Style" group. You can look at successful homemakers, the photo of the manufacture of garden benches from the brickels with their own hands are located at the top and bottom of this paragraph.

Log Bench with a log table

But how to make a bench so that it corresponds to such design, because the interior does not apply to - this is an exterior. Nevertheless, it is possible to adhere to such a direction and in the preservation site, especially since in unity with nature it should be very attractive. In this case, it is possible not only to be birch, but also the unedged board, only you need to pre-get rid of the obol.

But it is desirable to start with the foundation, that is, the soil should be built improvised, since such a bench can hardly be removed into the room or under the shed at the end of the country's season - too cumbersome and heavy. As a foundation, you can make shallow pits at 7-10 cm, fall asleep there with a layer of sand by 5-8 cm, tackle, and top with bricks (length 50-51 cm, for two bricks). Standard length or full brick - 250 mm, width -120 mm, thickness -65 mm. This is quite enough to raise the construction of several centimeters above the ground, saving from the water and no concrete is not needed.

The drawing is very simple, but a very beautiful bench from log

Pay attention to the drawing, located at the top - you see that the length of the bench is two and a half meters and there will be able to freely accommodate 5-6 people. Of course, for a 50-mm board, it is too long a load, but for half a log, where the radius is 100-150 mm at all is easy to withstand this weight.

Left - Pruning for the base, right - Polombrena for a bench

The legs, in the direct understanding of this word, it is not necessary to collect and install - their function will be performed by two chumbacks mounted on bricks (foundation) in a horizontal position. So that such supports do not ride, it is necessary to make the bottom flat, as shown in the drawing above, cutting a part of a chainsaw log. At the same time, it will be necessary to calculate these stands so that they lay strictly horizontally and turned out to be among themselves. On the workpiece for the shop, the grooves are made, in which the rounded stands will be searched - this is also shown in the drawing.

Note. If you do not find enough thick logs so that the final height of the seat is 40-50 cm, then you can attach to the supports from thick login thinner. As a result, it may turn out even more attractive.

Now let's talk about the back - it can be straight, and inclined, it all depends on how you install the stubborn profiles - strictly vertically or under the slope. In the first case, two rounds of Ø80-100 mm are suitable as persistent profiles - they will need to be screwed to horizontally lying scrabble, which performs the function of the legs and to half the logs, that is, to the seat. To create a rigidity of the design, the lower parts of these racks are cut along to the height of the bench. For fixing, it is best to use non-conventional long-sams, and anchor bolts, for example, for anchor with a cross section of 10 mm, the mounting holes Ø6 mm or for the section 12-14 mm, the hole will be needed with Ø8-10 mm.

For an inclined backrest, a 40 × 70 or 50 × 100 mm or turning Ø100-120 mm circle is used as racks. If it is still round, then in places of adjoining to supports (legs) and to the shop need to be done to create a plane for rigidity. But when using a 40 × 70 mm board, you can even choose a milling groove in horizontally lying bras to score these stops there. The grooves must be missed with joiner's glue or PVA, as well as fasten the board to the bench.

The backboard, both on strictly vertical and on the inclined stops, is fixed on the same principle as the seat - selected in half the logs of landing grooves, and, losing them with glue, fasten with self-draws. Upon completion of the assembly, the design is treated with an antiseptic and / or injecting paintwork materials such as alkyd-urethane varnishes. Below is a video where the master tells how he made a bench from Breus.

Videos: Bench in the garden made from log

Option number 3 - Semi-chapped bench in the garden

Semicircular bench in the garden

You may seem that this is a complex design and its own independent structure you are unable, but it is only at first glance. It is noteworthy that in this case there will be enough connected material for such a design, this is a 40 × 70 mm board, 50 × 100 mm and a timber 100 × 100 mm. And, of course, fasteners.

Assembling semicircular frame for seat

On the top photo shows how the frame is assembled and it is very simple: first cut off five fragments of the boards of the same length, for example, by meter. Then, from four pieces, we collect two small meter frames with a jumper with a length of 40-45 cm (three jumpers for each frame). Then another frame will have to be collected between them in the middle, I mix the side boards at an angle. It is advisable to use a 50 × 100 mm board here, and fastened to produce self-draws.

Most 4 pairs of legs (8 pieces)

If we consider that the generally accepted height of the bench installed in the garden of about 40-50 cm, then for the legs will have to cut off the eight fragments of the bar 400-450 mm long.

The legs to the frame are screwed up with self-draws

The legs to the frame are screwed up with self-drawers, but that the timber in the upper part turns out a flush with a frame, to level the board, as shown in the photo.

When all the legs are fastened, start the mount of the seat

When all the legs are screwed, the frame is turned over into normal position and start the mounting of the seat. Please note that the trim starts from the outer edge of the middle frame, in order to specify the direction of the boards 40 × 70 mm. To do not fail for a long time, you can immediately be screwed to several boards and cut off the excess circular on the installation site. But you can also put a label on each board by spending a pencil from below. Between the boards, it is desirable to leave a small blockage - it will be more beautiful.

Stops under the back are fixed to the legs and frame

Mounting back to the rest

The opposites are first attached to the legs (to the lateral part of the bar), and then to the frame with steel reinforced corners. When all the inclined stops are exhibited, it is screwed up one or two boards 40 × 70 mm on top of the upper part as back. At the end of the assembly, the design is treated with antiseptic and / or paint materials.

Option number 4 - Garden bench with backrest from old pallets

Corner garden bench made of old pallets

Direct garden bench made of old pallets

I think that it turned out such a garden bench with a back, made, drawings are not needed. Here is the usual block assembly with the help of self-tapping screws, where the design value depends on the geometric parameters of the block.

Standard pallet 1000 × 1200 mm

There are two types of pallets ours (produced in the countries of the former USSR) and European. Our standard perimeter is 1000 × 1200 mm, and 700 × 1200 mm in euro palleons. But those specialists who have long been manufactured by furniture from such materials, recommend European stands, as the board on them is a trungant, therefore, less time goes to grinding.

Soft garden corner of old pallets

You can even arrange holidays in the garden on soft benches, for this design temporarily covered with pillows, which can always be removed in case of bad weather.

Wood processing in this case is no different from other options, that is, it is covered with antiseptic and / or paint materials.

Video: Production of a garden bench made of old pallets


If you want, you can choose one of the four options for making a garden bench with a back, made by your own hands. You can also use the drawings in the article, but if necessary, change the dimensions according to the specific need, that is, focusing on the conditions of the site.

Garden benches are the most popular small architectural forms. You can make them any sizes and structures, but besides your direct purpose, the benches are performed and a decorative function. You can make your own hands for yourself a garden bench, using our drawings and photos.

How to make a bench from the "thrus" materials

The easiest way to make a bench is made of wood. This is a traditional material for garden furniture, available and easy to handle. But in this case, it can be saved by choosing as the main material the one that literally lies under the legs.

The first option is trees, rods and stumps from the same site or nearby forest stitch, in which the sanitary logging is carried out.

Gently cutting off a couple of medium in size, they can be used to base bench. From the jeres to make the lower crossbar for stiffness of the structure. And for the seating to dissolve on the circular part of the barrel. If there is no equipment for longitudinal sawing, then you can take an unedged board with a thickness of 75 mm.

In this example, the bench is already more comfortable - in addition, in addition to the seat there is a back. The model is a little more complicated, as it will have to find a higher part of the trunk and to process it in two receptions - at first to make a profile cut by the "ledge", and then the workpiece to dissolve into two halves.

And to collect the following bench, you will need:

  • two short logs of one diameter for the base;
  • two medium porsi thickness for backing support;
  • one long log, collapsed by two halves (for seats and backs).

In short logs, you need to choose a groove so that a long log lay in it. Then the seat is fixed in the grooves, and each storm is fixed at two points - to the base and the seat. For fastening it is better to choose a powerful samongate tree bolts.

Another budget material for cottage bench is pallets (wooden pallets). But not any pallet is suitable for the manufacture of garden furniture. Ideally, you need from a good edged board, the so-called europallet, which can be found in the marking EUR.

In principle, the standard euro tray width is somewhat large for the seat - 80 cm. You can shorten it up to 67 cm, cutting along the contour of the central bar. But you can not do this. Here are some examples of simple designs with different options for bases and seats:

1. Bench of four pallets over the width. Three serve as a base, and the fourth back. The backrest pallet will have to take part of the support bars, and the rigidity of the bench is to provide with wooden plates.

2. In this case, four pallets are also used, but already cut. For fixing the backs, three ropes woven oblique, and for decorating - wallpaper nails.

3. This bench is made of only two pallets. One whole, and the second cut and, as it were, bent at an angle - it serves simultaneously and the seat, and the back. The design is good for its mobility - small wheels stand as legs.

Perhaps the only inconvenience of the use of the European Pallet as a starting material is the standard dimensions of 80x120 cm. They are to some extent limit opportunities for creativity. The use of conventional sawn timber (boards, bar and bar) allows you to make a bench for giving for every taste.

Board and Barlok.

Immediately it is worth saying that any drawing of the bench can be corrected for specific conditions. The only restriction so that the thickness of the board and the cross section of the bar was sufficient to carry out carrier properties.

Below is a drawing of a bench that is made of only three "paired" elements:

  • seat and back;
  • short support (rear leg) from the board in the form of a trapezium;
  • long support (front foot).

1 - front leg; 2 - rear leg; 3 - seat; 4 - back; 5 - front view; 6 - side view

The result is a steady design with a triangle at the base and two transverse ribs of stiffness.

This is how this bench looks "live."

On this drawing bench in a more complex performance. For its manufacture, you need a 40x140 mm board (supports, back and seat), 40x70 mm bar (short bundles of supports) and 20 mm board (long bundle between sidewalls).

And this is the same design, but using a board and a bar with a thickness of 75 mm. Small differences in the base and fastening of ligaments are not fundamental.

It is fundamentally only one condition - the board in the seat is attached with a small gap sufficient to compensate for the extension of the tree at high humidity.

Large forms

Veneers look original in "Large format".

For example, this is the "fat" unedged board across the entire width of the log. Covered with transparent varnish, it transmits the natural beauty of the tree with all the color transitions.

From the rounded log, you can build not only a cottage or bath, but also such a garden bench.

And from the bar you can collect an original chair that can serve not only under a canopy, but also outdoors - removable pillows in bad weather are easy to put in the house.

Stone and tree

Stone, like a tree, also organically fits into the countryside landscape. Of course, a smooth plate in nature is practically not found, but you can use the saw stone.

The following option is easier to execute - the bench is composed of small blocks of wild stones. And since such a surface is not only cold, but also uneven, then no pillows can no longer do.

Pillows add comfort, but they have to constantly bring and endure. That is why for seats in garden benches, regardless of the material of the base, apply a tree. This is how such an original bench, at the base of which the Gabion is used (a cell from a grid filled with stone, rubble or pebbles).

No less popular for the manufacture of the base of the Bench concrete. But to do at once a composure form for the fill is difficult, but a small formwork is simple. And even the "cold seam" when filling in two taking structures (such as in this photo) will not affect.

Another version of artificial stone is hollow building concrete blocks. It is enough to spray them with a good masonry glue among themselves, and in the cavity lay a bar, and the bench is ready.

Metal and tree

The simplest pavement shops on the metal frame use a square profile.

You can cook from the profile pipe two sidewalls in the form of the letter "H", and the wooden seat from the massif will also serve as the "rigidity edge".

In the following example, an array of wood is also used as a stiffness element, but the supports are made in the form of a square with a cross-line for fastening the seat.

And this is the simplest self-supporting design of a square profile, in which the strength and rigidity of the weld base is sufficient to make the seat from a wooden bar.

The following photograph shows a factory bench.

But if there is in the domestic workshop of the pipe bender (and it is easy to do and with your own hands), then bend two types of arches and "wave" from a round tube. Then the metal blanks must be welded, put plastic plugs on the legs (sold under any profile and the size of the pipe) and fasten the bars on the "wave".

Bench is a mandatory element of any summer cottage. To date, such structures perform many important functions: from their direct appointment before giving the garden of unique design.

Many country territory owners prefer to build benches independently, since this simple task does not take much time and money.

There are several basic materials that are used as a basis for building benches.


The most popular option is wood. It is believed that it is from this material that the most aesthetic structures are obtained.

In view of the universal aesthetic characteristics of the material, wooden benches fits perfectly into the landscape of any garden. It is important to take into account that the benches are constantly under the open sky. Therefore, it is necessary to choose those breeds of wood, which differ in maximum resistance to atmospheric phenomena.

They belong to them: Overt, oak, pine cherry, as well as larch. For additional protection, the material is covered with a special varnish.


Metal is popular for the production of benches for many reasons: durability, practicality, resistance to precipitation, ease of operation. As an optimal option for the garden, openwork structures with interesting patterns are most often made. Alternatively, you can stay at minimalism.

A rock

Stone benches are distinguished by impressiveness and monumentality. Main materials: granite, marble, quartzite. In some cases, an unprocessed stone is used to create a unique design, in others - a stone with a smooth surface.


Plastic is the most accessible, convenient option. It is considered rather seasonal and budget than aesthetic and decorative. However, with the proper design of a plastic bench, it can be a decoration of the garden. For the decor, motley pillows, lanterns, flowers and more are often used.

Varieties of beamerels

Benches for the garden are traditionally divided into several categories. As a criterion for separation, the location is located.

They are usually installed not far from the threshold, which causes the choice of material. Design experts insist that the appearance of the front bench must match the exterior of the country house. Thus, if the structure is made of stone, the bench, respectively, should also be stone.

Water bench

The main purpose is to be a comfortable pastime near the reservoir. For construction of structures, it is recommended to choose waterproof materials - artificial or natural stone.

Can be located in fact anywhere in the country area. As the basis, plastic is commonly used, since it is distinguished by low weight and ease of care.

An indispensable option for hardworking dachens. Suriable benches are set to ensure that the area owners can relax in the garden in the garden. To ensure the aesthetic pleasure, concomitant rest, designs are located near flower beds.

This variety can also be called a "bench of loneliness". The fact is that they are customary to be placed in the most remote places in the garden so that a person can escape from prying eyes. Popular material for manufacture - wood.

Seasonal bench

This is a foldable design that is characterized by a low weight. Thus, the task of transferring the bench from one place to another is greatly facilitated: in the summer - in the shadow, autumn or spring - in sunny places. Optimal material - plastic.

Wood bench do it yourself

There are many different types of wooden benches. We will look at a few of them.

Standard wooden bench


  • gorny - a board with a bark on one of the sides - 2 trimming of a long-term meter;
  • bruks - 2 pieces;
  • trimming bars - 2 pieces of 15x20 centimeters.

Step 1. They dig two pits, align them in depth.

Step 2. Align the corners between the racks and bars in such a way that the bench is subsequently comfortable to sit.

Step 3. You feed the bars with nails per 200 millimeters.

Step 4. Install the blanks.

Step 5. We are tamped.

Step 6. You feed the back to the racks.

Step 7. You feed the back to the bars.

Step 8. We process wood with a special enamel or varnish.

The described option is a conventional summer bench that rather acts as a functional version than a decorative element.

List of materials:

  • suitable boards are best cedar;
  • simple pencil;
  • roulette;
  • saw;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • pots for plants;
  • priming;
  • plants.

Bench manufacturing technology

Step 1. Armed with a calculator and tape measure, we calculate the size of the bench.

Step 2. Slifting the boards in such a way that they do not remain zadrin, burrs and other defects.

Step 3. Cut out 46 segments of the same length (about 50 centimeters).

Step 4. Put 6 segments to the side for further construction of the turret.

Step 5. Collect drawers-supports of 40 segments.

To do this, we put two segments in parallel to each other, and then on top perpendicular to them put two more segments. Thus, lay out the rest of the planks to get a turret. Fix the corners with glue and self-drawing for greater strength. On each box leaves 20 slats.

Step 6. We take long boards and begin to make a frame for a future design. To do this, lay the boards on the side and fix in the middle using the transverse bar.

Step 7. Breeping the frames to the supports-supports using self-tapping and glue.

Step 8. We make a "turret" from the remaining 6 segments. To do this, lay out one of the drawers-supports of the plank in the same way as it was done before.

The last row must be made solid with short segments that are inserted between the walls with drawers.

Step 10. If you wish, we do on the top row of "window sills", adding there four strokes with oblique angles there.

Step 12. We take long boards and we will drag the future place for seating.

Step 13. We set pots with plants in the turrets.

It is a very beautiful and simple design that does not occupy a lot of space, but contributes to a pleasant leisure.

We will look at the technology of the production of the simplest dacha bench without a back. At the assembly of the bench takes only a few hours. The basis of this design is the profile tube.

Set of tools:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • profile pipe;
  • steel corner;
  • bulgarian.

Step 1. We determine the location of the future bench, we carry out the appropriate calculations. The standard length of such a bench is 120 centimeters.

Step 2. With the help of a grinder, cut off three metal blanks with a length of 120 centimeters. They will act as a seat.

Step 3. Uniformly fit the blanks on a flat surface. You can use the stove.

Step 4. We take a steel corner, cut two crossings.

Step 5. Apply crossbars perpendicular to the billets, retreating from the edges of about ten centimeters, and weld them.

Step 6. We weld up to the corners two legs benches, the length of which is regulated according to the wishes of the owners of the site.

Step 7. We weld a transverse bar to the legs, retreating from the bottom of the seat of about 20-25 centimeters.

Step 8. From cropping corners, we make two crossings.

Step 9. We weld these crossbars to the bases of the leg benches.

Step 10. We apply a protective coating for metal.

Step 11. Install the bench.

If you wish, you can modify the design, welding the railing and the back. Bright paint will give the bench an interesting appearance.

Structural Material Design

First of all, it is necessary to determine which materials will be used as a framework frame. It can be:

  • stones;
  • pallets of wood;
  • bricks;
  • bottles.

Also, in the process of work, the following materials will be needed: clay, straw, water, sand, paint, tassels.

Cooking frames from pallets

  1. Fill the bottle of soil.
  2. We put them in several layers on the pillow of sand and gravel.
  3. We tie the bottles with wire.

Cooking clay mortar

Stage 1. Mix the straw with sand and clay.

Stage 2. Add water to the mixture and stir the contents of the container.

Stage 3. Small balls roll out of the solution.

Stage 4. Apply the balls on the pre-cooked frame, thus forming the outlines of the future bench.

Stage 5. The finished bench is covered with polyethylene so that the solution is gradually dry and did not crack.

It is believed that clay benches can stand up to one hundred years without losing their attractive appearance. In addition, this is a fairly economical option, which will probably give any original garden.

Choose the option that will be successfully fit into the garden plot and bring maximum satisfaction.

Video - Benches for giving with their own hands

Video - Garden benches

Garden design is a modern rapidly developing sphere that enjoys a fairly high level of popularity. One of the indispensable attributes of recreation in the garden is, of course bench. It contributes not only to the decoration of your garden, but also a convenient pastime in it. After all, the garden is a kind of house, too, and I want to be in it it was pleasant. To do this, it is necessary to think about it in detail, where exactly placing garden benches. Most often, the benches are located where - neither be in a beautiful place.

For example, under the thick spreader branches of the tree. Or perhaps with some places in your garden there is an amazing view of the sea, river, lake, mountains or beautiful natural views. Choosing this approach, follow your preferences and how exactly you want to spend time in your garden. It is also possible to install benches near the alive hedges or surrounded by some bushes. This will create the effect of coziness and security. The last aspect is important for many.

If you decide to install benches in summer, choose a cool shady space where you can hide from the heat, and in the fall, on the contrary, you can choose an open place to enjoy the warm rays of the autumn sun. The placement of benches in the garden or in the country area is a matter of exceptionally your preferences, because their purpose is to give us convenience and comfort in the first place to you.

Selection of material

Waves for summer cottages are, of course, a composite element. They should fit into the design of the garden or the country area, emphasize the originality of the design. They must contain beauty, originality and practicality.

In view of all this, attention should be paid not only to the appearance, but also on the material from which they are made on the level of its quality.

Varieties of beamerels

To date, several groups of benches are popular:

  • stationary - made of wood, metal and natural stone;

  • foldable plastic.

Of course, natural materials are very popular. Of these, you can create a truly work of art. Very spectacularly, carved, forged shops, as well as benches from combined materials.

Wooden benches are very practical and easy to fit into your garden design, as they are made of natural material. The advantage of the tree is that such benches are not only beautiful and have many design decisions, but also with proper care and processing will serve you enough long time.

But, like all the natural things, the tree is amenable to external and mechanical exposure, corrosion and weather conditions. Therefore, the benches made of wood require special care. Metal benches are considered the most durable and practical. They also have many designer solutions. Such a bench will serve you more than a dozen years. They are perfect for the Garden in the style of "Modern".

How to make a bench do it yourself

Also, many wondered how to make a bench do it yourself. This is not only the opportunity to save and implement all your preferences and design solutions. Create a plan can be independently or use the services of specialized agencies. Here are some such projects.

This shop is simple and convenient. It is easy to create it easily just follow the parameters specified in the drawing and everything will turn out. For work, thick bars will need for support, bars or seatboards for seating and backing.

Here, of course, you will have to make more effort and time, but the bench will look solid and thoroughly. Decor can be diverse. Show fantasy and make a garden shop unique!

Garden shops are primarily the possibility of convenient to relax, enjoying the nature surrounding the types of friends or loved ones. Create comfort with their help is easy and simple. Thanks to a variety of techniques, materials and elements, you have the opportunity to make your garden with cozy, beautiful and functional.

Photos of various benches for the garden