Repairs Design Furniture

Grinding of a wooden church: process technology. Grinding of a wooden log cabin: Process technology grinding grinding grub

Grinding cut - the process is rather recommended than necessary. However, it is after such a treatment that the structure acquires aesthetic appearance and is considered protected from negative factors. Holding step by step instructions, Cut the log house can be shedding.

Selection of bath grinding tools

To begin with, it is important to correctly pick up a grinding tool. Often, for this procedure is used by the Bulgarian special nozzle or a special grinding machine. Optimally suitable easy model With a comfortable handle, smooth adjustment of speeds and rear air intake. It is more convenient to operate with two cars: one - with a large, second - with a small abrasive.

As for the nozzles for abrasive, it is preferable to choose plastic. They, unlike rubber, do not leave on the tree of black traces in case of accidental contact. Remember that a frequent shift of the nozzles and the use of one tool can lead to its overheating.

Initial grinding is carried out by discs with grain 40-60. It is enough about 4 meters of processing log. If the log house is made of coniferous rocks, it will be arched with resin and dust. This will lead to a decrease. performance characteristicsSo, it will reduce the quality of work and increase the tool load. Therefore, it is not worth saving on the abrasives. Secondary processing is carried out with a disk with grain size 100-120.

Please note that an eccentric grinding machine should be used to grind the rounded logs. Bulgarian is suitable for processing timber. It is different high powerTherefore, it is possible to damage the wood with an intensive press. Grinders with strong pressure blocks disk.

Bath grinding preparation

Grinding the logberry is recommended after its main shrinkage, in front of the caulk. It is necessary to work before windows are installed, since a large amount of dust will settle on accessories and component windows.

Working with raw wood is very difficult. However, if the bath is assembled from dried logs or bars, it is possible to carry out processing immediately after installing the roof. This process is time and requires serious effort.

Before starting grinding logs, baths are inspecting the surface for the presence of defects. When squeezing some elements (so-called "petals"), carefully lubricate them with glue and leave for a day until complete drying.

Outdoor grinding bath

Getting Started, Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract from dust. To do this, you need to stock glasses and respirator. If there are no grinding experience, it is recommended to initially "fill the hand" on inconspicuous areas.

Bath grinding order outside

Start grinding is best from bottom to top. We carry out the procedure in such a sequence:
  • Grinding a brine with a large abrasive (eccentric machine) the surface of the log.
  • We process the grooves with a smaller pump (the tool is used regardless of the type of bars). In this case, the disc should be chosen by 1-1.5 cm more than the nozzle. Otherwise, the Bulgarian ripped into the groove and can escape from the hands, which will entail injury.
  • With the help of the chisels, remove upper layer In the corners. If desired, this procedure can be carried out at the initial stage.
  • Shlifi ends only with a large abrasive (30-40). To reduce the pile on the surface, shine it with a hammer or burn the soldering iron.
  • We repeat the procedure on each wall.
  • Carefully dust the surface before further trim. To do this, you can use vacuum cleaner and brushes.

Please note that the tool is not desirable to use on too large revs. Otherwise, deep traces will remain on the wood.


To give an aesthetic type and protection against negative influences Atmospheric precipitation, fungus it is necessary to pay attention to the additional processing of logs. Each wall must be covered by the compositions immediately after grinding. Otherwise, it will darken during the day, and all work will be in vain.

When finishing, follow the following instructions:

  1. Apply a layer of primer. The procedure can be performed using an electric pulverizer or brush.
  2. If you wish, stain or whiten the surface to underscore the shade of the tree structure.
  3. We proceed with a log house with antipiren.

Paint and varnish for finish finish It is better to choose on the basis of a chemical solvent. Their analogues on a water basis lead to a lint after the first painting. Special attention should be paid to the ends of the bath - because of the rough surface they are in large quantities absorb formulations.

Inner grinding walls bath

If planned internal sheathing Srub, then you can carry out the bathing of the bath inside only a large abrasive. If the walls do not cut anything, then it is necessary to abandon them to perfect smoothness.

The primary grinding of the walls is better to perform before "finger floors" and blocked the ceiling. Perform work in such a sequence:
  • Remove the rude layer of bark with a large abrasive or grinding.
  • We process the groove and angular sections with the brandy.
  • We carry out grinding finely abrasive material (120).
  • Stakes logs and most inaccessible places Shlifuym manually. For this, abrasive material can be winding on a bar. This is quite time consuming, however, the most effective process.

Upon completion of the work on one wall, it is necessary to reconcile dust, thoroughly spend the surface and coat with an antiseptic. The same process must be repeated after complete grinding.

Bath finish treatment inside

Getting started to apply antiseptics, make sure there is no cacopants. Otherwise, they can be closed with sealants. The finish finish is carried out in this order:
  1. Apply a layer of antiseptic composition to protect against fungus and mold.
  2. After complete drying, we proceed with a lesing solution to give the room more aesthetic species.
  3. Processing the ends with acrylic moisture resistant solution. Let me dry and apply a repeated layer.
  4. Cover the surface with flame retardant to increase fire resistant characteristics.

The profiled and glued bar usually does not need additional alignment. It can be seized with an eccentric machine, if you need to remove the upper darkened layer. Such a process will take longer than the processing of the grinder, but also the result in this case is high-quality.

Abrasive-jet grinding Bathroom

IN lately The popularity gained an abrasive-jet processing method. Its essence is to apply a special apparatus, from which sand comes out under pressure. This is a non-contact grinding method. Thus, it is possible to clean the surface of the tree from dirt, paint, gary and give it impeccable smoothness.

Grinding with this tool is easily and quickly, and the quality is the highest. because of effect created Braching on a tree turns out the original drawing, underlining the naturalness and refinement of the material. It looks such a processing exclusively and expensive. Carry out such grinding, as a rule, specialists with special equipment.

And finally, we present to your attention a video about grinding a cut Baths:

Grinding the walls of the bath is performed not only at the end of the construction of the structure. It is also performed to refresh the appearance of the old church. This process is time consuming and time. However, subject to the rules, it is qualitative to polish the logs of a steam room for everyone.

Contactless grinding method (logs / timing / timing of timber / block house / chub)

Rikedom enters the association "PROF FOR WOOD"

according to professional protection and decoration of wooden structures

We have developed and implemented the abrasive-jet method of grinding of a tree - as the basis for a further painting of a church. Professional painting materials that we use are produced in Germany, but we live in Russia in Russia.

Therefore: our technology protection technology is an exclusive and developed precisely for Russian conditions.
You get rid of the problem of permanent permanent and repainting the cut. Elementary, fast, timely care - a key to preserving an excellent state covering in the future.
Understanding this will definitely lead you to our company!

Popular technology grinding

  1. Grinding a cut from a rounded log corner grinding machines has a number of disadvantages: the work passes much longer, it takes a large number of hand-cutting tools, a problem is disturbed in a log / bar in the corners, the chamfer of glued timber, hard-to-reach places - all this requires processing elaborate manually. However, this can be done independently, if there is required tool and time. Also, a significant disadvantage is the appearance of traces from grinding on the walls of the walls (radial scratches, recesses), which are especially noticeable after painting.
  2. Grinding a cut of a sandblasting or abrasive-jet method. In this case, the procedure is very much faster, the grinding of hard-to-reach places of ends and corners of a church is especially easily given. Only the grinding of the ends is performed manually, but it is no longer so laborious. The surface when processing sandblasting, it turns out with light brushing, with the highlight of the fabulous pattern of the tree, which gives the cut unique coloring. If you wish, you can perform deep brash - create a highlight of the interior.

Our company is the founder of sandblasting grinding wooden sruba In the capacity in which we produce it. After the abrasive-jet processing of the log / timber and proper technology Painting - walls acquire a luxury finish. If you are interested, how much is the grinding of the walls of the cut by the abrasive-jet method - call or send the reverse application form and the specialist will contact you.

Abrasive-jet grinding cut Rickers - differences from the traditional method

  • Grinding of any kind of tree: log, timber, lining, imitation, pine Kelo.
  • Unlike sandblasting, our grinding is very delicate and does not tear wood. It can even be produced on fires with a warm seam!
  • FAST! High performance deadlines - grind up to 100m2 walls per day.
  • The effect of mini-colored wood - highlights unique patterns of the tree. It looks very, very beautiful!
  • Unlike Bulgarians, after our method, grinding does not remain rice and scratches. The grinding of the cut from the abrasive-jet method does not face the problem of hard-to-reach places, for example, such as - oblique erkers, corners, chamfering of timber, etc.
  • The most important thing is if the grinders of the Bulgarians or brushes are filled with a tree, then our grinding on the contrary, opens the pores of the tree, which significantly increases the absorption of painting materials. This directly reflects on the durability of the coating! Link to video where you can clearly see the difference.

New home "Interior"


Blasting, cleaning after yourself

ICS priming
Interlayer grinding
Interlayer grinding
The third layer - as needed - by ICS system
Consumables (except for Laco-colorful materials)

Additionally included:
Scaffolding / Scaffolding

Restoration "Interior"


Abrasive-jet grinding branded
Transportation costs (equipment, sand builds forests)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blasting, cleaning after yourself

ICS priming
Interlayer grinding
First layer of impregnation on the ICS system
Interlayer grinding
Second layer of impregnation by ICS system
The third layer of painting-as needed - by ICS system
Consumables (except for Laco-colorful materials)

Additionally included:
Scaffolding / Scaffolding
Delivery of Laco-Colorful Materials
Discount on Laco-Colorful Material - 20%
Conducting "paintings" on the facility
Dismantling / Installation of platbands, radiators
Floor shelter / ceiling / electrical elements, etc.

New house "Facade"

Departure to measure geometry and humidity

Abrasive-jet grinding branded
Transportation costs (equipment, sand builds forests)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blasting, cleaning after yourself

Protection (Painting)
ICS priming
Interlayer grinding
Second layer of impregnation by ICS system

Additionally included:
Conducting paintings on the object
Delivery of paint materials
Discount on Laco-Colorful Material - 20%

Restoration "Facade"

Departure for measuring grazing geometry

Analysis general status and development of the finishing strategy
Preliminary preparation and restoration work (depending on the state of the tree)
Abrasive-jet grinding branded
Transportation costs (equipment, sand builds forests)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blasting, cleaning after yourself

ICS priming
The first layer of impregnation (with deep downstream) on the ICS system
Interlayer grinding
Second layer of impregnation by ICS system
Finish hydrophobic / moisture regulating layer
Expendable material (except for lako-colorful material)

Additionally included:
Full closure of perimeter
Scaffolding / Scaffolding
Closing window / door blocks
Delivery of Laco-Colorful Materials
Discount on Laco-Colorful Material - 20%
Conducting "paintings" on the facility
Dismantling / Installation of platbands, drain pipes, sings
Dismantling of the protruding interventional material (except for the cacopa)
Issuance of a branded passport for warranty service

Srub grinding price for 1m2

Free antiseptation for the time of shrinkage of your log

Spring is coming! And if you put a log house now or this winter, then "dry" it will be back in the summer period, which means that there is a big risk of the appearance of blue, beetles, as well as darkening from UV. We offer: Treat your logged with a special antiseptic, that it will give:

  • Saves from UV! This is the most striking advantage, along with competitors. The watery of the tree, as well as its perception, which will facilitate the process of further decoration of the church.
  • Saves from the appearance of blue, beetle. A core - common phenomenon that deliberate the future residents, due to the spoiled aesthetics and the impossibility of using bright paint tones.
  • Antiseptic salt, because nothing but salt can absorb in the "raw" tree
With care about you and your tree!

Video languisies about our work

Scheme of working with you:

Record for advice in our office by phone

2 hours

Consultation in the office Ricky

Departure of a brigadier to the object to determine exact measurements

Signing the main contract. Departure brigade on trial-indicative square meter Grinding

Payment. Work on the facility

Delivery of work. Issuing a passport for maintenance

Answers to your most common questions:

Arriving to our office, you get detailed advice on how we work and make a decision you need it or not. And also we make a decision on the possibility of performing work on your facility. It is in the office, when communicating with the leaders, a preliminary decision is made to conduct certain works. You can also find out the estimated price. On the measurements of geometry and humidity, our foreman leaves for you only after consulting the office. Why don't we just send the measurer? Because it is not serious, and we are a serious company. Just make measurements so that you receive the price - meaningless until you understand the principle of our work. No "marker" does not own the huge practical experiencewho owns the company's head. For your convenience, packages were developed, where the price is defined on a square meter of a church. You yourself can "roughly estimate how much about square meters make up the walls of your home.

In other firms - other technology of work, and therefore another price. Our technology is from grinding to finish paint - directed precisely on the protection of the tree, that is, the durability of the applied coating. And this means that you do not have to spend the future to spend money on fluttering and painting again. This is the principal difference - not to pay in the future again and again, how 90% of owners do wooden houses With ordinary painting. Well, of course, the work of the rickers always stand out against the background of hundreds of painted houses.

For each, painted by us, the house is issued a guarantee service passport. That is, it is necessary to understand that everything will be fine with the coating, if you provide a timely care.
In the process of production of work, a special magazine is filled in which indicated which tools and material were used, sketching the structure with the indication of problem areas and other technical specifications.

Vippace is designed for customers who want only the best and accustomed to the maximum comfort. In addition, which is included in the corporate identity, the VIP package has additional privileges:
* 4x-layer painting. That is, in addition to the priming and two mandatory layers of impregnation on the facade or oil / lazuries inside, another layer of composition is added, with another thorough interlayer grinding. This procedure is priceless for the facade, for its greater protection and durability! For interiors - the quality of tactile sensations of the magnificent tree finishing is significantly increased!
* Restoration: Square, sticking chips, holes from nails, etc. - Everyone will be renovated, impeccability will delight the eye.
* Creating a closed perimeter: We set off the construction of construction forests, close the canopy - the dust from grinding will not fly away, will not "suffer" neighbors (if at home is closely located), landscape and so on. And what is important - the "closed perimeter" contributes to improving the quality of the work, because when painting and installation warm seam It is unacceptable to getting precipitation and direct sunlight. And in the autumn-winter period, this shelter of the house allows you to heat the space inside the polls and thereby comply with technology.
* Remove and put back platbands, fed, drainage system And so on what is needed to work.
* Individual color selection, free shipping Test paints, as well as paint and sealant.
* The most pleasant: personal control over the object from the company's management, as well as the solution of all the issues on the object with the company's managers.

Because we do not look at banks where paint consumption is written. Our task is to power the tree, and not just paint it. But the water absorption, depends on both the type of product, rock and and from where the forest is where. On different objects - different absorption. On different logs - also different absorption. We do not eat a couple of drops and do not stretch them for ten squares, in order to save you paint. We will power it until the most important thing is to protect the tree.
Therefore, paints goes on objects - in different ways. That is - paint goes in fact. As well as sealant. The thickness of the warm weld depends solely on the diameter and landing of your log, as well as the size of the discrepancies in the interventional space. Therefore, the seam is selected based on these parameters. Make too narrow-just on just breaks the seam, to make too wide, not beautiful and useless. The seam size defines only the master, and the consumption of sealant depends on this.
We have on consultation you will receive only indicative calculations on paint and sealant based on our experience.

People with extensive experience with wood, with golden hands and a developed sense of responsibility. The backbone of masters and pro-workers do not change with us, we have been with them for more than 12 years. Of course, there are both newcomers, which masters are taught, so the state expansion occurs. Judging by the amount positive feedback From customers that we get, you can proudly say - we have the best professional composition!

What do you need grinding cut

Many people think that the grinding grinding is needed exclusively in order to brush the tree from dust, dirt and give it a light, healthy look. In fact, the main function of the grinding grinding is to open the pores of the wood for further deep downstream of the protective material.

Therefore, from how the grinding was performed, the further absorption of the material directly depends. For example, the grain is often used 100-120-150 for grinding outside wooden house. This is a rough mistake, since such, almost "polishing", the tree leads to the closure of the wood and the LKM simply is simply not able to absorb them, which means that to protect your cut.

The abrasive-jet grinding is not measured in "grain" and is designed to maximize the pores of the tree. Grinding a cut in such a method "for one pass" and very carefully removes only "not necessary" wood fibers, leaving live and healthy. Because of this, the price of grinding a wooden house with this method, often turns out to be lower than the traditional one.

How much is the abrasive-jet grinding?

In the price of our grinding included consumables - quartz sand. Equipment for grinding works autonomously, on its own diesel fuel, which is also included in the price. Judge yourself, how much does electricity cost you, every day used by the grinders during even month? .. Metal collapsible forests, auxiliary tours, transportation costs for the delivery of all equipment - everything is also "sits" in our price per square meter.

Srub grinding occurs quickly due to the fact that everything is "in one pass" and the time is not lost on hard-to-reach places, like with grinders. All complex mpests of contact - corners, chamfers, joints - treated with sand is also easy as any other tree surface.

Differences from sandblasting grinding

Sandblasting is dramatically different in quality from Abrasive-jet grindingSince sandblasting equipment is simply not intended for such a delicate material like a tree. In wood processing in this way it is very important to maintain solid wood fibers, which are a kind of fitness of all wooden element. Sandblasting is often simply tearing these solid fibers. Race for the speed of performers sandblast cleaning, leads to the fact that the log house after such a grinding is simply not amenable to further painting, without prior "smoothness": the passage of nylon brushes or high grain circles. What do we get in the end? Correctly - again closing the pore of the tree ... meaning?

When to start grinding a cut?

When the log house reached 25% humidity and below or was originally dry. Start grinding without planning painting - it is not worth it because after performing grinding, protection and painting of wood should be performed in as soon as possibleotherwise the resin will go to the surface of the wood (the tree protects itself) and the meaning of the grinding will disappear.

Grinding a bar and logs is a dusty process, so it is necessary to plan it before the device of draft floors inside, communications and other things. Interior decorationUsually divided into two stages:

Grinding + priming + 1 layer of coating: This is the first stage.

After performing draft floors, wiring of communications and other things: interlayer grinding and applying the finishing layer of paint.

After the log house was standing out, the time of its grinding occurs. The task of this operation is to remove the wood layer darkened during the destruction and achieve a homogeneous color. On the logs "from-under the reference", grinding is still removed irregularities. The operation is not the most difficult, but requires attention and takes a lot of time.

Since when working a large amount of dust flies, it is necessary to have means individual protection. You will need anti-fogging glasses, respirator. Headphones and anti-vibration gloves will not interfere: they will be more comfortable. And to protect your eyes and "smoking" necessarily.

  • 1 than grinding logs
    • 1.1 Grinding Log Log Outside
      • 1.1.1 Choosing Bulgarian
      • 1.1.2 Grinding discs
    • 1.2 Grinding of a rounded log
  • 2 grinding cut in grooves and corners
    • 2.1 Processing of the ends of the logs
  • 3 Fir processing inside the house
  • 4 How to grind walls from a bar
  • 5 When it is better to grind
  • 6 Procedure and organization of work
Than grinding logs

For grinding logs and timber, you can use two types of tools: eccentric grinding machines or grinders with appropriate nozzles.

To give the building of the aesthetic type, the log house is grin

Grinding planed logs outside

It has long been known: how many people, so many opinions. And the choice of tools for grinding cutting is not an exception. Someone works exclusively with grinders, and someone only grinders. Someone is more convenient and faster to work with petal disks, and someone does not accept them at all, and works with wire nozzles. Choose to you. We only tell you how to do.

Choosing Bulgarian

For grinding cut from a planed log (from-under the reference), angular grinding machines are used, which are usually called grinders. Choose not the most expensive, but not the cheapest models. Cheap usually break very quickly: they relate to the class of household and have a small working resource. Grinding a cut is necessary inside and outside, the area is considerable, so the resource of the household tool is barely enough for one or two walls. Therefore, when you choose, you should find or an inexpensive professional or semi-professional model. They are usually located in the middle price range.

Most when grinding a log cabin working with different nozzles

Bulgarian power is about 700-1000 W. If you wish, you can take more powerful, but to work on the tree of this more than enough. More powerful work is harder: they themselves weigh a lot, and it will be harder to manage them. And every awkward movement is a pit on a log, which will then have to align.

The most convenient drives are 125 mm drives, and choose the model. But it is only recommendations. You can work both large and smaller. Who is as used to.

Frequency of revolutions idling - 10 000-12 000 rpm. Moreover, it is very desirable that the tool can adjust the speeds, and better - smooth.

What to pay attention to when choosing a grinder

Pay attention to where the air is coming from. So that when working, Bulgarian is less clogged and worked longer, the fence must be at the back (not from the sides). And also, it is important that the handles are comfortable, and the machine itself is not heavy. Therefore, try each, hold in your hands. Pay attention to the length of the cord - the longer, the greater freedom of action it gives.

For convenience, it is better to have two cars. The fact is that the processing goes at least twice: first remove the layer with a large grain with a layer with a large grain, then they are stamped with small. In order not to change the nozzles constantly and do not overheat the tool, it is more convenient to have two cars. You still do not all like all the same. And this is how the work goes faster, and the tool works in normal mode - does not overheat.

Nozzles on the grinder better not rubber, and plastic

There is another subtlety: it is better to use non-rubber to work, and a plastic nozzle (which is attached to abrasive). Plastic although thinner, but serves longer. If you accidentally touch the wood with a rubber nozzle surface, a black trail will remain on the wood. With plastic, this will not happen.

Grinding discs

For the initial coarse grinding, petal grinding discs are made with grain 40-60. You can use just abrasive with the same grain. This is how comfortable. Disc flow is large: one on 3-5 meters of logs. Maybe more and less: it depends on which layer you need to remove and on how smooth log is before processing. If it was rounded - the flow rate is less if from under the ruble - more. But it is better not to save on these disks as soon as I was satisfied - change: work will go faster, and Bulgarian will work with a smaller load.

Grinding discs are with different grains

Consumption of discs for fine grinding depends on how carefully you have processed the surface for the first time. This small abrasive is better to take on Velcro - changing faster. Here grain size 100-120.

In addition to the disks, you will need to buy pillows on the nozzle. On the one hand, they are covered with a sticky composition, to which abrasive discs are then attached. These pillows are erased on the sides, and still ceases to "work" the adhesive side. So this consumator will also come in handy.

Grinding of a rounded log

Since the surface in such a litter is already smooth, the use of a grinder with a lack of experience will only lead to the fact that furrows and pit will appear - traces from the too strong pressure. They will later have to compare smaller grain for a long time. Therefore, eccentric grinding machines are more often used to process a rounded log. They are less productive, but when you are too strong, the grinding disk is blocked. This allows even in the absence of experience to make the surface even and smooth.

For grinding of the rounded logs use grinders

The power of these machines are more modest - 200-300 W, the number of revolutions is about the same 10,000 - 12,000 rpm. In many models there is a dust collector. When working in the room is a big plus, but this plus is also displayed at the price. The principle of the selection is the same: good quality, semi-confessional or professional modelwhich is convenient "lay down" in hand. For grinding, it is also desirable to have two cars: one to put discs with a grain 30-60 for removing the darkened layer, to the second install fine grain 100-120 for smoothing the surface and removing the raised wood pile.

Grinding cut in grooves and corners

Regardless of which log cabin is composed, the grooves are grinding with grinders. Moreover, the nozzle takes a smaller size than the drive used (for example, on the nozzle diameter of 115 mm, the abrasive is 125). If the disk and nozzle are one size, when running the tool can jam in the groove. Bulgarian is out of the hands, it can entail injury.

To refine the logs in the corners accounted for chisels

If the disk is larger in size, you can safely work. Although it is worn around the edges quickly, but you can work so without fear of injury.

The corners of the logs from logs remain the most problematic for processing. The only reliable method of their processing is chisels. With this tool, the upper thin layer of wood is removed. You can do it until I wash the entire log or after. Not so important.

Processing ends of Brenen

The ends of the logs are grinding with a grinder with an abrasive circle of grain 40. With the help of revolutions, pick up the speed at which the tool is easily controlled. It is impossible to achieve perfect smoothness here, and it is not necessary, because the stripping is not made with small grain. With further treatment with soils, varnishes or other compositions, high attention is paid - they are better absorbed, therefore it is necessary to lubricate enough.

Sir Processing inside

All actions are identical. When grinding a seashest of a planed log, if the wall inside will not be shifted, another passage is added for finishing: eccentric grinding machine With an abrasive disc for 120. This will make it possible to achieve an ideally smooth surface.

Inside logs are grosted to furniture smoothness

How to grind walls from timber

Tools use the same as when processing logs. Specific choice You can only appreciate how deep you need to remove the top layer of wood.

If the bath is composed of a profiled bar or glued, most likely, you do not need to smooth. Only remove the top darkened layer if it is. In this case, with a sufficient level of ownership, the grinder can work. If experience is not enough, work with a grinding eccentric machine. It is longer, but the result will be guaranteed at least good.

The bar is grinding in different ways. Depending on its geometry

If the walls are folded from the usual timber, then there will have a lot to smooth. Here without a grinder can not do. And in some places it will be necessary to remove a couple of millimeters of excessive - the nonideal geometry and errors of the cutting of the cups lead to the fact that the difference is quite significant.

There was a video fragment on a very interesting victorious grinding disk, which seems to be easy to cope with coarse grinding and will easily remove the extra thickness.

When it is better to grind

There are a lot of answer options in this matter. Traditionally, the logs are grouped after at least the main shrinkage. During this time, the log dries, and it is easier to work with it. With raw wood, even a thin layer is extremely difficult. If you need to smoke, then it will take a lot of time, disks and forces.

On the other hand, if you have a log house from the dried bar and logs, then you can grind and process it immediately. In this case, putting a log house under the roof, it is grinning, immediately treated with impregnations and leave for shrinkage in this form. So do infrequently, although no one forbids. Usually act by the usual scheme.

Log houses are grinding after he sat down

The procedure and organization of work

Since there should be a minimum of time between grinding logs or timber and processing, you need to handle along the crown. You can start on top or bottom - there is no difference, but they are completely grinding completely, then go to another. It is possible to cover impregnations and soils immediately after completing the processing of one wall, removing pre-dust.

Often questions arise and as to how to do if there are homages or others on wood dark spots. These are traces of the activities of fungi. They do not affect quality and safety, but the appearance spoil is pretty.

Syane wood spoils appearance

If you use bright transparent paint for finishing finish, you will have to fight color. For this there are special compositions for whitening wood. In this case, the order of action is:

  • whiten wood;
  • carry out coarse grinding;
  • if there are traces of black, bleach again;
  • finish grinding.

Then there is already a treatment with antipirens, primers and finishing compositions.

In this video, the person's experience is represented, who himself collapsed the log cabin. He talks about some interesting details, so do not regret 20 minutes.

A neat log house from round logs will perhaps always remain the most attractive option for the construction of a country residential building.

It is harmoniously merged with any natural landscape and has almost all important quality for life.

For which the log house can be grinding.

The tree belongs to the construction material that after some time changes some of its properties. The erection itself does not mean his readiness to take his tenants.

Firstly, the log house should be standing for almost a year. During this time, the house will make a shrinkage, while some changes in its geometry can occur.

Secondly, - during the shrinkage, the surface of the logs will be exposed to biological and natural phenomena. The logs, wet, will swell, and with heat to dying, microbes of fungi and mold may appear on them, as well as traces of insect activities. The texture of the tree loses its beauty, wood becomes dark color, and on the surface of the cut, in places where there were bits, irregularities appear.

After completion of the shrinkage, the log house almost completely loses its former beauty and turns into a rather unsightly structure. Therefore, it produces a complete grinding of the entire cut before its further finish. After grinding, wood absorbs better protective funds, and the surface pronounced its decorative properties.

Grinding Returns to the logs of their pristine beauty, smoothness and unique painting of their textural patterns, which are just an ornament of any house of chopped from wood. During grinding from the logs, the upper covered layer is removed and the damaged areas are cleaned, after which the wood absorbs the antiseptic compositions and is perfectly amenable to varnishing and painting, while the consumption paintwork materials decreases at times. It is also much easier to make insulation with sealants, which are more efficient and quickly fill the interventic seams.

Preparation for grinding.

Once the shrink shrink will end, window and doorways cut through the walls, if they have not been cut off during the assembly of the house. It should be started to grinding only after their final outlines will be granted to the walls of the log.

Before starting work on grinding, you need to make an inspection of the surfaces that need to be processed, and first of all assess the state of the logs themselves to humidity. Evaluating this data you can determine the necessary set of specific tools and all consumables.

In the event that the logs are still not dry enough, the grinding should be postponed to a more appropriate moment when they are enough to dry or use special equipment to accelerate drying.

The grinding procedure itself is quite time-consuming and expensive work, so you can compromise, and process only the inner side of the cut. And the outdoor side is treated with only antibacterial agents.

But since not polished wood less susceptible to various protective impregnation, the cutting of the outdoor side will need to produce quite often, naturally, that the consumption of materials for wood processing will be much higher. This eventually will further increase the cost of purchasing antibacterial and other protective agents.

Therefore, if it was previously decided to make grinding only from the inside, after the expiration of some time it is recommended to polish and the outdoor side of the church.

Grinding cut.

This is a rather laborious and long-term process for which certain skills and experience are required. The main tool for work is a manual grinding machine.

The main surface of the cut is polished by a special emery circle designed to work with the tree. The main problem of grinding mechanically is just the odd circles, which are completely clogged with small particles of wood in a short time. In the event that the circle is replaced not timely, the quality of grinding will be quite low.

During the execution of grinding works in large quantities, dust and minor sawdust is formed. Therefore, when working, use individual protective agents that consist of a respirator and special glasses. When cleaning waste formed during grinding work, it is recommended to use the industrial vacuum cleaner, as a last resort, use the household tool.

After completion of all grinding work, it is necessary to immediately produce wood processing with protective antiseptic compositions. In order for wood better to save its fresh appearance, protecting processing is recommended to do immediately after grinding. Provided that wood will not contact with humidity, you can make a small delay in protective processing Sliced \u200b\u200blogs.

Getting Started to grinding a cut, it should be remembered that when the thick layer of wood is removed, its natural protection mechanism can suffer, and this will lead to the destruction of the log itself. But usually the thickness of the removable layer almost does not exceed even 1 mm.

The mandatory procedure that needs to be performed after the cutting of a log is grinding the logs. These works are preparatory stage For the finish coating of the walls and help to align the surface of the tree, remove defects from it, mold and grinding education. Treatment improves the grip of walls with antiseptic and colming compositionsand also helps to reduce the cost of the latter. When applying solutions on an unprepared plane, the impregnation of wood is carried out poorly and unevenly.

In addition, during the manufacture of a rounded log due to overheating of the cutting edges and disruption of the technology of cutting, elevated areas can be formed on the surface of the tree. Such places are badly impregnated with protective compositions, therefore subsequently are more damaged.

When grinding, the defective layer is removed, and the natural properties of wood are restored. Start grinding the log house is preferably immediately after the completion of the main construction workwithout waiting for the final shrinkage and drying of the tree, since smooth smooth logs are better to oppose ambient and penetration of harmful insects.

Required tools

Grinding cut can be carried out using a specialized organization or independently. The process consists of several simple operations, the execution of which, however, requires a certain skill and accuracy. Set mandatory instrumentswho enjoy the performers of work, the following:

  • eccentric grinding machine;
  • bulgarian with emery nozzles;
  • ribbon grinding machine;
  • chisel;
  • individual protection means.

Ribbon-type grinder provides maximum performance, but in the absence of experience in using this tool there is a high probability of marriage. The eccentric machine allows you to grind a log, leveling the pressing force, which prevents the formation of random depressions and irregularities. Bulgarian is used for grinding the grooves between the logs, and the hard-to-reach places of angular connections are handled by a manually by a multi-width of 20 mm wide.


Grinding cutting - time-consuming process, and its technology has various variations. Part experienced masters It believes that in order to polish the log house, it is necessary to wait for the end of the shrinkage, while others produce stripping as the walls are erected to avoid their damage. To make the right decision, it is necessary to take into account the quality building material. Rounded log with applied in the factory protective coating Maybe 1-2 years old without noticeable damage, but after this time it will be necessary to spend much more effort to handle it.

The main works on the facade and the inner surface of the srub walls is recommended to be performed using eccentric grinders. Depending on the number of builders, the total plane needs to be divided into areas from the calculation that in one day the performer pollips from 6 to 8 square meters. It should be taken into account that the area should not remain without painting more than 3-4 days, since the material will darken and produce stripping will have to be reused.

A plastic flat nozzle is installed on the grinding machine. Rubber options are not suitable for wooden surface round shapeSo how quickly come into disrepair. Works are performed in two passages:

1. Initially, it is necessary to grindly rounded with logged papers of the coarse fraction (No. 40). With the help of this abrasive, the top layer of wood is removed, all defects, damage to fungus and mold are eliminated;

2. The final stripper is made by the emery fraction (№100). In this case, it is aligned and the wood pile raised during primary grinding is removed. The plane must be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

After the end of grinding the main surface of the site, it is necessary to improve the grooves and corner compounds of the cut. Collect the grooves between the logs can be grinding with a plastic nozzle. In order to ensure safety, its diameter must be somewhat less emery paper. Otherwise, there is a danger of injury when encaming nozzles between logs and tightening the grinder of hand. Corner connections Circuit designs can be cleaned only manually using the chisel. The ends of the logs are polished with a grinder or a ribbon type machine.

The most common mistake allowed when processing wooden cottage Or grinding the bats from the logs with their own hands, is the wrong choice of the instrument, which is associated with the desire to speed up the rutin process. Too powerful grogging operating on high revs, the design is easily damaged. In case of awkward pressing on the handle or change the angle of inclination of the nozzle on the surface there will be a deep excavation, remove which will not work. Practice shows that the optimal power of the grinder should be 700-800 W.

Grinding at home from the rounded log implies education large number dust, so work should be done with individual means protection. It is recommended to use transparent glasses with side curtains, a respirator mask, a headdress and gloves. Shoes should be comfortable and durable. Coloring sections of walls at the height can be used by professional inventory forests or high-quality accommodations.

Applying antiseptics

To protect against fungus, preventing the development of mold and damage in the insects, a rounded log is to be treated with antiseptics. They increase the durability of wooden building structures and contribute to reducing the cost of their repair in the further operation of the church. In order to properly choose the solution, take into account the following:

1. The cost of quality composition is quite high, but since we are talking On long-term investment, it is impossible to save on it;

2. Acquire an antiseptic follows in specialized construction stores or supermarkets, as this reduces the risk of buying down-quality goods (the last other than its uselessness can also be toxic);

3. When buying funds, it is necessary to make sure to guarantee protection against all types of biological impact;

4. The composition for the outer walls of the building should not be washed out by atmospheric precipitates from the pores of wood;

5. To preserve the protective properties of the log log after impregnation, the antiseptic must have finish coat.

The primary impregnation is carried out immediately after it is completed to grind the logs. In such a state, wooden structures may survive about a year. If the shrinkage continues, after this period, the intermediate impregnation of the cut by an antiseptic is performed. Final treatment And the finish coating is made after full drying of wood and stabilization geometric parameters building.

The impregnation process can be carried out by hand with a brush or a mechanized manual using sprayers operating under pressure. The first method of more laborious, but allows you to achieve the best result. The main criterion of quality is to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the cut by an antiseptic in two layers. For the convenience of tracking the missed sections to the protective composition adds coloring pigment.

Cost of work on grinding specialized organizations It depends on the technical state of the logs, the time of standing for structures, as well as the construction region of the cottage. On average, the 1-square meter of the fire wall is 100-300 rubles, and in Moscow and the region the price is the lowest in connection with great competition among performers.