Repair Design Furniture

Warm seam insulation. Sealing wooden houses - popular methods and materials, the experience of the portal participants. Remmers Warm Seam Technology Benefits


Advantages of a warm seam from RIKEDOM

  • We carry out TAMMERED and CONCAVE warm seam. This is more difficult and longer than a convex, but ONLY a concave seam provides the best water drainage, does not crack and looks more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Our warm seam is even and very beautiful. The optimal width of the seam directly affects its longevity, so application experience is especially important here. And he's huge!
  • We use sealants that have proven themselves for decades. We will tell you which colors will look most advantageous with one or another color of the coating.
  • The RIKEDOM painting technology provides reliable wood protection. And it's not just words. You will no longer need to regrind the log house NEVER.

The cost of a warm seam

The quality of the warm seam directly depends on the selected sealant for a wooden house. From our experience, the best in terms of PRICE-QUALITY ratio is the German company REMMERS (REMMERS - Acryl-100), made in Germany. The first house we sealed with REMMERS has been in operation for 15 years and the sealant has held up perfectly!

REMMERS Acryl-100 sealant will not crack or flake off over time. It has excellent adhesion properties. It is environmentally friendly and has all the necessary certificates. Therefore, we use it and recommend it to everyone!

In our company, you can also order professional painting using proprietary technology, which has earned rave reviews from our customers!

Carefully cover objects

Scheme of work with you:

Appointment for a consultation in our office by phone

2 hours

Consultation at the RIKEDOM office

Departure of the foreman to the facility to determine the exact measurements

Signing of the main contract. Departure of the brigade for a trial square meter of grinding

Payment. Carrying out work at the facility

Delivery of works. Issuance of a PASSPORT for maintenance

Answers to your most common questions:

Coming to our office, you get a detailed consultation on how we work and make a decision whether you need it or not. And also we decide on the possibility of performing work at your facility. It is in the office, when communicating with managers, that a preliminary decision is made on the implementation of certain works. You can also find out the estimated price. For measurements of geometry and humidity, our foreman visits you only after consultation in the office.

Why don't we just send a measurer? Because it's not serious, and we are a serious company. Just taking measurements so that you get a price is meaningless until you understand the principle of our work. Not a single "measurer" has the vast practical experience that the head of the company has. For your convenience, packages have been developed, where the price is determined per square meter of a log house. You yourself can "roughly estimate" how many square meters make up the walls of your house.

In other firms - a different technology of work, and therefore a different price. Our technology - from sanding to finishing painting - is aimed precisely at protecting the tree, that is, at the durability of the applied coating. And this means that in the future you will not have to again spend money on regrinding and painting again. This is the fundamental difference - not to pay again and again in the future, as 90% of the owners of wooden houses with ordinary painting do. And, of course, the work of RIKEDOM always stands out against the backdrop of hundreds of painted houses.

For each house painted by us - a warranty service PASSPORT is issued. That is, you need to understand that everything will be fine with the coating if you provide it with timely care.
During the production process, a special Journal is filled out, which indicates which tools and materials were used, a sketch of the structure, indicating problem areas and other technical characteristics.

The VIP package was created for clients who want only the best and are accustomed to maximum comfort. In addition to everything that is included in the FIRM PACKAGE, the VIP PACKAGE has additional privileges:
*4-layer painting. That is, in addition to priming and two mandatory layers of impregnation on the facade or oil / azure inside, another layer of composition is added, with another thorough interlayer grinding. This procedure is invaluable for the facade, for its greater protection and durability! For interiors - the quality of the tactile sensations of a magnificent wood finish is significantly increased!
*Restoration: chips, protruding wood chips, nail holes, etc. - we will restore everything, impeccability will please the eye.
* Creation of a closed perimeter: we put scaffolding around, close it with canopies - the dust from grinding will not scatter, the neighbors (if the houses are close together), the landscape and so on will not “suffer”. And what is important - the "closed perimeter" helps to improve the quality of work, because when painting and installing a warm seam, precipitation and direct sunlight are unacceptable. And in the autumn-winter period, this shelter at home allows you to heat the space inside the canopies and thereby comply with the technology.
* We remove and put back trim, ebbs, drainage system and other things that are needed to carry out the work.
*Individual color selection, free delivery of test colors, as well as the paint itself and sealant.
*The most pleasant: PERSONAL control over the object from the company's management, as well as the solution of all issues on the object with the company's leaders.

Because we do not look at the cans where the paint consumption is written. Our task is to power the tree, and not just paint it. But the absorbency of a tree depends both on the type of product, breed, and also on where the forest comes from. On different objects - different absorbency. On different logs - also different absorbency. We do not drip a couple of drops and stretch them out over ten squares in order to save you paint. We will power it until the most important thing is provided - the protection of the tree.
Therefore, the paint leaves on the objects - in different ways. That is - the paint goes after the fact. So does the sealant. The thickness of the warm joint depends solely on the diameter and fit of your log, as well as the size of the discrepancies in the interventional space. Therefore, the seam is selected based on these parameters. Make it too narrow - just simply tear the seam, make it too wide - not beautiful and useless. The size of the seam is determined only by the master, and the consumption of the sealant directly depends on this.
At our consultation, you will receive only INDICATIVE calculations for paint and sealant, based on our experience.

People with extensive experience in working with wood, with golden hands and a developed sense of responsibility. The backbone of craftsmen and foremen has not changed, we have been with them for more than 12 years. Of course, there are also beginners who are trained by the masters, so the staff is expanding. Judging by the amount of positive feedback from customers that we receive, we can proudly say that we have the best professional team!

Technology warm seam for timber / logs:

If you want the warm joint sealant not to stand out against the general background of the painted log house, then the warm joint is applied to pre-sanded and primed wood, and then covered with two layers of azure / oil.

If you are planning a warm seam contrasting with the color of the log house, for example, a log house in the color of dark walnut, sealant-white, then it is applied to the finishing layer of azure / oil. REMMERS sealant has excellent adhesive properties, so it can even be applied to oil!

Also, a warm seam can be made between laser/oil layers. As you can see, if there are several ways to apply a warm seam, which one you will have, we will decide based on your log house, type of coating and wishes.

The price of a warm seam consists of the cost of installing a warm seam for a wooden house and the cost of a sealant for a warm seam. Everything else - scaffolding, polyethylene lace and other consumables - is included in the cost of work.

The price of a warm seam for wooden houses in our company is due to the fact that we carry out a concave and rammed warm seam - as the highest quality of all types.

Before the device of a warm seam, it is NOT necessary to carry out caulking. In general, konpatka for a wooden house is a temporary procedure, it lasts for 3-4 years (it gets wet, birds pull it out, etc.). And the cost of high-quality caulking is the same as the cost of a warm seam. Therefore, you can spend money and time once every 3 years, or you can perform the warm seam technology once and for all.

Advantages and properties of a warm seam:

  • The device of a warm seam on the outside gives 100% absence of blowing in the joints of logs / beams
  • The sealant of the warm seam outside and inside, in addition to the absence of blowing, gives the heat capacity to the house. That is, a warm seam works best when sealing outside and inside the house.
  • Beautiful, neat view of the walls of the house
  • Reducing energy costs during the heating season
  • The seam can be made invisible against the general background of the walls, or it can be beautifully emphasized along with the ends of the logs. In any case, a beautiful, high-quality warm seam has not yet spoiled any building, but, on the contrary, decorates it.
  • When using high-quality sealant material, for example, if you buy a warm seam from Remmers in Moscow, you can be sure that the seam will not crack and retain its properties for many years.
  • The price of work on sealing a wooden house is comparable to the price of a high-quality caulking device, BUT, caulking for three years, and a warm seam for at least 20 years!

Sealing cracks in a log house:

  • Sealing of cracks in the log house is performed ONLY after the end of the full shrinkage period, which is three to four years. That is, when the log house finally sits down, the log / beam will crack. The moisture content of the log in this case is 15-14%. If you seal the cracks with sealant up to this point, there is a risk of squeezing the sealant out of the cracks, which significantly spoils the appearance of the house and leads to the dismantling of the sealant (and this procedure is oh, how difficult!).
  • When painting a log house, after a year or a year and a half, only large cracks can be sealed, especially on the facade of the log house, from water getting there.

Warming of a wooden house

Living in a wooden house, especially for log cabins and timber, people often face the problem of blowing and freezing in the walls, and therefore they ask about the insulation of a wooden house. But do not sheathe the walls with mineral wool, clapboard, or even worse, with plastic! The simplest and most reliable thing that can be done is a warm seam (sealing).

Warming of a wooden house in log cabins and timber

The fact is that in the process of shrinkage of the log house, significant gaps are formed between the crowns of the log house, cracks through which cold from outside enters the house. No matter how large the diameter of the log is, no matter how high-quality it is folded, 4-5 years after the installation of the log house, you will still come to the question of insulating the walls of a wooden house.

There are a lot of problematic places: this is the junction of the roof to the walls, the junction of the lower crown to the lining board, cuts (log releases), interventional seams. Previously, the insulation of a wooden house was solved with the help of caulking, in fact, high-quality caulking of a log house is a very expensive thing and good professionals should do it. But, alas, very short-lived. Because caulking is "stealed" by birds, so you have to caulk every 3-4 years. The modern solution for warming a wooden house is the “warm seam” technology. It is carried out using special sealants for wood, based on acrylic and silicone. A warm seam reliably protects your log house from blowing, and if it is also made inside, it significantly increases the heat capacity of the house. You can even apply a warm seam to already painted houses, having previously prepared the junction.

A warm seam and sealing cracks perfectly solve the problem of warming a wooden house. 100% of those who performed this procedure noted a significant increase in the heat capacity of the house and, as a result, a decrease in heating costs.

Before taking measures to insulate a wooden house, it is necessary to shoot with a thermal imager in order to understand exactly what problem areas exist on the log house. This is especially true for houses made of profiled timber. Because, often, the client asks for insulation of the entire log house, that is, he wants to perform a warm seam along all interventional joints, and thermal imaging, as a result, shows that blowing and freezing occurs only in cuts. And there is no reason to perform a warm seam everywhere, it will be enough to carry out warming measures in places of overcuts.

Therefore, in order to carry out the insulation of a wooden house, you should not rush to sew up the walls, it is easier to perform restoration (resurfacing, beautiful and reliable painting), as well as sealing. All these services are provided by our company. In the end, it all looks very aesthetically pleasing and your wooden house will not lose its chic.

A warm seam for a wooden house is one of the most modern and convenient ways of sealing, which allows you to quickly, efficiently and permanently isolate the cracks in the wood formed during the shrinkage of the house.

The use of a sealant eliminates the traditional, not the most reliable and durable caulking of tow, especially in homes with a natural drying method. Since the standing houses, a lot of cracks are formed, poor-quality sealing of which can lead to a lot of unpleasant moments.

Disadvantages of traditional insulation methods:

  • Pulling tow by birds.
  • Rope, tow and other natural materials allow moisture and insects to penetrate between the logs.
  • Decreased thermal insulation properties of the house, the appearance of drafts.
  • Regular content updates.

There are many different types of sealant on the market, but for such a specific job as sealing joints in a wooden house, not everyone is suitable. Sealants based on acrylic and butyl rubber are widely used.

Acrylic type sealant is the most used material in European countries and America.

Advantages of acrylic sealant:

  • Within half an hour, a protective film against dust begins to form on the surface of the sealant. The time for complete polymerization depends on the manufacturer, usually from one to four days. In humid rooms, the film formation time increases.
  • Allows you to seal seams of different thicknesses.
  • Eco-friendly, does not emit odor and is used for interior and exterior decoration.
  • Working with the material does not require special protective equipment, it is enough to use gloves and special clothing.
  • Temperature range from -10 to +35С°
  • There are different color solutions, which will allow you to decorate the sealant to match the color of the house painting.
  • It is possible to partially finish the facade of the house, the interior and rooms with high humidity.
  • The sealant has good adhesion and adheres well to wood. In the frozen state, it is plastic and does not crack when "walking" the walls of the house.
  • Quick and easy to apply. Extra parts are easily removed. The tool is washed with plain water.
  • The material is vapor-permeable, allows air to circulate, but prevents the penetration of moisture through the seam. Acrylic is resistant to sunlight, does not fade and is not subject to destruction, durable. If necessary, the seam can be easily dismantled.
  • Good protection against insect penetration.
  • At a price no more expensive than a traditional correctly executed caulk.
  • The performed seam can be of various shapes, concave or convex.

Lack of material - in the process of performing work and until the final moment of polymerization, the weather must be dry.

Domestic manufacturers suggest using a sealant based on butyl rubber, a material that belongs to the type of non-curable and does an excellent job of insulating, easy to apply.

Types of packaging

Types of sealant packaging depend on the manufacturer:

  • In file-packs, for use in pistols.
  • Packing in the form of a bucket, it is convenient to work with a spatula. The box can have a classic, or hermetically sealing lid with a hole inside, for the possibility of loading the sealant into the gun.
  • In the form of a cord in a polyethylene protective film. After removing the film, the cord is placed in the seam and leveled with a chisel. This type allows you to insulate the house, people who do not have enough experience in performing work on sealing joints, and allows you to save on the purchase of an expensive automatic gun.

Warm seam technology

The "warm seam" technology for wooden houses involves several stages of work.

Used materials, tools:

  • Putty knife.
  • Special construction pistol. In the process of performing work, lubricant may be required for the best operation of the gun mechanism.

Important! The cut size of the nozzle allows you to adjust the amount of sealant released and the size of the seam.

  • Primer, for impregnation of the most absorbent parts of wood.
  • Special insulation cord made of foamed polyethylene, for laying in wide gaps from 1 cm, to save the amount of sealant and better finish the seams.
  • An industrial stapler with an elongated spout, or a hammer and small furniture nails, for possible fixing of the insulation in the crevices.
  • Soap solution that moistens the surface of the spatula when leveling the seam.
  • Construction tape may be needed for homeowners who do not have experience with sealant.

Preparatory work:

  • Cleaning the surface of wood from dirt and the top peeling layer.

Note! Sealing should be done before the wood is coated with antiseptic, as the solution may interfere with the adhesion of the material.

  • Surface drying.

Basic Operations:

  • To simplify the work, stick a special industrial adhesive tape on the logs, which will protect the wood of the seam from contamination with sealants, outside the application area.

  • The sealant is applied to all the seams between the logs and the gaps formed. If the gap is larger than 10mm, it is recommended to lay a special cord.

  • The cord can be installed with a chisel, in some cases it may be necessary to additionally fix the cord along the entire length with small nails or a stapler. The size of the seam should be within 4÷12 mm.
  • Apply the composition with a gun or chisel. In the case of using sealant in the form of a cord, remove the film and install the sealant in the gap.

  • Level the surface and remove excess elements from the seam with a chisel or sponge soaked in water. It is also allowed to work with only one spatula.

  • Removing tape.
  • After completion of the polymerization process, the seam can be treated with acrylic-based paints and varnishes.

Doing the “warm seam” technology for wooden houses with your own hands, using a gun, or a spatula is a simple task, but it requires some skill and patience. Since it will be problematic for a beginner to apply a professional even seam from the start, all the more so to do it quickly.

Using a sealant in the form of a cord will speed up the procedure, but this technology requires the subsequent coating of the surface of the seam with an alkyd-based varnish.

In more detail about how a "warm seam" is performed for wooden houses on the video.


In order for a wooden house to please with its warmth and comfort for a long time, it is necessary to take care of the quality of the materials used and the observance of technologies. Works performed using the “warm seam” technology are done once and for a long time, which allows the owner to avoid spending money on regular caulking of house facades.

Due to the ability of wood to “breathe”, a special microclimate is created in wooden houses. However, the flip side of the coin is the gaps at the seams and cracks that appear during operation. How to restore the tightness of the walls and minimize heat loss - let's deal with the craftsmen of FORUMHOUSE. Consider:

  • Why do wooden walls need grouting?
  • What is a caulk.
  • What is a warm seam.

Do you like to ride, love to carry sleds, or why wooden houses require attention

Wood is not only the most environmentally friendly building material, but also the most deformable - it shrinks, dries out, changes geometry with changes in humidity. Log cabins made of chopped or rounded logs, as well as timber of natural moisture, are especially susceptible to these phenomena. In the process of assembling a wooden box, interventional insulation is necessarily used, which is laid in each row, but it is not enough to completely seal the seams.

As the shrinkage increases, the thickness of the seams between the log / beam increases, and through them not only heat escapes from the house, but moisture also gets inside the walls.

This is fraught with both unnecessary heating costs and a decrease in the strength and durability of the structure. Therefore, after a while, the interval depends on both the quality of the lumber and the quality of the assembly; sealing of seams and cracks is required. Today, two methods of sealing wooden walls are in demand - caulking and a warm seam.


The traditional way of processing seams - with the help of special devices, the grooves are filled as densely as possible with natural insulation with the formation of a small roller on the front side.

The walls are caulked both outside and inside, this method not only allows you to get rid of cracks and minimize heat loss, but also increases the decorative effect. From ancient times, moss was used for caulking, which simultaneously served as an antiseptic, but today other natural materials are more often used - linen, felt, tow or jute.

Primary caulking is carried out simultaneously with the assembly of the box - a wide interventional insulation is used and a roller is formed from the protruding edge and hammered into the seam.

The next treatment is carried out after shrinkage and polishing of the log house, the best option is two years later (OCB) or one year later if settlement is planned earlier. But in this case, after the first heating season, a repeat may be required. For many, the question that worries one of our craftsmen is relevant.

glyuck FORUMHOUSE user

Long read the topics on the forum, but did not come to a consensus. Now the log house is being polished, I thought then to caulk and paint. Cut 1 year. But many write that it is better to caulk a year after installing the heating, so that the logs dry out, otherwise caulk again. What about winter heating costs? How to do it better?

According to experienced forum users, it's worth the wait.

Carpenter29 FORUMHOUSE user

The most optimal solution is to caulk after two heating seasons.

Another option.


Now tuck openly dubious places, turn on the heating and caulk for the second or even third year.

Of course, you will have to heat the street, but it is justified.

avsergeev71 FORUMHOUSE user

Believe me, the cost of re-caulking (and in this case you will definitely have to do it) will not be comparable to the cost of the heating season. As for the year - I would wait not a year, but two.

So that heat losses are not critical, and blowing through the seams does not replace ventilation, at the assembly stage you should not save on interventional insulation. glyuck can afford to wait just thanks to a responsible approach.


So I will do it, I decided in time not to caulk now. Moreover, my log cabin was laid on the thickest superjut, and each log was rammed with a huge sledgehammer. Now everything is already quite tight, but in any case, in two years I will caulk, as you advised.

Houses assembled from a simple bar of natural moisture are also subject to shrinkage, although to a lesser extent than log houses. During the assembly process, interventional insulation is also used, and caulking is carried out on average after a year and a half.

Warm seam

A warm seam is also used in houses made of chopped or rounded logs, and in houses made of ordinary, profiled and glued beams. This technology is especially common precisely for profiled timber of natural moisture, since it is difficult to caulk due to the interlock, and there is a need for sealing the seams. A properly assembled glulam box gives minimal shrinkage and in most cases no additional grouting is required in the walls. But if such a need still arises, a warm seam is the best option.

This is a modern technology that involves the use of synthetic materials - polymer filler and acrylic sealant. The filler is an elastic cord made of polyethylene foam or a thin tape, the cord is used to fill thick seams and crevices, the tape is used for narrow ones. On top of the cord / tape, the seam is filled with sealant, the layer thickness is from 5 mm.

The composition is characterized by high adhesion to the surface and elasticity, it completely seals the seam and adapts to the seasonal deformations of the wood.

Not everyone understands why to use cord/tape.

Vladimir_Ilich FORUMHOUSE user

Tell me, is laying a sealing harness before sealing a necessary technical process, or is it a personal choice?

Holtzschutz FORUMHOUSE user

Of course, it’s a personal choice: either you do it as it should, which means it’s economical, checked by properties, productive and beautiful, or whatever you want, in the range from “I’ll figure it out myself” and “I think these details are superfluous”, to “a neighbor did it yesterday, he says that forever." We are satisfied with both options: in the first case, we see a satisfied client, in the second case, sales for the same house immediately double, and in a couple of years the client is again a buyer.

With old tow, you should be careful.

Interhouse FORUMHOUSE user

The sealant should stick only to the top and bottom log/beam, and then it will work in tension and compression. If he sticks to the tow, then he, together with the tow, will fly out of the seam over time. Therefore, we first either knock out the old tow or cut it off, then lay the foam polyethylene cord (the sealant does not stick to it), and then we apply the sealant.

Some believe that it is realistic to do without a sealant.

Pilotajnik FORUMHOUSE user

Regarding the sealing harness: if the house has “settled”, put it where there are gaps. Where there are no gaps between the logs, it can not be laid, but this is subject to the complete shrinkage of the house. There are examples of houses on which sealing was carried out exactly according to this principle 5-6 years ago, and there are no problems.

Like natural materials used for caulking, acrylic sealant is permeable, it prevents moisture from entering the seams from the outside, but does not clog them.

A warm seam is performed after grinding the wood and treating the walls with antiseptic compounds.

Depending on the manufacturer, sealants are available both tinted and neutral, for subsequent painting with specialized oils, azures or waxes. Given that a high-quality sealant is designed for 10-15 years of service, protective and decorative coatings require updating more often, it is worth choosing specialized compounds that do not require wood grinding before application.


"Long-playing" paints are remarkable in that they are updated after 5-7 years without grinding, with 1 layer of the same paint / oil / impregnation. I do not recommend varnish, precisely because the wood is covered with a film. And after a few years you will have to grind, because the paint simply will not be absorbed, this is at best.

The technology for applying sealant depends on the form of release, plus each manufacturer gives its own recommendations, but to make the seam not only tight and durable, our craftsmen can give some advice.

Sibman22 FORUMHOUSE user

After applying the sealant, always used several metal spatulas to match the size of the joint. Smoothing with a spatula allows you to maintain the uniformity of the seam, both in thickness and in width. The existing surface roughness was smoothed out with an ordinary kitchen sponge moistened with water. With it, we also remove jambs, smears and blunders from the log (we immediately wash it in a bucket and use it further). The use of a sponge allows you to make a visually smooth transition between the sealant and the wood and does not leave clearly marked borders of the seam contour.

Hand-modified rubber spatulas are also suitable.


These spatulas were made by us, they helped a lot in the work, there was also a very soft 25 mm brush.

I never thought that the house could be warm without batteries and hot water bottles. We have stove heating in our dacha and in winter we had to get up at night to add firewood and fill a bottle of hot water in order to put it in bed and not freeze. But after the guys insulated the seams in my house outside and inside the house it became warm and cozy. And now I heat the stove three times less - once a day. Thank you for your work!

Alexey A.

I called, drove up, agreed, did as promised on time and with high quality. Well done! They know their business and do not take on the impossible. I had wishes that, as it turned out, are very difficult to fulfill in practice. Nikolai immediately suggested a suitable alternative and clearly explained why it was necessary to do so. Now my house looks like new! I want to upgrade my fence! Will you give a discount?

Milena A.

I saw photos of their houses with firing from friends and I really liked it. I turned to the guys and now I have a very beautiful bath! Neighbors come to see and I recommend these wonderful guys to everyone! By the way, one of the pictures also has my nice bathhouse) Thank you!

Yuri H.

My son and I decided to go through the seams with sealant, bought in the market and two weeks of my vacation flew by like 1 day. First, we had a whole wall washed away by rain! Just washed away! I couldn't believe it! I had to do it again. The following year, I discovered that the sealant had cracked in some places. I decided to buy a normal and proven one, I came to Mytishchi to choose a color, and then it turned out that they know how to apply it normally. They did everything right. At the same time I learned that the cord is necessary. In general, thank you! I had to contact them right away. And so I wasted my time and money.

Sealant for wood "Warm joint" can become the basis of the thermal insulation protection of the building. Undoubtedly, there are other ways, but this one is the most convenient. If you have begun to think about the insulation of your home, then you should resort to this particular technology. Comparison with the traditional system of thermal insulation of inter-vent gaps, which uses hemp, jute or flax insulation, it is worth noting that filling the inter-vent space cracks with a sealant increases the thermal resistance of the walls and reduces heat loss. If we are talking about natural heaters, then they are able to pass cold air inside, which significantly reduces the thermal resistance of log walls.

Consumer feedback on the effect

Sealant for wood "Warm seam" has many advantages. According to users, with its help you can get a comfortable indoor climate. Such thermal insulation makes the temperature and humidity conditions optimal, while saving energy, because there is no heat leakage from the interventional gaps. Home heating costs are minimal.

The owners of private wooden houses say that after carrying out thermal insulation work using the described technology, drafts disappear, log walls are not blown through during cold and damp weather. You can count on the material not being damaged by bio-organisms. The gaps are maximally compacted, mold no longer forms in them, and insects do not penetrate inside.

If you use Warm Seam Wood Sealant, you can save money. According to buyers, you no longer have to invest them additionally, which is required with periodic caulking. Among other things, in the end you will get quite attractive walls, the seams of which will match the tone of the wood.

Reviews of the benefits of "Warm Seam" over caulking

Previously, the insulation of wooden houses was quite often carried out using the caulking method, today this technology is being replaced by a system called "Warm Seam". The latter technique has many advantages. For example, caulking walls is quite laborious, and it is necessary to start this no earlier than a year after the completion of construction. According to the owners of private houses, this cannot be called convenient. Among other things, it will be necessary to repeat the caulking process regularly, since flax and moss are pulled apart by birds, and the seams also increase under the influence of shrinkage. Modern consumers emphasize that the appearance of the log house after the completion of the caulking stage cannot be called attractive. Over time, the walls completely lose their aesthetic appearance.

Feedback on the characteristics of sealants for work on the "Warm seam" technology

Wood Sealant "Warm Seam" is chosen by customers for the reason that it has many advantages. According to home craftsmen, these compositions are not at all afraid of temperature changes, harmful microorganisms and mold do not appear and do not develop on their surface. As practice shows, the described sealants are not exposed to sunlight, and over time they do not lose their original color. According to buyers, sealants have a high level of adhesion to wood, they are characterized by elasticity, which is especially evident when compressing the interventional gaps. This allows you to complete these works and forget about them forever. Sealant "Warm Seam" for wood, reviews of which are only the most positive, you can apply at any time of the year. At the same time, residents will not experience inconveniences such as dust, smell or noise. The house can continue to operate. Using acrylic compositions, you can hide some and after the completion of the work, the house will acquire an aesthetic appearance.

With the use of acrylic sealants, the master has the opportunity to carry out work both outside and inside the building. According to users, the use of these compositions allows you to create an original interior. This is also due to the fact that sealants of different shades can be found on sale. For example, in the assortment range you can find beige, cream, as well as white and brown shades. Sealant "Warm Seam" can be made on an acrylic-rubber base, with its help you can close the seams not only in wooden houses, but also in other places. After drying, such a composition lends itself to grinding several times, as well as subsequent staining.

Why else is it worth insulating a wooden house using the "Warm Seam" technology

If you decide to choose the Warm Seam sealant for thermal insulation work, it is recommended to read reviews about it before going to the store. This will allow you to understand that acrylic compounds can even interfere with the processes of wood decay, they will not let dampness into the house. According to users, using these formulations can be done in the shortest possible time. After applying this technique, there is no need to additionally seal the interventional seams, as well as eliminate cold bridges.

Features of the use of sealant "Neomid"

Sealant for wood "Warm seam" "Neomid" has gained popularity among consumers, its use requires compliance with certain rules. For example, before finishing, it is necessary to caulk the seams, for which jute or linen tow is used. Then, using a spatula, a sealant is applied to the surface, which makes it possible to insulate the resulting gaps in a combined way.