Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint the house from the glued bar outside. Processing of walls, ends of the house of glued timber, the selection of the composition and technology of antiseptation. Processing with protective impregnations

Paint for glued timber, technology, features, professionals

You can not buy one paint for glued bar and paint the whole house with it. It is not recommended to use the same coating technology for the facade, fences, the inner part of the building. Razrometfully order the decoration of the glued bar "cheaper" and count on an extended warranty. Want to learn more, what paint paint a wooden house and how to find a professional artist? Below we collected advice from experts, as well as photos of painted wooden houses outside and from the inside.

Painting houses from glued timber: internal and outdoor work

Bright, but natural colors of the facade

  1. The risk group includes railing, veranda racks, terraces, fences, outdoor support poles and other external design elements that are not protected from precipitation, sunlight. For decoration requires a coverage of up to 20 microns, the plastic film is stretched without breaking and cracks.
  2. The facade and the lower part of the soles are protected by roof. The straight sun rays fall on a tree 2-3 hours a day, and the rain passes through the surface casual, without lingering. For registration, a threader luster or underfloor layer is used, which reliably protects the wood, gives it the desired shade.
  3. Interior decoration of glued timber. The surface of the walls indoors is considered stable, so it is permissible to use multilayer wear-resistant tools. The main requirement is the environmental safety of materials.

Natural coverage of the inside by lesing compositions

Paint for glued timber

Dozens of natural shades are available.


When working with the outer part, it is desirable to choose a neutral color or maintain a natural shade of wood. Too dark walls are quickly heated, it can cause strain, the separation of the resin. Possible wood defects are visible on too light.

Want blue house? You are welcome!


High-quality paint while compliance with technology is so deeply connected to the wood, which is not separated even after damage. For a more dense connection, it is necessary to accurately comply with the technology: correctly apply layers, withstand pauses, remove dust, work with humidity.

Painting composition for glued timber

During the construction of eco-friendly cottages from glued timber, oil or nitrocracy, compositions based on hazardous chemicals are not used. The main rule is to choose a means with the smallest content of "chemistry" or with guaranteed weathering of an unpleasant odor, a quick-drying mixture that does not release toxins during heating, does not interfere with the natural air exchange.

  1. Water-based paints. They are considered the most eco-friendly coating, are bred by water. After its evaporation, only a binder remains on the surface - acrylic, harmless, absolutely neutral.
  2. Oil impregnation. He penetrates deeply into the pores, after frozen, forms a solid protective film. To increase strength, sedatives are added - fastening substances based on metal oxides. Oil impregnation is often used for external work.
  3. Alkyd paints. When working, a solvent with a sharp smell is used, but after evaporation, the coating becomes safe. The main disadvantage is too small alkyd particles that fill the pores overlap the air exchange. As a result, the tree loses the ability to remove excess moisture.

It is best to apply safe water-based paints. This is exactly what the GOOD WOOD division is received, which is responsible for the decoration of houses from the glued timber.

Proven brands

It is about professional finishing agents. These compositions are designed specifically for wooden buildings, comply with safety requirements:

  • Sikkens,
  • Sedipan
  • Remmers
  • Zobel
  • Teknos,
  • Farbraum.

GOOD WOOD used the products of most well-known manufacturers. Now we work with paint farbraum. The Sedipan WACT 650 line is suitable for finishing the facade and the inside of the house from the glued bar. The list is lesing (translucent) and observed (hide the texture) of the coating. For unstable street structures (railing, stairs, fences, reference pillars) We use Sedipan WACT 640 - a means of protecting against stratification. To seal the ends using Sedipan WV 024.

When to paint a house from glued timber

Better immediately: even in large companies, factory defense is designed for 6 months

The transportation antiseptic is not applied by every manufacturer. In Good Wood, the antiseptic processing of the finished kit and the packaging in the protective film is included in the process.

When ordering a household complex at the manufacturer of glued timber, be sure to specify whether the tree was treated before shipping. It is possible to apply the composition immediately after completion of construction.

If we tighten with treatment, then the outer part begins to burn out, pests are in the wood - bacteria, insects, fungi. Usually, during the construction of cottages from glued timber, the walls are painted after installing doors and windows.

Repeated painting

The service life of the coating depends on the properties of paint, compliance with technology, the position of the building. Sunners are faster, the update may be required after 3-5 years. On the shadow side, paint is held longer - up to 7 years and more.

In winter or summer?

In practice, the processing season does not matter - painting works are carried out at any temperature. See how it is implemented in GOOD WOOD: Work in warmth is in full swing, although the street has snow.

Woodwork supports the desired temperature to apply paint

Winter work is a bit more expensive - the price of painting a wooden house outside the costs of using additional equipment are made. But by the spring, the owner gets completely protected from moisture and the bright sun of the wall.

In the summer, sometimes it is even more difficult to work - the dust can fall on the paint, spoil the coating. To avoid defects, use quick-drying agents. Water-based paints dried in 30 minutes, ready to apply the next layer after 1.5-2 hours.

The only restriction during painting is the requirements for humidity. Wet wood is better not to paint: adhesion worsens, the service life decreases, the appearance of defects. Before processing the master necessarily checks the humidity of the surface. If this does not happen, it is better to clarify how the readiness of the wall to paint is determined.

Humidity Check - Mandatory Stage of Work

Technology processing

  1. Select color and chopped on the wall.
  2. Elimination of defects, chips, mechanical damage.
  3. Grinding, removal of dust.
  4. Applying the first layer (primer).
  5. Light intermediate grinding.
  6. Apply the main and finishing layer.
  7. Meat the thickness of the coating at different points.

If the usual paint is used, the antiseptic processing is carried out before primer. When using the "three in one" means, the antiseptic is already part of the composition.

Cheap? Specify what is included in the price!

Brigades often exhibit the price of painting at home without taking into account materials, tools, transportation costs, other concomitant costs. As a result, the cost is doubled. In Good Wood, the price of painting at home for 1 m² is indicated, it includes everything - from consulting on the choice of color and tinting to the organization of the presence of a brigade on the site. When building houses from the glued bar "Turnkey", the price of painting works is discussed separately.

Tip: When choosing a brigade, pay attention to examples of work. Visit the completed (and even better - current) objects. Ask certificates from the manufacturer of paint - these are not just paper, they are issued after training. The passage of the master class from the manufacturers of a particular means, accurate adherence to technology and work experience - a great combination for high-quality painting at home from glued timber.

One of the homes Good Wood after processing

At the Good Wood seminars, the painting of houses from the glued bar is often discussed. Want to know all the subtleties of technology? Call and specify the date.

A freshly broken house of wood looks very attractive, the beauty of the structure of a natural tree is unlikely to "improve" even the most modern coatings. But the tree has one "unpleasant" quality - over time it changes its color, darkens, various stains may appear on it, etc. In order for your building the maximum time to have the initial species and at the same time did not lose the advantages of natural trees, it is necessary To paint the house from the glued bar and at the same time be sure to use only modern paint coatings. The house should "breathe", not to allocate in the air of harmful chemical compounds and do not require frequent current repairs. Currently, the industry produces such dyes, they fully satisfy all modern requirements. Consider the execution algorithm, it is common to all wooden buildings, the same technology is painted and.

The number and complexity of the stages depends on the age of the house and its current state. The sooner it is painted - the smaller the loss of time and money will be.

  • Preliminary surface preparation. If there are flaws on the front side - they must be eliminated. Collect, smear mastic, etc., the choice of method depends on the size and nature of damage. It is most difficult to cope with temporary darkening of the tree under the influence of atmospheric precipitation. Such a change penetrate quite deeply into the wood, it takes a lot of time to eliminate them, this is a very costly process.
  • Primer. Mandatory operation for external walls, indoors may not be performed. For the primer, there are compounds having high adhesion and with wooden structures, and with finishing varnish coatings. It should be noted that it is the varnish that is used in the absolute majority of cases, it makes it possible to preserve the "natural drawing" of the walls. Some builders offer to carry out additional processing of external walls by antiseptics - we consider it an excess operation. Moreover, there are primer compounds of comprehensive protection.
  • Direct painting house from glued timber. The minimum number of layers - two, the subsequent applied only after complete drying of the first. We have already mentioned that transparent varnishes are most often used. But there are cases when restored by the appearance of the bar is very difficult, then the use of opaque paint is the optimal option.
  • Processing the ends of the bar. Before painting, it is necessarily closed with decorative boards, apply lacquer or paints directly to the insulation is prohibited. For an ordinary glued timber, such work is not necessary. You can meet the "Council" that the ends should be engaged later, they should dry. It is not worth listening to such advice: while you are "dried" a bar - it will give cracks. Then you will have to close them, but it is imperceptible to do it. By the way, the bar comes with a specific humidity of no more than 12% and additionally dry it is not worth it.

How to paint a house from glued timber

We will not give a long list of various manufacturers, this is not necessary. Tell you only about the main groups of paints.

  • Leding paints with antiseptic properties. A smart foreign word denotes a simple concept - these paints are transparent. Of course, modern paints have much better performance characteristics than their predecessors.
  • Current paints with antiseptic properties. This is a category of opaque dyes, applied to painting old houses or for a special order of the consumer.

Approximate cost of painting at home from glued timber

Each company establishes its own prices provided in the table data only information.

It is desirable to comprehensively pick up paintworks, taking into account their properties of shades. If you first advise with the designer, then the appearance of your home will only win. If you decide to listen to "yourself" - also the option. And then accuse no one. Additionally, the end sections of the bars can be processed, sealing seams between logs and liar, paint stairs, terraces, balconies, preservation of wooden elements and so on.

After purchasing or building a wooden house from a bar, the owner must take care of the protection of external walls from the negative impact of the environment and maintain an attractive type of structure for many years. The problem is easily solved by applying a multilayer protective coating. Simple, at first glance, work has its own technological features, so we will understand how and how to cover the house from the bar outside.

Painted wooden houses are reliably protected from external influences and look attractive

Features of the harmful environment

The outer surface of the logs or BRUSIV is subjected to a set of destructive factors:

    Humidity. Under the action of rain and snow, wood, swelling, cracks, loses strength, thermal insulation properties. In the cracks penetrate the beetles of the woods, the dirt accumulates, mold is formed. Even on a smooth outdoor surface after multiple wets, wood fibers rise, ugly divorces and stains occur. Walls acquire a sloppy view. Various hydrophobic paints, oils and impregnations protect the surface from these troubles.

    Sunlight. Under its influence, the surface layer of the tree changes the color, and then starts to collapse. At the very least, the southern wall of the building should be additionally covered with photoresistent, resistant to light and ultravioletries.

    Biogenic effects. Various insects, wood, fungus and mold can quickly destroy wooden walls. In this case, impregnation and paint is used, which has insecticidal and antibacterial properties.

The raw bar is destroyed, covered with mold and looks unturied

You will have to take into account the totality of all harmful effects and, based on this, agree with the Contractor a list of all necessary works and materials. Only after discussion of these issues you can make a final decision than to paint the house from the bar outside.

Exterior surfaces of the new building processing and painting are necessary no later than several months after the end of construction. Otherwise, they will quickly lose their aesthetically nice look. The exception is the painting of the house from the glued bar outside, it can be done before, since this material is not subjected to such a strong shrinkage.

Varieties of coloring compositions for outdoor work

All surface treatment materials can be divided into two main classes: impregnation and paints.


Impregnation - compositions penetrating with applied deep enough inside wood. Their use allows you to solve several tasks at once:

    Preparation for wood color in a specified color tone.

    The impregnation partially fills the wood pores, gaps and surface irregularities. This will reduce the consumption of paint or varnish when they are subsequently applied, which saves means.

    Some types of paints have a bad clutch with a tree. Preliminary impregnation strengthens paint connection with a treated surface.

    Protection against insects, pests, mold and fungi.

Impregnation with antiseptic prevents the formation of mold, fungi

    Giving the wood of refractory properties.

    Reducing the harmful effect of ultraviolet component of sunlight.

Each definite brand of impregnation has a complex of necessary qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with performers of work the required parameters of the composition used and the estimated amount of costs.

Paints and varnishes for outdoor work

The main characteristics of paint coatings are type, color, duration of service life. The life of the paint is determined by the resistance to moisture, solar rays, temperature drops.

If the wall surface looks good, does not have roughness and defects, it is best to use transparent or translucent varnishes or paints.

These compositions include:

    Lucky and paints on a polymer polyurethane basis. Have good resistance to external factors. Their high cost is due to durability and high coating strength.

    Water-based paints. They are cheap enough, quickly absorb and dry. Unfortunately, without additional protection against water, the waterproofing layer, such paints are quickly covered with stains, drowshes, and sometimes simply wash away from the wall surface. It is preferable to apply them to process the inner walls.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of the houses "Low-rise Country".

A variety of shades of paints and varnishes allows you to choose the composition for every taste.

Old, and sometimes new walls, have defects, stains, cracks. Make such a surface homogeneous in the texture is difficult and expensive. In this situation, opaque paints must be applied. In this case, the question will fall in front of you: in what color to paint from the bar - the choice of colors and textures are very large.

    Oil paints. Due to small cost and accessibility, they are still popular. The main disadvantage is that after 2-3 years, such paint cracks, fades. The walls lost their attractiveness will have to be repeated.

    Alkyd based formulations less susceptible to fading. Alkyd paints are produced in a rich color palette. The main problem is low resistance to atmospheric influences.

    Acrylic paints and varnishes Load longer than alkyd or oily. Manufacturers offer a large number of colors and shades of this type of paint. Acrylic paint for the outer bar has a higher price, but this is more than paying up greater strength and durability of the coating.

A separate type of processing materials is sealants and paint for ends of the bar. Replacing them with other compositions is undesirable.

The main stages of painting

Knowing how to paint the house from the bar outside, and the technological sequence of operations will allow you to correctly monitor the entire process.

The quality of painting a wooden house depends on the compliance with technology at all stages of work

On our site you can find contact with building companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Preparation for painting

The surface of the bar must be cleaned from dirt or left paint residues.

Using stops, scrapers, electrical plans, remove significant irregularities, roughness, resin drums or layers of old paint. The use of Metal Krestovka brush allows you to achieve good results and high performance.

Large gaps, holes from bitch and wood pests carefully put off. It is possible to move to grinding and polishing only after full grasp and solidification of putty.

Grinding wood. This operation is produced using a grinding machine in several stages. First use sandpaper with large grain. For the final grinding grain emery reduce.

Polishing will allow you to smooth after grinding the fiber, give the surface gloss.

Be sure to check whether the grinding and processing of the mastic of the ends. This will prevent the cracking and penetration of moisture in the most vulnerable site of the bar.

Grinding - an important stage of training before the colorful house

With such works, a large amount of dust is formed.

Important! Before applying impregnating and coloring solutions, dust and dirt must be removed.

Surface cleaning can be performed with compressed air or special detergent. It should be noted that the use of detergents will lead to moisturizing the surface of the walls. Before applying the impregnation, you must wait a few days before their complete drying.

Impregnation and painting

Do not insist on working during the rain and fog. Wet wood swells, poorly absorbs paint, which leads to peeling and the appearance of cracks in the coating.

You can not paint outdoor surfaces at negative temperatures.
Before the main painting should be conducted test check. Ask to paint a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface and make sure that the result suits you. Examples of painting wooden houses in the photo is one thing, but worth seeing how paint will fall on the tree of your house.

The choice of methods for applying compositions remains under the Contractor:

    Painting manually. Works are performed using a painting brush. If the wall is smooth, then you can apply a paint roller. This method will provide the best quality surface quality, but will require considerable time and strength.

Coloring with the use of painting reduces consumption of materials

    Use of spray guns and sprayers Significantly speeds up work, reduces paint consumption. With a significant surface area and time leaf, you should choose this type of paintwork.

The conscientious contractor will apply primer and paint into several layers. This will lead to an increase in the execution time of work, but will provide its high quality. And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a contractor, you need to check his work when meeting him. The deserved company always has a portfolio with photos of painted wooden houses outside.

It is impossible to tighten the work on the tinting of the house for a considerable time, breaking them into steps. After a few weeks or months, the wall fragments painted earlier may differ significantly in color or shade from freshly stained.

Video Description

In the video material you can explore the preparation procedure and painting at home in more detail:

Painting houses from profiled or glued bar

The profiled and glued bar has a high cost, which is associated with the complexity of its manufacture and good quality. Therefore, painting outside the brusade house from such materials has some features.

Stages of grinding and polishing are less labor-intensive due to the initially smooth surface of this type of timber.

The antiseptic processing must be performed as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the outer layer can change the color under the action of fungus, mold or exposure to sunlight.

It is more correct to cover the bar with impregnation in the construction process. It is advisable to apply an antiseptic and refractory impregnation even before laying a bar in a log house.

Applying soil is a mandatory operation when working with a glued bar. Paint or varnish are stronger than contact with a primer surface.

Painting the house from the glued bar is preferably varnished, oil or acrylic paints. It is impossible to use water-based colces, since the glued bar does not absorb water, and spots and divorces may appear.

Video Description

With advice from specialists than to paint the wooden house from glued bar, you can get acquainted in the video:

Painting is made in several layers. Before applying the next layer, you should wait for the complete drying of the previous one. Colorless varnishes and paints in this case are preferable because they reveal the beauty and depth of the tree texture.

Cost of works and paintwork

The price of the color of the house depends on many factors: surface quality, timing and volume of work.

Cost of processing of 1 kV. m. Surfaces when performing basic operations:

    surface grinding - from 50 to 100 rubles;

    application of antiseptics - from 50 to 80 rubles;

    processing of the ends (grinding, primer, painting) - about 250-300 rubles;

    lacquering (one layer) - from 100 to 150 rubles;

    painting Oil paint - from 100 to 200 rubles;

    impregnation with oil - 100 rubles.

If the choice of color coating is determined by the host of the house, the quality and type of impregnation and paints and varnish materials should be discussed with experienced professionals.

Easy to explain the desire to save, bothering a cheap paint, it can turn into large expenditures in 2-3 years. A cheap coating quickly begins to flap, crack, quickly fading.

Lower price threshold for paints - 100-150 rubles per liter. Service life - up to 3 years.

High-quality paints and varnishes have the price of 300 rubles and more. They retain their properties within 5-6 years.

It must be borne in mind that a small price, with other things being equal, means a smaller coating service life, and, it means, and additional costs of the new reparting of the facade.


The owners of a wooden house should be responsible to approach coloring issues. Timely and correctly made painting of the walls of the brusade house will not only please the beautiful appearance of the walls, but also increase the life expectancy of the structure.

The glued timber has an extremely attractive appearance. Despite this, household owners often make a decision to paint the material. In most cases, they are guided by two relevant motifs: the desire to give the house even greater aesthetics and the desire to maximize the glued bar from the negative impact of environmental factors. Painting houses from the glued timber can be performed both outside and inside the building.

Internal work on coloring

If the construction of the house was performed in accordance with the requirements of project documentation and compliance with the necessary technologies, internal work on painting is mainly decorative. Painting of the glued timber inside the house pursues two main goals:

  • to give surfaces an attractive view, decorate, emphasizing the natural and natural attractiveness of the tree;
  • if possible, protect the surfaces from all sorts of mechanical defects (scratches, chips, etc.).

As a rule, it is used to perform this type of work:

  • simple paints and varnishes - wax, special oils, olifa. Their task is to reveal the natural attractiveness of wooden surfaces to the maximum, giving them a peculiar and aesthetic golden and glossy shade;
  • wax masts. Wax-based masts are great for processing glued timber. There are several reasons for this:
    • giving the original and attractive silky surface structure of the material;
    • improving performance properties - walls when cleaning are wiped with a conventional cloth;
    • the possibility of eliminating visible defects of the surface of the glued timber;
  • lucky on synthetic or water based. Using the customer's desire to give the surface of the material shades of different colors. The advantages of water compositions are the absence of a sharp smell, drying speed. Synthetic varnishes also have a high speed of drying the advantages in the richness of shades and the service life of the coating.

Now in the building materials market, a wide range of a wide variety of varnishes, paints and mastics, which are used when painting a wooden house made of glued timber. Anyone can easily choose a finishing material that is most suitable for it, both in terms of properties and performance characteristics and cost.

Outdoor work on coloring

When performing staining of the glued timber outside, it becomes possible to give additional protection with wooden structures from environmental exposure. Painting of the glued bar outside the two main tasks:

  • protection of house designs from negative effects of environmental factors. The main ones are:
    • rotting, mold and fungi (antiseptic compositions are applied to protect against them);
    • ultraviolet (to protect against ultraviolet sun rays, translucent or opaque compositions are used);
    • moisture (falls into the pores of wood, mainly through the ends - protection serves as impregnating by their special sealants);
  • giving the building of an esthetic and attractive appearance, while retaining, if possible, the organicity of wood. For this, translucent formulations, various oil paints, etc. apply.

Features of the execution of color

Before you start painting the house of glued bar, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and stages of the work of work:

  • grinding walls. The glued timber has a smooth surface, but grinding will clean it from dirt and lines microcracks. In addition, grinding improves the adhesion of the base and subsequent coatings, and also gives an attractive appearance of subsequent coatings;
  • applying a special sealant to the ends of the bars. Through the ends, mainly moisture in the pores of the wood, therefore this stage of work is very important to increase the service life of glued timber structures;
  • antiseptation of the surface of the glued bar. Antiseptics prevent the rotting of wood, on the phenomenon of mold or fungus;
  • padding. The task of used primers is to increase the clutch of the surface with the subsequent finish coating. After applying the primer, it is necessary to give it to dry;
  • coloring walls. The color of the walls from the glued timber is performed in 2-3 layers (more often - 3). Each next is applied only after complete drying of the previous one. The recommended number of layers guarantees an attractive and durable matte or glossy surface, depending on the material selected;
  • after 2-3 months from the moment of work, re-sealing is carried out. It is accompanied by examination of surfaces in order to identify possible defects and their subsequent elimination. Also, the platbands and window sills at home are sealed.

Stages of work are shown for the outer painting of the glued timber. The sequence of performance inside is easier, but in general the same, with minor adjustments.

Outdoor work is performed at air temperature not lower than plus 5 degrees and with normal humidity. Perform work in the rain or snow is not recommended, despite advertising statements by some manufacturers of paints and varnishes.

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes

From the manifold of paint materials suitable for painting glued timber, a number of their manufacturers are highlighted.

Tykkurila (Finland)

The most famous manufacturer, long and successfully operating in the Russian market. In addition to Finnish factories, not so long ago discovered several in Russia. Products are extremely high quality, wide assortment and relatively low cost. If there are sufficient financial resources, most builders will prefer this manufacturer, with other things being equal.

Tsobel and OSMO (Germany)

Two German manufacturers representing the opposite approach to positioning their products. Tobel works in a budget segment, materials have high quality, however, are not in this leaders. OSMO, on the contrary, focuses on a secured buyer, for a large price, offering it the products of the highest quality and unique characteristics and properties.

Termics (Russia)

Leading manufacturer among Russian market segment companies. The emphasis is placed at the low cost of products, as a result of which the quality does not always meet the high standards. However, due to the low price, the company remains competitive in the market.


The solution to paint the house from the glued bar is made by the owner, mainly with two main objectives: protect the material from the negative effects of the external environment and give it an even more attractive form, while maintaining the beauty and aesthetics of wood. The competent execution of painting work will not only improve the appearance of the building, but also will prolong its life.

Painting at home from the profiled bar is considered unnecessary. And indeed, the walls are highly folded from natural wooden blanks. The wall looks just great, and literally "hand will not rise."

However, if you leave everything as it is, after a couple of years, there will be no trace from the magnificence. That is why houses from a wooden bar must necessarily need to be painted, then, at least, to process special protective compositions.

Why do we need coloring

Painting houses from glued timber is performed with such goals:

  • First, the main task of any paintwork works is to increase the appearance of the appearance of the treated surface.. In the case of a wooden wall, it is enough to simply emphasize the natural beauty of the material, because heaps of wood and it looks quite aesthetically.
  • Secondly, with time the tree darkens, and the moment occurs when the texture needs to be masked. For this purpose, compositions are used with large shelterness, which allow you to completely hide the drawing on the surface of the bar.
  • Thirdly, painting formulations, varnishes, mastic and impregnation allow you to protect wood from contact with the external environment. The more effective this protection will be, the longer the house will maintain its natural beauty.

  • Moreover, the prevention of contact of wood with moisture and microorganisms has a positive effect on its operational characteristics.: A qualitatively painted house does not rot and retains the carrying ability longer.
  • Another factor that adversely affects the condition of the bar is ultraviolet radiation. Special UV filters are helping to protect against it - substances that are part of many modern paints.

As you can see, the arguments benefit the color is quite enough. Now it is necessary to determine the composition for the color and the optimal technology of its application.

What we will be painted

Forms for internal use

The main task of the inner color is to make the walls from the aesthetic appearance timber. Protection within the house is needed minimal, therefore you can focus on decorating.

As materials that can be used to process brusal walls indoors, specialists recommend applying:

  • Impregnating compositions - oils for wood, oil, waxes, etc. All of these funds do not form on the surface of the tree of films, because the appearance of the wall remains almost unchanged. At the same time, the contrast of the fibers and texture of natural wood is emphasized.

  • Mastics - preserve the velvetyness of the surface and the drawing on the spire of the bar. In addition, mastic makes it possible to disguise small cracks and chips.
  • Lucky (glossy and matte) are the most common compounds used for interior decoration. As a rule, a mixture of varnish with a toning component is applied to the base, and several translucent layers are stacked on top. Due to this, the surface acquires additional "depth".

The varnish will be especially useful where the wall from the bar is regularly subjected to friction - for example, along the stairs.

  • Interior paints. Painting of the bar inside the house can be made with compositions with different holingness - depending on which task is before us. If we want to preserve the drawing of the tree, the lescing acrylic compositions are used. If you need to give the wall completely new color, then a covering paint is used on an acrylic or alkyd basis.

Almost the same paints and varnish materials are used to process any wooden parts inside the house. Thus, painting the imitation of a bar indoors or clamping from the lining can be carried out with the same acrylic paints or varnishes as the processing of the bar.

To calculate paint, you can use the calculator:

Paints, varnishes and impregnation for outdoor work

Outdoor treatment of glued timber is oriented not so much on changing its appearance, but to protect against the effects of environmental factors.

Analyzing the compositions used for this, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Impregnations on aquatic or organic basis. In essence, they are not paints, as they practically do not affect the appearance of the house. Their main function - protection against fire, lesions by microorganisms, etc. (see Article More)

  • Film-forming formulations (there are both crumbling and lesing, i.e. translucent). Protect bars from contact with moisture, while not preventing the evaporation of the associated liquid from the thickness of the wood.
  • Paints for outdoor work. In terms of its characteristics, the film-forming compositions are close, but their main function is to change the color of the treated surface. However, the painting of the house from the bar is outside with the use of paints from world-name producers often completely replaces protective processing.
  • Coloring antiseptics are special compositions that are designed specifically for outdoor treatment of wooden houses.

We perform coloring

Proper preparation - the key to the desired result

Experts recommend starting work no later than three months after the construction of the building.
If you give a house to simultarily longer, then the bar will gradually begin to collapse under the influence of climatic factors, which will adversely affect the adhesion of paint with wood.

For effective preparation of the surface to paintwork works below, the instruction is given:

  • Coloring is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 C. With internal work, the humidity in the room should be no more than 80%.
  • To improve the clutch of paint with a tree, all the stained surfaces need to be taken and stained.

After grinding, it is worth "walk" on the walls of the industrial vacuum cleaner.
Special attention should be paid to the joints of BRUSEV, since it is there that the bulk of small sawdust and wood dust accumulates.

  • On the ends of the bars we apply a special sealant.

  • The surface surface is thoroughly ground. The price of primer compositions is usually small, but they contribute to the highest possible adhesion of paint. So it is better to spend money on the primer, but to save on more expensive acrylic or enamel compositions.

Only after complete drying of the primer can begin to be painted.

Distribution technology and paints

The technology of internal and outdoor treatment of walls from the bar is practically no different. The difference lies only in the number of layers of material applied to the basis.

If you want to perform painting with your own hands, follow these tips:

  • Paints should be mixed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. The same applies to varnishes with a casting component.
  • For mixing, you need to use a fairly large and clean container.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to test the composition in a small area. This will give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the future wall.

It is necessary to do this, since its own painting of wood is very strongly affected by the final result.
So the test painting will make it possible to make the necessary adjustments, and it may increase or reduce the amount of pigment.

  • To apply paints, use a brush, roller or sprayer. Lacrium is better done with a brush.
  • Initially, on a wooden base, we apply the first - basic layer of material. The smaller its thickness, the better.
  • After complete drying of the base layer, we continue to color. In total, it may take from three to five layers of material to process walls from a bar, each of which begin to apply only after the complete drying of the previous one.

After completing the color it is necessary to give the walls to dry. After a half - two months, it should be carefully examined by painted surfaces, and, if necessary, seal the detected slots and cracks with a sealant. On top of the sealant we apply paint along the same technology as when painting around the whole house.