Repairs Design Furniture

Mobile forests do it yourself. Mount the wooden scaffolding with their own hands. Frame collapsible scaffolding: product price

Make scaffolding with your own hands in the presence of handling skills with welding equipment and various tools The owner of the private house will be completely easy. Prefabricated designs are needed to organize work on facing and repairing surfaces of facades of buildings at height. The construction is built throughout the perimeter of the house or at one of the walls of the facade.

The forests are collected from metal rods, timber, boards and wooden shields. The construction of structures is a frame of vertical reference elements with horizontal bonds. The platforms are flooring of wooden shields or other materials. The message between different levels of the construction is carried out using stairs. Forests consist of structural elements, such as:

  1. Shoes.
  2. Vertical racks and horizontal connections.
  3. Flooring.
  4. Railing.
  5. Stairs.
  6. Grid.


Supports for vertical racks are shoes (sweesters). These are usually metal platforms with vertical slots for racks. For horizontal correction of shoes, gaskets and pods are used from wood or metal.

Shoes are finite structural elements of forests that transmit all the load from the structure to the ground base. Before building forests, it is necessary to accurately determine the places for the supports. The surfaces of the playgrounds must be in the same horizon, otherwise the fencing of the facades is bothering, and the construction will become unsuitable for operation. To prepare reference sites use a level or laser level.

Vertical racks and horizontal connections

Racks perform the main carrying function. For forests of a small height in the range of 2 - 3 storey houses apply a wooden timber. Metal pipe racks are much more often used.

Vertical supports are installed in stages - as horizontal connections are installed. Connection nodes between frame elements are performed in several ways. The main requirement for fasteners is to ensure the safe finding of people on the sites of structures.


Workplaces form from wooden, steel and aluminum shields. The flooring is placed on horizontal frames formed by frame elements.

Flooring, in addition to the role of reference sites, performs the function of binding elements that ensure the rigidity of the entire frame frame.


All overwhelms facing outwards must have a railing. Fences are made from a bar of 50 × 50 mm. The railing is located on top of the flooring in the range of 1.1 - 1.2 m.


Transitions between different levels of platforms are made by installing stairs. The stairs can be completely wooden or cooked from the steel profile. Dulely ladies are not uncommon with the arrangement of forests.

The stairs should be installed at an angle no more than 450. This allows the worker to easily move from one floor to another, while carrying any cargo.


According to the requirements of the construction standards and rules (SNiP), all forests must be closed with a grid. The grid is a small polymer coating of a green color (international standard).

The grid performs several functions at the same time:

  • Prevents a random drop in workers.
  • Prevents the fallout of various items beyond the working area.
  • Protects from bright sunlight.
  • Protects the facade of the building during painting works from the penetration of dust from the outside.

How to collect wooden forests do it yourself

For wooden forests there are certain norms. The distance between the racks along the facade of the building is made from 2 to 2.5 m. The width of the floor, which determines the transverse size between the external and internal fence in forests, should be at least 1 m. The height of the construction of wood should be up to 6 m.

The following materials and tools will be needed to build a frame of sawn timber:

  • Manual or disk saw.
  • Hammer and ticks.
  • Roulette and level.
  • Nails.
  • Wooden timing segment 100 × 100 mm, 50 × 50 mm.
  • Boards with a cross section of 100 × 30 mm, 100 × 40 mm.

The thickness of the sawn timber can be different, but not less than the above size. Lumber must be dry, without large bitch formations and cracks. In no case cannot use crude wood. In addition to the fact that the wet tree has a lot of weight, it can be significantly deformed during drying.

Step-by-step instruction assembling wooden forests

  1. On the flat platform lay 4 bars, circumcised by the size of the height of forests.
  2. Each 2 bars have a floor with a width.
  3. Racks are knocked down with nails cross. The transverse lower beams are fixed from the calculation of no more than 50 cm from the ground. Top beams must be at the flooring level.
  4. The resulting frames are laid by the side, fixing the position of temporary backups.
  5. The frames are connected by two boards diagonally.
  6. The design is turned over to another side and repeat actions to fix the diagonal ties.
  7. During the assembly, constant control of the dimensions of the opening of a tape measure.
  8. The platforms from the board segments are nourished to the supports below.
  9. To the places where forests will stand, we are placed only or runner.
  10. The abilities are raised into a vertical position so that the legs of the design accurately hit the places.
  11. With the help of linings, the vertical marks of the reference sites adjust.
  12. Installing flooring. The flooring is a shot down longitudinal boards by a transverse timber.
  13. The floorboards of the flooring nailed to the transverse beams of framework frames.
  14. From the outside of forests above the flooring nourishes the railing from the boards.
  15. Install the staircase leading to the top platform.
  16. For the convenient and safe movement of workers, set the railing for the stairs.
  17. As the construction is erected, based on the individual features of the facade, the temporary fixation of forests can be applied using additional ties with the elements of the building. These are struts, covers and so on.

At the end of the work, the forests are disassembled into separate elements that can serve to meet other needs of the household economy.

Types of homemade forests made of metal pipes

The reference structures of forests from metal products may differ in the method of connecting carrier elements. These are wedge, clamping and pin assemblies.

Wedge forests

Compound nodes include reference pads with mounting holes, which include wedge-shaped support elements. Making such designs yourself is quite difficult and expensive.

Clamp fasteners

Frame rods fasten with special clamps. The process is quite time consuming, long time. The advantage of the clamp forests is that the designs can "hug" the facades of the most complex configuration, without carrying out any complex work.

Pitry structures

Due to the ease of design and high reliability, pinwoods are particularly popular with homemade masters. They are quickly collecting and disassembled. This feature of pin buildings attracts amateur masters.

Manufacture and assembly of pinwoods

Before you begin making multi-level pipes from pipes, you need to prepare the following tools and materials.


  • Electric welding unit.
  • Corner machine (Bulgarian).
  • Electric drill.
  • Bending device.
  • Level.


  1. Steel pipes Ø 48 mm.
  2. Steel pipes Ø 20 mm.
  3. Steel sheet with a thickness of 12 mm.
  4. Smooth fittings Ø 16 mm.
  5. Wooden timber 40 × 40 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Smooth fittings are cut into segments, 40 cm long.
  2. On the bending device, the segments of the reinforcement are bent at an angle of 450, receiving support pins.
  3. The device for flexing the pins make two pipe segments. One welded to a massive metal blank. The pipe is inserted half a segment of smooth fittings. On the other end of the pin dress up a long section of the pipe and bend the reinforcement.
  4. The pipe Ø 48 mm is cut on the rack, the length equal to the height of the forests.
  5. A sleeve is cut from the pipe Ø 20 mm with a grinder, 200 mm long.
  6. Roulette and marker are placed places for welding vertical sleeves.
  7. The sleeves weld to vertical stands. On angular supports, the sleeve is placed at an angle of 900 each other.
  8. On ordinary racks, 3 sleeves are welded - in the center and sides.
  9. To the horizontal segments of the pipe with welding attach pins, the free ends of which are drawn down.
  10. To the lower ends of the racks welded shoes made of leaf steel with a size of 20 × 20 cm.
  11. The height of the arrangement of the novel (sleeves) is set in each individual case. Typically, the nests are placed at a distance of 2 m from a vertical vertical.
  12. The horizontal discovery is made from 1.5 to 2 m.
  13. From the boards and bar, nails knock off the shields that will serve as a flooring.
  14. Where the flooring will rely on the extreme beam, 2 segments from the bar are nourished from below to the shield. Wooden segments are naked to boards so that the beam from the pipe passed between them. This will give additional stability to the whole frame of forests.
  15. In the molds of docking shields to the transverse beam, it is welded from two sides of the segment from the steel corner so that the horizontal shelves of the corners are in the same level with the pipe.
  16. Horizontal bonds are inserted into the nests.
  17. In places where stair transitions will be adopted, they leave the loops between the flooring shields.
  18. If you need to lengthen the racks in height, then the supports of the supports are welded with larger diameter pipes, which form the fittings of the upper racks.
  19. The stairs are welded from segments of the same pipes.
  20. Racks lead to a vertical position.
  21. Pins insert into sockets.
  22. Locked flooring.
  23. Install stairs.

Forests are ready to operate. At any time, the construction can be quickly disassembled and its elements are stored.

Assembling clamp forests

Designs of this type do not require welding. All connections nodes are performed with their own hands using steel clamps. From the tools you will need only wrench.

Along with this it should be noted that the installation and removal of the clamps require significant time costs. The cost of the clamps is quite high. The assembly of such forests will require a large amount of fasteners, which will significantly affect the cost of structures.

Painting of metal forests

When preparing pipe elements before installation, the designs are cleaned from rust. To do this, use the grinding machine with the emery circle.

After this design, the means is ground for outdoor metal work. The dried tubes are coated with two layers of paint designed for steel products.

With intensive exploitation of forests, metal elements are tinted once a year. If the forests are stored in a disassembled form, then the tint of the products is made as needed. Store forest in a dry ventilated room.

Armenian forests

This is the national name of non-good devices in the form of wooden layoffs. For masonry walls of brick or slag blocks of single-storey houses, a simple device is used, which is a direct angle triangles.

The triangular design consists of two wooden shields, between which the console is placed on the axis. The console with one end presses the vertical design by one of the cathets to the wall of the building, and the other end rests on the ground. Two such structures form horizontal sites, which are based on the flooring.

Made by their own hands "Armenian layouts", far unsafe, and relate to them need carefully. The owner, taking advantage of such suspensions, is at risk its health.


Made with their own hands, scaffolding can be rented that they will quickly pay off all the costs of making structures. When working at height, it is necessary to fulfill the safety requirements.

It is difficult to submit construction without scaffolding. With them, they take and finish the walls, they have roof, the drains are installed, etc. In each case, they must be strong and reliable. If you rent the factory production framework expensive, make the scaffolding from the profile pipe with their own hands. So often come with individual construction, where the height of houses rarely exceeds two floors. How to assemble these simple designs, this article will tell

Types of scaffolding

Construction layouts are made entirely of wood or metal pipes in combination with boards.

On a note! Homemade forests can not be exposed to a strong load. It is not allowed to simultaneously stood more than 2 people.

Materials for the submarines

For the construction of frame forests, steel racks and frames will be required. The flooring is made from wooden boards. Aluminum structures are distinguished by less weight and withstand a smaller load. The following dimensions are recommended for one section:

  • height - 150 cm,
  • width - 100 cm,
  • length - 165-200 cm.

The number of sections determines the height of the construction and the perimeter of the outer walls of the house.

Simple version of homemade frames

Before embarking on the assembly of frame ramps, the following materials should be purchased:

  • profile for vertical racks with a cross section of 3x3 cm and 150 cm long;
  • pipe (diameter 15 mm) for the device of horizontal and diagonal strut;
  • a profile for connecting inserts with a cross section of a square of 2.5x2.5 cm (fastened) and fencing on them;
  • boards for flooring with a length of 2-2.5 m and a thickness of 4-5 cm;
  • the staircase for lifting (if there is no finished product, it is assembled from the profile and places between the side racks);
  • bolts with nuts and washers for connecting structural elements;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening wooden elements.

Note! In the course of work, you will have to use the metal or a grinder, a drill with a metal drill, a welding machine. You can also make connections with special threaded mounts.

Rules for the construction of the carcass

Before the start of the assembly of scaffolding, the land should be carefully tumped on the site where they are posted. When working in a rainy time, it is advisable to make drainage. So the soil under the slopes will not understand, and the design will remain in line with strong and reliable. For the stability of the structure under the support racks, put the boards.

Wooden frames are designed for a small weight.

Important! Even a small backlash in places of connection or not to the end, a screwed thread can cause tilt or disruption of the stage, and it bears danger to the life of people.

Homemade forests from the profile pipe are collected in such a sequence.

    1. Cover pipe blanks - for diagonal struts 2 meters long, and for horizontal - 1 meter. Relaints! The two-meter struts are applied to 7-8 cm from each end and flattened. In the future, this will simplify the connection of parts with the profile.
    2. Connect each other two vertical racks struts. Make sure that they are in a horizontal position.
    3. Connect horizontal forest areas with screeds (the distance between them should be 30 cm). Subsequently, you put the boards on them.
    4. Secure the connecting elements.
    5. Drill on the supports and racks of the bolts.
    6. Finally assemble the design of the profile pipe (Boards fix with self-drawing).
    7. Clean the forest and cover their paint.
    8. Check with drawings for which scaffolding from the pipes do it yourself.

On a note! Temporary structures from several sections are connected by adapters. For this, there are 8-10 cm pipe with a cross section of 3x3 cm, the profile segment is inserted into it with a cross section of 2.5x2.5 cm. Parts are combined with welding.

Features of structures

Some people are concerned about the question whether the scaffolding is appropriate for themselves. As an argument, the following arguments are presented in their favor.

  • Scaffolding are not small structures, like the Podmosts-Kozlov. And this bulky construction after completion of the construction will need to store somewhere.

After completion of work, wooden abilities are dealt with, but it takes a lot of time. Boards, if there is no soon need, you will also have to add somewhere. It should be borne in mind that forests of wood are knocked down with nails, and not collect with self-tapping screws. The boards after such a disassembly will not remain in solid form, moreover, they are often dirty with a solution or paint.

Temporary structures of their pipes can be taken and rent

Note! Metal forests made by their own hands can be held.

  • Homemade construction layouts are used for work, which are conducted at an altitude not higher than the second floor. For greater floors, the use of such forests is associated with the danger to the life of workers.
  • The need for this design rarely occurs (when repairing the facade). At the same time, it is necessary to spend a lot of time on its assembly-disassembly, which may seem unprofitable.
  • Often, long temporary structures made from the profile pipe are often required. They differ in considerable weight and it is difficult to rearrange even a group of people from 3-4 people.

Homemade forests from the profile pipe is a matter of personal choice. They help at different stages of construction and after completion of the construction can be leased. So you will pay for your work and materials.

Video: Homemade scaffolding

All photos from the article

When conducting various works at the height - from the masonry of the walls to the trim, the facade or application of plaster requires the construction of structures that will allow work to be comfortably and will ensure security.

Professional builders use metal forests, which are prefabricated modular systems that can have the most different size, but for private use it is easier to build a design from the boards, it is this option that we will consider in the article.

What will be required for work

Before building forests from the boards with their own hands, you need to prepare all the required materials and tools:

Stands For them, either a 50x100 mm size board is used, or a wooden timing with a cross section of 100x100 mm, these elements will carry the main load and keep the entire design, so only high-quality sawn timber should be used without large bitch, damage to the vertices and rot, it is very important to ensure safety
Flooring and jumper For these elements, a board with a thickness of 40-50 mm is used, it is important here that the flooring can withstand the weight of several people and a small stock of materials (if necessary)
Speakers Elements that give rigidity and preserving the geometry of the built structure are made from a thickness of 30-32 mm thick, it is also used to create fences that are required to ensure a secure workflow, because it is never excluded that someone will slip or turn into the forests
Fastener Either nails or halves are used, or high thickness screws to ensure maximum reliability and strength of all connections. You can use the modern version - fastening corners and plates, with their help, the design can be made even more reliable and more durable, and the price of these elements is low

Do not forget about the instrument, as it takes a cutting of wood, clogging of nails or twisting of self-tapping, as well as measuring, for this it is easiest to use a roulette, a square and a construction pencil.

The working process

Instructions on how to make forests with your own hands from the boards, is quite simple, it is important to comply with all the recommendations and requirements, it is from them that we will begin to consider the issue.

Basic design requirements

There are several generally accepted rules, the observance of which guarantees the reliability of the forest you collected and ensures the highest safety:

  • The distance between the racks should not exceed 2-2.5 meters, since, with a larger length of the spans, wood will not be able to ensure due rigidity, especially under high loads;
  • Width of the flooring to ensure comfortable work should be at least 1 meter, but it is also not recommended to make the design wider than one and a half meters, as the system stability will suffer;
  • The maximum safe height of the structure is 6 meters, this is due to the fact that the same amount is the maximum length of sawn timber, and it is not recommended to increase the elements.

Stages of work

The whole process consists of several operations to be made in a specific sequence:

  • First you need to connect the first 4 racksFor this, at the beginning of the long side, it is done with the help of diagonal struts, the second element is assembled in the same way, after which the end sides are connected using all the same struts, then the resulting design must be put and check for stability, it is recommended to be enhanced with additional jumpers and perforated corners;

  • Next you need to fix jumpersTheir location depends on what level work will be performed. It is important to calculate everything correctly to ensure the convenience of the process if two rows of the flooring are used, respectively, two rows of jumpers are made, they will also serve as elements that provide rigidity to further enhance the support makes sense to secure on corners with rigidity ribs;
  • The flooring is arranged for fixed jumpers, only a reliable board without cracks and damage is taken for its device, it is necessary to cut it into pieces of the desired length so that the unnecessary parts are not sticking out along the edges, these elements are best fixed using self-tapping screws, since the tree cracks much less from them, and fixation is obtained much better;

  • Next must be attached the elements of the fenceTheir location directly depends on the site of the flooring. The common rule is that elements must stand at least the level of the belt, sometimes it makes sense to nourish two rows of the boards to ensure even greater safety. It uses a sawn timber with a thickness of at least 30 mm so that if necessary, it could withstand a sufficiently much effort and not break;
  • Next Stage - Installing Support ElementsTheir quantity and configuration depends on the characteristics of a particular situation, the height of the forests and the reliability of the soil around the house. It is important to assimilate one simple rule - the supports are set as much as necessary to ensure the best sustainability of the system you build. The elements are well rested into the soil, after which they are attached to the support racks;

If the structure is wooden, then for additional reliability, the system is attached to the walls, it will significantly increase the design, everything is very simple: the bar is fixed in one end on the rack, and the other on the wall.

When construction, repair and maintenance of a private house or cottage has some work to do at height. With the help of anxal staircase, not everything can be done, and not very comfortable. Much more convenient to use scaffolding.

Homemade scaffolding of wood

Metal scaffolding, of course, reliable and durable, but most often they are made of wood. Everything can work with wood, and everything you need - saw, nails / self-tapping screws, hammer / screwdriver / screwdriver. A set of tools is a simple, which is found from any owner, and if there is no something that is not required to purchase a lot of money. Metal in this regard is more difficult. It requires at least some kind of skill of circulation, the presence of a welding machine and at least some idea about how. That is why scaffolding with their own hands in most cases are made of wood.

What to do

Everyone is clear that the scaffolding or scaffolding is needed for a short time. But it is necessary to use the construction wood of good quality for their manufacture, with a minimum of bitch. Some masters advise forest forests exclusively from ate. Unlike pine, the swirls are located single and the strength of the board almost does not affect.

But spruce boards rarely have in stock, but pine is usually enough. From pine boards, construction forests can also be done, but each of them must be checked (in any case, which goes on the racks and flooring). For this, there are two columns (three or four bricks one on another, a couple of building blocks, two boulders, etc.). When checking the three-meter boards, the distance between them - 2.2-2.5 m. On the columns are put on the board, it is jumping up on the middle a couple of times. If there are weak points, the board will break or crawl. Withstand - you can use.

About the thickness of the board should be said specifically, tied to the construction of scaffolding, distances between the racks and the planned load. The only thing that can be said is that the racks and the flooring are most often used the board with a thickness of 40 mm or 50 mm, for shusin - 25-30 mm. Such a board can be used in the detailed construction work, if it is possible to disassemble it without damaging it.

Nails or selflessness

The dispute about that, nails or self-tapping screws is always going, but in this case it is aggravated by the fact that the work is carried out at the height, and increased reliability from the design. From this point of view, it is better nails. They are made of soft metal and in the presence of a load, they bend, but do not break. Self-tapping screws are made of hardened steel, and it is fragile and in the presence of shock or variable loads break. For scaffolding it is critical - there were cases when they were collapsed. But this is a question of "black" self-drawing. If still anodized - yellowish green - they are not so fragile and can well withstand all loads. If you are seriously worried about the reliability of forests, it is better to use nails. They do not like them due to the fact that disassemble the connection quickly and without loss will not work - most often the wood is damaged.

With independent manufacture of scaffolding, you can do this: initially collect all on the anodized screws. If the design is convenient and correct, to progress, driven by two or three nails into each connection. In order for the disassembly to damage the wood, under the nails you can put trimming of thin boards, and whole boards, but small thickness can be used on the extended span. When disassembly from you can split, and sticking nails are easy to remove.

Constructions and their features

For different types of work, various construction materials and scaffolding are used. For work with lightweight materials, too large carrier ability is not needed. In such cases, the pre-abilities or the abilities are made.

For works on the front or with an outer finish of a low single-storey building, building goats use, on whose crossbars are laid down.

For masonry walls of bricks, any building blocks, for trimming facade with brick or stone - for all these works, already full-fledged scaffolding.

As a rule, all these structures are not attached to the walls of the building, but are fixed by the stops that support the racks. Next, let's talk about each of these structures.


Called so because of what is usually not attached to the wall, but simply lean. They are held at the expense of the stop. The larger the scaffolding of the scaffolding, the stronger they cost. There are two designs, both of them are made in the form of the letter "g", only deployed in different directions.

In the picture on the right, a simple and reliable design of the scope. The only drawback is not regulated in height. Convenient, if necessary, for example, to strip out of the roof, mounted or clean the drain, all those work that have a small variation of the height. Some even adapt similar scaffolding for the construction of a house of logs (timber). Through the fins of the stops conveniently roll or raise logs.

They are reliable - withstand 11 meter logs and three people. Building scaffolding is a simple design.

In the picture on the left of the monastery, the envelope or Armenian scaffolding. The design is simple and reliable, although it does not seem so. But it has been tested for many thousands of houses under construction. Attractive in that it requires a minimum of building materials, to collect / disassemble / move them in minutes. The main thing is to make triangles, and the installation at a given time takes away a bit: lift the triangle, resting the inclined beam, which is fixed in the ground.

The manufacture of triangles is a bottle with a thickness of 40-50 mm, 100-150 mm wide. The vertical part may be long - it is convenient to raise the scaffolding for a given height. The upper crossbind is made by dina 80-100 cm, the floorboards are stacked on it. By the way, they are also 50 mm thick, and the width is the more, the better, ideally 150 mm.

In the manufacture of corners, the junction must be positioned so that the horizontal board is from above. To increase the reliability of this node, you can use metal lining in the form of a corner. But if the corner will be fixed with the help of three windows, nailed on both sides, there is no need.

These triangles are installed approximately through each meter. If the facade allows them, they are nourished if not - only gravity is cost. The main load in this design accounts for a stubborn board - the one that puts at an angle and one end rests on the ground, another - in the top of the triangle. These stops are made from the bar, the boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm, the pipes of the solid diameter (at least 76 mm) or section (for a profiled pipe at least 50 * 40 mm). When installing the stop, it is put exactly into the angle, clogged into the ground, additionally fix, driven wedges.

To eliminate the possibilities of the side shift, the established stops are fixed by several bodies connecting them into a rigid design. Here for these types you can use the unedged board, if it is, but sufficient thickness and widths.

If there is a need to be resistant to grow (if they need more than 6 meters long), for such a board there are additional emphasis. It rests on about the middle of the main, removing part of the load.

Now a little about the flooring of these filter scaffolding. It is made from a wide board with a thickness of 40-50 mm. In this case, they should be fixed to the triangles at least on the self-tapping screw. This design does not provide for the presence of a railing, and the slightest movements under your feet will cause increased discomfort. Therefore, fixation is extremely desirable.

Wooden scaffolding: drawings and photos

The options described above are good if the work does not assume the presence of heavy materials. It is also not always possible to drink the forest on the wall - any ventfassad or a multi-layered wall - and you can not have a similar design. In this case, there are full-fledged forests. Their design is also not complicated, but a decent amount of lumber is required.

For their device, the boards of a significant thickness are used - 40-50 mm. First collected racks. These are two vertical timber or thick boards bonded by crossings. The size of the crossbar is 80-100 cm. They must be done on the basis of the fact that the minimum more or less convenient width of the flooring is 60 cm. But it will be much more confident that you will feel if you have at least 80 cm. To give the design of greater lateral stability Racks can be made with tights up.

Racks put at a distance of 1.5-2.5 meters. The span from the thickness of the boards, which will use for the flooring - it is necessary that they do not begged. The racks installed at the required distance are bonded by shakes. They will not give the designs to work out. The larger the crossing and streamin, the more reliable the scaffolding is obtained.

So that the scaffolding do not fall, they are supported by boards / bar, one end of which is nailed to the racks (nails), the second - Zapyan to the Earth

Transverse beams do not make it possible to work out, but still the possibility that loose forests can fall forward. So that it does not happen, the beams are supported by bodies. If the height of the forests is 2.5-3 meters, this can not be done, but if you need to carry out work at the level of the second or third floor, such fixation is necessary.

If the work will be carried out at high altitude, it is advisable to make a railing. They can be made of not very thick blackboard, but bumps should not be, like cracks. The handrails will help you feel at the top more confident to those who are afraid of height.

To the level of overlapping the second floor there is enough standard molding - 6 meters you can collect small scaffolding from old, but strong boards. Sometimes for the sidelines and stops use poles or pipes - what is in the farm

Building goats

There is still a way to make light mobile scaffolding - to build the same building goats, stinging with a certain step of the crossbar, which will be simultaneously both the staircase, and the layer for the flooring board.

Such a variant of the scaffolding is good, for example, when climbing at home siding. The sheathing goes from the bottom, the height has to change all the time, leaving or fixed to the wall there is no possibility. Therefore, this option for such a case is the best.

Building goats - options

Sometimes one rack on one side make vertical, without inclination. It allows you to install them closer to the wall, the flooring is then located closer to the wall. In some cases it is convenient - for example, with pantry, painting, preventive processing.

Types and assemblies of metal metal

When building a house of stone, building blocks, metallic forests are more suitable. They are able to endure any load. They are less popular for the reason that in many regions wood is still the cheapest view of building materials. The second moment, which is often decisive, is the breaking of wooden scaffolding, boards can be used to be used in the future construction. And parts of the metal must be dust in.

But the metal construction forests have pluses. In disassembled state, they do not occupy a lot of space. The owners of wooden houses still occur periodically to use them: the log house requires care, so once every two or three years needed. Practical in this case are metal, not wooden. They are easier to assemble, durable and stronger.

All metal scaffolding has the same form - vertical racks connected by crossbars and hide. Only the method of fastening parts between themselves is different:

  • Pitry forests. Called so due to the fact that crossbars with racks are connected using pins. The cuts of the pipe or discs with perforation are welded on the racks, and on the crossbars - reinforced pins. As soon as such a system is very simple, withstands heavy loads. Very simply implemented pin construction forests for buildings of simple shape, bypassing erkers and protrusions - much more difficult.

  • Clamps. For the racks and crossbars, the pipes of the circular cross section are used, which are bonded with each other with the help of a special design clamp. The system is very mobile and movable, you can easily bypass any curvilinear facades. Minus - limited lifting capacity and height (according to GOST - no higher than 40 meters).

    Clamps - quick installation / disassembly

  • Frame. Frames of the same size are welded from a round or rectangular pipe. They are connected between the transverse pipes and bodies. They have a modular structure, easily increasing both in height and in length. They have a certain step in length - 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 meters, in height, one section is usually 2 meters, the standard depth is 1 m. In some frames, wheels are provided for easier movement over a flat surface. The connection of the flag-type elements - the pins with a slot in the frame are welded into which the checkbox is inserted. Openers are made in crossbars and hills. Elements are put on the pin, fixed using the checkbox. The section is increasing using connecting pipes of smaller diameter, welded to frame racks on one side. With this method, ideally selected pipe sizes are important so that there is no backlash.

    Frame forests - the principle of fastening of the cross and Ukusin

  • Wedge. With the overall similarity of the design differ in the compound form. On the jokes with a certain step (usually 2 meters) welded discs with perforation. On the jumpers from both ends, special locks like "Wolf Pave" are welded. The locks are fixed on the disk using the wedge of a special form. Such forests are connected and separated quickly, have high mobility, can be used on the facades of complex forms.

With independent manufacture of metal scaffolding most often make pins. They are being implemented the easiest way, however, they are only good on rectangular facades, to bypass more complex forms, you have to do additional tubes.

Make construction forests with your own hands - the easiest and cheapest way to perform work at the height. We will figure it out how to make homemade forests as reliable and resistant.

Many construction work is required at height. There are several options to get scaffolding: rent, order production, make it yourself. The last option allows you to save a lot of time and money. But the design should be as reliable and safe. We'll figure it out how to build scaffolding yourself, which material is most preferable and what safety measures are required.

From wood

The tree is the most widely used material during the independent manufacture of forests. He has a whole set of advantages:

  • Easy processing. Work with the metal requires certain skills in welding, working with professional power tools, etc., which are not all. And to work with the tree is much simpler and at the amateur level with the processing of this material will cope any builder.
  • Affordable toolkit and fasteners. The work requires the most common set: a hammer, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, hacksaw, drill, self-tapping screws, nails. All this is almost in any farm, and if you have to buy something when preparing for work, the costs are small.
  • Comparative cheapness of material. Even a high-quality tree will cost less metallic pipes. Winning becomes especially noticeable when erecting a large design.
  • Ability to reuse. At the end of construction work, wooden forests can be disassembled, putting lumber to work. The metal racks will almost certainly be eternal to dust in the Hozblock or storage room. Of course, you can then hand over them, but not everyone will be born with this work.

Important: When making forests, it is better to use high-quality wood materials. First, it will increase the reliability of the design. And secondly, it will allow the use of materials of disassembled forests in the future. But throwing wood, albeit at a low price, then you will only have to throw away.

There are some drawbacks. The main one is a much lower stability of wooden structures to the assembly-disassembly. After two or three such cycles, it will only be left to let boards on firewood. Metal structures transfer disassembly and the subsequent assembly is much better.

Therefore, wooden structures are the optimal choice for those who want to build their own homes and in the future do not engage in construction work. But those who have plans to build several objects, we recommend to stop the choice on the woods from the metal

From profile pipe

The designs on the frame made of metal pipe with flooring from the boards will be a good choice for the construction of several buildings on one site or for a small construction company. They also have a number of benefits:

  • Sectional design allows you to build forests as needed. Such structures are much easier to modernize under new construction tasks.
  • The ability to quickly disassemble forests and easily transfer to a new place.
  • Durability and high strength with proper manufacturing.

For the construction of forests, aluminum or steel pipes are used. The first option is easier, the second is higher than the indicators of strength and reliability. Therefore, if it is planned to work at a high altitude or raise a large cargo (heavy tool or several workers for one section), it is better to stop the choice on steel racks. The standard section of the section of such forests is a height of 150 cm, the width is 100 cm and the length 165 - 200 cm (depending on the tasks).

What is better: nails or screws?

When the fastener is selected, the question always arises: is it better to take nails or self-tapping screws? Each type of fasteners has its advantages and disadvantages. But the main requirement for fasteners - it should ensure the reliability of the connection of the elements of forests. Otherwise, the design may simply fall apart in the most responsible moment, and this is already very dangerous for the builder.

To ensure high strength, nails are much better suited.

For their manufacture, relatively soft varieties of carbon steels are used, so under load they bent, but they are not rolled. The fragile hardened steel of the screws is much harder and can break with a large load.

If the screws are still selected, preference should be given to the anodized products (they have greenish-yellow color). Such fasteners are less fragile and easier tolerate loads. However, they will still be more fragile than nails. But the "black" screws from hardened steel for assembling forests is better not to apply.

The main claim to the nails is difficult to disassemble forests. To combine the advantages of both types of fasteners, you can use a compromise option: assemble forests using self-tapping screws, and then strengthen nails (2-3 pcs.) The most problematic connections.

So that the nails are easier to remove, use such a way: the small pieces of small thickness boards are put under them (you can knuckle, fragile trimming). When disassembly, these jackets are split, and the sticking caps of nails can now be easily embedded with a nail-holder.

Necessary materials and tools

First of all, we clarify that we will talk about making forests from a tree. This is the most sought-after option that is easiest to implement yourself. When working with metal racks, the toolkit will have to be supplemented with a grinder, a welding machine and some other tools.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the quality of sawn timber used in the work. It is preferable to use boards and bars to manufacture spruce. Pine wood strength is about the same, but pine boards should be carefully checked for the presence of bitch. Bounds at pine grows with mutters, in such places the wood is very weakened. But carefully selected lumber from pine will serve no worse than fir.

Check the board on strength is very simple. Fold two columns of three bricks each and put on them the board. Stand on the board from above and jump a few times. If the board was not broken, it is quite capable of withstanding your weight and as an element of forest design.

The main elements from which wooden forests are collected are as follows:

  • Boards with a thickness of 40 - 50 mm. They will go to the manufacture of flooring.
  • Bar 100 mm x 100 mm. From it, racks, stubborn discharge and other bearing elements of the structure are made. You can replace such a timber board. The width of the board should be 100 mm or more, thickness - 50 m.
  • The board of 30 mm thick (edged) is used for the production of screens, railings, struts.

You need to make sure that all sawn timber is carefully dried. The fact is that poorly dried wood can change its shape and squeeze the design. Yes, and weigh the raw tree more. Since forests - temporary design, riff out the boards of fungicidal compositions and the versa is not necessary.

In addition to sawn timber, the next set of tools and fasteners will be required:

  • Measuring tools: Roulette, level, pencil for making markup.
  • Saw to circumcise the boards and timber. You can do by ordinary hacksaw, but for saving time, a disk saw is much better.
  • Fasteners: nails 120 mm, screws 120 - 150 mm.
  • Tools for assembly: Drill for drilling holes, screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer, nail-holder.

If screws are used to assemble the forests, it is better to drill down the holes of a smaller diameter before twisting. This reduces the risk that the board will burst when screwing.

A set of materials for the construction of wooden forests is fairly easy to find. But in order not to be distracted during the work, you need to prepare everything and carefully check in advance.

Scaffolding with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Assembly of forests produced in several stages:

The assembly process is not special difficulties. But at each stage you need to do everything as carefully, checking the strength of each connection and the correct installation of all items.

To work on the woods made with your own hands, it was safe, and the assembly process was quickly, we recommend listening to the experience of professional builders:

  • If there is at least the slightest doubt that forest strength is not enough - do not regret the strength and material to install additional stop or strengthening the compound.
  • It is not impossible to get involved in building the height of forests. Safely wooden forests can carry no more than three tiers. If you need higher - use metal structures.

Wood forests built on their own is an excellent solution for the construction of your own home or repair work. With the right erection, they are quite safe, and after the end of construction, they can be disassembled, putting the boards to other needs.