Repairs Design Furniture

Grinding cut - prices, technology, tools, materials. Is the grinding of a church before painting? What are the features of the grinding of a wooden house? Methods of wooden house

A fully accessible way to get a dream house, but in the process there are many nuances that also require investments. Among them grinding a cut. Is it worth saving at this important stage of processing or risk not justified?

Video grinding on one of our objects

Purpose Srub grinding

1 There is a whole range of tasks that allows you to solve the grinding of a wooden house. First of all, it is an important condition for high-quality painting, as it allows you to smooth the surface of the log, removing all roughness and dust that appeared during the shrinkage. As a result of high-quality grinding, the paint will be smooth, it will better protect the surface of the log, and the main thing will be just much more accurate and more attractive to look. In addition, this stage is required to remove the darkened wood layer to return her natural color and expressiveness. Thus, it is possible to significantly improve the external look of the walls of the church.

2 Also, the grinding of the log cabin shallow eye should be needed as a preparatory stage before applying varnish. Thus are processed, thus bleached logs. It should be immediately noted that, given the need for a high result and quality of the prepared surface, it is not necessary to abandon the proposals of professional masters. Moreover, the price of grinding cut is quite acceptable.

3 One of the key factors causing the need to grinding a cut - this is a damage to wood fungi. Unfortunately, the disputes of the fungus causing blue wood are distributed by the bug to the cored and penetrate the material in the forest, at the stage of its growth. As a result, wood is painted in an unpleasant painful color even before cutting down the forest. In addition, not observance of drying technologies, improper storage of logs, increased humidity, etc. They can lead to wood infection with mold fungi, which will manifest in the form of spots of various sizes and colors. Fortunately, these fungi do not in any way affect the strength characteristics of the material and only spoil its appearance.

  • The main thing is that this problem is easily solved: to get rid of the infection and unattractive color of wood, the logs must be the first to dry.
  • After installation, a mandatory grinding grinding is carried out, which removes the affected layers of wood and returns the material pristine beauty.
  • Within 2-3 days after this procedure, a ground surface is treated with antiseptics and other chemical compositions of a wide range of action that will avoid relapse.
  • It is worth remembering that in front of the grinding of a wooden house and applying the composition, it is necessary to wait for a reduction in log humidity to a level of less than 20%.

Question price

The grinding price is quite accessible: professionals begins from 250 rubles per square meter in the case of the first stage of processing. For the second stage will have to give almost two times less for the same area.

Technique processing

  • A grinding tool is a few options for grinding machines and special circles to them with varying degrees of grain. Depending on the work area and the desired result, various equipment is used.
  • So the facade can be treated with a corner machine (EMS) with a petal circle, whose graininess is at the P60 level. It can be said that this is the minimum that is required for grinding a wooden house. As a result, there are slightly noticeable marks that can be removed by more careful treatment. For this, the second stage is carried out with the help of an eccentric grinding machine and a circle with grain P80.
  • Inside the room, the processing goes with the help of the same "grinder" and equipment P80. So the log acquires a monochrome surface, and in addition, irregularities are removed. For further painting and varnishing, it is already recommended to grind the cut by the orbital machine and the emery circle of P120.
  • It is worth noting that the best visual effect and a smooth surface gives polishing. This stage is carried out by an eccentric machine and circles with graininess in 180-240 units.
  • The grinding of a wooden house is a whole science, and therefore it is possible to qualityly perform this kind of processing only at a high level of qualification. To do this, we offer the services of "Vityaz-Stroy", because we have not only all the necessary equipment, but also masters, polished not one kilometer log!

Everyone who dreams of a cozy country house or at least about a small box on the plot knows that the best material than a tree for a house (baths) of their dreams is difficult to find. For such buildings, brown conifers and hardwood, which have passed special technological treatment, in particular - the removal of the bark is selected. In this article we will touch such the topic as the grinding of a wooden house. Does she need someone from her, and how to polify?

From the bark purified from the bark, with a diameter of at least 18-40 cm, the walls of a wooden log cabin for the future structure are folded. The log house is stacked in a special, it is not a monolithic stone or brickwork! The log house is folded by the crowns: one crown is one row of logs around the perimeter of the house. The first row, the first crown of the smoke of the largest diameter is the basis for the fortress of the walls, and it rests all the basic responsibility for the sustainability of the house for long times.

All other crowns are important, but the first is the most important. The log house is simply obliged to have a reliable first crown!

But due to the lack of a crust and multiple impacts on the "bare" tree (atmospheric precipitation, bugs-spiders, fungus, etc.) The wooden body of the log begins to collapse, the moisture is freely absorbed into the wood, the crown begins to rot.

The same thing happens with the upper crowns, up to the roof, and in a short time, the house or bath start to go to one way or another. The once elegant golden-straw logs are chosen, they darken, they appear ugly spots fungus and lichen, the walls "leads", like the roof of the roof moves due to the skew, and the window and doors are deformed, etc.

After a couple of years, after the start of destruction - in front of you a typical lachtie-hut, as in the pictures of Russian artists-Mobile Mid-19th century with their sad realism.

So that this frightening picture does not turn into a real nightmare, it is necessary to protect the tree!

Protection of wooden logs, glued timber and boards are traditional - covering them with special impregnating compositions and coloring of the surface with varnishes or paint. To protect the outside - facade processing, from the inside - processing indoors, respectively.

For better penetration of the processing compositions, the wooden surface must be stabbed, having prepared it for further processing, at the same time having saved the logby from the fungus and moldy spots began to form.

What else will give grinding in addition to the smooth surface and getting rid of rotting? Attractive aesthetic appearance, because After grinding, the natural, beautiful, clear structure of the tree will turn out to be on the palm.

On video:

Is this a difficult process?

If you know how to keep the grinder in your hands, then the grinding will not seem like a difficult process to you with your own hands. Another thing is the process of time consuming and time, because Work is performed manually, step by step, albeit with the use of electromechanics and special nozzles to it. For grinding cuts in corners and grooves, it will have to apply the chisel - this is the only reliable way to process them, if you, of course, do not have sandblasting.

The sandblasting apparatus will qualitatively and quickly treat not only the grooves and angles, it will perfectly cope with the grinding of the entire cut, removing only the thin top layer of wood, and will be able to get to the most hard-to-reach cracks, gaps, gaps and junctions.

Grinding a cut and painting, if you have sandblasting, can take just a couple of days. Clean the grooves and corners you can both before stripping the whole wall of the house and after. This is not fundamentally.

Selecting grinding machine

If the sandblasting was not found, you will have to work the corner grinder, better two in turn so that the tool does not overheat. In addition, on one grinder can be set "grain" from 30 to 60 (removing the upper coarse layer of the darkened tree), on the other - "grain" 80-120 (smoothing and remove the raised lines of the logs after the first processing).

Especially for grinding works, a ribbon eccentric grinding machine, which has a built-in bag for collecting dust and sawdust, which are inevitable during the process.

This wonderful device copes perfectly with a grinding of flat surfaces, but the task is to clean the cylindered log, this comfortable thing may not cope. We'll have to again consider the option with two grinders and special grinding nozzles. But with a grinding of walls from a bar, a tape good grinder will perfectly cope!

Look before buying the instrument, from where the machine takes the air. The right air intake will be from behind, and not with a side, so that the grinding machine is less clogged. It is also important and the length of the cord is the freedom of your action when working.

What kind of nozzle to choose to work? Nozzle Nazadka - Return! Someone claims that the petal discs are perfect, others prefer a wire brush. Rule for any nozzle one: it should be smaller diameter than the grinding area. Otherwise, you can get a serious injury if the nozzle is screwed into the slot or the groove.

Deciding than to grind, try the weight of the instrument in your own hand - it will have to work for a long time and if the tool is heavy, "the hand falls off", and there will have to grind large areas and it is necessary to make it quickly, so that the dirt does not have time to be put up to the depressive surface Antiseptic.

Another tool selection factor is its power. It should be no less than 200-300 W, and the number of revolutions per minute is 10 000-12,000. It remains only to arm a respirator or a dense mask to protect against dust and sawdust and glasses for the same purpose.

When to start processing?

You can start grinding immediately as soon as the log house will dry and give a shrinkage. By time it will take about 10 days if the sun warms well. Otherwise, waiting time will have to increase.

Why you can not immediately start grinding the log house, as soon as it was put? Can! Only if you charge that your house is composed of a well-dried log (timber), and wood humidity will not exceed 20%. Then bring the wints under the roof and start grinding work with the subsequent log coating with various impregnations. The house will still have to leave for shrinkage, with impregnation or without.

If there is no confidence in 20%, it is not worth a hurry - a wet tree will be sworn and the surface is smooth and beautiful will not work.

How to grind

Grinding of walls from a bar is performed in stages. All work will be reduced to five basic actions:

  1. Rough, initial grinding.
  2. Grinding corners and grooves.
  3. Processing the ends of the bircus.
  4. Finish - finishing grinding.
  5. Tree coating by impregnation and other antiseptic compositions.

At the first stage (draft robbery), our task is to remove the darkened layer and smooth all the irregularities left by the plane. The task is not complicated, but takes time and attention.

How fast can you manage, will depend on:

  • your skill work with the selected tool;
  • type and wood species, from which the log house is composed (the number of resin and the quality of the primary processing of the log);
  • the number of complex elements adorning the house;
  • power and convenience tools;
  • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe cutting surface of the cut.

The same initial grinding procedure should also pass the grooves with ends. On average, the speed of this work on the 30-40-centimeter log circle or bar is about three minutes.

The next step is very responsible. The finishing grinding before the impregnation is coated must be performed with a special care - it will not be fixed yet. Many masters advise manually finishing grinding, if you are not sure that you will not leave the pit and furrows with a grinding machine due to the lack of experience. Finite, finish grinding - processing thin and requires a confident hand! The grinding of a bar inside the house is carried out in the same order as the outside - stages.

After all the grinding stages are completed, carefully remove the workplace, and the "fresh" house is allowed and wrapped with a slightly wet rag moistened in White Spirit to remove excess resin.

Resin - the enemy when covering impregnation, it will not give me a smooth impregnation film, and this place will remain without protection!

Covering the house by antiseptic, pay special attention to the ends - there will be more consumption on them, because They are porous and absorb liquid as a sponge. Come to the antiseptic on them 3-4 times.

If the ram inside the house will not be shifted, then the finishing grinding is recommended twice. The first is before applying impregnation, the second - after the impregnation dries.Then pinch the walls along the internal perimeter again and only after that cover with varnish or paint.

It is difficult to have time to polish the entire log house per day, especially if its square is great. And if the ground surface is not covered with specials. The solution during the first 12-16 hours, the tree will again begin to darken, and the labor-intensive work will come to no. The maximum term is 36 hours, and it will have to check out something again. Therefore, the one who collapsed himself and processed the house, advises to divide the log house on the part and grind over a small piece of day, bringing this piece to perfection.

Tip! Starting to grind better from the upper crowns, gradually moving down. So you will work more convenient.

After grinding, you can start the cut after the grinding, when the primer antiseptic is well soaked in wood and "grab" with a smooth adhesive film.

To give a cut of a beautiful view over the entire surface, so that the color was everywhere the same, wood whitening.

The whitening composition is applied to the initial grinding, give dry and grind. If one layer was not enough, dark spots were left or a log broom still differ from each other in color, the bleach is applied again, and the tree is grouped.

Usually enough pairs of bleaching procedures. Such processing will prepare your polished cabbage under the polishing with transparent varnishes or painting with light collers. The beauty of a polished log cabin, covered with varnish or paint, does not go to any comparison with the brusade or log "rut", which was seen by our slab before it was so artistic.

Tips for choosing tools and grinding (1 video)

After the end of the work on the construction of a church, the grinding process should be given, which will help to give the tree an aesthetic appearance and make it stronger. About the technology of grinding the cut with their own hands and what to grind the log cabin next.

Siruba varieties

The construction of a church opens a lot of advantages before its owner, such as:

1. The environmental friendliness of the dwelling is a clean and harmless material that does not cause allergies and is safe for both adults and children.

2. The tree regulates the humidity in the room - due to the natural properties of the absorption of moisture, the wooden log house is able to absorb moisture when it is excessive, and to give, if necessary.

3. The ability of the cut to breathe provides a room with a constant natural ventilation, and does not produce heat. It has a positive effect on the comfort and comfort of staying in such a room.

4. The tree has a low thermal conductivity - so the house is very quickly heated.

5. Credo is stable before deformation, its walls are light and do not require the construction of an expensive massive foundation.

6. In addition, the tree is an excellent soundproofer, it has high frost resistance and compared to the construction of a brick or concrete house, costs cheaper.

Before you begin to study the grinding technology, you should familiarize yourself with its main varieties. As you know, the loghouse is called a wooden building made of logs previously processed by special technology. For and manufacturing, coniferous or deciduous species of trees are chosen. Basic requirements for the material:

  • lack of moisture;
  • diameter from eighteen to forty centimeters;
  • no rot, dark spots, beetles, etc.

In the process of facing the log cabin, the logs are placed one another, one row of logs are called a crown. The first row of logs has the largest diameter, as they act on them a large load. The lower side of each log has grooves that happen:

  • semicircular
  • triangular.

In order for the cut walls to be resistant to use plug-in spikes, which are located alternately on each of the logs. Due to the fact that the cutting tree is dry, and is strongly compacted during the installation process, in the first few years of operation, it is settled. This factor must be taken into account when determining the height of the building.

The process of its grinding depends on the corner of the cut, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main varieties of log cabins, in the ratio with the type of angle of the building.

The angle is a compound of two logs among themselves, the strength and integrity of the entire church depends on it. In addition, the corners significantly affect the thermal insulation of the room, since the incorrectly equipped corners of the cut will make the room with cold, and reduce the duration of its operation.

Among the varieties of corners of the cut, two main types are distinguished:

  • with the presence of a residue
  • with the lack of residue.

The first option implies a log of logs on twenty-thirty centimeters, beyond the building. These angles are distinguished by practicality, ease of manufacture, low thermal conductivity and irrepressibility. One of the essential drawbacks of this type of corners is an increase in the amount of forest required to arrange a church. Although, if you compare these costs with expenditures on the insulation of angles without a residue, then they will be almost the same.

Corners without residues suggest a fastening of a cut using wooden locks, cutting down on the end portions of the logs. In such a soul, the ends do not protrude beyond the building. The only advantage of this type of corners is their more attractive appearance. But, shortcomings, the angles without the residue have more, as a small space is formed in the connecting parts, through which the wind falls into the room, so they require insulation. In addition, work on the construction of such a cut last longer and requires large investments, as, in order to build locks, at the end of the logs, you need to attract specialists and pay for their work.

The overall concept and causes of cutting

The log house - consists of logs, but they are in the process of operation due to the presence of the bark begin to darken and lose their appearance. This is because the moisture is absorbed into the unpassed areas and the process of rotting occurs.

To increase the duration of the operation, its external treatment is performed, which includes the grinding process and the tree coating using special compositions that make it waterproof, fireproof and antiseptic.

The grinding process is rather time consuming, and requires from its performer, not only special skills, but also certain tools and a large number of time. If there is no time, then it is better to entrust this question to professionals who spend grinding quickly and efficiently, while the log house will serve its owner many dozen years.

Consequences of grinding:

  • protection of the tree from the formation of fungus and mold;
  • appearance attractiveness;
  • after grinding, a clear texture of the tree can be seen.

In addition, we propose to consider the benefits of grinding a cut:

1. Mechanical treatment of wood allows to get rid of roughness and cracks, and also helps to improve the aesthetic properties of the tree.

2. A tree that has been susceptible to grinding is characterized by high adhesion with paint and varnish materials.

3. Grinding cut - a preparatory stage that allows you to further finish the entire building.

4. After performing grinding, the tree has a beautiful texture, which is the main decoration of the logs.

5. Grinding prevents premature wood aging.

If there is free time and desire to grind on their own, first of all it is necessary to determine the tool that is useful in the work. To work easily and conveniently choose a tool that does not have too heavy weighing, but it has good power.

An excellent solution will be a ribbon grinding machine that will help to perform this work efficiently. To facilitate the grinding process, such tools have built-in bags in which dust and sawdust in grinding are assembled, so additional cleaning after performing the work is not required.

If the log house is made of logs having a semicircular shape, then the ribbon machine with such work will not cope. Then Bulgarian comes to the rescue, which has special grinding nozzles. Use a special disk attached by sandpaper. For hard-to-reach places, the use of the chisel will be an excellent solution.

Pay attention to the weight of the Bulgarian, if it is too heavy, it will work inconvenient and difficult. Recommended power from 600 to 900 W. Choose tools of proven manufacturers, and require a product warranty.

Note that the grinding work work starts after the tree is completely dry. If you proceed to work, immediately after the cutting of the cut, then the wet tree will not allow to make the surface even and smooth.

Fueling with a certain number of nozzles that have different grain size, since certain sections of a log require individual grinding. In addition, when the primary grinding is carried out, it is better to use a nozzle with large grains (forty), and at the finishing grinding, there is enough nozzles with the size of eighty or a hundred.

Grinding process consists of stages:

  • rough robbing;
  • medium processing: smoothing the surface and removal of irregularities;
  • fine processing;
  • grinding before applying varnish or paint.

In the process of grinding the cut, it will take very often to change the nozzles, because the resin and wood dust erases them. In order to clean the nozzle from the parts of the tree accumulated in it, use a steel brush, but before you treat it using White alcohol. Consider, such a nozzle will work worse, and erased faster.

The speed of the grinding process affects:

  • tool skills;
  • tree type;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bSir;
  • the presence of complex elements;
  • tool power;
  • the number of resin in the tree.

The average rate of grinding work on the strap meter of thirty centimeter timber is two minutes.

Do not forget about safety technology, in the process of performing work in the air there is dust, resin and sawdust, which fall on the mouth shells, nose and eyes, so when grinding the bar, it is recommended to wear a mask and protective clothing.

To work it will take availability:

  • corner grinding or grinder;
  • parquet-grinding machine of a circular or ribbon type;
  • grinding nozzles;
  • dulyos;
  • respirator;
  • points.

Start the grinding process, after a certain time, after the harness facing. The building should give a minimal shrinkage. The angular grinding machine will help to treat large surfaces, and manual grinding can cope with difficult to access.

To perform a complete grinding of the cut, its inner walls and facade sections, it will take the presence of an eccentric grinder, a small grinder and a chisel to 2 cm.

1. If there are too large walls, it is necessary to divide them into certain zones, and perform grinding in parts. After performing the work, you should immediately cover the surface with special solutions. If one zone is polished in one day, and do not cover the paint, and the second in a few days, then the work will be performed in vain. After grinding, after 24 hours, the log house begins to darken and requires another grinding. According to the recommendations of specialists, the painting of the cut should be carried out a maximum of 36-48 hours after grinding.

2. The grinding process includes several steps, the first of which is to use the abrasive paper of a coarse type. With its help, the coarse part of the bark is removed, while the pile of the tree remains unharmed. To get rid of the pile plots, it is necessary to carry out a second grinding process, which includes work with small-scale abrasive paper.

3. In the absence of experience of grinding, it is not recommended to use the Bulgarian. This tool has a high speed of rotation, and a novice, it is difficult to carry out uniform grinding. If you attach a little strength and put pressure on the barn on the bar, then furrows will appear on it, which will spoil the appearance of the log. Therefore, in this case, the Bulgarian applies only when processing the groove and end sites.

4. Before grinding the groove grooves, it is necessary to equip the angular grinder using a special flat type nozzle. There are two options for such nozzles:

  • plastic
  • rubber.

It is preferable to choose the first option, since rubber nozzles are not practical, quickly deteriorates and require constant replacement. The diameter of the nozzle should be slightly less for the diameter of replaceable grinding sheets. If the nozzle falls into the groove, the tool is embedded and may accidentally break out of the hands, if the nozzle is less, then it will not touch the person performing grinding, otherwise, the consequences will be terrible.

In order to carry out a grinding of the logs, it will take the presence of grinding machine with a grinding, emery paper shallow fraction, grinders with a circle and grout. This process is longer and requires greater experience with a grinding tool.

Before you begin to grind the logs, you need to wait at least 8-9 days, after building a log house, in the event that the weather is dry and warm. With wet weather, waiting time increases.

The grinding process includes processing coarse places with a grinding machine or a grinder. Then, there are processing of all sections by grouting and sandpaper. This process lasts until the timber becomes perfectly even smooth. The final stage of grinding is recommended manually, especially logs and hard-to-reach places. The most important condition for the correct grinding is the rapid coating of a chub with finishing materials, which will reduce the risk of mold and fungus on the tree.

Processing cut after grinding

The outdoor processing process is capable of extending its life several times. This procedure consists of grinding and painting with various compositions.

There are a large amount of products to be treated after grinding. There are both domestic and foreign manufacturers on the market. But, not all, from these agents are suitable for processing residential premises, so before buying, carefully read the instructions and technical features of the solution.

Among the obligatory means to cover the cut after grinding are:

  • antiseptics preventing the development of mold and fungus;
  • frameworking compositions that make the appearance of the walls more attractive;
  • antipirens - solutions that increase stability before ignition.

The main function of processing a log is protective. In addition, with the help of modern developments, the natural texture of the tree is emphasized and its toning is produced. You can use the use of ordinary wood paint, but in this case, the tree texture will not be visible.

The first layer, which is applied during the processing of the log, is antiseptic, then bleaching, and after that, the application of fireproof impregnations.

Painting a frame is better to brush or a spacing. If the house consists of logs, it is preferable to choose the second option.

Before applying the main layers, pay attention to the evenness and smoothness of grinding and in the absence of cacopants. If they are presented, use special sealants that close the caulking and prevent their interaction with the environment.

Pay attention to the end areas, use acrylic moisture resistant solutions or liquid glass to process them. But, keep in mind that the second option is less safe for residential premises. Apply any of the solutions with two layers, while before applying the second one, the first must dry completely.

The walls are treated immediately after performing grinding, and at the plus air temperature. The first layer is lesing. Application of compositions is made using a brush or spray gun.

The main rule is the durable processing of the walls. Use of high-quality products from leading manufacturers. If you save on materials, then the log house will suffer primarily, as the tree is a rather vulnerable material requiring careful care.

Grinding video video:

When building a house or baths from a log cabin, you will certainly have a problem - how to polish a rounded log? It seems that the task is simple, but try to climb into all these joints and corners of the usual grinding. We present to your attention the best ways!

Skuring logs - still manually?

It is possible that you have not reached a stamp of grinding logs and ahead of the way to ask all the processes of preparation. One of these steps is Okurization, or, in a professional language, the outskirt, that is, getting rid of the bark. They do it as soon as possible immediately after heothed, within 2-3 weeks, because the dried log to process will be even more difficult.

There are quite a lot of ways to order a log, and most of them are quite laborious. The first method is an opening with a rigine, a tool that is a curved blade with two handles at the ends. Babel can be replaced with a sickle by sprinkling the sharp edge of a robust fabric or stretching a piece of hose. If there is no this tool, we use sharply sharpened with a bayonet shovel or ax.

It is possible to simplify the sowing of logs by making cuts along a chainsaw log.This will facilitate the process, but everything will have to work with the same bra hand, an ax or shovel. Oddly enough, but many do not even suspect that work can be simplified and accelerated at times, turning a monotonous physical work in a fairly light task. You can remove the bark with an electrician, but the blade will often be clogged with the bark. In addition, this method will not give such a clean surface of the wood as a bra blah.

In an industrial scale, of course, they use automatic machines, which cost a lot, and the places occupy a lot. There will be no such houses. Industrialists also use inkjet hydraulic ham - this is a relatively new way brought to us from Canada. Cleaning from the crust is carried out by a jet of water, which is fed under pressure in 280-350 atmospheres. Of course, for this you need to buy cheap equipment.

But there is another way, quite affordable and practical. Chainsaw is found in almost every farm - at the cottage, this tool is generally indispensable! All you need is to supplement your chainsaw with a special nozzle - Debarker. Most do not even suspect her existence, but the nozzle is absolutely simple! In addition to cleaning the bark, boring and thighs, debarkers are used to cut the grooves in the logs, which is also relevant in the construction of log cabins, as well as to give round sides of a flat-type log.

The device is divided into two types - disk debarkers and drums. The first are designed specifically for the clipping of the mounting grooves, while the second serve to apply. In the farm, such a thing will be very popular - imagine what opportunities are open to you with its appearance! You will be able to experiment with, make wooden columns for Hoz.oga or try their hand in creating garden furniture from logs and logs.

To begin with, we will understand - why, in fact, grind a log? Is it really without it will not perform his direct functions? Of course, it will, however, grinding complements the list of decorative and protective functions. With decorative, everything is clear - ground wood looks more naturally, its texture is clearly drawn, a gray and blackened surface is removed. The protective function is that together with the blackened layer we remove the fungus that leads to. And already such wood is much easier to protect against destroying factors.

Before polishing each log, it is best to complete all the work on the installation of a log, that is, grind the finished log cabin. If you do it before, the likelihood is that due to damage from transportation or laying it is necessary to redo something. For work, you will need an angular grinding machine or, as it is called in the people, Bulgarian, disc or ribbon parquet and grinding machine, as well as safety glasses and respirator. Grinding should be started when the tree is completely driving, and the building is at least a little bit.

The technology of work is simple - to treat large surfaces, we use the angular grinding machine (grinder) with petals of different grain rims. It is better to choose a small tool, otherwise you already after the first day of work just hands will be dismiss! It is enough to power the power tool in 850 W. If the log house has explicit traces from the work of the Rubanka, you can first take the wheels of Belubee, and then modify the log cabins with minor petals. But the grinder will not get into all the place - work with other tools or even manually.

It is best to break the total amount of work into several sites, each of which you can master in one approach, but in no case leave the job unfinished, otherwise you have to start all.

Under the "unfinished work" implies the lack of wood protection from external factors of various primers and impregnations. If this is not done right away, after a few days the log house will again darken - consider that your whole work went in vain.

But the beginners are very difficult to cope with the grinder - during grinding this tool is the likelihood that deep furrows are formed on the logs, or wood from too strong pressing "burns". In such a case, the grinding should be grinding except that the grooves and ends, or how to rush on unnecessary logs. Alternative to ESM-Slicking work in two stages. The first stage is the coarse processing of wood with sandpaper of a large fraction, the second stage is processing the surface with an abrasive with a fraction 100.

Than grinding a rounded log - a look from another angle

If we figured out with the log cabin, then individual require another approach. In fact, the grinding of the rounded log will differ much more difficulty, because it will have to pay attention to the entire surface of the log. The sandy paper of the high fraction is not easy in large, but in huge quantities, even novice will prevent light bulgaria and grinders. A log should be placed on a clean working surface, you can simply be on the concrete, most importantly, suitable all dust or even spelling.

In this case, you can try to work with a grinder even a novice, because on the log there will be plenty of gross places where you can practic. After processing, the grinder should be brought to the desired condition of sandpaper. Much faster work will go, if you grind the vibration or belt grinder.

Antiseptic and flames - from fungus and fire!

As a rule, polished wood is treated with several compositions. First, it is a lesing antiseptic - a special impregnation that protects the logby from fungus and other grinding phenomena, from insects, gives wood mud and water-repellent properties. This composition is very difficult to wash off from the surface, so that there will not be scary to the logs.

After the antiseptics in the course there is a composition that gives wood a special color or texture - quite often such compositions also have protective properties, first of all, from weather conditions. Lastly, the logs are covered with antipyrenes - compositions that prevent tree fire. All formulations can be applied to an ordinary brush or spray with a spray.

Grinding increases the service life of the house and retains an attractive appearance of the structure for a long time. Some believe that such treatment is not needed by rounded and chopped logs, as they look aesthetic. However, experts in the construction of a wooden house and baths recommend that the walls are grinding, because it gives additional protection of wood.

Why I need grinding

Grinding a church prevents wheels rotting, increases moisture resistance and insect. It removes defects and irregularities from the surface of the walls of a wooden house, protects wood from mold and fungus. Note that non-empty logs even after processing with antiseptics and paints and paint materials over time, they still darken and lose the initial appearance. Grinding will help avoid this problem.

Benefits of grinding

  • The grinding of the rounded log retains the natural smooth color of the wood. Without grinding over time, wooden walls are darked due to the effects of sunlight;
  • After grinding, the surface of the logs becomes smooth and smooth;
  • The procedure removes the top layer, where the fungus and mold will be accumulated;
  • Grinding before impregnating wood with antiseptic means contributes to the uniform distribution of the means over the surface without layers and stains;
  • Grinding removes mud from the surface of the walls, which has accumulated when transporting and installing a chub;
  • The procedure improves the penetration of paint and protective equipment into a tree, reduces consumables;
  • Grinding cutting raises the stability of the tree to moisture and the effects of insects.

Grinding cut - a time-consuming process that is better to entrust professionals. After all, the appearance of the walls and the life of the wooden house depends on the quality of work. Grinding a log cabin will deliver a lot of trouble, as it is necessary to carefully follow the rules and clearly observe the sequence of performance. In addition, in the process of grinding, dust stands out, which can get into the eyes, nose and respiratory tract. Therefore, in work, special means of protection are used!

Required tools

The correctly selected tool is the key to high-quality grinding. For easy and fast work, choose a not too heavy tool with high power. Too heavy weight will reduce performance by 2-3 times, and low power increases the time of operation!

Grinding walls and ends of the house or baths are performed using a grinding machine, grinder and special disks. For a semicircular rounded log, a standard ribbon grinder will not fit. Such a tool is used to process a smooth surface. It is suitable for a bath or house from a bar.

For the house of the rounded logs, it is better to use a grinder with nozzles from a grinding disk with sandpaper in the form of petals. Choose a light bulgar with a power of 850 W. It is better to take the tool of the famous and proven brand. Preview photos on sites, assemble feedback on forums and among friends. Do not take the first tool from the first, as it may turn out to be poor and just collapse in two or three days of work.

It is important to choose the nozzles. For the outer grinding of rough parts of the walls, choose the circle number 80. Circle №120 is suitable for external processing of smoother and soft sections. From a circle No. 30, grinding of the ends, and the nozzle number 60 is used to remove the old paint and varnish coating. A tool with larger grain nozzles are used for primary processing smaller - for final.

Be prepared that you will often have to change the nozzles. Abrasive in the process of work is erased, clogged with resin and dust of wood. To extend the service life of the nozzle, the tool is treated with a metal brush with a yyat-spirit. However, even after cleaning, the speed and performance of the work will still decrease.

How to grind logs - instruction

After you picked up the tool, you can move to grinding. Remember that the log cabins only after the complete shrinkage of the logs! As a rule, it takes 6-12 months depending on the design of a wooden house or a bath and ground ground. Grinding is performed before the main finish and installation of windows, doors, ceilings. In addition, you can polish only dry materials, as wet wood will go.

Before starting work, be sure to put the protective mask, glasses or respirator to protect your eyes, mouth and nose from wood dust! Now let's consider in more detail how best and more efficiently pollute logs:

  • Examine the walls and remove peeling pieces. They will slow down work and can spoil the tool. Proceed these places with adhesive composition and leave to dry for a day;
  • Check the caisp. If the gaps appeared, the walls are needed;
  • With logs of coniferous rocks, first remove the resin and only then go to the main stage of the work;
  • Grind the walls first with large nozzles, and then small. The grinding of the rounded log is better to start with nozzles No. 100, and to use No. 125 for recycling;

  • Do not press a lot to the surface and do not make big turns. In the first case, it is possible to "burn" wood, and in the second - the irregularities and furrows will remain.
  • Pay special attention to the processing of the ends, since they are most susceptible to the negative impact of moisture, insects and other factors;
  • Turning the ends from the nozzle number 35 and gradually go to 120;
  • Grinding the corners and hard-to-reach places is better carried out with the help of a chisel or bar with grinding paper;
  • After grinding, carefully remove the dust inside and outside the house or bath;
  • After grinding, you need to handle the walls with protective compositions. For this use antiseptics and antipers. Choose individual specials for the ends! After the surface is driving, it should be painted with decorative paint and varnishes.

In the new, just built the house, just perform surface grinding under painting. From the old walls, you first need to remove the old layer of paint and varnish, and if necessary and whiten the logs. After grinding, painting of internal and external walls begins. If you perform grinding and handle the wood correctly, the surface of the walls will become smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Now you know how to avoid mistakes when grinding and get high-quality smooth and beautiful logs. In any case, grinding requires certain knowledge and skills, so it is better to turn to professionals. The company "Marisrub" performs a full range of works on the processing of walls in a wooden house.