Repairs Design Furniture

Boxes for kitchen cabinets. We choose filling for kitchen cabinets: the best ideas for the competent organization of space. Specialized Tool Box

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The organization of the kitchen space is the most important task of any mistress. After all, on how good and functional the interior will be released, the mood of the hostess and the speed of cooking are directly dependent. What can be the shelves and drawers to maximize the existing space and accommodate everything you need, where they are taken and where to place them, in detail now and consider .

Something from the boxes presented here and the shelves can be done by himself, something will have to be made to order, and for something you can go to the store.

Retractable boxes and shelves

The advantage of drawers is that everything you need is always at hand and is beautifully indisputable.

Or such an option: just open the door, and the rear shelves are put forward after it.

It is convenient to store bottles, spices and cereals.

Or these waters of the retractable shelves - mini pantry

On such durable shelves, dishes for guests, cereals and pasta are perfectly placed.

You can even hide the vacuum cleaner and other cleaning facilities

The device here is such a retractable shelf allows in a small narrow space at the slab to store bottles of oil, vinegar, sauces and seasonings. Gently and always at hand.

Exactly the same retractable shelf for sauces and oil, but below, to the right of the oven.

If the space allows you to make a retractable box with shelves, and it is convenient to accommodate everything you need there.

In wide drawers, everything is perfectly fits perfectly: and plug-spoons, and oil sauces and numerous spices.

Well, it is already - just the peak of design thought. On the verge of perfection.

Retractable cutting boards

How often we regret that it is impossible to move the kitchen closer to the TV. With this mobile table, this problem is solved once or twice or three.

And garlic here can be cut, and cook salad, and everything is not moving away from the box office.

Retractable cutting boards are good because the places of additional do not occupy, and if necessary - always at hand.

A cutting board with a hole is the perfect option for the preparation of salad: just substitute a bowl and cut down with pleasure.

Braided baskets in the kitchen

It is the opinion that wicker baskets in the kitchen do not look, only worsened appearance. However, this is not the case. Retractable wicker baskets can decorate any room.

and perfectly suitable for storage of vegetables, because vegetables are perfectly ventilated in them

Any man under the power is the manufacture of such a fixture for storing bread and baguette.

One hand movement - and fresh pastries are always on the table.

Storage forks, knives and other kitchenware

Find the desired scoop or a frying pan will not be problems if you have such a pull-out drawer

Retractable table in the kitchen

Thinking, many hostesses come to the conclusion about the need for the device here the retractable table.

It can be used for everyday breakfasts and preparation for a banquet.

Under the retractable table, you can convert almost any retractable upper shelf, putting on it a suitable sheet of plywood or plastic.

Storage Pot and Frying

A good mistress is a saucepan and pan, a great set, and keep them at hand is not always possible. For helping in such a difficult case, such cunning devices come

Kitchen organization is not a lung. Therefore, those who have just started to design and plan the kitchen, many excellent ideas will come to the rescue. Of course, it is difficult to find one ideal project that could embody all the dreams of the hostess, therefore, it is worth combining using only you liked the details. And even after the repair is completed, new ideas may appear that so as much as they are implemented. Do not get upset! It's never too late to improve your design, for example, adding some useful and, of course, stylish elements and accessories.


In order to store olive oil, vinegar and other containers can be used wicker basket. Convenient, beautiful and stylish! In such a wicker tray, all bottles are very easy to move.

Wicker accessories are simply indispensable in the kitchen! If there are open shelves, they can be filled with baskets with the necessary things. Very convenient, and it looks like a kitchen gently and clean!

"Cakes" for vegetables

Of course, potatoes and onions are small and compact vegetables, however, and for them you need to find a suitable place. And this is not so simple. The idea with drawers-baskets is interesting and functional. Thus, vegetables will always be at hand, but hidden from prying eyes.

Kitchenware box

What kitchen without kitchenware! Usually, all the kitchen utensils simply lies in a large bunch of embankment, and when you need to find some item, a lot of time, forces and nerves are spent. From this situation there is just an excellent way out. In the drawer, you need to make several compartments, which later place all the kitchenware.

I do not want anyone, going into the kitchen, see containers with garbage, and even no longer want to stumble about them during cooking. Then why not organize a lower retractable box in a bedside table, in which one, two or even three garbage buckets can be put. Thus, it is possible not only to keep the kitchen in perfect clean, but also take care of the environment, because it is a very convenient way to sort garbage.

The idea is ideal for spacious kitchens. A huge sink is very practical, especially for a big family, because soaking dishes in it is much easier and faster.

Mobile kitchen

The kitchen work area is unusually important. Especially if she is mobile and can be moved from one place to another. Valuable idea for modern kitchens.

Apron is not just a decorative decoration of the kitchen and the protection of the walls from the consequences of frying and washing. There are many other original ideas of its use. For example, embed a coffee machine into it.


If the dimensions of the apron make it possible, then the plasma TV can be built into it. Now you can watch your favorite TV series during cooking, listen to the culinary advice of professionals, saving and so precious place in the kitchen.

Microwave is one of those bulky devices that are very difficult to find a suitable place in the kitchen. But if you integrate it into one of the kitchen walls, then the problem will be solved by itself.

Placement of kitchenware on the apron is a very practical idea. Thus, all the necessary things will always be at hand.

All fans seasonings face the problem of storing numerous jars. An excellent idea will be the use of magnets. The iron plan is attached to the wall, to which can be attached jars and bags with spices.

Paper towels can be seen in any kitchen, they are very practical. For convenient storage and use, you can install a special roll holder.

Vertical drawers are not only stylish and original, but also very comfortable and practical. They are ideal for storing spices or other small tanks.

Most people store dishes on the shelves or in kitchen cabinets, just to get the lowest dish at the rear wall, will have to do. But there is one amazing idea. For example, keep the dishes in drawers with special partitions so that the plates do not touch each other and, thus, damaged.

Typically, the corners in the kitchen are a dead zone because it is not very convenient to use them. Corner drawers will allow you to use all the space without exception. And this is another additional place to store things.

Many people are saddened by the lack of drawers under the sink, aimlessly disappears as much space. However, at the bottom, you can equip the retractable box in which to store cleaning and detergents.

It seems that this is an ordinary drawer, but it's not at all. This is a double drawer, which is ideal for storing cutlery.

Storage of knife

The original and unusual way to store knives is right on the working surface. It is safe and easy, but it is worth making sure that there is nothing at the bottom, because you can damage things that are stored there, and hurt yourself when they need to get.

Vegetables make up the basis of the traditional diet all year round, so ensuring the correct storage mode - this is a matter of not only rationality, but also common sense.

Not everyone knows that vegetables can be stored not only in special warehouses, but also at home, in the basement, on the balcony or just in the kitchen. It is enough to make special boxes.

Ideas for the storage system of vegetables: cobes, baskets, containers

Even in a regular apartment in a multi-storey residential building, you can organize correct and products, you just need to know how to do it. It is quite realistic to limit the temperature and humidity at home, especially since the "wintering" of vegetables organize is still much easier than storing more juicy fruits or berries. As a rule, balconies are chosen for storage of roots, where it is very convenient to organize their storage system on the couches and in the angular tables.


Fresh cabbage is not the easiest vegetable when it comes to the organization of storage, the cabbage is best maintained, especially since it remains almost all vitamins. A fresh white-colored cabbage requires a low storage temperature - from -1 to + 1 ° C, and high relative humidity indoor indoor is 90-98%. Otherwise, Kochan will dry very quickly and will not be suitable for eating.

In the refrigerator, the cabbage can also be stored - in the closed room it "suffocates", and in polyethylene begins to heat. It is best for storing cabbage to use a basement: the kochens must first be adding a little, and then hang under the ceiling. If the balcony in the apartment is unheated, it is quite possible to organize such storage and at home.

Onion and garlic

Garlic more arrogantly to storage conditions than onions, however, the total of these products also have: heads and garlic, and onions need to be carefully dried before storage. After that, there are 3 storage options for Luka heads:

  • weave "braids" and suspend;
  • fold in stocking and leave in a purified place;
  • put in boxes in 2 layers, you can.

At the same time, the onions can be stored directly in the kitchen - dry air will prevent germination. With garlic a little more complicated: the dried heads can simply dry, so they are recommended to be "closed" with paraffin or wax. After that, garlic can be stored as well as onions, in a place with a limited flow of sunlight.


Potatoes happens on the table and on weekdays, and on holidays. It consume most of all, and few people do not have at least a couple of kilograms of these roots.

The fruits of potatoes in the dark ripen, and it is also better to store them in place with a minimum amount of light, otherwise they will turn green, and it is unsafe in food to eat such potatoes.

First of all, potatoes must be carefully succeeded, only after that it can be stored in storage boxes. If we are talking about the apartment, then the unheated balcony is suitable for storing this root - there can be placed boxes with potatoes and not fear for its safety.

It is important that the storage room is not too wet and not too dry, otherwise the vegetable can be spoiled - to join, start germinate. Optimum moisture for storing potatoes - 85-90%, temperature 2-3 ° C.

Carrots and beets

Beets and carrots are stored according to a similar principle.

Having a thin skin carrot can be easily spoiled when the temperature of the temperature regime is impaired - the simply root root will be unsuitable for food. Optimum storage temperature - 1 ° C, and relative humidity - 90-95%. Also carrots need constant ventilation and access of air. You can store carrots in different ways:

  • in open bags of polyethylene;
  • in the sand, so that the fruits do not touch each other, and the sand itself regularly moistened;
  • in an open bottle - if carrots are a bit, it is possible to store it in this way both in the kitchen and in the refrigerator, or on the balcony, but with the onset of frosts you need to close the jar;
  • sludged clay is a rather marked way, but very effective;
  • in sawdust needles - the way is similar to storage in the sand;
  • in the storage boxes of vegetables - the easiest way, besides, so carrots can be stored in the apartment.


Legumes are best stored in closed containers so that midges did not start

Beans, beans, soybeans, lentils and other legumes require approximately the same storage conditions. The main storage condition - the fruits should be well succumbed, and in order for them not to threaten insects, they need to store them with slices of garlic or bows. It is best to do it in hermetically closed banks.

Unlike other fruits, bob frosts are not scary, they can be safely left on the balcony. However, if there is a place in the kitchen, and the humidity of the room is not too high, the storage can be organized there.

The legumes will definitely "live" in the apartment all winter and even longer, but it is worth remembering that after frost they will be unsuitable for planting, can only be used in food.

Vegetables in the apartment

In the kitchen, you can store vegetables, the main thing is to comply with the correct mode.

Summarizing, it can be said that it is best for storing such vegetables like onions and garlic, carrots, as well as legumes. Beet needs a cool place, and the cabbage is very picky about storage conditions and quickly flies - it is easier to break it for the winter, and fresh buy it.

Potatoes are also suitable for storage in the apartment and can successfully "overweight" if storage conditions are met. Store potatoes are better in small batches and ensure that it is not exposed to sunlight and did not germinate.

The best option for storing potatoes will be the organization of a special place allotted in the kitchen or on the balcony, and performing the role of mini-vegetable store. This place can be made both yourself and buy.


Store vegetables in plastic boxes best

As it is already clear from the text above, the easiest way to organize the storage of vegetables in drawers, which can be placed in the kitchen or on the balcony. When choosing a container for long-term storage of vegetables outside of special premises, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • the material from which the drawer is made;
  • volume of containers;
  • the presence and number of ventilation holes;
  • the possibility of convenient placement and use.

In such boxes you can store onions, potatoes, carrots, beets. Ventilation holes must be necessarily, otherwise, vegetables can "suffocate" and spoiled. Air must circulate freely, the room is to ventilate from time to time.

For "home" storage of vegetables in the kitchen or balcony, you do not need to take too large boxes, the volume of 20 liters will be more than enough.


Plastic boxes are simple in care, cheap and durable

Plastic containers for vegetables storage containers have the best features for specified parameters:

  • plastic containers are available in different volumes;
  • such trays and cores have perforation at the bottom and on the sides, are produced with or without lids;
  • often, plastic boxes are equipped with handles so that they are comfortable to ship and get vegetables from them;
  • designed for stacking, the design allows you to put boxes on each other, and the inserts of metal will protect vegetables from the suggestion by the upper tiers;
  • plastic withstands a wide range of temperatures, they are not terributed frost and summer heat;
  • this type of container is reusable, it can be used for many seasons in a row.


Wooden boxes are strong, but they are more convenient to transport vegetables, and not to store

Drawers made of natural wood are not so durable as plastic, they are used for more careful transportation and storage of vegetables:

  • the design of the boxes is enhanced with metal inserts;
  • ventilation occurs due to the gaps between the boards;
  • wooden boxes are heavier, do not have pens, they are not so comfortable to put on each other, besides, they are easy enough to damage;
  • you should not consider drawers of wood for repeated use by more than 1 season, but as a temporary measure, they are quite suitable.


Cardboard boxes are fragile, but baskets from the vine will look in the kitchen interesting

At least such drawers and made of several layers of dense cardboard, it is clear that for reusable use they do not fit:

  • cardboard is very critical to air humidity, it can be brought or sold;
  • even with careful handling, such boxes will not stand more than one season;
  • they are usually small, have small ventilation holes.

How to store vegetables, see the video:

Organization of vegetable stores do it yourself

Not all vegetables can be kept normally in conventional boxes, so you can take care of a vegetable store - a place in which a certain temperature will be observed.

It is easy to make such a storage, but as a result you can always have a small stock of vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots.

Size, Material, Temperature

What you need to think in advance:

  • the size of the box directly depends not only on the area, which can be allocated to it, but also on the number of people living in the apartment;
  • if it is supposed to use such a cellar as the main storage of vegetables, it must be insulated, otherwise, vegetables will be moderated in frosts;
  • it is possible to make such a box even a girlfriend - for this suitable as genuine wood and chipboard, plywood, you can even use old unnecessary furniture.

Before you begin to calculate, you need to decide which form factor of a vegetable store is most convenient - it may be a similarity of the chest with retractable shelves (as), a drawer with a vertical loading or a wardrobe with doors. The last option is most convenient for use, it is easy to organize access to it. And create a model of the future room can be using.

Video: Metal and plastic storage tanks for vegetables - Overview of the best options

How to store vegetables in the house, and how to make comfortable storage boxes for storing potatoes, carrots and other vegetables. See our video:

The model of the chest with drawers to embody the most difficult, especially when it comes to the organization of insulation, and a vertical loading box, on the contrary, to do simply, but it is not very convenient.

Safety from frost and rotting

In a warmed drawer, you can store vegetables on a cold balcony

On the balcony, the repository will be constantly exposed to temperature drops even for one season. This can cause the rotting of the boards whom the repository is made, and its damage. To prevent rotting due to excessive moisture, it is necessary to take care of the impregnation of wood, which will protect the walls of the drawer from the drops of moisture and temperature. And about cheap kitchen corners you can learn by.

You should also think about the insulation of the floor of the balcony, if it is not yet insulated. Despite the fact that the storage box itself will be insulated by itself, the cold floor can cause damage to the warehouse.

If vegetables are stored on an unheated balcony or loggia, then it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 0 ° C.

Stages of creation

But equipping such a "storage" in the kitchen can store all the supplies

On the Plan, the repository must be taken into account all the dimensional characteristics of the future storage taking into account the thickness of the walls with the insulation. Do not choose too complicated design, if it was not necessary to do anything like that before. And about the serving of the festive table at home can be found.

Construction of carcass

The frame is made of a wooden bar. First, the bottom is formed, then the side vertical racks, the latter is formed the top of the box. For the bottom and top, it is best to use a pre-made rectangular frame in the size of the drawer.

Crack and insulation frame

From the inside, the finished carssas is trimmed with boards or plywood, chipboard - what is in stock, and outside - insulation. The drawer cover is manufactured according to the same principles, attached to the storage on metal loops.

For ease of use, you can take care of the internal lighting of the box, besides, this is another way to increase the temperature. You can use a manual or circuit breaker, which is to build, of course, more complicated, but it is more convenient to use it.

Also as a repository, you can use more "fir-hand" means - for example, it can become an old unused refrigerator. True, it is quite cumbersome, so if the question is about the optimal use of space, you can use other ideas. How to choose kitchen scales can be found.

Bent boxes

Here is such a bench will also serve not bad furniture

This refers to the creation of a repository with drop-down or sliding (more convenient option) doors, the upper part of which serves simultaneously and bench. Such a box is much more convenient than the usual storage, as you can put it anywhere:

  • on the balcony, equipping there is a comfortable seat for seating;
  • in the kitchen using such a bench instead of a pair-triple;
  • in the corridor, if there is a place and just missing where to sit.

The principle of manufacturing such a box is similar to the above, with the only one that the seat must be organized from above, and the frame itself should be strong enough to withstand the human weight. Also worth separately take care of strengthening the bottom and the top of the box, otherwise it is the usual storage, only more convenient.

Caring for a container-vegetable store is not particularly difficult - it needs to be kept clean and watch that there are no insects that can ruin fruit. And about plastic for kitchen facades can be found.

Also, the excessive moisture will be spoiled and its contents. You can use such a box at any time of the year - in the summer it will be useful for storing seasonal vegetables if they are purchased by parties.

In such boxes it is convenient to store a small number of vegetables that are necessary daily

Wicker baskets - an excellent alternative for drawers

As can be seen, the arrangement of home storage for vegetables is not difficult at all, even if you do the entire front of work yourself. Meanwhile, it makes it possible to people who have no cellar or basement, keep vegetables as long as possible, retaining nutrient elements and vitamins. We also recommend familiar with high chairs for the kitchen.

Multifunctional objects such as kitchen boxes have a place to be in any varieties of kitchen furniture.

Over time, the furniture was significantly transformed, while largely changed its functionality and fundamental opportunities.

Boxes in the kitchen headset

The dimension range of such pieces of furniture can be the most diverse. Someone prefers overall, and someone miniature options.

Recently, the so-called kitchen boxes with the closer or the use of the table with cuisine boxes are particularly popular.

Particular attention should be paid to the main advantages of this furniture.

Ergonomics. No less popular is the use of several deep boxes instead of one. This will allow not only to save the time of the hostess, but also help you quickly find one or another dishes.

Rational organization of available space. In this case, it should be noted the convenience of using special separators that can competently use free space in the kitchen.

The improvement of furniture for the kitchen, in particular boxes, is associated with the lack of opportunity to be easily reached by internal cabinets or to hard-to-reach places.

Creating a drawer in the base of the kitchen or under the oven

The last option involves creating a drawer, which is demonstrated in the photo of the drawers in the kitchen, to accommodate forms for baking and pan. Also, such a version of furniture will help ensure storage of containers or dishes, which can be used when baking.

Free space can be filled with a small bed with cuisine boxes, with such an option mainly used in the case of a small kitchen. Such a solution will provide an opportunity to increase the common capacity in your kitchen.

No less popular is the creation of an angular box for a kitchen, creating the ability to fully save access to its contents.

Use of space under the sink

This option is also in demand in those apartments where the kitchen has a relatively small area. In addition to the installation of a bucket under the garbage, this part of the space can be involved as special lockers for smallness of household.

Especially popular with retractable boxes for the kitchen. In this case, before creating it is recommended to decide on one of their several options for the guides:

  • planck is a fairly old and budget option, and can only be used in furniture objects that do not have elevated loads;
  • rollers - a traditional choice, have a relatively low cost and are able to ensure optimal efficiency;
  • metaboxes - enhanced format rollers have a varied length and height, differ in high strength, the cost is slightly higher than the previous option;
  • self-icing - are produced exclusively by large manufacturers, differ in excellent performance and duration of service life, such a mechanism provides an independent closing of the box, while slowing down at the end of the maneuver, as a lack there is an increased cost, not every one.

Positive qualities of the use of boxes in the kitchen

As the main and sufficiently weight advantages of using such drawers on the kitchen space, the following qualities are highlighted:

  • increased use comfort;
  • improving accessibility to subjects stored in this furniture;
  • efficient use of available space;
  • the presence of non-standard effects in the interior.

In addition to the main positive features, there are certain disadvantages:

  • occupy part of the free space in the cabinets;
  • not always suitable for storing large-sized items;
  • the final cost of furniture depends on the guides largely.

Do not doubt that boxes play an important role in the kitchen space.

If you have the opportunity to acquire an improved version of furniture, you should not miss this opportunity. Cabinet with kitchen boxes

Stock Foto Kitchen boxes

Wood-Mode Fine Custom Cabinetry, © houzz

When the work surface is tightly occupied by household appliances and dishes, cook becomes just nowhere. This picture is well acquainted to owners of small kitchens. How to unload the worktop, we will still talk, but you can act from nasty. For example, add the headset with a retractable panel instead of one of the top boxes. The simplest script is to turn the drawer to the bottom up, strengthen the extra panel and thus get a stationary cutting board.

Dewils Custom Cabinetry, © houzz

The lower part of the kitchen headset can also work for you. Remove the decorative panel, order a narrow pull-out drawer on the width of the module and manage it as you like. The space of 10-15 centimeters height is suitable for storing a wide utensils (festive dish, baking, massive covers) or it will be useful to your pets. We know how you're tired of stupid about the bowl with food under your feet.

3. Cups at hand

The Kitchen Design Center, © houzz

Cups and plates are customary to put the headset in the upper sections, and the pans are in the bottom. This is a proven over the years, but not the only possible storage scenario. Look at how many cups and glasses are placed in a conventional drawer under the working surface. At the same time, all items in sight - you no longer have to get up on the tiptoe and painfully look for a favorite cup in dark bowels of the suspended cabinet.

4. What is under your sink?

Design Set Match, © houzz

Let's try to guess: pipes, garbage bucket and an ominous warehouse of household chemicals. Given the depth of the kitchen headset, you most likely forgot to be hidden by the wall, not to mention the way to climb the sink with your head and make cleaning in the corners. The simplest retractable box with low walls comes to the rescue, as in the photo. The price of components - both for two lunch in a cafe plus minimum labor costs.

Kitchen Interiors, © houzz

Doors of the cabinet not only the barrier for dust, but also the useful storage area. Mount the internal shelves to the depth of the CO jar, and you will no longer have to wonder how it is convenient to arrange kitchen trivia.

Jory Workshop, © houzz

Half, noise and whims, especially if there are many of them, are not always placed in a horizontal box. Exit - to organize storage vertically. It is suitable for any narrow section of the headset, such as a bottle, if it is for you to anything. To turn a narrow box to a vertical storage system, it is enough to cut in any panel of the circle on the diameter of glasses. So the kitchen utensils will be at hand, and the glasses will easily take out and wash if necessary.

Liv by Design Interiors, © houzz

The board with holes "as in the garage" or a metal grid is a completely decent decorative element, if it is properly filed. Feel free to paint the board in the tint of the kitchen and hang it on the apron or the stenitude, which will be found even in the tiny room itself. Storage opportunities at such a board are almost limitless: a pair of metal hooks from the store for the house, and you can raise a frying pan, tacks and even a section for a sponge - what is enough fantasy.

Mullet Cabinet, © houzz

Another useful idea with a perforated board is to lay it inside a deep drawer and add vertical slats under the size of the dishes. Now here you can store not only the pans, but also ceramics: plates and saucers do not break up, even if you sharply slam the box.

Dura Supreme Cabinetry, © houzz

Pans and lids in the kitchen often have to be separated due to the large diameter and large dimensions. All would not, but at the most inopportune moment, the couple is often lost. To collect large utensils in one place, care space for covers with a narrow pocket inside a common large drawer. With this location, you will be clearly visible to the diameter of the dishes.

10. Jump everything

Kootut Murut, © houzz

On the lower surface of the closed box or an open shelf, you can mount neat hooks and store coffee cups, brushes or blades on them. As practice shows, the hooks do not happen much: in our example, several systems operate in the photo.

11. Levitating jars for spices

Joanna Thornhill Interiors, © houzz

Separate seasonings on the table top - it means to subscribe to the eternal mess: banks will fall from any random movement, and to make it elementary, it will have to shift the entire "battery" to a safe distance. It is much easier to fix them under the top line of kitchen cabinets: stick the lids and unscrew the cans themselves.

Ptacek Home, © houzz

The angle of the sample headset is perhaps the most mysterious place in the kitchen. Usually, the skils that are sorry for you to throw away, although it's time for a long time, or a crazy, which you take once a year. So that the precious meters do not disappear in vain, complete the corner cabinet with a rotary-retractable basket or a fly-off-carousel. Both can be built into the finished kitchen, and the components find from most manufacturers.

Masterbrand Cabinets, Inc, © houzz

Hall and kitchen - two rooms that most often need cleaning. But, ready to argue, you did not design a niche for mop and other large accessories in the kitchen. It is not too late to correct the deficiency: the problem will solve a very narrow end cabinet, which organically closes the kitchen line.

14. Knives in the tabletop

Hendel Homes, © houzz

Cookinists with experience advise: Before starting to cook, get not only ingredients, but also all the necessary dishes. But no matter how we tried to follow the smart recommendations, it is sure to turn out that right now you need a completely different knife and it lies in the box where you don't want to climb dirty hands.

If the tabletop material allows you to make feeds in it. To such a storage system, small children will not be completely distinguished, and the knives will always be ready. If the countertop does not succumb to processing, you can provide a special wooden insert for the knives.

Ink Architecture + Interiors, © houzz

If the refrigerator is not embedded in the general system of cabinets, then the space above it is most likely empty and this is a crime against ergonomics. Between the refrigerator and the ceiling, you can mount a full-fledged mezzanine with closed shelves or open sections for bottles, as in our example.