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From what diameter log build a bath. Log thickness for a bath: selection criteria and concrete numbers. Benefits of banker cuts from a thick rounded log

By Admin.

When building a house, the question of the diameter of the necessary and suitable log is very relevant. It is necessary to solve this question immediately before the construction of the house.

Until 1999, in our country, the construction of the construction occurs according to SNiP 2.01.01-82, now the standards have changed, and at home are built according to SNiP 23-01-99. Innovations in building climatology differ from the previous standards with new requirements for the thermal conductivity of the surrounding structures in the most side. For example, if earlier for the requirements of climatology walls of bricks 30 cm was enough, now its thickness should be 60 cm.

Interestingly, new insulation requirements appeared on par with development in the construction market of companies that specialize in the production of insulating materials. It is likely that changes are associated with lobbying interests with new companies. Otherwise, the people in Siberia and with the old people will remain inexplicably, and with the new SNiP continue to winter in homes, where the wall thickness is 20-30 cm.

Answer the question about the necessary thickness of the rounded log can only be determined to build. The house can be designed for seasonal (summer) use and for constant all-season use. It is from how the house will be operated in the future, the choice of the diameter of the rounded log for the house depends.

If the construction of the house is carried out for living in it in the summer, then a thickness of 20 to 22 centimeters is suitable. And if the house will be used in winter, it is advisable to choose a thickness of 24-26 centimeters. It is possible for the all-season operation to buy a rounded log thickness from 28 centimeters and more, they will not be warmer, but contribute to savings on heating.

To implement the correct construction of the house from the log, you must comply with the formula. This is a special formula, it is indicated in Snip. Its essence says that the width of the log is equal to half the diameter. The thermal properties of the house will directly depend on the thickness of the groove. Thus, in the 22-centimeter log, the groove is equal to 11 centimeters, and the 26-centimeter this value will be 13 centimeters.

Of course, it is possible to save on the thickness of the rounded log, but in this way you only postpone the cost of the near future. If you build a house for all-season use from a log with a diameter of 20 centimeters, then save on construction, only in winter even more saved to heating, as the house is guaranteed to be cool. If you build a house with logs with a diameter of 28 centimeters, then the cost of money and time will increase slightly, but do not have every winter to spend extra money on the appropriate heating. The volume of material with such a diameter will be more, which means that the cost of the house will increase by an average of 50-150 thousand, depending on the size of the house.


All supporting structures have their own heat loss. In the percentage ratio it looks like this:

In case the chimney or ventilation is absent, then these 20% of heat loss are distributed between the roof and windows. This is due to the fact that in such a situation they are the main sources of heat output and fresh air inflows. The presence of mansard windows adds to the heat loss of the roof a month a few more tens of kilowatt.

Given all the above, it becomes clear that the greatest heat loss occurs through the walls, in the chopped house, this indicator can reach 40%. But do not miss that all these data are relevant with a normally insulated roof and competently performed roofing pie, because With a non-insulated roof and cold foundation, the choice of the thickness of the rounded log is absolutely not playing any role.

It is likely to make the house sufficiently warm with the walls of a rounded log with a diameter of 22 centimeters with a good foundation, insulated roof and windows. For a start, take care of this. After that, it is possible to engage in a log insulation, it is due to the insulation of the interventory space, which is a kind of "bridge" for the cold. Ideally, in this case, apply an acrylic sealant for a pinned log. It is used only with a cord made of foamed polyethylene. Without such a cord, the sealant will have conventional properties: it will resist the wind and moisture, but it will not be able to keep heat in the house. Cord from foamed polyethylene, the thickness of which is 1 cm, you can confidently equate to 2-3 centimeters of the tree. It turns out that if you lay it on both sides, it will replace up to 6 centimeters of the tree. At the same time, the thickness of the groove of the pinned log with a thickness of 22 centimeters will be as much as 17 centimeters.

Practice and experience show that the optimal thickness of the rounded log for a house in which it is going to live constantly, is 24-26 centimeters. But it is not easy to grieve, if the house is already built with the use of a log thickness in 20 centimeters. Check the foundationwarf roof , Put good windows and doors, use the insulation cord. After that, the phone saving properties of the house will noticeably improve.

"Pretty badly! Again an old story! After graduating the construction of the house,
we notice that at the same time I have imperceptibly learned somehow that you certainly need
it was known before starting building. Eternal loyal "too late"! ... "
On the other side of good and evil. Friedrich Nietzsche.

Temko is likely to get short, but I think it is useful not only for those who are going to build their house from the rounded, but also from the hand log cab.

The unique properties of the log, as an environmentally friendly, durable and reliable material, are confirmed by century-old experience of using it as a material for the construction of the dwelling.

Anyone who seriously comes to the construction of a house of a tree from a tree will find many advantages for themselves and in a rounded log and in a hand-logged log.

Construction of wooden houses from a rounded log, due to the high degree of factory readiness and processing of the elements of the house of the house in three planes, is carried out in the shortest possible time (like the constructor) and costs cheaper than the cutting chop. At the same time, the quality of the vents will be undoubtedly higher than with a manual logging, but about
Indisconcilable, selflessly lovers in the "upper most protective layer of wood", called Collot ,.

Here I would like to consider only one aspect of the selection, namely the selection of the log diameter for the cut, more precisely, the ratio of the size of the wintful groove width and the diameter of the log.
And a little later, the same and the form of this groove.

Most companies produce a rounded log with a width of a wintful groove equal to half the diameter of the log, which is the minimum ratio provided, and is dictated, primarily the fact that in production it is easier, the consumption of material on the log cabin is less, the cost of the log below and, as a result, allows you to position your Products as a more competitive price.
For the developer, the question should be more important: "And what will I get for my money in terms of consumer qualities, in addition to the diameter of the log?"

As the strength of the entire chain, it defines its weak link, and the log determines, mainly not the thickness (diameter) of the selected log, but a weak place, namely.

Is there an optimal ratio between cash costs (log cabbage on a log cabin) and a ratio of a groove width to a log diameter that would provide the same heat-shielding wall quality walls?
Of course, there is also it is simple enough.

If you look at the drawing, the width of the groove B., Effective log height in Siruba H. And the diameter of the log D. Related formulas known to everyone from the initial school classes.

With an increase in the width of the groove, the effective height of the log in the logging (the height of the crown) decreases.
The width of the groove increases in proportion to the cosine, and the height is sinus angle.
Up to a certain value, namely up to 45 gr., The width of the groove increases faster than the height of the log decreases, i.e. it occurs until the value of the width of the groove and the height of the log is 0.707 * d.

In fact, due to the fact that the log "works" in the thickness of the wall in terms of heat-preserves not only the width of the groove, and all of its cross section, this relation is somewhat different, and with more strict calculation, the optimal width of the groove is approximately 2/3 diameters, while The height of the log in the Siruba will be 3/4 diameters.
For comparison, the standard in the market of housekeeping value - 0.5 and 0.87 diameter, respectively.

What does it give us? - Translated into Russian: due to the optimal ratio of diameter / groove the same wall in a heat engineering wall will cost the developer by almost 20% cheaper.

The difference between the bath from the residential building lies in smaller size (although there are exceptions), which leads to a significant decrease in the volume of the internal space. This is exactly what allows you to quickly and economically perform the heating of the atmosphere of premises to a high temperature, as well as to carry out its independent adjustment in them. Therefore, and choose the diameter of the rounded log for the bath should be tailored to certain requirements.

What a diameter of the rounded log for a bath

Depending on the diameter of the rounded log, its area of \u200b\u200buse in construction may be as follows:

  • up to 18 cm - light summer buildings and interior partitions,
  • 18 ÷ 22 cm - baths and houses exclusively for use in the warm season,
  • 24 ÷ 28 cm - residential and bath buildings for all-season exploitation,
  • more than 28 cm - capital and large objects on the area.

An important advantage of a prolonged log is the constancy of the diameter along its entire length. Due to this, the stability of the interventional adjustment width is ensured - characteristics defined by standards as an equivalent wall thickness. It is numerically equal to 2 times the log diameter, which is needed for a bath (such a dependence ensures the optimal relationship between the decrease in its valid height and the volume of waste). According to current construction standards, the relationship between the width of the interventovascular joint and the minimum external temperature, in which there is a comfortable microclimate, as follows:

  • 10 ÷ 12 cm - up to -20 ° C,
  • 12 ÷ 13 cm - up to -30 ° C,
  • 14 ÷ 16 cm - up to -40 ° C.

Thus, the log diameter for the bathhouse should not be less than 24 cm if it is built in areas with a minimum winter temperature not lower than -30 ° C and its all-season use is assumed. In this case, there will be not only a reliable barrier for external cold, but also the maximum heat power is ensured, thereby decreasing the costs of the energy carrier. If the bath is not used in the winter season, then it will be enough to use a log diameter even 18 cm for its cut.

Bath sizes and diameter of a rounded log for her log

The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory on which the bath will be built, also affects what the log diameter is better for the bath. For example, on a small summer cottage, it is impractical to construct a bulky building from a thick log. It will take too much space and will focus on yourself, and not on the house. In such cases, it is better to collect a log cabin for a bath of a diameter of 18 ÷ 20 cm with an additional external insulation that will not need if the cottage is used only in the warm season. In addition, small sizes (for example, a classic miniature version of 3x3 m) allow you to quickly warm the rooms and economically maintain the temperature.

And if the bath consists of several rooms or floors (most often the top attic), then without a good heat resistance of the walls they do not warm them. In such cases, it is better to use logs with a diameter of more than 25 cm. Do not forget about the annual check of the density of interventic seams and, if necessary, restore it. This will allow, even using a smaller log diameter for the bath, than calculated by calculations, ensure the required thermal insulation coefficient of the wall.

Benefits of banker cuts from a thick rounded log

When using logs with different diameters, built of them cut, in addition to heat engineering properties, vary:

  • the required volume of material
  • worth one log,
  • the number of interventic joints.

Despite the fact that thicker logs are more expensive, there are fewer (per unit height) in a litter). For example, the difference in volume of the acquired material with a diameter of 20 cm and 30 cm on average is 50%. Therefore, the cost of a bath from a thick bar will not be much more, but the comfort of stay in it will be significantly higher.

In proportion to a decrease in the number of crowns in a firework of thicker logs, the number of joints between them is reduced. This achieves savings in causing (on the acquisition of material and payment of work). Therefore, it can be recommended when solving which log diameter is needed for the bath guide: first of all, climatic features in the region, and in the second - the results of the price analysis of several projects from materials from various sizes (you need to choose the one that will be cheaper than everything in construction, operation and maintenance ).


Baths from the logs were built by our great-grandfathers. Modern logs are processed on the machine and acquire an attractive look. Baths continue to build from a simple log, tested by time and from rounded. Both options are suitable and have their advantages. But which log diameter is needed for a bath? How not to make a mistake and pick up the appropriate material? Will there be no walls in winter if you use a small cross section? We will talk about all this below.

A log for a bath is picking up the right diameter so that the walls are not freezing and kept well.

According to its reliability and uniqueness, wood is perhaps the most proven material. Baths built in the 50s are still standing on some household plots and serve as faithfully.

Bath logs pick up the same cross section, with even forms.

Negative reviews of the insufficient width of the width (place of the links can be heard from skeptical. Opinions about the fact that a log bath must additionally insulate, in addition to the traditional moss or flax panty. Most of the negative reviews are just associated with the incorrectly selected diameter of the material and the width of the dropped groove. But what section is optimal for the construction of the bath? How to choose the size of the groove and the log section? Answer guests will answer the question.


Correct the ratio between the width of the groove and the diameter of the material can be used by state building norms (GOST 30974-2002). The document states that the width of the groove should be equal to half the diameter of the material. The regulated size is suitable not only as the maximum for giving the walls of the milling thermal insulation, but also in order to save the consumption of materials. The fact is that when drinking a groove, we lose part of the height of the material. Increasing the width of the groove, the cost of building material will increase, that is, the links to build a log cabin must use more. Is there meaning in this? If you choose the correct log section, then no. The optimal ratio of the width of the groove and the material embroiderers is as follows:

  • width ⅔ diameter;
  • the height of the log ¾ diameter.

It has been scientifically proven that the thermal insulation properties of the logs are distributed not only in width, but also in length. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the specified dimensions. Now we define which diameter is optimal for the construction of the bath.

Which log diameter is needed for a bath

Before answering this question, let's decide which bath is we talking about. The pinned material has a smaller diameter, since the raw cross section is measured with the crust. It follows to the total cross section of the rounded material to add 1 cm. Standardly for construction of the bath is used by a diameter of 20 to 36 cm.

Bath of a log of a cross section of 28 cm will be reliable and quickly warms up even in winter.

Such a wide dimensional line is due to factors that affect the choice of diameter for its bath:

  • maximum temperature in winter in the region;
  • the bath will be used only in the summer or all year round;
  • design size;
  • wood chamber drying or natural humidity.

How the temperature affects the selection of wood section

The temperature in the winter in Russia can reach -45 ° C. Each region chooses a cross section depending on its average temperature in winter time:

At temperatures below -30 ° C in winter, the bath build from 26-36 cm with a cross section.

The southern regions with a temperature in winter to -15 ° C can use a section 20-25 cm.

For the middle strip, the cross section is not more than 30 cm, but not less than 22 cm.

You can move away from the norms and use a smaller cross section, but then the bath will not be used in winter or will have to be further insulated.

When choosing a handbitch log, it is necessary to add to a given cross section 1 cm.

What is the difference between the diameter of the log for a bath in the country from the all-year used?

Does not build a bulky bath at the country area from a large cross section. The design will be used only in the warm season, and it is small. So, for the bath 3x3 to one floor, the cross section of 18-20 cm will be sufficient. This will be enough to preserve heat for short time, and the steam room will warm up quickly. You do not have to make a massive foundation, and work can be performed with your own hands. In more section, the weight will not allow to cope with the works without attracting several assistants or special equipment.

The bath on the summer site is assembled from a small log diameter.

For the bath that the lumber diameter takes at least 24 cm. The foundation is assembled with a massive ribbon or monolithic. Especially if the wood uses natural humidity.

How does the bath size affect the choice of a log diameter?

When choosing a large banner project in two floors or with an attic, it is necessary to understand that it will be more difficult to protrude the design. For better thermal insulation, the logs take a larger section from 25 cm. You can go to cunning and save by building the first floor from the section from 25 cm and the attic diameter of 20 cm.

The bath with an attic and the porch is assembled from a bar with a cross section of at least 28 cm

For a small bath, take a large diameter of necessity. It will be quick to warm up the design quickly, but to maintain heat to day. The diameter is enough from 20 cm.

For the wood of the manual logging to the specified size, 1 cm is added.

How does wood moisture affect the choice of a log diameter?

When building a bath of wood, it is necessary to take into account the design shrinkage. So the bath from the timber bar of the natural humidity will give a shrinkage at least 15 cm in the embroidery. After a natural drying or from the winter forest, the shrinkage will be at least 4-6 cm. These dimensions must be taken into account when building a log bath from a log. Choosing a cross section suitable for the embroidery box 240 cm. Delete the shrinkage.

Shrinkage of a rounded chamber drying log is minimal and reaches 3 cm. Therefore, it is not worth it to take too much wood.

The greater the wood cross section for the construction of the bath, the higher the price of material and the assembly work will be. But do not save if you build a bath for many years. Factors when choosing a diameter, it is necessary to consider not each separately, but in the aggregate. So, in the construction of a bath from the rounded tree of a small size in the northern region, it is better to use a chamber drying. Shrinking boxes will be minimal and you can use a diameter from 26-30 cm. If the bath is used only in summer, autumn and spring, then the diameter is not more than 24 cm, depending on winter temperatures. Chamber drying can be used from 18 cm.

Read more about how to cut a bath from a big cross section logs tell on the video:

Choosing a log diameter for your bath, count on your capabilities. The thicker the log section is the harder to work with it and more expensive to cost the bathhouse. If the logs are getting on your own, we recommend to make a logging in winter, when wood moisture is no more than 10-12%. So, the log house will give a minimal shrinkage and you can use a smaller cross section of materials.

For the convenience of the reader, we give the average indicators from the guests again:

  • the diameter of the wood for a residential seller or the baths used all year round is 24-36 cm;
  • at temperatures in the winter, below -30 0 ° C diameter of wood for the bath used all less than 25 cm;
  • for the construction of a small bath in the country area, the diameter of the material is 18-24 cm.

We hope that choosing a log section correctly, our readers will receive a high-quality and warm bath. Which will delight owners and all close to light steam and pleasant atmosphere.

I do not hide, the most popular size of the cut for the bath is 6 * 6 (6m * 6m). But here then, so to speak "Dog" about which the rubbings do not like, and the customer (and this is what you) gets what happened.

Consider on the example of a cut of a bath 6 * 6, with a log diameters 230-250 mm on top (my opinion is the most optimal section for the bathhouse).

Not a big retreat. The fact is that on the plot in the forest, the sawmaker is harvested with 6 meter (or multiple 6 meters - 12 meter).

Second retreat. The bulk of the rubbing is not engaged in the harvesting of the forest, work with the purchased sawmaker, and therefore if the size of the cut is not standard, then the purchase process is not standard logs - not fast and expensive (in spring, summer and autumn is simply not real).

And so bend. You come to the rubbing (call or order from the site) and denote your need - "I need a log cabin size of 6 * 6" - and you are responsible, denotes terms and cost.

Only now the trouble, what sizes do you mean by speaking about log cabin sizes 6 * 6? Internal space Bath 6 * 6? Or size on the external walls? Or in general on the central axes?

By default, the default rolls are 6 meters long!

If you order 6 * 6 with cabbage in the "paw", then everything is clear here, 6 * 6 will be on the outer walls (we will deduct the thickness of the walls and we obtain the internal space of 5.5 * 5.5). For someone, this information will be revealed.

Now consider the size of the bath 6 * 6 when cabin in the "Russian Cup". Indeed, many do not like log cabins in the "paw", and not so color looks and you need to do something with the angles, and it is necessary to warm and close and close in and outside for aesthetic beauty. But, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that when cutting into the "Russian bowl" from the edge of the outer wall will be tracing "remnants" logs (it is the very color, beauty and aesthetics of a church), about 25-30 cm. So I estimate that, in This case, the size of the outer walls will be 5.5 * 5.5, and internally space 5 * 5. It's clear?

But many of this do not even think about the order of the log, I have more than once, and not two I had to see that: a privately ordered log house 6 * 6 in the "Russian Bowl", and while the process of making a log house, the customer has time to make a ribbon foundation, as a rule 15-20 cm wide, 6 * 6 on external sizes (after all, I ordered 6 * 6), but when installing already on a new foundation, it turns out that two walls 0.5 meters do not get up on the foundation if the five-line and the third The wall is also, and the oven will not get into its place (the sizes of the bath are changed!). The consequences of the face - plus for money 50% of the foundation (at best).

I hope you have customers now there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of the cut and the inner space of the cut.

On the cost of the log house. You understand yourself, the cost of a church is changing from the size.

What else affects the cost of a church (short): the height of the cut, the cutting of the cut (just Corra was cleaned or a fugunty was treated to belaught), grazing equipment (there is or no closed lags on the floor and closed beams on the ceiling, in addition to a convenience, the stiffness of the structure is added), If not the entire log house from the larch of the Siberian then at least the lower (at least one) the crown should be from larch, log diameters.

According to the results of the above, I give advice: initially decide on the size you want a log house. Then popular and clearly explain the rubbing - what exactly do you want! Reports to it, what sizes are important for you and need - internal, external (on the wall or residue) or generally through centers, be sure to specify the height of the log cabin and log diameters. Find out how the breed of wood and what kind of equipment manufactured by them. Only when you have mutual understanding - you will get what you want, and not what happened.

I hope the information presented above will help the novice developer, and will be useful for customers of any log cabins.

Of course, not everyone can (for various reasons) to make a chopped into the manual log house 6 * 6 through the central axes or on the outer wall in the "Russian Bowl" - we can.