Repairs Design Furniture

Decorative fountain with their own hands in the country and plot. Fountain in the garden with their own hands - technology of manufacturing fountain on the street with their own hands

Construction of a fountain on a rustic - not such a complex procedure, as it seems at first glance. Such structures are closed water circulation systems. Each system consists of two parts - less mounted in open video, and more hidden under water.

If you simplify the fountain work scheme, it would look like approximately as follows. An element of a system that is considered to be a fountain is just a decorative bowl, where the nozzle is placed for the emission. The shape of the bowl, as well as the nozzle itself, may be the most diverse (recall at least the famous Bakhchisaray fountains).

Throwing out of the nozzle, the water fills the container, from where it enters the cleaning filter by means of a special hole and back to the nozzle. It is characteristic that for adjusting the filling level, the bowl is equipped with a special overflow device.

Main species

According to the method of performing the fountain there may be two types:

In the first case, they look like architectural structures, adorning municipal squares and parks. They are not just a water "fireworks", but a true work of art. Usually, such fountains are based on some kind of figure - for example, a plant or a woman with a jug. For their manufacture, polymer concrete (artificial stone) is used, which is characterized by durability, reliability and resistance to low temperatures.

Submersible systems are created in the reservoirs themselves and consist of several main elements:

Such fountains are used primarily on country areas and from the side look as if the underground source is spewing water splashes.

Decorative aspect of the question

Note! The most popular is the usual inkjet fountain. In it, the water jet is heading up, sharing several smaller pips. Very primitive, but at the same time original. With such a miniature fountain garden reservoir will look like a new way.

Often the form of fountains is symmetrical, that is, it obeys all the laws of geometry. They can be round, rectangular, etc., regardless of the form, in the additional decorative decoration The designs do not need - simply denoted the boundaries of the reservoir (for example, stucco or natural stone), the main thing is that the style goes to the general landscape design.

Probably, one should not once again say that the larger area has a plot, the dimensions of the fountain can be built. It would be ridiculous to look a huge design on a miniature five hundred.

Choosing a suitable place

The optimal place for the construction of the fountain is considered to be perfectly visible from different points Garden. It would be excellent to equip aquatic structure in a recreation area or on.

Note! The fountain should not block the approaches to other elements of the garden or buildings on the site.

When planning construction, the relief features of a particular area should be taken into account. It is desirable that the fountain is located in the lowland - it gives several advantages at once:

  • volumes groundwater It will be easier to adjust in the desired direction;
  • the air will be saturated with moisture, which is relevant on hot days.

Note! It is impossible to install fountains near the trees or in the center of the site, otherwise the waterproofing or the entire inner structure will be damaged by roots, and the shredded leaves will block the filtering system.

Regardless of the design type, the installation provides for the following events:

For a small design, a conventional plastic container can be used, while massive fountains need preliminary erection of the foundation. For water, it is recommended to use plastic pipesthat do not rust and connect the soldering iron.

Note! The main element of any design is hydrotechnical equipment, which forms pressure and throws water from the nozzle.

Pump equipment

The operational term of the fountain depends largely on quality, so it is better not to save on this element. The pump operation scheme is quite simple: through the drain hole in the bowl, water falls into the pipes and flows on them to the intake nozzle of the pump. He, in turn, creates the necessary pressure and throws it through the nozzle. Thus, the cycle is repeated.

Power pump depends on two factors:

  • bowl volume;
  • necessary emission force.

Note! For the circulation pump, electricity is required, so the connection should be taken yet when planning. Do not despair if it is impossible to power the electricity device - a small domestic fountain can be made without the help of the pump.

Similar models have more natural viewBut they can be equipped exclusively on a sidir relief. Here water circulates on the principle of several communicating vessels located on various tiers.

When planning can be used already ready optionswho were repeatedly checked in practice:

  • stones fountain;
  • construction of girlfriend.

Consider the technologies of their manufacture.

Prices for linear row of pumping stations

Pumping stations

Option number 1. Production of fountain from girlfriend

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • scissors for metal;
  • insulating tape;
  • shovel.


Prepared everything you need, you can proceed to work. The procedure for the following.

Step 1. Initially, stones are selected (they can be found at the reservoir or country road). They must be oval or round.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. From non-ferrous metal (copper, aluminum, etc.), wide inserts needed to protect the playground or spray recreation zone. Inserts are stacked and decorated with a stone.

Step 5. Small stones are laid on the bottom, the backlight is installed (if planned).

Step 6. The circulation pump is installed, the bowl is filled with water. The final decoration of the design is carried out (it depends only on personal preferences and taste - there are no restrictions).

Note! Natural stones will look beautiful in combination with sculptures - frog, leopard, gnome and so on. Sculptures are saved with a stone and will focus on the original decor.

In addition, you need to select bright vegetation (it is desirable to put it in vases), as well as elements of wood - ordinary branches, wheels, wind blades.

Option number 2. Making a stone fountain

Required tools:

  • mounting syringe for filling seams;
  • a hammer;
  • adjustable key;
  • saw-knife;
  • electric drill;
  • scissors for metal;
  • insulating tape;
  • truborez.


  • boards and rails to strengthen construction;
  • stones (flat);
  • copper pipe;
  • polyvinyl chloride aya pipe;
  • gravel for the drainage system;
  • coupling;
  • water pump;
  • sealed container for bowls.

The construction of this kind of fountain consists of the following steps.

Step 1. Initially, a pits of a 5 cm depth is larger than the height of the container. Also done a small ditch to the outlet.

Step 2. The 5-centimeter "pillow" from gravel is falling asleep.

Step 3. The container and polyvinyl chloride is fitted, both elements are connected. The ditch is falling asleep ground.

Step 4. A pump is installed in the container, outlets are placed and are made.

Step 5. The container is connected to the copper pipe.

Step 6. Gravel falls asleep on the bottom of the container, the pump is fixed.

Step 7. The fountain is strengthened - rails and boards are stacked on the bowl.

Step 8. Flat stones are stacked by each other, places places to do the holes in each of them.

Step 9. Holes are done, the stones are rolled on the copper pipe.

Step 10. Construction decoration is the final stage of work. Large gaps between stones are laid by small pebbles, silicone-based glue uses for filling slots.

When glue dries, the bowl is filled with water, the pump is connected, adjustment and all - the fountain is fully ready for operation.

Prices for fountains and ponds

Fountains and ponds

Video - Construction of a stone fountain

And in conclusion - another thematic video.

Video - kettle fountain

Fountain - One of the most attractive decorations in the country. Its presence contributes not only to improving the microclimate of the territory, but also an increase in humidity, which is necessary for plants and today will talk about the fountains with their own hands.

Quantity, shape and fountain Design do it yourself May be different. The decor of such a design can be performed from any materials that are available. These are vases, buckets, clay pots, stones located domed.

The territory near the fountain will be for all the favorite holiday destination. The pumping system for the design value must correspond.

To build a fountain, choose a territory that is well visible from any corner. Of course, it is better to place a fountain in the center of the plot, but so that he does not interfere with the way to home or to economic buildings.

Install the fountain away from trees and vegetation that do not need additional moisture.

One of the in-demand types of fountains is the inkjet reservoir with the stream running upwards, which disintegrates into small jets.

To make a fountain of barrels, prepare:

  • 2 oak barrel;
  • cropped sleepers;
  • pumping system (lifting a jet 1.5 m);
  • hose and putty on silicone basis.

Barrels can be replaced with hermetic capacitance that will have an input for the hose. Some efforts will be required to install the upper vessel so that water can flow a beautiful jet to the lower vessel. Strengthen the top barrel with spacients or putty. You can replace the sleepers with large stones or short-lived logs.

Hose spend through the side side of the lower vessel and the bottom of the upper vessel. The edge of the hose should be fixed to the pump. Fill the bottom capacity with water and connect the pump system.

For the manufacture of a decorative fountain of stones, it will be necessary:

  • pumping system;
  • pipe made of copper 1.5 diameter;
  • plastic tube or metal for installing an electrical cable;
  • coupling with a reservoir;
  • gravel with smooth stones and bars;
  • water regulator.

The fountain pit should be larger in the width and depth of the tank so that the tank of the soil can be filled and strengthened well.

On the bottom of the pit, smear pebbles. The sand should not get into the water through the reservoir, so the territory is watering water near the reservoir and tamper by stones.

Pump freely position in the tank so that it is easily delivered in the case of prophylaxis. Cover the tank of galvanized to prevent garbage from entering. Attach the pipe from the metal to the pump to the water, put the bars to the top of the grid.

Now collect stones on the pipe in the form of a pyramid, connect the pump.

It remains to decorate the fountain and territory around it.

Cozy, sitting on the outdoor terrace, inhaling the fresh aroma of the blooming garden and drinking herbal gulls with a peaceful, we suddenly feel that on our country plot something is missing ... This thought is bothering and gradually acquires the type of completed idea. And not to build a fountain in the country with your own hands? Under the whisper of the flowing water of the fountain is always nice to relax, relax and push away the urgent problems "for later." In addition, running water makes the cottage much more comfortable and brings a special color to the landscape.

To implement the idea, you can, of course, go the simplest way - to hire specialists who will do everything for you, for a certain (pretty high) amount, of course. And you can show fantasy and build a fountain on your own. Let us not "globalize" with you, building a super-duper a grand design, and we will make such a small cozy stone fountain))


For the construction of this stone fountain, we will need:
  • Water pump with a capacity of at least 1100 W
  • A copper tube with a diameter of 1.5 cm, through the base of which water will come from the pump to the top of the fountain.
  • Waterproof bowl (tank) for pump placement. The bowl must be purchased so that the water pump is immersed in it completely, and the distance from the top of the pump to the edge of the bowl was at least 15 cm.
  • Plastic or metal pipe To mount the electric cabin from the pump.
  • Coupling that connects copper tube with pump.
  • Float regulator of water supply.
  • Metal grid for a bowl that will protect it from garbage.
  • Gravel for drainage, which you get into the waterproof bowl.
  • Polystyrene tube 3 cm long for the output of the pump mounting cord.
  • Several bars to secure the grid on the bowl.
  • Flat stones, which consists of a visible decorative base of the fountain, and a few more details, visually represented in the diagram (tap, adapter, filter).
By the way, you can show fantasy and replace stones on other material: clay pots or concrete bowls, for example. The main thing is to comply with technology. And then follow the detailed photoinality, where it is gradually and in detail, how to make a fountain with your own hands.

ROOM PUMU under the fountain

Deepete under the fountain. Make a "with a margin" so that the waterproof water tank (bowl) stood there freely, because after installation it will be necessary to strengthen it in the ground, falling asleep with the sand space between the reservoir and the soil. Sand should be thoroughly shed with water, and on top to spray with stones so that he will not fall into the tank with water. The reservoir pit should be 5 cm deeper than the height of its side. Immediately point the groove from the fountain to the power supply source for the subsequent gasket of the pump power cable.

Before putting a tank in the pit, pour her bottom small pebbles To a height of 5 cm, then install the reservoir and strengthen it. Then measure the distance from your future fountain to the source of electricity and take the same length of the pipe cut (you can take a pipe from plastic). Cut the power cable from the pump through the pipe from the pump, lay the tube into the roof in advance the groove, insulate it from both ends and pumped up soil.

We put in the reservoir of the water pump

Immerse yourself in the "Heart Fountain" reservoir - a water pump, which will provide a fountain vital activity. It is worth noting that the pump should be freely placed in the tank so that it can be easily obtained for preventive service.

Close the reservoir grid

To in the reservoir where the pump is installed, garbage and foreign objects are installed, it must be closed with a metal galvanized grid, on which make cuts for free access to the pump and electric shut.

Stay Bar.

Now we do the foundation for the fountain of durable bars with a cross section of at least 50 x 50 mm (we do not want our handsome-fountain to fail in the tank?)) Bruce to put on top of the metal mesh. They must be longer than a yam of the reservoir by 8-10 cm from each edge. And before laying the bars, it is necessary to attach to the pump segment of the metal tube (diameter of 1.5 cm), in which water will be supplied to the top of the fountain. The tube must be higher than the estimated level of the fountain by 8-10 cm.

Drill holes in stones

In each stone prepared for the garden fountain, in the center we drill holes with a diameter of 5-6 mm larger than the diameter of the metal tube, to which these stones we will plant. For work, you can use a perforator or a shock engineer. When you become drilling stones, periodically water them with water and the drill does not overheat, and the stone will not crack from a strong shock load.

Here we are with you simple fountain do it yourself. According to such technology, you can create such decorative fountains:

All the colors of the rainbow will play a murmuric driver if you install decorative backlight from the fountain. And if you buy inexpensive sprayers for fountains (better not plastic, but bronze), you can achieve a very beautiful dispersion of water.

Caring for your new building is very simple: change the filters for water in time, twice a month replenish water in the tank, and for the winter all removable pieces of the fountain are better to remove and remove to spring, a hole for a tank to cover with boards or piece of plywood.

Try, experiment! You may come up with something your own and share your invention with us))

Even the smallest reservoir is able to decorate his own country area and give him a highlight. And the fountain made by his own hands will not only become a beloved place to relax and will deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also will be a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone is solved on the personnel structure of this mysterious hydraulic device. Some daches mistakenly believe that the construction of the fountain is the process of time consuming and expensive and without the help of specialists in this matter is not to do. But such a pleasure to deliver herself every amateur to spend time in nature, the main thing is to know all the nuances of the construction of the fountain personally.

Choosing a fountain type

You can select two types of fountains by type of construction.

  1. The open option involves the flow of water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in such an embodiment of the device is due to the drops of water levels. The water pressure in this case is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, water in such a fountain is quickly contaminated. To create it, you must install a small tank at an altitude of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. Fountain with pump mounting is the most practical and spectacular option. Thanks to the room at the bottom of the pump, continuous water circulation is ensured. Here and the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that perform the roles of fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).

Optimal place to place the fountain

Picking comfortable spot For the construction of a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the Earth. If the area is uneven, it is better to place a similar scenery in the lowland. This variant of the location of the reservoir will allow not only to adjust the volume of groundwater, but will increase the saturation of air oxygen.

  • too close to the house so that moisture in windy weather does not fall on the walls;
  • on the open areasin order to prevent water flowering due to hitting sun ray on reservoir;
  • next to the trees, to leave the leaves, seeds, the down, falling with them did not climb it, and the roots did not damage the waterproofing.

It is necessary to have a fountain in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and viewed from all points. It is recommended to place the design near the place of rest.

The minimum distance that should be sustained between the fountain and plants, buildings, furniture - 50 cm. So plants will not die from excessive moisture, and the furniture will not come into disrepair. Perfect option For the location of the fountain - the half and a place protected from the wind, in the proximity of the water source and electricity. Such a location will save you from excess wires and additional work By their isolation.

Deciding with the place, it's time to think about the form and depth of the future fountain.

Preparation of materials for construction

For the construction of a fountain in order to save financial and strength, you can use construction technology decorative pond With its equipment with its pump.

Materials required for the construction of the fountain:

  • capacity for the fountain;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.

Selection and installation of capacity

If planned to build miniature fountain, It is possible as a tank to use an ordinary plastic pelvis or any other container of small size.

For large water bodies, old baths are suitable or dug on their own. If a bath is used, you need to dug a hole of this size so that it is not above the surface of the earth. All holes are reliably close in the bath, after which it falls into the pit and strengthened the earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, a pit of the necessary depth is made and covered with a dense, high-quality film, which is fixed along the edges on the surface of the stones. Stones of various shapes and sizes are also added to the bottom. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and could not cut the film. Stones are evenly distributed throughout the bottom of the future fountain.

Choosing a pump for the construction of a fountain

In order to construct a fountain on the site yourself, it is not necessary to acquire expensive materials, you can adapt any old elements. However, it is not necessary to regret money - the pump, the better it will be, the more beautiful it will be a fountain and will decorate the site longer, without delivering problems.

Submersible pump - optimal option For the construction of the fountain in the country area. Works on the principle of centrifuge. You can also install the surface pump, it is mounted on the edge of the water branch, but most often used on large fountains and cascading reservoirs.

When choosing a pump, it is worth repelled from the pressure, which is constantly present in the pipe and drops of this pressure. Therefore, the purchase of the most powerful pump can be unnecessary, since it is not in all cases he will be able to work out its complete power.

Regardless of which type of pump will be selected, it is important to remember that the power should be correlated with the pipe diameter. The fountain jet should go under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow from the pipe, since there will be no effect on such a design.

How to make a fountain with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

The construction of the fountain includes several main steps:

  • pit preparation;
  • fixing the trench;
  • installation of tank or flooring and edges film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • decorating fountain.

Fountain with reservoir from old tire

For the construction of such a fountain, you will need:

  • old tire from a truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • capacity for mixing cement and shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:

Video - Tire fountain with their own hands

Fountain for giving using film

For such a fountain it will be necessary to prepare:

Stages of work:

  • dig a hole, we clean it from stones and tamper the bottom;

New life of an old bath

For such a variant of the country fountain, it is necessary to cook:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors for metal;
  • sheet of colored iron;
  • drill.

Stages of the Fountain facilities:

  • digging the kittleties corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • we put the bath inside and plug all holes;

  • i cut out wide strips from iron and put them around the bath, we close with stones;

Plastic bottle mini fountain

For such a sprinkler, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, durable wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Materials for the decorative fountain

Stages of construction:

  • decorate the pot with the help of paints;
  • we do a little hole in the bottom;
  • we install under the pallet of the pump;
  • pump tube drag through a hole done in a pot;
  • i fall asleep the bottom of the pebbles;
  • decorate artificial plants and figures;
  • fill the pot pot.

Video - a decorative fountain with their own hands

Decorating fountain

To emphasize the uniqueness of the fountain made by their own hands, you can decolate it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, multicolored stones of different sizes around the reservoir, put flowers in pots, place cute animal figures, birds and so on.

To the fountain hit with its beauty and unusual at night, you can make a backlight using special equipment. The lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and the backlight at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be labeled with special plants, plant bushes around the fountain.

Any countrywater and fountain, including need careful care. To maintain the order and transparency of water, a pleasant sighteave type of design must be regularly cleaning the tank. With the help of special devices from the surface of the water, leaves are required to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other items that can not only spoil appearance reservoir, but also lead to a fountain malfunction.

At the end dacha season It is necessary to drain all the water, transfer removable parts of the structure into a closed room, and the remaining parts and the bowl cover the film so that the dirt does not get into them.

To build a fountain with your own hands at the cottage or even in the apartment will not be difficult and will not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, it is necessary to decide on the shape, size and installation site. The options for the location of such designs are many - in the arbor, on the lawn, in the garden. After the construction of the fountain, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of water, regularly remove the garbage and pour water because it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in the design of country sections. Fountains can decorate any inclusive zone or become a highlight cottage plot. And by connecting fantasy and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.


Landscape design

There is such a sign: to return once again to the city you liked, you need to throw a coin into the chief fountain. Probably, each of us at least once in my life has done this simple procedure. For some reason, we are childishly believe that the desire will certainly come true.

I wonder why this tradition is connected with the fountain? Perhaps this is a hidden symbol? Water personifies the frequency of our life. A fountain, throwing it up, creates a sense of the holiday, creates the effect of fireworks or placing confetti. The murmur of water fascinates, and in the gourmet water patterns reflected solar rays.

Why do you need a fountain in the country

If you like to invite friends to your phasenda, then country fountain You just need. As a rule, such a construction produces an unforgettable impression on guests. Be sure: will appear on your site new tradition - throw a coin into the fountain. For happiness and to get back to this wondrous place again.

Rest near the water is very useful. After the working day, it is pleasant to relax, enjoying the melody splashing a decorative fountain. Water element It will saturate you with energy, remove fatigue, gives peace and feeling of complete harmony with the outside world.

Professional designers have long appreciated these qualities and consider fountains for giving perfect decoration. The various effects of continuous overflow of water, as well as the use of backlight allow you to create amazing landscaped masterpieces. And the construction of such a design is not so difficult, as many believe. And it is quite realistic to make it with your own hands.

Main types

So to speak, on the technique of execution, they are divided into two types:

  • submersible
  • stationary.

The submersible type is installed inside the garden reservoir.

This design consists of three main components:

  • pump,
  • pipeline that serves water
  • nozzle, which gives a specific shape of a water jet.

Such fountains for the cottages make it possible to create a crossover, beating from the depths of the reservoir. And visually it looks like the spray is erupted by an underground source.

The stationary type resembles the designs that are decorated with urban parks and squares. This is not just a water firework, and the present work of art.

As a rule, it represents some kind of figure: for example, a flower, a lady with a jug, a boy with fish and so on. You can invent an absolutely any composition.

Construct stationary fountains from artificial stone - Polymerbeton. This material has proven itself as reliable, durable and (which is especially important!) Frost-resistant.

Decorative aspect

The most common inkjet fountain is the most common. It is just a jet of water aimed up, which is divided into several thin pips. Just, tasteful, classically, is not difficult in terms of incarnation of the idea. Such a mini fountain will breathe life even into a small artificial pond.

In form decorative fountains Usually subordinate to the laws of symmetry. Simply put, with their construction, strict geometric proportions should be observed. Round or oval, square or several angles - such structures look spectacular.

As a rule, the fountain does not need an additional decoration. You should simply designate the bodies of the reservoir - for example, creating the effect of stucco, lay out a car from natural stone or decorative bricks. A stationary fountain in the garden can be issued as a sculpture, create a composition of stones.

The most important thing is that his style of its design fit into general principles Design of the nursery. It is worth saying that in this case the principle of proportionality is triggered. The bigger total area The site, the more massive fountain in the country is allowed to build. Agree, on a miniature six weaves a huge design will be inappropriate, and not functional.

Perfect place for construction

The ideal place for construction will be that well visible from different points of the site. Just keep in mind that approaches to others dual buildings Decorative fountains for the garden should not overlap.

Very good, if the water structure becomes the decoration of the playground or join the relaxation complex. Near the gazebo or nearby open terrace - it's simple perfect solution! The fountain will give positive emotions when you want to relax under his silver song of thin pips.

Planning construction, learn the relief of your site. Install the fountain is better in the lowrage. First, such a reception will help to saturate the air in moisture, which will especially be assessed in hot summer days. Secondly, you can significantly adjust the volume of groundwater in the right direction.

Do not have a fountain in the center of the garden or next to the trees. Roots can damage the inner design and waterproofing, and the fallen leaves will constantly clog the filtering system.

Preparation of materials for construction

There is an opinion that to build a fountain with its own hands at the cottage is unusually difficult and this task is to the category of "from the field of fiction." I hurry to disappoint you, dear lovers complicate everything. Such a construction is completely under the average gathering. The most responsible stage is the selection of materials.

In particular, it is very important to make a reliable hydraulic installation. This design performs the most important function, creates water pressure and throws up a jet up.

If you plan to build a small fountain, then the fountain cup can serve as a plastic pelvis or a container of more larger. Plastic is easy to use, but at the same time reliable. For a fountain with a large diameter of the bowl, it is necessary to dig a kitty.

The bottom is lined with sand, sides - brick, and the entire inner surface is dense polyethylene. Many dackets, equipping home fountains with their own hands, allow the so-called roll Material. These are the remnants of building materials ( a natural stone, tile), as well as what is in every farm - tires from cars, glass and ceramics products. The only requirement for the material is the strength and resistance to temperature differences.

Principles of installation of pumps

The life of the fountain depends on the work pumping installation. The pump is the center of this living organism. He also chases water through the pipes, like the human heart along the vessels. Would you like a longevity to your mini-font? Take care of the purchase of a high-quality pump.

The principle of his work is very simple. Water from the bowl passes through the drain hole in the pipes. Pump creates superior pressure And throws up a jet. Such a pump for the fountain in the country is called circulating, because the water in it passes continuously along the closed circular system. Its power depends on the volume of the bowl, as well as the desired power, with which the splashes take off to the sky.

Note that the pump is running from the power grid. Therefore, at the planning stage, consider the possibility of direct connection to the power. If the phasende is not able to put the pump with an electrician, do not despair. You can build a waterfall for a natural stream or a dome fountain without a pump.

Such models look more natural and naturally, but are suitable only for rolled plots. In this case, the circulation of water will occur on the principle of reporting vessels with a multi-tier location.

Special devices

A variety of fountain design will give special accessories - nozzles. You have these simple devices create amazing water patterns. The same fountain in the country will look different when using various form nozzles. The intricate forms of geyser or dome, a hemisphere or an umbrella create an amazing atmosphere.

And even more enhances the romantic effect of the backlight. When the twilight descends on the ground and the fountain decorative highlighting is turned on, the mood immediately changes. Resting in this magic corner of the cottage, we feel like in a fairy tale. IN lately Designers actively use floating lamps and appliances that illuminate the water from the inside.

It is worth noting that the underwater lighting machine must be 100% sealed. This is a strict geek of safety, which should be observed.

To the fountain pleased you long years, follow the rules of care. For the winter, all removable elements need to be dismantled, even if they are withstanding harsh frosts. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to lower the water from the fountain bowl.

It is better to do this at the same time with the closure of the summer season and do not postpone before the first frosts.

After all, under the influence minus temperatures The reservoir reservoir may be damaged. Ideally, you need to cover the bowl of the fountain on non-working period. Film fitted on all sides - reliable protection From dust and precipitation.

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