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How to make a little pond in the country. How to make a decorative pond in the dacha with your own hands: Landscape ideas. We draw a homely rigid pond

And pond. Even a small reservoir as a magnet pulls others. Water fascinates even in small quantities ... and the pond can be built in several hours. But it is a small artificial reservoir. For the construction of great and money, and time.

Where to dig

On small artificial reservoirs, it is best to look from above. Because if there is an appropriate sweep on the site, it is best to do it here. There is, however, in this and the negative side: you will have to raise the edges of the bowl higher, so that the rain water does not get inside. The second option is to come up with a water removal system (above the reservoir to make a drainage system).

If there is somewhere on the site the key, it is logical to make a natural pond, dig or deepening the existing bowl by posting by cobblestones or stones of his borders, plant plants. The rod, which is necessarily in this case, can also be created by laying it by a cobblestone, drowned them into a splashing ground, you will give great strength to the shore, you can plant moisture-boring plants between them.

Even a small waterfall is a magical spectacle how to drive a pond, if there is a natural stream on your site - dig up the pit, sow it with a stone and direct the stream in it

Not everyone has such a luxury on the plot, as a stream or key. It is necessary to make artificial reservoirs. With proper registration they look no worse than natural.

How to make an artificial pond with a bowl (without a film)

The easiest and fastest way to make an artificial reservoir in the country is to bury the finished bowl into the ground, issued and reagreeing its edges. Bowls are plastic - ready-made different shapes, sizes and colors (mostly blue, green and black).

The device of a plastic garden or dacha pond is a simple matter. Here is a step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to dig the pit in the form of a bowl. If the form is very non-standard, you can turn it out at the installation site upside down, outline by something contour (even throw a shovel). The bowl is aside, digging the pit. It should be slightly more - a little wider, but not deeper. The edges or must be on the same level with the soil, or slightly perform. If it turns out to lift a little edge will even better: during the rain, dirty water will not fall.
  • After the desired depth is achieved, the bottom is aligned into the horizon: it is aligned at first the shovel, then the surplus is removed and the smooth bar. The surface must be smooth and rigid: plastic should have a good support. If the land is poorly leveling (clay), you can pour out 5-10 cm of sand, wet it and catch it.
  • The next step is to install in the boilers. If the bottom was done smooth, the edges of the bowl will become exactly relative to the horizon. Now the space that remains between the wall of the bowl and the pit need to be filled with soil or sand and good to ravibly.
  • Now it's about the design: the installation is finished, you can pour water.

As such technology, a pond in the courtyard with backlit was built, look at this photo report (you can flip by yourself by clicking on the thumbnails below).

Copy pitted. They decided that the board would be 1-2 cm above the level of the track - there will be less garbage inside, and the edges decorate the stones from this side just below the maximum level embedded into the bowl of the pipe - so that the water surplus the water. It was brought into the sewer

But not always and not everywhere there is an opportunity to constantly add and remove water into the pond. Then you have to or plant such plants that will clean it, or periodically change it.

Pond from the old bathroom

It is not necessary to buy a bowl. You can use any container. Even an old bath. It turns out very well. All actions are the same, the first digging by the pit, the bath is placed in it, which goes on, look at the series of the following photos. They are transformed on them from the old bath in a truly adorable corner.

The platform was still embarrassed by the wire - so that the clay does not swim, and the playground did not seek it in a month this beauty - a garden Pru, built with my own hands I am glad

PRADIK MANUAL Tires (with film)

A minibar can be made from the old car tire, or rather from the tire. What it is more, the more reservoir. The most difficult thing in this business is to cut off one side part. If the edge turned out sharp, they need to be treated with sandpaper. The second is the complexity of the task - to dig the pit of the appropriate size. At this difficulty ended. The rest is completely easy.

The cropped tire is installed in the pit, falling asleep on the sides of the earth, is well compacted. Also, the land or sand is poured inside, the bottom is leveling. You take a piece of dense polyethylene film, you can roll twice and drag the resulting tank. Do not try much: install water, it will send the film itself.

Instead of polyethylene, you can take a banner film (there is in advertising firms that produce outdoor advertising) or a piece of special for pools and ponds. They are much stronger (but more expensive).

The protruding ends of the film are touched around the walls of your pond, decorated with stones. The pond device is completed, further - decoration and plant landing. See how to make a tire pond in the photo report.

The next stage of the production of a mini-pond for summer cottages - decoration of edges by stones

That's certainly nothing complicated in such a device. Such a reservoir in the country can build anyone, and the attachments are minimal.

In general, mini-ponds are made from tanks, barrels, saucepan, even flower pots. The main thing is that there is a corps, and it is not very difficult to arrange it: gradually experiences experience. Put them in the garden, at the cottage, near the house. It is possible to bring water, to make a stream, it can be diluted under trees, such as shrubs. And beauty and benefit at the same time.

We make a pond with a film

Creating this artificial pond from the film, you almost exactly repeat the work described above, only without installing the bowl:

  1. mark the form of the future pond;
  2. digging the pit, forming, if necessary, ledges;
  3. clean the bottom from any acute items: roots, stones, etc.;
  4. align the shores of your pond;
  5. spread the waterproofing film;
  6. fill in water pond;
  7. fix the edges of the film;
  8. decorate.

The country pond, created by this technology can be more solid sizes. Important moment: on the bulk soil, make it easy to make and put the film will not work. You will have to invent some kind of activities to strengthen the shores. In this case, you will have to or put a bowl, or to make a more serious structure - from brick or concrete. Next, consider examples of how to make a pond from the film.

First project: Board Vrowning with a soil

Eight simple steps and your reservoir on the cottage is built. How to dig and equip the pond in the country, make it look like a natural look in the photo report.

Second project: Board raised

The second version of the homemade pond in the first stages is built almost as first. Only after the depth of the pit has reached the project, the side lifted, laying on the edge of the brick and slaining. It turned out with raised sides. Another water circulation system is still made. It is presented in the figure below.

As you can see, this pond is more multi-layered and litter it is more serious. If you want to have a reservoir at least medium sizes and do not build a serious bowl, you can act as shown in the figure: to squeeze the cut-made sand, cover, and only on top to put the film. Geotextile evenly distributes the load and does not allow to germinate by plants. This is especially true if you build a pond in the garden and have shrubs or trees nearby.

Serious projects: from brick and concrete

If you want to have a big pond in the country, and you wish to build it with your own hands, you will have to study the topic for the construction of the pools. First, the construction of cups - one to one repeats all the stages. Even the forms are sometimes done stepwise. True, the shores are not executed by plants, and they do not plant them in the pool itself ... But the process of construction, with reinforcement, plaster, waterproofing is the same. Moreover, the water supply and water purification system is also similar. Except that the ponds do not use chemical methods of cleaning, but filters, scremmers and ultraviolet can be used.

In general, the big pond is the cheapest pleasure. Moreover, expenses require only construction, but also maintaining a large reservoir in a normal state: the filters need to be cleaned regularly and change cartridges or backfill. But pleasure, of course a huge ...

Not the biggest pond, but 10 bags of cement went on it, 30 sand bags (20 large and 10 small), hydrophobic additive - 5 packets so that concrete is water-repellent. Mained on fixed grid

Plants for the pond

Forming or choosing a bowl, consider not only its shape and depth. If you want plants into the pond, a swampy coastal area is necessary. If we form with a film using a film, you can make approximately such a profile as in the picture.

It is more convenient to do this if you squeeze the sand layer at least 15 cm thick. With it, you can make relief as you like. To work was easier and the film was not broken, in the sand lay geotextiles. This thin membrane is very durable on the gap. You can do what you want, and do not break it. By molding with its help the desired bottom relief, you can put the film and lay stones on it, pour water and plant plants for a pond at different levels.

In order for the water to be enough oxygen, you can plant Canadian, rogolnik and the shroud. They are in the photo below. Sit down into the water are aquatic plants.

Benefits of a pond from the pelvis:

  • arrangement takes a minimum of time;
  • perfectly fits into the design of any plot;
  • if necessary, the pond is easily transferred to another area of \u200b\u200bthe courtyard;
  • needs minimal care;
  • it is a budget option, practically does not require financial costs.

Artificial reservoir from the basin make very simple. An old metallic or plastic pelvis is taken, sticking into the ground. If the basin is a holey, then it is covered with a construction film. It is desirable that it is thick and durable. At the request, the bottom of the basin can be decorated with stones and shells. The bars already filled with water are decorated with alive or artificial plants, and the "shore" of the reservoir is planted with natural stone or pebbles. You can lay out the paving slabs.

Mini pond from the pelvis will be much stronger if the bottom and the walls of the basin cement mortar. In addition, if you plan to put in a pond of frogs, it will be much easier for them to get to the surface along the cement surface than by slippery film.

The solution is prepared as follows.: Mix cement and sand in a 1: 3 ratio and diluted with water. It is well stirred up to the depletion of sour cream so that no lumps are left, and the basin is deceived. The thickness of the layer is 2 cm. While the solution at the bottom of the basin is not frozen, it can make various compositions of stones in it. A basin covered with cement, leave to dry at least for a day. After that, it can be painted with black water-repellent paint. When the basin fill the water, the black color will give the surface of the water the mirror effect.

For mini-water bodies with water plants, it is better to use pelvis with a depth of more than 15 cm. In small pelvis, the water will be quickly hot in the summer, and in frosts will laugh up to the bottom and plants will die.


In order for the decorative pond to please the eye, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right place for the reservoir.

Basic rules of choice:

  1. Choose a place in a half, so water will bloom less, and the aqueous plants will not be wiped in the sun.
  2. Avoid open and well-blowing places.
  3. You should not have a reservoir under the trees, otherwise you will constantly have to clean the foliage of the water, and the water will be clogged.
  4. The pond should be located so that his everywhere is clearly visible. Pick up the place in such a way that reflections in the reservoir were interesting and diverse. For example, it can be clouds, trees, house.

    As a visual benefit when choosing a place for a pond from the pore, you can use a conventional polyethylene film. Put it on the site of the planned reservoir, and walk, look: will the pond be noticeable from the main species points of your site?


How to make a small decorative pond from the basin? The basin is made, the place is chosen, now we proceed to the construction of a mini-pond with your own hands.

Tools and materials:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Pump (if a fountain is planned).
  3. Clay or sand for layers.
  4. A small amount of cement mortar.
  5. Natural stone of different sizes.
  6. Pebble for soil or gravel with non-footing edges (if the pelvis is a copper).

Stages of work:

  1. Drop the pit, the size of which is a little more pelvis. The edges of the basin must rise above the soil by 5 cm.
  2. Make a layer of clay or sand under the bottom of the pelvis and between the walls of the pelvis and the pit. Such a "pillow" will allow you to install the pelvis more smoothly, and the water in it will not quickly warm.
  3. The inserted basin on the edges is poured with cement mortar. It is necessary so that the water was tightly held, and so that during the rain the Earth did not wash out from under the edge.
  4. The soil is stacked at the bottom of the basin, aquatic plants are planted in it (outer, waterproofs, watering water). You can decorate the pond artificial colors.
  5. Fill with basic water.
  6. The plot around the reservoir decorate by pebbles or stones. It will be better to look when large stones are posted, and then medium and small.
  7. Near the water, you can plant moisture-boring plants, such as a fern or calla, and the adjacent area to plant lawn grass.
  8. If the water in the pond is from the water pipeline, it is pre-need to give to settle. The best option is water from the nearest natural reservoir, but you can use and rainwater.

Photo of finished ponds from the basin.

Basic Pond Care

So that the miniature water garden is clean and well-groomed, you need regularly change water. Water from the pond is traced by a can or bucket. If there are no planted plants at the bottom - choose pebbles and washed with water. If the soil is small and choose it is difficult, then a small amount of water is poured and stirred with a hand with a hand, and then water is removed with a rag. So repeat several times.

Walls and bottom basin wash with sponge or rag. It costs it about once a month, otherwise the water will begin to "bloom" and microorganisms will be headed.

In nature, the role of natural sanitation reservoirs perform snails. Therefore, you can populate your mini-pond, so that they clean and the plants, and the pond itself from algae.

In the heat, water from the water garden evaporates very quickly, and you need to constantly ensure that its level is sufficient. Take water It is necessary for small portions and does not rush to not damage the plants and decorative compositions at the bottom of the pond. If necessary, the pond in the heat can be protected with an awning or canopy.

The miniature pond from the basin can be made on any plot, and the ways to decorate it - a great set, it all depends on the author's imagination.

In compliance with all the simple rules for the arrangement and care of such a mini-pond, an artificial water garden will be present decoration of the country landscape and the pride of the owners.

Most of the owners of country sites or country houses dream to equip on it with an artificial reservoir, thereby make it more interesting and more attractive. But, the arrangement of such a zone requires certain knowledge, where to place it, how to provide water, how to clean it and so on. Our article is just for those who have more questions than answers.

Artificial reservoir on the plot, features

Previous Plastic Capacity for Pond

Ready water

The finished pond is a plastic shape that needs to be inserted into the ground or install it on a special framework on its household plot. Let's look at the pros and cons of its purchase.




Limit of forms and sizes


Fragility of the form

Easy mounting

Lack of naturalness

Easy to maintain

More complex option, but possible forms of such a pond are limitless

This can be both a complex concrete design, and simply dumped pit in the ground, laid out by pebbles or a special butyl rubber film to ensure waterproofing.

The advantages of such a device is:

  • unlimited choice of shape, depth and sizes,
  • creating the effect of the natural zone,
  • a huge selection of methods and methods for decorating.

This method of building a reservoir has its own minuses. The main disadvantage is time, it needs significantly more than for example in order to insert a ready-made plastic form.

To carry out such work it is necessary to have experience and necessary equipment. Often this option will cost and significantly more expensive, as materials will be needed, plus the masters will take money for work.

Artificial pond on the plot with your own hands is real, 7 stages

If you decide to build a water, it is quite possible and independently, having a small experience in construction, desire and fantasy. The whole process can be divided into seven consecutive stages.

Perform markup

You can start working with dimensions, depth and style of the zone.

Preparing Kotlovan

Copy of the pit for a given markup, taking into account the multi-level depth

Deciding with the location of our reservoir by following the advice described above, begin to dig meat. To do this, we pre-clean the plot from all over and make markup. You can dig a shovel, in the process, removing stones from the soil, roots, whose treasure and so on, so that this soil can be used in the future.

The depth of the pond can be made single-level or in several levels. The coastal part of the lesser depth than the central, creating a cascade effect. There may be several such cascades. We distribute the depth:

  • The coastal part is from 10 cm to 40 cm. Here you can place plants.
  • Shalkovye - from 40 cm to 100 cm. Here you can place deepest plants. Share pebbles.
  • The deepwater part is from 100 and higher. This zone is needed if the fish will live in the pond. It can be put on larger stones. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a part should be approximately 30% of the total pond area.

The coastal part is desirable to align with a level. You can use laser or water. In this case, the water level will be uniform throughout the perimeter.

Select the material for the base device

The bottom of the pit need to close something, make waterproofing from the soil, otherwise the pond will quickly lace. There are several options for arranging this part, choose the appropriate:

Concreting of a water branch

Concreting, reliable, but expensive and long way. It is not difficult to realize being a specialist in monolithic works. This option is choosing, as a rule, for large water bodies or pools. Only strengthened concrete solutions are used, more on which you can read here.

Plastic form. This fast method of a device that allows you to significantly reduce the entire process. This form is placed in the pita, the remaining emptiness are filled with soil or sand.

The mini ponds can be arranged from girlfriend: old bathroom, barrels or even a basin. According to the installation technology, they are identical to the plastic form.

Filter installation circuit

Buy filter for cleaning in a specialized store. It can be pressure and non-per-on, differ in the way of operation, the pressure will be filtered more quickly. Effective cleaning method, but professional models can cost significant money. They can be disguised as sculptures, decorative boats or amphoras. The disadvantage of such a method is increased stressful for the inhabitants of the reservoir.

Plants for Pond Water Purification. They also clean water, less efficient and long, but natural way. The following are suitable:

  • bloother bottlefish (Nifyanka);
  • nymphi or water lily;
  • vodokrasi ordinary;
  • yellow cube;
  • upi (peristolism);
  • eukhorenia;
  • waterfrons;
  • rDES;
  • rogolitnik;
  • duckweed;
  • aponoghethon.

Buy all these plants are not difficult in the store. Also there will be prompting how to plant them correctly and how to care. However, many plants will die when lowering the temperature, which is simply not avoided in our climatic zone.

Fish in the pond

Run fish. If you still decide to do this, you need to choose the types adapted for climate. It is better not to experiment and immediately consult from a specialist. Note that the fish will need to feed, so think you need you.

Run fish immediately after filling the reservoir, it is impossible, it is necessary to wait some time, from 3 to 7 daysAs long as its microclimate is formed.

Inverted aquarium in the reservoir, now fish watching us

We make lighting. This is a fairly spectacular decor element, but requiring certain caution, as it involves the use of electricity near water. Trust this work is best experienced electrician.

You can independently put the autonomous lamps on solar panels around the pond. Their choice is large enough, they do not require connection to the network and the installation is very fast.

Nearby you can equip the patio zone or gazebo. And one and the second option are perfectly suitable for enjoying the freshness and beauty of the pond.

Video lessons

Water care

Even if you installed the automatic pumps of paging and cleaning, follow the pond still need. Extra plants need to be removed, clean the surface of water from garbage and leaves. Follow the fish: remove sore individuals or very large, for which this reservoir has become small in size.

Periodically, 1-2 times a year, it is necessary to clean the bottom of the pond with a water vacuum cleaner from the sludge. This can be done without pumping water if the technical features of the device and it is convenient to do this from the shore.

Decoration of the country area with a decorative pond - a good solution. Especially pleased with the cool reservoir in the summer. Even a small pond in the country can be equipped with a fountain or waterfall, plant plants and flowers, put the stones and put a chairs or benches. It turns out a beautiful recreation area. This beauty, any dacket can make it yourself for 1-2 days without significant financial costs.

What can make a decorative pond

Materials for the manufacture of garden water bodies. You can choose more expensive and build an impressive deep lake, and you can find scribe materials for free and make a small decorative bars.

From the tire

Old used tires from heavy-duty building machines or tractors can be bought for a penny or find for free. In its properties, the rubber, from which they are made, perfectly withstands seasonal temperature differences from frosts to heat and does not let water. This material has a long service life and ready-made perfectly round form. You can find this material on tires or automotive enterprises.

Multi-level pond with a small "waterfall" can be made of tires

From the old bath

Cast iron, steel or acrylic has an oval or angular shape and a small depth, just suitable for a dacha pond. If the enamel color does not suit, you can paint the bath in a blue shade for the effect of clean water or in brown under the color of the soil.

If you put a bath with stones, no one guess, what a pond is made

From plastic tank

Special finished plasking containers for creating water bodies of various sizes and depths are sold. These bowls can be the most different configuration with steps and separate zones of shallow water and deepening. Durable material will endure all the loads and will last for many years. A large range of colors allows you to choose a bowl for every taste. For the winter it is not necessary to drain the water and dismantle the pond.

Blue and blue containers look more positive black

From PVC film

Flexible rolled waterproofing materials and membranes for pools are great for creating a plot of a complex multistage form, due to flexibility and softness. PVC film is the most affordable of all manufactured. Only polyethylene is cheaper, but it is rapidly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet, it will have to sharpen it in 2-3 layers. Polyethylene film is recommended to be used in this capacity only for temporary structures.

From the PVC film you can make a bar of any shape and any size


Butiliker membrane for pools costs a lot, but it is specially created for waterproofing, does not freeze, does not rot. The service life of this film is 50 years old, it is capable of ten-year stretching with significant loads without risk of rupture.

The monolithic concrete bowl is considered the most durable and durable, it is possible to walk freely if it is necessary to clean the bottom or transplant the pond plants. To create such a basin, it will take more time due to the timing of frozen and set the strength of the material. Additional costs of reinforcement and drainage will be accumulated with interest, especially in the case of large-sized reservoirs.

Pond from the monolithic concrete bowl is more practical and more spectacular

Choosing a place for reservoir in the country area

In the design process and design ideas, it is important to determine a good place to accommodate the future pond and the adjacent recreation area. Small water volumes are quickly heated in the sun, it is better to have it in the shade. The sun rays should not fall on the surface more than 6 hours a day. In the shade, water does not overheat, and biological pollution will occur more slowly. In hot summer days, evaporation from the surface of a small pond can reach 5 cm, which is dangerous for animals and plants.

Pollits the surface of the water that has fallen from foliage trees and fruits, and the growing root system can damage the waterproofing layer. Therefore, the bowl is better to place away from deciduous and fruit trees and shrubs.

Selection of plants for reservoir in the garden

A naked pond without plants does not look aesthetically, it does not look like a real natural reservoir. It is followed by suitable plants, which in nature live in ponds and lakes, on the swamps. They are divided into three groups:

  • floating in water;
  • immersed in water;
  • coastal.

The first group includes freely floating, not fixed by the root system in the bottom of the plant. The depth of the reservoir is not important for them. The following plants are popular in this group:

  • eukhorenia (aqueous hyacinth) - multi-year, with large blue flowers and dipped into the water with leaves;
  • pisks (water rose) - has light green rosettes of leaves, similar to roses;
  • watercrews are recommended to breed in small ponds, this plant with small white flowers and round leaves floats in water, and in the fall of his foliage dies.

In water, protected from overheating with large floating leaves, a healthy microclimate is formed

Immersed in water and growing at the bottom in the ground, a special container or potted culture are included in the second group. The following plants are popular:

  • the water lily is one of the most beautiful and popular aquatic plants. Planting water lily in pots that put on the bottom of the pond. Waterflowers have a white, pink and yellow color;
  • the rogolistnik is an oxigenerator, it floats in the water column and contributes to the natural preservation of the purity of the pond and oxygen saturation;
  • the graonist received his name in the form of leaves, planted it to a depth of about 10 cm.

Coastal plants are planted around the reservoir, they grow beautifully in the overwhelmed soil, decorate and shape the coastal zone. Popular plants:

  • aIR is a high grass with sharp sweatsets, an excellent companion for flowering cultures;
  • bolotnaya Kaluchnya - unpretentious bushes with a scatter of small yellow flowers;
  • the marsh iris is similar to the garden varieties, has yellow flowers, grows along the banks of rivers and lakes in large bushes.

Bolotnaya Iris can become a major emphasis in the composition of the countrywater reservoir

How to build an artificial pond in the country with your own hands

This garden decoration is easy to make himself, and spending big money for it is not necessary. If you precisely follow the technology and find the necessary blowing materials, prepare a tool, after a couple of days you can admire your creation - a beautiful pond. A large deep pool will be ready after 2 weeks due to more thorough preparation of the base.

From plastic tank

Polypropylene, polyethylene or fiberglass bowls are produced different depths and shapes. The most popular is the wrong rounded configuration, imitating natural water. For installation of the container, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • roulette, pegs and lace for marking;
  • shovel;
  • level;
  • sand and crushed stone, water, cement;
  • armature.

The design of the facility includes a sketch of a plot plan, drawing with the placement of boulders, plants, technical communications. There are ready schemes and options for the design of the country pond.

Mounting bowls for decorative pond

Depending on the planned assignment of the pond, you can buy the capacity of the necessary dimensions. If the reservoir will perform a purely decorative function, it is recommended to do it multistage, shallow and small. For breeding decorative species of fish and amphibians, you should choose a bowl with a central section of the deeper point of the freezing, so that living creatures can be overwhelmed.

A small fountain will decorate any country pond

Before installing a small plastic bowl in the selected place, it is necessary to prepare the base by making a sand pillow. For this you need:

If the capacitance of impressive sizes is bought, then the sand pillows are not enough, a concrete base will be required. For this you need:

  1. Place the outlines of the sides of the bowl by sprinkling the contour of sand. At a distance of 15 cm from the sandy line, knock the pegs for marking the edge of the pit.
  2. Clean the surface from grass, jeep and stones.
  3. Drop the pit with a depth of 30 cm more than the height of the reservoir.
  4. Align and catch the bottom and fall asleep it for 5 cm sand.
  5. From above, pour 10 cm layer of rubble of the middle fraction, to lay the reinforcing mesh and pour with a concrete solution of 5-7 cm thick. Pillow frozen time - about 2 weeks.

The bottom of the future pond must be even

The installation of the bowl is based on a few steps:

  1. Pour water on 1/3 volume, in the intervals between the bowl and walls of the pit, fall asleep wet sand, tamper it.
  2. Gradually topping the water and fall asleep in the pitted sand until all the container is inserted into the ground.
  3. After 2 days, the sand will see, and the form will firmly in place.

Now you can mount the technical part: fountains, additional equipment, pipes, filters. An excellent option for the dacha pond will be a floating fountain, simultaneously performing the function of the filter and saturated with oxygen. Such a model will not only decorate the pond, but also cleanses it, ensures the health of fish and coastal plants. Mounting is done like this:

After performing technical work, you can start decorating and planting plants:

From PVC film

The optimal choice for the price and durability of the rolled material to create a pond is the PVC film. To install, you will need:

  • pVC film with a margin of 50 cm wide on each side;
  • roulette, level;
  • shovel, rake;
  • machine for welding film or construction hairdryer with nozzle;
  • sand, water.

When designing film structures, you can show more fantasy and come up with a complicated form. Flexible and soft membrane will make it possible to embody the designer idea. A stepped structure will allow planting plants or enter the water for swimming. To begin with, you should perform accurate drawing on scale and sketch with design options and decor.

In the design of the pond, the waterfall will fit well

The base should be as smooth as possible, clean and without sharp stones and coma devices. Enough device sand pillow.

Stages of work:

Now you can lay a tile or stone that can be made of cement mortar, decorate the pond with boulders and coastal plants, which are exhibited in pots on the underwater steps near the surface of the water or in the soil in the coastal zone around the boulders. Floating culture-hydroxy agents are saturated with oxygen, pita and lotuses will decorate the surface with magnificent colors.

Light shades of film will allow better seeing fish and plants, and dark will create a complete imitation of the real bottom soil.

Decorate the pond with a dark basis by plants and decorative figures

Floating filters and lanterns with ultraviolet will help water longer remain clean. Snails clean the walls from the rag, frogs and fish will reduce the number of mosquitoes and other harmful insects.

From the tire

Having an in stock a girlfriend, for example, old tires, can be equipped with a pond absolutely free in one day. Round form is defined in advance. An interesting version of this design consists of three tires of different diameters, which are installed at different heights. It turns out a natural cascading three-stage waterfall.

To work with rubber, it is necessary to prepare:

  • shovel;
  • level;
  • waterproofing film;
  • a knife with a metal blade;
  • sealant;
  • sand and crushed stone;
  • stones and plants for decoration.

When designing, it should be noted that the tire can be chopped into the ground completely or only to half the height, and you can also put on the surface. Frost resistance and durability of rubber will allow you to leave the pond to winter in your place. The largest diameter 3m and the height of 1m have a Tractor Touch "Belarus" or rubber from BelAZ technology. In such a pond, you can even swim.

Several separate ponds can not be combined - the composition will be harmonious of several tires of different sizes

Preparation of the foundation:

  1. Place the pad, putting and circling the tire around. Remove the rain and remove plants.
  2. Drop the pit, expanding it by 15 cm from the size of the tire and deepening the tire height plus 15-20 cm.
  3. Remove stones, housekeeping grounds and garbage, level the bottom of the site in terms of the level, tamper. You can pave a layer of geotextile to stabilize the soil and prevent the germination of weeds and the root system of trees.
  4. Pour a layer of 10 cm rubble and 5 cm of sand, shed water and tamper, check in level.
  5. This item is executed if it is decided to make a concrete site for reservoir. From above, the sand pillow is stacked with a grid of the reinforcement or the reinforcing mesh and is poured with a concrete solution with a thickness of 7 cm. To cover with a polyethylene film and wait for drying the screed after about 2 weeks.

The basis is ready, and now you can begin to install and decorate the country's reservoir. Work includes the following steps:

A beautiful reservoir ensemble will work if there is a small alpine slide nearby. Pour a slide from the soil, a little tamping it and give the desired shape, then put picturesque stones. You can use snags, old ceramic pots and vases. In the ground between the stones, planted unpretentious, pinch plants, and closer to water - moisture-loving cultures. Over time, the plants will grow up, and the slide will take a wild natural look.

Video: Little pond with a fountain with her own hands

Ideas arranged

The style of the reservoir should be harmonized with the shared style of the entire country area, the garden. On a small estate, the pond can be made to a central decoration and arrange a recreation area around it for the whole family. There are many landscape design ideas - everyone will select the perfect option for themselves.

  • leaves and garbage should be regularly assembled with a special saccha on a long handle. If finance is allowed, for medium and large volumes, it is advisable to buy a skimmer - a floating filter that collects garbage from the surface and cleansing water;
  • after wintering, it is necessary to inspect the integrity of the bowl, the performance of the pump and filter, wiring, remove the remnants of the ice, fix the smashing stones and the decor, check how the fish peeped into the deep part of the pond;
  • for the winter on the bottom and walls, a lot of garbage and dirt accumulates, so you need to roll out almost all the water, leaving a little in the pit for fish, a small livingitude temporarily transplant to another container and clean the bottom and the walls of the pond. In the small bowls, the water is completely changed;
  • perevirovyovy plants should be transferred to large pots, remove dead parts, feed. The soil must be clay and heavy;
  • in the summer, the main problem can become evaporation and overheating of water. It is necessary to monitor the level and timely attach water. The easiest way to do with the hose;
  • so that the pond does not borrow with a rich and tina, other weed plants, they should be removed, remove the remains of food for fish, garbage and fractured fruits that have fallen into water;
  • for successful wintering, fishes in the fall requires enhanced nutrition and wintering pit with non-freezing water. For large water bodies and with sufficient financial capabilities, it is recommended to establish a winter water heating system to make the temperature in the reservoir comfortable for wintering exotic fish and animals. If there is no such conditions, it is better to cross fish for the winter to the aquarium. Water from a small pond needs to be merged completely, and plant plants and hide or remove into the basement.
  • Observing uncomplicated rules of care and paying attention to animals and plants, you can create a beautiful corner of freshness and coolness, which will be a favorite holiday destination for the whole family. For construction, it does not require high spending time and money, and the result will get impressive.

    01.03.2016 45 782

    How to make a pond in the country with your own hands - gradual technology and mistakes

    Beautiful decorative reservoirs, photos and pictures of which can be seen everywhere, have become an integral part of many garden and country sites. However, how to make such a decoration do not know everything. The reservoir is an element of the decor, the place where relaxes are distracted from the city bustle. Water is the best remedy for stress. Recommendations, photo gallery, arrangement tips will help to overcome steps towards beautiful, serene, and also teach how to reflect homely plot with minimal investments. The device of a pond in the courtyard, its design does not take a lot of time.

    What style to choose where to locate?

    The initial stages of the landscaping of the reservoir are important and necessary. Thoughtful stylization in harmony with landscape design will be the basis of the creation of a reservoir. It is necessary to select style in accordance with the architecture of the house, buildings. In the interior of the garden, a formal variant (proper geometric shape) can be placed, or a free natural water forming a solid composition with other decorative elements.

    Formal species are the main decorative element in the garden. They are suitable for small and large areas, there are different sizes, are placed in the center. Free reservoirs are equipped in arbitrary forms, giving a natural natural look, hiding artificiality.

    Water in the country, do it yourself - in the photo
    A small pond at the cottage with your own hands

    In the photo - pond on the country
    In the photo - pond on the garden plot

    Choosing a Japanese style, remember, stone, water and lights are the basis of the image. Think out in advance the layout. Bonsai Trees, a tea house will complement and decorate the garden. Garden walls, windows, lunar gates are considered an indispensable attribute of the Chinese manner. The entrance to the design is equipped with entrance gates. The English garden seeks to merge with nature, French is filled with Majesty and high space with fountains, cascades, sculptures. Italian mini-pitchers with fountains are placed in front of the main entrance of the house, are a central composition.

    Choosing a place and material for arrangement

    Many masters know how to make a reservoir with their own hands, taking into account the size, location, choosing solar open areas. Trees located in close proximity will create additional troubles. Favoring foliage, the constant shadow of trees prevent the growth of decorative plants, pollute the water. You can arrange a design under the trees, but mandatory in the sun rays 5-6 hours a day.

    Pedry at the cottage built with your own hands

    Regarding sizes, take into account the scale of the site. The reservoir must harmoniously fit into the landscape design. Small garden sections of 6 acres are equipped with small designs that are easier to build, financial costs will be insignificant. Deep and voluminous make for large areas and breeding fish. Do not plan to run fish, do not watered a big pit.

    Pedroin at the cottage made with your own hands
    In the photo - the country pond do it yourself

    To build a pit for your own hands, you need to buy, prepare materials for future construction. There are great opportunities for your imagination. Build decorative lake on the site can be from any materials. Capital reservoir with concrete base will require time, money. Various plastic containers, a lake from an old bathroom, tires from large tractor wheels will cost cheaper, will look beautiful, if you do correctly. It is easy to make a design with a special elastic durable film.

    In the photo - a pond on its plot

    Step-by-step creation of a lake using a black film

    Schematically sketch the project of the future reservoir, indicating width, depth, location Kurtin (raging thresholds). Drawn drawing will allow Retributian competently, decor elements, avoid blunders, alterations.

    step 1
    Step 2.

    • Draw the outlines of the lake with the Garden Hose, Sand, Aerosol Paints, other technicians. The uneven surface must be aligned in terms of level.
    • It rotates to the depth of the near threshold (for plants and colors), the next tier is placed, digs. The lake can be done in several tiers. You can do without thresholds if it is small.

    Step 3.

    • To buy a film of the required size, the finished pit is measured using a cord, it has been repaired by 40-50 centimeters on each side of the bowl.
    • The next step must be filled with sand and tamper. No sand, proceed to laying the next layer. Small option can be made without sand.
    • Protect the material from cuts, damage can be damaged using geotextile, which is placed on the bottom, the walls of the pit after the sand layer. You can replace the purchased material with an existing old unnecessary linoleum, carpet, rubberoid.

    Step 4.
    Step 5.

    • The material is more convenient to fix the shaft on the edges of a shallow trench. The edges of the film are laid into it, the layer of land, rubble, are added.
    • Raise the big pit from the stagnation of water will help the stream and submersible pump, which is placed on the bottom. The pump is connected to the cleaning filters. The rods are located above the level of the lake so that the water flows down freely down, climbed using the pump. You can hide it under beautiful stones, plants. The slide of the stream is put on with beautiful flowers, decorated with various decorative elements (sculptures, clay pots).

    Step 6.
    Step 7.

    • The coastline throughout the perimeter is laid out by decorative stones (natural cobblestones), preventing the location of the Earth into the pond. Place the plants, sprinkle the bottom of the small pebbles, pour water.

    The construction of the lake is completed with their own hands, maintain the purity, order in the reservoir, timely remove the garbage, algae. Use drugs to maintain biological balance, fertilizers for plants, means against algae, for lightening water. Find the appropriate place, make it easy, pretend. Errors, miscalculations can turn an attractive good reservoir in a solid problem, consider it.