Repairs Design Furniture

Stencils for tile. Painting the stencil of tile. Ready options and to order


Hand painted ceramic tile is a creative, pleasant and simple way to make a "highlight" in the kitchen interior or bathroom. Playing the tile with your own hands, you not only twist your artistic talents and a great taste, but also you can save on the finish, because the finished color tile with painting or patterns is more expensive than white.

In order for the paint to keep on the tile surface, you need to use primer.

Required tools and materials

It is worth it to decide on the working "web", that is, tiles. It should be with a smooth surface, without patterns and relief, white or color monophonic. It is not recommended to paint outdoor tiles, as it is susceptible to increased mechanical effects, and the drawing will not last long. You should not paint those tiles in the bathroom, which often gets water. Due to high humidity, even moisture-resistant paint will eventually begin to peel and dress up.

Tools that will be needed for painting ceramic tiles:

In order to increase the durability of the pattern, place the tile in the oven for half an hour.

Stencil. It can be purchased in specialized stores or do it yourself. Having liked the drawing (it can, for example, cut out of the log) pastes on the cardboard and cut down the contour. For beginners in design, the best choice for beginnings will not be very complex geometric ornaments.

Stencil of large sizes, which can be placed on two, four or more tiles immediately, will allow you to create a real original highly artistic panel. It will be especially advantageous to look at the Kitchen "Apron".

It is not necessary to limit the stencils, you can use curly scrapers to create beautiful wavy lines or foam stamps on the tile.

Paint is applied on them, then prints are made using stamps on the tile.

It is important to choose paints. For complete staining of the surface of the tile, oil, epoxy, latex paints are used. Special acrylic paints for painting ceramics are used to create patterns. When using such paints, it is necessary to take into account that they are usually very bright, so before use, they should be diluted with legers or solvents.

The contours of the drawings are described by special contour paints selling in small tubes with thin dispensers. Such paint creates a kind of barrier that does not allow other paints to spread.

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Proceed to the creation of masterpieces

For tile paintings, acrylic paints diluted with legels or solvent are best suited.

The order of work during the painting of ceramic tiles is divided into the following steps:

  1. Cleaning and degreasing. Includes processing with detergent with a rigid sponge. It is possible to degrease the tile, pouring on a sponge of sand and a pretty lighter surface, or rub it with vodka or alcohol.
  2. The next stage is grinding. It is needed then to remove the topmost smooth layer of tiles. It can be produced by finishing the surface with sandpaper or bar for sharpening kitchen knives.
  3. Next, you need to apply primer. It is necessary to provide a good combression of paints with a smooth surface of the tile. It is recommended to use epoxy primers with high adhesive properties; For tiles in the bathroom will need moisture-resistant primer. It should be remembered that it is possible to paint the tile only after 24 hours, that is, after complete drying of the primer.
  4. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. Full staining of the tile is made by a foam roller or sponge. Before applying the subsequent layer, you need to wait until the previous one will dry, after each use, the roller should be squeezed well.
  5. The drawing on the stencil is painted with a special soft tassel. In order for stencil during operation, it is shifted, it is fixed by aerosol glue of temporary fixation or ordinary scotch. A brush must be kept strictly perpendicular to the surface of the tile, while the paint is applied with neat strokes. Random drops of paint should be removed with a cotton wand, a blunt mat or toothpick.
  6. At the final stage, waterproof varnish is applied.

After the paint finally dried, the tile can be boldly washed, without fear that the drawing would come down or hang out. It is important to remember that the painted tile should dry at least 24 hours, and it may take up to 2 weeks to complete drying.

It is worth mentioning that the moisture-resistant vinyl stickers can be alternative or addition to the artistic painting of the tile. As in the case of the painting tile, it is extremely important that the working surface is dry and absolutely clean.

Another way to improve the decor is border ceramic beads on the tile.

Stencil is a great way to turn ceramic tiles into art. If you had to be in building materials stores, then you probably know that the ceramics with a drawing costs a lot of money. But it's not difficult to decorate the walls of the kitchen or bathroom with unique drawings ...
What will you need?

1. Naturally, one-photon tile (or take the tile, by the way) and stencils, which can be purchased in any construction store or in supermarkets such as repair.

2. Acrylic paints that are designed to apply a drawing on ceramic tiles.

3. Special aerosol glue. Its use is not necessary, however it allows it to better fasten the stencil on the tile.

4. Stencil brushes, sponges, as well as a water bank in which the brushes are stored while working to avoid paint drying.

Before applying the drawing on the tile, it must be prepared in a certain way. If we are talking about a tile or tile: it is enough to wipe it with a degreasing solution or rinse under water using a dishwashing agent.

After washing the tile must be left drying. Waiting for the preparation of the stencil, which from the reverse side is covered with aerosol glue - this will allow not to worry about that the stencil "will tears" in the process of work.

When the tile completely snacks, the stencil is superimposed on its outer side: you can start drawing. You can choose the color from which the whole process will start on your own, but better if the first color is darker, then there will be no problems with the brightness of the picture subsequently.

Remember that during drawing on the tile, the brush should be kept in a perpendicular position, and the paint itself is applied with point movements. Observe this rule is important because otherwise the paint during drawing can "leak" under the stencil, which will make your drawing not so clear. It is also necessary to avoid the paints on the brushes to be too much, otherwise it will flow.

In the process of drawing, it is not necessary to use only brushes. After you finish working with one color or part of the drawing, you can use a sponge for another tone. The sponge allows you to draw "wampling" movements, which will make it possible to achieve creating various effects.

If the paint is often silent with stripes or points, then with the help of a sponge, you can create some embossing. Then the bodies and points on your drawing will be mixed with the roughness, which the sponge will create during drawing.

After the drawing is fully completed, you can remove the stencil. If the paint you used for drawing is quite high-quality, then it will be necessary to expect its complete drying. The result will probably exceed all your expectations: an exclusive drawing on the tile is a find for repair!

After the paint is completely dry, ceramic tiles can be calmly washed. By the way, even solvents are not able to harm the acrylic paints. But if you want the drawing to hold out as long as possible, you can additionally warm the tile in the oven. Just pre-make sure that the instructions for the paint indicates the possibility of this warming.


Tile in the kitchen older aging, losing its appearance. It is not necessary to engage in the replacement of the tile at all, in this case it can be reappeted. Replacement? Even with the most simple version - - the occupation is costly, and it is possible to reorganize it with its own.

The most important thing is to choose waterproof materials with high adhesion (clutch) with a tile surface. And the work itself can be performed with the most elementary tools for painting work, additionally, using the stationery prengeons.

Apply stencil

To update the tile, it can be stenched on it (see article "" about their types). First you need to clean the surface. To do this, we will need a brush and any detergent.

Then the surface is cleaned with alcohol, after which he wipes dry silicone-carbide paper. After this procedure, the surface of the tile will acquire roughness. This is done for better paint consolidation. And after that, the tile is covered with primer.

Patterns are applied using special paint for glass. The choice of pattern is perhaps the most difficult thing in this matter. Go to the Internet, there you will find many variants of patterns. After the pattern decided, we make stencils. Then, putting the stencil pattern to the wall, just paint its carved areas.

Tip: In order not to be inclined when the tile decoration is performed, and for better fixation of the stencil, it needs to be fixed to the wall with aerosol glue. Traces after it will not remain, but it is just enough.

Drawings can be applied different format. For example, a repeating pattern is applied to each tile or make a large composition. The second option is the most complicated. Perform such a task only a person having certain abilities. If you do not possess them, perhaps one of your friends has a similar talent.

So, we applied the image. Now it should be covered with varnish. After that, our scenery is ready. It can be applied on the walls of any room. Just remember that the abrasive materials cannot be used to clean the reorganate tiles.

Vinyl decoupage

You can update the tile with vinyl. Special interior stickers made on the basis of this material are sold in stores. Images are applied to such stickers. This material is sufficiently racks to mechanical effects, it has excellent water resistance. Vinyl film can also be decorating ceramic tiles in any room.

Interior stickers can be bought in construction stores; If there were not there, then you can try to make a purchase via the Internet. There is a large selection of similar stickers with the most diverse drawings.

The film pasted on the wall is also covered with varnish. Be sure to ensure that after sticking under the film, there are no air bubbles. But if they still stayed, then push them with a needle. Traces from this will not remain, and the air will be released.

Decoupage with paper or napkins

And there is another way to update the tile. This method is perhaps the most efficient, but at the same time the least costly. This is a way to decorate the old tile paper. This is done as follows: a certain drawing is printed on translucent paper, then this figure is cut and glued to a dense paper base.

A tight paper sheet with a pattern is impregnated with glue, and then glued to a pre-skimmed surface. Instead of paper, you can still take a cloth with a pattern. The dried paper is covered with acrylic varnish. After this procedure, the paper acquires moisture resistance. Now she will serve you long enough. And if the paper decoupage you get tired, it can be easily removed from the surface of the tile.

The drawing on the tile always looks original. When repairing, individual tiles with a pattern can be an excellent addition to the design. And you can always apply the drawings on your own.
And for this it is not necessary to be a steep artist - just get tiled and stencils, special paint for drawing on ceramics, screen brushes and aerosol glue, as well as a can with water in which the brushes can be washed. Or the kitchen is not at all difficult!

Before starting to draw on a ceramic tile, the tile itself must be wiped from dirt and dust, even if at first glance it will seem absolutely clean. To do this, you can use ordinary alcohol or vodka, after which it is necessary to wash the tile under running water with a rag with a small amount of a simple detergent for dishes. Before drawing, it is also a dry to wipe the surface of the tile.

Stencil better pick up according to. While the tile will leak after washing, it must be coated on the reverse side by aerosol glue. It is not necessary to do this - you can simply sprinkle it with water to impose on the tile. But for the novice artist, the aerosol glue will be much more convenient - your stencil will not "ride" along the tile during drawing.

You can choose a color for first paint application. It is better to first take those colors that are combined with others in the figure, but, then, those that contrast with a common background. In the process of drawing on a stencil, the brush must be kept perpendicular to the surface of the tile, and the paint itself apply point. This is not the most strict rule for drawing on the tile, but if you calm the brush on the surface, then the paint can be touched under the stencil. Then your drawing will not be too accurate. It is also important to ensure that the paint does not flow, therefore it is not necessary to gain it in large quantities.

After you finish first color, you can start up. It is important that you will not "stand up" for the trait features and did not mix paint. When it comes to similar paint tones, it is not much noticeable, but for contrasting colors is important.

Different colors of paint can also have a different consistency. If you use too liquid paint, then you can use a sponge of the foam instead of the paint brush. In principle, you can simply cut a small piece of sponge from the washcloth, which you usually wash dishes. It is necessary to draw a sponge with a seemingly "wicked" movement - the effect of drawing will be very interesting.

The fact is that the brush leaves imperceptible stripes, and the sponge allows you to create a coating that will be slightly rough, as if very small paint drops remained on the tile. It looks beautiful, especially if you want to highlight some particular item in the figure. You can do this not only with color, but also drawing style.

After the drawing is fully completed, the stencil can be removed. Paints for ceramics dry fast enough. After it completely gets free, you can safely wash the tile. Moreover, for this purpose you can even use solvents. But if you want to further consolidate your first masterpiece, put a tile in the oven under the temperature, which is indicated on the paint packaging (the manufacturer usually recommends it).

The painting of ceramic tiles will come in handy when you reach the death of the throat one-photon. You can do it yourself. The painting of ceramic tile is a pretty simple procedure and each can perform it. We simply briefly highlight the main points and nuances.

Price by drilling hole with diamond crowns

Diam. Holes in mm.Work with brick and screed in rubles per seepWork with concrete in rubles for seepWorks with reinforced concrete in rubles per seep with the diameter of the fittings\u003e 16 mmIn reinforced concrete, rub / seep the diameter of the reinforcement above 16 mm
25-52 16,2 21,8 25,8 26,8
62-82 17,2 24,3 28,1 31,0
92-102 22,0 29,6 33,5 37,3
112-122 23,7 31,3 38,1 43,3
132-152 26,7 35,3 42,0 47,5
162-182 31,2 41,1 47,5 53,8
202-222 38,0 47,7 53,8 60,7
232 42,6 56,8 60,7 67,7
252 45,8 62,5 67,7 76,6
282 49,3 68,0 76,6 86,2
302 54,1 71,8 86,2 98,0
352 63,0 80,1 98,0 106,8
402 76,5 90,0 106,8 120,1
452 88,3 105,8 120,1 143,7
502 103,7 120,2 143,7 160,6
602 118,8 137,5 160,6 175,0

Painting of ceramic tiles in your performance with our prompts

To begin with, you should get a stencil with which you will apply drawings again and again. To make a stencil for painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom, the following materials will be required:

  • Durable gasket;
  • Thin cardboard or film for lamination;
  • Primer;
  • Aerosol glue 9 can be replaced with paper adhesive tape;
  • Tracing and pencil, as well as a marker;
  • Sponge;
  • Paint for tile;
  • Cardboard cutting knife

The painting of ceramic tiles must be performed very carefully. It will not be easy to make sure that the stencil is adjacent to the cafée tightly. In the reverse case, the paint simply leans through it. To this not happen, the masters recommend using aerosol paint.

The entire procedure for painting ceramic tiles is as follows. It is necessary to take a stencil, put up the paper up on paper, cover with a smooth layer of glue. Then we are waiting for 5-10 minutes and apply to the cafes. If excess glue remains on the tile, they can be removed using gasoline or rhythm alcohol.

The painting of ceramic tile begins with the fact that the surface is degreased, that is, wipe with alcohol. If you have to put paintings on a large surface, then the primer is useful. It is the latter to increase the adhesion between the basis and the paint layer. When painting ceramic watches, how to keep the sponge. It should be strictly in perpendicular position. Do not rush, otherwise you will get a lubricated pattern.

Now we'll figure it out how to make a stencil for painting ceramic tiles.

  • Copy the drawing through the cushion on the material for the stencil;
  • Ready lines need to circle already a marker;
  • In order not to cut the surface of the subject on which you work, put something dense under the cardboard;
  • And then boldly cut out all the details that will be painted subsequently;
  • Attach the resulting stencil on the tile. Use either adhesive tape or glue that you are more manifold;
  • Painted carved places using thick paint. We do not recommend liquid, for they are too fluid;
  • We wait until the paint dry, and remove the stencil. I obey the remnants of glue;

We prepared one stencil for painting ceramic tiles - turn them, as you wish, in different directions. Then the interesting drawings will turn out.

For drawing pattern on ceramic tiles We will need paint on ceramics and stencils. With the help of a stencil, you can decorate your apartment or house with an exclusive tile. The drawing tile has a rather high cost, and the exclusive tile is even more expensive. In order to make an exclusive tile, we will need: tile, stencil, paints on ceramics, paint brushes, water with water and aerosol glue.

Preparation of stencil and tiles.

Tile must be wiped with alcohol or detergent from dirt and dust, and then wipe dry. At that moment, while the tile dries, Berm stencil and apply glue on his opposite side. It is necessary for the apex, the convenience and simplicity of paint.

Drawing pattern.

What color to apply the first to solve you. But most likely it is better to start with the TMM, since in the case of the lining of the second light color on the first layer, it will not be too noticeable.

When applying paint, the brush should be kept perpendicular to the tile and apply with tangent movements. It is necessary to do so that the paint does not register under the stencil. Also note that the paint brush is not enough to not spread.

We apply the second color. We have done similar to the first (method of mixing paints). Thanks to this, you can not worry that you are inappropriate to stop behind the line and ruin the first color. In addition, not rarely similar misconduct the pattern of coloring.

Applying a third color. The third color of Berm is radically different from the first two. Therefore, we use a simple approx, which will help us avoid unwanted klex. To do this, you need to cover the napkin neighboring area of \u200b\u200banother color. Acrylic paint dries almost instantly, so spoil the previous colors is almost impossible.

Change brushes.

Different color, paint may differ in its consistency. If it is too liquid, then the brush can be changed with a sponge. Draw blast movements.

Also with the replacement of the instrument, we get another needed and useful side effect. With the help of a sponge, you can achieve a uniform rough coating, and with the brush, the surface is obtained with the effect of the strips.

Removing the stencil.

Acrylic paint dries almost instantly, so the stencil should be removed immediately after applying the last color and washing tassels.

Error correction.

In the event that part of your drawing turned out to be smeared, do not be discouraged, because the aircraft can be corrected. But it should be corrected immediately until the paint dried. Very simple and qualitatively inaccurate smears can be removed using a stupid end of ordinary matches.

After the paint finally dries, the tile can be safely soaked even with the use of solvents. To paint in the best way fastening on the tile E additionally can be put in a hot oven.

Unique interiors!

Nowadays art painting ceramics Available to everyone. In free access, at democratic prices, you can purchase acrylic paints on glass and ceramics. Ceramic products are mainly dishes and tiles. If the ceramic dishes without drawings find it quite difficult, then a monophonic ceramic tile is the cheapest material. If you do the repair, then your own decorated tile, it will look awesome. Of course, it is difficult and expensive to cover each tile, so the drawing is better to do 1 out of 9 or even 1 of 24 tiles. Depending on the overall design solution.

Of course, every artist once the question arises: "What to draw?". And when it comes to repair or gift to a close person - this question is doubly relevant. You need to take into account many options. These options are provided in our article.

For those who do not know how to draw at all, but very wants - stencils for painting ceramics. Simply select the desired stencil - click on it and print. Put it on the copy, and the copy of the tile. Pencil repeat the drawing on the stencil - it will appear on the tile. It remains to circulate the contour and paint.

All stencils are divided into several groups:

  • Borders - a repeating pattern, which is used for the entire length or height of the wall.
  • The filled pattern - the drawing falls on the whole tile, it has clear boundaries. If you draw on the tile, the boundaries are referred to themselves.
  • A simple drawing is different drawings, no special difference.

Stencils of simple drawings:

Dove is a very simple stencil. It can also be used as a border.

Butterflies are good in that 2 people using 1 stencil do not draw them equally.

Sympathega pineapple, so asks to decorate your kitchen.

Miniature - "Tree on Sunset Background".

Easy composition with spring flowers. You can transfer the entire composition to the ceramics or select 1 of its element.

Stencils filled drawings:

Such drawings are mainly made in the technique of stained glass window.

Give these sketches of color and they will play.

April 24, 2018. Olga Karpova Photo: Alexander Novikov, Ekaterina Pashnina

Beautiful ceramic tile costs a whole condition. Therefore, on our kitchen aprons, these wonderful pieces with patterns are inserted with places like a highlight composition.

Today we will give to the instrument that will save you from the halfer. You can make a beautiful bulk tile based on simple tile. A spectrum of its application is wide: you can lay out apron, make an accent wall in a room or a frame for the mirror, to decorated the surface of the kitchen table and the risers on the stairs.

We need:

1. Tile tile, preferably monophonic and matte. Size 10 x 10. Specialized stores are sold individually. The price for one thing is 10 rubles. By the way, sometimes in construction stores you can run into a discounted tile of 1-3 rubles per piece. Integet to sellers.

2. Putty wood. She has a different composition and color. I like the company "Lacra": putty does not give a shrinkage, dries quickly, sticks well to the tile. For sale in baths with a volume of 600 grams, costs about 70 rubles, enough for a long time.

3. Stencil with a pattern. I have a stencil just under the tile of 10 x 10 sizes. It is thin. But durable, you can wash it. Price - 50 rubles in needlework stores. Remember that the thinner the pattern is, the easier it turns out the volumetric pattern.

4. Cellofan bag.

5. Rubber spatulas. Usually sold by sets of three pieces, the price is from 30 to 50 rubles per set.

6. Brushes. Small, flat, better soft, synthetic. Now inexpensive can be taken in Fixprase - 30-50 rubles. Either buy a children's set of brushes from IKEA - in it six pieces of different-caliber brushes. Price 250 rubles.

7. Paints. Any color, but if you want a contrast combination, it is better to take a bright color.

8. Water based lacquer. If you plan to use the tile in the kitchen apron, where it will be in contact with water, then you will certainly buy moisture-resistant varnish. It is more profitable to take in a construction store than in the needlework. Price from 500 rubles per half liter varnish.


Step 1. We apply a thin layer of putty. To be exactly over the entire surface, it is better to take the widest spatula for this. Let dry the natural way, without a hair dryer.

Step 2. Apply stencil. We recruit putty and wist the pattern, as shown in the picture. The main thing is not to crush much, otherwise the drawing will spread. Try to do it in three or four movements: the less occurring, the stronger will be the pattern.

Step 3. Without waiting for the putty dry, carefully remove the stencil. We give the pattern to harden.

Step 4. Color tiles. Mass options, it all depends only on your imagination. I will show a simple, but spectacular way - the selection of the pattern using the "dry brush" technique. Makayus brush in the paint (I have blue) and remove the excess with a napkin. IMPORTANT: Paints should be very little, otherwise subtursted under the pattern. Vnikley? And now frequent and fast movements of the "method" with a tassel on the texture. You will see how the pattern is highlighted in a blue on a white background.

Step 5. Covered varnish. Tile is ready.


Step 1. We apply an elder putty on the tile.

Step 2. While the mixture is not dried, put the cellophane bag on it. Invilitate without push, let the film sticks out. Now we remove the package. Ready!

Step 3. Collect the abstraction only after it snacks and hardens. And then experiment. You can again try the "dry brush", which will emphasize the broken texture of the tile. You can put it in it the streams of liquid paint, let the pigment be boring.

Step 4. So that beautiful work lived for a long time, covered with varnish.

Create with pleasure!