Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a house fountain at home? Master class for the manufacture of garden fountains: simple and beautiful! Lay a fountain of stone

How nice after a hard work day to relax in the cool, soothing the murmur of the fountain of the fountain made own hands. Even small decorative fountainchick in the country area will not only bright decoration Landscape, but also a favorite recreation area, in which you can enjoy unity with nature. Deliver it with nothing with any incomparable pleasure, if you bring the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in the country with your own hands.

Fountains for the garden - optimal method Solving the issue of air humidification in the hot summer months. Regardless of what style a hydraulic installation will be performed, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright stroke in landscape design. Fascinating overflows of water flows, playing in the sun rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to the successful selection of the place under the fountain is commensurate with the appearance of the plot and the general harmony of the garden.

When choosing a place, it is important to take into account the possibility of connecting to the power supply for uninterrupted operation of the pump

Determining with the location of the fountain, it is necessary to repel from the presence and degree of earth slope. Better if the installation is placed in a lowland, which will increase the saturation of the air moisture, as well as adjust the volume groundwater.

Unwanted place fountains:

  • for too open places plot, since the direct sunlight will provoke the "flowering" of water;
  • near the trees, as powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage waterproofing, and foliage from trees, fruits, seeds, and down, getting into the reservoir, can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind streams did not bring moisture on the walls of the structure.

The most successful place is a playground that works well from the house and various corners of the garden.

Preparation of suitable capacity

By deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to correctly choose or make yourself a tank for hydrotechnical installation.

As a fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic containers of a variety of forms that allow us to provide reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is required to dug a pit, at the bottom of which will be equipped with a foundation for future design. The bottom of the pitted pit under the fountain will fall as a layer of sand, the side walls are strengthened by bricks. After that, the inner surface of the tank can be stuck polyethylene filmwhich does not miss water. Sealing surfaces of the surface can be provided by their processing by frost-resistant silicone.

Important moment: The level of the base of the base must be lower than the soil level. Such an accommodation will eliminate the possibility of soared the soil around the fountain bowl

Not far from the edge of the surface, an emergency drain can be provided, the presence of which will not allow water to rise above the desired level.

Folk crafts, creating a fountain with their own hands at the cottage, apply any throwing materials: natural stones, River Pebbles, Car Tires, Glass Products, Ceramic Details

The main requirement that is presented to the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand temperature differences.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Installing the pump system

It is impossible to launch a fountain for the cottage to work without connecting its "heart" - a powerful pump that provides a continuous movement of a powerful stream. The success of the durable work of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. General principle The system works are simple enough: water emitted through the nozzle is collected in the bowl. From the bowl, it flows into a drain hole, from where it will fall into the pipeline and as far as it moves the coarse, and later more thin cleaning. The pump from the pipeline is injected already cleaned water on the nozzle.

Thinking over the question of how to make a fountain in the country, it is necessary to provide the installation of the drainage system. The pipeline for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes with a diameter of about 16mm. Plastic is excellent operational characteristics and long service life. Plastic design Easily connects with a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are equipped mainly circulating pumpsin which the water fence is carried out from the bowl by passing a circle, reset back to the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the tank of the fountain bowl, as well as the estimated power of the jet, which will be bright fireworks from the water.

To add the fountain waters system, you can install the receiver - pressure reservoir. Installing the receiver allows you to provide a constant pressure for water intake in the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With such a configuration, water in the receiver is pumped with a pump, and then passes on the nozzle located below.

The effect of cascade fountains is based on the same principle.

Water in the cascade splits smoothly with a small waterfall in several steps located at different levels

After installing the pump should be checked for performance and only after that decorate it with decorative elements.

Optional equipment

Installation additional equipment For the fountain will allow transforming and diversify the design.

Special nozzles allow you to give jets of the emissions of the water unusual forms: geysers, tulips, dome, umbrellas, hemisphere

The combination of nozzles and the effect of forms generated by them allows you to create bizarre water patterns.

Additional highlighting is surprisingly transforming a fountain for giving, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, then they should be selected for their choice: water-protected contacts, hermetic performance.

Extend the life of the hydraulic installation will help correct care For the fountain: removable design elements on the winter period is desirable to dismantle. The reservoir itself with the onset of cold weather should be empty from water and securely cover with a film that protects against dust, dirt and precipitation.

Already today you can begin the construction of a small fountain in the country area. We will tell you how to do it simple, beautiful and inexpensive.

Varieties of fountains

The fountain is called a decorative hydrotechnical structure, in which water can be applied under pressure upwards and to the sides, and simply flush along the walls of the structure. Water in the fountain circulates due to the operation of the pump (this principle is also used in artificial and). Depending on the nature of the water flow, cascade, geysers and fountains of the "bell" are distinguished.

  • Geyser. The most common version of the fountain, when water under pressure is thrown up vertically or at an angle. The height for which the liquid is supplied may vary widely. By changing this indicator, you can create as a cozy low fountain and an impressive noisy flow of water, reaching a height of several meters.
  • Bell. Another simple solution is a solution that perfectly fits into the landscape landscape. Water in such a fountain is fed to a small height, from where the nozzle is evenly distributed around the perimeter, forming a solid water film in the form of a hemisphere.
  • Cascade. The implementation of the cascades is diverse and most effectively: water is slowly overflowing from one container to another, creating the illusion of stepped waterfalls.
  • Hybrid solutions. Typically combine geyser and cascade varieties of fountains. Water under pressure is supplied to the upper part of the cascade design, where overpressure One or more geysers are formed. Next, the path of water runs along the cascade.

Stone fountain construction

We suggest you to familiarize yourself with the technology of manufacturing the simplest cascade fountain from the primary materials. Receptions based on its construction will allow you to build any decorative fountain with your own hands.

Before starting work, sketch the scheme of your future creation on a piece of paper. This will make it possible to evaluate the pros and cons of the conceived design and already at this stage it is possible to choose the optimal version of the pump.

Certain your garden plot in just 10 simple steps:

  1. Choose a suitable place. Try to find the platform from the leeward side of the house, otherwise its walls may suffer from moisture. Determine the height of the garden fountain X ( see fig. above). The distance between the house and the fountainic should not be less than the three-time height value to which water is supplied.
  2. Decide. Use the finished container (plastic, ceramic, metal, etc.) or dig a small ditch and shut it with a waterproofing material or fill the bottom and walls with concrete.
  3. Drop the pit and trench. Dimensions of the pit Make 10-20 cm more size of the container. It is necessary for the device of a sand pillow. If after installing the plastic container on the sides, emptiness remains, fill them with soil and rubble. Slesh the trench of a depth of 30 cm from the pit to the house - it is necessary for laying the cable feeding pump. To protect it, place it in the plastic tube or the suitable hose. Swipe cable to the house.
  4. Install submersible pump . In order not to have a frequency filter of the pumping equipment, install it on the brick pedestal.
  5. Connect the pump S. stainless pipe . The tube will serve as a frame for the design of stones, water will be supplied. The size of the tube is determined taking into account the depth of the tank and the height of the fountain X.
  6. Cover the tank with grid and bars. In order to avoid pollution of water with a large garbage, cover the container with a plastic or stainless grid with a cell not more than 1 × 1 cm. Across the capacitance, install several bars, which will be able to keep the weight of the stone construction.
  7. Prepare stones for mounting. Give preference to flat stones of interesting colors and forms. Wash thoroughly and dry them. Consider their location and drill the hole under the tube (see paragraph 5).
  8. Collect decorative design From stones. Gently suck the stones on the tube, trying to place the center of mass in the bottom 1/3 of the structure height. This means that more large stones Must be downstairs.
  9. Fill the container with water and check the fountain operation. Water should be uniformly to wash most of the stones. Adjust the pressure and change stones if necessary.
  10. Finishing touch. Disadvantaged slots with small pebbles, make the top of the fountain to your own taste.

Do not really understand how to make a fountain? The process of the construction of such a structure is quite detailed in the following video.

As injectors, you can use the most unexpected items. The next video shows a fountain for a garden from bottles - it looks unusual.

Pump selection for fountain

The range of pumps is extremely large, so do not hurry to buy the first model. Your task is to choose the optimal device according to the characteristics suitable for operation in specific conditions. And the first, with which it is necessary to decide - buy a submersible or superficial pump?

Features of surface and submersible pumps


Submersible pumps

Surface pumps

The device hidden under the thickness of water or separate designs, remains unnoticed for prying eyes

Placing pumping equipment on open platform implies the construction of additional masking structures ( decorative rock, bushes, box). High risk of edges

It comes down to installing the pump to the pedestal in the bottom of the reservoir, connecting the pipes and the supply of power supply

Works are carried out near the reservoir, the water is displayed in any part of the fountain


The device is under water, which complicates the scheduled maintenance. Most models need to be dismantled for the winter to avoid breakage

The pump is located in a dry place, has free access. Easy tolerate wintering on the workstation

Hidden under water pump equipment Virtually not heard

Even when the pump is disguised with decorative elements, its work is noticeable by characteristic sound.

The best choice

For small fountains

For complex fountains in a constructive plan when implementing on large water bodies

As a rule, with equal characteristics, submersible models are cheaper than superficial

For each specific case, choose a pump with the corresponding characteristics. First of all, you should be interested in the following indicators:

  • maximum pressure. Typically denotes H MAX, measured in meters. Characterizes maximum height water lifting;
  • maximum performance. The Q MAX is denoted, measured in m 3 / h or l / h. Determines the volume of fluid that can be pumped through the pump for an hour.

To make it easily picking equipment, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the data in the table below. With their help, you can define the exemplary characteristics of the pump.

Approximate data for selecting a fountain pump

Fountain Type / Characteristics

H Max, M (maximum pressure)

Q Max, m 3 / h (maximum performance)



Fountain without a pump - is it real?

There are two approaches to the manufacture of the fountain without installing the pump:

  • head due to the pressure of the fluid column. For the construction of such a design, you will need a hermetic container, a pipe or hose installed at the place of the fountain nozzle. Secure the capacitance above the level on which the nozzle is located (pressure depends on the height), connect it with a hose or pipe with the nozzle. Fill the reservoir with water - get the design of the periodic: the fountain will work until it devies with water tank;
  • head due to pressure in water pipe . Take advantage of the pressure potential created in the centralized watering system Your garden partnership. Just connect the fountain to the pipe, and you can adjust its work at your discretion. Only in this case do not forget to provide options for using the resulting volume of water!

No matter which fountain you decided to build on garden plotBe sure to check out the most. Alien Negative experience is expensive! And you can always buy a fountain - a ready-made factory solution that does not require comprehensive work.

Each owner of the country plot seeks to make their home and the space around it as comfortable as possible and at the same time beautiful. After all, competently decorated landscape design is not only a decoration. cottage plot, but also harmonious combination Various zones on one area. As well after the daily day, dine in a gazebo in a circle of a family or a sultry summer to relax on the bench, enjoying the cool fountain. It is about him that will be discussed in our article, and more specifically - how to make a fountain with your own hands.


Most agree with the statement of psychologists that the sound of water produces soothing effect on nervous system. A person who is observing the flow of water, internally relaxes and acquires an emotional balance. You can sit at the fountain for hours, watch his game and splashes, think about your own.

There is nothing complicated in the design, so you can install a fountain in the country with your own hands with practically anyone - you need to have only desire and necessary materials. We will also consider the latter in our article.

The incomparable advantage of the fountain is also the fact that it can become an excellent addition to the landscape design of any country site. In addition, homemade fountain With the correctly selected illumination will be a favorite place to relax your guests.

Depending on your preferences and general style landscape design The design of the fountain is selected, only consider the size: if the area is small, then you better install a small garden fountain with your own hands.

How it works?

The device uses the principle of circular water supply. In other words, initially a certain amount of water is poured into the reservoir (bowl), which with the help of the pump further circulates throughout the design. Above the surface of the bowl there is a nozzle to which water is supplied. So that the bowl is not overwhelmed, it establishes a special device that regulates the amount of water.

This is a generalized scheme that describes the simplicity of the design. Therefore, by installing the fountain in the country, it is not necessary to think about what water consumption will increase. Just pour once necessary volume Water and from time to time only check the degree of pollution. Although in the pump and there is a filter, you still should not be too dirty.

Choose a place

Of course, before installing the fountain with your own hands, it is necessary to at least visually determine the most suitable place for it. And even better - to draw a plan to have a specific idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the design and take into account all the nuances. We offer you several practical tips on choosing a place:

  1. The design must be visible from any point of your site and do not block tracks.
  2. If there is a gazebo or summer kitchen, then a cozy fountain with his own hands will be the perfect addition to a similar recreation area. If you have a playground, you can make a number of mini fountain with your own hands - children will gladly splash in it in the summer.
  3. Examine the relief of your site and find a low-rise place - it is best suitable in order to establish a fountain on the site with your own hands - in the warm time of the year it will be cool and comfortable here.
  4. The presence of trees nearby is not the most the best way It will affect the work of your fountain - roots can damage the part of the structure under the ground, and the fallen foliage is to clog the water. At the same time, too open space under direct solar rays can cause the "flowering" of water.
  5. It is best to install the design away from home, since the winds of the wind can attach a stream of water to the side, from which the walls will be constantly wet.


Surely, many have noticed that the fountains externally differ among themselves not only to the design, but also design. Some are made in the form of water bodies with nozzles, others - on the stand in the form of jugs, statues and other devices, of which water is poured.

Accordingly, the fountains are of two types:

  • submersible;
  • stationary.

The first option has simple design and often occurs on country areas And even in homes. To make a similar home fountain with your own hands, a cup will need, plastic trumpet, pump and nozzle.

Stationary have more complex design and pompous appearance. Such devices can often be found in urban parks and squares. For such an option, it is already necessary to lay the foundation, since the hull is made mainly of stone or marble - durable materials resistant to aggressive weather conditions.

For a large plot of ten-twenty square meters It will be suitable for a large stationary fountain, for the small area it is best to install submersible. Well, the landscape design style also dictates its own rules: for japanese Garden, For example, the submersible type is suitable.

Design design

As we have already noticed earlier, the design style also plays an important role. After all, all elements of landscape design must complement each other and harmonize each other. The most common option is a classic submersible inkjet fountain. His construction does not require large financial and physical costs, and it will look will be advantageous in any design. Especially if you want to add them artificial reservoir. If you want to see options, as the fountains may look like their own hands, we introduced the ideas at the end of the article.

Bowl shape most often symmetrical is either a circle or square. At the edges, you can lay out a decorative stone or pebbles, add greens. Only plants must be moisture, otherwise appearance The compositions will be hopelessly spoiled by rotting plants.

Necessary materials

Before making a decorative fountain with your own hands, it is necessary to take care of materials and tools in advance for construction. If you want to make a stone fountain, then you will need the following materials:

  • smooth Rounded and Flat Stones different sizes;
  • gravel or rubble for drainage;
  • water bowl;
  • water pump;
  • copper tube;
  • coupling;
  • plastic tube of small diameter;
  • silicone;
  • boards to strengthen the design.

In accordance with the above materials, the tools will be required:

  • a hammer;
  • lobzik or small saw;
  • scissors;
  • fUM tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key.

Depending on the the desired method decor may need additional materials and tools. Here it will be possible to navigate the situation or make an in advance the list of necessary items to work in order not to be distracted during the process.

Installing pump

Undoubtedly, the main and an important detail The entire design is the pump. If you are new and do not know how to build a fountain in the country with your own hands, listen to our advice: to choose a pump it is thorough. First, consider the volume of the bowl - than it is more, the more powerful the pump will be required. The presence of the filter will save it from the fall of various garbage and will extend the service life.

Distinguish two types:

  • surface;
  • submersible.

The first type is installed on the surface, but, in no case is not higher than the water level. There is a principle of reporting vessels.

The submersible pump is desirable to install not at the bottom of the bowl, and on some elevation - then the precipitate will not fall into the filter. Consider that the pump will consume electricity, therefore, in advance, perform the necessary communications and prior to the security shield.

Even if it is not possible to install electric pump., do not be upset - then we will tell you how to make a fountain in the country without it.

Design without pump

Without having a submersible pump, you can make an open fountain. If you have a well on the site with a pump, then this water can be removed through the pipe into the fountain. The only one will need to decide on the water site of water - for example, you can simultaneously include a fountain and watering nearby plants.

Thus, you can create a mini fountains for the garden with your own hands at several points of your site.

Exterior decoration

Of course, you should not forget about the final result of your work. Appearance finished design Must please the eye, and the backlight will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the fountain in the evening. We offer you some tips for the decor:

  1. You can use a variety of nozzles: the shape of the jet will depend on their shape. It can be in the form of dome, umbrella and even a geyser.
  2. Properly selected lighting will give the raisins and the mystery of the reservoir. Sources of light can be installed not only around the perimeter of the fountain, but also under water. And it is very necessary to use standard options - a multicolored glow of water will unambiguously climb any viewer.
  3. Use flowers and shrubs to decorate the reservoir - thanks to them, the impression of a truly "paradise" corner will be created.

We offer to see how beautiful garden fountains are beautifully decorated with their own hands, the photos of which are below.

Ideas and important little things

On the Internet there are many photos of country fountains, the methods of their structure are described. You can also find enough information and how to make a home fountain with your own hands. Yes, such mini-devices look very original and complement the interior. Especially more popular such designs are used with Feng Shui supporters. Of course, the process of their construction is much simpler and cheaper - and the dimensions are very small.

If you still have a desire, but do not know how to make a fountain at home, we will help you determine the choice and give a few useful Soviets:

  1. If there is no place on the plot, the fountain can be made even at home - in the hallway, for example, either in the greenhouse. Its dimensions can be absolutely different - depending on your desires and the available area.
  2. The submersible fountain can be made from the girlfriend - the bowl can serve as an old cast-iron bath or bath, cut along the car tire, large pot For colors, wide pelvis.
  3. Stationary option can be made in the form of a jug, bottles, stones, in the middle of which is water hose - This is also a great option for homemade design.
  4. The fountain is not necessary to put separately - it can be part of the wall or landscape composition.
  5. Fountain Cascade refers to the type of stationary, and has an indisputable advantage - such a structure can become the fruit of even the most bold fantasy. The case can be limited to not only by traditional pots, of which water is pouring-overflow, but also with whole structures in the form of garden carts, samovarov teapots, leeks with veins, etc.
  6. Fountain elements can be painted in different colors, often use special compositions For processing to avoid the appearance of moss and mold.

Well, of course, you should not forget about the care - with the onset of cold weather, the fountain need to be turned off, drain water from it and close the entire design of the film before the onset of heat. In this case, your small country oasis will delight his joyful murmur of all households and guests still long years.

Photo Gallery

We provide to your attention a successful selection of 30 photo-ideas of the fountain design with your own hands.

Even the smallest reservoir is able to decorate his own country area and give him a highlight. And the fountain made by his own hands will not only become a beloved place to relax and will deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also will be a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone is solved on the personnel structure of this mysterious hydraulic device. Some daches mistakenly believe that the construction of the fountain is the process of time consuming and expensive and without the help of specialists in this matter is not to do. But such a pleasure to deliver herself every amateur to spend time in nature, the main thing is to know all the nuances of the construction of the fountain personally.

You can select two types of fountains by type of construction.

  1. The open option involves the flow of water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in such an embodiment of the device is due to the drops of water levels. The water pressure in this case is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, water in such a fountain is quickly contaminated. To create it, you must install a small tank at an altitude of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. Fountain with pump mounting is the most practical and spectacular option. Thanks to the room at the bottom of the pump, continuous water circulation is ensured. Here and the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that perform the roles of fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).

Optimal place to place the fountain

Picking comfortable spot For the construction of a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the Earth. If the area is uneven, it is better to place a similar scenery in the lowland. This variant of the location of the reservoir will allow not only to adjust the volume of groundwater, but will increase the saturation of air oxygen.

  • too close to the house so that moisture in windy weather does not fall on the walls;
  • on the open areasin order to prevent water flowering due to hitting sun ray on reservoir;
  • next to the trees, to leave the leaves, seeds, the down, falling with them did not climb it, and the roots did not damage the waterproofing.

It is necessary to have a fountain in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and viewed from all points. It is recommended to place the design near the place of rest.

The minimum distance that should be sustained between the fountain and plants, buildings, furniture - 50 cm. So plants will not die from excessive moisture, and the furniture will not come into disrepair. Perfect option For the location of the fountain - the half and a place protected from the wind, in the proximity of the water source and electricity. Such a location will save you from excess wires and additional work By their isolation.

Deciding with the place, it's time to think about the form and depth of the future fountain.

Preparation of materials for construction

For the construction of a fountain in order to save financial and strength, you can use construction technology decorative pond With its equipment with its pump.

Materials required for the construction of the fountain:

  • capacity for the fountain;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.

Selection and installation of capacity

If planned to build miniature fountain, It is possible as a tank to use an ordinary plastic pelvis or any other container of small size.

For large water bodies, old baths are suitable or dug on their own. If a bath is used, you need to dug a hole of this size so that it is not above the surface of the earth. All holes are reliably close in the bath, after which it falls into the pit and strengthened the earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, a pit of the necessary depth is made and covered with a dense, high-quality film, which is fixed along the edges on the surface of the stones. Stones of various shapes and sizes are also added to the bottom. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and could not cut the film. Stones are evenly distributed throughout the bottom of the future fountain.

Choosing a pump for the construction of a fountain

In order to construct a fountain on the site yourself, it is not necessary to acquire expensive materials, you can adapt any old elements. However, it is not necessary to regret money - the pump, the better it will be, the more beautiful it will be a fountain and will decorate the site longer, without delivering problems.

Submersible pump - the optimal option for the construction of the fountain in the country area. Works on the principle of centrifuge. You can also install the surface pump, it is mounted on the edge of the water branch, but most often used on large fountains and cascading reservoirs.

When choosing a pump, it is worth repelled from the pressure, which is constantly present in the pipe and drops of this pressure. Therefore, the purchase of the most powerful pump can be unnecessary, since it is not in all cases he will be able to work out its complete power.

Regardless of which type of pump will be selected, it is important to remember that the power should be correlated with the pipe diameter. The fountain jet should go under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow from the pipe, since there will be no effect on such a design.

How to make a fountain with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

The construction of the fountain includes several main steps:

  • pit preparation;
  • fixing the trench;
  • installation of tank or flooring and edges film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • decorating fountain.

For the construction of such a fountain, you will need:

  • old tire from a truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • capacity for mixing cement and shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:

Video - Tire fountain with their own hands

For such a fountain it will be necessary to prepare:

  • dense film;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • pump;
  • stones of different sizes without sharp corners.

Stages of work:

  • dig a hole, we clean it from stones and tamper the bottom;

New life of an old bath

For this option country Fountain It is necessary to cook:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors for metal;
  • sheet of colored iron;
  • drill.

Stages of the Fountain facilities:

  • digging the kittleties corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • we put the bath inside and plug all holes;

  • i cut out wide strips from iron and put them around the bath, we close with stones;

For such a sprinkler, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, durable wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Stages of building a fountain:

  • we place the mini fountain in the desired place and turn on the water.

This option is perfect for watering the garden and garden.

Decorative House Fountain

For the construction of such a fountain it will be necessary:

  • large flower pot with pallet;
  • paints on glass and ceramics;
  • small water pump;
  • contours;
  • decorative balls, decorations for aquarium.

Stages of construction:

  • decorate the pot with the help of paints;
  • we do a little hole in the bottom;
  • we install under the pallet of the pump;
  • pump tube drag through a hole done in a pot;
  • i fall asleep the bottom of the pebbles;
  • decorate artificial plants and figures;
  • fill the pot pot.

Video - a decorative fountain with their own hands

Decorating fountain

To emphasize the uniqueness of the fountain made by their own hands, you can decolate it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, multicolored stones of different sizes around the reservoir, put flowers in pots, place cute animal figures, birds and so on.

To the fountain hit with its beauty and unusual at night, you can make a backlight using special equipment. The lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and the backlight at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be labeled with special plants, plant bushes around the fountain.

Any countrywater and fountain, including need careful care. To maintain the order and transparency of water, a pleasant sighteave type of design must be regularly cleaning the tank. With the help of special devices from the water surface, it is required to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other items that can not only spoil the appearance of the water branch, but also lead to a fountain malfunction.

At the end dacha season It is necessary to drain all the water, transfer removable parts of the structure into a closed room, and the remaining parts and the bowl cover the film so that the dirt does not get into them.

To build a fountain with your own hands at the cottage or even in the apartment will not be difficult and will not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, it is necessary to decide on the shape, size and installation site. The options for the location of such designs are many - in the arbor, on the lawn, in the garden. After the construction of the fountain, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of water, regularly remove the garbage and pour water because it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in the design of country sections. Fountains can decorate any inclusive zone or become a highlight of the country area. And by connecting fantasy and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.

It is impossible to disagree with the fact that after a hard working day in the country, I want to relax a little at the fountain, and even more so if it is made with his own hands.

Even the smallest and simple in the design of the fountain will be able to best side Change the landscape design of the site.

Choosing a place for building

When we are talking On the choice of a place where the fountain will be located, the main thing is to pay attention to - this is the degree of slope of the Earth. Most optimal option It will be installed in the lowland, then the humidification will be as efficient as possible.

Unwanted location of fountains:

  1. Too close to homeor to some other structure. During the wind, the water splashes will fly to the walls, and this negatively affects their service life.
  2. Near the trees, and even more so under them. Roots can strongly deform both the fountain bowl and waterproofing. Pooh, seeds, fruits and leaves when entering a bowl can cause a variety of breakdowns.
  3. In highly open areas. The fact is that an excess of direct sunlight over time leads to water flowering.

Place for the fountain - next to the communications and partially in the shade

The most optimal option will be the site. Which is well visible both from home and from all corners of the garden, but taking into account the exceptions above the listed places.

Selection of tank

If you choose the container correctly, the water will be held for a long time inside the fountain, as well as maintain its purity. There are a lot of containers of containers, consider the most popular.

The best way out of the situation will be suitable in the form and size of the bowl, and then equip it as it will want.

Homemade container

Installation of equipment and capacity

If there is a desire and time, then dig by a small reservoir, the bottom of which should be covered with PVC film, and then fix its edges around the perimeter of the pit.

Fountain in plastic container

Much better, but also more expensive to concrete bottom. and the walls to strengthen the brick, and then smear the joints good sealant. This container will be very good option For a stationary fountain, which will serve for many years.

Also, as a container, you can use the old acrylic bathAfter pre-giving her a beautiful appearance. She just gets into the ground.

Equipment and a cup can be purchased in a construction store, and at home they will only collect themselves, but you can do everything yourself without traveling to the store.

If the fountain is without a pump, with a small bowl, then it is worth considering the fact that the water will have to change in it very often. Large capacity and pump significantly simplify the life of the owners of fountains.

On the picture different solutions For fountains

Choosing and installing pump

Pour the pump is very difficult. It is worth orient here on how much a powerful stream of water wants to see. It is also necessary to take into account that if you do not want to see the upper part of the pump, which erupts water, then it is worth choosing a more powerful model.

Also, the power must necessarily correspond to the size of the capacity with water, so that before buying it is worth consulted with specialists.

The pump is the heart of the fountain, without pump, it will simply won't work. There are two main types of pumps: superficial and submersible.

The superficial is installed on land, in the place fenced from moisture, but they should be located below the water level in the container.

The principle of operation is that the pump takes water from the tank (or reservoir), then it passes through the filter, and the hose is supplied to the fountain.

Surface pumps are more expensive and complex in the installation (if compared with submersible), but at the same time very reliable, serve for many years without service.

Submersible pumps are installed straight into the tank with water. Working part is directly under water. This type of pumps for fountains is the most inexpensive and simple. You just need to connect it to the network, but pre-lowered into the water. The submersible pump is not at the very bottom, but on a small elevation.

Optional equipment

Heads for sprayers, sprayers, water supply regulators ... All this helps to adjust the strength, shape of the jets, as well as the drawing to which water moves.

In construction stores there are plenty of devices, thanks to which you can do as the simplest and very complex visual effects.

The process of creating a fountain almost always includes the same works, and it does not depend on its shape and style.

You must first make a hole, then put the reservoir in it necessary form And the volume, install the pump, and then all this work to reorganize.

If the fountain is planned large, then it is necessary to build a foundation. As for small copies, it will be enough and the average size of the container capacity. All this also applies to the manufacture of a stone fountain with their own hands.

We will need such materials:

  • plate and racks to strengthen fountain;
  • PVC pipe, coupling connecting and copper pipe;
  • the bowl from the waterproof material is necessarily completely whole, without cracks and other flaws;
  • water pump;
  • gravel (used as drainage);
  • cobblestones and flat stones.

In addition to the materials, we will also need certain tools:

  • syringe with sealant for the processing of seams;
  • sliding key;
  • drill;
  • motor Tolerent;
  • pipe cutter;
  • scissors;
  • saw manual;
  • big and small hammer.

Operating procedure:

  1. They dig up a hole, which is 5 centimeters deeper the altitude of the bowl, as well as a ditch to the outlet to connect the pump there.
  2. I smell 5 centimeters gravel. It will be a drainage layer.
  3. We install the cup inside the ditches, put the PVC pipe into it, connect the pipe with the bowl, we fall asleep the ditch of the soil.
  4. We install the pump bow, we make holes for pipe output.
  5. Connect the pipe and bowl.
  6. We emballon on the bottom of the gravel bowl, install our pump.
  7. We put on top of the rake and plank bowl. It will strengthen the design.
  8. We put the stones one to another, and then we drill in the marked places of the hole for the copper tube.

The video shows how to make a fountain at the cottage from the stone with your own hands.

In principle, this is all engineering works Made, only aesthetic remained. Put the pebbles smaller into large gaps, pour the sealant into the gaps. Once the glue dries, it will be possible to fill the bowl with water.

It remains only to adjust the pressure, connect the pump, and everything, the unique fountain decorates your homeland territory.

The huge plus of the fountain made by her own hands is that he is one of its kind, the original one is no longer identical in the world.

Design without pump

The easiest in the installation is a fountain without a pump.

The principle of his work lies in the law of reporting vessels. The most optimal amount of vessels is 3. One is installed below, and two - from above, at the same level. All vessels must be identical in tank and form.

Due to the connection with tubes, water from two vessels from above falls into the third, the one is from below. The third vessel should be removable to overflow water to the top. The design is very convenient for the room, but it is possible to install it both on the plot, the large parts are simply selected proportionately.

Learn how to build a fountain of bottles.

Correct care

During the first launch of the fountain, it most likely will occur in the middle of spring, it is necessary to drain all the water that was in the system. If the bowl has small sizes, then it is better to change the water once a month.

Estimate then constantly behind the water level, it evaporates, and also breaks down by the wind from the surface of the bowl. However, the care is not only in draining and filling the reservoir with water.

The owner of the fountain must necessarily clean the bowl from the leaves and the other garbage. The problem is that if all this case starts rotting straight in the bowl (and this is not avoided, provided that the wet ambient), then your fountain will become a shit for fungi, algae and other bacteria.

On the photo collection made by their own hands fountains at the cottage.

Before the onset of winter, all the water is better to merge, and the thicket and the tank thoroughly wash. Vinyl film will help to isolate the details of the system from external adverse factors.

As soon as they notice the cracks, or damage on the surface of the bowl or other parts of the fountain, immediately treat them by waterproof paint. If this is not done, then the consequences can be deplorable, right up to buy a new bowl.

Pumps, backlight, nozzle and other equipment before in the winter It is better to hide inside some room. The garage is perfect for storage.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of the style of the fountain, whether he is avant-garde, oriental, rustic, classic, anyway, it will be a bright element of landscape design, will attach guest glances, give the garden to the garden special appearance.

In addition to all already said, the fountain will improve the garden not only aesthetically, but practically. In particularly hot days, he moisturizes the air, so it is easier to breathe not only to the garden owners, but and plants.