Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade bottle fountain. Fountain, which works from plastic bottles

If at the cottage or house accumulated a large number of plastic bottles From under the carbonated water, do not rush to throw them into a landfill - they can still come in handy in the farm. For example, an empty container is suitable for the manufacture of simple homemade fountains, with which it is easy to organize an irrigation system of irrigation of the lawn (in case there is no splashing and sprinklers at hand).

And you can with the benefit of spending your free time along with the children, making a plastic bottle fountain. Such homemade will be very interesting for young inventors and is quite easy to manufacture.

Fountain, which works from plastic bottles

The classic scheme of the Geron Fountain is described in textbooks in class 7 physics, and is 3 tanks with water located one over the other and connected three tubes. For a home experiment, empty plastic bottles from under mineral water or soda. The first tube comes out of the top bowl and descends to the bottom of the structure. The second, which is attached separately from the first, comes out of the bottom capacity, enters the middle and reaches almost to the top itself. The third tube comes from the bottom of the middle capacity and enters the top bowl.

"Default" the entire liquid is in the middle capacity. In order for the fountain to start working, you need to add some water to the top bowl - then on the first tube, the liquid will start automatically entering the lower capacity until it fills completely. At this time, the air pressure will grow, which on the second tube will be transmitted to the middle tank. At the same time, the pressure will also be affected by water, as a result of which it will begin to rise in the top bowl and flow up. By completing this standard task in physics, you can repeat the experience of the great Greek mathematics and the inventor of Gerona Alexandria.

Independent manufacture of the fountain of Gerona

The site contains instructions, how to make a plastic bottle fountain, which will help perform experience without errors. For this experiment, you can use an empty container of any volume. To begin with, you will need to make a bowl of the future fountain - cut off from one bottle "cone" with the neck of the height you need. Connect all the design elements as shown in the figure below, the hole is pre-drilled under the tube.

Activate the Geron Fountain with their own hands from the bottles is very simple: first pour it the amount of water equal to the volume of the average capacity, then wait until it is fully strokes in low part Fountain, and then turn over the bottom design. The liquid will begin to flow into the middle capacity. This process is also called the "charging of the fountain", because it lasts until all the water stands down. Start the fountain is also simple - add some water into the bowl to close the system, and enjoy an amazing spectacle.

The fountain of bottles will work with their own hands until water is spent on the middle tank - then recharge will be required. Pay attention than more plastic bottles in volume, the longer the fountain will function. The height of the jet will directly depend on the actual difference in the water level in the middle and lower tank. The main thing is not to get confused with the tubes.

Another important moment, To which you need to pay attention to, this is the tightness of the compounds. For this reason, after completing the assembly of the entry of the tubes in the lids, fill with thermoclaim or sealant. If there is no sealant at hand, regular plasticine can be used as an alternative option, but consider that in this case the leakage is possible.


For the manufacture of a homemade mini-fountain used primary materials that will be found in any house:

  • plastic bottles of soda or yogurt;
  • flexible hose., glass tubes or straws for a cocktail;
  • termoklay or sealant;
  • drill or nail (to do holes).

If, instead of hard tubes, you will use a flexible hose, then in plastic covers (in places of connection) you can insert a segment from a thick rod of the ballpoint pen or connectors from the dropper.


To make a fountain, you will need a minimum of tools: a stationery knife or scissors, a gun to work with a thermoclaus or other quick-drying sealant, an electric drill or a screwdriver - if you drill holes in the lids.

If you understand the principle of this fountain and learn its manufacture, something similar can be done in the country area.

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Fountain do it yourself at home from plastic bottles in photos.

The fountain is called a natural or artificially created phenomenon of extraordinary beauty, in which water beats up or to the side. Today there are many varieties of decorative indoor fountainscapable of decorating any interior, many techniques of their manufacture, use all sorts of materials. They can be decorate the courtyard, garden, room, and also to use as a gift, holiday decoration, crafts to school or kindergarten. In recently, this does not necessarily have a monumental structure with pouring water. Can be done beautiful fountain Do with your own hands at home from girlfriend. Consider some of the most common ideas.

Aerial joy

Today it is difficult to imagine a celebration without decoration balloons, Whether a wedding or a children's birthday. From the balls are assembled beautiful arches, figures, whole compositions and, of course, make fountains!

The color and form of the future composition is thought out in advance. Here you can give the will of fantasy, taking into account the subject of the upcoming holiday. For example, if this is a child's birthday, you can even use children's curly balls.

The composition must resemble the water jet driving up. To do this, we bring ribbons to inflated balls, we have them on the central twine one below the other on 2/3 of the height. It is advisable to avoid chaoticness and rawness, but it all depends on the design you have invented. The main thing is to achieve the feeling of lightness, rapidness.

Next, we bind the resulting structure to a predetermined cargo. A small ball filled with water can be used as a weight loss. If the figure is large, then we prepare several such balls. The main thing is that the cargo holds well the composition.

Methods of fastening balls between themselves:

Additional features

Crafts from plastic bottles are obtained very beautiful, durable, unusual. Simple ideas can create from them even a child, and the result is always impressive. Of course you can make a fountain, putting a little effort and fantasy.

In this video, we offer you a master class on creating a fountain. This cracker can be done with a child for a garden or school.

If there is a desire to remember physics and surprise your baby knowledge, then try to make a fountain of Geron, which works without an external energy source. Of course, this is not quite the case, since after 15-50 minutes it will take some actions so that the fountain will earn again. But he works really regardless of man and can be made with his own hands.

The principle of operation is that water in the upper vessel creates overpressure in the bottom. Wherein compressed air From the lower vessel, it transmits this pressure into the middle vessel. To create a fountain, you will need 3 plastic bottles, several rubber or glass tubes, glue (sealant) and scissors. See in the video:

Possible materials

Of course, all the favorite plasticine, the mass for modeling and polymer clay. Creating a fountain of plasticine or a dough for modeling can attract a child, and adults often prefer polymer clay. Technique of work with these materials is approximately the same. Choose what you like and more corresponds to the idea. There is also a liquid polymer clay with which even water can be recreated.

Examples of work from plasticine:

And this looks like crafts from clay:

Another common material is paper. With its help, you can make a model of a real fountain from your city, as well as at all simple craft for kindergarten. To create a paper layout, you will need cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue. If desired, you can use additional materials. Ideas for work can be viewed below.

And what if you do not just decorate, but also a souvenir? Yes, such that money attracts? Of course, it will be a fountain of coins! And for yourself, and for a gift, impressive with beauty and unusualness. The most common idea of \u200b\u200bcrafts is a cash waterfall, "pouring" from the mug.

Gerona. it water device It was known even 2,000 years ago. Nevertheless, in our days, few people think about how it works. After all, now there is a lot of home fountains of different types. But the peculiarity of this fountain is that it works without any engine, and it can be done with his own hands.

Do not buy

Lovers of homemade will be happy to learn that this device can be made quickly and simple. How to make a fountain of Geron? First you need to prepare materials and understand the principle of its work. The simple fountain of Gerona do it with his own hands is quite simple. Yes, it consists of only two tanks for water, tubes and bowls. All these items are connected between themselves and, thanks to the existing gravity on Earth, the jet of water over the surface of the bowl occurs. Also acts a fountain of Geron in full compliance with the laws of hydropneumatics.


Each container of the fountain is used for a specific purpose. The Geron Fountain begins with the bowl. It is a bowl filled with water, from which a thin tube is moving in the lower capacity. It is for her that water begins his movement. This container is empty. It accumulates water, which, climbing up, creates air pressure rising by a thin tube, and enters the upper capacitance filled with water. From here, the air pushes water, which moves through the tube into the bowl with water and creates a jet, which is visible above the surface of the fluid. Geron Fountain can work for a very long time, but the tanks have to change places. Because the bottom is gradually filled with water, and the upper air, which means that the necessary pressure ceases to be created.

What's the secret

You may be surprised by reading now how you can make a fountain with your own hands. After all, this model uses plastic, and 200 years ago, it has not yet been invented. Everything is simple. Greek inventor used glass containers. To begin with, he conducted an experiment. Poured water into a glass bottle, then plugged her plug in which the hole did. In this hole, he inserted the tube reaching the bottom of the bottle. Putting this design in the sun, Geron began to watch her. The sun began to heat the bottle, and the water rushed along the tube up. Moreover, the stronger the sun, the sun, the more water flowed. Then Geron took a magnifying glass and sent it to the bottle to enhance the effect of sunlight. High-strengthened high jet water broke through a bottle tube. It across Gerona on the idea that the water could move in a circle, rising from the bottle and returning to it. Then he began to think about how to make water independently returned back to the container.

What's next

The inventor came up with the inside of one vessel two more. The third vessel was empty, and the second - filled with water. Water enters the third vessel, creating air pressure from which it rises up the tube located in the middle of the third vessel. From the second vessel, water begins to move in the third, expanding when heated sunny rays. As a result, the spectators see the fountain flowing stream over the surface of the bowl. The first Heron fountain posted in the temple. At that time it was like a miracle, because no one could explain how this fountain works, because it was not visible mechanical devicesnor pipes with the help of which water could be harvested.


The invention of Geron is still interested in our contemporaries. It is especially surprised by children who are not yet familiar with the laws of physics. Modern inventors gradually improve the project of Geron. Add something new to it, improve its properties and, of course, come up with something. For example, you can increase the height of the jet if you combine several tanks with each other, then the pressure is summed and pushes the water stream for the long distance. Still invent various methods Recharge fountain. It would be nice to make it so that a person does not have to take part in this process.

Nowadays, even a schoolboy can make it shuffle him - you read in our article. You can decorate this invention and install in your country or in the apartment, surprising guests.

Plastic bottles that are emitted for hundreds every day, may still serve a considerable service on panstone. The semelter of the Russian man allows even such, it would seem unnecessary things, to find an application in the farm, for example, to make a mini-fountain from it, which can be decorate the countryside, and at the same time and pour the lawn grass. Perhaps you will be interested to know how to make a fountain of plastic bottles.

Simple fountain for flowerbeds

To make a bottle fountain with your own hands, you need to take a container from transparent plastic. It is desirable that its volume is not less than a liter. Prepare for work garden hose connected to water, isolate and candle. Also need a durable metal wire. It will be done by the holes in the container, therefore, the more its diameter, the wider there are holes intended for the distribution of water flows.

Step-by-step manual instructions

Plastic bottle fountain with his own hands is made in just a few minutes. To do this, thoroughly rinse the used container and remove all the labels from it. Light a candle and heat the end of the metal wire over it. Then, without letting it cool, pour the holes in the hole in any order. What they are more, the more effectory the fountain will look, and the water will be better sprayed.

Take the hose connected to the water, and impose it in the neck. So that he does not jump out, it should be firmly strengthened with the help of a tape. Actually, on this, all the work on the manufacture of a bottle fountain is over, it remains only to look at it in action. Put it on an open lawn and turn on the crane. As soon as the liquid fully fills the plastic container, the water jet will score from all holes.

Options for using fountain

During the manufacture, you can adjust how the water jets at the outlet will be distributed. If you place the holes evenly throughout the body, the fountain will have a type of sprinkler, which is perfect for watering lawn grass. Also, it can be hung on a tree branch and use as summer soul.

If you protrude the holes do not over the entire surface of the bottle, but grouped them in one place, then you will have a full-fledged mini fountain. Place it between blooming plants on the flowerbed, or make a small platform from the tilgeon, put a fountain on it, and re-adjust the design stones different size and artificial plants.

Glass Bottles Masterpieces

Glass is a more spectacular material, and if you paint the surface from the inside with bright colors and patterns, there will be an interesting item in the hands, from which you can get a functional design fountain from bottles for a garden or dacha courtyard. For the flow of water, it will be necessary to drill a glass container with a suitable drill with a glass container. It is easy to paint the container - you need to pour inward paint and intensively shake the contents.

Bright reservoir out glass bottles

In order not to think about saving and pumping water, but to arrange a circuit, you need to think through the connection into the system of a small pump. In this case, the decor can be installed not only in the garden, but also in the house.

The bottle used provides a huge space for creativity. From it you can make a lot original crafts and useful little things For decoration and arrangement cottage plot. In addition, plastic is a material that is unable to quickly decompose. Tara, thrown in the garbage, inflicts environment Hurt harm. Therefore, its re-use in landscape design It will help to preserve the ecological balance in nature.

Video: bottle fountain

Another option of manufacturing a fountain from bottles with your own hands can be viewed in video:

In order to give the design of the room sophistication and individuality, use various elements Decor. The fountain made by their own hands was no exception. This is a great option for decoration and a wonderful reason to surprise guests. It can be done from different materialsusing different techniques.

Fountain from balls make for solemn holidays and events. He will perfectly complement with his beauty and unusualness any celebration and will give festive mood. Making such a fountain is quite simple and exciting.

How to make a fountain with your own hands at home from balls

To work, you will need:

  • Calon with helium.
  • Ribbons.
  • Pump.
  • Thread.
  • Balloons.

Detailed instructions step by step

  • The ball is taken and inflates with a helium balloon. Tape is tied to it. For the same principle five balls are inflated.
  • The base is made for the fountain. For this, the balls are neglected and inflated with hand pump. Such balls need to inflate 4 pcs., They must be the same size. They bind to each other, and it turns out a four-liter flower. Then there are four more balls, but they are even smaller. They also inflated using a manual pump and communicate with each other. It turns out another four-leaf flower of even smaller. Next, you need to make these two parts of each other. To do this, you need to twist the small and large balls.
  • You need to take another ball, which is filled with water. It needs to be tied to the base from the side where big balls are located. He serves as a loss that the fountain does not flew away.
  • There are balls that are picked up with a helium balloon and are tied to the base. Fountain of balls is ready.

Such a master class is quite simple, it will not be necessary to fulfill a lot of time and effort. Very interesting will look a fountain of plasticine. It can be done with the child. This work will be not only fascinating, but also will help develop creative abilities and causthas in a child.

Another one an interesting option Is a fountain created from plastic bottles. It would seem that from this material have already tried to do, but it is the fountain that will look especially unusual.

How to make a fountain with your own hands at home from plastic bottles

To work, you will need:

  • 9 transparent plastic bottles of 0.5 liters.
  • 1 transparent plastic bottle of 2 liters.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Brush.
  • Hot glue.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Color Watman.

Instructions step by step

  • Bottles are taken with thin ribs. On each bottle of white acrylic paint The ring is drawn with a thickness of 1 cm. The height of each ring on the subsequent bottle increases.
  • 2 liters plastic bottle is taken and the bottom is cut. It will serve as a stand under the fountain. Need to paint it in yellow And back to dry.
  • The remaining part of the 2 l bottle is also stained in yellow. You can not completely paint, because only 6 cm of height will be required.
  • After the white strips are completely dried, blue paint is taken and applied to the remaining part of the bottle. You need to paint until the neck. All bottles are built up to dry in the same order.
  • After completely drying the bottles, the bottom of each of them is cut off, which is not painted, it is no longer useful.
  • Each bottle is cut into three parts and then each of the parts cut into narrow smooth strips. It is convenient to cut, the bottle itself bends, without giving any effort from the side. The edges of water are obtained white colorand the middle it turns blue. So come with all 9 bottles and lay out in the same order as they were not to confuse.
  • When the second part of a 2 l bottle is completely dried, which was painted in yellow, black acrylic paint with a thin brush, pebbles are drawn.
  • By the same principle, the bottom of the bottle of 2 liters is painted.
  • After a complete drying of the second part of the bottle of 2 l, three rings with a height of 2 cm are cut out of it. Each of these rings should be cut in two places on equal parts. It turns out a semiring of the same size. The parts are obtained for the fountain fence, which will be figured.
  • Since the paint is applied outside, the gluing process may be more complicated, so it is better to use hot glue or stapler. All edges of the semi-trap glue among themselves, forming a flower.

  • According to this workpiece, a piece of foam and blue watman will be burned. Instead of foam, you can use a dense cardboard. According to the circled lines, foam and blue watman are cut out, they glued together. The resulting substrate is connected to a fear with hot glue, and the stand is fixed for the fountain, which was made from the bottom of the plastic bottle of 2 liters.
  • It begins to attach the fountain itself. The first bottle is taken with the longest water jets. The whole surface of the lid on this part is wedged with hot glue and sticks to the fountain stand. This is done with each bottle alternately, until a beautiful fountain is formed, from which a variety of long pips is visible. Fountain ready.

Such fountains can be made of coins and paper. All of them perfectly complement the interior, fill with the coolest any room. Such things created with their own hands are capable not only to become good decorationBut also be the subject of your pride and envy surrounding.

Video on the topic