Repairs Design Furniture

Fountains in a private house. Fountain do it yourself: Instructions for the construction and stages of the construction of a beautiful fountain for home and cottage (90 photos). Video: a small version of the stone yourself

A small homemade pond in the frame of correctly selected plants is always a highlight of a country site. And so that he looked more spectacular, you can install the fountain. How to make a fountain with your own hands, and what will you need for this?

Varieties of fountains

The appearance of the fountain affects the number of nozzles, their location, water supply force. The jets can splash on the sides, beat strictly up, smoothly drain along the walls of the structure. Depending on the water supply method, all fountains are divided into several types.

Table. Types of fountains

Type of constructionMain characteristics
The most common option in the country areas. Water is fed under a slight pressure, so the jet rises low, and the nozzle distributes it evenly around the circumference. Due to this, the hemisphere from the water film is formed, in which the sun's beams are beautifully refracted.
In such a fountain, the water supply pressure is much stronger, the jet are thrown up or sides (it depends on the location of the nozzle). Adjusting the pressure of the pressure, you can change the height of the jets in fairly wide limits.
The most spectacular option: the design consists of several containers located at different levels, and water, stained, forms a stepped mini-waterfall.
A complex design in which a cascade option is combined with a geyser or a fountain bell. It looks very impressive, but also the effort to the construction requires more.

Choosing a kind of fountain, you need to take into account not only its decorative qualities, but also the complexity of the installation, the cost of all components, as well as the overall design of the plot and the size of the reservoir. For example, a fountain bell is best suited for a very small, for a more spacious - geyser or combined option. If the garden with reservoir is decorated in oriental style, the ideal choice will be a fountain-cascade.

Fountain selection

The correct location of the fountain not only provides the maximum decorative design, but also makes it easier to care for it during operation. If the fountain is located on a fully open area, which is actively heated by the sun, water will faster evaporate and blossom.

For any owner, the appearance of the country area or the courtyard is of great importance. Specialists can engage in his design, but, if desired, this can be done by it. A good decoration of the yard or the plot will be the fountain. It can also be built on its own project.

Types of fountains

Fountains for giving are different types. They are divided into types: on the device, in appearance, according to the peculiarities of work, etc. By the method of the device, the country fountains are circulating and flowingThey are also called "Roman".

Did you know? The first fountains appeared in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome.

Circulating Expand the water cycle. Water fills a specific reservoir (bowl, vase, water boss) and with the help of a pump is supplied to the device from which the water jet directly beats.

Everything is arranged in such a way that the outgoing water falls into the tank and again swings up. Thus, the device does not imply the flow of water from the water supply or well. The only thing you need is to top up the water to a certain mark, since it has a property to evaporate or spray.

Flowing fountains It is arranged with the use of water supply (well) and sewage. Water is supplied to the top, drops down and goes into the sewer. The method of course is irregular, but such fountains have a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • drinking water;
  • the possibility of using water for watering lawns, flowerry, shrubs and trees.
In appearance and features, it is also possible to classify fountains on single-level and multi-level, single and group, inkjet, waterfall, cascade, in the form of a ring or tulip, dancing, singing, colored, with a pond, with a reservoir, etc.

Did you know? The highest fountain in the world- 312 m. It is called fountain« Fahda» Located in Saudi Arabia.

Choosing a suitable place

If you decide to build a fountain on the site with your own hands, then, first of all, select the appropriate place for this. In the case of the presence in the country or a pond, the choice of space is obvious. Where the pond is located - there will be a fountain. The device of the pond, of course, will have to be modified, correcting, but the foundation will remain.

If you start "from scratch", then the place must be chosen, carefully weighing everything "for" and "against". Garden fountains made by their own hands perform different functions: the garden moisturizes the air, which is useful for trees, create cool conditions, can be used for irrigation, etc.

For this reason, it is necessary to choose a place so that the fountain not only brings an aesthetic pleasure, but also was useful. A suitable place for arrangement will be an outdoor area between trees, shrubs or a lively hedge.

Trees and bushes should not hang over a reservoir or reservoir, so that garbage does not fall into the water and fall out the leaves. It is harmful to water filters. Even because of the proximity of the trees, and therefore their root system, it is possible to violate or even the destruction of the underground part of the fountain. If there are plants that do not carry overlapping plants grow, exercise the fountain away from them.

Important! Do not place the fountain near the buildings.

It is not necessary to equip the construction in the open sun, since it is fraught with water flowering. There is one more condition: a fountain in the country, made by her own hands, must be harmonized with a common design. Everything must be performed in one style. It should be a platform that is well visible from the windows of the house and from any part of the yard, because you build a fountain, first of all, for aesthetic pleasure.

Preparation of materials for construction

When the place is selected for the fountain and its type, the project has been developed, it is necessary to determine which materials for construction will be needed. Suppose the project is designed for a circulating inkjet static fountain with single water emissions, i.e. type "Geyser".

At home to improve the fountain, you will need cement, sand, crushed stone, durable polyethylene film and a construction facade mesh with a diameter of the structure (and film, and the grid must be of the same size). In addition, we need a plastic capacity of about 50-70 liters, depending on the size of the structure.

If you plan to make all the stones, then harde them immediately. It can be a wild stone of the desired size, cobblestone, granite, large pebbles, etc. To ensure due work, a fountain pump will be needed.

Pump selection criteria

Depending on the type of fountain, select the pump. For the "waterfall" we would choose the surface pump, and since we have a traditional fountain - choose submersible.

As a rule, submersible pumps perfectly perform their function. They are compact, they work quietly, they simply install them and, that is also important, acceptable at the price. Submersible pumps are different power. It is calculated in the amount of water pumped in 1 hour (l / h).

The height of the jet just will depend on the power of the pump. The maximum height is calculated on the diameter of the "foot" made by you. The pump in this case does not need to choose according to the principle "the more powerful, the better." We need such a jet for arrangement so that the jet is high enough, and that the splashes do not fly beyond the "foot". For the cottage, the height of the jet will suit from 80 cm to 1 m.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the water does not sprinkle outside the fountain. Excessive humidity can lead to the death of plants and damage to things.

Manufacturers, as a rule, in the instructions are given a table of power ratio and height of the jet. Since we are equipping the "Geyser", then for such a device, you will need a pump with a capacity of about 7000 l / h.

Pump system installation principle

The pumping system is installed by 10 cm above the bottom on the stand (laid out brick or mounting tube). It is supplied to the hose or pipe with water supply. Usually the sprinkler comes complete with the pump, but if it is not, then you can make it yourself.

To do this, you can take a conventional pipe from stainless metal. The diameter will depend on the height of the jet and the diameter of the water spraying. For a small fountain of 0.8-1.0 m, a diameter of 2-2.5 inches will suffice. Length will depend on how deeply the pump is immersed. Above water is enough to leave 10-15 cm.

To give a jet of the form, it is possible to chop the pipe, sprinkle it, leaving the hole, drill a few holes or cut into the thread and fasten the desired nozzle. Connect to the pump directly or through an adapter (if necessary).

Installing fountain. Step-by-step instruction

Master class of fountain installation at the cottage with his own hands with a step-by-step photo Find on the Internet simply. Typically, the installation takes place in several stages.

Nowadays, mini-fountains are gaining increasing popularity, as well as decorative waterfalls. Such elements of the decor make it possible to relax, and in the summer they moisturize the air, creating an optimal microclimate. Looking on the pouring water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate who is interested. The article will consider the method of creating a simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by their own hands. Homemade is simple in the assembly and requires a minimal amount of materials that are easy to get.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- a small motor (can be found in the camera or phone);
- plastic gear (there is in toys, clocks, and so on);
- a piece of plastic with a thickness of a couple of millimeters;
- cover from the bottle;
- cap from deodorant;
- foil;
- ordinary ballpoint pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- Wires;
- shells;
- battery from mobile;
- Small plastic box.

From the tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- gun with a thermoclaim;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- Hoven.

The process of manufacturing a fountain:

Step one. Fountain device
To work the fountain, you will need a pump, here it is made with their own hands. Her principle of operation is shown in the scheme.

Figure 1 indicates a hole for the input of the liquid.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is a pump housing.
Well, the 4-th one is marked for water outlet.

Step second. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor must be small because the mini-fountain in size will not be much more than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses the engine from the camera for these purposes. As an option for these purposes, the vibration motor from the mobile phone is perfect.

Next, you need to make the impeller, it is made from a conventional plastic gear. Such are found in toys, clocks and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be applied, the main thing is that the workpiece fit in form and sizes. The gear need to sharpen in a circle under the size of the pump housing.

To make the blade for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 pieces of all. Slices need to be glued to the gear.

Step Three. Pump housing
Pump housing The author makes it from a cap from a deodorant. From it you need to cut off all the extra parts, and then drill holes, as indicated in the photo. From above, you need to drill a small hole so that the engine axis came out through it. Water will go through the large hole.

Step fourth. Finishing Pump Assembly Stage
To create the output tube, you will need a ballpoint pen. From it you need to cut everything too much, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued with hot glue. It is necessary to glue the motor in order to not pour it through the cooling holes and do not glue the axis. The impeller should be located in the case smoothly, it should not hurt anything.

Even you will need to make the cover. The cover is made from the cover from the bottle, it is necessary to do the hole in it, as can be seen in the photo. Through this hole water will enter the pump. The lid is glued to the housing with hot glue.

That's all, miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column with a height of 20 cm, and all this is from the power source 3.7V (battery from mobile). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Pitch fifth. How to make a slide for the fountain. Final stage assembly
As the main idea, stylization under the stone was taken. Here you need to let all your fantasy. Externally, the fountain can be done in any way, at its discretion. You can achieve that no one can distinguish it from the store. To create "stones", the author applied a crumpled foil glued by a thermoclaster. The photo shows a pre-painting.

To make a decorative source of water, you will need a shell of suitable size and shape. In it, under the tube you need to do the hole. Well, then the whole design is assembled as in the scheme.

What could be the best decoration for your garden than the fountain? Next to him so nice to relax in hot summer days, forgetting about knowing, worries and urban bustle. Such a device can be purchased in the store, and specialists will be engaged in its installation. But much more interesting to make a fountain in the country with their own hands. In this article, we will tell you about how to make fountains from priest funds that will probably find on your site.

Choose a suitable place

In fact, the construction of the country fountain is simple, and will not require professional skills and expensive materials from you. But you will be able to realize the most bold design fantasies, and at the same time applying things and items that came into disrepair and occupy a place on your site, but they are sorry to throw them away. When creating such a fountain, you can use:

  • stones;
  • old tires;
  • gas cylinder;
  • bath.

First of all, before making a fountain in the country, you need to pick up a comfortable platform for it. It is desirable for simplicity that the water source is located next to this place. It can be natural, but more technically, so that it is a plumbing.

The next choice factor is a place where the fountain will be located, should be viewed from any point of the country area, and be near the recreation area. The construction should not be an obstacle to other buildings.

For the fountain, choose such a place in the recreation area, which is close to the water source and electricity

It is very important to locate the fountain so that it is not in close proximity to the plants that are harmful to the oversupply of moisture. Carefully calculate according to the size of your site, the location of buildings, flower and fruit and vegetable landings, and only after that make a decision on the size of the future fountain.

The form of reservoir for the fountain is better to choose strictly geometric. This is the optimal option for a plot with a small area. Please note that the jets should fall in water at a distance of more than 50 cm from furniture items and nearest plants, otherwise you will lose both.

The direction of the jets will be due to the type of nozzle, so choose it according to your taste, but do not forget to consider the above. Competent with the seller, he will help you in choosing electrical equipment that ensures the work of the construction.

What do you need to start?

To begin with, you need to learn several basic rules and features of the building process, as well as the nuances of the choice of devices, tools and materials. There are two simple types of fountains that are easy to work well for the country area.

  1. Open fountain: It is supplied to the nozzle in it, and the formation of the jets is provided by the fluid level. It will take a small capacity for it that you need to set 0.5-1 meters above the nozzle level. Since this type provides a weak water pressure, then constant control of the fluid level will be required. Such a fountain has cons: water rapidly polluted dust, mud, etc.
  2. Fountain with circular pump: The device is immersed on the bottom and provides constant circulation of water. This is not only the most practical option, it looks much more efficient.

Choose a suitable pump for your fountain.

The pump is the heart of the fountain, the necessary equipment for proper functioning, so its choice requires attention. For the conditions of the country area, it is better to choose among the two types of pumps.

  1. Submersible (underwater) pumps. Their installation is made under water. Fluid discharge occurs to the nozzle through the filter. Locate such a pump better on the elevation so that you do not have to clean the filters often. This device is inexpensive, it is simply mounted, it works silently and has a compact dimension.
  2. Surface pumps are installed on land. Principle of operation in suction by the water device and submitting it to the fountain of the injection hose through the filter. Such road pumps are noisy when working and are difficult mounted, but they are much more reliable and easier to care.

Please note: Try to locate the fountain so that the power supply network is as close as possible: it will save you from excess wires on a plot or work on their insulation.

Magic stones: step by step

You can choose any form and any type of fountain, but its construction will be conducted at the same sequence of work performed:

  • pit preparation;
  • fixing the trench;
  • installation of the reservoir;
  • pump installation;
  • decoration.

If you decide to build a large fountain, you will need a foundation, and for a small structure there will be enough container - a cylinder or bath. But be sure to provide an emergency drain from the edge to avoid overflow of water.

To make a pipeline, select plastic pipes: they are not subject to corrosion and easily connected by a soldering iron.

Stone fountain may require the creation of the foundation

Now proceed to the construction of the fountain of the stones. To do this, you will need such tools and materials:

  • flat stones and cobblestones;
  • gravel for drainage;
  • water pump;
  • waterproof bowl;
  • copper tube, coupling, PVC tube;
  • reiki, skidding for fountain strengthening;
  • a hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • scissors, pipe cutting;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key;
  • syringe for sealing seams.

First of all, haul a recess that will be 5 cm deeper than the level of the bowl, as well as the groove for the outlet. Pour 5 cm gravel - it will serve as a drainage layer. Install the bowl, put the PVC tube, connect them between themselves. Sprinkle the groove.

Put in the Pomph bowl, mark and cut out the outlet. Connect the bowl with the tube, put the gravel on the bottom, secure the pump. Lay the rails and skidding on top of the bowl to strengthen the fountain.

Stones put on each other and tick the places where the holes will be drilled. After the holes are drilled, slide the stones on the copper tube.

In order to decorate the fountain, fill the gaps with small pebbles, and the slit - silicone glue. Now fill the bowl of the water, connect the pump, adjust the pressure and enjoy the magnificent fountain!

Old bath as a basis

Surely you after repair remains an acrylic or cast-iron bath, which you decided to take it until you think about the cottage, and eventually think of where to attach it. This time has come - make a fountain with a fountain with a reservoir.

For such a fountain, you will need:

  • stones, cobblestones;
  • priming;
  • pump;
  • bath;
  • iron sheet;
  • decor to choose from - sculptures, plants, backlight, other;
  • shears in the gland;
  • shovel;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • others, depending on the selected decor.

Stones you can find anywhere - in the field, by the river, even on our own plot; The main thing is that their form be round or oval. Drop the bath size recess, install the bath and close all the drain holes.

From iron cut out wide inserts that will protect against splashing area of \u200b\u200brecreation. Place them and re-adjust the stones.

Acrylic or cast iron bath can serve as an excellent base for the fountain

Small stones squeeze the bottom. Install the backlight if you have provided it. After that, you can fill out the bowl of water and finish the decoration of the fountain if necessary.

Please note: everything can be used as decorative elements: plants in pots or soil plants, old dishes, vendors, figurines and figures from ceramics, thick branches of the tree. This is a great opportunity to show fantasy and exercise in the landscape design.

There are many styles in which your fountain can be issued: Country, Ethno, Antiquity, Baroque. Even if your fountain is completely small, make an emphasis on a statuette or an old vase: this will give the construction of a unique spirit.

Styles in which you can decorate the fountain

Unnecessary wheels and gas cylinders: how to use them?

Old tires, which will never serve as purpose, are perfectly suitable for making a fountain with a small reservoir. One wheel is enough, the main thing is that its size corresponds to your recreation area.

  1. Cut the top edge of the tires with an electroll bison. It is enough to capture the bending plot.
  2. Drop the pit with such a calculation so that the tire entered into the ground half.
  3. The bottom of the future fountain cement. Can be used as waterproofing polyethylene film. How to roll it up on the bottom and secure the tire from the outside.
  4. Swipe the water supply system and install the pump.
  5. The inner walls of the wheel cover the paint. If you used the film, then cover the bottom of the layer of gravel so that polyethylene is not noticeable.
  6. Outside on the wheel you need to make a decorative coating of stones of different sizes. They can be any form, but large flat stones easier to close the protruding edges of the tire. Secure them with cement, and when it dries, fill the fountain with water.

Use old tires to create a fountain

Approximately the same principle can make a fountain based on an old gas cylinder. You need to decide how to cut it into two equal parts - along or across. One of these parts in the ground so that the edges performed on 5-8 cm above the soil level. The main stages are the same - water supply, pump installation and decoration. You will not need to cement bottom, but the inner surface of the cylinder should be cleaned of possible rust and paint.

Such a fountain will perfectly look at the small territory due to its size. And the decorating elements will need less than for other fountains.

Video about the construction of a fountain in the country with their own hands

Now you know how it is possible with the help of a fountain made by your own hands, to give the summer area a cozy and original look. Perhaps you have yet known any options for such structures, or you have experience of their construction. Share with us in the comments. Easy work and pleasant spring days!

As nice after a hard work day to relax in the cool, calming the murmur of the fountain water made by his own hands. Even a small decorative fountain in the country area will become not only a bright landscape decoration, but also a favorite recreation area, in which you can enjoy unity with nature. Deliver it with nothing with any incomparable pleasure, if you bring the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in the country with your own hands.

Fountains for the garden - the optimal way to solve the issue of air humidification in the hot summer months. Regardless of what style a hydraulic installation will be performed, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright stroke in landscape design. Fascinating overflows of water flows, playing in the sun rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to the successful selection of the place under the fountain is commensurate with the appearance of the plot and the general harmony of the garden.

When choosing a place, it is important to take into account the possibility of connecting to the power supply for uninterrupted operation of the pump

Determining with the location of the fountain, it is necessary to repel from the presence and degree of earth slope. It is better if the installation is placed in the lowland, which will increase the air saturation of moisture, as well as adjust the volume of groundwater.

Unwanted place fountains:

  • at too open places of the plot, since the direct sunlight will provoke the "flowering" of water;
  • near the trees, as powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage waterproofing, and foliage from trees, fruits, seeds, and down, getting into the reservoir, can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind streams did not bring moisture on the walls of the structure.

The most successful place is a playground that works well from the house and various corners of the garden.

Preparation of suitable capacity

By deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to correctly choose or make yourself a tank for hydrotechnical installation.

As a fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic containers of a variety of forms that allow us to provide reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is required to dug a pit, at the bottom of which will be equipped with a foundation for future design. The bottom of the pitted pit under the fountain will fall as a layer of sand, the side walls are strengthened by bricks. After that, the inner surface of the tank can be styled with a polyethylene film that does not pass water. Sealing surfaces of the surface can be provided by their processing by frost-resistant silicone.

Important moment: The level of the base of the base must be lower than the soil level. Such an accommodation will eliminate the possibility of soared the soil around the fountain bowl

Not far from the edge of the surface, an emergency drain can be provided, the presence of which will not allow water to rise above the desired level.

Folk craftsmen, creating a fountain with their own hands at the cottage, use any cast materials: natural stones, river pebbles, car tires, glass products, ceramic details

The main requirement that is presented to the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand the temperature differences.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Installing the pump system

It is impossible to launch a fountain for the cottage to work without connecting its "heart" - a powerful pump that provides a continuous movement of a powerful stream. The success of the durable work of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. The general principle of operation of the system is quite simple: water emitted through the nozzle is collected in the bowl. From the bowl, it flows into a drain hole, from where it will fall into the pipeline and as it moves the coarse, and later a thinner cleaning. The pump from the pipeline is injected already cleaned water on the nozzle.

Thinking over the question of how to make a fountain in the country, it is necessary to provide the installation of the drainage system. The pipeline for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes with a diameter of about 16mm. Plastic is characterized by excellent performance and long service life. Plastic design is easily connected using a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are equipped mainly by circulating pumps, in which water fence is carried out from the bowl, passing a circle, reset back to the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the tank of the fountain bowl, as well as the estimated power of the jet, which will be bright fireworks from the water.

To add the fountain waters system, you can install the receiver - pressure reservoir. Installing the receiver allows you to provide a constant pressure for water intake in the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With such a configuration, water in the receiver is pumped with a pump, and then passes on the nozzle located below.

The effect of cascade fountains is based on the same principle.

Water in the cascade splits smoothly with a small waterfall in several steps located at different levels

After installing the pump should be checked for performance and only after that decorate it with decorative elements.

Optional equipment

Installation of additional equipment for the fountain will allow you to transform and diversify the design.

Special nozzles allow you to give jets of the outdated water of the most unusual forms: geysers, tulips, dome, umbrellas, hemispheres

The combination of nozzles and the effect of forms generated by them allows you to create bizarre water patterns.

Additional highlighting is surprisingly transforming a fountain for giving, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, then they should be selected for their choice: water-protected contacts, hermetic performance.

Decorative illumination, disguised in the bottom of the reservoir, will delight the gaze in the upcoming twilight effect of water glow

Lightweight lighting devices, as well as all sorts of floating lamps, are very popular for the design of fountains.

Curious decor option is a small water mill. Manufacturing instructions:

Extend the service life of the hydraulic installation will help the correct maintenance of the fountain: removable design elements on the winter period is desirable to dismantle. The reservoir itself with the onset of cold weather should be empty from water and securely cover with a film that protects against dust, dirt and precipitation.