Repairs Design Furniture

We make from plywood with your own hands. What can be made from plywood jigsaw. Scope and features of installation. Simple and mechanical plywood crafts. Plywood Lobzik and Fantasy - Personality Development Elements

The designer's work in a broad sense involves the presence of a developed fantasy, the ability to generate creative ideas and embody them in the form of items that have a completely utilitarian purpose. Ease of processing, the possibility of creating amazing things from an affordable and inexpensive material was erected by Faero in the rank of favorites in the medium of many modern fashionable furniture masters and interior items.

From plywood you can make any things: furniture, boxes, decorations, all that is enough fantasy and carpentry skills.

From plywood, you can do almost everything that wanted. From moisture-resistant, even the hull of small boats make it a variety. Received by plastic or veneer of expensive breeds of Plywood tree is used in the interiors and as an finishing finish, and for the manufacture of furniture. Durable and cheap, environmentally friendly material is also suitable for making children's toys, designer solutions in the garden design, drawers for storing products and various trifles.

Manufacturing technology

Types of plywood boxes and wall connection methods.

In order for the product for a long time and looks quite attractive, you need to know the rules for processing the material from which it will be manufactured. Unlike the wood massif, the plywood is thin sheets of veneer glued together so that the fibers of one layer are perpendicular to the direction of fibers in the other. This allows bending sheets in any direction, creating complex forms. But when sawing across the fibers of the upper layer there is an opportunity to damage it. Therefore, when working with plywood, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • to prevent the surface cracking during cutting across the fibers, it is necessary to pre-hold the knife along the cutting line;
  • before climbing the nails or screws the screws, drill holes under them;
  • under the caps of the fastening elements, it is necessary to place the washers;
  • when gluing the surface, you need to clean the skin, apply adhesive with a uniform layer over the entire surface and ensure the uniform compression of the parts connected;
  • to flexing the elements, they are pre-wet or sprinkled, after which they are placed in the template and withstand in the desired position at least a day;
  • thin plywood (up to 1.5 mm) is cut into a sharp knife, the sheets up to 6 mm thick are cut by a jigsaw, and a thicker disk saw;
  • the edges of the sliced \u200b\u200bparts may have burrs when cutting at home, which requires mandatory processing with their file or grinding.

For the manufacture of almost any subject of plywood, a small set of tools will be required:

  • a sharp knife, an electrolybiz with a set of saws;
  • drill, drill and bit set, screwdriver;
  • glue carbon black or suitable for working with wood;
  • fIRL, skar sandpaper;
  • measuring instrument, pencil;
  • fastening elements.
  1. Hand tool
  2. Electropolitanzik
  3. Preparation of stencil
  4. Sawing technology technology
  5. Defects in work

Lobzik wood carving is rapidly gaining popularity: many wish to acquire an interesting piece of decor to decorate home, furniture and even clothes! Carved items from different thickness organically fit into any interior style, often people acquire photo frames for photography with ornaments, dug words and letters or order intricate shelves and other interesting products. Few people know that the felting felting from plywood is a matter, affordable to any person, even unprepared and inexperienced. It is only necessary to understand how to work with a tool.

What is Lobzik: General Description

Lobzik is a tool designed to drink from plywood of various contours, including curvilinear. It is equipped with a blade with small teeth, capable of making a piece of plywood smooth without the formation of significant burstles.

Hand tool

The airlock of this type of instrument is a manual jigsaw. It is a metal arc in the form of the letter "U", between which the sawing blade attached to the clamps is stretched between the ends. They reliably hold the pink when working and allow you to adjust its tension. On one side of the frame is a handle.

The clamps on the instrument can rotate, creating different planes for sawing, thereby provide an opportunity for a thread on a tree of different complexity.

When drinking from plywood, you need to be neat: its design is rather fragile, with intensive work, the blade is often torn from the effort and heating, therefore it has to be replaced. For this, each master must have several dozen spare pylons.

When working with a jigsaw for carving internal contours, it is convenient to use such auxiliary plank, as in the photo: it will help and protect the table, and solve the problem of the convenient location of the workpiece.


The tool is running from the electrical network. It is a housing in which the working mechanisms are placed, the handle for control is made on it. The sawing authority is located in the front bottom. The blade is often protected by a paw that allows you to cut the outline exactly along the line without deviations. Advanced and professional jigsaw models have different nozzles that facilitate the process of cutting and leveling the edges of plywood.

Blades can have different teeth in shape and size. It is necessary to select the appropriate sawmills to be processed so that damage does not occur and damage the plywood leaf during the operation of the mechanism.

Classification of electrolovki in power and use:

In the instructions, how to use the electroller, or in a technical password should be the main parameters of the instrument, which must be taken into account when using the mechanism.

Tools for wood thread

Drinking the jigsaw - the process is creative, but requires preparation and additional equipment. What will be required for work:

Preparation of stencil

Drawings for drinking with a jigsaw can be of different sizes, depending on the scale of the product being manufactured. To create a shelf scheme, an element of furniture or composite bulk toys, you can take a large watman A1 or A0 sheet, and the remaining wallpapers are also suitable, for small figures take ordinary A4 paper or other suitable format.

On the surface of a bright pencil or marker draw the contour of the future product, sticking to the sizes. It can be an element for assembling furniture, shelf or another product of large size.

Lobzik drinking patterns are represented in the network so wide variety that choose the right one can be difficult. It is much easier to come up with their patterns for drinking and transfer them to paper.

Transferring images to the surface of plywood or boards

Before you start drinking the jigsaw, you must move the image from the stencil on a wooden or plywood blank. To do this, cut out a piece from the sheet, we apply it to the surface of plywood and accumulate carefully. It is desirable that the line is smooth and accurate. We use a simple pencil so that if necessary, it was possible to fix the line, erased by its eraser.

The contour is applied from the back to the finished product there is no remnants of lines. The internal area can be shaded so as not to cut down too much and designate inviolable areas.

It is important to transfer the pattern in such a way as to minimize the pipe dipping along the fibers - it is so difficult to get a flat line.

Sawing technology technology

How to use the jigsaw, for sure, many have heard. Working with the tool will not cause difficulties if it is properly prepared for it.

Plywood carving begins with internal pattern contours. To do this, make slots to insert the blade of the instrument:

  • Plywood is often taken fine, and when cutting a large circuit, there will be no problems, and in a small residue, voltage may occur. Dipping inside inside can damage the product - chips, sowing, dissection;
  • It's easier to work: you always have, for what to keep the workpiece. With a big sheet, it is much easier to handle how to try to keep a small drinking product during the formation of its inside.

How to cut the electrolovka:

The operation is much easier than the manual tool, it does not need to make physical efforts and the process is faster.

How to cut the bulbs:

Nothing difficult, as you see, in this process there is no.

Defects in work

If you have not followed the technology, the tool was incorrectly, the saw can simply shift from the line. Why Lobzik saw crookedly:

  • tilted the tool during operation;
  • weakened the tension of the peel;
  • in the electric it is possible to weaken the fastening of the saw.

To avoid such problems, be sure to check the saw tension and fastening all the working items. If the blade screamed and stuck, it is better to start everything first and make a line parallel to defective.

A little about safety technician

Safety when working with a jigsaw for drinking plywood and tree Simple:

  • Use protective equipment - glasses, gloves, bathrobe. These things will protect you from dust and shallow shavings.
  • The sawing manual jigsion should be taken carefully, so as not to damage the fingers to the saw. Observe the distance between the body and the tool.
  • If you are new, carefully read the instructions, how to use the electrolovka, the main characteristics of the tool. This information will help to avoid random injuries and breakdowns of the aggregate.

The wood carving is electrolovka requires accuracy and attention. Your health, and the integrity of the finished product depends on these qualities.

What can be done from plywood: interesting ideas and drawings

Drinking on a tree by an electrolybiz or hand tool - a creative process. You can create a variety of decorative products of different directions:

Dutch drawings from plywood do not have to be performed in exact size. Even taking an example from the Internet and changing the dumb proportion, you will get a unique product, which is not exactly anyone in this form.

Crafts from plywood you can paint or leave or leave in natural color, you can glue buttons, beads, ribbons and other decor to liven up the product. To do this, it is worth attracting children, their fantasy is the bottomless storehouse of interesting ideas.

We offer you schemes with photos for cutting with a jigsaw of plywood.

You can come up with yourself that you can cut off, using a manual or electric tool, make your own sketch and transfer it to paper, then on a wood fabric or plywood.

Thread jigsaw on plywood requires certain knowledge and skills. If you do not have them, consider the following rules:

Before making furniture from plywood with their own hands, which is capable of serving for a long time faithfully, it is necessary to study all the mercy of the material and the rules for its processing.

Plywood is a material that does not require special specific tricks in the processing process. This material used in the manufacture of furniture from plywood with their own hands has another significant advantage - low cost.

Plywood is a material that does not require special specific tricks in the processing process.

There are a large number of drawings that make it possible to make furniture from plywood with their own hands. Such drawings can be easily found on specialized sites, which are devoted to the manufacture of furniture from plywood with their own hands, in addition to the drawings on such resources, you can see the photo of the finished furniture from this material and the corresponding description to them.

Very often plywood is used as a material in the manufacture of furniture intended for accommodation in the country or in the children's room.

Such furniture is characterized by ease of manufacture and high degree of environmental safety, which causes its high popularity.

Such furniture is characterized by ease of manufacture and a high degree of environmental safety, which causes its high popularity.

A large number of housing owners is wondering how to make furniture from plywood with their own hands. To begin with, learn questions, what types of plywood exist and how to work with them.

The production of any type of plywood is carried out from a veneer that glues in the production process with adhesive mixtures. The quality of the material obtained in the manufacture of the material depends mainly from the adhesive composition used.

Production of any type of plywood is carried out from a veneer that glues in the production process with adhesive mixtures.

Thanks to the glue, the panel acquires:

  • high strength;
  • increased mechanical elasticity;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • high resistance to the effects of the external environment;
  • resistance to exposure to open fire.

For the manufacture of plywood, domestic manufacturers use veneer made of birch or coniferous wood.

Plywood made of coniferous wood has a beautiful pattern and is used exclusively for the production of furniture. To reduce the cost of the value of the material in production, a veneer from hardwood, which is superimposed by the top layer of the veneer of coniferous wood.

Plywood made of birch wood has a contrast structure and is obtained by one-photon. When using birch wood, plywood is obtained more expensive.

Important! The birch plywood has a lot more than plywood, in the manufacture of which wood is used from the coniferous wood.

Depending on the degree of processing of plywood, it is divided into 3 categories:

  • non-grinding material - NSh category;

Bending plywood strength

  • material treated on one side - Category W1;
  • material treated on both sides - category sh2.

There are 6 species of plywood, which differ in the composition of the adhesive component used in the production of the adhesive component:

  1. FC is produced using urbamide glue. The material can be used in the production of children's furniture from plywood for dolls.
  2. FSF is manufactured using the use of phenolic resins, it is used to design furnishing items that are operated in rooms with high humidity.

Table Characteristics of plywood

  1. FOF - material having a laminated film coating has a high moisture resistance.
  2. BV - a variety of material that is not used in the design of furniture.
  3. FBA - material with a low level of resistance to moisture, does not apply in the manufacture of furniture.
  4. FBS, BS, FB in production uses glue or varnish on a bakelite basis.

On a note! From the presence of defects and natural defects, the material produced is divided into 5 varieties.

The highest quality is the material of the variety E.

Material processing rules for the manufacture of furniture

For the manufacture of furniture with your own hands from plywood before starting operations, the sheet should be cutting. With a staple material, accuracy should be observed, since in the future this parameter can affect the entire process of assembling furniture.

A sharp knife is used for cutting thin plywood, the electrolybiz is recommended to be used to cut the plywood of the middle thickness

At the same time, the cutting accuracy is required when conducting cutting, care and not allow the formation of chips. Lack of chips increases design quality design. To carry out the cutting of the material, an electrolovka or electric disk saw is used. In order not to form the chips on the front side, when working with the jigsion, it is necessary to apply drawing on the front surface of the material, and when the disk saw is used, the drawing is applied to the wrong plane.

In order to completely get rid of the slightest chips, it is required with the help of a shoe knife to cut the top sheet of veneer on the width of the disk or saw of the electroll. For the qualitative implementation of this operation, the first pass is made without a strong pressure as a label, and then the knife is carried out by another 2-3 passage with a strong pressure.

The cutting and cutting of the sheets of plywood is best to exercise along the fibers. With this method of cutting, the smallest number of chips appears when performing all the requirements of the technological operation.

For cutting fine plywood, a sharp knife is used, the electrolovka is recommended to be used to cut the plywood of the middle thickness, and in the event that a thick material is used when assembling furniture, it is recommended to use disk specials to be applied to it.

In case when designing furniture from plywood, a plywood from soft varieties of wood is used, then under the fasteners should be put into fasteners, which reduce the negative impact on wood, Hands.

When designing children's furniture from plywood, it should be paid special attention to the processing of end elements, it is required to minimize the likelihood of injury during the operation of the product by children.

Features of material processing in the manufacture of furniture for the kitchen

Designing furniture to furnish the kitchen space requires care when drawing up drawings and build structures.

Headters from plywood do it yourself

When assembling kitchen headcards, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant types of material that have high stability indicators. The fact is that the kitchen is a room with a high level of humidity, and this in turn adversely can affect the Fan.

When designing furniture, it should be borne in mind that in the kitchen room there is a room ventilation system and other engineering communications, which should be hidden and should have free access for repair work.

When designing outdoor cabinets, it should be remembered that the height and depth should be calculated taking into account the size of the tabletops used in the assembly of furniture.

When calculating the parameters of the side walls, the thickness of the doors used in the furniture design should be taken into account.

When assembling furniture for the kitchen, special attention should be paid to the angular mounted cabinets, since the assembly of these elements is associated with difficulties

When assembling furniture for the kitchen, special attention should be paid to the angular hinged cabinets, since the assembly of these elements is associated with difficulties.

It is possible to look in detail how the furniture from plywood is designed with their own hands on a video that is easy to find on specialized sites dedicated to the independent creation of furniture.

When designing outdoor cabinets, the optimal option will be the use of solid thick plywood stoves.

Furniture assembly technology do it yourself

With the use of plywood, you can make practically any furniture for the house, it may be, for example, a rocking chair, a wardrobe both outdoor and mounted.

With the use of plywood, you can make practically any furniture for the house, it can be, for example, a rocking chair, a wardrobe both outdoor and mounted

Such furniture is distinguished by originality and uniqueness, which is able to surprise any person. Furniture made with your own hands from plywood is able to become the pride of the owner of the housing.

To design the bed, you will need to prepare a drawing or sketch indicating the size of all structural elements.

After preparing the sketch, it is necessary to harvest a plywood sheet that has a thickness of at least 18 mm, the length of the workpiece should be 3 m, and the width is 1.5 m. A sheet is cut from a solid sheet with a length of 2 m. This cut will continue to perform the bottom of the bottom in the bed design. After the preparation of the plywood sheet, acting the bottom of the bed, the ends of the workpiece should be qualitatively treated with sandpaper. The remaining cut from the initial billet can be applied in the manufacture of such a design element as the headboard bed.

If a sheet that does not have lamination is applied during the design of furniture, then after assembling the construction of the headboard, the bed is covered with a veneer or paint and leave until complete drying.

Construction of the frame base of the bed and its decoration

The construction of the frame base requires an attentive approach in the implementation of design and assembly. At the design stage, accurate calculations of the design parameters should be carried out. The frame of the bed is made from the bar. For assembly, you need to prepare 2 pieces that have a length of 2 m each and 2 pieces of 1.5 m. It should take into account the width of the bar. Bars with each other should be connected using self-samples or nails.

Bed frame is made of timber

A previously prepared bottom of the bed is fixed on the prepared frame. Fastening the bottoms should be carried out with long bolts. On the inner corners of the design feet of beds are fixed. The legs of the bed should be made from the bar.

Decorating the bed made of plywood is the last stage of furniture production with their own hands.

Installation of the head of the bed should be carried out with long bolts. The headboard can be decorated with fabric designed to finish furniture. In addition, the headboard can be finished in any convenient way. If desired, the fabric is used in the finish process, which is stacked by the foam rubber, this approach to the headboard finish makes it more contour and relief.

Designing chairs and plywood chairs

Most often, furniture salons offer their consumers the design of the chairs, calculated on one person. Lovers independently design furniture for home can make this element of furniture from the calculation of two people.

Cottage has long become a place of peace and recovery after the workday of the city man. Some daches prefer to do in the mini-collective farm site with a regular planting of various healthy vegetables and fruits, while having all the necessary products all the necessary products. Someone wants to just relax on a piece of nature, breathe ungubbed air or go to kebabs. But the rest is especially pleasant when the country's country is truly well maintained.

Beautiful decorative elements from plywood can make any giving the work of art and the weekend at the cottage will bring much more pleasure. Crafts from plywood and drinking from plywood (how to drink from plywood can be found here) - it's not so difficult. The main thing to have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe materials and tools.

Selection of material

The first and most important criterion of well-performed work is the right choice of material. The most common in this case plywood: its physical qualities are most suitable for drinking by the jigsaw. But there are several varieties of plywood that correspond to a certain type and scale of the future wooden product.

To better work with the physical properties of plywood, you need to understand how it is arranged from the inside. Plywood sheets are made of veneer wheels (from 0.5 to 1.5 mm thick), which is manufactured by cutting a thin layer from a wooden array in various ways (brushing, planing or sawing). The most natural and most durable material is a natural veneer, made by planing or sawing. Plywood itself is done by gluing several veneers in cross-order (along and across the fibers) factory or manually. Very durable material available in many building markets and possessing excellent qualities both for making crafts and economic work. The only thing that should not be allowed - the revenues of moisture. There is a great set of plywood species: painted, with substrates from other materials, from a brown tree, from a solid cut (or rather, a spike), etc. The thickness sheet is usually 0.5-2 cm.

If the work is large-scale, with large elements, it is worth taking a thick, multilayer Phaneur. If the miniature details are to be cut, then a thin sheet of plywood is suitable here. But in any case, the material must correspond to a number of requirements, paying attention to which you can correctly choose a good product:

  • Veneer color. It must fit the style and character of the future product. You can close your eyes to the inhomogeneity of the color of the source material only if the varnishing or painting is applied at the end of the work.
  • Sheet thickness optimality. As previously noted, each work requires their material parameters. And for the volume and greater artistic effect, it is possible to apply when working on one product to the phaneer of different thicknesses (if the object is typed).
  • Specific material moisture. Very important criterion for maintaining the performance of the jigsaw (or rather, reducing the frequency of replacement of removable pylons) and simplify working with wood. Before starting drinking it is best to dry out the material so that it becomes "sufficiency."
  • All works that are more difficult than simple linear figures better do from plywood 1-2 varieties: so you will relieve yourself from extra unpleasant moments in the form of cracking or vice versa, excessive flexibility of material when drinking.
  • Better when buying carefully select and inspect each sheet, because such small flaws, as barely noticeable spots or bitch cuts are invisible only on the sheet, but on the finished work they can rush into the eyes.
  • Also, it is advisable to take sheets without cavities or holes filled with a resin, avoiding bundles or poor-quality sizing layers.

In addition to the basis of the product, there are a number of products that will improve the appearance of your work from the tree and will prolong its life. This is especially important when the plywood figurine is subjected to weather tests, standing in the sun and under the influence of moisture at the cottage. There are several ways to ultimately: staining, filling (impregnation of varnish or paint), lamination, etc. Usually, 1-2 layers of paint and varnish plants are enough to create protection at plywood crafts.

You can also cover the product with an ornament or pattern. To do this, you can use various types of paints: acrylic, gouache, watercolor. The basic condition for painting: Before the beginning of the Fanoire, pollute and primed acrylic varnish or even PVA - thus its decorative qualities will be much better.

Choosing a tool to work with plywood

Tools for drinking products from plywood are both manual (manual jigsaw, manual drill, screwdrivers) and electric (electrolovik, tape saw, electric drill). What is necessary to stock before starting work with plywood:

  1. Two types of logs: electric and manual. In such a form of needlework, this is 2 mandatory tools that are not always interchangeable;
  2. A set of pylons of various thicknesses: the peking will be fascinated and sometimes breaking, so superfluous will never hurt;
  3. Files for grinding and imparting edges;
  4. Various household instruments: hammer, pliers, screwdriver set, seer (for working with parts and assembly of the finished product);
  5. Manual drill and drills of different sizes to it;
  6. Pencil, coal or chalk, depending on the more convenient to work for drawing.
  7. Copy paper for drawing, if there is no possibility to draw manually;
  8. Emery paper for finite grinding products.

Also, it is important to equip a place for comfortable work with tools. For drinking, there are specialized workbenches, but you can do without it, if there is a table on which it is convenient to place the electroltrol bike and other tools. But it is better to equip the table with an extra platform for the machine: mostly, this is a format piece of timber attached to the table, which will serve as a platform and a lock for the jig.

Electrolovik is often used for more rough parts: small and technically complex elements are better cut by manually. The ribbon saw is generally applicable mainly for thick sheets, elements of which are often large: the power of the saw is even higher than that of the electric batch, therefore, for artistic purposes it is used very rarely.

Drill or seer is used to drive holes and small parts that do not do with a jigsaw. A thin drill can also be a rounded curls and other curly elements.

There are 3 types of pylons that are the main work element of the jigsaw:

  • With small cloth and thin ribbon;
  • With large cloths and thick ribbon;
  • Twin toothpalk.

For inexperienced masters, the second option is suitable, since it is easy to use and contributes to the rapid development of agility in drinking, so-called. "Packing" hands. Unlike a filling with a large teeth, a hat with a thin ribbon exists for small parts and it is much more difficult for it to manage. In the hands of a beginner, it can easily break, because without experience in working with complex details it is impossible to feel the power of the tension of the peel. When buying, you need to pay attention to the quality of the teeth and the strength of the blade: a good pedel is light free.

Technology performing work

Before starting drinking, you prepare the necessary materials and tools. Check the quality of plywood. If it satisfies your task - you can begin to grind its surface before drinking the coarse-grained and fine-grained emery paper.

After the sketch is made or translate the drawing drawing to the material (the sketch is better to do so that it is necessary to cut down less than the fibers). It is advisable to make the drawing gently, without lubricating the items, as it will be more difficult to cut them down.

According to the drawing, the holes are made by a shell or a drill in those places where the pubsik will begin to begin. Try to plan and drill all holes in the plywood in advance, since after the start of drinking, the leaf can crack under the drill. Before drinking figured parts, it is worth practicing in the technique on simple objects.

In the process of work, the jigsik (pink) is directed from top to bottom, so it is important to secure the blade correctly so that the cutting part is pointing down. It is also important to correct the blade correctly before the start of work so that the tension is present in the tape. But it is not necessary to leave it in such a state after the end of work, just as you should not leave the Pillet stuck in the product - so it can easily break.

When working behind the machine, be prepared to constantly change the position of the workpiece: make several propilov in 1 hole, thus giving the possibility of free rotation of the product around the blade.

If the tool when drinking disappeared from the picture, try to free the blade, giving a beaker free space and adjust the direction.

At the end of the work, all the edges are brought to a smooth condition with a file and polished by sandpaper - now the product is ready to cover with paint and varnishes. Here you will need a brush for varnish or glue PVA. Cover the product is preferably 1-2 layers. If in the future it is planned to apply painting on the phaneer, it is better to cover in 1 layer.

Drawings and drawings of plywood crafts for dacha decoration

Here are examples of some works from plywood for giving, performed by drinking pubic. Thanks to him, the garden and cottage as a whole looks well maintained, which inspires to create their own masterpiece. To create your work, a little enough practice and fantasy.

And several examples of the drawings will help you decide exactly how you can decorate your garden at the cottage:

(17 estimates, average: 4,24 out of 5)

By asking the question, whatever such seek to take free time, it is worth trying to drink. With minimal cost, get a maximum of pleasure and add a house or a cottage, it becomes possible to make unique original souvenirs as a gift to relatives and loved ones and all this with your own hands.

A person who gained such a gift will be very nice, because the main thing is that you spent your time and made it from the bottom of my heart. What will come in handy in this passion?

Material and tools for drinking from plywood

Before taking on to perform work, you need to decide what you need?

First of all, this is the material. In this case, the plywood - the material made of several layers of wood veneer (the minimum amount of layers is 3), whipped or bonded by synthetic composition, so that each new layer is perpendicular. The sheet thickness depends on the number of layers.

When choosing, you need to consider several parts:

  • unlocked plywood (NSH);
  • plywood polished on one side (sh1);
  • Plywood polished on both sides (sh2).

If there is no possibility to process the case in the future, then you should take the phaneer of the species sh1 or sh2, this will allow to save time to achieve the desired result.

The next step is the tool for performing the work of work or crafts.

Tools to perform ideas

In the course of performing the crafts, you may need it:

Everything necessary was listed above, so what can be done from plywood?

Plywood and crafts from it

A large number of things can be made with your own hands. In this case, plywood is taken as the basis, this is an incomplete list of products:

Ideas for crafts

It all depends on your desire and taste, any picture coloring is perfectly suitable as a template, imagine that you do appliqué, only instead of paper other material (plywood).

We take any picture that I liked (with due skills and fantasy, you can draw yourself), transfer it to a plywood sheet and with the help of drinking over the projected circuit give it the desired form. And there to polish, bring to the mind processing and you can proceed to painting or smear something interesting and covered with varnish. Ready, beauty to the plot!

For prefabricated work, you will have to look for drawings on the Internet, for example, a drawing of the casket.

And in detail:

Lartz walls in the corners to join the castle.

Following this scheme, you can collect a wonderful casket.

Another variants of templates and drawings of various products and figures from plywood can be found on the Internet. In stores sell special sets of volumetric figures, excellent lesson for the child and adult!