Repairs Design Furniture

YouTube is like a glass tube of division. Trimming glass tubes of different diameters. Exotic, vintage method - cut out from a bottle "Spiral"

Cutting of glass tubes, sticks, bottles, billets and flat glass - one of the most common operations with laboratory and glass-flowing works. In most cases, it precedes all glass-flow operations. Only the correctly sliced \u200b\u200btube is suitable for further processing (spike tubes, mourning tubes, spikes of processes, etc.). The end of a properly cut tube in the section should be, strictly perpendicular to its length, not to have jar or fibrousness, as well as short cracks located at a low angle to the place of the cut. Depending on the diameter of the tube or billet, various methods of cutting are used.

Fig. 27. Cutting tubes on a break

Cutting tubes on a break. This method is cutting the tubes with a diameter of 20-23 mm and glass sticks. In this case, the glass tube is put on the edge of the table and the left hand hold it protruding. In the simplest case, the tube is simply clamped in the left hand. The knife (cutter) is taken in the right hand (cutter) from a solid alloy or a sharp file with a shallow notch. Putting a cutter or a file on the tube in the intended place is strictly perpendicular to the length, the left hand rotates the tube for itself by about a quarter of diameter (Fig. 27, a). To reduce the surface tension at the site of the end, the tube can be moistened with water or soap solution.

Noise can be done by another method. With the right hand (the tube is clamped in the left hand) put a knife on the tube and with a small pressure from ourselves, they make a scratch, then fuse the knife back up, not taking it from the tube, and down again. At the same time, a smooth incision is formed equal to a quarter of the tube diameter. Noise can be done otherwise, putting one end of the tube on the right knee and pressing the other end with the left hand to the left foot.

Glassware for applying a label often use the following reception. A glass tube to be cut is tightly wrapped with her left hand, holding it between large and index fingers. The right hand take a cutter or a file (Fig. 27, b). The pillow of the thumb with the right hand should be resting in a sharp edge of the file. Then the tube is tightly clamped between the sharp edge of the file and the thumb and make a small turn: the right hand is on itself, and the left - from itself, causing a slot to the surface of the tube.

Beginners study cutting glass This technique should be applied with great care, since with a strong nagged tube, especially thin-walled, can crash and damage the hand. After applying the tag, the tube takes in both hands by the label; Up so that the label is at the same distance from the right and left hands, and smoothly, stretching the tube in different directions, break it (Fig. 27, B). If the tube does not break, make a re-one of the specified methods on the old label and pour again. To reduce surface tension, the slot label is wetted with water. The tube, it breaks easier. While students acquire a certain skill in cutting tubes, this operation should be carried out by turning hands with a towel or cloth to avoid cuts. When cutting, glass sticks break with a sharp movement so that burrs do not form at the ends.

If you need to cut off the tube not far from its end, use the next reception. On the tube cutter make a deep incision, put the tube on the edge of the ribs of the metal prism or on the edge of the triangular file tag up. It is necessary to ensure that the scratch applied to the glass accounted for precisely against the acute edge of the prism. Then a slight blow of a knife or a file for a short end is achieved by its cut.

Glass wands can be cut in the same way by putting a stick with a short end at the corner of the table.

This is an article about how we checked different ways of cutting glass tubes.

Actually, the manufacture of pipettes is reduced to two operations:

  • Cutting long glass tubes per 70 mm pieces.
  • Mailing edges of segments, one edge - to obtain a dosing hole, and the other - to smooth the sharp edges of the glass.

With melting tubes there were no questions. We have the richest experience in developing equipment. But with a sharp glass tubes, we collided for the first time.

First of all, looked on the Internet "How to cut off the glass tube." The most common way looks like this:

  • In a place where you need to cut the phone, make a little laid with diamond nadfyl.
  • Take a tube on both sides and grasp it, stretching on the sides.

There are still ways to warm the glass and sharp cooling. Some not very technological ways.


  • Inscribed with diamond supfil tube.
  • They put on the edge of the table, so that the place inspired a little on the table.
  • Pliced \u200b\u200bpart of the tube to the table.
  • Patent to the protruding part.
  • A piece of tube was easily broken.

The edge turned out to be smooth. Tried different options for incisions. It was found out that when lambing, the edge of the glass is flat, if the incision is quite deep or long around the perimeter of the tube.

We decided to make a long incision around the perimeter of diamond glass cutter. Made a layout of devices for this principle.

A diamond for glass cutter was used as a cutting element, the resource of which is at least 500,000 cuts according to the manufacturer's statements. The cutting unit is a consumable material, easily replaced by the service personnel, with a cost of not more than 600 rubles.

At this stage, a simplified layout was assembled. The rotation of the disk of the cutting mechanism was carried out manually. In the future, this will make a stepping motor with control from. There was also no electromagnet of clamping, tube feed rollers and a stop stop sensor.

During testing, the following operations occurred.

The cutting mechanism disk through the cable into manual turned 180 °. There was an incisive glass tube.

The tube put forward forward so that the incision hit the edge.

A vertical press of the hand is broken out.

500 pieces were held.

The quality of cuts was simply wonderful.

We even developed a node of the cuts of the tubes for this principle and installed it on the machine.

When they began to experience a mechanism in combat mode, revealed flaws.

  • The disk turned out to be inertial. Especially exacerbated this problem heavy electromagnet (black cylinder). To rotate the disc 180 ° and back, it was required considerable time even with a powerful step motor.
  • A sharp stop of such an inertial mechanism caused an unpleasant knock and vibration.
  • It was very difficult to set a diamond, to fall on his cutting edge.
  • As a result - low performance and reliating.

Then they did a lot easier and technologically. I wrote began to make a diamond disk.

The disk lowered, made a shallow incision, about 0.5 mm. Then the tube went to the bowing knot, the outcropped piece was laid out and fell into the bunker.

The cutting knot was very successful. And too. For this principle, various equipment for cutting glass tubes can be created. Equipment small size, reliable, productive, cheap.

Those. Perfect equipment for small businesses.

There are several simple ways how to crop the neck of a glass bottle. You ask, why do you need it? From a beautiful circumcised bottle, a cool glass can be made, a vase for colors or a stand for different little things. But, before proceeding with the cutting of beautiful bottles, I still recommend to practice on ordinary beers, as you need experience and some skill in this matter: exactly it does not always work the first time.

So, I will tell you the most simple ways to cut the neck from a glass bottle.

Method 1 - Use glass cutter

It takes glass cutter. You can use the factory model or make yourself. The design of the homemade device may be different: the main thing is that the bottle and the cutting element are securely fixed, but the bottle is freely rotated.

Important! With a slit, you need to do one passage: it will provide the most smooth edge.
Next, you need to prepare hot (boiling water) and cold (you can with ice) water. On the line of the cut, shed first hot water so that the glass is well warmed.

After that, we just jump on a bottle with cold water.

From the temperature cut, the glass should be broken down along the pre-cut line. If this did not happen, the procedure must be repeated (hollow first hot and then cold water).

Method 2 - Flame Candle

For this method, the candle and a piece of ice will be required (you can use a container with very cold water). To split the neck, on the bottle, the marker is carried out with a flat line, according to which the glass is well warmed over the candle.

Then the cut line is cooled with ice, after which the glass splits with a slight tapping.

Method 3 - Nargev from friction

Another way to split the bottle of tinsel is to use the heating of the glass due to the friction force. For this, two plastic ties that serve as limiters are put on the bottle. There are three turns of twine between them, after which the twine for loose ends begins to move forward / backward.

After 2-3 minutes, when the glass is sufficient, the bottle is placed in cold water, and with a slight tapping, it turns off along the heating line.

If there is a small incision before friction on the bottle with glass cutter, it is not necessary to use cold water: the glass will crack when heated independently.

Method 4 - Installation with Pokal Thread

For this method, a transformer will be required, for example, with a microwave oven with a secondary winding, instead of which three power cable turns are installed.
The free ends of the wire closes through a thick wire. Stand (base) should be heat-resistant and dielectric.

The next step is to connect the transformer to the electrical network. When the transformer is turned on, the thread is increasing: a bottle is applied to it and gradually rotates. When warming up the glass of the neck along the warming line is disconnected, so it is necessary to ensure that the heating is uniform and one line.

Method 5 - Burning Rope

For this method, natural twine and a bit of purified gasoline for lighters will be required. A piece of beeps is cut down the length required for turnover around the bottle at least 3 times. Then this segment of the twine is soaked in gasoline so that it is completely soaked.

Washed in gasoline, the twine is wound on the bottle in the place where it is necessary to produce chips and ignite.

When gasoline is almost fascinated, the bottle is lowered into cold water, where the glass is bursting along the heating line from the temperature difference.

Method 6 - We use specialized equipment

This method is to use the tile cutting machine. Diamond disk is good and smoothly cuts thick glass. It is recommended to work in gloves, protective mask and glasses, as glass dust is very dangerous. The advantage of using a cutter is the ability to cut a bottle into small washers, which is not available at other ways.
Tree work and glass Cherryman Natalya Gavrilovna

Trimming glass tubes of different diameters

When it is necessary to cut such a product like a glass tube, come in the following way.

In the place of the required separation, the tube is applied with a file. In the event that the diameter of the tube is more than 1 cm, it is first necessary to make a break throughout the surface, that is, to form a smooth ring. On glass tubes of a smaller diameter, it is enough to produce a linear slot. But to obtain a more even edge of the cut, it is also desirable to also douse the tube around. It is necessary to peer the processed tube carefully, putting on the hands of the mittens.

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To obtain an acute small flame, the inner tube is closer to the outlet of the cap 4 and amplify the air supply. Removing nozzle 5 from the outlet, you can get a highly noisy high-temperature flame 8.

When Ignoring the solder burner, first of all, the gas valve opens, gas is ignited and then the air supply is incorporated.

If there is no laboratory blower, the household vacuum cleaner is used instead, inserting a rubber tube with a glass tube and a rubber hose in its outlet hole. Near the air crane 1 is placed a tee with a segment of a rubber tube, clamping a screw clip (see Fig. 37). This will allow to produce surplus air when working with a small blow.

If the laboratory has a network of compressed air, then the need for blowers, naturally, disappears.

Cutting glass tubes. To cut a glass tube with a diameter of no more than 12 mm, first in the selected location make an incision or scratch with a diamond, glass cutter or a triangular edge. Cut the tube throughout the perimeter is not necessary, one quarter of the circle is sufficient.

Multiple inscription is inappropriate, as it only weakens the action of the first end. Then take the tube with both hands as indicated in Figure 1, b. The energetic flexion of the tube to the side opposite to the cut, and its simultaneous stretching causes a spark on the circle. It is recommended to pre-wet the place with a water with water or an aqueous soap. In this case, the glass is lighter, and the edges of the fault are smoother. If a file is used to apply scratches, then the tube should not be cut in place, but to make only scratch.

To cut the tubes with a diameter of more than 15 mm, they apply a scratch throughout the circumference of the tube, and then the rolled steel with iron wire with a thickness of about 3 mm and bent in the form of a semicircle droop the tube along the scratch. In this case, a deep crack is almost always formed under the scratch, and the tube is easily breaking. If the crack is not formed, then the tube, removing from the wire, is rapidly cooled, strongly making a heated part or sending a jet of air to it. It is more convenient to fix iron wire in a tripod, roll over, and then, putting a handset with an applied scratch on it, slowly rotate it along an incision. After some time, the tube is cleaned.

Sometimes a tube with a diameter of 20-25 mm is caught in the same way as a tube with a diameter of less than 15 mm, but they are broken by hand, but putting it on the edge of the table, and the incision should be on top, and the sharp edge of the table is from below. One hand hold the end of the tube lying on the table, the other takes the second end of it and, at the same time pulling away and flexing, break the tube.

Some chemists prefer another intake of the fear of the outbreaks. Two asbestos cords of the same length are wetted with water and wind up the tube on both sides at the same distance (4-5 mm) from the location of the circular climb, by observing the parallelism between the cords, otherwise the incision will be uneven. Then a sharp flame 7 of the solder burner is sent to the place (see Fig. 1, a) and the tube is evenly rotated in the flame before the formation of the ring crack. This method is cutting glass tubes of any diameter of glass of any heat resistance.

If there is a diamond saw in the laboratory, then it will replace all the above fixtures for cutting glass tubes.

Tolstone capillaries and glass sticks with a diameter of 3 to 10 mm with a conventional method on a break, if their length exceeds 50-100 mm. To cut off the capillary a small part of 10 mm in size and less, the capillary is put on

Fig. 2. Flexing a glass tube: A - Heating in the Flame "Lastochka Tail"; 6 - incorrectly bent tubes; B - Ways to close one end of the tube

one of the sharp faces of the prism (Fig. 1, c) cut up so that the edge is exactly under the cut. Then, holding the long part of the capillary by hand, they stick sharply with a knife for the part that you need to cut off. The capillary chips exactly by incision.

The cut edges of the tube melt in the flame burner or carefully cleaned

filed with a shallow notch. However, it is more convenient to drink edge with grinding. For this use the sandpaper or emery powder. A powder moistened with water, butter or glycerin is placed on a thick glass plate. The resulting tube in a vertical position is driven by circular motions along the plate and at the same time carefully pressed the tube to it. To obtain a smooth surface, the end of the tube is recreated with a thinner emery powder.

Flexing tubes. The tubes with a diameter of up to 30 mm bend on a gas burner with a wide flat flame, for which the "Lastochka tail" nozzle is put on the gas burner (Fig. 2, a). The tube is heated in such a flame throughout its width, rotating evenly at a speed of about one turn in 2 s. After softening the tube bends outside the flame up. Before flexing the tube stop rotating in the flame and heated only the bottom of the softened glass. In this case, some glass stalks down into the heated zone - the future outer side of the bend. This most increase the thickness of the walls of the outside of the angle. It is not recommended to bend a strongly softened tube, since a fold is formed in the bend (Fig. 2, b). To avoid irregularities in the scene, one end of the tube before heating is closed with a piece of asbestos wool or a rubber tube with a glass stick (Fig. 2, B). When flexing into open end, the tube is not blown too much

air. The dents from the inside of the angle are eliminated, the internal part of the tube again, imagining and aligning it, and should not be softened by the outer side of the angle.

For the manufacture of U-shaped tubes with a diameter of up to 20 mm, the tube is heated by a soft wide flame, constantly rotating and squeezing the glass in length somewhat greater than when flexing at an angle. Having obtained thickened walls, stop rotation and, bending a little tube under a stupid angle, heated the lower part of the thickened glass. Then the tube is removed from the flame and bend to the preparation of the U-shaped shape, while holding a heated part down. After bending, immediately swell the softened part to the diameter equal to the diameter of the source tube. If the inner part of the U-shaped tube turned out to be not completely even, then align it on a narrow flame burner, pondering and besieging.

In the process of work, the place of bend sometimes begins to curly (unqualcing). Then in the flame of the burner make a piece of asbestos wool, attached to the iron wire and impregnated with a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride. The flame acquires a bright yellow color and a pair of NaCl, hitting the turntable tube, forms a slightly melting glass on its surface, stopping the disclosure. Therefore, a glass with aqueous sodium chloride solution and a piece of asbestos wool on a wire should always be at hand.

Bending a hot tube must be shocked in a luminous burner flame and put on asbestos cardboard, protecting it from a draft.

Pulling the tubes and obtaining capillaries is carried out by heating the tube in the desired place with its continuous rotation before softening. If you need to get a capillary, then the tube is removed from the flame and slowly stretches with both hands. Depending on the degree of softening and stretching speed, capillaries are obtained with different wall thickness and diameter. The longer the heated part of the tube, the greater the sharp cone it turns out when stretching and, on the contrary, it should be heated on a sharp burner flame (see Fig. 1, a). When the tube is cooled, it is cut in the right place and pay. For the first time, working with glass is recommended when stretching the tube to keep it vertically, then there will be no danger that the capillary will bend.

Seating the end of the tube. To be seized, first pull the end of the tube and the resulting capillary 1 is cut (Fig. 3, a). Then again heated the resulting end of the tube with a sharp flame of the burner, rotating the tube, and without removing it from the flame, they melt the tube's cone is possible closer to its end (position 2).

Fig. 3. Seating the end of the tube (a), the connection of the tubes (b) and blowing the ball (B)

After that, the end of the tube is heated in the noise flame (see Fig. 1, O) and to eliminate the thickening at its end carefully, only with the help of the cheeks, blown into the tube. The air will not turn out the correct rounded end (position 3 and 4 in Fig. 3 , but). To blow the air is needed at the moment when the glass is still soft enough and is inflating.

If the walled end does not break, but it remains thickening (position 3), it can burst when cooled or then after a while.

Connection tubes. Only the tubes of a close chemical composition can be soldered with an approximately the same volumetric extension coefficient and the same softening temperature. Otherwise, the tube cannot be soldered well or when cooled, they again disintegrate in the spike place. All glass tubes before soldering must be thoroughly washed and sucked. Contaminated tubes should be cut off.

To connect, two tubes of one diameter with smoothly cropped ends melted in the burner flame simultaneously (position 2, Fig. 3, b). The second end of the tube, which is kept in the left hand, should be closed by a plug or asbestos tampon. Once the ends of the tubes after softening begin to be drought, they are removed from the flame, carefully connect so that they constitute a straight line and press each other - then the location is heated on a sharp flame and type the glass (thicken the wall) (position 3), after which The location of the compound is slightly inflated by 3-5 mm larger diameter of the source tubes (position 4). This operation is carried out in order to align as far as possible, the wall thickness.