Repairs Design Furniture

Registration of arched opening in the apartment. Decorative decoration arches in the apartment with your own hands: species and design options. Stock Foto Beautiful decor arches in the apartment

Enlarge visually space in the apartment can be using the arch. The absence of the door and the expansion of the opening make the room more and lighter. That is why in most modern apartments you can find a wide variety of arched openings.

Ways to finish arched opening

The arch is comfortable and very beautiful. In addition, it can be separated by the most different materials, which allows the owner of the apartment to apply all its imagination to obtain a better result.

Tips How to make a plasterboard arch in a video:

Among the most common options for the design of arched openings, you can allocate such:

Stowing wallpaper. This is the most economical and easy way to finish. Moreover, a wide range of drawings and patterns, as well as the presence of interesting textured wallpaper, allows you to create a unique framing of the arched opening corresponding to the style of the main room.

If the Arch decoration is performed directly by the owner of the apartment, without the help of specialists, then for this it will need such tools: wallpaper and glue for them, brush, scissors, pencil and line.

The process itself is at least a person far from repair work. Wallpaper sticking is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, glue is mixed according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Next passes the first strip on the wall near the arch.
  3. The next part of the wallpaper is glued with an arched opening. Excessive paper is cut, leave 25 mm of battery.
  4. Now the allowance is cut with an interval of 2-3 cm and is cooled to the slope. With the help of the brush, it must be tightly pressing the plane covered. The same is done on the other side of the arch.
  5. Now the wallpaper is glued on the arched arch and side walls of the opening in the usual way.

Application of decorative stone. This option is truly great, it will decorate any interior.

You can use both artificial material and natural stone. Outwardly, both of these methods look almost the same - elegant and expensive. The difference is in price and in the complexity of editing.

The wild stone has a higher cost and greater weight, which makes it difficult to lay it. Artificial material is quite accessible, and its installation will be completely simple.

Correct the decorative stone on arched opening can be in a few steps:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare the surface, make it somewhat uneven with the help of notches, for example.
  2. Next, the adhesive composition of cement, glue, sand and lime is mixed.
  3. The laying of the first row begins at the junction of the arch and walls. The first stone in the second strip should be over the corner on the thickness of the tile.
  4. The stone laid on the rounded part of the arch should neatly trim with a sharp knife and pliers (a knife is made with a knife, and the pliers are cleaned too much). Survegencies smoothed by sandpaper.
  5. A day after the surface of the whole surface, it is necessary to sweep the seams. This is done by means of a rubber spatula.

Decorative stone usually make out not only the arch itself, but also part of the adjacent wall. This technique will give the room of exquisite chic and coziness. Another photo and information about it - in.

Stucco finish. This is a simple and inexpensive way to make arched opening in interesting and original.

With the help of plaster on the surface, you can perform a wide variety of embossed drawings and apply any colors.

  1. Finishing applies as follows:
  2. First, the first layer of plaster for aligning the surface of the arch is stacked.
  3. Next, the surface is ground.
  4. Now you can apply another layer of plaster and form the relief and the desired texture on it. Sometimes several layers of material are used.
  5. After drying the surface (approximately after a day), the arch can be painted and rubbed.

Arch decoration - space for designer fantasies

Other ways: tile or mosaic. To the popular options for them, of course, do not attribute, but still it is worth mentioning. The army finishes with a mosaic or tile - the process is quite time-consuming and not cheap, only a specialist can cope with him. And the result does not look particularly impressive. Therefore, such design is rarely used.

Make an arch truly unique helped the non-standard ideas of the owner of an apartment or designer. Well, inspiration, of course.

Arch and different interior styles

It is almost impossible to imagine an apartment made in a certain design or a house without applying drywall. And where is the plasterboard, there are arches.

There are some features of the decoration of arched openings for different interiors:

  • The classic design of the room involves the presence of the same traditional semicircular arch. Its radius should be equal to half the width of the doorway. No extra turns, bends, etc., only the elegant smoothness of lines.

The classic-style arches decoration provides for the use of natural wood. This method will make the room even more luxurious and attractive. It is also possible to use polyurethane moldings in color suitable for a common range of rooms.

By the way, glass framugues, which are made from both ordinary glass and mosaic are often used in this style.

  • The modern room in the style of High-tech requires a minimum of finishes and fantasies in the decoration of the arched opening. In such an interior, the arches are rarely used, but with its correct implementation and design, it will become a faithful ally and will emphasize the modern spirit of the room.

In this case, it is very easy to separate the arch in this case - it is necessary to just paint in the color of the walls and everything.

Since High-Tech style assumes the use of smooth metal objects and surfaces, glasses and mirrors, then the arch can be equipped with built-in lamps or decorate with modern stylish accessories. More about the style of high-tech - by.

But the arch is preferably made not just a semicircular, but give her an asymmetrical shape with strict outlines.

  • Modern premises are perfectly combined with arched openings (on our website). However, the arch should have concrete features - a rather large width and a clear transition from the rounded part to a straight line. The opening is very similar to the classic, but it is more strict and elegant.

You can arrange arched opening in this style with the help of a tree or artificial materials similar to it. Finishing assumes both simple lines and presence of non-standard forms, bends, cuts, etc.

At the moment, due to the abundance of finishing materials, the question arises about what the arch is separated. There are many options for performing such an unusual design.

Materials that are used for decoration arches

Before you choose, what can be separated by the arch in the apartment, you need to determine from what it is manufactured.

Consider this option. Read more:

  • Currently, a common option for the manufacture of the arch is plasterboard.
  • Use it for this special look - arched GLK.
  • It has a perforated surface.

Note. If you need to give the material a certain form, then it is wetted with water and for some time they are put on some subject. It bends and dries.

  • Fasten it on a pre-constructed profile frame made of metal.
  • The sheets are mounted at it using self-sufficiency.

Council.Do not be too tightening the screws to the gypsum dough that is not damaged between the sheets of pressed cardboard. It is rather fragile.

The arch is divided into ends and corners. These two components can be decorated in the same way or differently. It all depends on the interior design (see Decorative Arch).

How to separate the arch in the apartment:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Artificial stone (see Potion of Arches by Tree, Classic Interior).
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Simple coloring.

Council.To the arch look original, it is quite common to place various decorative lighting devices.

To do this, the wiring is initially paired so that the arch can be turned on and off autonomously.

Wallpaper in arches

To date, such a material has a huge selection of wallpapers that are suitable for the design of the arched opening (see the arch of the arch mosaic, design options).

Wallpaper can be:

  • Paper.
  • Fliseline.
  • Vinyl.
  • Silkography.
  • Waterproof and others.

All of them look original on any surface, only have their own limited life and methods of surface care.

Note. Cut the arch with wallpaper - economical option. Especially if simple paper wallpapers are used for this.

For the surveillance, the arch will need:

  • Special glue that matches the type of wallpaper.
  • Foam roller for aligning the surface.
  • Simple pencil and ruler for cutting sizes on a roll.
  • Dry rag for wiping excess glue so that it does not drink the finish surface.
  • Roll cut scissors.
  • Stationery knife, if necessary, align the edges of the wallpaper on the corners of the arch.

Council.To watch the wallpaper original, thin fontoam plinths use on the surface of the arch. They are glued to the deceived wallpapers at the end of the finish with liquid nails or a white sealant.

Process of work:

  • If the arch is made of drywall, it will not be needed to level the surface.
  • You only need to handle the spacing of sheets of sheets if necessary.
  • It is necessary to brand the arch so that there is a good adhesion of glue with the surface.
  • From the roll of the wallpaper, a certain piece of slicer is cut and the glue is cleaned with the back.

Note. There are such wallpapers that after the injection moisture are capable of expanding in size. It must be taken into account in the work.

  • Wallpaper with glue should lie slightly. Let glue absorbed.
  • For greater confidence, the surface of the arch is missing.
  • After that, the wallpapers are attached to the arch and well with the help of dry vessels are glued.
  • Further on them is a foam roller, which is capable of efficiently to get rid of air bubbles.

Council.You can choose not only the bright shades of such a material for the arch. The arch with flowers and other pictures looks rather original.

If the arches are finished by other materials you can use the services of the repairmen, the wallpapers are easily pasted onto their own hands. You only need to smoke well.

Note. For high-quality sizing joints, a cash tape is used, which is preheated to the surface. She keeps the edges of the roll.

How to arrange the arch with the help of ordinary paint?

How to separate the arc from the plasterboard? Quite often for this use the most common paint:

  • At the moment there is a large assortment of this finishing agent.
  • There is a variety of shades, and you can use not only standard light colors for the arch.
  • Paint is applied only on the prepared surface.

Council.If the arch is made of drywall, it is covered with a thin layer of plaster and then ground.

Using paint is the easiest and fastest way to finish the design.

It will take:

  • Paint a certain shade.
  • Brushes and rollers with natural pile.

Note. For dyeing any surface, it is best to use a brush and roller only with a natural pile. They are capable of distributing paint on the surface evenly.

It is also worth considering that the price of this kind of facing is available. Most often for work use water-emulsion.

Artificial stone in decoration of arched construction

How to separate the corners of the arch? Quite often for such works use decorative stone:

  • It is made of acrylic or other substances.
  • The stone does not have a large mass and is quite simply mounted.
  • It is moisture-resistant and practical, does not require much special care.
  • If the arch is performed by paint or plaster, then finishing its corners with artificial stone will give uniqueness.

Stone stone with help:

  • Glue for decorative stone, which has white color.
  • Spathers.
  • Level if necessary.
  • Playcores for making a stone need size.

Council.For the trim, the arches are worth using thin tiles of artificial stone.

Decorative plaster for arch

Decorative plaster, this is an excellent option than to separate the front arches.

  • Deals its layer only on a plastered surface.
  • Also, the surface must be smooth.

At the moment there is a large assortment. Decorative plaster can be with threads and sequins, natural and artificial stone.

To apply it to the surface it will be necessary:

  • Two spatulas (big and small).
  • Construction level for smooth finishing surface.

Council.To mix decorative plaster mortar there is a special instruction. A dry powder is poured into the container, into which, when stirring, a certain amount of fluid is poured.

Process of work:

  • Immediately apply a small layer of plaster.
  • Give a little time to dry.

Note. The layers of such a means on the surface must be transparent, so that a homogeneous shade is obtained as a result of the overlapping of several layers.

  • The following layers are then applied.
  • Sanding paper in the works will not be required, as it can damage the surface of the decorative plaster (see Potion of the arc plug).

The arch turns out unusual color with different intersions. You can combine plaster with a decorative stone. This design of the design looks no less original. Watch the video on the topic how to arrange the arch.

When your apartment appears, I undoubtedly want to make it comfortable, comfortable and more. Currently, one way to increase visually your home is to create an archer instead of doors.

Different photos of the arches show how diverse they are and how much the appearance of the housing is changed. It is about how to make an arch with your own hands will be briefly described below.

Types of Arok.

The arch is an opening in a wall that does not have overlap in the form of a door. Their species differ only on the upper part, or rather, how the angles (straight, rounded or curly) are built.

In the modern world there are 7 species of arches:

  • classic;
  • "Modern";
  • "romance";
  • ellipse;
  • trapezium;
  • "portal";
  • half a day.

The first four species have rounded corners and differ only in the rounding form.

So the classic arch is a semicircle with a radius of half the width of the opening; "Modern" has a small radius of rounding angle; "Romance" and ellipse are similar among themselves and represent ordinary rounded corners.

Another thing is the trapezoid and portal. These two types use sharp corners. In the trapezium, the top is accordingly this figure, and the "portal" is the usual opening without a door.

However, even an unsuccessful "portal" can be made to catch with new paints, giving the supports of the columns in the ancient style (Greek or Roman).

The trapezium is although it is a rather unusual solution, but does not suit any style, therefore it is used much less and less than other options for the arches.

The last type is a half dine, as it is clear from the name represents 1 rounded and 1 straight angle. This kind of arch began to use recently, but he has already gained popularity.

What arch in the apartment to establish, decide for you, we will stay in more detail on the plasterboard arches, as the most convenient in the construction of the material.

Step-by-step instructions for creating arches

Choose the future form of the arch. It is important that she fit to the overall style of the premises, which will connect.

We spend the opening from the plaster and align it. It is simple - the cleaner the surface of the work, the more reliable the mount.

Krepim frame arch. The frame itself is constructed from the profile (you can from the tree bars).

On the frame attach the carved car rice carcart (one direction). To get the arch of the desired type, in the middle of the plasterboard base, make a hole under the nail. We bring the rope to it and we get a homemade cigl. Now changing the length of the rope, you can change the radius of rounding corners and their appearance.

We apply on the other side of the plasterboard and mark on it, as in the stencil, the arch, after which they drink and secure on the frame.

In no case can it be done on the floor, since the opening is usually asymmetrical, which is the most adversely affecting the accuracy of the markup "one to one".


The resulting arc measure and make a tape for fastening from the profile. After that, we attach the resulting ribbon to the arch of the arch on the self-tapping screw.

Install the jumpers. Their size is calculated simply: the depth of the arches is minus 1.5 centimeters, the material of the manufacture is a metal profile, less often a tree. We attach to the end of the opening sheet of plasterboard with self-draws.

We carry out finishing works (equalize the putty, we wash the possible holes, paint, or glue wallpaper).

Other ways to make the arch

You can also make an arch in the opening in two other ways. The difference between these ways to create an arch in attaching plasterboard.

In the second embodiment, it is attached to jumpers, not a whole sheet, and specially sliced \u200b\u200bwith pieces (set) with a special solution (water, putty plus PVA glue) and do it not to do not be honey, since the solution is frozen very quickly.


The third option provides wooden jumpers planted on glue. Plasterboard in the opening of jumpers are also glued.

How to bend plasterboard?

In addition, the question may arise: how to bend plasterboard? It is best for this thin cardboard (6 mm).

And there is at least 2 ways to bend it:
1 way - to ride a roller on cardboard to split the gypsum in it, soak in water and gradually screw to the tape screws.

2 ways to make cuts on drywall every 4-5 centimeters. When you attach to the end of the opening, the material at the location of the cuts will burst and better lay down to the surface of the wall.

We wish you good luck in the performance of work!

Stock Foto Arch do it yourself


Arches, as an architectural element known to people for a long time, but in our time they got a second life.

Modern designers who began to apply arches in the interior of residential premises were breathed in them.

With the help of the arches, you can exquisitely zonate the room. In addition, the arches themselves can become a spectacular decoration of the apartment.

Also, with the help of the arch, it is possible not only to divide the room on the zones, but also to combine two rooms, such as a living room with an entrance hall, or a dining room with a working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.

The most common reception to make the interior of the living room with an arch, which is combined with a living room with a balcony. The arch and studio apartments are appropriate, because with their help you can visually create visibility of free space.

Types of Arok.

Planning in its apartment to make the arch it is important to take into account the laws of geometry, so the active species of the arch due to its elegant forms visually expands the space, and the passive design of the arch in the interior always has a rigorous form, visually separating the space.

In addition, before proceeding with the installation of the Arch, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the material from which the walls are made.

Because when installing the arch will have to remove not only the doors and a box, but also part of the wall, as materials that are difficult to dismantle, such as concrete, will not allow you to install the arch.

Classic. The classic arch is universal, and most popular, because it looks great in the interior of any style, making it sophisticated and refined thanks to the softness of the arched construction lines, as in the photo arch in the interior.

Romanticism. This species of the arched opening is a pronounced arc shape, with its vertical part more smoothed, which is why it looks like a straight line, the side sides are rounded. This species of the arch will decorate the apartment, replacing a wide doorway.

Modern. This type of arch is in the form of a semicircle and thanks to its unusual form suitable for interiors of different stylistic solutions, making the room with stylish and elegant.

Rectangular arched opening. This version of the arch is the most economical, because it does not require the cost of disassembling walls, the door frame is simply removed, and the arch is mounted in its place.

This is the easiest and most affordable way to establish interroom archs in the interior of a standard apartment.

Glass arch. A glass design of transparent or matte glass will give the interior of refinement, suitable for the classic interior style and is simply indispensable in poorly lit rooms or indoors with a low ceiling.

Trapezium. This species of the arch is distinguished by an unusual design, which is usually established apartment decorated in exotic topics.

Ellipse. Usually, this type of arch has the form of the correct or incorrect ellipse, and is made of natural wood. Such an arch looks prestigious and expensive.

Individual form. Usually, under such arches, it means multifunctional arched opening with built-in shelves, in the form of broken lines.

Quite often used in small apartments, taking part of the functions of furniture or, if there are difficulties with dismantling walls, sometimes to close the protruding beams.


By establishing modern arches in the interior of its apartment, you must pay attention to the material from which they are made.

Wood. The most sought-after arches are a wooden arched structure, because they are durable, suitable for any stylistic solutions of the interior, the wooden arches with carvings are particularly spectacular. The price of a wooden arch depends on the tree breed, however, in any case, this is not the cheapest option.

Plasterboard. The plasterboard arches in the interior are the most practical, environmentally friendly, easy-to-install and inexpensive. In addition, drywall allows you to change the arches bending under the angle that you need.

Currently, arched designs made of drywall are very popular, due to the fact that there is an opportunity to establish additional backlight in them, which is very important for dark premises. In addition, drywall allows you to create additional niches or shelves in the arch, open and closed.

Styrofoam. This material refers to budget options is not complicated in installation, but it is not sufficiently durable.

Brick. Despite the fact that the creation of a brick arch in the interior of the apartment is quite complicated, it is worth it. Because in the end, you can get a highly artistic arched opening.

Stock Foto Arch design in interior

One of the options for creating at the same time original and practical interior can be recognized the design of the doorway in the form of a beautiful arch. Now it has become fashionable to combine the kitchen and a dining room, living room and a bedroom into a single room. Arched opening in this case combines rooms, but leaves some of the functional space some of the withdrawal. In rooms with a large corridors, corridors, kitchens, canteens, get rid of the door at all, because the households are annoying constantly open them, close, with a constantly open door, it becomes meaningless.

Varieties of Arok

The variety of designs of this element makes it possible to find a suitable option for placing any stylistry. Depending on the design idea, the arch of the structure takes various forms. Taking into account the appearance of Arches, there are such types of their types:

  • Classic. The most common, concise and harmonious in a large number of interiors. Have a semicircular arch without protrusions, suitable for spacious, high rooms.
  • Romantic. They have rectangular arches, and the corners are somewhat rounded. Usually used in wide interroom openings.
  • Portal. It has a concise square, rectangular shape, which eliminates unnecessary labor, but not applicable everywhere.
  • Modern or British. Intermediate form resembling classics and portal. The circle is smoothed, but you won't call rectangular. It looks good in the openings of those rooms where low ceilings.
  • Trapezium. The arch has a trapezoidal form.
  • Ellipse. Popular universal type of design, where the corners are rounded. The most popular type of construction for low spacious rooms. Combined with other species, columns.
  • Half and Thai. The arch asymmetry, the left and right side is made in different ways, combining the angle and roundabouts of the non-sensible radius in one design.
  • Turkish. Takes the beginning in the palaces and Harema Ottomans. It will require harmony with the whole interior, the presence of Mediterranean motifs in finishing and furnishing.
  • Gothic. It has a spectacular sharp arch, it is capable of being the center of the interior.
  • Arch Framuga. Its upper part is drawn up with plastic insert, glass. Stained glass windows, embossed parts are used.

About Decorative Stone

From popular materials that are used when designing arched openings It is worth highlighting plasterboard, wood, brick and stone finish. Each of the materials is complemented by a variety of decor elements. Decorating the arch emphasizes the stylistics of the room, helps to change the dimming, disguise some defects. The decoration of stucco, forging and thread is good in its own way, but the arch from the decorative stone is most effectively. There is no such designer idea, which could not be embodied with a stone.

When using artificial stone inside a house or apartment to its protective functions, significantly fewer requirements. But here it is better than other materials resisting mechanical damage, does not corrosive, is not subject to rotting. The word "decorative" should not scare lovers of natural: in the composition of the material cement, pumice, ceramisite, fillers are environmentally friendly, having volcanic origins, clay and slate derivatives. There are practically no shortcomings in raw materials.

Benefits Arch from stone

Listing the positive points of the arches in the apartment decorative stone, it is necessary to note the aesthetic and practical properties:

  1. Easy care. Special detergents will not be required, any, where there are no abrasives in the composition.
  2. Imitation does not have external differences with the original. Manufacturers have achieved complete resemblance. At the same time, the price and weight of the artificial stone is much more attractive. With it, it is separated by the walls of wooden houses, a mass of natural granite and marble, they would not stand.
  3. Special learning in order to repair with your own hands is not required. Arc facing can be done after the appropriate briefing, viewing the video on the topic.
  4. Material has many style options, under ancient, modern.
  5. Wide color gamut, problems choose to your interior will not be.

How to choose a decorative stone for arches

To begin with, it is evaluating the appointment of repaired premises in which it will be used as a finish. After calculating the required amount. For arched openings, narrow plates are more likely, which are easier to mount on curved vaults. It is better to purchase stones with water-repellent properties or after covering the water-repellent composition several times.

In order to calculate the desired amount of material, 5-10% add to the facing area. The material is saved using stone trimming in the corners and for additional fragments. Primers are taken at the calculation of two wall processing. The amount of glue is approximately 3 kg per 1 m2.

Before laying on the surface of packing with a stone, the contents are stirred. First, individual fragments of the future decoration are folded on the floor, selecting them on shades and size. Short combined with long, their location should look naturally. Inspect the tile on the back side, it should not be a foam layer, worsening adhesion. If there is, it is written with a metal brush.

Collecting stone

Some factors affect the color perception of facing. When choosing a material estimate its color at different times of the day, with natural and artificial lighting. At the southern and northern windows, on a cloudy and sunny day, samples will look different.

Pay attention to what the selected facing material will be adjacent: wallpaper, glass, decorative plaster. The texture and color of the products are selected in accordance, but not in one boring color.

The choice of color affects the history and style of the house. Some color may not go to style, spoil it. Sometimes chocolate is better black, and beige stones look better than gray. If color specks are present, contrasts, overflow shades, it will create a more beautiful surface.

What styles are arches from decorative stone

Styles sometimes coexist each other, sometimes one is born from the other. It affects war, fashion, crises. The use of decorative stone is different, depending on the stylistics of the room.


The rigor and proportionality, high-quality wood, silk are combined with refined trim. It must be non-tag, in a small amount. The most suitable monophonic decorative stone.


It is practically not found in pure form, but it has to deal with the elements. Stained glass windows, wrought elements are harmonized with a decorative stone. Door portals in a rough stone frame create "Castle" effect. It gives the impression of a part of the arch with the "losses", where the brick or solid-caliber stone masonry looks.


In a rich parade decor with bronze, crystal, bas-reliefs, the expressive texture of stone will play an important role. Arches are laying out relief fragments, framed by frames, friezes.


In the wealthy country house, there is a tree and decorative flat stone. Arches, lined with a stone, are harmoniously adjacent to the plastered walls.

African style

The arches are plated with a stone of warm and hot colors: spices, brown, copper. Masks and wooden tableware, skins are well combined with a red tree, a rosewood, a color-colored chicken.

Scandinavian style

The laconic northern interior will emphasize the light natural tones in the decoration. The ternary relief will look much more winning with multi-level lighting.


"Babushkina" Ancient furniture and exit from the room through an arc from the warded brick will be like lovers of romance.


Here, concrete, open beams of overlapping, metal and glass will be in harmony with a rough texture of the arched stone, whitewash and crawling paint. The uneven angle of the brick wall with peeling reinforcement will be fully appropriate.

Illumination and other ways to decorating arches

The visual expansion of the space is important to arrange correctly in order to result in an interesting object. One decorative stone only creates a sense of incompleteness. If the arch leading to the hallway or to the nursery is stylized under the entrance to the cave, tunnel, or an exotic lizard, an additional way to decorate, in this case, light and plants protrude. Without vegetation, it is difficult to create an arch, which will serve as a tunnel in the underwater world.

Luminaires embedded in arched opening do not spread the light on the room itself, which is comfortable at night. The backlight will add to the arched impement of mystery. It is not necessary to do without light here if the arch is a dragon head.

Color nuances and cliffs of stone require good lighting. For such purposes, stylish sheds hang, set LED backlight, depending on the specifics. The material is great combined with alive fusing plants, vine. Wide uncomfortable opening is bated with racks and shelves on the sides.

Finishing the arch do it yourself

To create a stone design in the house, a step-by-step instruction will be required, a list of materials, the presence of which they take care in advance.

Tools and materials

  1. Construction mixer for thorough mixing of glue. For lack, adapt drill.
  2. Level, roulette, cizyanka.
  3. The cutting machine is desirable.
  4. Capacity for glue.
  5. Paint brushes.
  6. Pencil, sandpaper.
  7. Metal brush.
  8. Syringe for grouting, grout.
  9. Spatula or blade, sponge.
  10. Wedges of wood or plastic.
  11. Hydropobizer. Unlike waterproofing, give the stone to "breathe."
  12. Primer, glue, stone itself.

Cooking surface

This stage passes traditionally: remove the remains of the previous coating, smooth irregularities using sandpaper, then they are covered, using primer. The primer is chosen according to the material of the walls.

If the walls are concrete, monolith, a special adhesive soil is applied. When working in a hot or too wet, the tile of tiles are wetted. Moisture-resistant GKL after the primer dry well.

We cook for stacking stone

The styling material is once again revised. In accordance with the markup, the finishing stone is cut properly. Working out the sketch, take into account the laying method: jack or with the formation of the seam. Pruning is made using a machine, giving products an arcuate look. If necessary, the opposite side is purified by a metal brush.

When using a hand saw, you need to be neat. Excessive efforts during cutting lead to the fact that the stone breaks through unforeseen lines.