Repairs Design Furniture

Fountain in the garden with their own hands - manufacturing technology. How to make a fountain at home? Decorative indoor fountain with her hands how to make a fountain from a well

This article is about how to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. We have to decide on what equipment is needed for its arrangement; acquire everything you need; Finally, all devices and materials will need to combine in a solid composition with attractive design. So, on the road.

Successful Success

Obviously, to make a fountain of the flower - too wasteful: drinking water It is estimated, and its disposal is the easiest and most obvious way to mean the abundance of dirt and puddle on the site. Our choice is a closed system, the recirculation in which is provided by the pump.

What do you need for her organization?

  1. Capacity. It should be large enough to not require frequent renewal of the stock of water: the main problem of mini-fountains - precisely the fact that due to evaporation and spray miniature ponds rapidly merge.
  2. Playground around the tankproviding the absence of puddle into windy weather.

Note: the site should have a small bias towards the center.
In this case, the water demolished by the wind jet will be properly returned to recycling.

  1. Power supply. Powerful pumps are powered from 220 volts, so that for their connection only to ensure the sealing of cable connections and its protection against mechanical damage. For minor performance devices, you may need a 12 volt converter direct current at the exit.
  2. Actually pump. Technically, nothing prevents the use of any drainage; However, specialized devices look more preferable - the benefit of their price begins from a thousand with a small rubles.
  3. Decorative decoration. In most cases, the fountain is drawn up natural stone - laid on the bottom and in a circle of tanks with boulders; However, the fantasy reader may well tell him alternative solutions.

Gift - in the studio

You did not scare the front of work? For those who have a significant amount of work seems burdensome, the current market can offer ready decision, and quite inexpensive. Garden and country fountains from polystone are enough to install on a flat pad, pour water into the container and serve meals.

Probably unfamiliar term needs explanation. What is Polisterone?

The origin of the term is obvious: poly - from the "polymer", Stone - the transcription of the English-speaking "Stone" (stone).

The exact composition of the material is not widely access and is probably a commercial secret producer - the Chinese company Acrilica; However, since it is positioned as an acrylic stone, guess the main components are not difficult.

  • Aluminum trihydrate AL (OH) 3 (more precisely, white clay consisting of it is slightly less than completely).
  • Acrylic resin (in solid form more known as a plexiglass).
  • Mineral pigments that give artificial stone a view of natural.

Since our material is a typical thermoplastic that can be injected (as well as gluing, cutting and grinding), it is possible to make items made from it. complex form. What does it differ from natural stone?

The cost of products begins approximately from 1500 rubles.

Please note: many manufacturers supply the lowest price category without a configuration of the pump.

Purchases and their use

For those who resist the temptation and wants to build a country fountain with their own hands - will continue. As always, a big job begins with a hike shopping; In the process of discussing purchases, we will inevitably affect their use.


The most obvious solution is a small garden pond from polyvinyl chloride. These products are made of any shape and size; The typical color of the inner surface is black. The pond can be constant height or speed.

Plan "B" - the use of ordinary old bath. The release is stuck with a plug planted on the sealant; The inner surface is poisoning sAVELY OCHITISTA And paints any waterproof black paint.

Playground and drainage

Obviously, it is necessary to dig a small kitty for the container. Do not hurry, however, put it on the bottom: first you need to fall asleep with 10-15 centimeters of sand, dropping or small rubble.

What for?

  1. Running will provide drainage. After the rain, the container will not be immersed in liquid dirt.
  2. In addition, crushed stone and sand are non-empty soils. Freezing in the cold water will not squeeze the container to the surface.

Please note: the backstage is also better to perform sand or rubble.
Even more practical option - Floating with a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 5: In this case, the pond will be surrounded by a durable and rigid frame, preventing any external influences.

The bias to the container is easy; But how to make the surface of the soil is impenetrable for water?

The most obvious solution is the concreting site with the subsequent iron (the clutched concrete sprinkled with a dry cement). As an option - in the freshly owned concrete you can press flat stones by imitating the natural relief.


The power cable is laid at a small depth in metal plastic pipe diameter 16 mm. It has sufficient stiffness and on both sides - the outer and inner - is covered with a dielectric.

For low-voltage pumps in the house there is a low-power transformer for LED lighting systems. These devices are inexpensive, possess high efficiency and practically do not heat.

How to split the cable on a plot laid in the ground?

  1. Clean overall insulation and veins.
  2. We put on each of the heat shrinking tube. Another, larger cross section - the cable itself.
  3. Twisting or, which is better, we solder the cores and sedent the heat shrink on them with a hairdryer or lighter.
  4. We apply to a plot with stripped common isolation Some silicone sealant.
  5. We shift a thick heat shrink and warm it. The resulting connection is absolutely hermetically.


Our choice - submersible pump with an adjustable spray nozzle. The presence of a tee before the nozzle intended for the organization of the waterfall is welcome. Even if not included in your plans - the fountains device in the country implies their drainage for the winter; By connecting the hose to the mount, you can quickly drain the container.

In the photo - several pumps of different performance.

The main problem of selecting the pump is to choose its optimal performance. It is linearly connected with the alleged jet height; For that, in turn, the optimal value is the third of the cross section of the pond.

We give the interconnection table of the performance and height of the jet for domestic cascade pumps.

Please note: the height of the jet depends not only on performance, but also from the nozzle used.
Do not forget to explore the documentation before purchasing.

The pump is installed in the pond on a small elevation: in this case, it will not be clogged with the calf.


Decorative design - the question of personal preferences; To impose in this area its opinion is frankly ungrateful. We can only offer the reader somewhat interesting ideas.


We hope that the material suggested by the reader will help him decide how to build a fountain in the country. Successes!

The fountain is capable not only to embellish the appearance of the garden, but also gives the necessary freshness and cooling into a hot summer time. Buying a garden fountain is a pretty expensive process, so much cheaper to build it yourself. We will consider further about the versions and features of the facilities of fountains for the garden.

Garden Fountains: Submersible and Stationary

Construction of fountain on cottage plot Or in the garden has a number of advantages. Guests will be delighted to see him on the site. In addition, rest near the fountain will give the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, and the murder of water will save from stress.

There are two main types of fountains installed in the garden, this is:

  • submersible structures;
  • stationary fountains.

The first embodiment is established in the inside of the already existing or pre-constructed reservoir or a liquid reservoir. Among the main elements of this design should be allocated:

  • pump;
  • pipeline;
  • the nozzle defining the shape of the jet.

The appearance of such a fountain is similar to a stream, knocking out of the water.

The second version of the fountains is comparable to those constructions that are constantly observed in the squares or parks. Its appearance is more attractive and presentable. This type of fountain appears in the form of a certain type of figure, for example, bowls, dome or vases.

For finishing stationary fountains use fake diamond - Polymer concrete, which is characterized by high frost resistance.

Fountain in the garden with their own hands - manufacturing technology

This option of the construction of a garden fountain does not require special cash investments and a large number of strength and time for its arrangement. All materials are available and simple. Before its manufacture should decide on the construction site of the construction. It is preferable to choose the surface open from the trees so that the fountain is well examined on all sides.

To make homemade fountain For the garden it will be necessary:

  • an acrylic old bath (with its absence, ask for acquaintances from familiar or contact the flea market where it is sold for the scents);
  • cascade pump;
  • non-ferrous metal sheet;
  • illumination (if desired);
  • stones for decoration (possible use of pebbles located near the sea or water);
  • sculptures for decoration;
  • soil;
  • plants;
  • shovels;
  • scissors for metal.

The first is the question of the selection of all materials. It is preferable to choose non-starny stones, rounded shape. Their search is better to do in advance, such stones are in rivers, water bodies, in fields or lowlands.

Start working with non-ferrous metal. To do this, with metal scissors, cut the sidewalls for the bath, which will prevent the water from entering the earth. This procedure will help hide the bath completely and make the appearance of the water branch natural.

At the bottom of the reservoir, install small stones and any other decor that is not afraid of water. If desired, an option is made of mounting a backlight that adorns the fountain in the dark.

The fixation of the backlight will not be required, since under its weight, it perfectly holds on the bottom of the fountain. Fill the bathroom with water almost to the top, and so that the water acquire a pleasant bluish shade, add a little blue into it.

Cascade type pump Mount the bath center, enough device that provides a 150 cm emission. Since the engine is rather heavy, it does not require special fasteners and perfectly stands in a certain place.

The pump requires weekly cleaners, as trash from water accumulates. If this is not provided, the pump will come into disrepair. Once a month it is necessary to replace water, it will help prevent her blooming and stress.

To fill the fountain, use a garden hose, and two buckets are enough to get rid of moisture. To supplement the design of the fountain, set near its various figures, a variant of the construction of mosaic sculptures in the form of frogs, butterflies and other insects is possible.

Country fountains - Instructions for arrangement

This version of the fountain will be perfectly looked at the big and small summer cottage. He perfectly moisturizes the air in nature, cools and gives only positive emotions Its owners.

When choosing a fountain location, first of all, focus on low-rise areas. It is on them that the air is better satisfied with moisture. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of places where the location of the fountain is undesirable:

  • too open pads under straight sunny raysSince the ultraviolet contributes to the acceleration of the water flowering process;
  • at 20-30 cm from the tree, since its root is able to deform the fountain bowl, and the leaves, especially at the autumn time will constantly clog the fountain;
  • next to any type of building, as due to the strong wind, the water will fall on the walls and gradually destroy them.

Most. convenient locally It will be the installation of a fountain on a plot, well inspected from either side.

The first stage of manufacture country Fountain It will be the choice of the type of container in which water will be located.

To create a large fountain, it is necessary to arrange a recreation, which is pre-extended under the size of the tank. At the bottom of the pit, the sand pillow is covered, which is well tumped and watered with water. To enhance its walls, a brick installation option is possible. Next occurs the waterproofing of the inner surface of the pita, this is done by caking the film from polyethylene at its bottom. In order to seal the resulting seams, use a frost-resistant silicone.

The base should be shuffled so that it is below the level on which the soil begins to freeze. Near the extreme plot of fountain arrange drain system In the form of emergency drain. It is he who is responsible for the level of water lifting.

As materials for the construction of the fountain, a diverse nature of things, such as car tires, old ceramic dishes, stones, mosaic, glass or pebble are used. The main requirements for the selected materials are their frost resistance and stability before temperature drops. After installing the bowl, it is filled with water.

Fountains on the photo plot:

The most important element that ensures the performance of the fountain in the country is the pump. It is about installing this equipment to talk later.

Using a pump, a powerful flow of water is continuously moving along the surface of the fountain. The correctly selected pump is reflected on the duration of the fountain operation. This system works for this principle:

  • throwing out water through the nozzles;
  • her collection in the bowl;
  • water flow in the hole for plum;
  • its entering the pipeline system;
  • filtering with coarse and small filters;
  • repeated injection of water by pump.

The main element of the fountain system is drainage parts. For pipeline equipment, plastic pipes are used, the diameter of which is about 1.5 cm. It is plastic pipes that have a long service life and good stability before external irritants. For connections plastic pipes In a certain system, use the soldering iron.

For the arrangement of the country fountain, it is enough to establish a circulating type pump. It works on the principle of circular water movement with the system. Please note that the capacity of the selected pump is directly affected by the volume of the fluid that must be poured.

The receiver - pressure reservoir will serve as an excellent addition to the system described above. It will serve a constant pressure that ensures the stability of the fountain.

It is possible an option to arrange a cascade fountain. It is more attractive external species and complexity of form.

Upon completion of the pump setting, check its performance and only after that proceed to direct decoration.

Taking advantage of additional equipment for the fountain, it will improve its decorative characteristics and will become the most bright decoration cottage plot.

With the help of a special kind of nozzles, the jet will look diverse, for example, in the form of lotus, tulip, geyser or dome. When installing several nozzles, the whole pictures are obtained from the water. With the help of additional backlight, in the dark, the fountain will fascinate its visitors. But note that all contacts should be well sealed and protected from moisture. In addition, floating lamps are quite popular, imitating candles.

In order for such a fountain to please his owners for more than a dozen years, you should take care of his care. Late in the fall, all elements of the removable character must be dismantled. Water tank must be dried and covered with film that will protect it from dirt.

Technology manufacturing decorative mini fountains for the garden

For the manufacture of compact, but at the same time pretty functional mini-fountain will require:

  • flower pot with pallet;
  • small water pump;
  • paints designed for applying glass or ceramic surfaces;
  • decorative decorations in the form of stones and plants;
  • artificial balls used to decorate an aquarium.

Instructions for the construction of a mini fountain for the garden:

1. As a basis for the fountain, a pot for flowers is perfect. Use it for decorating special paints and painting. After that, the pot is covered with waterproof varnish, which will protect its surface from the constant impact of moisture.

2. At the bottom of the pot under the pallet, insert the pump that will contribute to regular water circulation in the system.

3. In the bottom of the pallet, build a hole with a diameter of about one or two centimeters (depending on the volume of the pot). It will serve as a drain.

4. Pump tube put on this hole, and on the bottom to put decorative stones.

5. After assembling the entire design, start water into it. To revive the landscape, take care of the installation of different kind water plants.

Fountain for a pond with his own hands

As materials used in the process of work, it will be necessary:

  • a certain number of flat stones;
  • gravel performing the function of the drainage system;
  • pumps;
  • waterproof water tank;
  • copper pipe;
  • connectors;
  • plastic pipe;
  • roseks or boards with which the fountain is strengthened.

In addition, take care of the preparation of such tools:

  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • cargo;
  • tape;
  • scissors;
  • electric drills;
  • sliding key;
  • syringe, for sealing.

Instructions for the manufacture of stone fountains:

1. Arrange the deepening, whose size is 50 m exceeds the size of the liquid tank.

2. Take care of the collection of a groove designed to set the outlet.

3. Install the reservoir, plastic pipe and connect them together.

4. Pour the pump to the tank and cut a hole in it to exit water.

5. Connect the tank with tubes.

6. At its bottom, put a gravel pillow.

7. Install the pump.

8. Strengthen the fountain with the help of rails or boards laid on the edge of the reservoir.

9. Drill holes in the places of installation of stones, put them on the pipe made of copper and fix on the surface of the fountain.

The final stage is the decoration of the fountain, in accordance with the personal preferences of its owners. But, note that it should be done only after checking on the work of the entire system.

Decorative Fountains for Garden: Original Option

  • cobblestone;
  • soil;
  • pump;
  • baths;
  • metal sheet;
  • seashells;
  • decorative elements.

From materials will need:

  • shovel;
  • sealant;
  • scissors for metal;
  • drill;
  • glue insoluble in water.

Instructions for the manufacture of fountain:

1. Use round or oval stones, so the fountain will look careful.

2. Drop the recess in the ratio with the size of the selected tank.

3. Install the tank.

4. From the moisture-resistant material, cut the details in the form of inserts that protect people from water from entering water.

5. Install the pump, fill the tank with water, check the system performance.

6. Drain the water. Dry the tank - at its bottom ride with the shell glue of different sizes.

7. Decorate the outer part of the fountain with stones and shells. Install decorative details in marine theme. Dolphins will fit perfectly here gold fish, unusual kind of algae, etc.

Several words should be given backlight for the fountain. It is she fills him with magic. Distinguish three types of backlighting:

  • surface, for example, fountain lamps;
  • underwater - waterproof lamps;
  • floating - floating batteries.

The backlight of the underwater type has a good effect of water glow, and with the help of the rotational mechanism, it is possible to create a whole masterpiece, as a picture of luminous water flows.

Proper attention should be given to the process of installing wiring inside the water repellent tire. When forming a Tokochka, a special automatic breaker is triggered. To ensure safety, it is not recommended to use lamps as the underwater illumination, the voltage of which exceeds the twelve volt.

If necessary, in the illumination of a specific type of composition, it is recommended to use certain beams of light, if the entire fountain is planned, then the searchlight will be appropriate. Via point lampsIt will be possible to emphasize certain details.

How nice after a hard work day to relax in the cool, soothing the murmur of the fountain of the fountain made own hands. Even a small decorative fountain in the country area will become not only a bright landscape decoration, but also a favorite recreation area, in which you can enjoy unity with nature. Deliver it with nothing with any incomparable pleasure, if you bring the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in the country with your own hands.

Fountains for the garden - optimal method Solving the issue of air humidification in the hot summer months. No matter what style a hydraulic installation will be performed, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright stroke in landscape design. Fascinating overflows of water flows, playing in the sun rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to the successful selection of the place under the fountain is commensurate with the appearance of the plot and the general harmony of the garden.

When choosing a place, it is important to take into account the possibility of connecting to the power supply for uninterrupted operation of the pump

Determining with the location of the fountain, it is necessary to repel from the presence and degree of earth slope. It is better if the installation is placed in the lowland, which will increase the air saturation of moisture, as well as adjust the volume of groundwater.

Unwanted place fountains:

  • for too open places plot, since the direct sunlight will provoke the "flowering" of water;
  • near the trees, as powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage waterproofing, and foliage from trees, fruits, seeds, and down, getting into the reservoir, can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind streams did not bring moisture on the walls of the structure.

The most successful place is a playground that works well from the house and various corners of the garden.

Preparation of suitable capacity

By deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to correctly choose or make yourself a tank for hydrotechnical installation.

As a fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic containers of a variety of forms that allow us to provide reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is required to dug a pit, at the bottom of which will be equipped with a foundation for future design. The bottom of the pitted pit under the fountain will fall as a layer of sand, the side walls are strengthened by bricks. After that, the inner surface of the tank can be stuck polyethylene filmwhich does not miss water. Sealing surfaces of the surface can be provided by their processing by frost-resistant silicone.

Important moment: The level of the base of the base must be lower than the soil level. Such an accommodation will eliminate the possibility of soared the soil around the fountain bowl

Not far from the edge of the surface, an emergency drain can be provided, the presence of which will not allow water to rise above the desired level.

Folk crafts, creating a fountain with their own hands at the cottage, apply any throwing materials: natural stones, River Pebbles, Car Tires, Glass Products, Ceramic Details

The main requirement that is presented to the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand temperature differences.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Installing the pump system

It is impossible to launch a fountain for the cottage to work without connecting its "heart" - a powerful pump that provides a continuous movement of a powerful stream. The success of the durable work of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. General principle The system works are simple enough: water emitted through the nozzle is collected in the bowl. From the bowl, it flows into a drain hole, from where it will fall into the pipeline and as far as it moves the coarse, and later more thin cleaning. The pump from the pipeline is injected already cleaned water on the nozzle.

Thinking over the question of how to make a fountain in the country, it is necessary to provide the installation of the drainage system. The pipeline for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes with a diameter of about 16mm. Plastic is excellent operational characteristics and long service life. Plastic design Easily connects with a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are equipped mainly circulating pumpsin which the water fence is carried out from the bowl by passing a circle, reset back to the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the tank of the fountain bowl, as well as the estimated power of the jet, which will be bright fireworks from the water.

To add the fountain waters system, you can install the receiver - pressure reservoir. Installing the receiver allows you to provide a constant pressure for water intake in the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With such a configuration, water in the receiver is pumped with a pump, and then passes on the nozzle located below.

The effect of cascade fountains is based on the same principle.

Water in the cascade splits smoothly with a small waterfall in several steps located at different levels

After installing the pump should be checked for performance and only after that decorate it with decorative elements.

Optional equipment

Installation additional equipment For the fountain will allow transforming and diversify the design.

Special nozzles allow you to give jets of the emissions of the water unusual forms: geysers, tulips, dome, umbrellas, hemisphere

The combination of nozzles and the effect of forms generated by them allows you to create bizarre water patterns.

Additional highlighting is surprisingly transforming a fountain for giving, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, then they should be selected for their choice: water-protected contacts, hermetic performance.

Extend the life of the hydraulic installation will help correct care Behind the fountain: removable design elements on winter It is advisable to dismantle. The reservoir itself with the onset of cold weather should be empty from water and securely cover with a film that protects against dust, dirt and precipitation.

To equip garden plotMany are resorted to the installation of the fountain with their own hands.

A decorative fountain in design looks very beautiful, also it has a pacifying effect.

At first glance it may seem that its installation is a complex and expensive process.

If you figure it out in his device, you can easily make a fountain in the country with your own hands.

The fountain should not be located on a plot under direct sunlight, otherwise the water periodically begins to bloom, the flow rate will increase due to frequent shift.

Trees near can also render negative impact: Leaves, twigs can clog the structure, and roots - destroy the inner device.

Better fountain is located in a zone designed to relax. Well, if it can be seen in the garden from any point. When the choice of place is made, then it is necessary to determine the type of fountain itself.

Main types

Garden fountains By type there are: submersible and stationary.

Submersible are used directly in the water branch located in the garden. The principle of the fountain operation is based on the creation of a stream.

It requires a pump, pipeline and nozzle to create a jet form. More natural designs are close to nature, very often used in the Japanese garden.

The stationary fountain is a design on which sculpture is towers. We are accustomed to meeting the likes in parks and squares.

The material for the manufacture of such a fountain is artificial stone, which has proven itself with a durable and frost-resistant material.

If the fountain is planned to be done ambitious, its device will require the construction of the foundation and the creation of a pond.

The creation of any of the types of fountain involves the preparation of the pit, strengthening, the installation of the tank (capacity), the pump.

Accessories and installation

In order to create a garden stone fountain, the following materials will be required:

  • stones;
  • cobblestones;
  • gravel;
  • water pump;
  • tank capacity;
  • copper connecting and PVC tube;
  • rake.

The work on the installation of the fountain in the yard begins with the preparation of the pit, which should be below 5 cm of the prepared capacity and space for the outlet.

A pump is placed in the bowl, and openings are preparing for exit.

With the help of the rivers, the design is fixed (rails are stacked on top of the design across). Then stones are stacked one on another, in advance drilled in the middle, on the tube of copper.

In the context of creating a fountain (pond) from submitted means it will be necessary:

  1. stones;
  2. priming;
  3. pump;
  4. acrylic bath (tires);
  5. iron sheet and other materials for decorating.

The pit is digging comparable with bath sizes. The bath is installed, all the drain holes are closed to avoid seeping water.

Iron sheet is used as protection against water splash. Located vertically around the bath at a short distance, it is further decorated, for example, stones.

The gap between the bathroom and iron is covered with gravel. Then make waterproofing using a polyvinyl chloride film or dense polyethylene: cover the tank itself to the edges of the iron sheet.

Then, on the bottom of the bath you can set the backlight and reorganize with small pebbles. Fill with water and put a pump in the middle.

You can supplement the entire design by sculptures, clay figures and vases, fill or surround the bath with vegetation.

How to make a fountain with your own hands using tires? The principle of action remains the same: a pit is preparing, a tire is immersed in it, a pre-cut across.

The edges of the tires should look out a little from the pit. Next, everything is covered with a film, the edges of which are refilled for the tire.

The gradually the resulting tank is filled with water, the pump is installed in the center, the edges are decorated with stones.

An option is also possible when small stones are put in the container, but in this case the water will become muddy faster. As a result, it turns out a small pond.

We make a pond at the cottage

The pond at the cottage is made similar to the fountain. It should be understood that, first of all, it will be decorative pond, It is not necessary to study the breeding of fish or swim in it.

The pond device should be natural, but at the same time should not turn it into a swamp.

Water plants need sunlightBut its excessive influence will affect the entire system: water can bloom.

The best location will be such when lunch, in the most heat, the pond is in the shade.

To determine the "one of the very place", you need to outline the contours of the pond, and trace the sun during the day.

You can sharpen with a tree or shrubs, if there is no nearby building. But in this case, you will have to regularly clean the pond from fallen leaves and twigs.

A smooth surface is better not to plant shrubs at one level. The pond looks beautifully when Alpine slide is located nearby.

Natural height differences will create a stream flowing into the pond, as well as position the bridge, you can enter a waterfall for completeness of the picture.

To create a pond, you can use ready-made plastic containers, as well as sweater materials: bath or tires.

Creating a waterfall

Build a waterfall with your own hands in the country quite real. For this checky, materials will need the same as to create a fountain.

In other words, to make a waterfall - it means to make a fountain in the country with your own hands and reorganize it.

Everything is done by general technology: Selects a place, preparing a deepening. But the landscape is chosen here with special care.

To build a waterfall, you should choose a place with an elevation, if there is no one on the site, then it must be done artificially.

Stone stages look more natural. To create a cascade on the plot, flat stones will be suitable (you can use clay bowls, vessels).

For their attachment used cement mortar. There is also an option to purchase ready-made cascades in the store.

From the desire, what a water jet will depend on the level of steps. The rapid flow is created by the location at the top of the stones with a narrow interval.

For a more peaceful stream, equal stones are used. The waterfall will decay on the streams if the steps will be with irregularities of sharp stones.

The power of the pump for the design is no more than 1.5 m may not exceed 70 W, otherwise it should be more.

The pump has two holes: one for water absorption, second - for pushing. Hoses are attached to both holes. At the bottom there remains the one that sucks, at the cascade - the one that pushes.

A low-voltage transformer is installed for the pump to operate, which is better accommodated in economic room and connect with extension cord.

How to make a waterfall, you can look at the video.

Fountain without pumping

In the country, you can make a mini fountain with your own hands without using the pump. Why mini? Because on a large construction where the waterfall can be placed, there is not enough water pressure.

By the way, homemade devices cost significantly cheaper purchased.

The principle of reporting vessels underlies such a design. This means that for this purpose, vessels located at different heights are used, communicated by the tubes for which water flows.

To improve the system, two tanks are placed on one height and connect tubes that come from them, T-shaped adapter. Through it, the water overflows when it gets into the tanks.

The main thing here is to ensure the constant flow of water in the vessels. The diameter of the tube must be small, the life of the structure will increase.

Reservoirs are better to take the same volume made of plastic. In them, on the bottom there are holes of a smaller diameter than that of the tubes. Treated with sealant or cold welding.

The third vessel should be twice as much already connected tanks. In its middle, the T-shaped adapter is installed, two holes are done for tubes from smaller vessels (also processed).

The third tank must be below the level of the previous two.

The basis for the future fountain, the pond is ready. You can also create a small waterfall.

Waterfall for home

To create a homemade waterfall, it is not necessary to have a cottage plot. It can be done at home.

This will require:

  • bottle cover;
  • motor;
  • cap from deodorant (round);
  • corrugated tubes;
  • another cap on the size of the cap;
  • foil and thermoclay;
  • plastic box.

The top plate is cut from the bottle cover, the remaining ring is divided into 4 parts (equal). A small hole is made on the record, and the cut parts are attached so that the resulting flower turns out.

Decorative waterfall is made from a crumpled piece of foil. The source of water can be made a shell, after drilling holes in it.

Examples of finished waterfalls can be seen in the photo.

The product can be painted before. The battery and switch is attached. The waterfall is fixed on glue along the edges of the box, once again paints.

After drying, the box is filled with water. You can decorate pebbles, shells, foil balls.

Little waterfall ready.