Repairs Design Furniture

Stairs on the second floor with their own trees. The staircase on the second floor is a modern, safe and attractive design. Varieties of marching stairs

If you are planning to build a two-storey private house or a country cottage, then at a certain point of construction you will need to take care of the construction of a staircase on the second floor. Make a staircase with your own hands is far from everyone - for this you need to possess certain carpentry skills, and some experience, as well as a sufficient amount of free time. It is not better to take advantage of the beneficial and ... offer from our professional company in Moscow. We offer stairs for every taste, color, style and economic opportunities of our customers. And with a relevant price list and with 100 magnificent photos of structures, you will be able to familiarize yourself in the article.

100 photos of the most beautiful stairs for every taste

Before you begin to familiarize yourself with the incredible variety of staircase systems from the domestic producer in Moscow, you will get acquainted a bit with the theory - and which ladders exist in nature.

Types of stair systems depending on the design

So, the stair structures on the second floor are divided into such types:


Spectacular and compact products, complex manufacturing method, but having a magnificent view. Their main advantage is small dimensions that allow you to arrange the design even on a very small area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Photo 1.


This type of stair designs is most common and in demand. It is explained by this - the simplicity of the scheme, reliability, conciseness and relatively small value.

Photo 2.


This type of stairs is a wonderful way out for those who wish to combine the advantages of the two types above - a compactness of the screw construction and practicality from the marching system.

Photo 3.

Types of stair designs depending on the material

Today, modern manufacturers offer consumers an incredible number of all kinds of stair systems from materials such as:

  • Tree of various breeds;

Photo 4. The cost of wooden stairs is also very different, it all depends on the value of wood. For example, an oak product with handmade railing will cost much more expensive stairs from beech or ate
  • Marble and other natural mineral;

Photo 5.
  • Ultralight metal alloys;

Photo 6.
  • Forged design;

Photo 7. Forged stairs - ambitious and gorgeous. High cost such work with more than paying off in an incredibly spectacular appearance of the product
  • Concrete system;

Photo 8.
  • Combined structures, including several materials at once - wood, metal, stone.

Photo 9. Stair structures that have connected several types of manufacturers at once - this is a real work of art that is able to transform your home beyond recognition.

Our specialized enterprise in Moscow offers its customers modern, safe and beautiful staircases for every taste. In the range of companies you will find a huge number of ready-made products, as well as be able to order a staircase on an exclusive original project.

Photo 10. Spectacular and high-quality products from the company "Stair Profi" perfectly fit into both modern and classic interior

Huge selection of inexpensive stairs in Moscow

In the huge and diverse catalog of our company, ready-made stairs are presented at attractive and favorable prices, classified by these areas:

  • modular designs;

Photo 11.. Modular system perfectly fit into any modern interior
  • wooden crafts;

Photo 12. Wooden stairs - stylish, reliable and environmentally friendly
  • stairs for cottages;

Photo 13. Ladders for cottages will definitely decorate the interior of your dwelling
  • the design of the second floor;

Photo 14.
  • custom-made products;

Photo 15. Order the stairs with us and you are unrecognizable transform your home
  • screw stairs;

Photo 16.
  • products with forged elements

Photo 17. Ladders decorated with forging, always in trend
  • metal structures and other types.

Photo 18. Metal stairs are suitable for a stylish country house.

Projects of stairs for every taste

Photo 19.
Photo 20.
Photo 21.
Photo 22.
Photo 23. Photo 24.
Photo 25.
Photo 26.
Photo 27. What only stairs does not exist in nature - order and you for yourself an exclusive design
Photo 28. The staircase will create comfort and emphasizes the style of your home.
Photo 29. Tree - the most universal staircase material
Photo 30.
Photo 31.
Photo 32 Direct staircase in the style of "minimalism"
Photo 33
Photo 34. Designer design of the second floor
Photo 35 Cozy wooden staircase for country house
Photo 36.
Photo 37.
Photo 38.
Photo 39.
Photo 40. One of the incredible design solutions
Photo 41. Classic always in fashion Photo 42. Photo 43. Photo 44. Forged products - ambitious and gorgeous
Photo 45. Photo 46. Photo 47. Photo 48. Photo 49.
Photo 50. The price of the staircase depends on many factors - the complexity of the design, the cost of material, the exclusivity of the design
Photo 51. Ladder with wide steps and light bend is absolutely safe in operation
Photo 52. Thanks to the wrought iron elements, the design looks light and air
Photo 53.

Price list of prices for stairs from the company in Moscow

Consider more with the indication of prices for each of the stairs presented by our company indicating their relevant price.

Modular stairs

Photo 54. Modular staircase "Duet" with steps made of natural oak
Photo 55. Design "Duet" with beech steps - economical and spectacular product for your interior

Modular stairs of the Elegant series - a magnificent solution for the stylish interior at the democratic prices, presented below:

Photo 56.56 335 rub.
Photo 57.50 390 rub.
Photo 58.51 321 rub.
Photo 59.44 290 rub.
Photo 60. "Prestige" with a turn of 180 degrees - Price 47 160 rub.
Photo 61. Direct "Prestige" - 42 748 rub.
Photo 62. "Solo" direct design - stylish and spectacular product at a democratic price 70 858 rub.
Photo 63.78 498 rub.
Photo 64. Reversal by 180 degrees design "Modern" - exclusive and fashionable design for an acceptable price 125 262 rub.
Photo 65. Staircase with a turn of 90 degrees of the "Modern" series 120 030 rub.
Photo 66. The product "Super element" with a turn of 180 degrees has the price 108 277 rub.
Photo 67.113 118 rub.
Photo 68.

Wooden stairs

This type of staircase will have to do with those who appreciate the natural tree, simplicity and reliability of the design. The material used for the manufacture of these stairs is environmentally friendly, beautiful and reliable.

The staircase on the second floor is the necessary element of the two-storey house, while it should be not only comfortable, strong and reliable, but also to harmonize with the interior of the house. The design of stairs may differ both in the form and the material from which they are made. In private houses, there are most often installed stairs from wood, and metal supports and structures can be used.

In the form of the staircase, there may be marches - straight or swivel, or screw. The second occupy less space, while they are less convenient for permanent walking. The marching stairs take away a significant area at the premises, however, with a reasonable layout, the space under the staircase can be sewed to the partition and use as a pantry or dressing room.

Rotary stairs are performed by M-shaped or P-shaped, with overtook steps or intermediate sites. They occupy less space in the room, but somewhat more complicated in performance. Direct marching stairs have a simple and reliable design, and each can make them with their own hands.

Any staircase has a step - they take the bulk. Steps, in turn, rest on the boosters or the guards. Kosur is a beam having a sawdust shape, the steps are based on the horizontal slice, and the approach to the vertical slice of "teeth" is fixed. The staircase can be performed with one central settlement with a layer of steps on the wall, or with a support for two side rowers.

Testa are thick beams in which the grooves for steps and risers are selected. Tests are made of thick boards, and the groove is cut on the pattern. Between themselves the remains are tightened with the help of heavy wood or metal.

The risers perform a decorative function, allowing you to sew the impositionable space tightly. The staircase can be made without risers, then its design will be easier. For convenience and safety, the staircase must be equipped with railing. Frame railing is performed from the supports - Balyasin, and the handrail. In addition, the stairs can have playgrounds in the upper and lower part, the support stage and other elements.

The simplest universal design for self-making is a staircase on two cososters. The shower technology of its manufacture is considered below.

Tree staircase on coury

  • the height of the stairs is divided into a pre-accepted height of the stage, the value obtained is rounded to a greater integer;
  • multiplies the number of steps on the pre-accepted width of the stage and get the length of the base of the stairs;
  • calculate the length of the span on the Pytagora theorem;
  • the ratio of the height of the stairs to the length of the span is calculated, it must be in the range of 0.5-0.7.
  • If the geometric calculations cause difficulty, you can simply draw the staircase on the scale and measure the length of the span and the angle.
  • When calculating it is necessary to consider that the wooden house in the first two or three years gives a significant shrinkage, and the rigidly fixed staircase can deform or change the angle of inclination.
  • Manufacturing of cososov.

The boosters are made of a well-dried board of solid wood: pine, beech, oak. According to the calculations, a template from cardboard or thin plywood is performed, simulating the form of the protrusion and taking into account the angle of inclination of the ladder. In the upper and lower part of the Kosomrov, the grooves are performed, with the help of which they will be attached to the beam of overlappings from above and to the reference bruus below. With the help of the electrolybiz, the protrusions are drunk on the cosos, after which it is treated with a blank using grinding or sandpaper.

  1. Installing the Kosomrov. Kosomers are installed in a predetermined place, fixing at the bottom with the help of a support bar, and at the top - with the help of wrinkle in the beam. It is possible to install metal supports on the beam overlap, to which the boosters are fixed using anchor bolts. The lower support beam is also attached to the anchor bolts. When installing the cosomes, it is necessary to use the level.

  2. Production of steps and risers. Steps are manufactured in the required quantity of a dry board with a thickness of at least 36 mm and the width of the board of an equally selected width of the steps. Steps can perform a little over the plane of the riser, so it is not necessary to cut a wider board. The boards are cut at the required length equal to the width of the staircase, taking into account the railing, is usually a value of 0.8-1.2 meters. Steps are grinding, cutting sharp edges. Substraits are performed from a dry boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm, the boards width is equal to height of steps, and the length is the width of the stairs.
  3. Fastening steps. Fasten to installed cosomes first the risers, and then steps with the help of self-tapping and joinery glue. The glue is missing all the joints to reduce the screenshot when walking on the stairs.

  4. Production of railings. For the execution of the railing use bales and handrails. Balaasins can be made of a square of a square cross section or buy ready-made, carved. Balyasits are installed on the steps, usually one balaasine per step. At the beginning and end of the stairs, the support balasins are set, between them are decorative. Fasten balusters to steps with screws, after which decorative plugs are installed in fastening grounds. The railing is also fixed with the help of self-tapping screws from the lower side.

  5. Treatment and decorative coating
  6. The staircase, like any other wooden design, needs to protect against moisture. Wooden stairs cover for this purpose paint, varnish or protective colorless or tinting composition. It is better to use coatings that do not form a very smooth surface - slippery steps are dangerous, especially when descending down. Before applying the coating, the staircase is spread again to remove all the burrs, jackets. The fasteners are covered with wood plugs. The coating is applied with a brush or a small roller in two or three layers, while allowing the previous layer to dry well.

  7. Install the direct marching staircase is not always possible due to its dimensions. To save space, you can perform other varieties of stairs, for example.

If your private house or a multi-level apartment contains more than one floor, the question of the construction of the ladder will rise at the very beginning of the repair. When choosing a design and material for the manufacture of the stairs, it is important to be guided not only by your stylistic preferences, but also not to forget about safety and ergonomics. Select several criteria for which the selection of the design of the staircase and materials for its manufacture is carried out:

  • of particular importance is the location of the stairs - the front door in the center of the hall, living room or minor on the backyards of the housing;
  • the location of the future design relative to the room, its size and the number of square meters allocated under the direct construction of the stairs;
  • the safety level of the design will depend on whether small children and older people live in the house - some modern models of stairs can be unsafe;
  • the thickness of the walls to which the design elements will be attached;
  • the interior of the premises in which the construction will be located.

The staircase in a private vacuum or apartment is not only a construction that helps get to the top level, but also an important element of the interior that affects its appearance, the location of furniture and decor. Therefore, to approach the selection of the staircase model, it is necessary with all seriousness by weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each model and the material of its manufacture.

Options for stairs for private houses

All stairs can be divided into march and screw (spiral). Most often in modern dwellings are precisely marching structures, which in turn are divided into the following subspecies:

  • designs on the cosos - consist of beams that are individually attached to the base (made of wood, metal and concrete);
  • stairs on assets - steps are attached to the inside of the beam. Structures have a complex design and can be performed from various materials;
  • buildings at the Bolts - all structural elements are connected by bolts (there are metal and wooden).

Consider each other from the options for marching stairs.

Stairs on Kowras

One of the most common options for the structures of stairs in private houses are constructions on cosos. Among the advantages of such models, the following can be distinguished:

The method of fastening steps in such structures will depend on the number of beams attached to the base - two or one. Kosomers, in turn, can be straight, broken or screw.

This type of staircase is possible in various variations of execution, you can create a truly individual design of facilities based on the traditional model.

The use of glass or plastic transparent railing as screens allows you to create a lighter image of a staircase for a modern interior. The only drawback is the absence of a railing in the idea to which we are accustomed to, the impossibility of relying on the attachments. But with such short marches, this lack is insignificant, unless there are elderly people with movement problems in the house.

Designs on governments

Stairs on the growths have a sophisticated appearance, which will most harmoniously look in the classic style of the interior and derived from this stylistic direction. Steps in such structures are attached to the supporting beam from the inside. Design complexity and excellent appearance do not interfere with structures to have an incredibly high level of convenience, safety and comfort of movement.

Such structures can be made of metal and wood, act as combinations with other materials.

Constructions at Bolzakh

As a rule, the stairs on the bolsters are made of metal (this is due to the features of the attachment of the elements of the structure), but may have a combined composition of manufacturing materials. Due to the fact that all elements are connected using pins and bolts, designs have a fairly simple and concise appearance, but incredibly durable and durable. Constructions can withstand high weight. The fact is that the supporting beam is mounted to the ceiling, wall or semi metal rods.

The main advantage of this design is the possibility of disassembling for repair or reconstruction. Steps in such ladders can be open or closed, have a different form and dimensions of execution.

Due to the fact that such stairs do not have the grounds, the space under them can be used to favor households, having arranged a place to relax, read the corner with a small library.

Screw staircase - exclusive interior

Screw stairs are especially popular in private homes, where a few useful space of the room is intended to arrange the structure. Spiral stairs consist of degrees, handrails and racks (bases). This is amazing, but the screw staircases can be not only round, but also octagonal, square. In homes where there are small children or older people with challenges, it is possible not to use such original models, but in other cases, the screw stairs are able to decorate any interior, not to mention the practical side of the question.

Most often, such structures have a metal frame, but there are also options made entirely of wood. Combined structures look very effectively, not yielding to metal structures in strength and durability.

Materials for the manufacture of stairs

Currently, various materials are used for the manufacture of stairs, select the most popular of them:

Metallic and wooden stairs, durability, durability, durability and relatively low cost of structures use most popular as many years ago. But depending on the style of the interior of the room in which the staircase is installed, various combinations of these materials with glass, natural or artificial stone and even plastic are used.

For many years, wood that has proven itself as a solid, durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly material, continues to be one of the most popular options for building raw materials for the manufacture of stairs. Such stairs can be three types:

Sometimes there are constructions that combine two options for fastening degrees within a single structure. In some rooms, it requires the design features of space, in others it is just a designer method of bringing originality in the interior.

Wooden stairs with metal railings, decorated with wrought-iron decor, look traditionally, impressively and safely. Such structures will organically fit into many interior styles.

The combination of metal and wood provides many variations for the design of a solid and reliable staircase, which will organically fit into the modern style of the interior, Loft or Country style.

The stone staircase is durable and durable, but requires an impressive foundation due to the longest weight of the main design. Most often, natural stone is used only for the manufacture of steps and risers, but even in this case, the weight of the structure will be impressive. Less requirements for artificial analogues, but also durability, the durability of such materials is significantly inferior to natural raw materials. But the appearance is difficult to distinguish from natural material, and it stands the artificial stone is significantly cheaper than natural.

Stone stairs with forged railing look luxuriously. This is surprising, but the classic image of the staircase will be relevant not only in traditional interior styles, modern stylistics have a favorable integration of such structures.

The staircase, the steps of which are made of raw stone, looks impressive, firmly and safe. The rusticity of such a construction add the original railing, made of flexible branches, which at first glance did not pass any processing.

Concrete stairs are one of the most budget options. They are strong enough, safe, but unfortunately are not so durable as their counterparts from metal, stone or wood.

Stairs, which use glass for making steps, look incredibly easy, even air. For such structures, a specially tempered glass, the strength characteristics of which are increased. In combination with the chrome-plated frame surfaces, the staircase with glass steps will effectively complement the modern style of the interior, high-tech, pop art or loft.

Stairs with original design

Some models of stairs are flight of the designer fancy. Such structures are able to raise the lineup of the uniqueness of your interior for transcendental heights, but in pursuit of unusual constructive ideas, it is important not to forget about the safety and ease of use of the structure.

You can even give uniqueness even the most traditional staircase, issuing an original railing or space under steps. For example, the facing of the risers with a ceramic tile with a bright ornament allows you to bring in the interior of not only uniqueness, but also a positive attitude, a festive appearance.

The staircase with a curved base that is not screw, but it has smooth shapes, it looks more than impressive. Steps are attached to the center of the base having a curved shape. Of course, with such a design, the stairs to do without a railing will be difficult. A similar building does not occupy a lot of space and does not require a massive base - support.

The staircase with one twist march is most often used in multi-level apartments to provide access to the top level, sometimes such structures are found in private homes. If there are no small children and the elderly in your home, you can restrict ourselves to the design without a railing.

In the rooms decorated in the style of country, you can often find rustic elements in the design of the stairs. As a rule, rusticity affects the elements of the railil, sometimes supports.

LED backlight - safety and decor element

The highlighting of the steps or space near the stairs can become not only an element of the safety of your home, but also to give the originality of the interior, to provide you with the possibility of creating various options for the atmosphere depending on the use of one or another type of lighting.

The backlight of the steps looks spectacular and allows you to safely move between the flooring floors in the dark.

Space under the stairs - practical and aesthetic use

Storage systems do not happen much. This thesis is familiar to all homeowners. That is why the most popular use of space under the stairs is the arrangement of various types of lockers, shelves and even whole racks.

By building a book rack under the staircase and putting a comfortable chair and floor lamp, you will provide household opportunities in solitude to read the book and relax, without using the useful space of the room, which is often not enough for such functional zones.

Sometimes under the stairs, it is possible to place a workplace or even a full cabinet with a desk, chair and storage rooms for books and office.

Some homeowners prefer to equip space under the stairs under the wine cabinet. In addition to functional attack, such storage systems are watching effectively and modern, becoming an interior highlight.

Sometimes you can meet the use of space under steps as storing storage systems, on both sides of limited walls. But with such a construction of drawers, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to heat the containers, it will in part that will depend on the safety of the stairs.

In some homes (depending on the architectural features of the premises) it turns out to be rationally to use not only space under the stairs, but also the territory of the staircase between marchs. Soft seats for the window will help organize a reading area or conversations.

Staircase on the second floor - modern, safe and attractive design

With the modern design and construction of country houses, cottages and cottages, the owners tend to prefer two-storey structures. Such buildings are practical, occupy a small territory and allow you to save funds at all stages of construction. It is very important to think in advance how to make a staircase to the second floor, taking into account the design features of the house, its architectural stylistics and the conditions for the further operation of the object. The fact is that under the stair marches should immediately leave a certain place. Be sure to leave a special technological opening in the inter-storey overlap during general construction work.

Preparatory work

Before making a staircase, it is worth deciding with the type of its design. The fact is that the frame of a metal staircase or reinforced concrete design is recommended to do in the construction process, but to build a staircase from wood or equip the lightweight metal model after the construction and completion of all "wet" processes.

Note! In the house at the time of installation of a wooden staircase, all finishing works, such as screed, plaster and putty, should be completed. Otherwise, due to the dusting of premises and high humidity, the design loses strength and beautiful appearance.

Calculations and design

The creation of a project of the stairs is better to entrust professional designers, because it is an expensive investment of funds, which should have increased strength and reliability. You can explore the proposed options on the Internet or other information sources in detail. Before starting work, follow the following:

  • select materials for design in advance and determine the maximum loads of the product;
  • perform measurements of the room height and calculate the size of the opening in the inter-storey overlap;
  • alone or with a qualified designer, draw the drawing of the stairs in which all the elements of the frame, enclosing elements and decorative finishes are calculated in detail;
  • based on the obtained project, the required amount of material and component elements is calculated, their purchase and preparation is made.

In the manufacture of stairs, various materials are used. Their equipment depends on the functional purpose of the structure and its location. For the manufacture of outdoor designs, sustainable negative climatic influences are suitable, high-strength building materials - metal and concrete. Stairs for use inside buildings are erected from various wood breeds: oak, cedar, beech, pines and other varieties of wood. Currently, metal frames are widely demanded: steel elements, stainless steel, aluminum, different alloys, etc.

A wide variety of combined designs are also very popular, as well as bases from reliable and durable reinforced concrete frames. For steps and fences of stairs, materials are selected with increased abrasion resistance and mechanical damage, such as granite, ceramic tile, wood, natural stone and glass.

Materials are purchased only from reliable and proven providers who can provide official certificates of quality and environmental safety.

Note! When performing measurements and technological calculations, it is necessary to take into account the level of pure gender, taking into account the arrangement of warm heating systems, laying various engineering communications and the finishing of the premises.

Features of the arrangement

The main criteria for the selection of structures and materials, the construction of the stairs and its finishes is the convenience and maximum comfort in the daily use of the structure. Currently, private houses and cottages are most in demand:

  • direct march stairs with one or two intermediate sites;
  • swivel design with running steps;
  • screw staircase of various modifications.

For everyday use, the optimal design with one or two marches. Particularly suitable such ladders for houses in which families with young children or the elderly are planning to live. Convenient in everyday operation and facilities with swivel steps, but they require a thorough preparation performers at the design stage to competently calculate the angle of slope and turn the stairs. Standard height of the staircase steps - 170-190 mm. We should not forget about the thickness of the finishing of the steps, which can take from 10 to 20 mm. The width of the spans is provided for no less than 700-900 mm.

Facing the stairs is carried out after the end of all works. A competently built staircase will serve its owners reliably for many years.
